Client Deep Dive: How to Create a High-Converting Webinar
It’s time for another Client Deep Dive Healthpreneurs! Today we’ve got Stacia O’Block, a fitness coach who is on the show to discuss the area of her business that need help. We’ll be focusing on setting up her webinar, as she tends to get stuck in the details.
To create a successful webinar, you’ve got to be clear on your big idea and know the four supporting legs of that big idea. By understanding what goes into a webinar that converts, Stacia is able to skip the trial-and-error process and get right into converting leads.
Like so many entrepreneurs, Stacia was so focused on the details that she had forgotten to think big-picture in a while. During this episode, we’ll get into the details of her webinar – while maintaining her goals at the forefront. Tune in if you’re looking to improve or start crafting your webinar.
In This Episode Stacia and I discuss:
- Finding the big idea.
- The 4 legs that support the big idea.
- Her story and how she felt inspired to do what she does.
- Sharing your rock-bottom to inspire others to get out of theirs.
- Setting up slides and catchy content.
- Building desire for your program and solution.
1:00 – 5:00 – Introducing Stacia and her big idea
5:00 – 11:00 – Supporting your big idea and promise
11:00 – 13:00 – Making a compelling offer and solution
13:00 – 17:00 – Understanding what goes into a webinar that converts
17:00 – 22:00 – Building the webinar’s content
22:00 – 26:30 – Teaching the what and why and seeing the big picture
Yuri Elkaim: Hey guys what’s up? Yuri here and welcome to another client’s deep dive on the Healthpreneur podcast. I’m excited to be joined by one of our clients today. Her name is Stacia O’Block and she’s an amazing fitness coach, and we’re going to be going deep into what she needs help with her business. So without any further ado, Stacia welcome, and let’s jump into what specifically we can get some clarity around in today’s discussion.
Introducing Stacia and her big idea
Stacia: Awesome, thank you for having me Yuri, I’m excited to be here.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Alright so talk to me. We were just recently talking before we started recording about the Big Idea. So what specifically can we get clarity around with respect to your Big Idea, your webinar, and then we’ll brainstorm and create some cool stuff for you.
Stacia: Okay, awesome. I’m looking forward to it.
Stacia: So I’m kind of where I’m at, I have 3 real problems written out and have played around with what my Big Idea would be and just how they would connect and trying to figure out which one makes the most sense and committing to that.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
Stacia: Because having the lack of clarity has kind of put me at a halt, because I’m like, “whoa, where”, not really sure what to do next.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So just for our viewers and listeners. A bit of context guys, we’re talking about the webinar, which is a major piece in the perfect client pipeline that we help our clients feel good. The Big Idea is kind of a hook, it’s the one thing you want your viewers to buy into, the one thing you want them to really believe about your approach to whatever problem you’re solving.
Yuri Elkaim: So the Big Idea is important because if you don’t nail the Big Idea, your webinar ends up becoming very much like what everyone else is talking about, and it’s very challenging for people who are not very well-versed in marketing and haven’t been doing this for so long, to wrap their head around this. So don’t worry Stacia, you’re not alone and we’ll figure this out here.
Yuri Elkaim: So, talk to me about what you have as a Big Idea right now.
Stacia: Okay so, the initial one I had I didn’t like because it didn’t, in my word … and again, it’s hard for me to differentiate between what I’m bombarded with and what my clients are. Because for me it seems like I’ve heard everything.
Yuri Elkaim: You were mentioning you were your clients years ago, which is good to have that perspective too.
Stacia: Yeah so the first one is the old way of restrictive dieting and endless hours on the treadmill is a useless protocol that keeps your body clinging onto fact and makes permanent fat loss impossible.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool.
Stacia: The next one, the old way of gym memberships, diet plans, and sanity workouts, personal training, follow in the current diet trend have been setting you up to fail from the day you started.
Stacia: And then the old way of thinking you’ll always need more: more workouts, more intensity, more variety, more diet rules, is keeping you stuck.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So, the good news is that you can actually combine those 3 into 1 and I would extract a lot of that as the secrets or the content you’re going to share in the webinar. The whole idea is that the old way people are doing things are keeping them stuck, overweight, and sabotaging their results pretty much, right?
Stacia: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: So that is the inkling of a Big Idea, and whatever the Big Idea is, it needs to be novel different contrarian, so for someone watching this it’s like, “wow that’s not what I was expecting”. Now, the Big Idea needs to be supported by your contents, right? So discovers or secrets we talked about that are going to go now into the teaching component of your webinar need to support that big idea.
Supporting your big idea and promise
Yuri Elkaim: So let me just draw this out so you and our viewers can get a better sense of this. So if we look at a tabletop, right? So this is going to be your Big Idea, the tabletop itself is the Big Idea, right? Now, what your legs are going to be, so each of the legs is going to be contents, contents, and if you have more, we’ll just put these in here. So all of the content you’re going to share in your webinar is going to support the Big Idea.
Yuri Elkaim: I don’t even know what the heck I just drew there, but that’s a really bad drawing of a table. My whole things [inaudible 00:05:17] got the idea is you have a Big Idea, which is like you are making your case in court, and now the jury and the judge are going to be like, “um, okay, can you show us some proof? Can you back this up or is this just some kind of hyperbole?”
Yuri Elkaim: So now when you talk about, you mention a number of different things in there which I think are really golden pieces to include in your content. So if we look at, as an overarching idea, the Big Idea being the old way that you’ve been told to … let me backtrack for a second. What is the one major outcome you’re helping your clients achieve?
Stacia: See that’s also where I struggle, because for me, a big thing is where I felt my worst was that I just didn’t have any confidence or belief in myself. So through fitness and working out and taking care of myself, it was the first time I had been myself, and my happiness, and my health a priority, and it changed my life. So for me, that’s the confidence and that is something that I’m very passionate about, but obviously I want them to lose fat in the process.
Yuri Elkaim: So let me ask you this, can you remember back to when you kind of hit your wits end? Can you remember that moment where you’re like, “okay I’m going to do this”, in terms of your own personal transformation?
Stacia: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay and was that moment leading up to that, was it, “I need to lose the weight”, what was the importance for you to make that transition?
Stacia: Mine, it was more I had gotten myself into a situation that was … so essentially I was arrested for drinking and driving. And so again, that’s not something that I would expect many of my clients to technically be able to relate to, but definitely I hit a very big rock-bottom where I knew that something in my life needed to change. And I wasn’t sure what it was.
Stacia: It wasn’t like, “oh I need to get healthy”, because while I struggled with my weight and the yo yo roller coaster diet and losing 10 pounds and gaining 20, it never was this huge struggle with my health. I never was like in super stick or had anything, I just knew something needed to change and then when I started to trade my nights out drinking for early mornings at the gym, my life totally changed.
Yuri Elkaim: So what made you decide that the gym was going to be the salvation for you as opposed to going to the library and reading books for instance?
Stacia: That’s a good question. I would say because I wasn’t happy with the way I looked, I wasn’t confident, so I knew that if i started to take that part seriously, at least that was something I could put my energy and time into.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
Stacia: And see results verses if I read a book, am I necessarily … like there’s no proof of, “oh I just became a better person or I learned something”.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. And was, and I know this is going a little bit deeper than maybe you were expecting, was the drinking kind of a way to cover up how you felt about yourself?
Stacia: 100%.
Yuri Elkaim: So you see, like I don’t know if you’re talking about this in a webinar, but I strongly would talk about this, because this is a really important story that, even though people can’t relate to drinking and driving necessarily, what you’re sharing here is very deep and raw. And you’re essentially telling people, “listen, I was at such a point in my life where I just didn’t feel good about myself, and I thought numbing the pain away with alcohol was the solution, and then this crap happened and I knew there had to be a better way”. You found, your salvation was exercise.
Yuri Elkaim: So I think that’s a really great story to share, and whether or not people want to lose weight, have more energy, get their life back on track, that is something that’s going to hit them, I believe, at a really deep level, and they’re going to see themselves in your story. Not in a sense of drinking and driving necessarily, but they might recognize a moment in their life where they’re like, “you know what? Yeah there are things that I’m doing that are covering up the fact that I’m not happy with where I’m at”.
Yuri Elkaim: And then you’re basically showing them that there’s a better way to feel better, more confident, happier, and that happens to be through this protocol that you’ve developed. Does that make sense?
Stacia: That makes sense.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay so with that said, and the outcome is essentially, it is a little bit of weight-loss, it’s body transformation, it’s basically feeling kind of like removing the mask and becoming the real you and using fitness to do that. Is that fair to say?
Stacia: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So then if that’s the outcome, the promise of the webinar, the Big Idea could still be what we talked about. So Big Idea is that if that’s the goal, then you’ve probably done or are considering all these different things that we’ve all been told for years. And your Big Idea is saying, the old way of doing that stuff is broken and it’s not going to help you get results, it’s probably going to make you feel even worse about yourself, which is going to compound the whole issue.
Yuri Elkaim: How does that feel as a Big Idea?
Stacia: That sounds good.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah?
Stacia: I do a little combination of those.
Making a compelling offer and solution
Yuri Elkaim: Because then you have that umbrella, because now you can take the components you mentioned before, and we can break those out into the various topics for the secrets or discoveries that you can share in the content pieces of the webinar.
Stacia: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Because then I like, my program is for people to have workouts they can do at home with just one thing, which is going to be the kettle bell.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally.
Stacia: That’s kind of like the thing. So most people think you need a gym with all this equipment and you need to learn how to use 50 different pieces of equipment, but in reality, you just need this one tool and it tucks away next to your favorite pair of shoes.
Yuri Elkaim: Yep, no I think that’s such a great … there’s less resistance to that offer, right?
Stacia: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s like, “I could do that. That’s okay, I don’t need a gym membership, I don’t need a home gym, I don’t need all this stuff”, so I think the barrier for entry for someone in their mind to think about, “oh I could do that”, as opposed to, “okay you need a gym membership, and then you have to go to Whole Foods 5 days a week, and then you need to spend an hour in the kitchen”, that’s like, “whoa there’s no way I want to do that”.
Yuri Elkaim: So I think the offer itself is very compelling, and especially if you’re building the case leading up to that saying how, “this is a waste of time, it’s not going to get you the results. It could, but you could take forever getting there”, I think that’s a really nice segway from, “here’s what everyone else is doing and ironically, we’re seeing more overweight-ness and sickness than ever before, even with all this stuff. And here’s a simpler solution that I’ve just discovered for myself and a lot of my clients that seems to be working better”.
Yuri Elkaim: So I think it’s a really nice juxtaposition, so if we look at the content itself, what would be the first secret or discovery you share in the webinar?
Stacia: Oh God, oh God, I can’t remember, let me see, I’m trying to think where I do that. Secret or discovery, sorry.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s all good.
Stacia: (laughs)
Understanding what goes into a webinar that converts
Yuri Elkaim: So while you’re digging this out, for everyone watching and listening, if you guys are hopefully kind of digging this, hopefully what you’re digging out of this is that creating a great webinar or any kind of, let’s call it a ‘fails message’, or any kind of content for that matter, it’s extremely important that you understand the nuances that go into this, because if you just put up a bunch of slides with some content on them, your webinar is not going to convert.
Yuri Elkaim: And this is why we do what we do and help our clients through this process, because it isn’t second nature for most people to think this way.
Stacia: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Find it?
Stacia: I believe so. So I had written out a bunch to different kind of myths and things like that, but hadn’t honed in on specific ones because, again, I was trying to get the Big Idea first so I would make sure that it was consistent.
Stacia: So kind of the one big discovery I feel like was what I already said, that you don’t need … I don’t know if that’s what you’re asking, but you think an at-home gym has to take up all this space, and you need all this equipment or a fancy gym membership, but really you just need this one thing. So it’s like something I discovered, that I don’t need all this stuff.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
Stacia: And I don’t need to learn how to use all these things and have a complicated body-building regimen to get great results.
Yuri Elkaim: I’m just going to map this out, so see if this makes more sense. So we want to make sure that there’s 3 things that we address. So it’s 3 things that we address, number 1 more share of contents, we want it to be novel or difference, which is kind of the same but not really. And then third is contrarian.
Yuri Elkaim: Now, it doesn’t have to be all 3, but it should be at least 1 of them.
Stacia: Okay, so I found the 2 that were more in line with what I was looking for. So most people think hiring a personal trainer at the gym is a pinnacle of creating change in their lives, but really it shackles you to an outdated system with little support and a scheduling nightmare. See the program my clients utilize to schedule their workouts on their time, et cetera, et cetera.
Yuri Elkaim: Nice, I like that. So, and remember Stacia, and everyone watching or listening. What you’re sharing doesn’t have to be the absolute truth, because there’s truth to whatever you want to say. You could say that you need to have a personal trainer to change, but you could also take the opposite end of the spectrum, which what you’re doing here is you’re saying, “you don’t need a personal trainer to change. In fact, it’s actually holding you back”, and as long as you back that up with exhibit A, exhibit B, whatever context you need to share so the person believes in what you’re saying.
Stacia: Yeah because for me, I have trained in person at a gym one-on-one doing that style of personal trainings, and I felt like it was kind of a cop-out for people to be like, “oh I went and I saw my trainer, so that’s all I need to do for the week”.
Yuri Elkaim: Yep.
Stacia: And with me being as busy as I am, it’s not like I can sit there and make sure that every single client has their meal plan, like whatever they’re doing on the back-end when they’re not with me, and I didn’t like that system, because I didn’t think it really brought the best results for my clients.
Yuri Elkaim: Yep, totally.
Yuri Elkaim: I think that’s a very valid point, 100%, because that is a contrarian point, that is something that people believe having a trainer is important, and now you’re saying, “listen, you don’t need to do that”. I also don’t think that it … it doesn’t chop you off at the knees, because you are obviously going to be offering some type of coaching program. It’s like, “well why would you offer me a coaching program?”
Yuri Elkaim: But I don’t think it really catabalizes your own offer because you’re giving them more of an empowered solution as opposed to you being there holding their hand, doing the sit-ups for them, right? So I think that really works well with the eventual offer.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So what we want to do in terms of the slide where we’re sharing that. The first secret I discovered is going to be something clean, concise, it almost should be like a book title or something you could put into a social quote card that you could put up on Instagram and someone in one sentence are like, “wow, that actually makes a lot of sense.”
Yuri Elkaim: So what’s another way we could say that that is going to be really quickly very impactful?
Stacia: (laughs) The idea that I always had was, ‘Why you should fire your personal trainer’.
Building the webinar’s content
Yuri Elkaim: Perfect. So I love that. Yeah, secret number 1: why you should fire your personal trainer, or secret number 1 could just be ‘fire your personal trainer’. And then you can talk over that, “and here’s why”, so I think that’s really good. That’s going to get people to stick and watch like, “what is this lady talking about? She’s crazy.”
Stacia: (laughs)
Yuri Elkaim: Okay what’s the second secret or discovery?
Stacia: Most people think chugging a gallon of hot water, lemon, maple syrup, and Cayenne while wearing a waist trainer will help them get the body of their dreams, but really all you need is a simple blueprint to transform your physique.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool.
Stacia: So this kind of goes along the lines of restrictive diets, and restrictive diets that I’ve done. So the cabbage soup diet, the master cleanse is the one with the hot water and all that stuff, and all of those ridiculous fad diets.
Yuri Elkaim: Yes, so I like that. So again, if we’re thinking of a way to really impact-fully say that, we could say for instance, ‘the master cleanse is a master waste of time’, something like that.
Stacia: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: You could use that, or you could say, ‘If you want to go above and beyond just the master cleanse, quick-fix diets, or quick-fix gimmicks are creating long-term problems’, for instance.
Stacia: Mm-hmm (affirmative). That makes sense. Yeah, so I liked making it more … like making the point concise, but then when I’m speaking to it I can elaborate more, is the idea?
Yuri Elkaim: Exactly. So you’re trying to think of each slide that the introduction of the secret or discovery as the billboard. Like in ours, for instance, we talk about how you don’t have to be famous to be financially free, right? And then we go on to talk about that.
Yuri Elkaim: One of our slides is ‘One-on-one is done’, and then we talk about why that’s the case and then we compare to group coaching and so forth. So you want that initial slide to be really impactful, something that, when they finish the webinar, they can almost remember those things. And as they’re going through the content, what we’re trying to do mentally is almost like we’re creating a checklist. And as we’re going through the webinar, the viewer wants to be like, “yep, that makes sense. Yep, that makes sense. Yep, that makes sense. I’m not quite sure about that one. Based on the way you just said it, yep, that makes sense. That makes sense.”
Yuri Elkaim: And every step along the webinar, they’re buying in, they’re buying in, they’re buying in, they’re buying in. The goal of the webinar is not to teach people, it’s not to give away your best stuff, it’s not to sell your program, it’s to get people to buy into your philosophy so that when you do transition to, “here’s the next step, book a call”, they’re like, “yeah okay this makes a lot of sense”.
Yuri Elkaim: Is this helpful so far?
Stacia: Very helpful.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay let’s look at one more secret or discovery. What’s the third thing?
Stacia: Let’s see … because I have other ones, but I’m not super sold on them because I don’t think they necessarily relate to my ideal client. Like they think it’s like ideas that I have, pertaining to fitness, but not necessarily my ideal client. Like I don’t think they would be like, “oh yep that makes total sense”.
Yuri Elkaim: One of the things that I’m sure you have in here, it would be something like, ‘more equipment equals more problems’.
Stacia: Okay.
Yuri Elkaim: And what that’s going to do, is that’s going to sell simplicity, and then you could even talk about, like for us, one of our secrets is ‘the simple solution is usually the best one’.
Stacia: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So ‘more equals more problems’, for instance, and you can talk about how, you know, if you go to the gym, you have a thousand [crosstalk 00:20:51] to choose from, you’re totally confused, you don’t need all that stuff.
Stacia: Yeah I have a fun slide where I start bombarding all the different pieces of equipment, and they just start piling up and piling up and I’m like, “no you don’t want that!” (laughs)
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
Stacia: So I have some fun stuff with that. So that makes sense, the ‘more equipment equals more problems’. I like that.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally, and if you’re watching or listening to this, you can take the exact opposite approach as well. You could say, “a lot of people talk about how kettle bells, that’s all you need … “. It’s not whether it’s true or not, it’s the position and the proof that you have to back everything up.
Yuri Elkaim: Because both are true on your position and how you can work with people. Some people are like, “listen I don’t think a cattle bell is all you need”, and that’s fine. But if you’re going to try the specific people for them, what you’re saying is, you only want to try people who buy into your philosophy because that’s what this is about.
Yuri Elkaim: The webinar is a filtering tool. So it not only attracts and take to the next level the right people who agree with you and are like, “yeah tell me how this works, this sounds like this could be the thing for me”.
Stacia: That’s awesome. Perfect.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, so we talked about 3 secrets here, obviously you can come up with 2 more if you want. We recommend 3-5 secrets or pieces of content to share in the webinar. Remember the goal of the context is not to give the ‘how’, it’s to teach the ‘what’ and ‘why’. It’s to tell people, “here’s what to do, why to do it”, or, “here’s what not to do and why not to do it”, which builds desire for what to do instead, which is your solution, your program that you talk to them about on the phone.
Yuri Elkaim: So have we accomplished the goal Stacia?
Stacia: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah? Awesome. For me, what’s the most useful from our discussion so far?
Stacia: It’s helped give me kind of an aerial view of it a little more, because I think that’s one of my biggest problems, is I get really caught up in the details, and I have a hard time seeing the big picture of it all and how it all connects. So the fact that I feel like now, the 3 points that we went over do tie into what the real problem is and the Big Idea, and even just how to simplify what I’m saying in the slides so that it is really concise, because I know that’s important.
Teaching the what and why and seeing the big picture
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. And that’s the benefit of having a coach, right? That’s why you are doing what you what you’re doing with your clients, and that’s why we do what we do with you guys, because it’s easier for me to look over your shoulder and see those blind spots or see that 30 thousand foot view. It’s tougher when you’re in the trenches of your own self sometimes.
Stacia: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: So that’s awesome.
Stacia: Yeah, thank you.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah totally. So Stacia, let me ask you a question. If people are watching this or are listening to this on the podcast and are considering maybe working with us or like, “you know I’ve never done a webinar”, or, “I’ve done a webinar and it just hasn’t worked, how do I know this is going to work for me?”, what would you say to someone who’s like, “should I consider working with these guys, or are they a bunch of criminals and crooks?”
Stacia: (laughs) I mean I definitely was nervous at first, because investing in this program was the biggest investment I had made into my business, thus far. But for me, it came at a point where I was really unhappy with the results I was getting, and I knew that it was kind of like, “I either need to do this and say I’m committed to figuring out my business and building that life that I want, or I need to decide that that’s not for me”.
Stacia: And by deciding it was for me, I decided to invest in this program, and I feel like sometimes I’m hard on myself like I’m going too slow or whatever else, but that has nothing to do with the program, that’s everything to do with me. But feeling I have had a hard time finding the confidence in myself to build the business that I want, so having the framework and the support and amazing support, beyond amazing support. From day 1, I’ve felt nothing but supported, which is very nice, and to have something that I know works, because it works for me, I was like, “I was sold on this before I even got on the phone with Amy”. I had sold myself, so you guys did a good job there. (laughs)
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome, and that goes back to the webinar.
Stacia: Yeah so was like, “if they can do it, they clearly know what they’re doing”, and for me, I’ve been in customer service for most of my life, and this outside of personal training that’s been kind of my business and so seeing what amazing customer service and support you guys have offered has gone above and beyond, and for me, that has been the best part along with having everything all set up for me that I need to do. And I just kind of have to plug in and do the work, which is hard, it’s very challenging to have to do the work, but I have to do the work anyways, so I would rather have structure and support while I do that work.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. Thank you for being honest and sharing that, just like with your clients, right? They have to do the cattle bell swings, right?
Stacia: Yeah. (laughs)
Yuri Elkaim: But again, if you’re committed like you have been, and you show up and do the work, it’s amazing what can happen with this process. So Stacia, thank you so much for joining us today, for openly sharing what’s going on with the webinar.
Stacia: Thank you for having me.
Yuri Elkaim: Absolutely, hopefully we’ve gotten you some more direction and clarity from this, and looking forward to see where things end up in the next couple weeks.
Stacia: Okay, sounds like a plan.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome, thanks so much.
Stacia: Okay, thank you.
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What You Missed
In our last “Between The Ears” episode, we talked about the three mindsets that are hurting your business.
Mindset is important. It’s the foundation you need to take the risks, make the changes, and implement the strategies quickly, effectively, and fearlessly.
If missed this one, plug in and listen to the three most common mindsets that are hurting your business and turn them around now.
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