How to Get Prospects Begging to Work With You
Hey, hey, hey Healthpreneurs! It’s another great day and today we’re going to dive into the seventh activator which is the first activator in the magic pillar.
The activator we’re talking about today relates to the magic. The magic is what it is you are introducing to the marketplace.
We’re going to talk about how to make your magic highly desirable.
Tune in to find out how to get prospects begging to work with you using this magic pillar.
In This Episode I discuss:
03:42 – 06:23 – Sell Them What They Want, Give Them What They Need
06:23 – 12:04 – Is Your Offer A “Must Have”
12:04 – 17:31 – Choosing A Single Target Market
17:31 –18:23– Wrap Up With Yuri
It’s show time. Welcome back to the podcast. Hope you’re having a great day. We are going to take what you’re doing and we are going to amplify it in such a way that prospects are going to beg to work with you. Yeah, we are, seriously.
Today we’re going to be investigating the first activator in the magic pillar that encompasses one of the three pillars in our Client Activator Scorecard.
Now again, if you have no clue what I’m talking about, if you just joined the podcast, you’re like, “Dude, what are you talking my man? Is this like a magic for magicians type of thing?” No, it’s not. Number one, we’ve got this amazing scorecard called The Client Activator Scorecard. Two pages, front and back. Go download it at And why you’d want to do that is because the scorecard is going to give you a diagnostic score about where you are with your marketing. It’s going to help you identify where the leaks are, why conversions might be lower than you want them to be.
Then you’ll have a score. You’ll be able to identify what that means. And with the scorecard I’ve included a deep dive training which is about 60 minutes that’ll walk you through how to fix the leaks. It’ll give you more context about everything we’re talking about and just really give you a deep dive on how to fix those leaks once and for all.
Now that that’s said, let’s look at the seventh activator which is the first activator in the magic pillar. As I’ve mentioned before, you have to have every single one of these nine activators working properly, because if they don’t, as I’ve mentioned before, it’s like you’re a dog walker and eight dogs want to go forward but one’s going backwards, you’re going to have a tough time.
The activator we’re talking about today relates to the magic. The magic we talk about message, market, magic. The magic is what it is you are introducing to the marketplace. Your magic is either something for free or it’s something that is for pay. So it’s a free lead magnet, a free webinar, a free call as an example. Or if it’s something that they’re buying, it’s your coaching program, it’s a book, it’s a course, it’s whatever.
Anytime you’re asking someone to do something, it’s going to be free or paid. Those are the only two options. Click on this link. It’s free. Click on the Buy Now button. You have to pay for it. There’s only two options. We’re going to talk about how to make your magic highly desirable, and that’s the seventh activator. This is the one we’re talking about today, having magic and offer, something you’re providing others that is highly desirable. Let’s look at the spectrum.
Sell Them What They Want, Give Them What They Need
On the one side being not ideal, so like the one, two, three in terms of the score, we are looking at the following statements. You are offering or selling what you think people need but not what they really want. Now, how do you know what people need and how do you know what people want? Well, you can look at what is already selling like gangbusters. That’s one way. But I think also intuitively as a coach who’s been working with clients you kind of know what people want.
Now here’s the thing, is the more you work with people, you actually see what they need. Here’s the big distinction. You have to sell people what they want, give them what they need. In our health business accelerator program, our goal is to help you get more clients so you can add $10,000 per month or more within three to six months. That is something I believe something that is very highly desirable for most coaches in our space.
But here’s the thing. That’s what you want. But what you really need is a real kick in the head. I say that in the most loving way possible. What I mean by that is that most people, especially early on their business have major, major mental blocks that is crippling them. A large portion of what we do with our clients is mindset work, helping them overcome self-doubt, limiting beliefs, monster procrastination. Listen, this is real stuff. But if I were to sell a mindset program on the front end, do you think anyone’s going to buy that? Well, maybe for 20 bucks, but not at the level that we’re working with our clients at.
This is the thing you have to remember with your marketing, is you have to sell the sizzle, not necessarily the stake. You have to sell what people want. They don’t want to improve their vitality. They don’t want to have a more positive mindset. They need that stuff. But what they want is more money. They want more sex. They want a better body. Those are the three things if we were to really break them down into very tangible things people want. I say here in the statement, you’re selling something you think people need, which is mindset stuff for instance, but what they really want is a body transformation. They want body transformation. They want a body or performance transformation.
Is Your Offer A “Must Have”
So if we go to the other end of the spectrum, to something that is highly desirable, here’s what that statement looks like. You are offering or selling a quantifiable, keyword quantifiable, physical or performance transformation that solves a major pain or problem. Again, this goes back to what we talked about several episodes ago in the market pillar, major pain or problem. It is a must have and people are willing to pay top dollar for it. That’s a really important distinction.
I don’t want to spill too many beans here. I’m working on a series of new books. I said I was never going to publish a book again, and then I had some epiphanies a little while ago, spoke to my agents, crafted a bit of a game plan for world domination over the next five years. It’s starting. Now I’m not going to reveal anything, but what I can tell you is that the book I want to write, there is no way that I could sell that as a high-end coaching program. I’m very aware of that. I also understand that it’s the type of book that every single person can benefit from reading.
The challenge here is because the result … So because it is a very soft, I’ll just use that, a very soft type of result, I need to think of a way to make it very highly desirable. That’s part of the magic of what I do, is really crafting, it’s kind of taking mindset and turning mindset into something that’s like, “Man, I got to have that.” But most people don’t think like that and that’s okay because, listen, I’ve been doing this for a long time and I can kind of catch myself, I can catch my mistakes before they’re made. So I understand that it’s not like, “Hey, take this … Here’s a five day diet that’s going to help you lose five pounds in just five minutes a day.” That’s a very, very tangible, highly desirable type of result. What I’m talking about is not that.
Now, the reason I’m sharing this with you is because will clients pay top dollar to work with me in that type of program, in terms of the book I’m building out? Not really. Not as a front-end offer. But as a back-end, like giving you what you need, that’s pretty much what I do with all my clients.
You need to think about. Is the thing that you’re offering … There’s a very big difference. Just because something’s going to work as a $20 book doesn’t necessarily mean you can charge $5,000 to $10,000 for a coaching program for that, because you’re going to get on the phone with people and you’re going to talk about … Okay, the person is going to do most of the talking about what they’re struggling with, what they need help with. You’re going to introduce your solution if there’s a good mutual fit and they’re like, “Yeah, like man, let’s do this,” and you’re like, “It’s $4,000.” They’re like, “Are you for real? Like are you crazy? I’m going to just do this $97 workout.”
Here’s the bait and this is one of the things that we obviously help our clients really, really dial in, is you need to be working in an area where people have a major pain or problem where a $97 product is just not going to solve it. Because if you’re just helping people just generally get fit, no one is going to pay $4,000, or $5,000, $6,000 to work with you to get generally fit. It needs to be tied in to a highly desirable results.
We talk about physical or performance transformation. Now performance transformation is going to be very relative. If I’m a tennis player, I’m obsessed with tennis as I’ve probably mentioned a few times, I have a very, very strong desire to be a very, very better. That’s good English. I have a very strong desire to be the best tennis player I can be. I have this delusional belief that I could actually compete on the ATP Tour. Then the funny thing is I lose all my games that I play in tournaments. Like I don’t know what kind of drugs I’m taking. Anyways.
I have a very strong desire to want to become better. So that means performance improvement. That might look like I have a program … Let’s say I was a tennis coach. I have a program that is guaranteed to improve your first serve percentage, so that 70% of your first serves fall in and I’m going to add 20 miles per hour to your first serve. I’m like, “Shit. That sounds good. Let’s do it.”
Now the program is $5,000 and now I’m thinking to myself, “All right, tennis serve $5,000, like really? I don’t know. I mean does that make sense because I could probably get some stuff on YouTube?” But here’s the thing, is that if this is a … This goes back to the market. Within any given market there are going to be fanatical people like me and there are people like, “You know what? My serve is not important. It’s not a big deal.”
But if we’re dealing with our perfect clients who have a major pain or problem being they want their tennis serve to be a lot better so they can be the best tennis player possible, that’s a major pain or problem or a big desire that they are willing, not everyone, but they are willing, the right people are willing to invest to solve once and for all. Because if I were to pay $5,000, do you think that I actually might pay attention to the coaching and I actually might do the work more so than if I saw a free video on YouTube and then I got distracted by the next thing that came? Probably.
Choosing A Single Target Market
So what is highly desirable is obviously very subjective. That’s why we go all the way back to the first activator, choose a single target market seeking a solution now. If I were a tennis player. Okay, so I’m let’s say a level 5.0 tennis player. Am I seeking a solution now? Maybe. Maybe not. But I’ll tell you one thing. After I’ve played a couple tournaments and my first serve or my second serve … I just played my first game of the season a couple weeks ago. And it was a good … for being the first game, I had this rib issue that was going on which I may have mentioned. For being my first game I was actually really happy with how I played, except for at the end of the first set my second serve just completely disappeared and I probably hit 20 double faults in the next set. Like it was ridiculous.
I had 20 double faults. Now do you think my level of desire to fix my serve is greater than before? You better believe it. And that’s why you have to go after pain or problems that people are consciously aware of. Not prevention. Because we’ve talked about this. People don’t buy prevention. Only when shit has hit the fan do we take action. You’re in a marriage. All of a sudden your spouse leaves you. Oh my god, I’m super motivated to get her back or him back. But before that, it was just like you took them for granted. This is the way humans work. So you have to offer something to people.
This ties back into the market. Single target market they’re actively looking for a solution now to a major pain or problem. And that ties into offering them something highly desirable. And that means it needs to be quantifiable. So getting fit is not quantifiable. I’m going to improve your VO2 max from 40 milliliters per kilogram per minute to 80 milliliters per kilogram per minute. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t worry about it. But I’m going to help you improve that VO2 max double in the next two months. That’s a very tangible, a very quantifiable performance improvement.
Now is that strong enough for people to want to pay you a lot of money for? Probably not. I’ll just be very honest, unless, unless that is your livelihood, unless that means everything to them. But for a lot of people performance improvements means looking better. A performance or a physical transformation might mean, like my buddy Vince, he helps or he did it back in the day, helped skinny guys pack on muscle.
Skinny guys wanted to get girls. They wanted to feel more confidence. But here’s the thing, is that he wasn’t selling confidence. He was selling putting on muscle so you can look better at the club, in the mirror, by the pool. But as a result of that you became more confident. So it wasn’t just, “Let’s just do bicep curls.” But that’s what he’s sold. But on the flip side of what he delivered was not only the workout programs, but was the mindset, was the confidence improvements, and as a result his whole business over time morphed into the five Ms, of whatever they are, money, mindset, marriage, muscle, and something else.
But it’s really important you get this because we work with a lot of clients. I see this over and over again and this is where we have to course-correct them early on, is like, “Hey, I help people with their mindset. I help people get more confidence.” That’s great but you can’t … It’s tough to sell that. It’s not highly desirable. People know they want that stuff, but it’s not going to propel them out of bed to take action. It needs to be something that they are consciously aware of that they want.
So as an example. Let’s say you help people with more confidence, or to get more confident. Confidence is the bridge to an outcome. So yeah, you help me get more confident so that what? The answer to that so that what, that’s the desirable outcome you want to sell.
Now, you might have the same process and the outcome could mean different things so that you get in, you can attract your perfect spouse or mate, or you feel more … you can perform better on the field. Same process, different outcome. But you need to choose one. Because if you’ve got a process to improve people’s confidence and your clients are athletes and people and relationships, just choose one. Single target market is seeking a solution now. But I promise you, you will have a better time converting clients if the desirable outcome you are helping people achieve is I’m going to show you how to attract your perfect mate versus I’m going to show you how to have more confidence. I promise you that every single day of the week. Okay?
Wrap Up With Yuri
The first activator in this third and final pillar is highly desirable outcome. Got it? Now in the next episode we’re going to look at the second activator in this pillar which ties very closely with what we just talked about and it’s important to know as well.
I’ll just leave it at that. Again, I’m going to hang and keep you in suspense. I’m going to keep you in suspense so that we talk to each other in the next episode. For now, if you need the scorecard, you know where to get it, Download it. Get your score. Attend the deep dive training. Let’s get you fixed up. Okay, let’s get that marketing dialed in so you have an easier time converting clients and making more money, serving more people, and all that good jazz. Sound good?
That’s all from me today. Thank you so much for joining. Hope you have an amazing one and I’ll see you in our next episode.
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What You Missed
In our last episode, we talked about the sixth Client Activator which is the final of the three activators in the message pillar. This activator is called empathy. Your messaging needs to be empathetic.
Why? Because No One Cares About Your Thing
All too often, one of the biggest mistakes people make with their messaging is making your message all about you, your story, and/or your offer. It screams self-promotion. This is rampant in the health, wellness, and fitness space.
Truth be told, no one cares.
Tune in to find out how to craft a message catered to empathize with your prospects they will care about, sit up and take notice of.
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