How to “Lube” Your Business to Get More Done with Craig Ballantyne
This is a special one, folks. Today our guest is the godfather himself, Mr. Craig Ballantyne.
Craig Ballantyne is one of the “Original Gangsters” of the online fitness space. He was my first mentor when I was growing my business online, and he has made a huge difference in my business, as well as many others in our space.
Craig is a high-performance coach and author of The Perfect Day Formula – How to Own the Day and Control Your Life. He holds Perfect Life seminars across the globe, teaching thousands of CEOs, entrepreneurs, professional athletes and executives how to overcome any obstacle on their path to success.
And he lives just outside of Toronto, which is where I live!
In this episode Craig and I discuss:
- How to plan out your life in order to achieve the success you want
- Some great lessons for how to buckle down and get things done
- Coffee enemas!
- The number one skill every entrepreneur needs to have
- The first steps Craig would take in a new business
- Our thoughts on marketing
3:00 – 8:00 – Craig’s evolution from trainer to holistic coach
8:00 – 13:00 – Writing the movie script to your life
13:00 – 18:00 – Team “Get-it-Done”
18:00 – 21:00 – How can I build community?
21:00 – 26:00 – The power of persuasion
26:00 – 31:00 – Coaching and marketing
31:00 – 34:00 – If Craig started a new business, he would…
34:00 – 36:00 – Rapid Fire Questions
Healthpreneurs, how’s it going? Yuri here. Hope your day is going great.
Today’s episode is a special one because we have the Godfather himself. No, not Marlon Brando, but Mr. Craig Ballantyne.
Craig Ballantyne is arguably one of the original gangsters. He’s one of the original fathers of the online fitness space. He was my first mentor when I was having challenges growing my business online.
He was the coach and mentor that I turned to in order to be part of his mastermind along with Bedros Keuilian, back in 2009 – 2010.
It made a huge difference in my business and I have to give Craig a lot of credit for not only what he’s done for my business, but also, what he has done for a lot of businesses in our space.
A lot of influencers that are now big influencers, were initially clients of Craig.
I’m excited to bring Craig on the show because he’s pivoted from the online fitness side of things into really helping you become a much better version of yourself while helping you become more productive, and accomplishing your biggest goals.
He’s done this through his Perfect Life System.
He’s got a great book called The Perfect Day Formula and he’s also got an upcoming retreat called A Perfect Life Retreat.
He’s just a great guy, with a great message and a big heart so I want to officially read his bio for you.
Craig Ballantyne is a high-performance coach and the author of The Perfect Day Formula – How to Own the Day and Control Your Life.
He has been a contributor to Men’s Health magazine since 2000. Ever since discovering how to beat his anxiety, Craig holds Perfect Life Seminars across the globe teaching thousands of CEOs, entrepreneurs, hollywood actors, professional athletes, and executives how to overcome any obstacle on their path to success.
On his website,, you’ll find his daily essays on success, productivity, time management, health, wealth, and personal development.
Craig lives just outside Toronto which is where I live in Canada.
Without any further ado, let’s bring the man on himself.
Hey Craig, how’s it going? Welcome to the Healthpreneur Podcast.
[Craig] Thanks so much, Yuri. This is going to be a lot of fun.
[Yuri] What is new and exciting in the world of Craig Ballantyne these days?
[Craig] I kind of retired from the fitness space and so I haven’t been doing much there. I’ve put all my energy into my book, The Perfect Day Formula, and The Perfect Day Formula Kit, which is like coaching in a box.
I have a big event coming up in the fall called The Perfect Life Retreat, which will be in San Diego. We’ll have Lewis Howes there and a couple other speakers.
It’s really me helping people do the work of getting the clarity they need, build the energy, momentum, and action steps they need to be successful in their personal and professional lives.
[Yuri] It’s obvious there’s been a big gap that has been created since you left the Turbulence Training brand and the fitness space.
From an outsider’s perspective, I feel like you’ve fallen into your true purpose on the planet with The Perfect Day Formula.
[Craig] Well I appreciate that and I feel the same way. I really love this stuff as much as I like the fitness stuff.
It was like pulling teeth for me to talk too much about fitness stuff. I just wanted to get it done and then move on to what you’re talking about which is helping people in a more holistic approach.
While we want to take care of our energy and our health, we want to help people get more results in the bigger things in life so that they can have more time for their families and that’s where both you and I have diverged and away from a lot of people in the fitness space who are still there.
Craig’s evolution from trainer to holistic coach
[Yuri] Let’s back track a bit. Like many of us, you started off as a trainer working 26 hours a day with clients.
What was the pivotal moment when you said to yourself, “listen I got to take this thing online. I need to leverage my time. I need to really impact more people.”
What did that journey look like going from the one-on-one to starting an online business back in the day?
[Craig] I was working 25 hours a day, eight days a week just to be specific which I’m sure many people listening can relate to.
When I was starting my online fitness business in 1999, I had started my first e-mail newsletter.
Back then my model was Men’s Health. If you open an issue of Men’s Health, yes, there’s a lot of fitness stuff. But there’s also information on how to get a raise, and how to be a better father. I really wanted to cover every area.
Back in 2001 or 2002, I stumbled across Early to Rise which was started by my mentor, Mark Ford. I loved it from the minute I started reading it. I began contributing to it around 2005, right around when Turbulence Training really took off.
I had contributed to Early to Rise for about two years.
Then I got focused on the online fitness stuff which was helping other people. You and I had gone to seminars together, and I was helping other people like yourself and Vince Del Monte get started in this online world and help get the first steps going.
I helped a bunch of people do that and then I wanted to learn how to become a better writer, and a better speaker.
I eventually bought Early to Rise. It was a long evolution. It wasn’t like I did this overnight.
I believe that anybody, anywhere, can change anything, anytime they want. It doesn’t matter if it’s changing a health habit, or changing their career path. You can turn on a dime.
You need a plan in place. You need take action steps.
Don’t ever pigeonhole yourself into being a fat loss expert or a nutrition person if you want to do something else, and know you can have a bigger impact. Don’t let anybody stop you. In fact, there’s been nobody stopping me. It’s not even stressful, or difficult or complex. Just do what you want to do.
[Yuri] What do you think stops people? Is it that internal mind-freak that holds people back from getting where they want to be?
[Craig] I think a lot of it is “Oh my goodness. What are other people going to think of me.”
This goes from the clients that walk in the door of our personal training studios, to us going to a big seminar such as your Healthpreneur Seminar.
They’re thinking “I know I want to do this but what are my parents going to say? What is my business partner going to say? What are my clients going to say?”
A lot of people, especially who have gyms, have such a hard time leaving the gym.
“My clients are going to be upset. I’m not there all the time.”
They will be a little bit, but you can reframe that and you can go from helping 300 people in a training studio to 3000 people through a YouTube video every day or 300,000 people through a Facebook Live.
You have to step up to what you’re really capable of. Going all the way back to when I was just getting out of college, my mom said to me one day, you know somebody with your degree just got a job in the factory.
She wanted me to get an accounting job or something. She was worried for me and a lot of people are worried for us.
But if we know ourselves, we know our talents, we know our skills, we know our dreams, we’ve got to go in that direction.
Writing the movie script to your life
[Yuri] If someone is starting off., they have these big ideas, these big visions for what they want to do, but they find themselves spinning their wheels or they’re held back by these mental blocks. If you were to sit down and have a coffee with them, what advice would you give to that person?
[Craig] Well we would work backwards and I would say that most people don’t usually have that vision in place. That is the first thing I would do.
I would get somebody to be very specific on where they want to be in three years from now and I call it writing the movie script for your life.
Think about it as if you were about to watch this movie, let’s say about Yuri, and all the things Yuri has accomplished in in the next three years.
Let me be clear. It’s not what he’s going to accomplish, but rather what he has already accomplished.
Doing this lets me know where you want to be. It’s what I call your dream destination.
Think of it like this…
I’m sure you’ve taken your kids to Disney World or thought about taking them there. Disney World is a dream destination.
How do we get to Disney World?
We know we’ve got to fly to Orlando and get a rental car and drive to Disney World.
It’s a straightforward, straight line to success. Having a vision for your life is like having that dream destination. Once you know where you want to go, it’s a straight line to success.
So now I work backwards with that person. In order to be there three years from now, what’s our quarterly plan? What is the number one thing you need to accomplish in the next 90 days? And we list that out.
Then we work backwards from there. What’s our fast start guide for the next 30 days? What do we need to do in the next 24 hours, the next 72 hours, the next seven days, two weeks, three weeks, and 28 days in order to accomplish that 90-day goal?
When you work backwards, you can get so granular on this that you know exactly how every day, how every workday needs to look to reach your dream destination. That’s how powerful it is. That is what I would do with somebody to help them stop spinning their wheels.
[Yuri] That’s great advice. It is simple in theory. Obviously, it gets easier with practice.
You define the whats and the whys, the big vision, and then you work backwards and figure out the how. One of the things that I’ve noticed a lot of people struggle with is if they don’t know the how.
What if they don’t know what the big needle mover is for their business over the next 90 days? How do you guide that person to helping them focus on what really matters?
How to buckle down and get things done
[Craig] That’s a great question and it’s so important. Most people are doing too many things that don’t really matter. This goes not only in their day to day, but in their morning routines and all the stuff that they’re trying to do.
They’re trying to do 19 things where they only really need to be doing one or two, so it’s a matter of the introspection and self-reflection that most people just aren’t doing.
We sit them down and ask them a bunch of questions and figure out OK, if you want to have more clients in your gym, what’s working now? What’s driving in all the people?
I own a couple of gyms with partners and they send me weekly reports and they’re doing all these charity things, and lead boxes, and this, that, and the other thing, but they’re not spending time on the Facebook ads that sends them 90 percent of their actual members.
Most people are filling their time with procrastination activities.
I would dive deep, ask a lot of questions, and call them out on their B.S.
I would pinpoint what really are the big lever’s here.
I’m going to tell that person, “listen you’re doing all of this and you really need to be focusing on this. I know it’s the hardest thing on your list and I know that’s why you want to avoid it, but it is the most important thing on your list.”
I’m sure you can relate. It’s like when you’re were writing your book, Yuri. I’m sure there were days when you were “I want to do 19 other things besides gluing my butt to this chair and bleeding out of my eyeballs and writing this book.”
But this book is what has allowed us to accomplish a lot of the things you accomplished today. So that is the power. It’s about funneling down, funneling down, funneling down, peeling the onion to figuring out what really matters and make a plan to operate on those things that really matter.
[Yuri] Going back to the books for a second, I wrote three books in the space of five months combined. The only reason I was able to do that is because I implemented what you talk about so often, which is get your most important stuff done first thing in the morning.
Every day, Monday through Sunday, from 5:00 a.m. until 7:00 a.m., that was my writing block. I did that until the book was done, and that was such a powerful thing.
If you’re listening to this and you’re not using that first hour or two in the morning to do your most important work, the way I looked at it was like wow, I just gave myself 60 extra hours per month. You can’t even buy that time if you wanted to.
[Craig] Can I just say something about that Yuri? You nailed it by doing the most important stuff first thing in the morning.
Too many other people, they want to do yoga, meditation, gratitude journaling, free form journaling, interpretive dance. They do 19 things before they actually do anything, and that’s what’s holding them back.
If somebody out there is thinking “you know this book isn’t coming along fast enough”, it’s because you’re not doing it. This is absolutely the first thing you do when you wake up.
Have a greens drink or a coffee, and then sit down and write because then the rest of the day is going to get filled in by other people, even if you plan strictly.
Unless you’re a full-time writer like my friend Nick Sparks, and I’ve talked to him about his schedule, he does nothing but write and he has other people to do everything else.
Most people listening to this may want to write a book. They’re not full-time writers. They’ve got to run a gym and you’re not going to be able to write a book between 3 and 5 p.m. while running a gym. You got to do it first thing in the morning so I thank you for saying that, and I thank you for being on the team ‘Get it done.’
[Yuri] Thank you for the inspiration. For years, the morning has been a constant battle for me. I find that I need a focused project that is consistent day in and day out.
From 5:00 in the morning or 6:00 in the morning I’m going to write sales copy, or write my e-mails or write the book in this case.
For me, when I have that tangible focus in the morning, I don’t have to think about it. From 6:00 – 7:00 am, this is what I do every single day.
[Craig] That’s the best way to do it. One little extra trick for people that are considering doing the same sort of thing is if you do just a tiny bit of planning and outlining the night before, it makes it even easier.
When people wake up in the morning and they’re like, “I’m going to go and write Chapter Three of my book,” and they go down and sit in front of a computer and there’s a blank Word document sitting there, that can be tough, especially at 5:00 in the morning.
If you just put three bullet points on there the night before, such as, Chapter Three, I want to cover this, this and this, so instead of writing a fifteen-hundred-word chapter, now you just have to write three blocks of 500 words.
You can do that for anything, whether it’s a workout, a nutrition habit, filming videos; as long as you have something to make the path easier, it’s going to be easier.
I stole this from Chip and Dan Heath’s book, Switch where they talk about wanting to have the path cleared for the elephant to walk down it, which is their analogy. It made so much sense to me and I’ve been thinking about that all the time.
It’s a great analogy for exercise folks when we tell our clients, “when you wake up first thing in the morning, do your exercise and have your workout clothes right beside the bed” so there’s fewer excuses and fewer distractions.
[Yuri] I want to get back to the business of Craig Ballantyne and all the stuff you’ve worked on over the years. Out of all the stuff you’ve done, all the businesses you’ve had your hands in, what’s been the biggest challenge you’ve ever faced?
When you think back, off the top of your head, what was the one really big obstacle you had to overcome, and what did you learn from it?
How can I build community?
[Craig] You know right now we have a big obstacle with our mutual friend, Ray Ortiz, in our boot camps in the Toronto area. I have boot camps in South Carolina as well with a different business partner, Daniel Woodrum, and it’s easier to fill the ones in South Carolina.
It comes down to one word which is powerful for online businesses, offline businesses, personal relationships, and that’s community. It is very difficult for us to keep the community going in a big city like Toronto.
We’re on the outskirts, so you know looking at Vaughan and Markham, you know it’s people who get in their cars, they’re busy, there’s not a lot of opportunity to make connections when you’re driving around Markham like you do in Mount Pleasant South Carolina.
There’s just no family atmosphere and it’s and it’s been difficult. Ray has figured it out at one location, in Markham, but we’re still struggling with Vaughan, so that has definitely been a learning experience.
It’s something everybody can benefit from just thinking, “how in my business, online or offline, can I build community”.
Yuri, you shared a great example of sharing more personal stories, particularly with the coffee thing. You you have always been so open and always had the open kimono in your speaking, your storytelling, in your writing, and that’s how you built the Yuri community.
It’s so powerful and it’s the same way that I have with my anxiety stories, that now, I unfortunately, get messages from people in the emergency room because I’ve told my anxiety story.
They’ve also encouraged me to write another book on helping people overcome anxiety so I can build that community. The more community you have, the more you are able to help people.
That is the one-word big lesson.
[Yuri] Let’s talk about anxiety for a second because you’ve been very open about this in a lot of your communications. Anxiety can take a couple of different forms. For some people it’s called stress, for others it maybe full-blown panic attacks. Why does this happen especially for entrepreneurs?
[Craig] In general, I’ve come down to this theory. The more time you spend inside your head, holding things up, not sharing, the more difficulty you’re going to have with anxiety.
Thinking only about yourself, or thinking only about your sales numbers and worrying.
When you switch the script, or flip the script and you start to think about how can I be giving and generous to people, how can I focus on other people’s problems, how can I help other people and do nothing but make an impact on other people and be so unselfish, and totally forget about myself, that is the cure. Whereas being wrapped up inside your own head is the problem.
That is the general aspect to it whether it is, like you said, just daily stress at the end of the day at 5:00, or whether you are thinking about going to the emergency room.
[Yuri] That’s why being an entrepreneur is so great because we’re really value adders and problem solvers. As you said, if we can focus on serving others, we reduce the focus on ourselves, which naturally dissolves a lot of that stress and anxiety.
[Craig] A lot of this is perspective. You can think, “Oh my goodness. I didn’t close eight out of 10 clients this week. Oh, what a rough week.” And then you’ve got a client who comes in who’s thinking about divorcing her husband, and you’re “Oh, perspective, perspective”.
The number one skill every entrepreneur needs to have
[Yuri]. In your experience, what do you think is the number one skill entrepreneurs must possess for success?
[Craig] Good question. I will say persuasiveness in all its aspects. Whether it is persuading somebody to buy something, or persuading somebody to be part of the mission and the team, you have to persuade. You have to always be selling people to join my team, join my team, join Yuri’s business.
You’re a great digital marketer, you can go and work for anybody you want, but I’ve got to persuade you to be part of this mission because we’re going to work well together and really change lives. You know you can go and work for this other person, and they’re a great person, but they’re not going to have the impact that we have.
You have to have that persuasion in every area. You have to persuade your kids to brush their teeth. You have to persuade people to join your team. You have to persuade people to buy your products and services.
[Yuri] How does someone develop that?
[Craig] First of all, there is some formula to it. Going back to the book Influence by Robert Cialdini and thinking about that stuff, I took a lot of psychology classes in university and loved them. They were some of my favorite classes because you know as humans we operate on some weird levels for so many reasons.
You want to be able to go and understand the scientific principles of selling and persuasion and then from there it’s a whole lot of trial and error and role playing.
One of the things that I’ve been doing in the last year is a lot of phone sales of high ticket items like $5,000 and $25,000 coaching programs. I’m working with Bedros. I hired him. I hired one of my best friends for sales coaching and we did hours and hours and hours of role playing and thinking about the objections.
What I realize as I’ve done so many of these sales calls, is that all I do is listen. I just listen and let people talk themselves into the sale. The beginner sales person doesn’t listen and they do too much talking and they talk themselves out of the sale.
A lot of people just want to be heard. They want to get things off their chest and at the end you’ll be able to summarize it. You’ll go, “This and this and this. Can I help you with that?” And they’ll say yes.
It really is a lot simpler than a recovering introvert like me made it out to be.
[Yuri] The less seasoned person in that situation would feel more uncomfortable and nervous and feel they need to ramble on and talk a lot, as opposed to sitting back and asking the right questions.
[Craig] Yes, it is very much like that. I always like to say that Bedros is California cool. When you look at his style he’s like, “Hey, bring me your problems. Tell me where you’re at. Oh, I’ve got a total solution for that.”
It is so not a high-sales pressure pitch. It is just…
“Hey, let me connect the dots here. Let me show you.
OK so you said they were struggling here, here, and here right.
Yeah. Yeah, I said that.
Oh OK. So, if I could help you do this, this, and this., you’d like that, right.
Yeah, I’d love that.
Well that’s exactly what I can help you. So let’s just look at the terms and conditions here and get started.”
Coaching and marketing
[Yuri] I want to get real with you here, not that we haven’t been real, but I want to ask what is a big mistake you’ve made in your business?
Something that was a really bad move that made you say, “oh man, maybe I shouldn’t have done that.” What did it cost you?
[Craig] Being cheap and not hiring coach soon enough. I could have hired a coach in 2003. I waited three years. It cost me millions of dollars. It cost me years of getting my books out as well as a lot of personal development and growth.
Get a coach immediately because they are going to give you the expert advice and accountability everybody needs.
[Yuri] OK Craig, I would love to get your coaching but I can’t afford it. What do you say to that person?
[Craig] Virtual mentors. Watch their YouTube videos, read their books. In this day and age, you can get so far for free. That’s what I did.
Back in 2003, I bought a manual for $97 and made $4,000 from it. I read it a couple more times, and made another $4,000 every time I read it.
I then invested in coaching from the person. It’s just a ladder up until you can afford their seminars, their masterminds, their one on one, whatever it is that they have.
[Yuri] You’ve been doing this for more than 15 years. What have you noticed in terms of trends and changes. How is the market different now than it was maybe a decade ago in the market?
[Craig] I wouldn’t say the market is too different, I would say it is the marketing. It’s very social media based these days
I will say one thing about the market is that they are very open to one on one coaching. I see a lot people successfully building businesses from social media to coaching.
While those things can be manual labor intensive, people are looking for that personal customized touch.
[Yuri] What do you think is a dying breed when it comes to marketing? For instance, people are saying that video sales letters are not as effective as they used to be. Are people more intelligent and resourceful looking for reviews and more authenticity?
[Craig] I would say they are still very swayed by everything they’ve always been swayed by since the beginning of time. They’re more swayed by celebrity than anything else these days.
First of all, you can manufacture celebrity. The numbers prove the celebrity of the individual. “Oh, they have 10,000 Instagram followers”. Clearly, they’ve got some type of celebrity cachet, or they have 500,000 Instagram followers. “I’ve got to do what this person is doing.” It’s currently very celebrity based.
However, I don’t think we’ll ever get away from good communication. God communication will always work.
For example, going back to video sales letters and saying they don’t work – bad video sales letters don’t work; good video sales letters do work.
Somebody was asking me the other day, “do you think we should not send a daily essay from Early to Rise because it’s too much information?”
My take on that was I still read certain aspects of the newspaper every day, and I would read more of it if it was better.
It’s just a matter of fact that we have to step up our game and our content if we’re worried about people not reading it. It’s not that people won’t read, especially our audience. They’re older. They read, but we just have to make sure we bring our A-game with every single message we put out there.
[Yuri] How do you help people filter through all the noise? For example, let’s say you’ve got to write a sales page, or you’ve got to create a video sales letter, or you’ve got have a YouTube channel. How do you get people to narrow down on what is right for their business?
[Craig] It’ll be a combination of funneling down that we talked about before and figuring out what’s the big lever that can really move your business ahead. It would take a lot of knowing their business and then knowing your skill set.
For example, do you have the skill set and the personality to sit in front of a computer and write a sales letter. If you can’t sit down for more than 15 minutes like some high energy trainers, which we know they can’t do it, and while we’re not going to try and pull teeth here, what can we do?
We have all these other bullets in the gun from video sales letters, to YouTube channels to Instagram.
That’s the great thing about this day and age. It’s not like when you and I started where you only had the option of a written sales letter.
It was either online or print. You really didn’t have much choice back in 2003 and now you have everything.
Now I need to get to know as much about my client and the one bullet they need in their gun.
But the great thing is that everybody can find that one bullet, match it up, and make a really big impact with it.
If Craig started a new business, he would…
[Yuri] Let’s say you sold your claim, your stake, in Early to Rise. You said you’ve had enough of this. There’s no more Perfect Life work. None of that stuff. I want to go into a completely new market maybe sell dog biscuits for Bally the Dog.
If you were to start in a completely new market, what’s the first thing you would be doing in this business?
[Craig] I would survey Bally the Dog. I would put out three dog biscuits and see which one he liked best. After he ate all three of them in one second, I’d be like OK, that’s not a good use of my time.
Then I would do a deep dive. I would need to what are people fired up about in that dog biscuit world or whatever world. I would need to get to know the people in that niche and sub-culture, because you want to come out with an authentic message right from the start.
You don’t want to go into something just with a numbers only based approach. You really need to know the people, combine that with a numbers based approach, knowing what it’s going to cost per lead, per customer, how much you can get in your cart when you do a good funnel like Russell Brunson would call it. There’s a lot of research.
I would just go and hang around those people and I would really try going into something that I knew a lot about the first place.
[Yuri] Do you believe that taking more action is more effective, or better than taking quality action? If you only had to choose one, which one would you take?
[Craig] My own personal actions might blow my answer here, but I would say it’s the quality action. It really is.
I have this conversation with my business partner a lot, because he always says, “Oh man. You do so much. It’s so awesome. I’m so inspired” and I’m like, “you actually do smarter things than me and the fewer things that you do, have a bigger payoff, in some cases.”
There is a case for both. However, once you know what you’re doing, generally, erring on the side of more action is going to help. If you are just throwing stuff at a wall and seeing what sticks because you’re just beginning, you need to spend a little bit of time and introspection.
Good coaching is going to help you eliminate a lot of the stuff that most people waste their time on.
[Yuri] Do you think quantity of action can help with the quality of action as you refine your craft, or is it even better just to say, “Hey, I’m going to go to the master and have him pave the way for me?”
[Craig] Take a look at Tim Ferris. He’s really hacked a whole bunch of stuff from hacking his swimming lessons, to hacking his writing, to his tango dancing, and I think there’s a lot to be said for that. I hack my books now by using Tucker Max’s Book in a Box company as opposed to sitting there and bleeding because I really think the process fits my style.
I would go to the master first because there’s just so many masters out there who have been there, done that, who will save you years, and then they can turn you loose on the massive action.
Rapid Fire Questions
[Yuri] You ready for the rapid fire five questions?
[Craig]. Yes, that’s always my favorite part of these shows.
[Yuri] Whatever comes top of your mind, the first thing that comes out your mouth, it’s all good. What’s your biggest weakness?
[Craig] My biggest weakness is envy. I’m overcoming it. I’ve always envied other people and it takes a lot of energy from me.
[Yuri] I am sure in today’s day and age a lot of people can relate to that. What is your biggest strength?
[Craig] My biggest strength is introspection and self-reflection.
[Yuri] One skill you’ve become dangerously good at in order to grow your business.
[Craig] Before you say grow your business, it was going to be falling asleep in cars, but now it is communication.
[Yuri] What do you do first thing in the morning?
[Craig] I walk downstairs. I let my dog climb on my stomach, I pet him, I have a greens drink and I go immediately to writing.
[Yuri] Complete this sentence. I know I’m being successful when
[Craig] I get feedback from strangers in countries I never heard of, that I’ve changed a lot.
[Yuri] There you have it guys. The man, the myth, the legend himself, the Godfather, Craig Ballantyne. Craig it’s been awesome to have you on the podcast.
You’ve been a mentor of mine for so long and has been a Godfather as everyone calls you for many other people in our space.
I want to thank you for the amazing work you’ve done, for the amazing work you continue to do, and for continuing to raise the bar for everyone in our space.
[Craig] Thank you so much. We’ve come a long way since the basement of System Fitness where we first met.
[Yuri] I know, it’s crazy.
Where can everyone stay up to date with what you’re working on, and where can we find out about all that awesome stuff you’ve got going with The Perfect Life Retreats and all that good stuff?
[Craig] My favorite social media these days is Instagram, so Instagram dot com forward slash RealCraigBallantyne (, Not the fake one.
Perfect Life Retreat Dotcom ( for the event in November. I’d love to see everybody there and change their lives, and structure the day to dominate.
[Yuri] There you go guys. We will have that all linked up in the show notes. Craig thanks again buddy, it’s been awesome, and we will talk to you soon.
[Craig] Thanks so much. Great show.
Yuri’s Take
So a pretty powerful interview, right. As Craig continues to demonstrate over and over again, he’s always looking to serve, always looking to give, and help support others. That’s one of the reasons why he’s such an influential figure in our space.
If you have the chance, be sure to learn more about his event, perfect life retreat dot com. It’s going to be a tremendous event. I’m going do my very best to be there. I’m going to move around one of our own mastermind meetings to see if I can make that happen, so hopefully I’ll be there. Hopefully you’ll be there as well.
You’ll be able to connect with a lot of other amazing people in our space, and obviously, learn from Craig, himself.
Follow Craig Ballantyne At:
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What You Missed
In our last episode, we had Gunnar Lovelace, CEO of Thrive Market.
When Gunnar was looking to start up Thrive Market, he shares how he went from being rejected by over 50-60 of the top venture capital firms to raising money through influencers which is now becoming a model for many other start up companies
Gunnar’s mission with Thrive Market is democratized access to healthy food, and that healthy food and healthy living is not a privilege for the wealthy few but a basic human right.
Thrive Market has experienced explosive growth in only three years and has come a very long way in such a short period of time.
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