The Only 3 Tools We Use To Manage Our Business
What’s up, Healthprenuers? Yuri here. Hope you’re having a great day. Today I want to share with you three tools we use to manage our company.
Now you probably are aware that there are thousands upon thousands of software, tools and tech pieces you could use in your business and quite frankly, it becomes overwhelming.
I want to give you a higher level perspective of how we manage things in our business so maybe that will help you with yours as well.
Three Higher Level Perspectives
If we want to think of it at a high level, we want to think of three phases for pretty much most businesses and that’s going to be communicate, operate, and automate.
In each one of those three categories, we have three major pieces of software that we use. When I say major, I’m really not talking about major, okay? So let’s just break this down.
When we talk about communicate, we use Slack.
Slack is a communication tool. Basically, it just allows us to centralize all of our communication in one platform instead of using email back and forth a thousand times. So any discussions related to specific areas of the business, we set up a new channel within Slack and then we keep that discussion within there, and then it also allows us to use direct messages to specific people inside of Slack as well.
For instance, for us, we have channels inside of Slack for Facebook ads, client success, call reviews and stuff like that.
That’s just a couple examples of how we organize some of our communication.
Second, when we look at operate. How do we operate systems and how do we track where things are at in the process?
For that, we use Trello. Trello is a project management platform. It’s free as is Slack, so you don’t have to pay for this stuff, which is pretty cool.
We actually don’t use Trello that much but what we do use it for is when we speak with potential clients, we basically have a lifecycle, if you will, of where the prospect is in that cycle.
For instance, if somebody has booked a call, we put them in one list. If we’ve had the call and they’re a good fit but they haven’t enrolled, we put them in another column. If they’re not a good fit, we move them along there. If we need to follow-up with them, we move them to another column in that list.
It allows our team and our coaches to have a simple follow-up process to know who to follow up with, in what sequence and where people are at in that sales cycle if you want to think of it that way. So, we use Trello for that. That’s the second thing in terms of operate.
The third thing is automate. I’m a huge, huge geek when it comes to automation.
Automation, you can automate in two ways: you can automate through tech and you can automate through people.
Here’s one way to think about it. Anything you can do more than once should be documented. For processes, we use Google Docs. I love Google Docs. Anything I’m doing, whether it’s posting stuff on social media, this video, how we email our list, all of that is documented into a Google Doc. That’s then put into our playbook. Think of is as a football playbook, that has all the plays for your business.
So we have all the processes. I mean, we’re not perfect. We’re always adding and refining and going back and thinking, okay, did we put a process together for this thing? If not, let’s get it done. We use Google Docs for that. It’s extremely effective.
So, Google Docs, Google Sheets, I’ll put them in one category there. And that’s how we automate pretty much most of our business.
I can create a process and then I can get it all documented, get it all done, hand it off to someone else, and I can remove myself completely from that scenario. That is how you create freedom in your business.
The Three Tools We Use To Manage Our Business
Once again, here are the three tools: Slack, Trello, and Google Docs.
The cool thing is that they’re all free and enable us to manage the business at a higher level.
Underneath that stuff, there are different platforms. We use ClickFunnels, ScheduleOnce and EverWebinar.
There’s stuff like that that we use, but at a high level in terms of managing the business, those are the three different tools that we use to keep things organized and flowing seamlessly as much as possible.
I hope that helps you out. I hope that gives you a little bit of direction and if you have any thoughts on things that you use, by all means, just let me know in the comments below. If there are tools that you use to streamline your business, obviously I’d love to know what those are.
If you would like our help to streamline your business, to help you take your health coaching business to the next level, to serve more people without you grinding away 20 hours a day, then just send me a DM.
Send me a quick message below this video or just wherever you’re watching this. Let’s have a chat. Let’s have a chat to see where you’re at, where you want to go, and if either of us should be a good fit for us to help you.
That’s all for today. I hope you have an awesome one. I’ll talk to you soon.
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