Funnel Triage: What To Do When Your Funnel Isn’t Working? (with Cody Burch)
What’s up, Healthpreneurs? I’m excited to bring you a special guest today. Cody Burch is a marketing, sales funnel, and Facebook ad expert who helps clients create and maximize a results-driven marketing strategy. He’s the one who helps our clients build out their tech.
Cody’s been transforming businesses for a long time. His company, Red Anchor Marketing, specializes in funnels and ads so entrepreneurs don’t have to worry about integrations, set-up, and management. His live event is coming up and is perfect for anyone wanting to demystify this component of their business.
Cody knows the nine things to look for when healing a sick funnel that isn’t providing the results you want. He’ll teach exactly how to determine what isn’t working and will explain how to turn metrics into actionable improvements. Listen in to learn how message, market, and mechanism fit into a successful system, and learn how to take action now.
In This Episode Cody and I discuss:
- How to diagnose a sick funnel.
- The metrics to look for when running an ad campaign on Facebook.
- Where message, market, and mechanism fit into a successful system.
- The nine components of a successful funnel and how to fix broken ones.
- Dialing into your prospective client’s pain.
- The value of case studies, testimonials, and empathy in marketing.
- His upcoming event and who it’s for.
01:00 – 04:00 – Introducing Cody Burch and his expertise
04:00 – 09:00 – The One Hour Funnel and the symptoms of a sick funnel
09:00 –14:00 – Identifying what to expect with opt-ins and click-throughs
14:00 – 24:00 – The nine areas of a successful funnel
24:00 – 28:00 – Being clear and empathetic in your messaging
28:00 – Some practical takeaways and his upcoming live event
Hey guys, what’s going on? Yuri back with you, and I’m super pumped to be bringing one of our secret weapons to the forefront today. If you’re one of our clients, you know this handsome man, his name is Cody Burch, and he has been an amazing contribution to our team and our clients for a long time now.
Introducing Cody Burch and his expertise
Cody is responsible for building out a lot of the tech that we build out for our clients. But he’s also one of our Facebook ad coaches and really helping our clients figure out their Facebook ads, how to take their pipelines from doing okay to being a lot more profitable. But outside of working with us, Cody has a digital agency called Red Anchor Marketing.
Dude you’ve just been doing this for so long. You’re so well versed in not just Facebook ads or tech, but you understand marketing, you understand direct response, you understand funnels.
In my conversation with Cody, we’ll be talking about funnel triage — what to do when your funnel isn’t working.
Cody’s had a really cool process. So he’s going to walk us through that and if you like what you hear, Cody’s got a great event coming up called the One Hour Funnel. It’s a live event that’s happening June 6th through the 9th in Denver. You can check it out on his website
Is that correct?
Cody Burch: In Denver, yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: There we go. So guys, if you want hands on help from Cody himself, definitely check it out. In the meantime, Cody, ready to rock and roll.
Cody Burch: Let’s do it man. Thank you for having me on. I’m excited to have this chat, it’s one of my favorite things to talk about.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. Awesome. All right, so let’s back it up a little bit. Out of percentage wise, when someone launches, whether it’s a coaching program, supplements or whatever, whatever it is they’re selling, everyone’s using some type of funnel. In your estimation, what is the likelihood that someone’s going to hit it out of the park right away?
Cody Burch: It’s a slim to none chance that, that’s going to happen. I think that’s true with any… could be a video we shoot any podcasts we make any thought that we express out in the world any event that we do, anything that we do as business owners to say, I just need to do it once, and then I’ll nail it and then I’ll just, whatever, retire or buy a second home or going to internal vacation. That’s not the reality. It takes more than one. We’re talking about funnels in this context, so you’re right that, yeah, everybody, number one, you have a funnel, whether you call it that or not, you, you have one, you have an amount of people that come into your world. And then some people drop out and some people take the next step, whatever that is.
Cody Burch: Then they matriculate through your whole process. Then sometimes when they fall out, what do we do? Where do we look? What gaps are we trying to fill? What holes are we trying to plug in? How do we make it better?
Yuri Elkaim: That’s awesome. Yeah, because I think a lot… and you probably see this quite a bit too, because you help our clients build with their tech and the tech is, it’s a pain in the butt, but honestly is probably the least important thing. Because it’s like you’re the pages, they’re done, but what’s on the pages, what’s the message? What’s all that stuff? So let’s talk about this. You got nine kind of checkpoints that we want to look at, right?
The One Hour Funnel and the symptoms of a sick funnel
Cody Burch: Yeah. There’s nine steps to it. And again, yeah, for some context, I’ve built lots of funnels, probably hundreds of funnels for myself and for clients and for the people that you and I get to work with together. That’s why I created that concept of a one hour funnel. Because to me it’s… when your kids go to a birthday party and they’re about to leave and the mom or the dad of the kid had said, they’re like, “Hey by the way, grab the grab bag out the door, it’s got candy and some suckers and some junk in it and grabbed that.”
Cody Burch: That’s how I kind of see the funnel part. It’s like, “Oh, by the way, before you go grab the template that you needed, then make it, and don’t let it take forever.” Because it’s way more important to communicate clearly to define the market well, to contextualize our message to the people at the moment that they’re at, that they need to hear it and experience it. That’s way more important. The tech side to me is an oh by the way don’t forget to do that thing. That should take you about 30 minutes when you’re done and then really nail the front end. That’s a little bit of the punchline of this nine step. It’s not nine steps in a row, but there’s nine areas to look forward to resuscitate a dying funnel.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. I like that resuscitated like funnel CPR.
Cody Burch: That’s right. Exactly. So yeah, here’s the symptoms that I’ve found and maybe you can relate to this. Number one, you have a funnel or a sales process or a sales system that’s just kind of sick and like it’s almost successful. It’s kind of working. What that funnel needs really is a lot of water and maybe some aspirin or some Ibuprofen or something. It needs a good night’s rest, and it’s going to work. There’s simple tweaks that you can make. So just as I’m explaining these buckets, there’s three buckets I want you to categorize as you’re listening, which bucket your existing sales process falls into. So it’s a little bit sick, but it’s close to working and it needs a little bit of love, and it’s going to be back in no time. Then the second one is you have a funnel that needs to go to the hospital.
Cody Burch: It’s really sick. I remember one of my kids, Jacob, my oldest, he’s 12 now, when he was little, he had croup really bad. When he’s 12 months old and you freak out at, you didn’t know how to fix it. I remember Christie and I, my wife, we rushed to the hospital, was close by and he was coughing and it was just the worst. Then they’re like, “Oh, he’s fine.” You get him outside and let him breathe. But you don’t know. That’s kind of what’s happening now. I don’t know what’s happening with my sales process. It looks like it’s really sick. I don’t know if it’s going to pull through or not and it needs to be handled. Then the last bucket is you have a funnel that’s on the deathbed and it doesn’t even lead some honest friend or me or somebody to say, “Hey, this isn’t worth pursuing. You’ve just missed it. This one’s dead and gone and we need to call it and we need to start over with something else.”
Yuri Elkaim: Euthanize it.
Cody Burch: That’s right. Get it over with, ease the pain and let it move on to the next life. Whatever you decide.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay. So we’ve got sick, got to go to the hospital and just put it out of its misery pretty much, right?
Cody Burch: Yep.
Yuri Elkaim: All right. How does someone… because this is an interesting conversation because we all know, we know that persistence and keeping at it and tweaking optimizing is important to really hit that breakthrough. But at what point have you noticed where it’s just like, you know what, this is just not going to work. Let’s just shut it down. How do people identify that point?
Cody Burch: Yeah, there’s a couple of symptoms to look for and I’ll try not to use too much marketing jargon. I’ll give you like a colloquial example first, right? So, one is, I’ll give you an example from my own life, I know in my world and my business. The one hour funnel business I can generate leads for a few dollars, like $2 to $3. I just know that’s what it costs, whether it’s downloading a book. I did a five day challenge recently with that. I really loved, I’ll be doing that again. That got same thing, $2 or $3 leads. People loved it, lots of great feedback. Then I launched a funnel that was for a three hour online training I was doing and I got $25 leads and I knew instantly something’s wrong with this.
Cody Burch: The messaging, and that’s what I’ll teach you here. There’s three big areas to start to look and see there’s a market, it’s the mechanism, like the funnel itself where it’s the message and then this is kind of how I come up with this funnel triage process is quite recently I had to do this for myself and say, where did I miss that?
Cody Burch: That wasn’t a good offer. That wasn’t the right market, that wasn’t the right way, what happened and I just knew. Hopefully with people that if you’ve run any kind of marketing or any kind of funnel process in your business, you know, it costs an amount of money to get a webinar registration or to get a new opt in or to download my lead magnet cheat sheet checklist, pdf template, whatever it is we’re giving away, hopefully have a baseline of data and then you can have an opinion about it, and go, yeah, this is off, there’s something’s wrong. It’s not like with your kids or your pets or those two kids, you know something’s up they’re not eating their meals. Something’s wrong. They’re not usually like this. It’s no different with our online marketing efforts.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s so good. I do think it like number one, I think both of us are in a unique position where we’ve done this for so long that we can kind of see those symptoms and recognize them for what they are. A lot of people though that are maybe not as experienced see that stuff and they freak out. It’s like it’s a group situation. It’s like, oh my God, my son’s not breathing. What do I do? Hopefully with this we can reassure that, that it’s not the end of the world and give them some good guidance on what to do. Okay, cool. So we got a message market mechanism, which is, yeah, it’s huge. I think that that’s a really, really big piece of the puzzle that a lot of people forget about. How does somebody identify, for instance, which of those three might be not working?
Cody Burch: Yeah. So let’s talk a little bit more about some of the symptoms which will point you in the right direction. So look for the following things here and I’m just going to give just some places to start to look. If you have a super low opt in rate, now again, it’s a little bit market specific, like your or your opt in rate might be way higher or lower than mine and you might be way out more. Okay. Or less okay with that than I am. I might be cool with 20% you might need 80% in your life or vice versa. It’s a little bit market dependent. But as you know, like I know what my opt in pages are for myself and my clients and, like you and I have a good feel for what it should be for the Healthpreneur people going through.
Cody Burch: We know like, hey, your page should be converting at around 40% like that’s just the number. So we can look at that as an interesting indicator to say, is it this? It’s just like when you go to the doctor and they check your temperature or they look in your ear, they look in your eyes, they look it down your throat. Where do we look? One place to look is your opt in rate of your first part of your funnel. And if it’s less than 20%, typically it’s, sometimes it’s 8% okay, great. Something’s horribly wrong with this. Like there’s something’s very wrong. We should be… we’re missing something big. That’s a place I’ve got a few more. I’ll just list them off then you and I can chat about them if anything else comes to mind. But if your cost per lead is too high, like I just mentioned, mine was $25, that’s too high.
Identifying what to expect with opt-ins and click-throughs
Cody Burch: That’s a problem. That’s like your kid gets out of bed and his face is green. I mean, something’s up. It’s not a good thing. Having really low conversions. So for a lot of people I work with, there is a front end offer. So there’s a opt in for a training or a download a template, and then there’s something else on the back end. Hey, like it since you like this, like for me, if you like the book, you might also like this course that I have. That should convert around one to 3% typically. You send a hundred people through, you should get one to three sales out of that. If you’re getting less than, there’s something up with that. High cost per impression, which that’s a metric in Facebook really, in the advertising, but I do a lot of Facebook ads.
Cody Burch: You’ll see with a great message when those all coalesces together, it’ll be like five bucks. You can reach a thousand people for $5-
Yuri Elkaim: So CPMS
Cody Burch: CPM, yeah. If it’s over 20, again, something’s over $20 to reach a thousand people. Something’s up. Especially in the Facebook world, Zuckerberg doesn’t like what you’re doing, how you’re saying it. People aren’t responding to it. They’re not clicking on it and you’re going to pay the penalty for that with a higher cost per thousand impressions and then the last part is-
Yuri Elkaim: I just got to jump in quickly for those, for those who are listening or watching who are into Facebook ads, how do you find relevant score, kind of ties in with that. Do you find… is there a pretty correlation if it’s an eight, nine or 10 that is, it’s a lower CPM or have you noticed any correlation there?
Cody Burch: Yeah, for sure. So a higher click through rate, which is the last metric on here. So, if you have a high click through rate, which is good, you want people to be clicking through your ad and then a high relevancy score and they’re going away with that, is that right? They’re going away with something it’s either that or it’s positive, negative feedback. It was something that’s going away. They made up a new metric, which is kind of the same thing, but basically they’re saying if you put an ad in front of people, so Facebook wants their users to have a good experience and stay on the platform longer and they want us as advertisers to spend more money.
Cody Burch: It’s a win win for us as advertisers and for the people going through the content as well. If we’re providing a bad experience, that’s why Facebook won’t let you say like, “Hey, are you depressed? I’ve got a solution. Hey, are you overweight? Hey, do you hate how you look?” We can’t say that people are going through Facebook, and that’s when I said at the beginning the context of what people experience our advertising and our message on Facebook and really anywhere, but let’s just talk Facebook, they’re scrolling through. They just got on Facebook not to buy something but to be entertained or maybe to kill some time. They might be at a stop light, they might be at the bank, they might be in the bathroom.
Cody Burch: There’s re places people are on Facebook consuming stuff for some reason to see their pictures of their family or cat videos or whatever. Then our ad hits them, and they’re scrolling through the newsfeed and then we say something and then how do they feel? Do they click on it? Do they read it? Do they pause? Then Facebook knows that’s I need a T-shirt that just says Facebook knows. If they hover on your ad for a while that counts as an impression like Facebook knows whether they click or not. It’s kind of interesting. But yeah, for sure that experience we provide people through our messaging is going to pay off or it’s going to be expensive depending on the experience we provide.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. I’ll let you continue there because I know you had one more thing to say before I jumped in with the relevant score.
Cody Burch: Yeah, all good. Yeah. So the with the five that I looked at, as a quick reminder for those taking notes, a super low opt in rate as a problem sign, a high cost per lead or a high cost per customer, is a problem. Low conversion rate is a problem, high cost per thousand and then a super low click through rate. Those are all of the things to look at. Ideally, a lot of people we’re talking to have run some Facebook ads. They have a more established baseline so they know and if they don’t know those industry standards like, “Hey, I’m in this space, what should I expect?” And you should expect this baseline metrics. But if you’re ready, I can run through the nine areas and we can go a little bit deeper on those.
Yuri Elkaim: Let’s do it.
The nine areas of a successful funnel
Cody Burch: Alright, so the three that I mentioned earlier, the three areas to start with, it’s I’m looking at this diagram, it’s hard to, it’s like a verbal, verbal meme, verbal explanation of a diagram. The market message and mechanism, and we’ll go with each deeper on each one of those. Let’s start with the market. When you have a great market combined with a great message. So you found a great pool of people you can serve and you’re talking to them in a way that they like to be talked to, you’re going to get a lot of fans. So that’s the first possible output.
Cody Burch: Now fans are okay, they’re not everything but fans are great. You want people to think nice thoughts about you. But it’s also fun when those fan turn into leads and those leads turn into customers. The way that you generate a lot of leads as when you have that great market and then you have a great mechanism. Now for me and by mechanism I mean like the funnel. So for me like using my one hour funnel book example, when someone downloads the book they’re a lead but they don’t know who I am yet.
Cody Burch: They haven’t read the book, they haven’t watched the video, they haven’t heard the podcast. So they’re not necessarily a fan yet, but they have become a lead. Then the third combination. So marketing message, you have fans, marketing mechanism, you have leads. Then mechanism and message means you have a machine that’s sitting idle ready to go. So we just need to give it, more people. Let’s talk about the market for a second. So there’s three areas then here we can chat about. Feel free to jump in at any time with a question or comment. So with the market, the three things that I’ve seen when, and if you’re missing one of these three, this would be a great place to start to look. If you have a sick or dead or dying funnel. The first is a defined demographic, the second is pain, and the third is you’re able to provide consistent results.
Cody Burch: That’s the three things around marketing. I’ll talk a little bit more about each one of those. So a defined demographic could be just let’s say, here’s my statistics. I’m a man. I’m 38. I have kids, I drive a minivan, and I drive a sports car, and I live in a house, in a cul-de-sac and I’m a member of a gym, and I eat a certain way, and I vote a certain way, and I go to church and like that’s my… that’s just who I am. If you wanted to reach people like me, the more defined you can get about your demographic, the better. The example I like to give is, let’s say you were trying to sell me lawn care services, I would be a great demographic for you.
Cody Burch: I’ve got young kids, I’d rather be drinking Kombucha and watching college football. Then spending my whole Saturday mowing. So if you can define that demographic, well who’s that for? Well, they’ve got to be home owners. They’ve got to have a yard, they’ve got to live in this cul-de-sac. They’ve got to drive a minivan. They’ve got to be parents or whatever, and then they can present that message to me compared to I’ve got a thing and it’s for people like, well who is it for? It’s for men. Who though? Are they 22 are they 58 is it my dad? Is it my kid? Who’s it for? The clearer we get, the better off we’ll be with our marketing. Is that what you’ve seen Yuri?
Yuri Elkaim: Totally. That’s the biggest thing I mean in HPA it’s the first thing we have our clients do is really focus on who’s that perfect client. Because if you don’t narrow that down, your messaging not only becomes super diluted, but now you can’t scale your business because now you have one on one clients with whoever you can help. That’s definitely not a way to scale or, or run a business profitably. So for sure.
Cody Burch: The next one real quick is about the pain. Where you’re tuned into the pain and discomfort that they’re going through. I’ll stick with the lawn mowing example because I really don’t like doing that. For me to mow the lawn, I have to clean up after the dog in the backyard. I have to move the trampoline out of the way. I have to find those new balance shoes. They used to be white, but now there’s some shade of green. I have to put on my crappy gym clothes that I don’t mind getting sweaty and dirty and gross.
Cody Burch: I have to pray there’s enough gas in the gas container to fill up the lawn mower. I have to pray that the lawn mower doesn’t blow up in a big cloud of smoke because it’s old. I have to move my car out of the way so I can get the lawnmower out and it takes me several hours to do that. So that would be, if you’re tuned into the pain, if I saw a sales letter that said that like, “Hey dad, wouldn’t you rather be drinking Kombucha, watching college football, keep the new balance shoes in the garage, stay in your comfortable robe, hanging out with your wife and kids and your dog will take care of everything and it’s 30 bucks or 50 bucks or gosh 100 bucks.” If they’re so dialed into that pain, I’d go, they get it, they get me, they understand what I don’t want to be doing and I don’t care what it costs. I need them to take away all that pain from me and give me less.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. And then like what you just did, I hope you guys got what Cody just did because you just described my situation as well, like moving the trampoline, the dog poo the whole day. I think when you lead, for instance, with a message like that, immediately it pulls people in. Because it’s like that’s exactly what I’m going through. As opposed to being like, “Hey, you want us to cut your lawn?” And it’s like, wow, whatever. There’s no connection yet. So that pain point is so powerful. That’s a really good example.
Cody Burch: Yeah. Also, for the last one around market is a market where you have demonstrated results in the past. Believe it or not. I see people get into markets where they don’t have a track record of getting results. People love case studies. They love testimonials, they love success stories. They love knowing that it’s worked for other people just like them. I see this too. I love sales. I love marketing. We had a door to door guy come by recently. He was selling pest control, like spraying for ants and spiders. Luckily he caught my wife and not me, but I caught him. She’s more empathetic. He’s like, “Hey, do you know the Johnson’s and the El Canes and the whatever.” I’m a bad neighbor. So I was like, “No, I don’t know who they are.” But he was like, “Oh, I was just talking to them and they told me to come by.” He was using that technique like, hey people just like you have just signed up for this thing. It was good. It was good.
Cody Burch: I didn’t sign up, but it was a good marketing tactic. Make sure that you can speak to the results that you claim to provide in a way that’s consistent where people know, okay, got it. This person with this message that understands this demographic, that understands my pain has also helped people a lot like me get the result that I need as well.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, that’s great.
Cody Burch: Those are the three round market, define the demographic, pain and results. The next one, if you’re ready, Yuri is the mechanism. You Ready?
Yuri Elkaim: Let’s do it buddy.
Cody Burch: All right. So the three things around mechanism is making a funnel or like a lead an opt in page to a thank you page. There’s some way to convert that market into somebody that’s on your email list so we can speak to them, we can serve them, we can help them, we can love on them and we can get them a great result. The three things around lead generation, which I’m totally obsessed with, is we need to provide a lead generator that’s consumable on a page that’s converting. Then also in a one way that’s really engaging. So let’s talk about, they all kind of work together, but I see a lot of people, they’ll put something out there that people don’t want.
Cody Burch: They’ll put out a… I’ll just use some hyperbole as an example. You know, a 400-page e-book, 39 video courses, a 52-day challenge. Now I’m kind of kidding. But people don’t want that type of stuff. They don’t really know who you are. They’re not sure how you can get them a result. Something that’s consumable in a landing page that converts really well in a way that’s really engaging with that target market. People go nuts for it.
Cody Burch: The best examples I like to give it for like what exactly do you mean? While I typically mean a one or two page pdf cheat sheet checklist, download. Recipe, script template, Yuri I have seen you put stuff out there that’s exactly what to say on a sales call and you’re like, oh my gosh that I want that so bad because I know you’re usually good at sales and I’m not very good at it. I need to get better at that. Those types of things are so helpful. They’re quickly consumable and again, depending on the market that you’re in for people that are listening, I made a checklist. One of my first funnels I built, I got in, I did the thing where you get in shape and then you think you’re a fitness coach. I did that for two months, but I made a checklist that was my lead magnets.
Cody Burch: Like, hey, if you want to do this, like I did it, you need these 10 things. That’s all it was. It was one page. It had my logo on it and it had a checklist. It had 10 things with 10 little boxes next to it and I called it the whatever checklist. Those types of things are very helpful, quickly consumable people love them and they really attract people to them. So if your funnel’s not converting and it’s sick and it’s dead or dying and you know you’ve nailed the market, there might be something up with the mechanism you’re using to put things in front of them that they just don’t want. It’s hard to consume, they don’t want it. It’s not converting, it’s at the wrong time. It’s in a way they don’t want it. Maybe you thought they’d love video, so you made a bunch of videos, but they really wanted to just read a checklist.
Cody Burch: They didn’t want to opt in for your hour and a half documentary or whatever. Just be mindful of that. Does that make sense?
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. It’s actually, it’s something that we see with… because our whole business is based on a webinar funnel, right?
Cody Burch: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: We know that we’re alienating a large percentage of the market who don’t want to watch a Webinar. And you know, for us, it’s worked out. It’s worked out for our clients. But I think over time, like, whoa, we also have a book funnel, right? So we know that for people who don’t engage with our Webinar, at least we can put a book in front of them that’s simple 28 pages really quick to read. Yah. So like totally, totally makes sense for sure.
Being clear and empathetic in your messaging
Cody Burch: Yeah. So that’s the mechanism side there. The last part with the final three areas to look if your funnel is sick or dead or dying is the around the message. Messaging to me is really important. It needs to have three things and needs to be frequent. You can’t just do a Facebook live and then never do it again and expect people to continue to love you and opt in and be your fan. Yu can’t send an email or do a podcast episode. There has to be a frequent message where over time, I don’t know the stats, I’ve heard all sorts of stuff. I remember I was at a conference recently, they showed what it was like when somebody bought a car because I think we hear things like, well it takes seven touch points to make a decision. It was something like 419 touch points before this person bought a minivan.
Cody Burch: What she searched on Google, how she searched for minivans and then minivans for me and then Toyotas and then Toyota dealerships near me. I mean it has to be a frequent message we put out to people. I’ve heard people tell you to your face, Yuri I’ve been listening to every podcast episode for this many years, and I’m here seeing you face to face or coming to your event. I hear that too. I’ve been doing a podcast for a year, and the most recent person that bought a ticket to the event, I looked at where they come from, and they got my book like nine months ago and they’ve just been paying attention. I didn’t know. But they’re watching the Facebook lives, they’re reading the emails, they’re watching me put out content and videos and then they like and go meet this guy, and now they did.
Yuri Elkaim: Social talkers.
Cody Burch: That’s right. But it needs to be frequent. It needs to be frequent. Second thing needs to be clear where people say, again, if you’re back to the lawn mowing example, is this for me or is this not for me? I see a lot of people that we help and we kind of diagnose what’s happening in their sales process and their funnel and say, “Hey, this isn’t super clear on how you can help them. It’s a little too ethereal. It’s a little too broad. It’s a little too unclear. We need a very clear message for people.” Giving these, that’s why all nine of these are interconnected. When you have your defined demographic, you’re in touch with their pain, you know, you can get the results. It’s easier to make a clear message that way because you know, like, “Oh, this is, I’ve got it. I’ll tell a funny story about how… the other store, I was talking about a guy in Healthpreneur about, he has a program for people that want to continue to eat meat.
Cody Burch: We were talking about that same vivid language of people that want to get in better shape, but maybe they’re afraid they have to give up their meat and their steaks or whatever. So we we’re talking about, what that’s all like. Then the whole example like I did with the lawn mowing, like for me, same thing, you put on your grilling clothes, you get the spatula, you get the de greaser or the butter, or you get the seasoning, you put it outside, you get something to wave the flies away and you open the grill and the charcoals hot and you put your hand on it. You feel the warmth and you slap that stake down.
Cody Burch: You hear the sizzle. If you’re a vegan, I just really grossed you out. I’m sorry. But that’s how you can use that type of language. Your target audience, that message will be so clear. They’ll be like, “Oh, they get me. They understand.” I don’t want to give that up and worry if I’m burning the Kale chips like they want that message, they get it. Whatever your take is on that. So be really clear. Then the third part of that for the messages to be really empathic and that’s part of understanding their pain. But just knowing that, and I type this a lot in ads, I will talk about the pain and frustration and maybe the average day they’re going through and I’ll literally type, I get it. I’ll just say those three words. I understand I’ve been there like it’s easy as you get some success with online marketing or growing a business to forget what it was like to be there.
Cody Burch: Whatever struggle they’re at. If you used to be really overweight and then you got in better shape and now you want to show them how to do it, remember how it felt when somebody said they were having a pool party and you don’t want to take your shirt off. I get it. I’ve been there. I was so nervous when I went on that first date or whatever. Use that type of language and not a manipulative way but a really empathic way to let them know you understand what they’re going through, what they’re afraid of, what keeps them up at night. What are they moving toward? What are they moving away from? What do they really, really want? How will it impact their status? Does having the best kept lawn on their block mean something to them that they want that award, that their neighborhood, let me help you stay inside. I got this, I’ve been there. That that type of stuff is so important, and people really are drawn to that type of empathic or empathetic learning, listening messaging.
Yuri Elkaim: 100% yeah. I say the empathy is the one word marketing plan. If you really understand your audience, and it’s funny too, because I’m sure you hear this a lot too. Like, “Hey, Facebook advertising doesn’t work.” It’s true if you don’t know what you’re doing, if you’re working with somebody who doesn’t know what they’re doing, but it’s the lifeblood of our business. It’s the lifeblood of many businesses. There’s a very big difference between having a Facebook ad and having a Facebook ad that works. A lot of these elements of like the messaging, the empathy, really vividly talking about what does a day look like as you mentioned, not just like, “Hey, are you tired of eating meat?” Really describing the process. There’s a very, very big distinction there.
Yuri Elkaim: I really hope he has got this because there is no… everyone’s looking for the magic thing, but this is where the magic is. The nine things you’ve mentioned, it’s almost like steak spice, right? The perfect state spice, it’s not just like pepper, it’s not just salt. It’s a combination of much different spices and when they’re brought together, they really make the steak that much more flavorful unless you just like it with salt, which is fine as well. But yeah, these have been really good. Yeah, just really good stuff. Cody. Awesome.
Some practical takeaways and Cody’s upcoming live event
Cody Burch: Yeah. A couple practical takeaways. I’m a super practical guy. You may be wondering like, well, what exactly are you saying Cody? Put all those words into a super long Facebook ad. I might be saying that. You should maybe try that. You and I love long Facebook ads. Great storytelling adds great. You can just draw people so near. Then like my best converting landing page is the one where I give away my book and it just, it’s so stupid simple and you can’t even scroll. It says, most people think building funnels is hard. It’s not, tell me where to send your copy, or it says something like that. So it’s got like 14 words and a name and email address. Well why?-
Yuri Elkaim: Can you share it already, they just need like tell me where to send it.
Cody Burch: Because the ads are doing a lot of the heavy lifting and messaging in the ad and the name of the book is like, so it’s like, “Hey, building funnels, I want to do it faster. Go get this.” The work has been done, but you don’t need to have these super long landing pages. When you do so much great work in the ad by then, it’s like walking into a room and all the dominoes are already lined up for you and you just apply a little bit of pressure to that first one because you’ve nailed these other ones with frequent, clear empathic messaging and a defined demographic where you get their pain, we can get them results, and then you send them to something that’s consumable, converting and engaging. It’s like done. You don’t have to set up the dominoes.
Cody Burch: Compare that to walking into a room with a bunch of dominoes going, what do I do with these? Where do I set them up and how do I knock them down and in what order? Well now you kind of know when you nail this, and so if you ever decide to type these words into your ad, go for it. Give it a shot. If you don’t decide to type these words in your ad, that’s okay. But I just want you to get really clear and it’d be a fun exercise for you to do it. Like a creative writing process, like you’re in middle school or in high school to say, “What is their average day look like?” And write that in as vivid language as possible. Just so you know. Then whenever you put out a Webinar, a sales call, like every interaction, every touch point you make with your target market they’ll know like, hey this person, this guy or this girl gets me.
Cody Burch: They understand it, they’ve been there, they see what I’m going through. So that’s the next step for people, I would say for sure.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. And guys, if you’re thinking to yourself like I don’t like doing Facebook ads. I don’t like doing all this stuff. Listen, I’m like, whether or not your running your own Facebook ads, I think it’s worth it. If you spent a whatever, an hour or two to craft one really good ad because that ad could generate hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars for your business.
Yuri Elkaim: It might not, but it could. I think instead of just whipping out a couple sentences and hoping for the best, spend the time, do what Cody’s mentioned her it can really, really make a difference in your business. Honestly that we’ve been around for a while. We know other people that are successful in the online space and they’re not like PhD’s in marketing, they’ve just tested stuff, they’ve done stuff and there’s little nuances that when you start to see this stuff, it’s almost like you, like you have X-Ray Vision to be like, “Oh I can see what’s going on here.” You start to notice these things and hopefully you guys, if you’re watching or listening to this, what Cody has shared with you has been able to give you a bit more of that kind of X-Ray Vision to look at your own funnel or maybe even look at what other stuff is working and kind of start to piece together some of those commonalities.
Yuri Elkaim: Really good stuff, dude, man, thanks for sharing this. This has been even for me, like super insightful.
Cody Burch: Yeah. Yuri, thanks for having me on, man. It’s been fun to chat about. I could do this all day and for people as they’re thinking through this process and thinking I’ve got a sick funnel. I need to rush it to the emergency room. It just so happens that, that’s what my event is all about. If this resonates with you at all and you want to go get your funnel fixed and get it off life support, then that’s what the event is that Yuri mentioned at the beginning. So yeah, it’d be cool to see people face to face and that’s where Yuri and I met at a live event to the acceleration of learning and relationships happens there as well.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally. Again, one our funnel live, so one as O-N-E, hours, so everything spelled out, Check it out guys, really great event. Super affordable. I’m not going reveal the price. I’ll let you guys go to the webpage. Cody’s making it super affordable, beautiful venue. Christy, who’se your wife is also our event planner for our events. So you know guys like it’s going to be pretty epic, June 6th to 9th in Denver.
Yuri Elkaim: Dude it’s going to be a great event, super pumped for you. If you guys are watching or listening, you want more Cody, check it out. It’s really an-
Cody Burch: Awesome. Thanks for having me, I appreciate you man.
Yuri Elkaim: Absolutely man. All right guys, hope you enjoyed this one and take action on what Cody shared with you.
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For now, thank you so much for joining us. Continue to be great. Do great, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
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What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about “Your Story”.
In other words…is your story helping or hindering your progress? Consider Kevin Hart, Oprah Winfrey, and The Rock. They all have stories – and tough ones – that shaped who they are and are a part of their life journey.
Although their stories are different, they all did something similar. They used their story as a catapult to get ahead. Note what they didn’t do. They didn’t let their story define who they are or hinder their progression for the rest of their life.
So many people have examples where they’ve gone through tough times and come out the side. Others tell the story forever and use it as an excuse to never reach their dreams. It’s time to take responsibility for your own success.
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