How To Stay MOTIVATED At Work (The Unpopular Truth)
How To Stay MOTIVATED At Work (The Unpopular Truth)
There’s no finish line for health entrepreneurs in business, so how do you keep yourself motivated to work?
More often than I’d like to, I hear the question, “How do you stay motivated to work?” If you’re finding it difficult to stay on the course and you find that maintaining motivation is hard, I’m sharing some perspectives on how to stay motivated at work or how to stay motivated as an entrepreneur. I warn you, you may not like what I have to say, but it’s important for you to hear.
A lot of health entrepreneurs build businesses that end up becoming golden handcuffs. In other words, they grow their practice to a point where they create slavery for themselves in the long run. Having a fully booked healthcare practice is NOTHING to be proud of. On the contrary, a full practice is an indication that you don’t know how to deliver great care to more people without trading time for money.
The worst part about it is that you’ll lose drive and motivation.
If you don’t have drive, you hamper your ability to stay in the game long enough. When that happens, your ability to succeed will decrease. In the healthcare business, success is determined by how long you stay in the game, but how do you stay in the game if you lose motivation, don’t want to get up every morning, and don’t show up for your business?
What I want to do is to help health entrepreneurs build businesses while maintaining motivation that keeps them from being enslaved by their own practice.
Watch the whole video to know more about how to stay motivated as an entrepreneur, or how to stay motivated at work. Be inspired to work in your healthcare business without wearing yourself out!
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What You Missed
If transitioning to health coaching online is new territory for you, you’re probably looking for a way to get coaching clients fast.
There are two basic approaches that can help you do this. In this video, I go over what those two ways are and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
The first option is to help people for free in the beginning. The problem with giving health coaching online for free, however, is that clients are less likely to do the work. For most people, if they don’t pay, they don’t pay attention. And if they don’t do the work, then you don’t get the social proof you need or build your confidence up.
But building confidence and conviction is key. If you don’t have confidence or conviction, you won’t be able to do anything. And you certainly won’t be able to get coaching clients fast.
This leads me to the second approach to health coaching online — the paid model. Personally, I find this approach to be much more effective than the free one. After all, if you know and are confident that you can help deliver results to clients from the onset, what more do you need to get started?
You don’t need to go back to school or do a million things to get better. If you can help someone, that’s enough. Don’t delay yourself by getting those extra credentials.
Essentially, there’s nothing more important than believing in yourself when you want to get coaching clients fast. You can start health coaching online by simply using what you’ve learned, believing in yourself, and delivering great results.
Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉
👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️
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