Your Virtual Practice Blueprint
With the COVID-19 Pandemic, a lot of health practitioners have found themselves in a predicament where their brick and mortar businesses have been closed and although their income has dropped significantly, their expenses have not.
If that’s you, I’m here to help you solve that problem with the Virtual Practice Blueprint.
It’s a 3-step plan to helping you reduce cancellations, taking your practice on line and getting new patients to book with you.
If you’re a hands-on practitioner, I’m going to show you specific examples of how you can work with patients and clients on-line.
There’s so much ample opportunity out there with everyone at home and spending more time than ever online.
You need to think out of the box and tap into those opportunities.
Click here to watch the Virtual Practice Blueprint training that will help save your practice.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 01:28 – Introducing Today’s Topic
01:28 – 02:30 – The Virtual Practice Blueprint
02:30 – 06:51 – How You Can Work With Patients And Clients Virtually
06:51 – 10:00 – There’s So Much Ample Opportunity Right Now
10:00 – 12:37 – What You’ve Done Up Until Now Is Irrelevant
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What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about what questions you need to be asking in order for your business to not just survive, but thrive during the COVID pandemic..
Right now, with all that is going on with COVID-19, if you want to have a business, your business need to be relevant.
You can’t be the person sitting on a lounge chair in a category 5 hurricane thinking it blow over. If you do nothing, you will get BLOWN AWAY.
When it comes to your business, you need to ask yourself if you’re asking the WRONG questions or the right questions. Are you asking the big questions or the small questions?
If you’re not sure what I mean by that, you’ll want to pay attention as I give examples of the wrong questions to be asking yourself about your business and the right questions you should be asking yourself.
You can catch the full scoop right here: Are You Asking The WRONG Questions?
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