Don’t Expect Things to Be Easy
Welcome to the Between the Ears segment of the Healthpreneur Podcast! We’ve got another show with our amazing Results Coaches: Jackie, Amy, and Stephanie. Today we’re giving you a news flash: Surprise! Don’t expect things to be easy!
What, you say? This whole running a successful business thing isn’t easy? Shouldn’t everything be easy, if we’re – you know – in flow? Nope. There will be challenges. It won’t be easy. But the journey is amazing and rewarding all the same.
Today we’ll consider some of the challenges that come up when running a business. Most of them occur right between our ears, and others occur outside of ourselves and test our ability to react and grow despite it all. Listen in for some practical advice to deal with challenges, simplify when possible, find solutions, and serve your clients with integrity and honesty.
In This Episode Jackie, Amy, Stephanie, and I discuss:
- Accepting what you don’t know and following a proven path.
- Hand-ups versus hand-outs.
- Why people give up.
- How things can be made easier.
- Moving past challenges and struggle.
1:30 – 8:30 – Introducing reality, assessing mindset, and knowing what it takes to transform
8:30 – 13:00 – Simplifying the learning process and accepting the challenge
13:00 – 21:00 – Giving up, expectations, and discouraging yourself
21:00 – 29:00 – Serving, being honest, and overcoming struggle
29:00 – 39:00 – Parenthood and personal development
Healthpreneurs what’s going on? Yuri here and I’ve got the amazing results coaches in the house once again. Welcome to another edition of Between the Ears. Yes, we have finalized the name of the show and I’m super pumped to be here with you guys, Steph, Jackie, Amy, welcome.
And I’m a little bit buzzed today because I had a coffee this morning which was caffeinated. So before this I was doing some work and I was just dancing to some beats and stuff and like, “Man, I’m like on drugs here.” So I’m a little bit more pumped up than usual, which is actually not a bad thing.
Anyways, today we’re talking about not expecting the journey to be easy. Why I think this is important guys is that we’re all for setting an intention that you can achieve and really have whatever you want in life and visualizing that and expecting it to come to you with ease and flow, but at the same time we have to live on planet earth as well.
We have to understand that there are going to be challenges that if you’ve never done something before, it’s not going to be easy. Just like teaching our kids how to ride a bike is not easy and if they think that they’re going to be perfect at it the first time, they’re going to give up because they get frustrated.
So the whole topic of today’s discussion is to really be reminded that there will be challenges, that the journey isn’t necessarily easy but as a result of that it’s the most rewarding part of this whole process.
I’m excited to dive into this. So why don’t we get started off.
Introducing reality, assessing mindset, and knowing what it takes to transform
Amy, you and Jackie do a lot of our enrollment calls now. Steph’s going to start to do a lot of them as well, but when you speak to some of our prospective clients what do you think?
Do people come into these calls with the mindset that, “All right, I’m willing to do the work? I understand there’s work involved.” Or it’s like they’re just going to sit back and allow us to do everything for them. What do you find is a lot of the common mindset? Maybe it’s a bit of both.
Amy: It’s a double-edged sword because you have taught and you employ such a simple system in the perfect client pipeline, and you are pre-qualifying people to come onto that call with us, for the most part people are answering.
We ask a question are you a do-your-best kind of person or a do-whatever-it-takes kind of person? And I love that question because I love to hear the answers that all of you give, and there’s all different ones.
I usually get, “Ooh, that’s a really good question.” Then a lot of people say they’re a combination, right? If you’re into it, if you’re passionate about it, you’re going to do whatever it takes and you want to do your best. We talked about that though. We don’t want to do your best to be perfection and to I’m going to do my best kind of person so I never actually put myself out there.
The people that we bring into our tribe are a do-whatever-it-takes kind of person. The people that are successful, that follow the system because they understand when we get on the phone and we say, the reason that I ask this question, and I love having this part of the conversation is because we’ve already established this most likely as we’ve already discussed building a business can be simple or it’s certainly not easy as you already know.
Most people are coming to us with experience. They’re struggling. They know it’s hard and they want to know what to do. So most people are coming in knowing that there’s work involved and that’s also the piece where we can’t want it more for you than you want it for yourself, because it is going to be difficult.
I loved what you said Yuri, anything worth doing there’s going to be a challenge and the joy comes in overcoming the challenges. I think everything I do, I wanted to learn faster.
I can’t wait until I know it and I’m finally at this point in my life being like, “Okay, but it happens every time.” That’s where the flows comes. The acceptance of you don’t know but here’s the path and you guys have amazing support system in the team. That’s where you can flow. Follow the path, know it’s going to be challenging, take on the challenge like you said that you would when you enrolled and then reach out for help. It is a multi-field there Yuri. I hope that answers your question.
Yuri: Yeah no. I love you talked about how usually we give more value to something we put a little bit more effort into.
Amy: Yeah.
Hand-ups versus hand-outs
Yuri: I was at an event this past weekend and did an Instagram Story about it. This week Arlene Dickinson who is one of the Dragons or was one of the Dragons on Dragons’ Den, which is the Canadian version of Shark Tank, she was talking about when she was 30, had four kids, didn’t have a job, just recently divorced, had gone through a depression, was sleeping on her parent’s couch and was in a funk.
Her dad came to her one day and said, “Hey, who do you think is going to get you out of this situation?” She looked up at him and said, “You?” And he’s like, “Nope. You’re going to figure this out.” The whole lesson that she got from that experience was in life it’s way more empowering to give people a hand-up than handouts.
Amy: Yes.
Yuri: This is an important thing that we talk about with our clients and this is where as a coach, I really believe we’re not supposed to give you the easy way. We’re not supposed to answer things for you.
A lot of times we want to prod you, push you, question, ask you questions that will help you come up with the answers. Because at the end of the day when you figure things out on your own, that’s when it sticks. That’s when you’ve developed the skillset and knowing that you can never get from a handout.
So yes, we could give you the answer. We could give you the fish but I think as coaches and even for you guys as coaches for your own clients, teaching people how to fish is going to help them become much better versions of themselves in the process and they’re going to value that transformation so much more because they went through maybe some of the hardship of having to learn and grow and they stumble and fall along the way. That’s a great point that you bring up Amy.
Simplifying the learning process and accepting the challenge
Jackie, you had, I think yesterday or the day before, had an application come through for a call. When I saw this application, I took a screenshot of for me, this is the ideal type of application you want to see come through, and I’m sure you know which one I’m talking about.
Where this person is something along the lines of, “I know it’s going to be challenging but I know I can’t do this on my own, I know I need the support, I’m ready to do this now and let’s just do this.” Kind of Hell or High Water type of thing.
How do you feel when you see these types of applications come through or even having conversations with these types of people where they recognize the journey is not going to be very easy versus maybe those who expects it to be?
Jackie: Yeah. Actually that’s a good call, and I know which one you’re talking about. We’re still talking today. She’s in our 24-hour window. To be honest, it comes down to sometimes I think, and this goes to the practitioners.
Like Amy you spoke very well of 99% of our applicants. But I know I’ve even brought into our workshop healthcare practitioners who are in the office still, like naturopath chiropractors.
They could easily just missed our workshop but because they didn’t want to do the tech, they didn’t want to learn certain things, but in that strategy session, in that results call, I make it very clear, it’s like, “It’s good for you to understand this because you’re giving away all your power.”
Yuri: Totally.
Jackie: “If something were to happen and everything was shut down, you need to at least understand it or understand who to hire to bring in and help you.” We’re up leveling people to empower them to say, “Okay, how can we make this a simple process, right?”
Because there is going to be challenges, there’s going to be struggles and we’re not going to just say eek to our dream because we can’t take on more because some of these practitioners physically can’t take on more. They’re spending hours and hours seeing patients and clients and they don’t want to necessarily give that up yet.
I know I brought in some practitioners with support help, right? It’s like, “Okay well if you don’t want to fully understand all of the nitty-gritty details, do you have someone in your team?” They’re like, “Oh yeah. Can I bring them to the workshop?” “Absolutely.”
It’s still not going to be easy but we’ve simplified it one more step. I think that’s one key thing. It’s like, okay same thing with my situation today. I’m like, look I’m in my kitchen because I have one toddler over here, I have a one year old in her crib because my nanny had a situation this morning and my two backups are on vacation. It’s like what are you going to do, right?
You foresee what you can and you make it happen. I could have freaked out and said I’m not going to do this today, right? But instead it’s like, okay I have 45 minutes, what’s the best situation to best handle this, and here I am.
Yuri: Yeah.
Jackie: It’s like when you know you have a passion about it, it’s do or die, and that’s all of our applications. There are some that come through that are wishy-washy and we reply to them via email. It’s like if this is 100% go for you, then I need to know these answers better, right? I even had another chiro that’s like, “I don’t want to give you any more answers. This isn’t a go for me,” and then he opened up this big storm of life’s happening, right?
Life’s going to happen. So because life’s happening and you’re trying to run a business, you don’t just give up. You’ve got to push through, you’ve got lean on your team, you’ve got to lean on us, you’ve got to say this is what’s going on how can I make sure this doesn’t happen again, right?
So we share our stories, we try out together, we celebrate our failing forwards, we do all of it as a tribe, as a family, as a team, and I really think that’s what keeps things greased, right? So it’s, again, it’s not easy but it keeps everything simplified.
Yuri: Yeah totally. I think what it comes down to is how badly do you want it. If it’s, I’m just putting together my courage code talk right now. One of the things I talk about is one of the ways to build courage is you have to make it a must, right?
So for instance, when you’re on your own and you have to fend for yourself or figure things out and there is no food, you have to learn how to hunt otherwise you’re dead, right? You’re dead in the wild, you’re dead.
I’ve seen this many times over the years and it’s sad where a practitioner who just wants to do their thing partners up with a marketing expert. And they’re like, “Just market whatever you have to market, get this message out there, I’m just going to do my thing, I’m going to see my patients and create my content.”
I’ve seen this too many times where those relationships or partnerships dissolve at some points and now the practitioner is like shit out of luck because they don’t know how to do anything, right. That’s a challenge.
So it’s not to say that everyone has to become a marketer, but you have to understand the basics of, for instance, the tech. Yes, we’re going to help you set it up, but you have to understand how to log into ScheduleOnce, for instance, or your Facebook Ads Manager.
Because god forbid, if something goes wrong or the person who’s helping you is on vacation for a week or so, you have to know the basics of how to mind with that whole situation or navigate that whole situation. Because otherwise you’re again, as you said Jackie, you’re giving away your power to someone now who god forbid, something bad should happen. So yeah, that’s a really good point.
Giving up, expectations, and discouraging yourself
Steph, why do you think that people give up? Why do you think that when someone says their New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, why do you think when someone has this really big drive to start a business and start enrolling clients, why do you think that they go from this high emotional intensity of yes, I’m going to make this happen, to seeing it fizzle out over the coming weeks or months? Not in all cases but in some cases.
Stephanie: I’ve had a lot of experience with this myself. I used to think that everything was going to be so hard that then I would just not do it at all.
So, for example, sometimes people start, “Okay, I’m going to do this, I’m going to do this, I’m going to start this weight loss journey or I’m going to start this amazing program that Yuri has done so I’m going to have this amazing business at the end.” Then as soon as it gets hard it’s like, “Oh my gosh, this is too hard. I’m not good enough.”
All of these thoughts start to pop into the head that again are just … they live in the subconscious mind. It’s almost like the challenge starts to poke at you and prod at you and you’re like, “I got to give up, I can’t do this.”
What’s cool about this program in particular is that you provide us, these results coaches, right, that we can actually help you get past that little hump. So a lot of people who start these New Year’s resolutions they don’t set themselves up for success because they’re running on this high of New Year’s, right? Or this high of just signing up or this high of whatever it is. That high does not last, right?
Again, we’ve talked about this before I believe, but I actually did a podcast about this on Mindset By Design where everything is like a battery. We have these highs and then the battery dips down low.
And guess what, you got to re-plug in and then it charges back up and then you go down low again and then you charge back up. So you just have to expect it to be challenging but also understand when to ask for help, understand when you got to push through. Circle back to why you started, right?
So Jackie has just mentioned we have a lot of practitioners who are in brick and mortar who literally cannot take on another client. So how do you scale if you only have X amount of hours in the day, right?
How things can be made easier
So circle back to that idea of, wow I can help more people if I push through. How many more people, how many more sales can I get, how many more people can I help? Then once you circle back to that, it’s like, “Okay, this tech is challenging. It’s just something new, I can do. If other people can do it, I can do it.”
Again, another thing about it is that we have a lot of really smart people in this group, right? A lot of smart people are listening to this right now, a lot of smart people are in the group, and that can often be a challenge because the brain thinks of, “But if I do this and I do that then this could happen and that can happen. Oh my gosh, and what if it explodes and what if I hit this button and everybody dies and blah, blah.”
It’s like we think of all these things. So if you can just kind of dumb it down a bit where it’s like, “Okay, I don’t know how to do this. Let me just press this button. Let me hit … Let me Google it. Let me tag somebody in the group. Let me …” You know what I mean? It’s like we just have to allow ourselves to understand that things can actually be a little bit easier than we make them sometimes.
I did a Facebook Live recently in the group about this where if we think about our archaic ancestors and how hard their lives were. You just said if you’re hungry you got to learn how to hunt, right?
Well these people had to do so many things where it’s like we’re literally giving you a system that is a proven system, and yes it will be challenging, however, what’s more challenging, figuring out on your own, right? If you can just circle back to that, it’s like, “Okay, I can figure this out. I can do this, right?”
Moving past challenges and struggle
Yuri: Totally. Yeah. Guys I think perspective is helpful too. One of our clients Tim is in the group. He’s actually climbed Mount Everest twice. Once he didn’t summit but still come on, right, at least he was there. Second time he got to the summit of Mount Everest. I told him, I’m like, “Listen man, that is an amazing reference point because honestly anything else you do in life is going to be a lot easier than climbing Mount Everest.” Okay?
So guys, we all have these reference points and it’s really important to think back to man, I went through this really tough time, whether it’s personally, in your business or whatever, and think of, “Okay, I got through that, I can figure out how to sync up this ,” or whatever we get stuck in with the weeds.
And I think part of the problem is that we … so many people get stuck in the weeds and they get so entrenched like they’re in this swamp and they’re just covered in all of these stuff and you got to come out of that. You got to come up to the high level, big vision, big picture, and as you said Steph, reconnect to the why. Really reconnect to here is why I’m doing this and the consequences of me not doing this are going to be this, this and this.
So a lot of this process guys is you have to operate at a high level but also come down to planet earth to take action. That’s why I think it’s important to have some type of routine every day, whether it’s in the morning or at night or both, where you’re reconnecting to your goals, you’re reconnecting to your why, because there will be times and believe me it happens more often than we want, where you don’t want to do the work, where you don’t want to get out of bed.
Where for instance, as you guys know I love playing tennis and I realized this summer that okay cool, the level I want be at is way higher than I’m currently at. So I said, “Okay what are my limitations?” One of my limitations is my shoulder because if I’m playing in matches and my shoulder starts hurting, now my technique goes and my mind goes and all this stuff goes.
So I’m like, “Okay, over the next year, I’m going to work my ass off to improve my shoulder, to improve my conditioning so that when I play guys that are 17, 18 years old, I’m going to wipe the court with them. Okay, so what does that look like?”
So I put together a whole schedule for me and I realized I’m going to have to work harder than maybe I’ve done before and not a harder in the sense of laying on the ground after a workout, but maybe it’s working through things that I didn’t want to do like being more consistent with mobility drills that I may have done once a week in the past.
Then all right, that’s all cool. The plan is laid out, I’m ready to go. Couple of days ago I’m outside doing some work, some agility stuff in the field and I finish, I’m like, “Oh my God, I just tweaked my back.” So it’s like, “Shit, all right. Now I’m sidelined for a couple of days or maybe more.”
And we have to be careful with these things that pop up because they can very quickly derail us. In your life with your business, that might … And guys this is why it’s so important to figure out a way to do this no matter what because life is going to happen. Family members are going to get sick. You’re going to get forced to move. A hurricane might hit.
Whatever is going on, life happens and we have to build up fortitude and plans and strategies that are going to keep us moving forward no matter what because it’s very easy to say, “Sorry I can’t do that, this happened.”
That’s not a good place to be in because it’s always going to be an external force outside of yourself that is holding you back from your dreams and when you give your power away, you don’t have control of your life.
So, that’s the way I see this and just want to tap into some of the comments here in the Facebook thread. Allison, what’s up? Amy Ford White saying, just going back to what Jackie was talking about with delegating a lot of stuff in your businesses.
The people that are working with you also don’t have the same motivation that you have for your personal business, which is true and there’s obviously ways you can build culture to mitigate that.
But at the end of the day guys, just like a financial planner won’t love your money as much as you do, you love your business more than anyone else, right? So you have to take responsibility for that. Yeah, so that’s just my little soapbox rants on taking control no matter what and getting it done.
I think a lot of example here can be applied. So part of the discussion here we wanted to bring to you guys is not only for helping you guys build out your businesses but I think this is an important framework that you can share with your potential clients too. Because if you’re on the phone with someone and they want to lose weight and nothing has worked for them in the past, for instance, or they’ve gone up and down, I think it’s really important to be honest with them to say, “Hey listen, it’s not going to be easy.”
I think people appreciate that because I think we’re in a time where there’s two camps. There’s the camp that says, “I want these results and I want it tomorrow. I want to press a button, get it done. I want to take the magic pill and I lose the weight.” But then there’s another camp that is like, “I’ve seen so much of that garbage that if I see any more of it I’m going to go crazy.”
I think humans, at a fundamental level, we understand that there’s going to be a bit of work involved. So what do you guys say? When you’re speaking with your own clients or our own clients, what message would you want them to be able to take to their own clients to be able to get this message across to them to not only make it more realistic for working/enrolling with them, but also acting maybe more from a place of service and really serving people at that higher level because they’re more honest with those potential clients.
Amy: I think that’s a great point Yuri and I think as you said it’s really refreshing for people to have that honesty because no matter what, we’re being bombarded. And I spoke with a girl on the phone the other day for our result accelerator call that was really all about the relationship building and with the pipeline, was not able to wrap her head around yet, but how are we building this relationship if I’ve never spoken with the person and the first time I get on the phone with them I’m now offering them my program?
You know what, that wasn’t something that had come up before. I hadn’t spoken with anyone in the HBA but maybe that’s happening for some of you, and I think, and I did talk with her, I coached her around that and she wasn’t ready. She’s a great candidate and we can build a relationship with her certainly, but what happens is that everything that we do in the HBA, and Yuri I just, I’m always so grateful for your example and your lead because everything that you model here we take into our businesses.
So if I’m going to whine and complain and say, “I really wanted to go mountain biking today but I have this call and I have to go home to do it.” No, I don’t. I’m going to go mountain biking as soon as we hang up, right? There’s always a solution.
So if I get into a funk and I’m making that up in my head, I say to myself, “Wait a minute, there’s always a solution.” I think my kids are probably sick of hearing that now at 15 and 11. But I always tell them there’s always a solution and if they’re like, “I can’t do this,” or I say that to myself, is that true?
When you’re working with your own clients you want to help them because whether you are business to business, whether you are weight loss, whatever it is mindset comes in and those stories are going to come in.
“My parent is sick, I can’t do this.” It’s online, you can do this. There’s internet everywhere. I know some of us go places where there’s not and that’s refreshing too, but there’s always … Just like we don’t need weights to do our workout, right? If your clients are like, “I’m going on vacation and can’t work out, no gym.” No, there’s always a solution. You can do body weight. There’s other things you can prep if you’re not going to have access to internet.
So really how to work with those clients and keep them focused and knowing that, “Okay, here is the system we’ve laid out for you. It’s step by step, it’s proven.
We’re here to support you along the way so that when you fall down we can say, “Hey, you just tripped over that root over there. That’s why you fell. Get up and shake it off and let’s notice that root next time so you don’t fall.” We don’t cuddle. If you do that to your kids they’re going to cry every time they fall and they’ll never brush themselves off.
So it’s really … Think about when you’re doing the HBA work, when you’re approaching clients, how do you want them to come in? Do you want them to come in arguing with you over everything like a teenager does like contrary every, every, everything you say? No, you want them to take that path. So on the phone call, you’ll get a feel for that. Some people do come in hot and they’re not allowing you to go through your process, they’re not for you.
Yuri: Yeah.
Amy: So it’s really everything you’re doing in the HBA, Yuri, has simplified it for us. Follow it, notice how you feel. Your clients are going to feel the same way no matter what field you’re in.
Yuri: Yeah. Guys, I think going back to perspective, it’s helpful … The reason why we’re putting these sessions together and our podcast, for instance, is that we want to share stories of the journey.
Because I really, as I’ve mentioned, I think we live in a world where everyone is seeing for instance on Instagram the destination. They see the private jets. Nobody owns a private jet unless you’re The Rock or Celine Dion. Everyone else is like they’re on the airport tarmac with a friend and they just happened to take a picture with a jet. That’s not the journey. And we don’t really know what the person went through or what their story is to get to that level of BS, if it is in some cases.
So I think it’s important to … What I find really helpful is not so much to read or listen to the how-to stuff, it’s to listen or read biographies or listen to people’s journeys. Like Winston Churchill, read his biography. You’re going to learn what this guy had to go through in spite of everything to be one of the best leaders of all time. I think it gives yourself or your clients hope that man, what I’m going through is really not that bad.
When we were in Alaska earlier this year, someone was sharing the story of the early explorers in the whole Klondike gold rush. Guys, if you have any idea what these people went through, man, everything we’re doing is really a kindergarten compared to that.
These are people who left their homes, their families, et cetera, in the pursuit of this amazing dream called gold without knowing what they were getting into. They didn’t know the weather, they didn’t know landscape, there were no roads, there were no paths, pavements, nothing.
And in a lot of times they were opening doors that they didn’t even know what was on the other side. They were leading to imminent death. There was tens of thousands of these explorers who died in the pursuit of this. There was just so much craziness that was going on back then, we have it so much easier now.
I think it’s helpful sometimes to learn these stories to real things and to get a little bit perspective to understand like hey, all right, this is tough but this is part of the process. It’s been a frustrating couple months for us. We’ve had six Facebook Ad accounts shut down. I could have said, “All right, this doesn’t work, right? We’re not going to do this anymore.” But we’ve figured out a way.
We initially hired an agency to get this sorted out for us. It took them five weeks to even do a review of our account, which didn’t happen. So we said, “Screw that,” found somebody else to run it. In the meantime, we said, “All right. We got to figure out some redundancy so Rudy has been cracking the YouTube code for us, and so now we have our YouTube ads that are running and doing great. So you just have to pivot, you have to roll out the punches and you can’t give up because it’s not easy guys.
You guys are going to have issues with your Facebook Ads. You’re going to have people are not clicking on them, or people are not registering or you might spend more money than you want before you get people on the phone or whatever. You have to have the fortitude to go through that.
Parenthood and personal development
Amy: You know Yuri I live in Killington, Vermont, which is an amazing place. I’m not from here, I’m from New York. But my husband and I when our son was born 15 years ago, we were not stopping skiing.
So my in-laws sat us down and were like, my son was one, we were renting up here and we were determined we wanted to live this Vermont lifestyle. We wanted out of New York, out of all that energy, we wanted the slower lifestyle.
I just remember sitting across in this little tiny apartment with my in-laws saying, “You need to be grownups now and you need to pick a place to live.” Now we had a 15 year business. We had a home in New York. We were like, “Yeah, we’re selling everything and moving to Vermont.”
They were like, right, jaws hitting the ground and we did do that. We live here now. I mountain bike. I ski. My kids mountain bike and ski. They’re homeschooled. Is it easy? It’s not but you know what, we want this experience for our family so we do whatever it takes.
There are times we have like … we’ve had no money. People are always like, “We’re happy and we have no money.” I don’t want to live that way. I like money and I like what it can do for me and I like how people feel when I give it to them and all that good stuff, so I make it work.
The Spartans are going to be here this weekend. This week behind me, I climbed it. I hate heights, right, but I was doing that Spartan Race and I can do burpees all day long. I climbed that. I’m not saying this to say oh I’m so amazing, I have the same exact like, “Holy shit, I don’t want to go 40 feet in the air. I know that’s sturdy but what if it breaks while I’m on it?” All of that stuff. I dally across it.
You do whatever it takes because you’re driven, because you have a passion and if you are finding yourself not motivated, go back in, remember why you enrolled, remember why did your clients enroll with you. Get passionate. Get excited and that vibration, and Stephanie I love the science of it. You talk a lot about that. Get that vibration going and you just you can’t be stopped then. It’s amazing.
Yuri: Jackie, you’ve got two little ones. Before you had kids, was your expectations of being a mom with little ones different than what it is now in terms of the reality?
Jackie: Yes. I am a type A entrepreneur, right? I had no dreams of being a stay-at-home-mom at all. I thought that was for the birds. No disrespect to stay-at-home-moms because I am now one and I love it. But I had to embrace the challenges of that and my type A personality.
So that’s why I figured it out. I’m like I can hire a nanny. I could take them to daycare. I can do all these things. I looked at my options and what felt right for my lifestyle, the impact I want in my life, impact I want for my children and to be authentic about it. I’m not going to say it was easy because it wasn’t. It’s still not. Like look, I had two backups and a no show. So what do you do? I need a third backup.
Or you just figure out the challenges and muscle through it the best you can. It’s not the easiest thing but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I would definitely not trade it for the world and it makes my story much more authentic, much more real and not like everybody else’s.
There’s a lot of noise out there, there’s a lot of different programs out there. I like creating a path that nobody has ever gone down before in my own way and that’s what I think we do as coaches is support everybody else instead of telling them exactly what to do, exactly what to say, we kind of pull out the magic, right? We pull out the authentic reality that they want to create for themselves and for their clients.
And you can’t put a price tag on that because there’s so much cookie-cutter crap out there that might give you results or a quick fix for a couple months but how are you going to feel after a few months. How are you going to make a business that’s 3, 5, 10 plus years thriving and not just trying to get by?
Again, I’m not saying there’s going to be challenges, right, but something that is worth the challenge. Like having my daughters and delivering them was worth every challenge. I do not love being pregnant. I love pushing babies out. I think that’s a bizarre thing to say but I love that part of it. I love having them around. I love the challenge and the balance and the ebb and flow.
But there was a lot of things in that that aren’t fun, but I wouldn’t, again, trade it for the world. When I used to coach people in weight loss, I always brought it back to their weight loss why. And if they couldn’t have a strong enough weight loss why that was beyond vanity, then I wouldn’t work with them. It’s just like we don’t take every client.
Yuri: Yeah.
Jackie: They may have a strong application, they may have a weak application, we have situations to go around that to really pull out is that person a great fit for this? Great. If not here’s another program that might be better for you, right? Because we don’t want to just show up and have people in this group.
This is our family, this is our tribe, so all of you know when you get on phone calls with us and when you hear this stuff, this is our passion. We may be gifted in certain areas, but this do or die for us because we love the mission we are in and if you don’t know our mission go back to our website Healthpreneur and look at it because this is what we stand for.
Yuri: Yeah.
Jackie: Be great that’s it. If I still can work to it, that’s the long-winded answer to that.
Yuri: Yeah, and if you look at kids, humans are pretty useless for a long time, right? They’re with us for at least, what, 16 years in most cases and why is that? Well it’s because we’re social animals, right? We need that connection to thrive. If we don’t then we’re toast.
There’s, I think the reason that parents beyond the fact that they’re our own, right, they came from us, I think part of the reason that we are so, we take parenting so importantly, it’s so valuable to us is because we invest so much time and effort into raising these kids, right?
If we adopt, and I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with adopting because I haven’t done it personally and I can’t speak from that experience, but if you adopted a kid and was kind of set them out, I think there’s a different level of vested emotion and maybe interest versus going through the pregnancy, having birthed, raising them for 16 to 18 or 20 or 30 years in some cases, there’s just so much more investment and as a result of that …
That’s why I think that parenting and business are two of the most spiritual journeys you can ever go on because they’re like personal development seminars every single day. You’ll be challenged, you’ll get calls from the tax man, things are not going to work out, your ads are going to be disapproved, people are going to say they don’t like you, whatever it is.
I think because we go through that stuff, we evolve and grow and become such better versions of ourselves and that’s why guys I really do believe it is an absolute blessing to have your own business and be an entrepreneur because there is no other path that’s going to help you grow as much as your own business. Obviously having kids I think is way up there as well.
That’s why we wanted to share this with you yesterday because our goal is to make the path simpler for you guys. It’s not necessarily to make it easy because we can’t, right? A lot of the challenges are up here. A lot of the challenges are going to be how you respond to external situations in your life and we can’t control those.
So what we can do is we can give you the support. We can provide an environment that’s going to encourage you and help you go grow and help you become a better version of yourself so that you can handle these problems and challenges a little bit more effortlessly or with more ease.
So, for all of you guys in the program, first and foremost, I want to thank you guys for stepping up and having the courage to go through this path, to go through this journey because for a lot of you, I know it’s a big step out of your comfort zone. And I want to acknowledge you all for doing this.
Second, if you’re not part of the program and you want to help to really take what’s up here, your wisdom, your ideas, this passion you have for helping other people, but you just don’t have the support, the coaching, the strategy to make that happen, well how much longer are you going to let that go on? How much longer do you think you can figure this out on your own? That’s up to you. How much more you want to suffer in silence or suffer in isolation.
But if you do want a slightly easier path, and again it’s not easy, but a slightly easier path with the right support and encouragement and coaching and the right strategy to get you from where you are to where you want to be, then obviously we’ll be delighted to help you.
So step one is watch our seven-figure health business blueprint training. It’s over at
It’s a seven-minute presentation. It’s going to give you some really big insights as to what you should stop doing, what you should probably do a bit more off and it will walk you through exactly how we help our clients.
If it resonates with you, then the next step is to book a call with is and you’ll jump on the phone with one of these fine ladies. If you’re a good fit, then we’re happy to bring you to bring you into the program. If not, at the very minimum, the call will be extremely valuable to give you more clarity moving forward with what you’re doing.
So that’s what we want to leave you with today guys, is you can do this, it’s not necessarily going to be easy, but if you do want our help start by watching the training, jump on a call with us and then we can take things to the next level with you.
So Steph, Jackie, Amy, thank you guys so much for taking the time today, for sharing your perspectives and wisdom. For everyone tuning in in the group, thank you guys so much for showing up. For everyone listening on the podcast, hope you’ve enjoyed this episode and we look forward to seeing you in the next one. Thanks guys.
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What You Missed
Our last episode was a solo round where I shared with you seven lessons that I’ve learned from my 7-figure business. If you’re looking to hit 7-figures, or you already have and want to stay consistent in your growth, you’ll want to listen in.
The seven lessons I’ve learned from my 7-figure businesses all came from taking the wild ride that is entrepreneurship – and man, has it been fun.
If you missed it, you can catch it right here: 7 Lessons From My 7-Figure Health Business
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