Intuition in Business with Soulful Creator Kiera Noelle
Kierra Noelle is a visionary, coach and entrepreneur who guides soul-led entrepreneurs into their next level of expression and liberation.
Armed with a business degree, she knew working in a 9 – 5 job was not the path forward for her and embarked instead on an entrepreneurial path with a spiritual approach.
A lot of entrepreneurs tend to tie their self-worth into how much money they make. Kiera teaches her clients to disconnect from external factors to liberate them from being at the mercy of those factors. She believes that if you’re at the mercy of external factors, you’re not living free.
Connect With Kierra Noelle
Instagram @kiera.noelle
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In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 04:25 — Introducing Kiera Noelle
04:25 – 09:20 — The Spiritual Journey Of Entrepreneurship
09:20 – 11:45 — Your Self Worth Should Not Be Based On The Money You Make
11:45 -18:00 — Using Your Intuition In Business
18:00 -30:00 — Learning How To Surrender Have Trust
30:00 -32:00 — Connect With Dr. Kiera Noelle
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What You Missed
Dr.Kasey holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and is a certified health and fitness coach, whose expertise is in mindset and health behavior change.
Unlike most health professionals, she didn’t have some life changing experience that led her down this path. Instead, she was studying criminology in college and had discovered strength training and discovered a passion for health and fitness.
When she went to grad school, she made the shift over to health psychology programs to try to understand why more people are not eating healthier and exercising even though they know they should.
According to Dr. Kasey, basically we have two mindsets: A Growth Mindset or a Fixed Mindset.
Broadly speaking, you either believe you can change or you believe that you can’t and have a “victim” mindset.
While Kasey works one-on-one with clients to help them improve their mindset issues, she also coaches other coaches about behavioral mindset so that they can help their clients get past their “fixed mindset” roadblocks that prevent them from eating better or exercising.
Connect With Dr. Kasey
Instagram @coachkaseyjo
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