How To Become A Health Coach
I often get asked about how to become a health coach. Let me share my experience. I’ve been coaching for 22 years, and * newsflash * I’ve never had a coaching certification. I gained expertise at school and built my first online business. That business grew to become a massive health business serving more than half a million people globally.
So, what’s the secret to how to become a health coach? Do you need a health coach certification? And what even makes a good coach?
Here’s my take – if you’re in the business of transforming lives, you’re already a coach. You guide people through transformation, and you help them become better versions of themselves.
A few things stand out to me when it comes to coaching:
1. You must have actual expertise in the subject matter. 2. Personal tragedies can make you a good coach because you can give better meaning to things. 3. It’s necessary to have a relentless desire for growth.
So in answer to the questions ‘how to become a health coach?’ and ‘what makes a good coach?’ – A good coach is someone who can lead people to become better versions of themselves. Often it’s your experiences that will give you the expertise to do that.
Having a coaching certification does not necessarily make you a good coach.
If you’re wondering how to become a coach and you’re in the market for health coach certification, there are some amazing organizations that can teach you.
The Health Institute and The Institute for Integrated Nutrition are some great examples of organizations doing a fantastic job of helping health coaches get certified.
But, keep in mind, even if you don’t have a certification that shouldn’t exclude you from starting and growing your own coaching business.
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What You Missed
If you’re looking to build your personal training business, get clients, and make more money, you need a business plan that is specific for personal trainers. But a business plan for personal training doesn’t have to be a formal document that you take to the bank. However, you do have to know a couple of key things before you can grow your business.
First of all, you need to know your business model. In other words, how are you going to attract and convert clients and how will you deliver results to them?
You also need to determine your target market. Your target market should not be everyone. Any good business plan for personal training should include a single target market.
And there are two important reasons for this.
One reason is that when building a personal training business that targets everyone, your message is going to be all over the place. No one will really feel understood by you because you won’t be able to convince them that you have the solution that they need.
Second, if you’re working online and have, say, 50 or more clients, you’re going to need to focus on one objective. If each of those 50 clients had distinct objectives, you would never be able to scale your business.
Creating an effective business plan for personal training is not as hard or as complicated as you think it might be.
Watch this video to learn how you can develop a plan that will allow you to grow and scale your own personal training business.
Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉
👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️
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