What To Say When Prospects Say “I Can’t Now Because Of COVID-19”
In this episode I want to address with you what to say when speaking with clients or patients about your solutions and they say they can’t because of the whole COVID-19 situation.
Just because COVID is happening, doesn’t mean their back pain or health issues went away.
If someone is on the phone with you and they are objecting to your offer, there’s one of four reasons:
1. Time
2. Money
3. Stall (i.e., I need to talk with my spouse)
4. Your product
In this episode I walk you through the different objections and how to overcome them and get people to say yes.
You’ll definitely want to take notes so grab a pen and paper and tune in!
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 -01:42 – Introducing Today’s Topic
01:42 – 04:22 – The Most Important Question You Can Ask
0:422 – 05:37 – Four Types Of Objection
05:37 – 09:51 – Getting To The Truth
09:51 – 15:58 – Getting To Yes
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What You Missed
In our last episode, we talked about How Millionaires Think And Act In A Recession.
History shows us that whenever we’ve gone through recessions/depressions has inspired resourcefulness and innovation.
Here is the mentality of successful people: When everyone is pulling back, that is when they push forward.
People still have problems, however, the way you provide a solution to their problems is going to be different.
The number one mindset right now is that instead of contracting, you are expanding. Instead of cutting all expenses, are you investing intelligently.
The way millionaires think and act during a recession is basically the opposite of what most people do.
Now is the time to ask yourself — are the actions you’re taking congruent with your desire?
If your desire is to save your business, are the actions you’re taking congruent with that desire?
If you missed it, you can catch the full episode right here — >> How Millionaires Think And Act In A Recession.
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