She Captured $120k From Shark Tank to Multiply Her Healthy Pancakes Sales with Ashley Drummonds

Hey everyone, welcome back to the Healthpreneur podcast. I hope you are all ready for Christmas or whatever holiday you may be celebrating. So, today we have a guest that you may have actually seen on TV, her name is Ashley Drummonds and she has appeared on Shark Tank!
Now, she hasn’t just appeared on Shark Tank. She is the creator of ABS Protein Pancakes, as well as ABS Fit Life TV. Her protein pancakes are a healthy, protein-packed breakfast option to avoid the dreaded egg whites and oatmeal routine. And she was able to bring her pancakes onto Shark Tank and get a deal with Daymond John! So, we’re going to get the low-down on exactly how she got on Shark Tank and what the whole process was like—which is totally fascinating.
Outside of her ABS Protein Pancakes, Ashley has written multiple e-books, such as Flat Abs for Women, and Abs Protein Pancake Recipe Ebook. She has been on HSN, Oxygen Magazine,, and much more. She is also a country music lover, food and wine enthusiast, fitness model, and weight-lifting fanatic. So, she’s got plenty of experience and has some really cool stories and great insights to share with us today.
In this episode Ashley and I discuss:
- The crazy process of getting on Shark Tank.
- The initial creation of protein pancakes.
- Small, incremental victories.
- Taking a chance.
- Wine and fitness
- Crazy—and why it’s a good thing.
4:00 – 18:00 – ABS Protein Pancakes and the Shark Tank story
18:00 – 24:00 – The aftermath—puttin’ in the reps.
24:00 – 29:00 – The ABS vision and… wine?
29:00 – 33:00 – The Rapid-Five Questions
Yuri: Hey everyone! Last time, I talked about the nonsense about winning the lottery and how winning the lottery is really for suckers, and I hope that message really found you well. If you didn’t listen to that episode, be sure to go back and listen to it because I think it’s really important, and it will make you think twice about some of the things that you’re doing in life and in your business.
But today, we’ve got a great episode with an amazing guest who has been on Shark Tank! She actually secured a deal with Daymond John, acquiring $120,000 of his money in exchange for a portion of her company.
Now, let me tell you about our guest and who she is. Her name is Ashley Drummonds, and as I mentioned, she appeared on season 7 of Shark Tank. She’s the creator of the ABS Protein Pancakes—which was the product that she brought on to pitch to the sharks—and she’s also the creator of the ABS Fit Life TV. Other than Shark Tank, she’s been on HSN (The Home Shopping Network), ABC Action News, Oxygen Magazine,, and so much more.
She’s also written multiple e-books, such as Flat Abs for Women, ABS Protein Pancake Recipe Book, and a bunch of other awesome stuff. She’s a country music lover, food and wine enthusiast, fitness model, and weight-lifting fanatic
Now, if you haven’t watched her episode on Shark Tank, turn on Netflix if you have Netflix, go check it out. Season 7, episode 12. Listen to this episode, then go watch the Shark Tank episode and you’ll have more context for what it’s about.
But the cool thing is that Ashley opens up and shares the behind-the-scenes of what it took to get on the show. The logistical stuff, the paperwork, how she got on Shark Tank, and the process of what happened after she shook hands with Daymond John on that actual live episode.
And then you’ll find out whether or not things worked out afterwards. If you guys want to check out her website, you can do so at, or
Without any further ado, let’s bring Ashley onto the show!
Yuri: Ashley, how’s it going? Welcome to the Healthpreneur podcast.
Ashley: Thank you so much for having me. I’m super excited to talk with you.
Yuri: Yes, likewise! It’s funny because I recently got my kids hooked on Shark Tank. They actually thought we were watching a shark movie because they saw the fin, and then they were like, “Whoa, where are the sharks? Who are these five business dudes?”
They’ve been really enjoying Shark Tank and I think it’s a great learning tool for kids, just getting that entrepreneurial spirit all revved up and stuff. And the cool thing is that one of the episodes we were watching … You were on one of the episodes with your ABS pancakes!
And I’m like, “How funny is this, that this is all serendipitous.” I want to jump into that because I think for the people listening, most aren’t going to end up on Shark Tank … But I think understanding the behind-the-scenes of how you got on the show in the first place would be really really exciting for people to know about.
So, why don’t we start at square one. How did you even come up with the idea of getting on Shark Tank?
ABS Protein Pancakes and the Shark Tank story
Ashley: Oh man. So, I’ll give you a really quick timeline.
Around January of 2014, I was doing digital fitness products. I had my own personal training fitness business here in Tampa, and I don’t know why, but I had always wanted an actual physical product that people could use—something where I could see it and they were getting it in the mail and super excited about it.
So, I kind of did some soul-searching, just really trying to figure out, what I could do that I was super passionate about, that I loved—that wasn’t either re-inventing the wheel or just creating another ab wheel/fitness guru type product. And the funny thing about it is—and this goes so deep into things with life—is that I was already eating the protein pancakes every day for myself.
It was just a quick recipe, because I love breakfast and I wanted something that actually tasted good and wasn’t your typical egg whites breakfast— the typical, “you have to eat egg whites and plain oatmeal” kind of thing. I woke up one morning and while I was putting together my baking soda and all the ingredients that go into it, I kind of had that light-bulb moment of, “You know what? I wonder if I package this, if anybody else would eat it. Am I the only one that’s that obsessed with pancakes?”
And I started with a little bit of word of mouth—selling it to clients, selling it to friends. I’m talking like, maybe one or two containers a month, no big deal. But then right around July, after a few months of doing that, I kinda up and decided I wanted to move to California. Try out something different.
And when I moved out there, people would always ask, “What do you eat for breakfast that’s healthy that doesn’t taste like cardboard?” And I was always like, “Oh, I eat this protein pancake recipe.” I think in one day I had three or four people that were like, “You should go on Shark Tank. You should try and be on Shark Tank.”
It’s kind of one of those things in life where you’re like, “Okay, I heard it. After the fourth time, I’m gonna listen and I’m just gonna apply.” So, I was in California and I just googled, “How to apply to be on Shark Tank.” Like, super basic, had no idea … and there’s a whole process, of course. ABC does this casting call process, but I just filled out the application.
This is only three or four months into having this protein pancake line, so I didn’t have numbers. I didn’t have conversion rates. I didn’t have anything. It was just, “Hey, here’s my idea.” And so I applied.
I think I finished the application process in August of 2014, and what I tell everybody is—I did that application process not expecting anything. Honest to God. There’s something like 250,000 applicants every season.
Yuri: Wow.
Ashley: Yeah. So I was like, whatever, this is just a concept. They’re probably not gonna call me back.
Yuri: It’s more competitive than Harvard!
Ashley: Yeah, I know. It’s crazy. Well, real quick, the numbers are … It’s 250,000 applicants. Out of the 250,000, only 120 get a callback to film. Out of the 120 that get the callback, only 70 of them actually air episodes.
So it’s like a .001% chance of actually having your episode show up on ABC. So, I am super grateful for that small opportunity. But yeah, after applying in August, I didn’t even get a callback until the following March. And the funny thing about that is that I was at the fitness business summit with the pancakes as a vendor in Costa Mesa at the time—so Orange County, California.
I took a break from cooking up pancakes and I had this call from Culver City. I’m like, “Who’s calling me from LA?” I listened to it, and it was the producers. So, it was almost seven to eight months from when I sent in that application until I even got a call back.
From there, even after the callback, the filming didn’t happen until June of 2015, and then the episode didn’t actually air until January of 2016, so the whole process from application to actually showing up on ABC was almost a year and a half.
Yuri: And in that whole time, you’re like, “What am I even selling again? What are these pancakes?” Like, forgot the whole business.
Ashley: Yeah!
Yuri: That’s awesome.
Ashley: Oh my gosh. Well, at that point, the stressful part about it is that they never give you a guarantee. You would get a phone call from the producer and you end up going through more paperwork than you would go through when you’re buying a house. I’m talking like, stacks and stacks of papers.
You send it in and they’re like, “Okay, if we’re still interested we’ll call you back.” And that’s it. So then you’re just waiting around like, “Call me back when? Or … Can you give me something to go on?”
So it was a very stressful 2015. But then at the same time, you’re stressing out because you realize that if they do call you back, you do go and film. You are standing in front of five sharks. You better have your numbers so perfect and ready for their questions, that you can just fire off, “Oh, here’s conversion rate, and this is how much the product sells for, this is the cost.”
There’s a lot of prep work that goes into it and you’re just solely running off faith, hoping that you get chosen.
Yuri: So you get chosen. They say, “Okay, you’re gonna come out to the studio and shoot.”
What did that day look like? What was going through your mind? I know you had your business partner with you as well. What did the shoot look like? Was the final episode that aired on TV different, or very abbreviated from what it was like in studio? Walk us through that.
Ashley: Okay, so June 29, 2016—I don’t think I’ll forget that date—is the day that we filmed, I walked in front of the investors, everything.
They don’t call you and you give you your call time—the time that you need to be at the studio—until the night before. The crazy thing is, the call time was around 7:00 am, and they called the night before around 8:30 or 9:00 pm, saying, “Hey, you need to be at Sony Studios by 7:15 am tomorrow morning.” And you’re running around till like 12:00, 1:00 in the morning trying to get everything ready!
And also, during this whole year and a half process, you sign confidentiality agreements. So you’re not allowed to even tell your family members that you’re going through this process because if they find out, you get eliminated.
So that morning, I think I got up at like 4:00 am and I just had to go outside and walk for 20-30 minutes just to calm myself down because I was stressing out, rightfully so. You show up at Sony with maybe 20-30 other entrepreneurs that are also going to be filming that day, except you all have sat through legal meetings and are instructed that you’re not allowed to talk to each other.
You can’t talk to each other because you can’t share the process of how you got on. You’re not allowed to talk about your business, who your producers are, because each category has a different producer.
It’s just super awkward because you’re sitting back in these green rooms and dressing rooms, just kind of staring at each other, not really able to say much about anything.
We got there I think at like 7:00am and you have your own private dressing room, so you’re back there and the producers are communicating with you a lot. It’s just like you imagine. You have hair and makeup, you have wardrobes, you’re getting mic’d. Somebody was in the back cooking up the pancakes and setting up everything up—they call it the hero shot, so basically what you see on Shark Tank, the display? Somebody’s cooking that up, and prepping it.
You’re kind of waiting around, and I think that’s the most stressful, anxiety-producing part because each pitch is different. Some pitches only last 15-20 minutes. Some pitches have gone for two hours, so there’s no set time.
And the hard part is, while you’re backstage, they warn you. They’re like, “Hey, we have no guarantee that you’re actually gonna step in front of the sharks and pitch your business because it depends on how long the other entrepreneurs take, so if they go over their time, we’re sorry but you get sent home.”
So I mean … You’ve spent a year and a half of your life doing everything you can trying to prepare for this moment, and then they keep reminding you, you might not pitch. You’re like, “Oh my god, I can’t even believe you’re saying that.”
Yuri: Do the producers give you guidance on how to pitch right off the bat? Because I notice a lot of the entrepreneurs that come on, they have a very similar type of script. Do they give you guidance at all, or kind of a script to help that initial pitch?
Ashley: So, they don’t give you a script—which I’m kind of glad they didn’t—but what they do is, once it seems like you’re going to be going all the way, every week you have a phone call with them and they’re just like, “Alright, 3-2-1 go—say your pitch.”
You’re constantly repeating the pitch every single week, practicing it, but you are the one that’s responsible for writing it, and they tell you, “It needs to be 90 seconds or less. Keep it super short and exciting. Make sure you have a lot of energy.”
I mean, that’s the only real guidance they give you. So other than that, everything you see on the show is very real. When somebody comes in your dressing room and they say, “Alright guys, it’s time to go,” you walk out there, you are behind set. You don’t see the sharks or anything until those doors open.
When you see on the show where they’re counting it down and then those two big double doors open, entrepreneurs are walking out? That is the first time those entrepreneurs have walked through that door and made eye contact with the sharks, so it’s super intimidating.
And then when you walk out, you have to stand there for about 30-45 seconds and you can’t say anything. You’re kind of just staring at each other because they have to get all the camera angles and everything right, and you’re just so ready to fire off your pitch and get it over with.
Seriously, you’re like, “I’ve got it repeated, I’m ready to go. Just let me say it, get it done and breathe.”
So when you walk off set, when you’re in there—just like anything that’s super adrenaline-producing—it feels like it’s 30 seconds, but I think they told us it was 45 minutes in total that we pitched and were back and forth with the sharks. And then what aired was only seven minutes, so there’s a huge amount that gets cut out of that.
Yuri: It’s amazing, the production that goes into these shows is incredible. Let’s talk about the episode. I find it funny because you build a, let’s say a personality-based business or an info product-based business. The world we live in is very different from the sharks and investors, so it’s funny when you’re talking about the price point for the pancakes. I think it was 45-ish dollars or so?
Ashley: Yeah. At the time it was $42.95, yeah.
Yuri: And I remember Mr. Wonderful being like, “Are you crazy? People would never pay that.” And you’re like, “Well, in the fitness space, people will pay for that,” and they just didn’t understand that, you know? Initially.
Ashley: Yeah.
Yuri: So anyways, correct me if I’m wrong. You ended up signing with Daymond, is that correct?
Ashley: Yes. Yeah, Daymond John.
Yuri: That’s awesome. And everything worked out smoothly on the back end of all that? It was a done deal, it’s all good?
The aftermath—puttin’ in the reps
Ashley: Yeah. So I think it’s hard because you watch it and, I even thought this until I went through the process … I think we agreed to $120,000 for 42%, is what aired on the show.
So I thought, “Awesome, I’m walking off set, we’re signing a contract. I’m getting a check for $120,000.” And that’s not really how it works.
You walk off set, you sign a “no shop” agreement … which, if anybody doesn’t know what that is, that just means that you won’t take any other investors at the point of signing that. From then, you start a whole other due diligence process, where his people are headfirst into all of your finances, your books, making sure your business is legitimate.
It’s almost like repeating the entire process of Shark Tank all over again, except for with the actual investment group, because they have to make sure everything is accurate. Like, if you said you had $120,000 in sales, we need to make sure that that was real and you weren’t just making all of this up over the last year.
That was another long process, but yeah, since working with him and even now, I have some stuff that’s coming up that I’m super excited about that he’s done a lot for. But immediately from Shark Tank … You know, Shark Tank’s the biggest PR exposure that every business kind of hopes they get … But we’ve done Home Shopping Network, Zulily, Forbes has done a couple articles,, … a lot of big things that are super exciting.
It’s kind of had more ups and downs than you would think, but it’s been a huge blessing and I mean, I would never change anything, but you definitely learn a lot about your business when you kinda get thrown into the Shark Tank like that.
Yuri: I bet. I was gonna ask you, what’s the biggest lesson that you’ve learned from that experience?
Ashley: If I’m being honest … and a lot of other health and fitness entrepreneurs and CEOs (I think it was the CEO of Facebook) have said, “Don’t look for one moment to define your success.”
I went into that thinking, “This is it. This is my big break. It’s smooth sailing from here, I’m just gonna sit back and let Daymond take over everything, and I can kind of breathe because I’ve been hustling non-stop for the last year and a half.”
The biggest lesson I learned is that there truly is no such thing as an overnight success.
Success is definitely small incremental victories that eventually accumulate to huge success, but don’t think that all of your hopes and dreams lie in one moment and one opportunity. That’s my ongoing lesson, is like keep at it. Keep doing what you’ve been doing day in and day out, and it’ll pay off. But don’t think that like, “Oh, in a year I’m just gonna work my butt off and then all of a sudden, there we go. Now I’m making my seven figures and doing everything I want to do with my life.”
Yuri: Yeah, sure. That was great advice. A lot of people on this show have already said the same thing, which is like, “There’s no overnight success. There’s no magic pill. You have to put in the reps, you have to do the work and just give it time.”
Ashley: I definitely agree with that, and it’s so interesting and awesome because when you go on something like Shark Tank, you’re immediately connected to so many other Shark Tank businesses.
And when you get to kind of connect and talk to them and hear their story as well, it’s the same. We all say the same thing, everybody sees Shark Tank and people think, “Oh, now it’s just easy. Somebody came and took over everything,” and absolutely not. You still are day in and day out operating, running, growing your business. They’re kind of just like a bonus connection for you.
That’s one of the biggest misconceptions, I think everybody assumes with Shark Tank businesses, once you walk off set and you have a deal, that the shark comes in and they fix everything. They throw all their people into your business and solve all the problems you’ve had up to this point … And it’s actually the exact opposite.
It’s more of, they’re there if you need a connection somewhere. But everything else from the business side and the back end—it’s still all you, unfortunately. That’s what we all joke and talk about, because I think a lot of people go into it with the opposite mindset, thinking that they won’t have to still be involved.
But no, we are still putting in hard work every single day, still hustling. We just have a very good PR exposure.
Yuri: Sure, so would you say the biggest thing you got out of the show was that exposure, as opposed to anything else you may have been looking for?
Ashley: I would say yes, the exposure was huge, but I think a lot of it is just learning how to stay true to what your overall goal is in business. Because what happens is that you get a ton of sales from the exposure, which is just expected. But aside from that, what’s not really expected is you’re not thinking that other businesses are watching the show, wanting to do a different type of business with you.
For example, people reaching out wanting to do licensing or Costco reaching out and wanting to do this huge purchase order for you, so the most overwhelming thing is really staying focused and not getting caught up in the shiny new objects, trying to do anything and everything.
Because what also happens with a lot of people is, you get all these connections and it’s almost like you’re growing way faster than you should have. And now you’re stuck against this wall because you can’t keep up or you’re not able to keep promises and fulfill all the stuff that you said you were gonna do.
So, I mean, the exposure is good, but I think it’s more just the connections, the social proof. For me I think it just makes it seem like so much more is possible and it is so much easier. We always have this mindset that all these different things are out of reach, or it’s meant for somebody else other than us, but sometimes all it really is is just taking a chance.
Yuri: Sure, sure. Knowing what you know now, you’ve been through the Shark Tank, you’ve gone down that whole route, you’ve done a deal with Daymond John … If you were to do things all over again, like even before Shark Tank, and you said, “Here’s the outcome we want,” would you go through Shark Tank again?
Or would you maybe hire a coach or be part of some other organization or mastermind that could put you in front of the right people with the same kind of guidance? What would you do differently, if anything, the next time around?
Ashley: I would still go through Shark Tank again. I have been a part of masterminds and I have been with coaches and done that route prior to Shark Tank, and none of it ever really felt like it was launching me in the direction that I wanted to go.
The best way I can explain it is, it’s almost like you have your building built, you have everything in place, and hiring a coach isn’t really gonna help that. You’re more at the place like, “No, I just need the customers to walk in,” if that makes sense.
I was kind of at the place where I had manufacturing lined up, I had email marketing lined up, I had fulfillment. I had everything so automated. I did so much prep work that for me, Shark Tank was exactly what I needed to launch things forward. I think it would have been totally different if I was still in the conceptual phase or somebody who just had an idea.
If you just have an idea, Shark Tank is not for you. You definitely do need a coach or a mastermind of people who have been there, who can help guide you through it—but where I was at, I definitely would do Shark Tank all over again. And if I ever create another awesome product that I think would be good for Shark Tank, I’ll probably apply again.
The ABS vision and… wine?
Yuri: That’s cool. What’s the vision with ABS Pancakes? Is this just one product of many within this kind of investment umbrella, or is it exclusive to just the pancakes?
Ashley: When it started, I had this vision of creating protein pancakes and then creating cookies and all these different things that allowed people to enjoy all these different foods without having the sugar and crazy processed issues that’s in a lot of those foods.
Now that I’m in it—and it’s been three years now—I think it’s gonna be just pancakes under what it is right now. The only reason is because now that I see the back end of the business, and I know how much goes into all of it … I’m trying to think of how to say this without offending anybody else …
Basically, I see too many companies that start out as the “it” of whatever category they’re in. And then they start expanding the product line, expanding, expanding, and they get so caught up in following trends and fads that people forget, “No, you are the people who do this.”
I think it’s important that you just stick with what you know best. It’s the whole, “stay in your lane.” I think you can expand and you can do really well with that, but for me that’s not the direction that I’m going anymore.
So right now, the pancakes. There are three flavors: Cinnamon roll, chocolate chip, and vanilla cake batter. I’ve been working on and have a buttermilk flavor, which I’m actually considering with two other companies to license out the formula—just because there’s a lot of restaurants that have reached out, trying to find a healthier pancake line.
But so I actually did that because, on our digital marketing side and info product side, I sent out some emails just surveying the people who are eating these pancakes all the time—asking if that’s what they wanted. I mean, I think that’s the most important thing, is to ask your customers what they want. “Do you guys want new products and new flavors?”
And of course, they all just wanted more of, “Help me with my fitness and nutrition goals. I want to see more workouts. I want to see more nutrition stuff. Teach me how to even understand what proteins and macros and carbs and fats and things like that are.”
So this will probably be launching within the next two weeks. Through the ABS Protein Pancake brand, we are launching ABS Fit Life TV, so that’ll be done soon. I tell everybody, it’s like the Netflix of health, fitness, nutrition, everything that you guys said you wanted. That’s what’s starting there.
And then ironically—everybody thinks it’s so random that I want to do this—but I am going to be working more on the wine side of things, especially over the fall. I’ve always had a passion and wanted to create products out of wine, so similar to Dry Farm wines or the natural wines. That is more of where I’m headed in the next direction.
Because that’s the other thing, I ask my customers, “What do you guys want?” This is what they say, so I mean it makes sense to move in the direction that your customers want.
Yuri: So your customers are telling you they want more wine?
Ashley: Yeah, that’s the funny thing.
Yuri: Pretty cool.
Ashley: I know. I know it sounds so funny, but there’s this whole trend in … I don’t want to call it a fad, but there’s this whole thing of people who want to find a lifestyle and even bigger brands. I had met with Weight Watchers, at their headquarters, and they’re completely rebranding because the new market is, people don’t want to diet anymore.
Everybody’s tired of dieting. They’re tired of feeling like they have no social life or going out to eat, feeling like it’s water and salad and chicken or whatever they’re eating. And so all these bigger brands, the more I talk to them, they’re finding ways to help people feel like they’re still socializing and having a well-rounded lifestyle without having to sacrifice their whole fitness and nutrition goals.
So that’s why you’re seeing a lot of FitVine wine, the Dry Farm wines, the other paleo wines.
It’s this whole movement because people are understanding the positive health benefits of wine; but also, it makes them feel a little more like, “Oh, I’m not quite so deprived anymore. I feel like now, I’m able to actually have a social life…” Especially women, like, “I can go have one or two glasses of wine and still fit to my nutrition and workout plans!”
So yeah, I know … Everybody I tell that to, they’re like, “Wait, what? Fitness, nutrition, wine?” I’m like, “I swear. It sounds crazy, but everybody thought my protein pancakes were crazy too, so trust me.”
Yuri: That’s a good sign, when people think you’re crazy. I mean, I’m a health and fitness person, but I love wine. But I don’t like how wine makes me feel, which is why I’m attracted to things like Dry Farm wines and other biodynamic organic wineries.
So I think there’s a great fit there—just because people are into health and fitness doesn’t mean that they don’t have other things that are in their wheelhouse as well. I think it’s a smart move, because if you’re catering to your audience, you’re always gonna be pivoting and shifting, versus saying, “Okay, this is only what we do.” So I think that’s a smart move.
Ashley: Thank you, I appreciate it. Yeah, I’m excited about it.
Yuri: Yeah, for sure. I’ve got the famous rapid five coming your way in just a second, but before we get there, honestly, who is your favorite shark?
Ashley: I wanted Daymond going into it. Hands down. And if you saw the episode, you know that he went out and completely broke my heart in the middle of the filming, and Robert came in. But Daymond was who I had my eye on when I went in there, just because he has such a huge reach in the Crossfit space and the fitness space. A lot of people don’t know that.
So, Daymond’s definitely my favorite, and I was so glad when he came back in and pitched, and that’s why when he was like, “Yes or no, right now, 42%?” I was like, “Done. Done deal, you were the one I wanted.”
Yuri: That’s awesome. And who is your least favorite?
Ashley: I mean, I think nobody really likes Kevin O’Leary, you know? I haven’t met anybody that says Mr. Wonderful’s their favorite.
Yuri: Yeah. That’s funny, I was actually on an airplane to Ottawa a couple weeks ago, and he was sitting on the plane there with his headphones on, meditating or something. I’m like, “Why are you on a commercial plane here?” Maybe the rate didn’t make sense for his private plane, but anyway, he is what he is.
Ashley: I think that all the time. I see celebrities flying just economy and I’m like, “What are you … Why aren’t you in first class or on your private jet?”
The funny thing about Mr. Wonderful—the only thing I do love about him—is that he has started his own wine thing as well. That’s all he gets, though. Other than that, you didn’t like my pancakes, so you don’t get to be my favorite.
Yuri: I know, I know. I think sometimes he’s so abrasive just for the effect, right? For the TV side of things.
Ashley: Oh, for sure.
Yuri: But, you know.
Ashley: He’s like the Simon. The Simon of American Idol, but for Shark Tank.
Yuri: Yeah, totally. I totally agree with that.
Alright, so Ashley, this has been very insightful, pretty awesome. You ready for the rapid five?
The Rapid-Five Questions
Ashley: I’m nervous, but I’m ready.
Yuri: Alright, well you thought Shark Tank was tough? Get ready for these bad boys.
Ashley: These five, I can’t handle it.
Yuri: Okay. Here we go, number one. Whatever comes to mind, okay? Your biggest weakness?
Ashley: Oh, I’m a perfectionist.
Yuri: Your biggest strength?
Ashley: I’m an implementer.
Yuri: Yes you are. One skill you’ve become dangerously good at in order to grow your business?
Ashley: Automation. Outsourcing, basically.
Yuri: Nice, nice. What do you do first thing in the morning?
Ashley: Drink coffee.
Yuri: No ABS Pancakes?
Ashley: Well I mean, I drink coffee and eat pancakes and meditate, but I thought I had to answer in like three seconds.
Yuri: So you don’t eat pancakes all day long? No, I’m just kidding. Okay, cool. Final one. Complete this sentence: “I know I’m being successful when …”
Ashley: When I can lie in bed at night and sleep well knowing I did everything that I did possible in that day to move towards my goals and dreams.
Yuri: Love it. That is good. Ashley, this has been tremendous. I know our listeners are going to get a lot of value out of this. What is the best place for people to check out the ABS Pancakes and stay up to date with what you’re working on?
Ashley: Yeah, it’s just, and then Those both have a little bit of everything and that’s where all the new information comes out. So, thank you so much for having me. This was awesome.
Yuri: Yeah. It’s been a pleasure, Ashley. I want to just thank you and appreciate you for all the amazing work you’ve done, for taking the risk and putting in all that freaking hard work of 18 months or so, getting on a show and then all that uncertainty. A lot of people would just flake out, so I want to commend you for staying on the path and coming out with something amazing at the end of it. That’s tremendous.
Ashley: Thank you, thank you.
Yuri: You’re welcome. Once again thank you so much, Ashley. It’s been a lot of fun. For all of you guys listening, hope you’ve enjoyed this as well.
Ashley: Alright. Thanks, Yuri. Have an awesome day.
Yuri: You too.
I hope you enjoyed that interview. I found it very fascinating to get a behind-the-scenes perspective based on Ashley’s experience on Shark Tank. It’s a show that I’ve really enjoyed for a long time.
As I mentioned in the interview, I watch it with my kids. I think it’s a great learning tool for building entrepreneurial spirit and really having them think about what it takes to build a business or a product that is successful. I think there’s a lot of things that go into that, whether it’s understanding how to value your company or how to create a product that is very unique and that no one else has. These are all really valuable lessons, and I think Ashley touched upon many of those in our discussion.
So, once again, while you’re here be sure to pick up a copy of the Health Profit Secrets book. It’s free. Just pay for shipping, that’s all I’m asking, and you’ll discover four secrets that all successful online health businesses have in common and how you can really maximize those in what you’re doing for lasting success.
We’ve got a great show coming up in just a few days with Neil Cannon, who is coming to us live from … Well, he’s actually British, but he’s not living in the UK. But he’s doing some pretty cool stuff online. He’s gonna share what he’s up to, his journey, and some pretty cool inspiring messages as always.
And we’re getting close to Christmas, so I don’t know if it’s snowing where you’re at or if you have all your Christmas shopping done, or if you even celebrate Christmas—but whatever it is you celebrate, I hope you are pumped for a great holiday season.
Just to let you know, we will be publishing a solo episode on December 25th, so when you wake up bright and early in the morning to open up your gifts, there will be another gift on your iPhone waiting for you from yours truly, Yuri Elkaim, with another great episode of the Healthpreneur podcast.
But you have to subscribe in order to get that episode, so be sure to head on over to iTunes, hit the “subscribe” button on the Healthpreneur podcast page, and if you have a chance, leave a rating and review. It really means a lot to me. It helps me sleep better at night and lets me know that I’m doing good work. I need all this external gratification because that’s really what matters in life.
Obviously I’m just joking, but I do appreciate any rating or review you can leave.
That’s all for today. Hope you’ve enjoyed the episode, and as always: Be great, do great, and I will see you in the next episode.
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Free Healthpreneur Health Profit Secrets Book
If you would like a free copy of the Health Profits Secrets book, you can get that over at
It will show you the four secrets that really are the fundamental components to building a successful online health or fitness business.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In the last episode, I talked about three types of traffic and how to convert them.
When it comes to these three types of traffic, each one of them needs to be treated differently if you want to maximize how these people respond to your offers.
That’s what I walk you through in this“solo round” of the Healthpreneur Podcast.
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