How To “Clone” Yourself For More Freedom In Your Business
How To “Clone” Yourself For More Freedom In Your Business
How To “Clone” Yourself For More Freedom In Your Business
Wouldn’t you just love to clone yourself so you don’t have to do everything yourself AND also replicate the work you do in your business operations?
But that’s just not physically possible. So as a health business leader or owner, you’ll have to do more delegating in business. In today’s video, I show you how better delegating tasks as part of your business SOPs can free up some time for you as a health business leader.
I’m passionate about helping health professionals get clients and scale their online health businesses. Over the years, I’ve learned that to grow and scale your business, you need to train your staff and health coaches to function independently, so you don’t have to be the only resource in the business. You need to be delegating tasks more in your business operations.
So how can you start delegating in business and train your coaches to better train your clients on how to do sales calls and other critical business activities? The thing about business is that it is a collection of systems meant to produce a profit in the service of other people.
Your business is NOT a job. Yes, you can have different jobs that serve different functions within the business, but essentially, the sum of the various parts is what makes the business. The minute you start treating your business like a job, you won’t be able to remove yourself from every area of the business’s functions, which means your staff or coaches can’t grow further.
Delegating in business is essential if you want to focus on business strategy while also sustaining a healthy and holistic lifestyle. Watch the video to see how delegating tasks as part of your business SOPs can help you create more sustainable business operations.
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What You Missed
What can we learn from Amazon about taking risks in business?
Entrepreneurship is all about mitigating business risk, uncertainty, and the ability to explore within the parameters that work for you and your health business. Amazon has always been ahead of the game when it comes to business risk management. Today, I talk about how you can take a calculated risk, and master risk management to become a winner in years!
At Healthpreneur, we help other health business owners get clients, and grow their coaching businesses online. Amazon is a mega business that has taken on the business world and changed the way that most people do business.
Over the years, part of their approach to business was to acquire and retire smaller companies that “stood in their way”. I’m sharing this because I agree with the view that in business, you don’t pick winners, rather, you find them.
Amazon wouldn’t have known which one would be a winning horse of the businesses mentioned above, but they bet anyway. That’s the nature of business. In business, resilience and consistency are vital to being successful and winning.
Very few businesses become extremely successful without taking business calculated risk. Those that do have the strength of calculated business risk management in common. Stay tuned to see how you, as a Healthpreneur, can find and apply winning formulas for risk management in your health business.
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👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️
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