How to Write Facebook Ads That Actually Convert (The 3Ms)
How To Write Facebook Ads That Convert
If you’re a health practitioner looking to use Facebook Ads to grow your business, I’m going to show you how to write Facebook Ads that actually convert.
While advertising on Facebook is much easier to advertise on compared with other platforms such as Google, YouTube, Linked In, etc., you need to know how to create a Facebook Ad that actually produces an ROI.
It all comes down to a 3 part model called The 3Ms which is a methodology we teach our clients.
The first “M” is your Market.
You need to know who your specific market is that is going to be seeing your message.
The second “M” is your Message
You need to have a very cohesive message that speaks directly to your market.
The third “M” is the Magic
The magic is your offer. What is it that you’re offering them to click on to take the next step?
Your offer needs to be something that your market cares about or is interested in.
When creating a Facebook Ad, one of the most important things is to get your audience to notice your headline and stop scrolling.
The goal of any ad, regardless if it’s on Facebook, Television, Instagram, etc., is to command people’s attention.
If you would like our help with this, you can book a free Practice Growth Strategy call here:
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What You Missed
Are you ready to discover the number one strategy Chiropractors must use to grow a successful chiropractic practice?
Most Chiros build their business based on walk ins, referrals and word of mouth which really isn’t a predictable marketing strategy.
We have a very simple marketing strategy you can use to fill your brick and mortar business with new patients with more predictability. It’s called the “shoot video — book patients” system.
This is so easy to do, you can implement this in just a couple of hours using the power of Facebook Ads without any complicated funnels.
Best of all… you don’t have to break the bank doing this.
Here’s the rub …
The biggest downfall with Chiropractic Marketing is the offer itself. There’s a very specific way to craft your offer which we call The New Patient Offer or NPO.
Obviously there are certain nuances that go into this.
If you would like our help deploying this type of marketing strategy in your Chiropractic Clinic, you can book a free Practice Growth Session call to help you identify where you are, where you want to go, and the best game plan to help you get there by clicking on this link —>
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