3 Kids and Works From Home. How Megan Buer Juggles Parenting and Business

We’ve got an awesome episode for you today on the Healthpreneur Podcast. I’m interviewing Megan Buer, who is the founder of a company called Harmony Restored. She focuses on helping individuals heal from the stress that is at the root of their physical and emotional pain.
She’s a certified Emotion Code Practitioner, author of two books on healing, a Reiki healer, and a mom to three. After suffering for years with anxiety, panic disorder, chronic stress, adrenal fatigue, and an autoimmune disease—she then spent ten years researching to figure out the unique tools that she needed to heal herself.
This episode is jam-packed with awesome wisdom nuggets, seriously. Not only are there some great business tips in here, but for anyone who works from home, especially with kids—take out your notepads and listen up.
In this episode Megan and I discuss:
- Tips for working at home.
- Creating boundaries and spending quality time with your kids.
- The transition from physical to online business.
- Some essential marketing tips for starting out.
- How to excel at networking.
- Figuring out what your audience really wants.
3:00 – 11:00 – Working from home, kids, boundaries.
11:00 – 15:00 – How can I take the personal work I do to the masses?
15:00 – 19:00 – The power of asking your audience.
19:00 – 26:00 – Consistency.
26:00 – 29:00 – Big mistakes and learning lessons
29:00 – 32:00 – Rapid-five questions.
Today, we’ve got Megan Buer, who is going to share with us how she juggles parenting while building her online business.
She has three kids and works from home, and she’s gonna be sharing some amazing nuggets of wisdom. You definitely want to be taking notes in this episode.
I’ve got three boys myself, as you probably know. I work from home, and some of the things that she mentions that she’s doing with her business, working from home, will really save you if you’ve got kids and are working from home as well.
So, in case you don’t know who Megan Buer is, let me quickly tell you. She is the founder of a company called Harmony Restored, which is focused on helping individuals heal from the stress that is at the root of their physical and emotional pain.
She is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, author of two books on healing, a Reiki healer, and as I’ve mentioned, a mom to three. She suffered for years with anxiety, panic disorder, chronic stress, food intolerances, adrenal fatigue, and an autoimmune disease—and she went on a journey to health.
She spent over ten years researching, experimenting, and finally figuring it out using very unique tools that she needed to heal herself—that go above and beyond just eating different foods.
And that’s why she’s so interesting, and why we really connected the first time we spoke. She really focuses on the emotional side of healing, which is something that we all have to address at one point or another.
If you want to learn more about Megan’s work, you can find her at harmony-restored.com, and obviously we’ll link up to all of her different profiles at the end of the show notes here.
So, without any further ado, let’s bring Megan onto the show, and let’s have some fun.
Yuri: Megan, what is up? Welcome to the Healthpreneur Podcast.
Megan: Thanks, so happy to be here.
Yuri: Yes, I am excited, because we connected … I don’t even know how, but we did.
We first spoke a couple months ago, and I was really blown away by the conversation we had because we talked a lot about the emotional side of eating and we really connected. We’re really on the same page with that stuff.
So I was like, “I gotta have you on the show and talk about your business,” and just because I think you’re a cool person. So, I’m happy to have you here.
Megan: Thank you, thanks so much.
Yuri: Yeah, so what is new and exciting in the world of Megan Buer and Harmony Restored?
Megan: Good things are happening, yeah. School finally started back up and it’s the fall, I’m kind of getting back into routine. And you know, I work from home. My husband is here with me working the business, and we’ve got three kids, so it kind of makes for an interesting business life, to say the least.
But we’re getting kind of back into our routine and really just trying to find the best ways to serve my tribe more and help them more, and go beyond just educating, but really providing some great services to them. And so, we’re playing around with a lot of different ideas right now and kind of gearing up for some long term goals.
Working from home, kids, boundaries
Yuri: Cool. So, I want to come back then, just a second, because I think that’s an important thing to talk about. I want to go back to the kid situation, because I’ve got three kids as well, and you work from home, so do I.
How do you build a business? How do you work at an online business where you can work from anywhere with that type of setup? Like, what does your setup look like, and how have you guys made it work for you?
Megan: Well, it looks like our bedroom is our office.
Yuri: Yeah.
Megan: But, you know, I think that’s the great thing about having an online business that you can do anywhere—is that I have flexibility. Like, I have the ability to work from anywhere and work any time, but I also have the ability to close my computer and go play with my kids for a couple hours and be totally present with them. And come back, rejuvenated, to my business and not be stuck in a stuffy office somewhere, not being able to go outside, or move, or go for my walks, or do my yoga … you know?
And so, it’s this incredible flexibility that our whole family just thrives on. It’s so fun, you know, to be able to work from the lake because we can turn on our wifi and let the kids play.
And we do a lot of trading off. There is a lot of juggling—it’s crazy. I’m not gonna say it’s not.
But it is so liberating to be able to set my own schedule. To have my husband set his own schedule, and to just find that balance.
You know, we have boundaries. I think that’s the only way we make it work, is we have really strict boundaries around—this is when my husband is able to work, and this is when I am able to work.
This is when we come together and have our meeting, and at 3:00 when the kids get home—everything is closed and we’re done, and we are present with them.
And maybe we’ll check an e-mail or two before bed, but we really, we turn off and we’re done, and we have that flexibility, and we just hustle during the day and then we’re done at 3:00.
Yuri: That’s good. That’s kind of the same as me—when the kids are home, it’s kind of shut down. Because even if they were home and I was trying to work, it’s not gonna happen anyway, so-
Megan: Oh, no. No.
Yuri: So Why do that to them?
Megan: No, it’s stressful trying to work with them.
Creating boundaries and spending quality time with your kids
Yuri: So you talked about boundaries, and I firmly believe in that as well. What advice would you give to parents or new parents who are working from home, building their business, and they have one, two, three, seven kids? What advice would you give to them if you were sitting down with them at Starbucks and having a conversation about this?
Megan: I mean, going back to the boundaries—you can’t work when the kids are around.
Because I tried—I did that for a while at first. It was like, “Alright, the kids are home and I’m gonna try to get something done.” I’m gonna try to do this client work or I’m gonna update Facebook, or whatever.
And they would start getting antsy, and I couldn’t focus very well, and everybody was agitated, it was really hard. I started feeling really frustrated because it was like—we’re all in this one house and our business is here and our kids are here and laundry is here and everything is here—we need some space.
And for us, we don’t really feel like we need to go away and do work. We can come up to our office space and close the door. But we have to have those boundaries, and being present with the kids.
So, not checking your phone every time it dings, and really having a very set schedule. And if you need to hire a babysitter to get stuff done, you’ve gotta do it—because those kids are gonna start feeling that agitation from you if you are constantly trying to get something done but also trying to be with them and also switching the laundry and also trying to figure out dinner …
Just kind of compartmentalizing things and having really set—this is where I work, this is the time that I work, and this is when I’m with the kids. I’m gonna be present with them and I’m going to go outside and go to the playground.
And being present in work and then in your home life, not trying to do everything all at once, because it can get so crazy.
Yuri: Just a little, just a little.
Megan: Yeah.
Yuri: I have a friend who kind of reframed how she looked at hiring.
She said, okay, well I’ve got kids now, my business is going to be very different, I’ve got to start delegating and outsourcing a bunch of stuff, and then what she realized was like, “Well, what if I just had someone look after my kids, so I could actually do my work?”
And so, you mentioned having a babysitter, it’s not like you’re delegating parenting, but you’re giving yourself a couple of hours of freedom during the day or at night, whenever you work, to just focus on what you have to do, and then you can be present with your kids.
But I think … I tell people, if you want to be more productive, have kids. You cannot waste time like you could when you’re single, right? Or when you’re kid-less.
Megan: Yeah.
Yuri: It’s a really good, kind of, constraining setup in your life. So, lots of cool lessons from parents, for sure.
Megan: Yeah. And outsource if you can, you know, I mean get help wherever you can. And if that’s somebody offering, “Hey, do you want to send your kids over for a play date?” Say yes. You know?
I mean, this summer we only had a babysitter one day a week, and it was from 9:00 to 3:00, and so it was that one day—we hustled and then we just kind of switched back and forth the rest of the week, and it worked.
Just find what works for you, and you’re gonna have to play around with it some.
Everybody’s kids are different, everybody’s temperaments are different. And if you can get them involved in what’s happening, they feel like they’re a part of it. My kids love hearing what I’m doing, and they love seeing my husband set up the lighting for shooting a video, they help him do that, and my husband, Rhett, he does all the editing and all the back end stuff. And so, he teaches them along, while he’s doing it. This is how you edit a video, and this is how-
Yuri: That’s very clever. You’re building employees.
Megan: Yeah! We’re building little helpers. [laughing]
But, they want to be involved, they think it’s really cool, and we’re teaching them skills along the way. And so that’s another tip—make it a family business, how can they be involved?
It’s funny, because we’ll go on these nature walks and my daughter will be like, “Can I have your phone? Because I want to take pictures for your website.” And I’m like, okay! [laughing]
Yuri: That’s awesome.
Megan: So, just get them excited about it too, and that’s really helpful.
Yuri: That’s great. It’s definitely a good tip.
So, you talked about, when it comes to your business, you want to do things that are more than just providing information to your audience. What do you mean? What does that look like?
The transition from physical to online business
Megan: Well, I started in a private practice and I’ve been in private practice for about five years now, and about two years ago I went online, because I felt that—which I’m sure a lot of people feel in their private practice—that I can only do so much.
I can only talk to so many people in one day, I’ve got this message, and I need to share it with more people than I can reach on a one-on-one basis. And so, we had been doing a lot of educational things online to get the word out, you know, put some products out, e-books, and master classes and things like that.
But now, just kind of thinking, “How can I take the personal, one-on-one work that I do, to the masses?” Not just educating the masses about emotional wellness, anxiety, mindset and all that stuff, but how can I actually provide some rock solid tools?
And so, we’re looking to do some 30-day experience type of things, where we really get deep with people, even in the online space. Some really deep, private work that we can do that will hopefully change some lives. You know?
Because I see it happen all the time in my client work, but I want to be able to make that kind of effect on a larger scale. So, we’re playing around with a lot of fun stuff, and it’s all good.
Yuri: That’s good. It’s important to always be thinking ahead of the curve, because as you know, it’s a very competitive space and you have to be able to stand out. And whether that’s like, throwing the f-bomb around in everything you say—which I don’t think is the best way to do it—or coming up with innovative solutions to help your customers, which is what you guys are doing. I think that’s very smart.
Megan: Yeah.
Yuri: So, with that said, what has worked well for you from a business building/marketing standpoints, up until this point? Specifically with the online business?
How to excel at networking
Megan: The things that have worked best for me are collaboration—so, networking and finding connections with people.
For me, personally with my business, I see clients one-on-one, I do energy work with them. And so the way my business really took off is—I reached out to local alternative doctors and I said “Hey, this is what I’m doing. Can I do some free sessions for you so you can experience it, and then if you like it, maybe you can refer your patients to me?”
Yuri: That’s great.
Megan: I did that, and my business literally exploded overnight.
And I was booking six months out, it was just crazy.
So, things like that, if you’re starting within your own community. And then, branching out into the online space, same thing—it’s networking, it’s reaching out to people that have a similar message as you and saying, “Hey, let’s chat. I see that you’re doing this, I’m kind of doing the same thing, how can we help each other? What can I do for you? Is there anything that I can bring to your business that would be helpful for your tribe?”
And I think just reaching out and seeing how you can help other people. Instead of like, “Hey, how can you help me?” No, no, no.
You need to go out and think, how can you be of service to that person’s tribe or client base or e-mail list or whatever? So, a lot of collaboration, a lot of networking, and then just playing around.
Because everybody has got a different niche, and my tribe personally really likes online classes. Like, live online classes. And so, within my own list or within my own private Facebook group, I’ll just advertise—“Hey, I’m gonna teach this class on healing anxiety or healing emotional eating or how to muscle test” … And I’ll poll them.
I go to Facebook, I set up our poll—“What do you guys want to learn about?”
The power of asking your audience
Healing food intolerances. Okay, got it.
So, then I say, “Okay, we’re gonna do this $18.00 webinar master class.” It’s one night, it’s recorded, and I sit down and talk to my computer for an hour.
People join live or they watch the recording, and I get a ton—a ton, a ton of people join these classes.
And so, you have to kind of play with … Who is your market? Are these busy moms that don’t have a lot of time to read a whole book or to take a whole e-course? Are these people that just need to know what to do real quick? I teach them a quick class? They love that.
So, it’s really playing around. It’s taken me a while to really figure out what they want. But ask them what they want. Send out surveys, send out polls. What do you want to learn about? How do you want it delivered? Do you want videos? Do you want to read something?
Just start giving them what they want. Because I know, for me, especially with the business, I have an idea of what I want to do. But it’s not necessarily what people actually want to consume.
But asking them—asking how you can help them, and if that’s your tribe or somebody you’re networking with, how can you help that person?
Yuri: So much gold there. Like, if you’re listening to this and you haven’t taken down like three big nuggets just from what Megan shared there, you’re crazy. I want to recap some of the things I just pulled out of that.
So, first you said—when you were local, you were going to other practitioners and saying, “I want to give you a free session before anything.” It’s such a smart move—it’s the try before you buy model, right?
It’s very intuitive, I think, for a lot of people to think about doing that offline. But for whatever reason, when people come online, I’ve noticed a lot of them are like, “Oh, I don’t want to give away my best stuff for free.”
It’s like—no, no, no. Give away your best stuff for free, let people experience how awesome you are, and then they’re more likely to refer you or do business with you, which was exactly what you experienced when you had this huge number of referrals from those local practitioners, which is such a good idea.
You talked about networking. Everyone that has been on this show has said, the fastest way to the end result is … Network.
Get in front of the right people. Hire a coach, hire a mentor, it’s all the same stuff. That’s such a cool thing that’s come out as well, from what you just shared.
And ask your audience.
I mean, like, man—I can’t even begin to count how many ridiculous ideas I’ve launched without even asking my audience. And not that the audience always has the answers—because I think there’s some innovation from the entrepreneur that comes into play—but it’s so smart.
I mean, just ask them what they want to know about. And then give it to them. It’s as simple as you mentioned, creating a poll on Facebook. It doesn’t have to be much more complex. So that’s great. Thank you for sharing those nuggets of wisdom.
Megan: Of course.
Be Consistent
Yuri: So, let’s talk specifically online here—over the last two years, what’s been the biggest challenge that you’ve faced in your business?
Megan: The biggest thing is staying consistent, for me. And that’s really what I’ve recommitted to lately—okay, I have to stay consistent. Because when I am, that’s when traffic explodes on my website, and when sales go up.
Yuri: If you’re consistent with like, content production, or…?
Megan: Yeah, with whatever you’re doing. For me, yes—content production. So the plan that I’ve committed myself to is one video a week—and usually I’ll just do a Facebook Live in my group or on my Facebook page, upload it to YouTube, transcribe it and make it a blog, send the blog out to Pinterest, send it to Instagram, re-feed it through Facebook again, and just keep doing that… Every. Single. week.
And this is what I did—two years ago, when I decided to come online, I said, “I’m just gonna start a blog and I’m gonna commit to one blog a week for a year. So, 52 blogs, I’m gonna commit to that.”
And it was just one of these things where i was like, “I’m just gonna do it. I’m gonna stay consistent, and I’ll know.” Like the universe will show up and I’ll know if this is where I need to keep putting my time and my effort.
And it grew really fast. It was like, all of a sudden, overnight, I was connecting with all these huge bloggers that I had been following for years, decades, basically, while I was on my own health journey.
And it was like, “Oh my gosh, these people are like, reading my blog. People are pinning this, they’re sharing it.” And it was just like, “Okay, yes I have to keep doing this. People need this information.”
And so, that’s where I started—I just committed to doing a blog post every week. And where I am now is, I’m committing to doing a video every week, and just staying consistent. That’s not a sexy answer, but when you’re online, it’s that consistent content that’s gonna keep things fresh for you and keep people going to your website and driving business.
Yuri: Work the big bird. And honestly, the less sexy your business is, I think, the better off it’s gonna be.
Megan: Yeah.
Yuri: Because the thing is, a lot of people, they confuse entertainment for what actually matters in the business.
And by that, I mean like, we get bored of what we do much more quickly than our audience does. So, we’re like, “Yeah, I’m gonna try this new thing because I am personally bored of doing what I’ve been doing.”
But consistency is definitely a huge asset.
Megan: And it can be hard, and that’s the challenge, you know? Life happens. And there’s weeks where it’s like, “You know what? I don’t want to do it this week. I feel tired.”
Or something’s going on. My husband is traveling and one of my kids is home sick, and life just kind of happens … And then all of a sudden, it’s three weeks later and I’m like, “Oh shoot, I haven’t done anything.”
So, it’s creating that time to stay as consistent as you can, which can be a challenge, but which can be a huge payoff if you can-
Yuri: And I’m guilty of that as well, because … I’ve started and stopped four different podcasts. This is not going to be one of them. This is going to be forever, for as long as I can foresee.
But, I think what happens, at least in my case is, when you don’t have stuff structured into your calendar … It’s like working out. If you don’t actually have it scheduled in your calendar, it’s just too easy to say, “Eh, I don’t feel like doing it today.”
Megan: Yeah. Exactly.
Yuri: You have to have that accountability to be like, “Okay, 2:00pm every Monday, this is my block of time for this.”
Do you find that to be challenging because you work at home? Because you’re your own boss, versus if someone else told you to do that?
Megan: Yeah, exactly. And it’s creating those spaces and having those boundaries, creating that schedule for yourself. You have to have that discipline.
And I think, for me, in the business, another tip I think is—my husband and I would look at these other entrepreneurs, and it was like, “Oh, they have this overnight success.” And we’re like, “Oh, this blog post. Oh, Hay House is gonna pick this up, this blog post, and then we’re done.
We had these really great ideas, and it’s not a bad thing to hold those goals, but—the consistency. And it’s not these overnight successes that it might look like on the outside for other people. Those overnight successes happened because of probably years and years of consistency.
So, not to get caught up in, “Okay, I’m putting this YouTube video out, it’s gonna go viral, my life is gonna be amazing in a week, and this is it and I’m done.”
Not that I ever actually thought that would happen, but you can get caught up into thinking something like that might happen—and if it does, that’s great for you. And if it doesn’t, that doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong, it doesn’t mean that your message isn’t great, and it doesn’t mean that you’re not gonna get to where you want to be and you’re not gonna make your goals.
It just means, keep going.
Keep going, just be consistent. We see that one story of, you know—my video went viral or this publishing company picked me up or whatever. But what came before that? It was years of putting a lot of sweat equity into that business.
Yuri: Exactly. That’s a very, very good perspective. And it’s true.
I really feel that entrepreneurship is the ultimate spiritual journey, because you learn so much about yourself and you deal with so much of your own junk, that you would never have really been faced with if you were a nine-to-fiver, for the most part.
Megan: Absolutely.
Yuri: And that’s why like, I love like, Louise Hay—who sadly passed away recently—you know, she started Hay House, I believe in the second half of her life. I think she was in her late 50s, early 60s, when she started Hay House.
We look at the McDonald’s thing with Ray Kroc, he was a sales guy. Door-to-door, shop-to-shop, for 30 years. Never really hit anything, and then he stumbles upon McDonald’s at, like 52 or 53, and became the wealthiest man in America in the space of like half a decade.
I find it really, really helpful to listen to stories like that and see movies, like in the case of The Founder. Because it’s such a great reminder that it’s never too late, but it also doesn’t happen overnight.
Megan: Yeah.
Yuri: And as you said, you have to put in the sweat equity and it doesn’t matter when you’re starting, because there’s so much possibility nowadays.
Megan: Yeah. So, just keep going, and stay excited, but stay grounded and don’t get disappointed when you think you’ve put out this huge passion project and it’s not being received in the way that you want.
It just means, get back to the drawing board, keep tweaking, keep going and just trust in those goals. Continue to hold the vision of that end goal that you have for yourself, and put a smile on your face and keep going.
Yuri: Yeah, totally. I call it delusional optimism.
Megan: Yeah, that’s a good one.
Yuri: You gotta have it.
Megan: I’m very delusional.
Yuri: Yeah, I think we all are. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be doing what we’re doing. Well, we are. I mean, it’s like, “Hey, you’re gonna fail 99 times out of 100, but you gotta keep on going.” “Does that sound like fun?” “Um, yeah, okay. Let’s do it.”
Megan: Let’s do this. Let’s go.
Big mistakes and learning lessons
Yuri: So, let me ask you this. What’s a big mistake you’ve made in your business? Maybe you don’t regret it, because everything is a lesson, but what was like, a really bad move at the time—something you’re maybe not too proud to admit?
Megan: Not too proud to admit … I don’t know. I’m trying to think. Not to be too optimistic, but everything really has been quite a learning experience, and I guess I think of it differently than a fail. But … I think, early on when I was starting—we touched on this earlier—but two years ago, I would just start putting things out because I felt really passionate about it, and it wasn’t necessarily what my audience wanted.
And so, I liked doing it because it was satisfying to me, but when it wasn’t well received, I was like, “Aw, that’s kind of sad.”
Yuri: Yeah.
Megan: And that’s where I’ve had to change some of what I talk about, to tailor to what my people really want to learn about and what they want help with. And I had a hard time … I’m kind of transitioning into talking a lot more about anxiety, and I really resisted that because I mean, I dealt with it for years. And panic disorder, and the whole thing.
So, I can definitely speak to it. But it’s like, I’m not the anxiety girl. I don’t want to just talk about anxiety, I want to talk about the happy stuff. I want to talk about mindset and healing yourself … but that’s not where they’re resonating with me.
They’re resonating with me when I touch on anxiety, and when I poll them and I ask, “What do you want to learn about?” It’s anxiety.
And so, for me, I think the biggest “fail” is putting the stuff out there that I just want to talk about, and not really listening to them, and hearing them. Hear when they’re saying, “That’s great Megan, cool. But like, how do you not have a panic attack when you’re driving?”
And I’m like, “Yeah, yeah, we’ll get there. Let’s talk about mindset.”
So I think, for me at the beginning, I was definitely spending a lot of time creating content, creating products, and people wanted something a little different. And so, it was a lot of … I don’t want to say wasted time, because it’s all good content and it’s all been satisfying work to me, but financially it hasn’t come back to me in the way that I wanted. Because I think I wasn’t really speaking to them in the same way.
Yuri: Yeah, and you’ll probably find, as you mentioned, a lot of times—they’re most concerned about their most immediate pain.
Megan: Exactly.
Yuri: “Let’s sit and do mindset stuff”—that’s like a nice-to-have. But like a must-have is like, “How do I not have a panic attack … today?”
Megan: Right.
Rapid-five questions
Yuri: And that’s a really good lesson to keep in mind, for sure. So, Megan, this has been awesome. Are ready for the rapid five?
Megan: I am. I’m a little nervous …
Yuri: I’m gonna call them the rapid five, I think. Yeah.
Megan: We’ll see. I hope I’m up for it.
Yuri: So you have no idea what these questions are. I haven’t told you in advance. We’re just gonna go right into it. Whatever comes top of mind, just shout it out.
Megan: All right.
Yuri: Cool?
Megan: Cool.
Yuri: All right. Your biggest weakness?
Megan: Ah, passion.
Yuri: Your biggest strength?
Megan: Passion.
Yuri: So funny, everyone says the same thing. Both sides. But it’s true though.
Megan: Oh yeah. Well it’s like, I get so excited about stuff—which is great. I’m like, ideas and passion, and I wake up in the middle of the night writing down a new business idea … but it’s also my downfall.
It’s like, stay the course. Stay the course. Yeah.
Yuri: Awesome. Okay, number three. One skill you’ve become dangerously good at in order to grow your business?
Megan: One skill I’ve become good at … Getting behind the camera. Learning to do videos. I was nervous at first, and then I’ve had to just learn to roll with it, so, yeah.
Yuri: What do you do first thing in the morning?
Megan: Have tea. I make tea, go outside, sit and watch the sun rise. We live on two acres, and we’ve got chickens and a garden. It’s so beautiful here, and we live right in the mountains in Virginia, and so I go outside, I drink my tea and I go for a walk and I do yoga. Every single morning.
Yuri: Sounds terrible. I don’t know how you do it.
Megan: Yeah, it’s horrible.
Yuri: Okay, finally, complete this sentence. I know I’m being successful when.
Megan: When I am really enjoying myself.
Yuri: Awesome. There you have it guys and gals, the one and only Megan Buer.
Megan, thank you so much. What is the best place for people to stay in touch with what you’re doing online or maybe get in touch with what you’re doing work wise?
Megan: Yeah, I’m all over the place. So, my website is harmony-restored.com, I’m on Facebook—Harmony Restored— r then my personal is Megan Buer. I’m on Instagram, I’m on Pinterest, you can find me all over the place.
Yuri: Cool, awesome. Megan, once again, thank you so much for taking the time, sharing so many amazing nuggets that, again, if you’re listening to this, rewind this and play this again in slow motion. I’ve got a whole sticky pad of notes here just based on like 10 things that Megan has talked about.
So, Megan, thank you so much. This has been awesome.
Megan: Thank you, thanks.
So, I don’t know about you, but that was a pretty amazing interview.
Megan dropped some serious knowledge, some serious nuggets of wisdom. As I mentioned, I took several, several lines of notes on my sticky pad here. Just some really great nuggets, loving how she talked about the importance of connecting with others to really accelerate her growth. Because when you come online, for the most part, you know no one. Right?
You’re an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and if you don’t go out of your way to connect with others, it’s going to be very tough to really crack the code of building a successful online business.
Loved how she talked about creating boundaries with her kids, and if you’ve got kids as well and you work from home—that’s something that is super, super important. And there’s just lots of other great nuggets as well.
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Free Healthpreneur Health Profit Secrets Book
If you would like a free copy of the Health Profits Secrets book, you can get that over at healthpreneurbook.com.
It will show you the four secrets that really are the fundamental components to building a successful online health or fitness business.
You need to know this because if you’re missing one of them, it’ll be like having dinner at a table with a wobbly leg which is not a lot of fun.
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What You Missed
In the last episode, we talked about five costly mistakes I’m happy I made while building my online business. If you don’t already know, I am a slow learner. And I made a lot of mistakes as I was building my online health and fitness business, but I learned from all of them.
In this episode I’m going to share those mistakes with you, so that you can learn the lessons that I’ve learned—without having to make the mistakes in the first place.
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