3 Health Coaching Skills You Absolutely Need
3 Health Coaching Skills You Absolutely Need
Today I want to share 3 skills for coaches that will help you become a better health coach and serve your clients better. Coaching is a privilege and a calling. However, with great privilege comes great responsibility.
As a health coach, you need to improve your skills constantly and importantly, the role of a coach requires that you ask the right questions.
As a health coach, you should be an expert in your domain. That’s a given.
But here’s the thing… Coaching is also about helping your clients come up with their own answers. Let the client come up with a solution that works best for them.
When people hire a coach, the role of a coach is to challenge them, not to tell them what they want to hear. Growth happens when you leave the comfort zone.
So, with that in mind, here are the 3 skills for coaches I believe every good health coach must possess:
1. The ability to ask the right questions.
2. The ability to have difficult conversations.
3. The ability to help people to become a better version of themselves.
Master these skills and not only will your clients get the results they want but you’ll also be rewarded with a thriving and profitable coaching business
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What You Missed
As a health professional, you should offer online health services. In this video, I explain why it is crucial for health professionals to be able to service their patients virtually and how you can start an internet business if you don’t already have one.
The thing is, if you’re not online you’re in danger of becoming obsolete. In the space of one year, the world has been transformed and the way that people consume products and healthcare has fundamentally changed. While the industrial revolution took about 100 years to change the world and the internet took about 20 years, COVID-19 changed it in one.
What does this mean for people offering online health services? Well, it means that there is no better time than now to start an internet business. After all, companies that don’t adapt disappear. If you’re not online, you’re in danger of becoming obsolete.
Many health practitioners are held back by the belief that they can only deliver value in person. But in that model, the patient doesn’t get helped unless they see you, and you don’t get paid unless they see you. It’s a very transactional model that is not sustainable.
Online health services, on the other hand, provide you with a tremendous amount of location freedom and allow you to leverage your expertise. By learning to start an internet business, you can stop trading time for money and create a system that works for both you and your clients.
Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub
👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp