How To Get Comfortable Asking For The Sale
Ask and you shall receive, Healthpreneurs! Welcome back. Today we’re going to talk about getting comfortable asking for the sale. When you’re comfortable and confident, you’ll convert at a much higher rate and at a price point you deserve.
Jackie, Amy, Stephanie, and I each have spent countless hour on calls with clients and prospective clients. Because of this, we have observed what works and what doesn’t through the study of ourselves and our Healthpreneur clients. For example, common issues during a sales call are divulging too much and being unprepared.
If you – or your potential client – aren’t ready for the sale, don’t do it. If you have low energy, are stressed, or your client needs the go-ahead from a spouse to say “yes,” reschedule. Set yourself up for success so you go into the call feeling comfortable and confident. Grab your notebook and get ready for some valuable tips that’ll increase your closing rate and have you selling like a pro.
In this episode, Jackie, Amy, Stephanie, and I discuss:
- The value of scripts and what happens when you divulge too much.
- The selling learning curve, confidence, and setting the stage for the offer.
- Practicing, recording, and perfecting your calls.
- Delusional optimism versus an assumptive attitude.
- Doing what you must do to be focused and ready for the call.
1:50 – 05:00 – Predictable pipeline building and where selling fits in
05:00 – 10:00 – A client example, the prescription phase, and why less is more
10:00 – 17:30 – Preparing yourself and the prospective client for the sale
17:30 – 27:00 – Avoiding assumptions, visualizing the close, and setting intentions
27:00 – 41:00 – The subconscious, the objection, and call part of the process
Hey guys, what’s up? Yuri here, welcome to another edition of … Let’s just call this between the ears, let’s just call this between the ears. Maybe that might be the simplest way to define these conversations.
We got our amazing results coaches in the house, Stephanie, Jackie, and Amy. What’s up guys?
So, two things I’m really excited about today, first and foremost, we have no black box on the screen, so everyone is on the screen today. That’s a big win for us, you know, the last couple of sessions, there’s been this mysterious black box. If you’re listening to us on the podcast, and you have no clue what we’re talking about, don’t worry I’m not going crazy. If you are watching this, obviously you know what I’m talking about.
Second, we’re going to be talking about how to get comfortable asking for the sale today which is such an important topic.
Predictable pipeline building and where selling fits in
We talk a lot about building a predictable pipeline in your business and having a predictable and mostly automated sales process where the only thing you do in the process, is get on the phone with people. Once you’ve got your webinar dialed in, once you’ve got your Facebook ads are rolling, once you have people coming in through that pipeline, you can kind of sit back and chill until people start booking calls with you.
With that, the single biggest needle mover, I would say in how effective you are at really building a very profitable business, is going to be how effective you are on the phone with people.
Today we’re going to talk about a couple of case studies from some of our clients in this discussion. But, I also, I want to lay a bit of a foundation first guys.
Just so you know what we’re talking about if you’re not a part of the Health Business Accelerator Workshop, we teach our clients how to build out their perfect client pipeline and we help them deploy that.
We’re talking about some type of cold traffic, usually in our case, Facebook ads, that are going to a webinar. From the webinar, we’re inviting people to get on the phone with us. They fill out an application, and if they’re qualified, you obviously would get on the phone with them, and then see if they’re a good fit to work with you in your program.
The most important thing I want you to understand is that this first call is not a sales pitch. The way we look at this, it’s the first coaching call. And what that means, is that there’s going to be moments where it might get uncomfortable, or you’re going to challenge people, and they’re going to be put in a position where you’re going to ask them, “Do you want to join me, yes or no?” You have to be assertive at that point.
Your ability … I’m not even going to say to sell, because I wouldn’t say there were hard core closures by any means. I think there’s a lot of opportunity for people who are more introverted, or are good listeners, to be just as effective in these calls; probably even more so, than a lot of the hard core closers which is not what we recommend, at all.
We’ve had a couple of clients that have had about six to eight calls, and they’ve enrolled one of those calls, or one of those people. There’s huge room for growth there and that’s what we’re going to talk about here.
So let’s jump into this.
A client example, the prescription phase, and why less is more
Jackie do you want to kick us off? You just got off the phone with one of our clients, literally just before we started recording here. We don’t have to mention names, but like what came up in that call, and what were some stumbling blocks so we can look at some ways to help our listeners and viewers overcome those.
Jackie: Absolutely, and yeah, I don’t think he would mind if I slipped the name here or there, on him.
Yuri: We’ll put up his picture and everything.
Jackie: Yeah, we’ll put up the picture. He’ll get the gold star for today.
This client was doing really well at following our proven system, even on the phone call portion. He had mapped out his own scripts. And scripts are okay. Scripts are what you use to practice and to get good. If you jump on your first call without having any clue what you’re going to say or ask, or any type of goal in mind, and the goal of course, is to close them, but it really isn’t.
The goal is to serve them, and to offer them an opportunity to get the result they’ve been dying to get. Right?
This client had all that mapped out really well, by following the program. It was to the point where he was using the prescription, and this is where we can have diarrhea of the mouth and sink our ship.
Yuri: So, could you clarify the prescription part so everyone knows what that means.
Jackie: The prescription part is where you’re talking about your solutions. You’re talking about how you’re going to help them get the result.
I had the client run through that with me. As he went through it, what initially flagged me was mentioning the price right away. “I have this great blah blah blah transformation program.” I’m like, “It sounds amazing.” And then, he goes, “It’s not even $3000.” Like, (humming). Bonk. You just left me there. Right? Now, all I’m thinking it’s $3000. $3000, oh my God, I can’t afford $3000, right? Even though we just had this beautiful conversation, this end part needs to be a conversation, too.
So you had this beautiful conversation talking about their pain points, talking about their challenges, and how he can help them, and how he’s helped others.
And then he gets to the prescription, and says the price right away. And, we’re like Ah! Don’t do that, right? Don’t do that. And, then he was just regurgitating all these bells and whistles, and bells and whistles, and I was like, overwhelm, overwhelm.
I have been in this industry forever, and I was still feeling overwhelmed.
I’m like cut it down. Let’s bullet what you’re really giving them?
Bam, this. Exercise, bam, this. Eat “blah’, prescription for eating, like (humming).
We narrowed it down to five quick things. What took him 10 to 15 minutes to tell me, we got down to 30 seconds or less.
Yuri: And, that’s huge, and I’ll be very honest with you. This is one of the mistakes I made on a lot of my calls, and this is something that as a team, we talk a lot about, is spending less time talking, than you are listening. Asking more questions, let the other person do most the talking, and where it’s very easy in the “here’s how I can help you” phase to just go off like forever.
I know that’s challenging, because as a coach we have advice, and we can help people, and we just want to kind of talk about our solution. When you’re prescribing how you can help someone, it doesn’t have to be the same answer every time. Your prescription should be flexible to the point where it’s tailored to each individual.
So, for instance, in our case, if we’re talking about how we serve our clients, in the discovery part of a call, if we see that they’re really stuck with Facebook ads, that would be a piece that we talk a little bit more about in the prescription, but without going into detail. We can just say we’re going to help you build out your Facebook ads, and tie it back into the pain points that they highlighted earlier in the call, whereas someone else might have a big sticking point with their webinar, and that becomes the focus of what we talk about in the prescription.
So, it’s always going to be tailored to the individual conversation. You know, bearing in mind, the overall framework that you’re working through people.
But, yeah Jackie, that’s a great point. Anyways continue, if there’s anything else about prescriptions.
Jackie: Always keep in mind that it’s all about them. So when we get into prescription phase, sometimes it can be about us, because it’s our program. We created this proprietary process. And it’s our baby, and we get excited. And, I used to be guilty of doing the same thing, because you just want to give, give, give, or you want to share what you really have to offer.
Less is more, because if you just stick to tailoring to their pain points and that’s exactly what we did when working with this client.
We coached him to where he can have a little framework to go about, but he can pick what he needs just for that call. So, that he’s not having the diarrhea of the mouth, and then losing them right at the end, right?
Yuri: It’s kind of like, looking at a book, and if you were trying to sell a book, you don’t need to sell every single chapter. The person just wants to know what is the outcome I’m going to get from reading this book? Right? And you can just quickly skim through the table of contents, and then if they have any more specific “how does this work” questions, then you can go into that afterwards.
But, the key as you said Jackie, is it’s not about us. It’s never about us, and this is one of the biggest things I see with health experts, is we think we’re so smart, because a lot of times we are.
I remember one of our first clients, I’m not going to mention his name, he’s like, well I developed this course, it’s a 1000 hours of video. I’m like, shit, because I did that years ago, with one of our courses. I’m like no one cares about that stuff. Nobody cares about that. And you just have to remember, whatever it is that you’re creating, you have to tie it into the benefit that, that person’s going to experience from that thing.
So, anyway, great insights, Jackie. That’s awesome.
Preparing yourself and the prospective client for the sale
Amy you do a lot of calls for us on the phone as well. Perspective for people listening and watching, you have your own business. Your own online business, coaching business. So, you are enrolling clients for yourself, and you also are a coach with us, so you help us obviously enroll clients into our HP program as well.
What has been your learning curve in respect to doing these calls? What was initially one of your challenges and how do you feel now with practice over time with respect to that?
Amy: Those are great questions. I’ll be perfectly honest. When I started working with Healthpreneur, it was way easier for me to get to the price point with the enrollment calls than it was with my own program. And why is that? Confidence. I had confidence in Yuri, I had confidence in the HPA. I had gone through it myself, had amazing results, and although I had worked in the fitness industry for 25 years, and I’ve gotten countless clients amazing results, and have been online for several years, this was new. This price point was new.
I had a unique experience. I was always good on the phone, even with my studio. I’m not afraid to get on the phone. And we talked a little bit about this last week. What I find for myself, the learning curve, is I have to set my intention. So, if I have a call coming up, I have to have enough time before the call to do the ritual that I have created so that I am in service to the person on the phone.
What I’ve learned, even though you’re in service and you’re coaching, you’re setting the stage from the very moment you get on the phone with these folks. You’re setting the stage for asking them to join you, if it’s appropriate.
You’re saying, “Hey, I got you down for a personal success call for 45 minutes, does that sound right?” “Yes.” “So, what prompted you to book this call?” Keep in mind that you’re constantly pulling from them. “Is there anyone else you need?” And this is a big one that we can come back to. “Is there anyone else you need, to make a yes or no decision? If we get to that point.” So, you’re setting the stage already, so right there, if they say, “Well, yes, I really can’t make a decision without blah, blah, blah.” You can immediately say, “Well, you know what, if that’s the case let’s reschedule when they can be on.” So, you’re not getting to the end and getting that. So, right in the beginning, you’re saying, “Hey, I get that, I get that you might have somebody else.” And we ask that in our final email as well. “Hey, I have someone else on the call.”
So, the learning curve really was, like, okay I really need to set my intention. I have a lot of experience on the phone. If you don’t it’s even more important for you to practice these calls. So, practice, do them with other Healthpreneurs, get feedback from us, but hook up with each other. And, do your call script, because that will serve you better than even getting on with us. Because, they’ll hear each other’s mistakes, or where you’re tripping up. I also learned that when I’m getting to the point, that I’m going to ask them to join, I need to stand up. If I do not stand up, my voice drops. And it’s power positioning, it’s whatever it is. I have more confidence when I stand, and so standing to ask, is super important for me.
Also, you asked about the prescription phase. In that prescription phase again, you are talking about solutions, but you’re setting the stage. You’re very simply saying, this is the four step process. I have three, but my three S’s, structure, systems, and scheduling. So, I just very briefly go over that, and say, “Okay, let’s talk about where you’re stuck.”
Where did I learn this from? I learned from the HPA, and from Yuri. So, when we get on the phone with initial enrollment calls, we say this is our four part system. Now, let’s get to where you said you were most challenged. So, you’re not like throwing up all over them, if they already have a program in place. You’re not throwing up all over them, if they already eat well, but they don’t know how to fit exercise in. I need to focus on that. I’m talking about the HPA on my own program.
It always comes down to confidence. It comes down to if you only got paid for delivering an amazing result, who would you work with? And now, that person’s on the phone with you. Right? And they’re going to give you money before you deliver the result. So, you better be sure you can deliver it, and when you go in to the call, be like “Hell yeah, I can deliver that.” Then you’re going to stand up, and ask for them to join you. And when you ask them to join you, I just find like my … You were asking what’s different? I was timid in the beginning. You heard my calls, you heard the recordings, and some of it is going to be that folks. So, energetically some of the people who aren’t ready for your program, are going to come to your calls, so you can practice. And, then you’ll gain the confidence, so you can attract the person that’s right for you.
So, I hope that answered your question.
Yuri: Yeah.
Amy: Yeah.
Yuri: That’s good. I think you know, one of the things you touched on was just practice, right?
Amy: Yeah.
Yuri: And, this is something we’ve suggested and encouraged over and over is getting together, just regularly posting in the group, “Hey guys, I’m looking for a practice call, who wants to do one?” Just getting the practice in, is super important, because you’re going to be paying for these calls, essentially. So, why not get the repetitions in before that.
This is something I recommend when we first started bringing you guys onto these calls, was to read the script and learn the script to the tee. So, if you are initially following your own script, speak into a microphone and record it, listen to yourself, and look for those sticking points.
For example, where am I umming, like, uh, all of that kind of stuff. Clean that up.
When you get to the offer and the sale, or the quote/unquote ask, or the close, is there a pause? Is there any kind of hesitancy? Is there a drop in confidence or certainty? Because it’s not the words that you say necessarily, it’s how you say them. It’s the non-verbal communication, right? The tonality, that type of stuff, those are the things you really have to pay attention to, because that is what the human brain subconsciously is picking up on.
We say this all the time. People are buying certainty, and if you don’t feel 100% certain in your solution, number one, drink more of your own kool-aid, or go back to the drawing board and make it amazing. But, don’t let that be a procrastination block to just perfect things. And, then second is repetition. Like, repetition, repetition, repetition, and honestly, I don’t know about Jackie, Amy, Steph, I felt 10 times more effective and confident even after four or five calls. You know, it didn’t take a 100 calls, it was like four or five calls to work out some of the kinks.
We record the calls, we listen back to them, and once you are doing your own live calls with clients, or prospective clients, record them, listen back to those as well. Just a lot of really cool stuff here, that I hope you guys are taking notes on, and taking into consideration.
Avoiding assumptions, visualizing the close, and setting intentions
Steph, what about you? Because you do a lot of this stuff with your own clients, what do you see … What are some tips or strategies that you found to be effective for you getting, comfortable asking for the sale?
Stephanie: Well, you know what’s interesting is that Jackie and Amy both kind of touched on the two biggest things. One is really tactical, right? Which is kind of what Jackie was talking about, where it’s getting really confident, clear, and really concise in what you’re saying.
Amy said, how she specifically finds out people’s pains points, and then can speak a little bit more about that one aspect of the offer, or whatever that is. So, that’s all tactical. And then Amy mentioned another piece, which is the energetic piece of it.
What I found is that a lot of people have negative connotations about, not only sales in general. A lot of people think sales is kind of slimy, so they’re going in kind of thinking that already. That completely affects the way you’re presenting your offer to people.
But, also I have a lot of people that suffer with already going into the call, thinking that people aren’t going to afford it. If they happen to know something about them, like for example, I talked about this in a Facebook live.
I have one client who, she had a lot of teacher friends, and she was like, “I know they’re teachers, so they probably can’t afford this price point.” If you’re going into the call already thinking that, then you’re going to be presenting it in a way that’s very low energetic, you’re not going to be very excited. You’re going to be very timid when you tell them the price point.
It’s about getting really confident in your offers, and not making assumptions about the people that you’re speaking to. Because a lot of time, and especially when you guys are raising your price points, that’s one thing that is amazing about HPA, is that we’re helping people raise their price points to the point that they actually deserve to be receiving for their great gifts.
However, once you raise that price point, then you’re already in your head thinking … Or, sometimes, let’s not make assumptions. But a lot of times people will be like, “Oh my gosh, this is a lot, this is a lot, this is a lot.” Simply because it’s just you maybe weren’t charging enough to begin with.
So, if you can just wrap your head around that first, and one of the things that really helps is, you know, you already talked about practicing, practicing, practicing, and recording yourself, and listening. And then also, visualizing the close if you want to call it a close. That’s kind of like a boiler room type of terminology. There’s like a whole technique in sales, more militant sales, like the boiler room sales, where it’s assume the close, assume the close. But, really all that’s saying, is just assume a positive outcome. Assume people are going to love what you have to offer.
Yuri said something the other day in one of our meetings, that was like delusional confidence. What was it that you said?
Yuri: Delusional optimism.
Stephanie: Delusional optimism, I absolutely love that, because that’s kind of what it is. It’s almost like just psyching yourself up so much before these calls. Just like Amy stands up and she feels really confident, whatever it is that you need to do. And, she mentioned that she has a ritual that she does before each call, and that’s been a game changer for me in my personal coaching business, is having a setup, at least to give myself a buffer. 10 to 15 minutes, where I’m literally tapping into this higher vibrational plane, and just getting really setup, and just setting the intention that I’m going to help this person so much and what I have to offer is going to help them so much, and that they’re just going to have so much engagement on this call, and that’s really what helps me to set that up. When I don’t do that, the energy is completely different.
So, it’s really important to just set yourself up before the call. You know, because the scripts and all that stuff are really important. But like Yuri said, it’s not really about what you’re saying, it’s more about how you’re saying it, that people subconsciously latch on to.
Amy: I just wanted to jump in with your assumptions, because that’s something that I am still learning, right? We sometimes have assumptions, and you’re talking about assumptions before people even go to put their program out there. Then we get to the application process, where I am guilty of making assumptions.
You look at the application, right? People aren’t always, even when we’re asking, the question about how much would this be worth to you, or how much do you have to invest? Somebody might put zero, because they don’t want to tell us, right? They’re kind of like, I’m doing this and I can’t believe I’m making this phone call, and I’m not telling them how much money. They don’t know us, they know the webinar. They don’t know if we’re going to raise the price based on what they say they can afford, which we would never do, but they don’t know. So, I’ve learned that. And I’ve gone into calls, thinking somebody wouldn’t join, and guess what, I was super relaxed and they joined, they enrolled because I had no assumptions or expectations.
This weekend I had a very interesting phone call, that I was on way too long with. And the application said, 10 to 15 grand to spend on a solution, to invest in a solution, right? So, this was one of the most difficult calls I’ve had, and should have gotten off way sooner.
So, just make no assumptions, so if you go in knowing that you’re in service and not knowing the outcome, meaning that if it’s not for this person, you’re going to tell them. So that, if you’re then still serving them. Because if you bring them into your world, and they’re going to rock your whole boat, that’s not serving you or them. So, you really are serving them, if you tell them this isn’t a fit for you. The short of it is, do your best to let go of assumptions, and I’m still struggling with it. But, it really helps when I can just be open.
Yuri: Yeah, and you bring up a good point, too. Because, just because someone’s on the phone with you, does not mean you should make them an offer.
There are times, I’m telling you guys because if you bring the wrong people into your program, number one, they can become a cancer that is going to suck the energy out of you, and it’s going to make it worse for everyone else that you’re working with. So, remember on your calls, this is not about, “Please work with me.” It’s you are Simon Cowell of American Idol. You’re sitting your chair, and they’re up on stage performing and auditioning for you. That’s the position you have to take with these calls, right?
We’re not selling a $10 e-book, we’re selling a three to five-thousand-dollar coaching program, and for them, they have to sell you on why you should take them. So, you have to have that perspective, with obviously service in mind.
Again, it’s not about begging people to work with you, because again, subconsciously under the surface, people detect neediness. And neediness is not a good thing.
So, there will be times where you will get people on the phone, and whether, it’s energetic or you just want to … Let’s say I’ve been on the phone with a few people, that I didn’t even like having a conversation with them. And, maybe I could have had them invest in the program, but I’m like man, do I want to spend the next several months working with this person? The answer is, no. So, I’m just going to shut this down. And there have been times where you know, you might get to the point where it’s like, “Okay, I’m thinking I just need to make a sale, I just need to get some money coming in.” And, guys I know it’s tough, and I know it’s alluring to have an enrollment and get several thousand dollars.
There’s an old saying, “Commission breath, if they fog up the mirror, then you can make them an offer.” You have to get away from this. This is why it’s important to really identify your perfect client criteria. And if they don’t meet that, you have to be very firm in saying, “Listen, I just don’t think we’re a good fit.”
Amy: Yeah.
Yuri: With that said, If they are a good fit, and they’ve said, “Yes, I think this makes sense for me.” It’s your duty to close them.
I don’t like using the word close, whatever, enroll, whatever it is. But, it’s at that point, if you get to the point where they’re like, “Yeah, I need your help.” And you know they’re a good fit, and you can actually help them. Now, it’s your duty to do whatever you have to do to get them to hand over the credit card and enroll in your program. And, this is where I think personally, a lot of people get stuck. And, I think the biggest reason, is the fear of being disliked. I really do, the fear of being disliked holds us back from so many things, because oh my god, we might piss this person off. What if they say no, to me. The fear of rejection is a big fear.
And, I’ve listened to a number of calls of our clients, and always at that one point, “Would you like to join us?” Or, “Shall we get started today?” Or, whatever the phrase you want to use is, there’s always a drop in energy or hesitation there. And guys, that one question arguably is the most important question. Like, you have to be firm and people will pick up on that confidence, and if you say with certainty. You’re like, “Listen, here’s the deal, do you want to join us, yes or no?” That’s it. And you have to be firm with that. Because if you’re not, if you’re wavering, you’re not going to get the results you want to get.
Going back to what you talked about, Steph and Amy, the pre-ritual. I want to talk about just really quickly here. I was listening to an interview months ago, and I wish I remembered the guy’s name. But he was talking about how there have been studies that have shown that because our brains seeks out danger, that’s one of the biggest things we’re able to do. We are sensitive to dangerous things, and we obviously will do anything to avoid them. So, what they found in this one study was that the subconscious can pick up on stress, it can pick up on desperation, it can pick up on all those different emotions. And what they found, is that the other person on the other line, physiologically can mimic at a cortisol level the same cortisol you have in your body.
So, if you’re going into a call, stressed out, angry with the idea that people are bad, and no one’s going to pay, that emotion physiologically as well as energetically is picked up by that other person. And, they’ve shown this in studies. So, we have a saying at our company, which is, “get zen, and then.”
So this is why we talk about these pre call rituals. Do what you have to do, to like chill, focus, visualize a positive outcome, and then get on the phone with people. And, I’ve made this mistake in the past, I told you about this Jackie. Many, many times where I had like six calls back to back, on one day. And it was exciting, you know some people would enroll. But there would be other days where I was like, I was just exhausted. And, I would get to the end of the day, like my fourth or fifth call even, and I’m like, I’m not even in a mental state anymore to be speaking with these people. So, don’t make the mistake of doing that. Give yourself some time. Chill out, meditate, go for a walk, and then get on the phone with everyone. Because they don’t know that you’ve had four calls before this one. Right? You have to give your full, undivided attention to each person on the phone.
What else?
Amy: Yuri, I loved what you said about it being our duty and responsibility and really our obligation. There are people out there waiting. That’s not just something we say. They really are searching on Google at night. They are said, they are depressed. They’re searching for an answer, and we’re giving them hope. And, if you get them on the phone, for many people, especially, I speak from my own experience. I work with mainly women, but for many, many women they haven’t spent the money, or invested in themselves because they’re so busy care taking. So you get people that are afraid, like oh my gosh, not only are they … They might have plenty of money to invest, but they are not used to investing in themselves.
So, you’re dealing with a lot of different things, so to help them, and even say to them, you told me that you wanted XYZ. We’ve talked about this, you’ve said this makes sense to you. You said you have the support of your spouse, you’ve told me all of these things. “So, if money weren’t an issue, would you enroll? Okay, well you said on your application.” I mean I go back to this, and call people out, and say I’m a little bit confused because on your application you said you had XYZ to invest, you’re telling me all of these things. I understand it’s scary, but what’s the worst thing that’s going to happen? It’s just really empowering yourself to empower your clients.
Yuri: Yeah, totally. I totally lost my train of thought there. I think what it comes down to guys, is there’s three things I think. Number one, is your mindset and just overall energy, you know, approach in the call. Got to get that in. And second, is you have to fully drink your kool-aid. I mean I’m not a huge fan of cults, okay? But, there’s a lot to be learned from that.
There’s a lot to be learned from Scientology, and different cults around the world. Where you’ve got these leaders who are so delusional in what they believe, that they create this following of people.
In the book Influence, by Robert Cialdini, he talked about this. Actually it’s great, great book, there’s a whole chapter on this. He talked about a cult community in South America, I think they were from the States, and they moved down to Guyana or something. They actually, all killed themselves because they believed that what the leader was talking about, made the most sense. It was like, “Hey, if you kill yourselves, we’re going to go to a higher whatever.” A hundred some odd people all collectively killed themselves.
I’m not talking about creating cults. We’re not getting to that level. But, what makes these leaders so effective, I think, is they believe without a shadow of a doubt in what they’re doing. And that’s why I call this delusional optimism. Like you have to be delusionally optimistic about a better future for yourself and your clients. But you also have to be very confident in what you’re offering people. Even if someone else is offering something similar.
Oh someone else talked about intermittent fasting, and they’re selling something for a hundred bucks. Who cares? It’s not about that. It’s not about that at all. Because remember, you don’t have to come out with the latest thing that no one’s ever seen before. Like, yes make it some be better, but just the very fact that you’re getting people to commit more money, means that they’re willing to step up and finally get the results. And you can call them out flat up, and you can say, “Listen, I’m not the first person, or the only person in the world to talk about intermittent fasting. Yes, you could spend all day long searching Google, and YouTube, and taking pieces all over the place, but why are we even having this conversation in the first place? Right? And you’ve probably already done that.”
And as Amy eluded to if they’re hesitating, you have to call them out on their bullshit. Because they are excuses about being fearful of moving forward. And I think it’s really important to let people know it’s not going to be easy, there’s going to be challenges. Let people know that, “Hey, if you’ve never worked out before, you’re going to feel sore.” Okay, because if you lie to them about that, I don’t think that’s a good thing for them to do. So, let people know that this is not going to be easy. But, I’m going to hold your hand through this process. And together we’re going to get through this, and you will get the results you want a hundred times more effectively, or with more certainty than you ever would on your own.
So, yeah. I think, it’s energetically getting to the right state. Really, really being assertive about what it is you have to offer. And then third is practicing the heck out of your call process, right? Go through the script, your script. Read it out, record it for yourself. Then, it’s about the framework, it’s not about the specific words. If you generally do a framework to follow, you’re good, and then just repetition, repetition, record your calls and listen to them over. And keep getting better, and better, and better. Guys, this is just about mastery. That’s all it is, it’s just about putting in the reps, looking at where you can improve, and getting back on the phone, that’s it.
The subconscious, the objection, and call part of the process
Jackie: One last thing none of us really touched on, was the objections? Like, that’s part of the practice.
So, as a coach you know, and Stephanie will laugh at this, I’m very hard core, it’s find an excuse, or find a way. It’s that simple, and that’s what you’re going to do, and that’s what your clients are going to do. So, you have to call them out on it. It’s part of the BS filter right? Their friends and their family, will be like, “Oh yeah, you’re right, that’s just who you are, that’s how life’s supposed to be.” Or, “We’re all fat and happy, let’s just deal with it, right?” No. No, no, no.
We have to call out the BS, that’s why they’re hiring us, that’s why they’re paying a premium for us to stand up for them, when they’re not willing to stand up for themselves. So, we can practice these objections that A, come up naturally on your phone calls. Or, preconceive them yourselves, you know, write down, “Okay, where would someone maybe say, XYZ.” Or, is it the money, is it my process, is it the result, is it the outcome. Is it not sustainable, how will they know? So, I think that’s a big part of it too, that hangs people up, is not feeling comfortable with objection. But, that leads to rejection, and that doesn’t feel good either.
But, if you’re serving your clients and coaching them through the conversation. It’s a conversation, it’s not a sales pitch. If you’re coaching them through that conversation, they’re going to enroll with you that day. Or it will be maybe a month or two later, depending on whatever true life circumstance may be happening. Life may be happening, I’ve had a couple women, which is ironic, going through nasty divorces and some major health issues, that I’ve had on our calls. And, they’re like, “I will be showing up, I just need to figure out how, and I’m going to figure out the money, and I’m going to do whatever it takes.” And, two or three of them have called back three weeks later, six weeks later, and they’re enrolled.
So, it’s having that mindset and having that service, and being okay with it because to me every “no”, is a challenge, and I love challenges. So, I’m like, “Okay, how can I make this work for this person, because they said they wanted it?”
Yuri: Totally. And guys, if you’re doing the calls now, if you’re at that point, go through module three in the portal, because we talk about how to overcome these objections, how to handle them. But, also we’re going to do a lot more of this stuff on the Q&A call. So, join me Thursday, I’m on the Q&A call. And I’ll go into detail about how to overcome these specific objections. Whether it’s, needing to get skills on the phone, or the money stuff. And we’ll talk about this, and we’ll work through this. And we’ll give you examples of how you can overcome that stuff. Because if you don’t know how to handle that, then you’re going to be caught like a deer in the headlights, when it comes up. And, if that happens, you’re done.
The thing is you have to visualize and prepare for things not going the way you want them to. So, as Jackie eluded to, what happens when this happens? How do I respond to this? What might happen, if this person says this? How do I respond? So, that’s very, very, very important for you guys to work through and each, and every one of you it might be a little bit different how you address that, based on the nature of your program, or in the way you approach things.
But you have to know how you’re going to handle these things, and I’m not a huge fan of these hard core salesmen. But one of the things I do appreciate about them, is that they are so quick on their feet, you just have to admire it. They will come up with a one liner, and you’re like, “No man, I’m just looking.” And, then boom they’ve got an answer for that, they’ve got the next thing. That is like, “Holy shit, what is this?” So not that you have to be that dude, but you have to be able to think quickly on your feet. In order to think quickly on your feet, you have to have this stuff rehearsed and planned out ahead of time.
Again, we could talk about this forever. So, guys if you’re in the program, get onto the Q&A calls. Get on to the support calls, the monthly check ins. Because, these fine ladies will help you guys out big time. We can help you out inside the group. We can listen to your calls, all that good stuff, okay? Because once you have this dialed in, it becomes very exciting when you’re looking at your calendar and you’ve got three or four, or five calls booked per day. It’s like alright, now I’ve actually got to turn the faucet down, because I’ve got too many people calling me. And that’s a really good place to be in. Because if you know for instance that you enroll one out of two people, you can start to predictably budget, or forecast what you can be doing revenue wise. And then based on that, looking at your critical numbers, okay wow, it’s costing me like … You know our client this morning Jackie, he’s paying $33 to get a client, or a prospective client on the phone. That is amazing. $33 gets them on the phone, and let’s say one out of every three, he’s enrolling clients for less than $100 for let’s say a $2000 or $3000 program. That’s a 20 to 1 ROI.
And when you know that, why would you not open up the bank, and give all of your money to Facebook. Now, it’s just how to get more of these people coming into my pipeline. And, that’s what this about guys, is that if you have … I’d say 90% of the pipeline automated, your Facebook ads, your webinar, your application.
The only time we’re not automating stuff is getting on the phone with people. And that’s where the magic happens, I really believe. So, Jackie, Amy, Steph thank you guys so much for sharing your wisdom today. For being awesome, and obviously supporting our clients in more of a one on one fashion through this stuff too. Because I know you guys really, really helped them out in a big way.
If you guys are watching this in the group, awesome work, keep it up. If you’re listening to us on a podcast, or watching us on our Healthpreneur group, or on my page, and you want our support to be able to enroll your best clients, premium prices, get through your own mental blocks to really be effective on the phone with people, without feeling salesy, by serving them and moving them to their higher, their better future, then it all starts by attending our free training, the 7 Figure Health Business Blueprint. Head on over to
It’s a 70 minute training. I guarantee it will give you some very big insights about what you should stop doing, what you should probably do a little bit more of, and a little bit more about our approach to how we serve our clients. And if it jives with you, if it resonates with you, then you can book a call with us. And you can experience first-hand what it’s like to be on the receiving end of one of these calls.
You’ll very quickly realize that it’s not a sales pitch, and we tell you that right up front. You’re not going to be hard closed, but if you’re a good fit for us, watch what happens, right? You’re going to determine this is the right fit, we’re going to determine this is a good fit, and then the rubber will hit the road.
So, Jackie, Amy, Steph, thank you guys so much for sharing your insights and your perspectives, everyone else thank you guys so much for tuning in, for another between the ears episode. And, have an awesome day everyone, and we’ll talk to you later.
Jackie: Bye everybody.
Amy: Bye.
Stephanie: Bye.
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What You Missed
In the last solo round, I talked about the top 5 traits all great leaders have in common. If you want to be a great leader you want to assure you possess all 5 of these traits.
Not all leaders are great leaders. And that’s why civilizations crumble, companies fail, and employees roll their eyes as their manager walks away.
In this episode, I’ll explain why great leaders birth other great leaders. You’ll understand why they focus on the what and why, rather than mulling over the how, and why great leaders are stubborn on the vision and flexible on the strategy.
You’ve got to be decisive but not hung up on the title your power and decision-making brings. Who cares if you’re CEO or the head of the personal training sector of a business? Step up and lead where your leadership is needed, and remember that there’s no “I” in “team.”
This episode is for anyone taking on a leadership position in any area of life whether in your family, your business, or your weekend volunteering gig.
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