How to Get More Attention, More Traffic, and More Income
In this deep dive episode, we’re working with Matt Schifferle who has developed a different approach when it comes to health and fitness using bodyweight training along with a very flexible approach to eating and weight management, specifically for those who don’t seem to fit the traditional healthy lifestyle approach.
Over the past 10 years or so, Matt has been broadcasting his ideas writing books, making YouTube videos, etc. and from that, has created a community called The Red Delta Project which been growing steadily and gaining some traction.
Matt is looking to take his Red Delta Project to the next level, but he is having trouble getting attention to his ideas and videos and is lacking clarity in his messaging.
During my conversation with Matt, I discovered that he was using a publishing model to make money. To build Matt’s income, we decided to use his publishing content on the front end to bring clients in on the back end for high end coaching.
Tune in to find out how we helped Matt gain clarity by creating a “category of one” in the highly competitive fitness industry and show him how to get his first clients without an email list or website.
In This Episode Matt and I discuss:
01:10 – 03:02 -Introducing Matt And His Unique Approach To Health And Fitness
03:02 – 06:28 – What Matt Needs Help With In His Business
06:28 – 12:45 – Helping Matt Identify Who His Perfect Client Is
12:45 – 20:09 – Monetization
20:09 – 21:29 – Transitioning From A Publishing Model To A High End Coaching Model
21:29 – 26:30 – Creating A Category Of One
26:30 – 29:02 – Simple Way For Matt Get His First Clients Without A Website
29:02 – 34:30 – Yuri’s Step By Step Action Plan For Matt
Hey, guys. Welcome back to the show. Another special episode today. I’m joined by Matt Schifferle, and I don’t know what we’re going to talk about, but it’s going to be good. It’s going to be good. So Matt, welcome to the show. How’s it going?
Matt Schifferle: Hey, Yuri. Thank you so much for having me on. It’s a pleasure to be here.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Totally. So tell our viewers and our listeners a little bit more about who you are, what it is you do, and then we’ll jump into dig in deep on a specific area you need help with.
Introducing Matt And His Unique Approach To Health And Fitness
Matt Schifferle: Sure. So my history is I grew up in Vermont, and I’ve always been very much of an outdoorsy kind of guy when it comes to fitness. Instead of being in the gym, I’d much rather be out on a mountain somewhere. And I’ve always loved to be very active, and I like to be exercising and taking care of my health. But I’ve always been a little left of center when it comes to the classic approaches to diet and exercise. So I spent a good 10, 15 years trying to fit into that world of the classic go to the gym and stick to various diets and stuff, but I found it didn’t fit very well for me. So over the past 10 years, I’ve been coming with a different approach, which is a little bit more flexible and more principle based and used a lot of bodyweight training and a very flexible approach to eating and weight management, which I find works way better for me and it helps a lot of other folks who don’t seem to fit that classic healthy lifestyle approach.
Matt Schifferle: So over the past 10 years or so, I’ve been basically broadcasting my ideas, writing books, making YouTube videos to share what I’ve learned and get a lot of feedback from it, and it’s created this little community I call The Red Delta Project. And it’s been growing steadily. It’s been getting some traction, but over the past I would say year or two it feels like it’s really starting to ramp up and get more clear on the approaches. And so now I’m starting to get to this point of, “All right. How do I take this sucker to the next level and really start to make my ideas more formulated, much clearer, and just something that’s a lot more practical so I can help a lot more people?”
What Matt Needs Help With In His Business
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. So what’s the specific question? So what can we specifically tackle? And first, actually, can you see this on the screen?
Matt Schifferle: Yeah, I can. That’s very helpful. Yep.
Yuri Elkaim: So what’s the specific question that we can tackle for the next 20 or so minutes?
Matt Schifferle: So the biggest question I think is, “How do I get a lot of my information to be more relatable to the people who are in the classic fitness scape?” Because I feel like sometimes I make my videos or I put things out there, and because I’m a little bit left of center, I don’t know how to title it. I don’t know how to describe it in a way that would be catching the attention of the people who are typically in the classic go to the gym and stick to this diet kind of approach. And because it’s a little bit different, it’s not in the mainstream, so they may need it but they don’t know how to look for it. They don’t know they need to look for it, and I don’t know how to grab people’s attention with it.
Matt Schifferle: So some of the stuff I have done is very classic, like, “Do this to build muscle. Do this to lose weight,” kind of thing. But at the end of the day, I feel like I’ve got great ideas. People who read it and watch my videos say, “This is great, but you don’t have enough attention.” So I’m having trouble getting more attention to my ideas and my videos despite still coming out with clear messages.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. Thank you for sharing that. And why do you want more attention on your stuff?
Matt Schifferle: Well, basically, I feel like my stuff is pretty good and it’s very helpful. And once people get into the loop of it, they’re like, “This is the best thing in the world. I just didn’t know I needed this sort of idea.” So I feel like I can help a lot of people, and people want what I have. But getting them past that first level of awareness is the thing that is holding me back a little bit because, well, if you don’t know I exist and that my ideas exist, you don’t know that these ideas are out there, that no, you don’t need to follow the classic rules of diet and exercise. You don’t have to do the things you don’t want to do when it comes to getting in shape. But because the mainstream approaches to diet and exercise are so popular, I feel like I’m just getting drowned out with that. So if I can get more attention, I can help more people.
Yuri Elkaim: So let’s say that you get this attention. They watch your videos, read your articles, etc. Then what? What’s the endgame? How do you benefit? How do they benefit?
Matt Schifferle: So basically, more attention in the short term leads to just simply more of the monetization cycle going on, selling more books, just more views on YouTube, plus also just more feedback on my ideas. The more I teach, the more I learn, the more I can formulate what I’m trying to do. And not just from a monetary perspective, but I feel like the more people watch my stuff, the better I get at producing stuff that people want. Otherwise, I feel like I’m producing things that some people like, some people don’t, but I don’t have the audience to give me the feedback or the information of, “Wait. Why don’t we go in this direction? Why don’t we go in that direction?” And as a result, I feel like I’m just spinning around in circles.
Helping Matt Identify Who His Perfect Client Is
Yuri Elkaim: Sure. Do you have a very clear picture of who your perfect client is?
Matt Schifferle: Yeah. I’m it, basically, 10 years ago.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay. Cool.
Matt Schifferle: But perfect client is someone who is experienced in fitness to some degree. They’ve been going to the gym. They’ve been doing the diet thing. They’re not terribly new at the whole thing, but at the same time, they’re at the end of their rope with things. They’re starting to get burned out. They’re frustrated. They may have been doing it for just a few weeks, or they may have been doing it for several years, but they’re at the point where they’re looking at the classic approaches, the popular approaches to diet and exercise and thinking, “There’s got to be just a better way to do this without having to jump through all these hoops because it’s just too high maintenance. It’s too hard. It’s too stressful. There’s got to be a simpler and easier way to do that.”
Yuri Elkaim: Okay. Cool. And so they don’t care if you’re telling them to go swimming or horseback riding or whatever. They’re just looking for a better way than what they’ve been doing. Is that right?
Matt Schifferle: Yeah. What they’ve got has worked okay for them, but they’re getting frustrated with it. This is the frustrated fitness consumer.
Yuri Elkaim: And what’s the major pain, or why are they doing this? For instance, I work out to not just be in shape but to kick ass on the tennis court. That’s one of my big desires. So what’s the big pain or problem or desire that you’re solving for these clients?
Matt Schifferle: So it’s a couple of things. The biggest one is just, like I said, a frustration, feeling like you’re spending all of this energy and all of this time and sometimes monetary expense, but you’re working so hard and really making sacrifices, but it’s just not getting you where you need to go.
Yuri Elkaim: What specifically are they working hard for? Are they looking to build muscle, lose weight, look better in their tank top, or-
Matt Schifferle: Those are the two big ones, particularly building muscle is a big one, or when it comes to the weight loss thing, it’s weight loss but it’s also just simply struggling to stick to their habits. Someone who is always going with the yo-yo of, “I get into a groove, and then I fall off, and I go to the gym for a while, and then I don’t go for a while.” Someone who’s really here and there, lacking the consistency, and every time around they’re like, “Gosh. If I could just stick to the diet or if I could just keep going to the gym.” But then they get really burned out with it or it’s just, again, not producing the result for the amount of cost that they’re spending. They’re getting frustrated. They’re getting burned out, and they’re thinking, “There’s got to be a better way to do this.”
Yuri Elkaim: Sure. What is a magazine that they might be reading?
Matt Schifferle: Probably typical fitness periodicals. Usually-
Yuri Elkaim: Like Men’s Health, Men’s-
Matt Schifferle: Yeah. Men’s Health, Women’s Health kind of thing. Probably not so much magazines but more online, just doing the random basic Google searches of, “What’s the best way to build muscle? What’s the best diet?” This is the typical individual who’s always looking for the next piece of information, the next trend, the next fad to take off that stress that they’re feeling of, “I’m working so hard, but it’s just not working at all or well enough. There has to be something else out there.” So they’re constantly scouring the internet for, “What’s better out there because there has to be something better than what I’m doing right now.”
Yuri Elkaim: So are you helping or targeting … Is your perfect client both a man and a woman or one or the other?
Matt Schifferle: Well, right now I have much more of a male audience, so I think that’s basically what I’ve been skewed towards. But definitely I’d like to help both genders as much as I can, women especially. I see a lot of women … It’s weird. I work with a lot of men on the internet, and I work with a lot of women in-person. And once I start to break down some of the barriers that are holding them back, it’s much more of a relief, I find, for women to be like, “Oh, so I don’t have to follow all of these rules when it comes to the diet.” “No. Let’s do it this way instead.” And it’s a great relief to see them do that.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So my advice is … because from what I’m hearing is you’re looking to … you’re building a publishing model where you’re sharing a lot of content, and part of the challenge with that, especially in 2019, is dilution, which means no one sees your stuff because Google algorithm issues, Facebook shows nothing to anyone unless you’re paying for it. YouTube, unless you’ve got a massive channel, your videos don’t get seen. So it’s a very, very challenging way or a very challenging time to grow organically especially if you’re not super focused on one category.
Yuri Elkaim: So I want to show you something that I think might help you out. So I just did a Google search for Men’s Health Magazine, and these are the images that pop up. And the reason I like to use this is that if you know your perfect clients are reading this magazine, then all you have to do is look at the covers to look at what they want because these magazines spend a lot of money on research and very, very expensive copywriters to come up with the right angles and hooks that are going to attract those readers. Now, again, we’re looking at a magazine, but obviously, the same applies to their website.
Matt Schifferle: Sure.
Yuri Elkaim: People who are online are generally the same person as if they were to read it in a magazine. So if we look at things like just the things in bold, like Fit at Any Age, Best Body Ever, Fight Fat and Win, Get Back in Shape, Lose Your Gut, these are really, really good kindling for building your fire of content. But it’s also really important to look at this stuff to look at what people really want, and again, if there was some kind of algorithm that could show out of all the covers, which are the most common words, it’d probably be things like bigger arms, burn belly fat, get abs, build muscle, stuff like that.
Matt Schifferle: Got it.
Yuri Elkaim: Honestly, that’s no surprise to most people in our space if you’ve obviously been working with these people for any amount of time. Here’s the challenge. So you’ve got books, you’ve got videos. How do people pay you money?
Matt Schifferle: Primarily through buying my books and just the classic YouTube AdSense kind of thing, by watching.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay, and so how many books do you have, and what price point are they?
Matt Schifferle: I have four books, depending on what format you’re buying through Amazon. Kindle versions are all $10. Paperback versions are anywhere from around 16 to almost $50.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay, so we’ll say 10 to 50 bucks for the books. So once they buy a book, then what? That’s like, “Here’s your download. Enjoy it,” type of thing, or what happens next?
Matt Schifferle: Yeah. I haven’t worked a lot on the backend things. It’s basically there, done, and then I can follow up with questions on emails. I post a lot of other YouTube videos and stuff like, “Hey, if you bought this book, here’s more that I can give you. Here’s bonus content. Here’s how you can get in touch with me,” kind of thing. I don’t have the best follow-up system. It’s very light at this point, and it’s something I should probably work on.
Yuri Elkaim: And what are those books? What are the topics of each of those four books?
Matt Schifferle: The first one that I did was primarily just a foundational fitness philosophy book, which was how I was figuring stuff out at first. So that one I call Fitness Independence, and it’s basically getting back down to the grassroots of how does fitness work just period.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay. Second one?
Matt Schifferle: The next one that I’m coming out with is all basically targeted on bodyweight-based style training with various markets. The first one is a general approach to bodyweight training to make it more effective, what I call smart bodyweight training. Then I came out with two niche books because people were asking for it, Bodyweight Training for Cycling and Bodyweight Training for Martial Arts. So those are different applications for bodyweight training for sports specific things. And I have backgrounds in those sports, so that was a bit of a personal labor of love there too.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So here’s my initial thinking from our conversation so far is you want to get more attention, obviously, so you can make more money, you can get more feedback. Ultimately with that I think there’s obviously you want to impact people’s lives probably. Typically, your perfect client is someone kind of like a Men’s Health reader, a guy who wants to put on some muscle, and the books are foundational fitness and then three bodyweight books, two of them being targeted to cycling and martial arts. Is that right?
Matt Schifferle: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: So for me, I see there’s a little bit, or maybe even more than a little bit, of disconnect because what I would love to hear from you is, “Okay, Yuri. I help guys build muscle, and I’ve got four books, and each one of those four books is on building muscle, how to build bigger arms, how to build bigger legs, how to build a bigger chest.”
Matt Schifferle: Got it.
Yuri Elkaim: That is going to, number one, help you occupy a category in the market that everyone sees Matt as the guy to build muscle, for instance. You know Bret Contreras?
Matt Schifferle: Oh yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: What is he known for?
Matt Schifferle: Well, I mean, I don’t know him, but I know of him. Sure.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. What is he known for?
Matt Schifferle: Scientific research. I see stuff out on Instagram all the time, figure models, body builders.
Yuri Elkaim: Well, he’s the glute guy, right?
Matt Schifferle: Yeah, and hips. Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s what he does. He’s glutes, hips. That’s his thing, right? And, again, I don’t know the nature of his business, but I’m assuming he’s done fairly well. So books are fine, but at the end of the day, if those books don’t build your bank account then something needs to change. So part of it is you can get more attention, but in order to get more attention, essentially what we’re talking about here, Matt, is there’s two pieces of the puzzle. There’s traffic, and there’s conversion. So you want more traffic, which is essentially more attention.
Matt Schifferle: Sure. Yeah. Makes sense.
Yuri Elkaim: But you can’t get more traffic if you don’t have conversions. And what that means is if you sell a book and let’s just say you make 20 bucks, you can only spend up to $20 to acquire a customer. But if you have a conversion funnel or a pipeline or whatever you want to call it that turns a 10 or a $20 book buyer into a thousand or $2,000 client, now you don’t have to rely on a blog post or a YouTube video. You could essentially run ads, bring clients in at a couple hundred dollars, and you could run that forever.
Yuri Elkaim: So the challenge here, and this is something very, very common, so obviously, you’re not the only person dealing with this, is that a lot of people want to focus on getting attention. They’re putting their content out there, but the real thing is at the end of the day, do you want to make more money?
Matt Schifferle: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Right. That’s the thing is like let’s focus on making money. And when I say making money, I really mean help people at a deep level. That’s the byproduct of making money. And the thing is, if you’re charging let’s say even $50 for a book, what’s happening there is that the amount of income you can earn up here on a $50 book is only because you’re skimming the surface. But what we want to do instead is we want to think of, “Well, how do we tap into all of this down here? How do we tap into … Instead of just $50, what if we can charge $2,000 to work with a client? What would have to be true to make that happen?” No one’s going to pay $2,000 for a book. But someone might pay you $2,000 to have you coach them and kick their butt to make sure they achieve the result. Wouldn’t you agree?
Matt Schifferle: Sure.
Yuri Elkaim: Whether that’s in-person or online, it doesn’t matter. So my encouragement, and this is really what we do with Healthpreneur is encouraging you to really think about, again, if you enjoy coaching people to think of, “How can I bring clients in who are going to pay me a higher amount of money?” Because what that does is it gives you a lot more margin to support the publishing side of your business if you want to grow that.
Matt Schifferle: Got it.
Yuri Elkaim: I mean, this is the challenge I ran into with my health and fitness business is I ran a publishing model from the time I started in 2006 trying to sell $47 eBooks, and the problem I ran into was I spent all of my time focusing on conversions … And let me just share my screen here. I spent all of my time focusing on conversions, essentially meaning I had to become a marketer because I wanted more traffic so that I could make more money.
Transitioning From A Publishing Model To A High End Coaching Model
Yuri Elkaim: So what I’m suggesting, let’s flip that. Let’s focus on get a handful of clients in that are going to pay you whatever, two, three thousand dollars because premium price is going to help them. It’s going to help you a lot more. You don’t need as much traffic. You don’t need to focus and fuss on the conversion side, so you don’t need to worry about pipelines and funnels on your books. People read your books. The next step for them is to book a call with you and inquire about working together as a client as opposed to an upsell.
Yuri Elkaim: And now what becomes exciting about that is that your books are very valuable cards on the front end. So the more those books get seen, the more your YouTube videos get seen, the more you have put your stuff out there. And now not every single reader but maybe 10% or 5% of people who watch and read your stuff are going to be like, “You know what? Matt’s … He’s got some good stuff here. I think I really resonate with his philosophy, and he’s got this coaching program. Maybe it’s a good fit.”
Yuri Elkaim: And that’s really where the opportunity is today in this day and age because selling info is very challenging to do profitably and at scale, unless you spend most of your time being a full-blown marketer. Does that make sense?
Matt Schifferle: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Creating A Category Of One
Yuri Elkaim: Yep. So what’s resonating with you from this so far, from our conversation so far?
Matt Schifferle: So this is totally lining up with exactly where I envision things going over the next several months because I totally agree with you. For the past I don’t know how many years I’ve been working on my project and everything, there’s been quite a bit of disconnect. And the message hasn’t been very clear, and if someone’s like, “So what’s it about,” it’d be like, “Well, it’s … ” I didn’t have a clear answer.
Matt Schifferle: So, what I’ve been working on over the past two months, and I’m real excited about, is having an ever so slight shift in my direction towards basically bodyweight bodybuilding.
Yuri Elkaim: I think that’s great.
Matt Schifferle: It’s purely like you want to use bodyweight training. You want to get big and jacked. End of discussion. This is the best way to go about it, and I’ve been creating a new program and system on how it goes about that and basically putting not all my eggs in one basket but focusing on that as the main thing that I do. And all of the other little things that I would dabble in become part of that program but off to the side a little bit. They’re not the main thing.
Matt Schifferle: So by focusing on that one thing, I want to go in the direction exactly what you’re suggesting of having … There will be books and everything, but there will be much more higher-quality coaching sessions, personal training. This is the thing I want to be known for.
Yuri Elkaim: I think that’s great.
Matt Schifferle: … I’m the bodyweight muscle guy.
Yuri Elkaim: See? That’s what I’m talking about, man. That idea. So that’s a great idea. Bodyweight bodybuilding. That is a big idea, and if you build your brand around that, you create a category of one. When you create a category of one, there’s no more competition. But there’s competition to become a generalist, and that was the mistake that I made when I started my business online was I spent 10 years building up a content platform that was based around general health and fitness content. So we did everything, weight loss, energy, intermittent fasting, this, this. It was very, very challenging to … It was like pushing a boulder up a hill.
Yuri Elkaim: Had I known this 14 years ago, I would have said, “I am the guy,” or in your case, “who helps guys use bodyweight to build muscle,” or the bodyweight bodybuilding idea. That’s so much easier to build, and it’s so much easier for people to get then, “Oh, you’re just another trainer.” It’s a completely different conversation, and now in their mind, you have a higher perceived value because they have clarity on what you do and how you can help them. So I think that’s great. So with respect to that, yeah, I think that’s the way to go because that just-
Matt Schifferle: Yeah, and I’m very excited about it because it’s given me a lot of clarity, and the feedback I’ve been … because I’ve been testing out little parts of the formula out into the universe a little bit, and the feedback I’ve been getting has been just off the charts. I’ve never teased ideas like this and gotten the response I’ve got, so I’m definitely onto the right track. Now it’s just a matter of building the road and just following the path.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. So what is the launch of this look like? What is the first thing you’re going to bring to market for this particular brand?
Matt Schifferle: Yep. So the first thing to bring to market is the official manual for my basic approach, which I’m writing right now and hope to have out within the next three to four weeks. And once that’s out then that’ll be like the cornerstone of what I do. I’m going to make some changes to the website and make this manual and the book and the approach, like what I do kind of thing. From there, I’m going to branch out and that part I haven’t quite figured out enough yet, which is why I needed to talk to you about. So how do I get this into programs? How do I get it into the sessions and things that I can actively coach and teach people on aside from just a book? Because I like writing books and stuff, but working one-on-one is really what my deal is.
Matt Schifferle: So to have this thing established, I want to put out something into the world where I can work with people directly to really implement it and change some lives.
Yuri Elkaim: Yep. 100%. So the cool thing is the book becomes the coaching program.
Matt Schifferle: Bingo.
Yuri Elkaim: So you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. The book becomes the coaching program. Now here’s what I would suggest to you if you want to make a little bit more money very quickly-
Yuri Elkaim: … is how big of an email list do you have roughly?
Matt Schifferle: I’m ashamed to say I don’t even have an email list. It’s been on my to-do list. I’ve been just keeping up with things on social media.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay. So how big of a social following do you have?
Matt Schifferle: … out there.
Yuri Elkaim: So Facebook or Instagram or both or … ?
Matt Schifferle: Yeah. I’m primarily YouTube.
Matt Schifferle: That’s where I’ve got the biggest following, a little bit of Instagram and Facebook as well. Yeah.
Simple Way For Matt To Get His First Clients Without A Website
Yuri Elkaim: Okay. So here’s what I recommend, and this is actually part of a new program we’re launching called First Client Formula, because a lot of times we do all this stuff to launch this thing, and there’s a much shorter, easier way to get there. So here’s what I would suggest is if you had an email list, or you could just post this on Facebook or Instagram, it would be something along the lines of, “Coaching program. I’m starting up a new coaching program where I’m going to be working with a handful of guys who want to use bodyweight to build muscle. Would you like to join me?” That’s it.
Yuri Elkaim: They’re going to respond, and now you have people who have raised their hand to say, “Yeah, this is interesting. Tell me more about it.” And so all you have to do is be clear on what that looks like. So, think of it as an eight-week program, let’s say, and we’re going to do this, this, and this. If you can just detail that out even in just a PDF, that’s all you need to do, you don’t need a fancy website or anything for this, so that when they say, “Send me more details,” you can send them something.
Yuri Elkaim: But that’s as simple as it needs to be, and I say this from personal experience because when I started doing workshops, like live in-person workshops seven years ago, that’s how we filled every single one of them. And when we did our first live event, so our big live event, Healthpreneur Live, three years ago, we had very, very little following, and it was kind of I did things backwards. Instead of building a bit of a platform first, I decided to do a big event, and we filled that event with messages like that.
Yuri Elkaim: And what it does is it cuts through the noise, and it starts to get back to just a personal … like a conversation with a friend. “Hey, I’m doing this thing. Who’s interested? Cool.” And then you jump into Messenger, and you further the conversation. “Cool. What’s the price? Here are the details. Yeah, it’s 1,000 bucks, 2,000 bucks,” whatever it is. Again, not everyone’s going to say yes, but it cuts to the chase because someone could read the book, and let’s say out of 100 people, 75 of them just would rather read the book because they’re not at a point to truly commit to the process. But let’s say 20% are. They’re like, “Hey, dude. I want to get in amazing shape. The book is great, but I just want you to tell me what the hell to do-
Matt Schifferle: Got it.
Yuri Elkaim: … and hold me accountable to that.”
Matt Schifferle: Yeah, and I-
Yuri Elkaim: But that’s what I would suggest.
Matt Schifferle: I like that a lot because I feel like I’m dropping the ball on that because I literally have people emailing me and calling me questions like, “How do I work with you? The books are … ” Exactly what you said. “The books are great, but I want to work with you. How do we make this happen?” I’m like, “Oh, geez. I’d love to too, but I got to figure that out.”
Yuri’s Step By Step Action Plan For Matt
Yuri Elkaim: Honestly, it’s simple, Matt. So if you were a client of ours, here would be my marching orders for you. I would spend however much time over the next day or so to get clear on what your program looks like. It’s going to be 8 weeks, 12 weeks, whatever. Here’s the outcome that’s promised. I’m going to help you put on 10 pounds of muscle in 10 weeks, for instance, and we’re going to do that with zero weights, your body weight only. We’re going to work in a group of, let’s say, 10 guys, whatever, however many people you want. And every week, you’re going to have a new workout. We’re going to have a check-in call, whatever the deliverables might look like. You’re just going to detail all that out so you are super clear about what your program entails.
Yuri Elkaim: And then when people start asking you about, “Yeah, how do I work with you? How do I do all this stuff?” “Cool. Let’s first figure out if you’re a good match to work with us, and then if so, here are the details.” And that’s all I would do. And you’ll be surprised. It’s so simple.
Matt Schifferle: Yeah, well.
Yuri Elkaim: You have an existing audience, and I guarantee you there’s going to be a small percentage of people in there who are like, “Finally. Thank God. Okay, let’s do this.” And that’s where I’d start. That’s what I would do.
Matt Schifferle: All right. I will get right on that pronto, Yuri. I’m going to start making that up because I envision this whole thing as just expanding and going into the directions that it needs to go into because I feel like I’m so under-serving people, which is so frustrating for me because I feel like I can’t give people exactly what they want, but at the same time, I’m not capitalizing on it to bring myself where I need to be. But this is the first step. This is where I need to go.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, 100%. And I’ll tell you … So my health and fitness business was all about building a content platform for 10-plus years. Our blog gets a million visitors a month now. We have 279,000 subscribers on YouTube. But I don’t recommend that for most people because it took so long to get there and a huge amount of money. Healthpreneur, because I had the wisdom of having built a very successful business already, I said, “I’m not going to do any of that. What I’m going to do is I’m going to work with people at a very high level, charge a premium price, transform their life and their business. And with that margin and free time, now I’m going to start to build a platform on the back end of that.”
Yuri Elkaim: And so only then did I start getting back into social media. But initially, it was just like, “Let’s get clients. Let’s make money. Let’s help those clients.” And now that we’ve built a team around me that I don’t have to do all the coaching myself, now I get to do stuff like this. I get to have conversations and do podcasts like this and videos. I don’t care if this stuff gets seen or not because my business doesn’t depend on it. It’s a bonus if obviously it gets more visibility, but it’s the complete opposite of what most people are doing.
Yuri Elkaim: Most people, as we talked about, are building their platform first and then try and monetize it, but it’s very challenging to do that. So my suggestion, as I mentioned, is get the clients in at a premium price, blow them away, help them get amazing results. You’ll get more social proof. That feeds back into what you’re doing online socially. That’s going to further the desire for people to want to work with you, to buy your stuff, and all of that extra money you now have gives you freedom of time, mental capacity, etc., and now you can write the books. You can do the things that maybe you love to do that you want to really build a legacy around that don’t necessarily require like, “Oh my God. I don’t have to sell the books to make money,” type of thing. So you can build your platform on the backend because you’re serving people on the front end. Does that make sense?
Matt Schifferle: That makes total sense. Makes total sense. Yeah. Love it.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. Awesome. Wicked, man. Well, I hope this has been helpful for you, and-
Matt Schifferle: It’s been super helpful. It gives me a little more clarity on what I’m already doing and what I’m trying to do, and it just gives me that extra push to be like, “Yep, you’re going in the right direction. Now here’s a way you refine it and clarify and game on. Off to the races.”
Yuri Elkaim: Wicked, man. Well, keep us posted with how it all goes. And obviously, if you need any help, let me know.
Yuri Elkaim: Thanks again for being on the show, for bringing this up, for allowing us to dig in and pull out some good nuggets. And for you guys watching or listening, hopefully you have found this valuable as well. If you want to join us in the Facebook group to continue the conversation, just go to, and I look forward to seeing you in there. Thanks again, Matt.
Matt Schifferle: Thanks again, Yuri. Appreciate it.
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What You Missed
In our last episode, we did a deep dive with Megan Mill who recently launched her business helping people struggling with side effects from prednisone.
We worked with Megan to help her narrow down and dial in on that perfect client.
One of the biggest challenges that people in our space have is that we want to help everyone, right? It’s tempting for us to want to help everyone. Because you probably can help a lot of different people, it doesn’t mean you should and it becomes very challenging to marketing your business, especially online if you’re the generalist and it’s very, very challenging to do so. So you need to go specific.
With Megan, she wanted to help people who are on prednisone. However, there are so many conditions that prednisone is prescribed for.
So we worked with Megan to help her narrow down and dial in on that perfect client.
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