How to Find Your Voice and Share Your Message
We’re at it again with another brilliant episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast. In this week’s roundtable, the Healthpreneur Team and I discuss how to find Your voice and share Your message. We dig deep, pulling from our own experiences, to give you guys an insider view into what it means to make your business thrive by being your authentic self!
Each of us has battled with self-doubt, thinking, “If I were a little more like so-and-so, I’d really have it together.” Or, “what I need to do is change myself before I can help others.” But the truth is, your success comes from being uniquely you all of the time. People don’t want perfect, they want human—a person with flaws, eccentricities, and real life experience that they can relate to. And guess what…you HAVE that. So let’s unpack it, and put it on display.
In this episode you’ll hear stories about our clients, and even about us, discovering our voices and how to use them. We’re all learning what it takes to draw people in, and sometimes what we need to do can be quite scary, especially when it comes to being vulnerable in a public space—through webinars or phone calls—but if you knew it would lead to significant success, you’d do it right?
In this episode the team and I discuss:
- Amy’s history of Crohn’s disease, and how perceived weakness became a strength
- Stephanie’s take on authenticity as a law of attraction
- Creative freedom in a structured plan
- How being vulnerable gives other people permission to do the same
- Using your flaws as your strengths
- High tech versus high touch
03:30 — 06:20 – How do I stand out in a crowded space?
06:20 — 11:07 – Finding Your Unique Voice
11:07 — 17:00 – Telling your story to get over the fear
17:00 — 25:30 – Sharing your Flaws and Weakness
25:30 — 37:41 – Action Tips for Application
What’s up guys? We’re actually live. Welcome. This is another hangout, so we’re here today. If you’re watching this on video, a little bit odd in terms of video setup. You’re seeing myself and Amy right now. You might some people disappear, and when I say people, I mean Jackie, Amy, Stephanie, myself. We’re using Skype and Ecamm Live to record this, and for whatever reason, the video’s not showing up properly so we might actually switch to Zoom for our following weekly episodes, but for now it’s okay.
As long as the audio’s good and you guys can get the message, that’s all that matters. If you’re listening to this on the podcast, you’re probably like what the hell are you talking about? It’s all good.
Today’s topic is how to find your voice and share your message. Now the key words in that sentence are your and your okay, so those are capitalized.
This is an important topic because this is an homage to one of our clients. I’m not going to mention any names here, but one of our clients went through a little bit of a struggle in the last few week, around this topic. We don’t obviously have to mention who it is, but I want to really use this as an opportunity to share all of you guys in the HBA program, luminaries, or if you’re just listening to the podcast or watching from the outside, that it’s never about becoming another version of me.
I’m not trying to create mini Yuri’s or duplicates of whatever, it’s about giving you guys the foundation and the principles, and then being able for you to understand how to bring in your own spice and flair and authenticity to that conversation.
That’s really what we want to talk about today because I really think that it’s—and correct me if I’m wrong guys—this is one of the biggest challenges. Maybe you guys can actually speak to this because you guys are doing so many phone calls with prospective clients who struggle with how to stand out in a crowded space?
How do I stand out in a crowded space?
It’s one of the biggest things that I’ve heard and I’m sure you guys have heard it and we can talk about this. What I want you guys to know is that not only do we spend a lot of time obviously helping you with your messaging and making sure that it’s unique and compelling, but just as much as the message matters, you as the messenger, matter just as much. That’s really important to remember, and there’s always enough space for everyone.
Let’s dive into this. Amy, since you’re on the screen with me, obviously I can see you, so let’s maybe go back that concern of how do I stand out? Is thins something that you see quite often when you’re speaking to prospective clients?
Amy: Absolutely. Because when we look at the obesity epidemic and look at depression and we look at even people who want to lose the baby weight, sometimes we come into this, and it’s a great segway from last week’s segment that we did together because it comes back to that fear. “Oh my gosh, the marketplace is flooded. How am I going to stand out? Well I better sit over here and worry about that and not do anything, and then I don’t have to deal with that.”
That’s not what we want.
I see that fear a lot, and then what I do is work with them, so we coach them to say, “Okay, we want to pull out your story. You don’t know how your authentic story is going to touch someone.” When I was in Scottsdale, Alison was asking about my story, and the piece that touched her had nothing to do with what I thought was my main message.
She perked up when I said that I was told I could never have children. My program is not about how to get pregnant, but she was like, “Wow, this sounds amazing,” and she talked to me more about that.
Someone else related to my history of Crohn’s disease, so in the past I’m like, “I don’t want to tell anyone I had a disease for 20 years.” I didn’t want to tell anyone that I was underweight and how could I tell people to lose weight when I had been underweight?
All these things come up with it’s a crowded space and how am I going to stand out?
Yuri, as usual, you’re just so fantastic at simplifying things, and if you’re watching thin and you’re in the HBA, go to your superhero character, go to your signature story. Yuri, you’ve made everything out for folks, don’t let that fear hold you back, and this is just like your perfect client work.
You have to do the deep digging so that you can let your true self shine, and the more you do that, you’ll feel, and Stephanie, I’m sure you can speak to this, you’ll feel that energetic shift and you’ll start to attract those people into your world.
Even if you have a program to lose baby weight and there’s 5,000,000 other programs, your program isn’t out there yet, so we’ve got to get your magic out there because there are people who are waiting just for you. Does that make sense?
Yuri: Yeah, There’s some really good insights there.
Steph, let’s bring you onscreen here, if it even works. It really is, and obviously both you and Amy have been speaking to those clients, so I think you can bring some perspective in here about this topic.
What do have to just talk about, from your experience talking to the clients and doing the check-in calls and all that? What’s come out for you with respect to finding your unique voice and being able to share your message in a way that’s compelling?
Stephanie’s take on authenticity as a law of attraction
Stephanie: Yeah, so there’s a couple of different things, and I couldn’t agree more with everything that Amy said. Then on top of that it’s, just like you start this out, you’re not trying to create a bunch of different mini Yuris. You’ve created a system and a strategy and a technique that people can follow, but making their own because the most important thing is to infuse it with you.
Just like Amy said, you are the only you that there is, and that is your superpower. That is 100% your superpower, and one thing is 100% true and that I believe with all my heart, is that each and every one of us was given a very unique and special gift, and whether it’s weight loss or whether it’s baby weight, or any of these things that people often will have a fear, “Oh my gosh, there’s so many people doing this,” or whatever, we hear that a lot. Really, the fact of the matter is, is that there is no one that is doing it exactly like you.
There could be people that drop F bombs all the time, and then you’re going to attract people that are like, “Yeah, those are my people.” Or there could be people who are like, “No. No F bombs at all. I couldn’t do that.” Then they’re going to be like, “Oh, finally I found my people.”
It’s even in the way they speak, so just the more authentic you can be, the quicker you’re going to be able to attract the people, like Amy said, who are actually waiting for you to bring this out to the world.
I just get amazed every time I talk to the people who are in this group because it is absolutely incredible what the people that are in HBA are bringing into the world. I can’t even imagine what a better place this world will be once all of your programs are out there, once you’re finally able to talk to the people who are waiting for you. They are just waiting for the solution, and it’s so important that you bring your authentic voice. Just like Yuri said, you don’t have to follow it and use his exact terminologies because that’s Yuri speak, you’re actually doing it in your own speak, and that’s the important thing.
Yuri: This is really good. I’ve got a close friend of mine who lives in Toronto as well, and I’ve known him for probably 10 years. When we first met, he was doing the typical thing, like doing the circuit of speaking on different TV shows, looking successful, but never really was where he wanted to be financially I guess. When he came online, he struggled for quite some time because he’d never really found his path, and then a couple of years ago—and he doesn’t coach, so he doesn’t run a coaching business like we do, he sells more of a info product— and what he found was that for himself, he was very good at copywriting, but specifically at telling a story.
Fast forward a couple of years later, he’s now doing $15,000,000 a year, selling a $37 E-book. It’s just an absolutely unbelievable story. When you start to look at okay, what is it about what he’s doing that has made, financially, that huge leap? It’s not that his program is the best program out there, it’s that he was able to take a true story from his life, and share that in a way that really got people hooked in a way that was just so compelling.
If he approached that same promotion of that product with straight logic and facts, it never would come close to anywhere that he’s, in terms of the reach that he’s had as a result of sharing his unique story.
That’s the key guys, is you, and this is really important for us health experts to understand because we’re so up in our brain so often, we’re so smart, so logical, study this, study that, and one of our mastermind members is a LASIK MD surgeon, really smart guy, and he sent me his webinar keynotes. I was like, “Man, this is a good webinar if you’re speaking to doctors,” but I’m like, “Dude, this is way over the top. There is way too much technicality in here. You need to bring it right down to grade six and you need to share a lot more story, and really spend most of the time living in that world.”
It’s so important guys, to be able to share your voice, you message, and the reason your story matters is because, as Steph and Amy have both mentioned, people are going to resonate, even if you have exactly the same program as someone else, they’re going to resonate with your path, your journey, your story, your perspective. That’s why there’s never any competition.
Amy: I love that Yuri, with that story, I’m sorry to interrupt.
Yuri: Go ahead.
Amy: I love the story because your story, there’s no right or wrong to your story, it’s how do you feel? If you use your emotions as a navigation, you’ll know, so instead of feeling icky and being like, “Ew, this feels really salesy,” you can be like, “Oh, this feels icky and this feels salesy, where am I out of alignment with who I am?” That’s what those feelings are going to give.
What I think that some people are mistaking is there’s a model that you’re using as a blueprint, that’s why we call it a blueprint, that’s why we call it blueprint. Just like if you build a house, you could have the blueprint of the house and the walls can go all in, but you’re going to decorate the inside different than I will hopefully.
It’s really that, telling your story and getting over the fear, because I had a call this week too, with that exact scenario of the intellectual. Your intellectual mind knows that you’re not in alignment energetically. Your intellectual mind knows that you should get up and change your state, your intellectual mind knows that you have to tell a story, but you still need that creative freedom to get it out in a way that will connect because most people when they’re watching your webinar, are doing five other things. I’ve had many prospects, future clients get on the phone, and when I said, “What stood out for you from the webinar?” Many of them sheepishly say, “I have to admit I was doing something else, but the helping me with my dream come true system, or the perfect client pipeline,” so that’s why the big idea is important, and you, having them want to stop and see who you are, not really all those technical things. Thank you for letting me interrupt.
Yuri: We’ll bring Jackie into this conversation in a second so she’s not just sitting there in the dark, but I had dinner with my wife last night, and we were talking about that we’re both spiritual and obviously we help people who are in the health space and spiritual space. I know a lot of times there’s this friction of I don’t want to feel salesy, I don’t want to sell, I don’t want to whatever, and listen, from my perspective, abundance and spirituality got hand in hand. You can not be scarcity minded and spiritual at the same time. It doesn’t even make sense to me. Whatever work you have to do internally to just really come to terms with that, is what you have to do.
The other things what’s great about our perfect client pipeline, especially in the form of a webinar or even your ad copy, is that the more effective you are in your marketing, the less you need to sell.
How do you become more effective in your marketing? Well, in your marketing, if you’re just simply value creating, so if you actually add value to someone’s life, so that’s what your webinar’s going to do, and if they’re able to bond with you, so they develop know, like and trust, you’ve won the battle. Then they’re simply going to get on a phone call with you and be like, “Yeah, there’s something about you that just really resonates with me. This makes sense.”
It’s a combination of sharing helpful content, but also very importantly, to share your story so that they can bond with you at a human to human level, because that is where people build trust. It’s not in the fact that you shared three great tips and all of a sudden, now they’re like, “Yeah, let’s do this,” it comes from the bond that is created. Jackie, jump in. What have you got on this?
Telling your story to get over the fear
Jackie: You totally stole my point. That’s okay. I was going to go with the only way people can know, like and trust you is when you speak your authentic, true self, which is your story. I had the benefit back in my corporate days, to work with Dr. Jim Loehr who wrote the book The Power of Story, and your story can save your own life.
If you’re not living a life, and back in the corporate world, we were helping corporate executives figure out energy management on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual level, and your body is business relevant, what your beliefs are, are business relevant, so when you’re an entrepreneur and heathpreneur, you have to dig deep, and it always rooted in the foundation of your story. If you’re not happy with your story, freaking wake up and change it. Change your actions, change what you’re thinking, change who you’re surrounding yourself with.
We were saving marriages, not just corporate executives and their health and lowering their cholesterol, so I take that with me every day, and that was the foundation, like hindsight, looking back, to my whole coaching. It’s like how do you build a solid foundation? You have to be honest with who you are, you have to be authentic with who you are, you have to keep it very clear and simple.
There was another book I was just listening to, Building a Story Brand, and it’s all about just getting clear. There’s so much noise in the market, there’s so much in social media, there’s so much to be distracted by that we get lost and we’re like, “Who am I?” I’ve been following or envying or trying to emulate somebody else who’s successful, that’s all like gross, disgusting, so what we need to do, people need more people who are authentic.
There’s already a bunch of other things out there that aren’t working for those other people, who are your tribe waiting for you to put your flag in the ground and say, “Here’s my service, here’s how I can help, let’s do this together, let’s get you out of whatever you’re in and move forward.” The only way they can do that is once you share your story, they’ll know you, they’ll like you, they’ll trust you, they’ll jump onboard. Everybody else who’s not qualified for you to serve will go elsewhere and that’s great. That’s what we need.
Amy: Fabulous.
Yuri: Yeah. I think when I’m doing podcasts and interviews and stuff, 1 of the most common things that people tell me is, “Dude, I read your story and it was like holy shit. Totally, there’s something about that that really resonated with me.” That’s the thing that I’ve recognized in sharing my story, is that it gives other people permission to be more vulnerable with you and themselves. That’s really what this is all about, and so I’m going to share with you guys, if you’re joining me on the Q and A call today at 1:00, I’m going to be sharing what I’m building out with our courage code platform, and I’m going to walk you guys through how I’m thinking through this big idea and some of the stuff I’m going to share.
Part of this is really like it takes courage to be vulnerable. It takes courage to share something that might feel a bit awkward for you, but at the same time it’s that piece of you, that if you unlock, opens up possibilities for whatever it is you want because it allows people in. I don’t know if there’s a quote or whatever, but it’s the cracks in us that allow other people, or it’s the cracks in us to allow our light to shine through or allow other people in, or whatever it is.
It’s our flaws, it’s the things that we’re not so amazing at that we have to share.
I was talking about this with my buddy Vince Del Monte, I was on his podcast last week, and we talked about this. I said, and you alluded to this Jackie, is social media is so littered with perfection and it’s just bullshit. That’s why people on Instagram are much more interested in stories because it’s like what’s actually happening in the person’s life instead of the fancy, professional photo on the feed. It’s fine to share that stuff, but you also have to share your flaws.
Why do we love superheroes? Because they have this amazing ability, but there’s also this kryptonite that can destroy them, and that makes them relatable. You have to find your kryptonite, and this goes back to the whole exercise and the superhero character, what is your strength? What is your weakness? U don’t always want to show your weakness, because if that’s all you shared then it would be like why am I even coming to this person for advice? But you have to share those flaws and those weaknesses and just be yourself.
It’s not about contriving anything, it’s not about conjuring up fakeness or manipulating people into feeling a certain way about you, it’s just about having an honest, open relationship, even if it’s virtually initially, with potential people who don’t know you yet. That is how you’re going to start to stand out and really show your stuff in a way that’s very powerful.
Amy: You’re going make mistakes right.
Jackie: I was going to say it’s very humble and humanizing, and that’s what we need, because again, this high-touch era, you can quickly click on a link, get a free this, get a free that, download a 100 page PDF book on how to freaking transform your life, but nobody’s transforming their life because there’s no human involvement. There’s no authenticness to it. It’s high tech, but we’re losing a lot of the high touch, but not in HBA of course because that’s what we’re all about. But yeah. It’s lacking that, but we’re changing that, and we’re changing that with our Healthpreneurs in this program.
Sharing your Flaws and Weakness
Yuri: Real quick, you think about your closest friends in your life, they are probably the people that you shared some deep experiences with, either together, you went traveling and experienced some things or whatever, or you went through some emotional times together, or they helped you through a breakup or something. The relationships where you have been somewhat vulnerable and have experienced a spectrum of emotion, those are the people you probably have the strongest relationships with.
If you think about that and relate that back to business, it’s not that you have to have those same types of experiences with your clients, but it’s what is it about that? Again, going back to frameworks and blueprints, is understanding the fundamental principals, like why is it that people connect at such a deep level? It’s not because you’re smart or sharing content, it’s because of that emotional relationship you have with them, and that only comes from sharing who you are.
Jackie: Well Yuri, your framework and your blueprint, it leaves nothing left out. If someone were to say, “Okay, you’re an artist,” we are, we all creative in our own businesses, we all are trying to stand out in our own unique way by sharing our own unique story, so we gather your frameworks, it’s our paint, it’s the paintbrush, it’s the pallet, it’s the canvas. We have all our tools, but it’s our job to create our own masterpiece, not to mimic Yuri, not to mimic Amy, not to mimic me or Stephanie, or anybody else in the group that’s creating their own programs, It’s supposed to be creating our own piece, our own unique story, so I think that’s a great component when you mention that.
It’s like okay, here are the tools, but if you don’t create your own, you’re going to wonder why you’re sitting there and not getting anything done or the influence that you’re trying to put out there.
Yuri: It’s almost like coloring books.
Amy: Yeah.
Yuri: I’ve given you the coloring book, you take the crayons and color however you want.
Amy: Do it how you want. It’s really amazing, I had that experience, because remember, we were all just like you guys. We weren’t born this way. I remember never wanting to show anything, and that came from growing up and having Crohn’s disease and always being sick, and not wanting anyone to know I was sick, so I didn’t want to show anything. When I did anything, I’d be in the hospital, I’m going water skiing. Crazy right? When I started my business, I didn’t want to tell anyone anything bad. I was putting out this image of strength and I’m in shape, and no one knows that I can’t barely eat anything.
They don’t know that, but as soon as I started sharing some of these things, not like my I’m crying on Facebook, but that what I struggled with, how I came over it, the days I still don’t feel like getting up in the morning to work out, but I do it anyway, all of a sudden people started coming to me and saying, “Holy crap, you’re a person. We didn’t want to approach you because you seemed so perfect that we never thought that.” All of a sudden I was getting all these people sharing things, that I was blown away by.
When you open and you let that light shine, it’s like a beacon for you’re people, so let those cracks shine. You will make some mistakes, maybe you’ll over-share and go, “Oh shoot, I shouldn’t have done,” maybe someone will write a negative comment, so what? You’re getting out there. Just keep getting back up and keep being you, and you’ll find that voice. Because you probably haven’t been you in a long time.
Sharing your Flaws and Weakness
Yuri: Yeah. I think social media amplifies this now, because even if we take things back to an advertising perspective, and we’ve talked about this in the workshop, where the use of images that are extremely polished don’t resonate with anyone. They do not run ads, we talk about this in module four with the Facebook ad stuff, but if you’re using images, use images that are native to the platform, which means that what would be an image that you would post on your own profile page? Like hey, here’s a trip I just went with the family on to wherever, that’s the type of image, assuming it’s somewhat close up and there’s good lighting and good colors, that you want to be using for your Facebook images, not stock photos, which can also work to some degree, but have nowhere near the same connection as if it’s someone like yourself with family, or whatever is the most meaningful type of picture.
Same thing with videos. The best videos, whether it’s YouTube or Facebook or Instagram, is not going to be I was in the studio shooting a bunch of stuff with beautiful lighting. No, it’s the shaky camera. It’s you walking down the street in your iPhone. It’s real and it’s raw. That is the best way, from an advertising perspective, to share your content, to share your message, to write your ads, and I’m telling you guys, it’s amazing how many people are worried about how do I get all my video stuff set up? You don’t need a video setup.
I’m in my studio, which is I’ve got a whiteboard wall which I painted, I have some lights so I get better lighting in here, and then I have a camera that I’ve had for seven years, and a mic, and that’s it. But if I didn’t have this, what would I be doing? I would be standing outside with my iPhone and shooting my videos. That’s it.
That’s what I do for a lot of my contents. You guys have probably seen this, I walk in the forest and I shoot my content videos there. All of those videos are on YouTube, and all those videos will be used as Facebook ads, and that’s just the way it is.
Amy: With your dogs, your dogs are there.
Yuri: Cool, so any parting thoughts or action tips that we can leave for listeners and viewers?
Jackie: Yeah, well one that popped up … Sorry Steph, I’ll let you talk in a second, but one tip is one of our result accelerator calls, I had a breakthrough, he’s actually an HBA member now, where he had all this experience and education, but when we got on the phone, it was like, “Okay, share with me your perfect client,” and he’s like, “An entrepreneur, busy,” blah blah blah, “Motivated, wants X, Y and Z, and I can help them get there.” I’m like, “Awesome. Okay, well tell me who you love serving,” and he went on a whole north direction.
I was like, “Whoa, what’s this?” He goes, “Well, this is what my experience is.” I’m like, “Then why isn’t this your perfect client?” “Well I thought there would be more population and more people to attract because there’s a lot more entrepreneurs in the world than education,” blah blah blah. I’m like, “Wait a minute.” Then we had a whole 20-minute conversation and got clear, and he was super pumped and excited, obviously, now he’s in our group.
Again, getting to yourself, your story, everything will just line up if you have that clear and out there first. Don’t work on it last because then all of everything you’re creating will be awkward, start with it first.
Yuri: Totally. Steph, do you have anything to add?
Stephanie: Yeah. Basically I would love to just circle back to what Amy was talking about, about how it feels. If you start to feel icky or salesy, which this is just something that has come up a lot in calls for me recently, with the HBA crew people, is understand that that’s simply a red flag. That you need to just take a look at what it is that you’re putting out there—how your verbiage is—how you’re allowing yourself to shine through—don’t allow it to make you quit. Don’t allow it to cause fear and think oh my gosh, this isn’t for me, I can’t do this. No, that’s not what it is, all it is, it’s just a little ding ding ding, maybe somethings a little off here, maybe the verbiage needs to be tweaked, maybe you don’t exactly like the way the blueprint is set up, so you can just change it a tiny bit.
Understanding that there is a science behind it, there’s a system, and there’s a reason why certain things are in, let’s say the slide deck for example. However, if there’s something that isn’t ringing true for you, that just simply means that you’ve lost you a little bit, and just to step back in. It’s not like oh my gosh, this isn’t for me, I’ve got to stop, these negative feelings, sometimes they freak us out so bad that they make us step back, because stepping back is way easier than moving forward and through it.
Just remember that if you feel that fear, it does not mean that you’re being salesy or gross or whatever, because here’s the things, is that if you are an ethical person, and I know you are if you’re listening to this or watching this right now, if you are wanting to really help people, and I know you are if you’re watching this or listening to this right now, then that means that whatever it is that you put out is going to have that intention behind it, so you can just feel really confident in that.
Action Tips for Application
Yuri: Totally. I want to make a distinction too, if you’re feeling uncomfortable with the process of asking for whatever, asking for the sale, making the offer, if you feel uncomfortable with that, you have to be able to distinguish between this doesn’t feel right for me and I know I have to do this and it’s uncomfortable. I’m going to do it my way, but it’s still going to be uncomfortable because I’m not used to doing this. Because if you are uncomfortable making offers and asking anything of anyone, you will never succeed in business.
That’s just the reality. You have to be able to, with your own voice, be very confident in what it is you’re offering, and understand that if you don’t make the offer, you’re being selfish and it’s a disservice to the people you want to serve because they’re not getting your help okay, so that’s really important.
If you’ve never done a phone call with someone, cold, that’s okay. You’re not going to feel confident, you’re not going to have that oh, I’ve done this 1000 times feeling, it’s going to feel uncomfortable the first time you do. Are you going to be a pro the first time you jump on the phone with someone? Probably not.
You don’t have to be an extroverted sales person. A lot of times if you’re introverted and have empathy, you’ll actually probably do better because you can actually really listen to people and show them that you care. But you have to be able to distinguish between this doesn’t feel like me because the wording is a little bit off, versus I’m uncomfortable because I don’t like selling. It’s not about selling guys, it’s about serving, and you have to able to step into that zone of feeling uncomfortable, because as we talked about last week, comfort is the enemy of growth.
A lot of the stuff you’re doing, you probably haven’t done before. You probably haven’t created a webinar, some of you have, you maybe haven’t been on the phone with people, some of you have, I’ve listened to a number of phone calls from many of our clients, and I’ll tell you, the one big thing I look out for is one question, and it’s very rare that I see this, are you ready to get started? Or would you like to join us? That black or white question where the answer might be a no. Why is it that we don’t ask that question? Because we don’t want to hear the word no because it’s uncomfortable. You have to be able to take this type of framework, infuse your story, infuse the you-ness into it, and get to the point where you feel extremely certain and confident with what it is you’re about to offer them, to the point where it’s like, “Are you in or are you out?” You have to be able to be firm and assertive, but you don’t have to be salesy and all that stuff okay?
We’ll talk a little bit more about that stuff in the future episode, but thank you for bringing that up Steph because it’s important to not use this doesn’t feel comfortable as a cop out to never do anything that’s uncomfortable for you.
Stephanie: I would like to add one more thing.
Yuri: Yeah.
Stephanie: If I’m honest, that is actually the number one thing that people are feeling. It’s not necessarily that they’re not being authentic, it is actually that they are feeling uncomfortable with asking for high price points for their services. So it is good that you circled back to that because that’s actually probably the number one sticking point.
Yuri: Yeah, because at the end of the day, what’s the worst thing that happens? Someone says no. Then the brain starts doing its thing. Maybe we’ll talk about pricing and the ask and all that kind of stuff in the next episode, because it’s one of those things guys, where it’s like anything. It’s like learning how to swim, you could drown, which is worse than someone saying no. You’ve done the swimming thing before, you’re okay, you’ve ridden a bike, you’ve fallen off. It’s like mastering any new skill, it’s understanding that there’s going to be a bit of uncomfortableness to that, and just all right, what’s the worst case scenario? What’s the worst possible thing that can happen? If someone says no, is my family going to be ripped away from me? That’s not going to happen.
Jackie: It’s the only way to get better. If you don’t even do it, you’re never going to practice to get better.
Yuri: Absolutely.
Jackie: You don’t take action and sit there and think about I and think about it, and one day you’re like, “Okay, I’m better at it.”
Yuri: Yeah.
Amy: I think it brings right back to your story, the more confident you are in your story and the more authentic you are in your story, you become very detached from the outcome of the sale, and the call becomes a coaching call.
Yuri: Totally.
Amy: And an audition. It comes back to being who you are, so people who are repelled by you, you don’t talk to them, and people that are attracted to you, you do and you are yourself. You fall down, you get back up. Get that story really locked in and it does, the story getting locked in doesn’t happen by staring at your computer, it’s those same things, get outside, go for a walk, dance, bike ride, go to a beautiful spot like Stephanie’s yesterday, feel great for right now., where you are. That, I tell my people, that’s the secret sauce.
Yuri: Absolutely.
Amy: You’ve got to find something to be grateful for now, because you’re never going to move forward feeling bad. Find a way to feel good, and the last thing I’ll say is I hear when I speak with people, the energy shift when they’re talking about that client they think they should be working with, and then they talk about that client that they love working with.
Yuri: I’m going to target these people because I think they have more money, and then when I make all this money, then I’m really going to serve the people I want to serve.
Amy: That’s right.
Yuri: Everyone has money in whatever market. There’s more than enough. But I think maybe the next episode, we’ll talk about these calls and really getting over the fear of all this stuff, because even you guys, Jackie and Amy, you guys have progresses immensely from when you first started. It’s amazing. You guys, you do such a good job now on the phone, and that’s just a matter of practice and repetition. I was the same when I started doing calls, I wasn’t as good as I was several months later, and it’s just repetition and practice.
Amy: Then getting the support, because it was so great, you were so supportive when we started, and some of those first calls were pretty bad, but you still find what was good about them. Okay, what can we change? Yeah, it’s growth, it’s all growth.
Yuri: Cool.
All right, well without going down that rabbit hole, we’ll save that for maybe next week’s call. I want to thank you guys for tuning in. If you’re watching this in the Healthpreneur community and you’re not part of the health business accelerator program yet, or if you’re listening to the podcast audio only and you want to start to really build a business that can fuel your dream life in terms of the income you want to make, the impact you want to create for others, the freedom you want to enjoy in your business, we can help you. 100% I’ve no shadow of a doubt, with myself and our amazing team of coaches, and the frameworks and the systems, we can help you build out. That’s exactly what we do.
If you’re interested in learning more about how we can serve you, first thing you want to do is attend our free training, 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint. That’s over at Go through that today, if it resonates with you, book a call with us. Get you speaking to one of these amazing ladies most likely. If it doesn’t, that’s totally fine as well, no hard feelings, but the key is that at the very minimum, you’ll have … Actually I was speaking to somebody on Instagram, she actually posted, I think you have with her this week Amy, she actually posted in her Instagram story, a picture of her watching the webinar. I sent her a quick message afterwards, I said, “Hey, thanks so much for posting. How did you enjoy the webinar?” She’s like, “Oh my God, it was so good. Took so many amazing notes and got so much clarity,” and that’s what this will do at the very minimum. If you want us to help you further, book a call with us and we can take it from there.
Again, that’s, and that’s all for today. Amy, Jackie, Steph, thank you guys so much for taking the time, for sharing your wisdom. Just a little note for all of you guys, we’ll be inside the group, Thursday mornings, 11:00am we’ll be doing these calls. We had to switch the day for some logistical reasons, but Thursday mornings at 11:00, we’ll be back on, and that’s why today was a little bit different than last week. But if you want to listen to the recording on the podcast, then it’s all good. We do these every Wednesday for the most part.
That is all for us today, so thank you guys so much. Hope you have an amazing day, and we’ll talk to you next week.
Jackie: Bye.
Stephanie: Bye.
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What You Missed
In our last episode, I revealed the seven rules to creating a successful health coaching business.
Listen in to hear the seven rules that – when followed – will ensure you have a company that creates an impact for you and your clients, makes a difference in the industry, and provides you with the lifestyle and return that you deserve. Follow these rules and watch your business thrive for years to come.
You can check out the episode right here: 7 Rules for Building a Successful Coaching Business
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