3 Mindsets That Will Hurt Your Business
Hey guys! Welcome to another edition of Between the Ears! Two of my Results Coaches, Amy and Jackie, are here to provide valuable insight directly from their client conversations. Today, we are talking about the three mindsets that are hurting your business.
I know, you’re probably itching to learn more techniques, strategies, and successful game-plans to get your business to the next level. I get it. But the thing is, if you don’t have the right mindset when you deploy these things, they’ll never launch to the heights you want them to.
Mindset is important. It’s the foundation you need to take the risks, make the changes, and implement the strategies quickly, effectively, and fearlessly. So, plug in and listen to the three most common mindsets that are hurting your business and turn them around now.
In This Episode Jackie, Amy, and I discuss:
- The three mindsets that are hurting your business.
- What happens when you play it safe and why it’s selfish.
- Being conscious of who you’re listening to.
- Being three feet away from a breakthrough – or not.
- Doing it alone and being honest with yourself.
- Raising your ambition and making the money you deserve.
01:00 – 04:30 – Introducing today’s topic: Mindset
04:30 – 08:30 – Why playing small shows a negative mindset
08:30 – 10:00 – How you’ll get pulled forward or backward
10:00 – 16:30 – The difference between strategies and digging in the right place
16:30 – 20:00 – Doing it alone and the benefit of help
20:00 – 29:00 – Escaping from vs. moving towards and believing in yourself
Yuri Elkaim: Here we go, hey guys. Yuri Elkaim here from Healthpreneur, how’s it going everyone? Welcome to another edition of Between the Ears and we are back in the saddle today with two of our result coaches. We have Amy and Jackie in the house. What’s up guys?
Jackie: Hey.
Yuri Elkaim: So today we’re talking about I think an important topic. We’re talking, obviously, mindset. That’s kind of the topic or the theme of this segment of our Healthpreneur podcast.
And if you’re watching this live, you’re probably watching us inside of our Healthpreneur group, so just say, “What’s up,” let us know in the chat where you’re at, and if you’re listening to this on our podcast then great job, and if you’re watching this on YouTube, then terrific as well.
Introducing today’s topic: Mindset
So anyways, let’s today talk about three mindsets that are hurting your business. And these are three mindsets that, again, they’re just hurting your business. And the reason we talk about mindsets so much, guys, and I know it’s not sexy and everyone wants the tactics and the strategies, but how many times do we give people the tactic? How many people do we tell them exactly what to do and eight months later they still haven’t done it? What’s the problem there? There’s nothing other than what’s up here that’s holding you back.
Yuri Elkaim: So you guys have to understand that if your mindset isn’t dialed in. If between the ears is not functioning properly, if there’s a little leak in the boat there, no matter what tactic or strategy you’re deploying, whether it’s working with us or somebody else, it’s never going to work. And that’s why we started this segment several months ago because we just saw all of these ways we could help you guys improve your mindsets so you can really move forward with confidence, clarity, and just kind of that never-give-attitude and make stuff work.
Yuri Elkaim: You guys ready to rock?
Jackie: Let’s do it.
Why playing small shows a negative mindset
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah? All right. Let’s talk about the first mindset which is essentially this idea of by being careful you put yourself at greater risk. And I want to talk about this in the context of playing it safe. Because we all know entrepreneurs take risks. So I’ll just kind of share my two cents and then open up the floor to you guys. So remember, guys, there’s what you want to create in this world, there’s the desires and the wants and dreams that you have, and then there’s the fear that holds you back. So that’s it. Those are the two options. You have what you want and then you have a block, like a wall standing in front of you of moving forward toward that dream. And sadly, a lot of people decide that their fear’s going to be bigger than their dream. And that holds them back from moving forward. So when I say by being too careful you put yourself at greater risk, what I’m saying is by being careful, by trying to get all of your ducks in a row, by whatever, waiting for the perfect time, being too careful, the real risk there is the opportunity cost.
Yuri Elkaim: The opportunity cost, the amount of money you’re not currently making that you’ve been wanting to make for however many number of months or years. So like, “Yeah, I’d love to do this next year,” hold on. Next year? Are you crazy? That’s twelve months of added pain of ten extra thousand dollars a month you’ve been wanting you make, you’re still not making it, you’re not going to be making it for the next twelve months. And you have to understand that nothing’s going to change, guys. Nothing is going to change. Don’t think it’s going to change if you don’t do something differently. That’s why we want to be a little bit less risk-averse, have a little bit more belief in ourselves, and just move forward through uncertainty. Because nothing’s ever going to be fully certain. You’re not going to have everything perfectly lined up in terms of proof. You have to make that proof for yourself.
Yuri Elkaim: Jackie, I’ll open this up to you. What are your thoughts as it pertains to this first point?
Jackie: Yeah, careful’s like comfort. Both of them kill you. Nobody’s ever achieved anything, if you look at all the great guru’s out there in the world, they took risks, they took massive action. And the opposite of massive action is not doing anything or being careful. I love this because I really hit this hard even with our free result accelerator call, because I’ll repeat back to people at times what they say they really want. And when I repeat it back to them just in their words, not changing anything, and I say so this is really all you want, right? They’re like, “Oh no, that would sound silly.” So by playing small or being careful is just … it’s not where entrepreneurs play. And if that’s where you want to be then this isn’t the space to you. It’s simple as that. It’s like how bad do you want it?
Yuri Elkaim: Yep. Totally. That’s for sure. Amy, what about you? What do you see come up with calls from our clients and prospective clients, as well in some of the calls?
Amy: That’s a great question. When I speak with people, we’re on two different sides here. We get on that results accelerator call where somebody has … they already feel like we can help them, and they actually know we can help them, because they’ve already gotten to know, like, and trust us, and they’re hopping on the phone with us and we’re doing a coaching call with these folks. So what’s happening, what I’m seeing is that people have these goals and dreams, either they’ve been burned before or they’re just starting now and like you said, Yuri, it’s that fear, it’s that confidence. They see a clear path, they see the stepping stones, but sometimes they’re not too sure they can do it or it’s like you said, Jackie, they’re more comfortable staying in the fear and the pain of I’m not making enough money, I’m not impacting enough people, because this is such an out-of-the-box idea. We’re doing something so different then anybody is doing in the health space, so it makes sense to people, because like you said Yuri, what they’re doing is working.
Amy: So when we stay in that comfort of, “Well I know this, it’s familiar, so I’ll keep posting a million times and hoping someone’s going to join my program, hoping I can make an impact,” instead of saying, “You know what? Forget all that stuff. Let’s actually make an impact. Let’s put out these ads, let’s target the right market, let’s be authentic, let’s be ourselves, and let’s put ourselves out there.” That’s scary, right? So when we keep ourselves safe, it’s really selfish. We’re not helping the people that are waiting for us. So you folks and folks we speak with on the phone, you’re not helping anyone, not even yourself, by not joining us.
Amy: And then we’ve got clients who asked about people coming into the HBA, so they’ve jumped off the precipice, they’re using the workshop as that parachute, but then their old stories tell them … and maybe their family and their friends are going, “Oh, it’s okay, you don’t have to work that hard,” or, “Oh, this isn’t going to work,” and we help them to kind of set up that bubble of confidence and knowing, it’s that knowing, and that I think is really hard for a lot of people is knowing without being able to see it right now. I know that in the spring the buds are going to come out on the trees, I can’t see it but I know that things are happening right now that that’s gonna happen. So when we stay safe and we don’t take those risks, we’re actually being selfish. We’re not helping the clients that are really in pain and we’re keeping ourselves small. It becomes really paralyzing. So step out of your comfort zone, step off the precipice, what’s the worse thing that happens? You’ll fall down. You’ve got support. You’ve got world-class support to lift you back up.
Yuri Elkaim: You mentioned something interesting about friends and family maybe not being there to really lift you up and one of the things that I’ve recognized is very seldom will someone who is further along the path from you hold you back from your dreams. It’s always the other way around. It’s always someone who has not achieved the goals that you want to achieve, someone who’s let’s say further down the totem pole, who’s going to pull you down. Someone who’s higher up, physically they can’t pull you down because they’re further up. So the only thing that they can do is lift you up. But the people below you are the ones who pull you down. So you need to be surrounded by people who are going to lift you up. You have to be surrounded by people … do not take advice from someone who has not done what you want to do.
Yuri Elkaim: Thanks, Mom, for that great advice, have you done what I want to do? No? Thank you so much. I’m going to ignore that. So you have to be very conscious of who you are listening to, because if they’re not further ahead on the ladder, then physically they have to pull you down. They can’t lift you up, unless they’re going to put you on their shoulders and walk up the ladder with you, which is very, very seldom in this world. And especially most entrepreneurs feel very isolated because they don’t have a social network of people who get them or who encourage them, and that’s why being part of a group of other people is so important to continue lifting each other up. So just great point that you’ve made, I just wanted to touch on that.
How you’ll get pulled forward or backward
Yuri Elkaim: Okay, so the second mindset that we want to think about in terms of a mindset that holds us back is this whole notion that very often we are three feet away from a breakthrough. Like you’re three feet away from gold. And if you want to look at the example of acres of diamond story, where you have this farmer in Africa who spends his whole life looking for gold, travels around the world, and then he passes away, and then the people who buy his estate found some gold in the river right behind his house. This is kind of what it’s like in most of our businesses.
Yuri Elkaim: I do need to put a bit of context to this because the thinking here is, “Okay, well I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing and it’s not working so I’m going to just keep doing more of it and eventually it’s gonna work.” So you have to be very cautious of this, because what I’m not saying, I’m not saying keep doing what you’re doing if it’s not working and keep doing it. You have to understand that there’s a difference between doing the right strategy that takes a little bit of time to figure out and just following a bad strategy that you should completely avoid.
Yuri Elkaim: Now let me give you a great example of this. Last week I called one of our prospective clients who’s in our pipeline and I asked the straight up, I’m like, “Hey man, why haven’t you invested in our program yet? Why haven’t you joined us?” And he said, “Listen, I can’t afford it.” And I said, “That’s totally fine. Tell me about what’s going on right now. What are you doing to generate business and all that stuff?” And he said that he was running a few challenges, some 30-day challenges. I was like, “Okay, really cool. Tell me about the numbers? What do the numbers look like?” He’s like, “Well every challenge we’re getting about a thousand people in.” I was like, “That’s amazing! How is that all working out for you?” And I’m like, “What are you selling on the back end?” He said, “Well I was selling a $67 program, now we’ve bumped it up to 97, but as soon as we did that price jump, no one’s buying.” I’m like, “Okay.” So I asked him out of curiosity, I’m like, “How big of a following do you have?” And he said, “A hundred thousand people.”
Yuri Elkaim: I’m like, “You have a hundred thousand people on your email list and you’re struggling financially?” See, when I hear this, this is like what you’re doing is not working. This is a hallmark sign of what you’re … this is like, this really got me going. So I actually shot a whole live video about this afterwards about the fallacy of free challenges. But what I wanted … the thing is I started talking to him, I said, “Listen, do you think that what you’re doing is solving a major pain or problem for someone?” And he said, “Yeah, for sure.” And I said, “What do you not believe about what we’re doing here, then?” And he said, “I don’t believe people will pay top dollar to solve their health issues.” And listen, I said, “Hey, I completely agree with you because the world in which you’re living in is full of $67 and $97 buyers who are not even buyers.
The difference between strategies and digging in the right place
Yuri Elkaim: When you’re attracting freebies, you’re getting tire kickers. We’ll save the conversion, commitment thing for a different day, but that’s a prime example of where you need to understand that what you’re doing simply is not working and you have to be open-minded and coachable to look at something else. Now on the flip side, we have a lot of clients who are obviously working with us and some take a little bit longer to get results than others. Now does that mean that the strategy doesn’t work? No. Because it works every single time. We know that with a thousand percent certainty. But is it going to work for you in a week or a month or two months? I don’t know. So that’s the difference, guys, is you have to keep plugging away. Keep digging in that soil because you will hit that gold if you’re digging in the right area. So that’s the big thing I want to really mention.
Yuri Elkaim: So yeah.
Amy: Yuri, I love what you just said about digging in the right area because that makes me think about the clients that we work with in the health business accelerator workshop that are a little further along, they’ve launched ads, and now they’re combining their I want to stay safe with … they’re right there, but they’re staying safe by not investing enough, not taking enough risk into their ads to find out, really, who their audience is.
Yuri Elkaim: Can I jump in real quickly?
Amy: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So one of our clients, one of our mastermind clients, Kate, and if Kate, if you’re watching this or listening to this, she’s getting a four to one ROI on her ads right now. Four to one. So for every dollar she’s spending, she’s making four on return. And I’m like, “What’s holding you back from spending more money to Facebook?” And again, it was a mindset issue. So we had to work on that a little bit. Anyways, keep going.
Amy: Right, now and that’s a great point, because then when something is working, why don’t we scale that up? If something’s not working, that’s why we have a very specific system for tracking numbers. So this is where we take that faith in the process and maybe you’ve never done it before so you have to have faith that it’s going to work. You see this is the way we run things at Healthpreneur, you see that other clients are doing this. So you have faith that it’s going to work but now you’re going to actually look at the data. And now you’re going to look at the numbers and instead of freaking out that oh my gosh I’m shoving off all of my ads and Facebook doesn’t work, we get the advice from the coaches and say okay, this audience is just not reacting, no big deal. So let’s tweak this. So we want to really make sure that we’re digging in the right place because if you’re landing page and your ads and your webinar are all congruent, your targeting may be off. You want to make sure you’re digging in the right place and that you’re not going back and revamping your entire pipeline when really it’s just a tweak of an audience.
Amy: Just really make sure that what you’re staying focused on, your goal, we can get that shining object syndrome, so stay focused and like Yuri said, doesn’t mean you have to go travel the world. Maybe it’s just a slight shift in one of those audiences. So make sure you’re digging in the right spot and then if it’s not working you shuck that off. Don’t keep drilling … we don’t want you throwing money away, we want you investing money and collecting data and then investing in acquiring clients at a profit. So if you’re not at this point yet, don’t get overwhelmed. Be where you are. But if you’re at this point, have the patience, put the time in, and invest the capital because once you get this dialed in, you’re just going to have a client machine. You’re going to be able to really have that impact you want and achieve those income goals that hopefully by listening to this you’re blowing up. That it’s not just getting by, you’re really blowing it up.
Doing it alone and the benefit of help
Yuri Elkaim: And yeah, it’s like you can’t know what you don’t know. So I was watching my kids run like a Jurassic Park rampage that they’re watching, like it was crazy, at the Christmas break they were watching the same Jurassic Park a hundred times and the first Jurassic Park, they’re obviously wherever they were, Montana, or in the digging sites, how do you know where to find the bones? How do you know where to find the bones? Well there’s got to be some type of device, like when you’re going fishing and you have one of those fish radars that’s going to tell you hey here are the fish, here’s the depth, here’s where to go. How do you know that if you have no outside guidance? And that’s where having the right coach makes all the difference, guys. And I’ll tell you flat-out, if you’re trying to do this by yourself, you will fail. Very, very seldomly will someone crush it on their own without any external guidance because you can’t see what you can’t see. You don’t know what you don’t know. So anyways.
Jackie: Yeah, I just want to chime in on that if you do this on your own you will fail. Yuri, you’re a testimony to that. It wasn’t until you invested in your first coach. I’m a testimony to that back in 2014. Amy, same as you. We’re all very humble about that because we know what works and it’s like we wouldn’t be in the seats where we are now to share this with other people. It’s not a secret, it’s not like woo-woo, it’s a proven, predictable system. And what happens, when people are just three feet or three inches from having their pivotal moment in their business, the people who fail or stall lean out.
Jackie: And what I mean by leaning out is instead they need to be leaning in to the world-class coaching and that’s the best part of our program. This is why I get up every day super stoked to talk to you all. Because I know when you’re leaning in, you’re just this far away from a pivotal point in your business. So that’s really what I think. When that whole gap, doesn’t matter if it’s three feet, three inches, you can pop through that with a proven, predictable system and world-class coaching.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Well Yasmine, actually, one of our HBA clients, just posted this in the chat here, and I just posted it on the video. So she said, “Realizing that there is another way to build my business was the biggest relief ever. I was so sick of the social media treadmill. It’s changed everything. Enjoying the course so far.” Guys, yeah, I mean, yes. So thank you for posting that, Yasmine. That’s very, very true. Because there’s a lot of different ways to scale a mountain and you just have to be honest about what goes into each one. You can take the fast route, the slow route, the route with all of the –
Yuri Elkaim: And you might fall off the mountain. You just have to know. And unless you know, it’s very tough to know what you’re doing. And this is the dilemma is that most people don’t know what’s happening behind the curtains of these business. It drives me crazy. Like hey, I want to become an influencer on social media, okay why? If you look at a lot of the social media influencers, I look at like my buddy Lewis Howse. So everyone wants to be like Lewis Howse, become an influencer, whatever. And that’s fine, but you have to remember that most people don’t understand that Lewis was actually making money before he even started using Instagram. He was selling courses on how to sell on LinkedIn via a webinar for years before he even started his podcast. And then I remember being at his place in LA four years ago and he was just at the point where the inflection was starting to happen in his podcast three years after he started. And no one really knew that he was this big deal by this point.
Yuri Elkaim: So you have to be very … and I was talking about this with Robin Sharma, too, another friend of mine. And we were talking about this and we talking about this whole idea of income before influence. And I asked Robin, I’m like, “Hey, Robin, … ” so just in case you don’t know who Robin Sharma is, he’s the author of dozens of books, New York Times best sellers. He’s sold more than 15 million copies worldwide. He’s one of the top leadership experts in the world. The biggest Fortune 500 companies have him come in and work with their teams and CEO’s to improve their performance.
Yuri Elkaim: And I asked him, I’m like, “When you wrote your first book, did you write the book because you needed the money from that book?” And he’s like, “No, I was a lawyer, I had a successful practice. I was writing this on the side as I was going to build this thing up slowly but surely.” But most people, they have like the cart before the horse. They’re building their social media influence, they’re writing the book, before they even have a platform. Before they’re even making money. So guys you have to understand if you’re following just blindly, you could be following a path that leaves you going off a cliff. And we don’t want that to happen to you.
Escaping from vs. moving towards and believing in yourself
Yuri Elkaim: Anyways. Let’s move to our third point for the sake of time here. So the third mindset that will hurt your business is focusing on escaping from as opposed to moving towards. Now listen, we’re all motivated by the carrot and the stick in some way, shape, or form, and in a varying percentage. What we see a lot of is a lot of conversations that end up going like this, “I just want to make an extra 2,000 bucks a month. I just want to pay my bills.” Like if you just want to pay your bills, you’re always just going to be able to pay your bills. So I want to challenge you to raise your ambition because what I’ve noticed is that there’s zero difference between 2X-ing your business and 10X-ing your business. Because the thinking that goes into it, you’re still going to think, you’re still going to put energy into it, you’re still going to put effort into it.
Yuri Elkaim: The difference is perhaps the strategy, perhaps the level of thinking, the level of ambition, the level of activity that is going to result as a result of thinking bigger. In our case, $2,000 a month is like half a client for a lot of our clients. They’ll say, “Why would you just want half a client when you can get a full client to make four or five thousand. Or what would $20,000 a month look like?” So I really want to raise your ambition, guys, because you have to be honest. In today’s day and age, $2,000 a month is $24,000 a year. I don’t know where you’re living, maybe in the middle of the Sahara desert, but you cannot live on $24,000 a year. That is fiscally known as below the poverty line. So you need to raise your ambition. You need to be very aware of how much money it costs for you to live your desired lifestyle and you need to really do whatever it takes to get there.
Yuri Elkaim: And remember that making more money is not about gouging people. And get this, it’s so funny, I see all of these nasty comments on our Facebook ads, I just laugh at them now. Because people are like, “You’re just money-hungry greedy pigs.” All this kind of stuff. Like you have no clue, man. No idea. Money is only ever a byproduct of impact. You cannot make money if you’re not transforming people’s lives. And if you’re not making the money you want, you’re not impacting people’s lives to the degree that you could be. It’s as simple as that.
Amy: Absolutely. And that money gives you a lot of freedom, so really I liked what you said about thinking about moving towards because a lot of people that we speak with are either just starting out or have businesses that they don’t have the right strategies so the financial position that they’re in now is causing them stress and anxiety and they’re staying in that stress and anxiety instead of future-casting and really taking that thought energy to where they want to be. So where you … I’m not saying that there’s not going to be steps to get there, but the more you focus on where you are now, the more you’re going to stay there. So as you focus on what do you want, you’re going to get there.
Amy: So I’ll give you a quick example from yesterday. It was dumping snow, there’s not a lot of snow in the woods, but I love to ski in the words. So skiing in the woods, the streams are all exposed, and I found myself between three streams. So I could’ve focused on the fact there was water everywhere and just cracks and what am I going to do? I’m going to be here forever, I’m never going to get out of here. But there was a lot of powder if I could just get across the streams. So I could’ve focused on the rocks and the steepness. I just looked for the snow. The snow was my path. So you want to look at your path.
Amy: If you know your outcome is, you know what? I want to dream big and I want to make a hundred K a month, we got a client doing a million a month, so you go big and you say, “Okay, now what’s the path? I don’t know exactly how I’m going to get there.” Find, again, lean into that world-class coaching because the coaches have the path for you. And now you can dream big and have somebody just light the way for you. You have to do the work. You’ve got to get out of there. You’ve got to use all of your … all of the skills that you are … that’s what I thought yesterday. I have to use the skills that I already have. I have to pull my core and I gotta jump over these streams and these rocks. I have the skills to do that. You have the people skills to relate. You know you’re craft, you’re an expert in your field. Now all you need is that path. So take that path with guidance, let us light it up for you, and then you do the work and then it’s like magic.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally.
Jackie: Yeah, I love that Amy. What people need to escape from, honestly, is where they are. If they’re not happy where they are, then your internal self and your passions in your heart, in your gut, it’s like, “It’s not working, I’m not happy here,” then you need to get out of that and go back to what feels good and what looks good and what will allow you to do more good. If you’re making an impact, making the income, naturally evolving your influence, it won’t be work. Because you’re living your passion.
Jackie: If you feel like you need to escape from something it’s because you’re not good with where you’re at. And if you’re not good with where you’re at, the fastest way to get results, have a proven, predictable system, have world-class coaching. That’s it.
Yuri Elkaim: And don’t sugar-coat the fact that your situation is okay. No. You’ve got to be sick of your situation because listen, when we speak to people there’s a reason they call us. There’s a reason you’re clients are going to call you. They watch a webinar, they fill out an application, people who are like so-so don’t really do that. It’s the people who are committed to changing, this why free challenges don’t work. Because what’s the commitment? Oh, just put your email in and hit submit. Obviously you’re not going to get committed people.
Yuri Elkaim: When you’re getting people to jump through hoops and then they book a call with you, no one just walks into a car dealership if they have no intention of buying a car. So you have to understand that people are doing things because they’re in a level of suffering right now and if you get to the point where then they kind of backtrack and say, “You know what? Yes, this is a must now. But you know what, actually it’s not too bad, I can stay with where I am now,” it’s like no, no, no.
Yuri Elkaim: Like the guy I spoke to about the free challenges, I don’t think he really fully, I said like, “If you don’t work with us, what are you going to do?” “Well I think I’m getting some good traction.” I’m like, “If you’re going to continue doing what you’ve been doing, I don’t think you’re going to get much more traction that what you’ve already had.” So you just gotta be honest, guys. You have to be honest with yourself and you have to look in the mirror. And that’s what I did back in 2010 after three years of being a smart-ass and trying to think like, “Yeah, I’m cool, I’m so smart, I’m going to do this by myself.” Never works.
Yuri Elkaim: I still remember the first investment I made was more money than I made in the previous two years combined in my coach, my mastermind. It’s money I didn’t have. I took out my credit card and I said, “I’ll figure this out.” And that’s what you have to do. And it’s the only reason I’m here where I am today is because that initial decision.
Yuri Elkaim: So you have to have faith in yourself. You have to have belief in yourself. Because if you have belief in yourself, then you know no matter what is going to come up, you can figure it out. And if you don’t have belief in yourself, we can’t help you. We can’t give you some … we can’t sprinkle some magic powder on you and all of a sudden you’ve got belief in yourself. You have to believe in yourself. You have to be great at what you do. And if you have those two ingredients we can help you without a shadow of a doubt. But if you need to go back to the drawing board and go like 30 years back into your childhood or whatever you have to do to build your self-esteem and confidence, do what you got to do because it’s not gonna serve you in any way, shape, or form in your life to not believe in yourself and your abilities.
Yuri Elkaim: So guys, we gotta jump, we actually have a call as a team now, a little sales huddle, so we gotta jump off. But I want to thank you Jackie and Amy for your insights, for jumping in with all of your great wisdom and examples. And for all of you guys listening, whether you’re watching this on YouTube or inside the Facebook group or listening to this on a podcast and you want to really make this your year and stop making excuses and really move with a strategy that works, then here’s what I want to do right now, watch our free online training over at healthpreneurgroup.com/training. If you like what you see, if it resonates with you, then book a call with one of these fine ladies or you might be speaking to Phyllis or Steph as well. They’re amazing at what they do. They can really help you get to the core of what’s going on and we can figure out if there’s a good way to serve you. And if there is, awesome. If there isn’t, we can hopefully direct you in the best possible direction.
Yuri Elkaim: So that is all for today guys. Remember, everything starts between your ears. Everything starts with your mindset. No matter what you’re up against, no matter what you want to achieve, it all starts between your ears. Thanks so much for joining us and we’ll see you in the next episode.
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What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about the #1 Mistake Most Coaches Make on The Phone.
Many of us are hardwired as teachers and simply want to share our knowledge. But this is the last thing you want to do on an enrollment call.
Tune in to hear more on this big mistake and what you can do to prevent it.
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