Is Email Marketing NOT Working For You? Try This Instead!
Is Email Marketing NOT Working For You? Try This Instead!
How can you make your emails more valuable, increase your customer conversion and email conversion rates, and get more sales calls booked for your online health business?
Email marketing is a great way to approach your healthcare marketing, but what’s the right way to do it? In today’s video, I share my approach to email marketing that’ll help you communicate better and grow your health coaching business.
As a health professional with an online health business, it’s really important that you’re able to get more clients and scale your business online. One of the ways to communicate with your desired audience and convert them to customers is through email marketing.
Email marketing allows you to speak to your prospective clients on a regular basis. However, it’s not easy to know what topics to write about in emails. For example, how do you find the balance between providing content and sales propositions?
Keep watching to see the best approach to healthcare marketing through email, for great customer conversion and email conversion rates that’ll grow your online health coaching business.
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Is it really possible to get clients into your healthcare practice or health coaching business for FREE?
The truth is, as in any business, client acquisition in your health coaching business or in your practice can be done in 2 different ways. You can choose to convert clients using paid advertising and targeted messaging… or you can actually try doing it for FREE.
In this video, I talk about the free method. This is by no means scalable when done by yourself, nor do I recommend building your business around this method forever. But when you’re a little tight on cash or need a breather from paid advertising, this can really come in handy.
The first thing you can do is send out an email to all of the people on your email list. In the email, ask each person what it is that you can do for them, to help them achieve whatever it is that they might need your expertise in. When people respond to your email, you can then engage in a back-and-forth dialogue and eventually move those people onto the phone. That’s the first way to do client acquisition in your practice or health coaching business for free.
The second way to convert clients without paid ads is to offer a free ten-minute speed consult. For this, you can either link the consultation directly to your calendar and allow anyone to sign up for a schedule within a limited time, or you can qualify people by asking them to fill out a questionnaire before booking them in.
If you choose to use either of these methods to convert clients in your practice or your health coaching business, just remember that this kind of client acquisition takes time. Not only that, your level of success will definitely depend on the quality of your conversations. But when done correctly, you can attract new clients to your business… without paid advertising!
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