Client Deep Dive Creating Facebook Ad Magic with Ali Brigham
How’s it going, Healthpreneurs? Yuri here on the 200th episode of the Healthpreneur podcast. Crazy, right? Today, we’re doing another Client Deep Dive. Ali Brigham is one of our Health Business Accelerator clients and proud owner of Charlotte Nutrition and Wellness.
She’s been working on perfecting her Facebook ads. By reading the analytics and clarifying her message, she’s already getting traction from the ads that she’s put out. Her Perfect Client Pipeline is starting to funnel – and she’s pumped.
The trick is catching people’s attention so they relate to the problem you can solve. And to do that, you’ve got to be crystal clear with your message and philosophy. Tune in to hear the tweaks Ali made to improve her ads and serve her clients better than ever before.
In This Episode Ali and I discuss:
- The best angle for her Facebook ads.
- Facebook ad analytics.
- Getting her message and philosophy across.
- The language that gets people’s attention.
- Her business and growth goals.
- What she’s doing to improve her marketing.
2:00 – 7:00 – Getting comfortable with Facebook ad analytics and messaging
7:00 – 13:30 – Knowing what you stand for and what you stand against
13:30 – 16:00 – Creating discussions with your message
16:00 – 22:00 – The standardized funnel and how to catch people’s attention
22:00 – 25:00 – Ad copy, tools, and Ali’s goals for the new year
25:00 – 32:00 – Getting out of her comfort zone to grow and serve
Hey guys, what’s up? Yuri here and welcome back to another client’s deep dive. Today I’m very honored to be joined by one of our health business accelerate client, her name is Ali Brigham.
Here’s a little context as to who she is. So Ali is a master certified holistic nutritionist fitness instructor, certified holistic health coach and the founder and owner of Charlotte Nutrition and Wellness and Best You For Life. She has trained for 22 years in clinical healthcare and alternative and holistic nutrition and as a result, showed passionate driven practice of fluster throat knowledge and deep respect for what she does and obviously helping her clients at a very, very deep level. Also holds a master’s degree in neuroscience and biochemistry. Very, very cool and Ali, I’m very excited to have you on the show and to dig into what we need to dig into today. So welcome.
Ali Brigham: Thank you so much. I’m thrilled to be here and just want to thank you for the invitation.
Yuri Elkaim: Absolutely, totally. It’s a lot of fun. I actually enjoy, no offense to any of our amazing guests, but it’s nice to speak to our clients instead of people out there doing their own things. So, hopefully if you’re listening to this podcast or watching this on YouTube, you’re going to get a lot of value out of this deep dive. So Ali, let’s jump right in. What specifically can I help you with today?
Getting comfortable with Facebook ad analytics and messaging
Ali Brigham: Well, I have been doing a lot of soul searching and thinking about this kind of stuff because I’ve been going through the emotions and everything is all set up now. My perfect client pipeline is all set up. I discovered a couple of my errors in my Facebook ads yesterday. So for the last couple weeks I was like, shhhhh, throwing money out the window. That’s okay. So now it’s being positioned where it’s supposed to. So then my main struggle I think going forward is, just getting more comfortable with the analytics, how to track this. I’m doing, presenting one interest at a time, a fee in different ads and ad sets so I can really get a handle on it. I’m also trying to figure out the best angle, because this particular webinar has to do with being healthier and the correct way to shed fat, not just to go on a crash diet and lose weight.
Ali Brigham: I struggle with the right message to just for … I still want people to just get it, but I know they don’t. They just say “I need to lose 40 pounds and I don’t care what I have to do to get there. If I have say 5,000 weight loss pills a day, I will”. I just want them to know that there is a once and for all program that you just have to do one time and you’ll never have to worry about this stuff for the rest of your life. I have kept the weight off for 25 years. That’s crazy.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s amazing.
Ali Brigham: Most people just keep rebounding. So I’m speaking here my passion. So like it’s getting people just to understand my philosophy.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So that’s so good that you bring this up because if it’s okay, I’ll share this on, I’ll just kind of draw out some schematics. So can you see that on your end?
Ali Brigham: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s little blank page. Okay, cool. So this is actually a lot of fun because this is why I love Facebook advertising. Marketing as I said before, so let me just change the color of that pen. So marketing really is sharing your beliefs.That’s where marketing is, right? So if we think of a Facebook ad, it’s simply a message that we put up on Facebook and we’re putting some money behind so that Facebook actually shows it to people because we know organically Facebook is kind of dead. So if you think about, and obviously in the program we have the whole angles of approach and the different templates you can follow. But another way of thinking about this too is one of the things we teach in our mastermind is this thing called pillar topics.
Yuri Elkaim: And these are, let’s say, five or six, one, two, well, in this case, we’ll call it five. What are five things you want to be known for? Like when you think of weight loss, right? And this is going to tie into your webinars. So on the Webinar, the Webinar’s job is really to sell, not the program, but your philosophy. So when people are watching that, they’re thinking to themselves, man, this chick gets it. I totally read this. This is exactly what I’m going through. Thank you so much. So good marketing is going to repel the wrong people and attract right people.
Yuri Elkaim: Therefore, marketing should be very opinionated. So we have ads running right now. One is on obviously why health coaches and health experts should charge top dollar for their coaching. There is so much heat in the comments on that. It’s beautiful because I don’t agree with all of it. Obviously I’m not engaging in the conversation because some of it’s pretty nasty. But what that’s doing is it’s polarizing. It’s pissing some people off.
Knowing what you stand for and what you stand against
Yuri Elkaim: Basically you want to share the passion and you want that to come through in your copy. And then also obviously on your webinars, so for the sake of exercise here, if you were to think of just off the top of your head what are … Another way of thinking about this, another way of thinking about this is what do you stand for and what you stand against. So let’s just come up with a couple ideas first. So what do you stand against when it comes to weight loss, et cetera?
Ali Brigham: Crash diets.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay. Absolutely. I crash diets, what else?
Ali Brigham: Hard core, boot camp, rigorous exercise programs solely, exclusively relying on just that to get to your optimum weight.
Yuri Elkaim: So hardcore just fitness type of thing.
Ali Brigham: Yes. Thinking you can out exercise in that diet.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure. What’s one more thing you stand against?
Ali Brigham: Diet supplements and a lot of the scams out there that flutter inbox and timeline that can be very harmful for people.
Yuri Elkaim: What’s one example of that?
Ali Brigham: Oh boy. That those stimulants, stimulants, weight loss supplements that make your heart race and want to jump out of your chest and run for the hills. They have but people in the hospital never face them, I think at the end-
Yuri Elkaim: So that’s a really good starting point. So what are two or three things that you stand for?
Ali Brigham: Healthy way of getting to your optimum weight and not losing weight, actually losing fat. So training your body to ignite that fat burning switch, increasing metabolic rate rather than starvation diets and rigorous exercise actually slow down your metabolism. So the important thing is to stimulate your metabolism so it keeps getting better and better each decade of life.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool, let’s do one more. What’s the one word thing you stand for?
Ali Brigham: Dedication – compassion. People who understand that we didn’t use it in a very different role right now we’re up against a lot more hardships in terms of trying to shift that.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure. So dedication to the process I guess. So it’s not necessarily going to be easy – stick to itness.
Ali Brigham: Bingo.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. I don’t think anyone can disagree with that who is obviously on the coaching side who sees the value in that process. Okay, so we’ve gone, what we’ve done here Ali is we’ve now created eight or so different angles for your ads. So what you can do now is you can create an ad around crash diets. You can create an ad around hardcore fitness boot camps, which is going to Piss a lot of people off I’ll tell you this. You can write an ad on weight loss stimulants or diet pills you can write an ad on … So for instance, we have a cleanse in our health business called the Total Ones Cleanse. Our whole approach is a food based way to cleanse your body. And we positioned the enemy as things like the master cleanse and Cascara Sagrada, all that kind of stuff.
Yuri Elkaim: So when I’m marketing it’s like, here’s why this is bad and here’s why this is better. And usually when you think of magnetic marketing it’s not so much about the how to, the key to marketing is sharing your beliefs. It’s sharing what you stand for, what you stand against, these pillar topics, this things you want to be known for in the industry and the marketplace are going to reflect what you stand for. Right? So those pillar topics are going to be like healthy fat loss, increasing metabolic rate, the things we’re going to talk about over and over and over and over again in a lot of different ways so that eventually, when you’re thinking down the road and building this really nice brand around who you are and what you do, people come to know you as the person for this. “Oh yeah, she talks about this and this and this is what she’s known for.” Does that make sense?
Ali Brigham: Yeah.
Creating discussions with your message
Yuri Elkaim: So the other way of thinking about this too is again, from a marketing perspective is who is the nemesis? Who’s the enemy? Because if you think of diet supplements, that can be nemesis, that can be, it’s kind of tied in with the against like I stand against this, the against could essentially be one in the same as the common enemy. And what this is doing is it’s just rallying people around your belief system and it’s getting people to be like, I don’t agree with you at all. Or Yes, I completely agree with you and that’s all you should be doing with your marketing in general. And now your Facebook ads just follow our templates and you infuse type of stuff in there and now it’s like rocket fuel. Does that help?
Ali Brigham: Yeah. That’s amazing. Thank you. It’s funny you say that. Who are you going to piss off and who were up against say I call them the hecklers. I’m going to make Facebook ads. Saying yeah, yeah, whatever. Just trying to sell a lot. And he was big giant bodybuilder, looks like he’s taking years and years and years of steroids and I killed them with kindness. And so those types of people are what I’m up against that just the league is all about no, showing your body to get to that physique. But how has that individual going to feel 25 years from now?
Yuri Elkaim: Honestly, if they’re not a perfect clients of yours, don’t even worry about them because somebody else might better serve them. Maybe they think that their stuff started up, maybe they do, maybe they don’t. But the thing is like, and I think you may have actually commented on this today, is I asked on my Facebook profile, coffee enemas, good or bad. Right? And I do coffee enemas once, twice a week because I actually enjoy the process. I enjoy the ritual. I don’t know if the metabolically physiologically helped me. I don’t have any markers to prove that. But I just liked the ritual. Anyway so I post it on the page and a lot of people are like, yeah, it’s amazing. And then there’s others that are like, it’s quack, it’s nonsense, they’re linking to articles that have written about it backed by science.
Yuri Elkaim: You will always have people that are going to do that. And that kind of post is a good example of the type of ad, or the type of discussion you want to create when you’re putting messages out. And we’re not just doing stuff to piss some people off. Like we’re putting out a message that we believe in. It’s like I believe this to be true and you may or may not believe in that or agree with it, but it doesn’t matter. And that the key is we want to avoid being vanilla. So if we look at marketing and even simpler term, it’s, we have two opposite ends of the spectrum. We have, let’s just say negative and positive like a battery and we want to avoid the middle, right? You just, you pick a side, you pick a side and you say, I believe in this and I don’t believe in that.
Yuri Elkaim: And that’s the crux of everything you put out there and not on your webinar you go further into depth about that. So each individual ad is going to have one angle. So you might have one ad on crash diets. You might have one ad on how to raise metabolism. You might have one ad on one of those pillar topics or one of those angles we talked about. And those are going to attract the right people to get into your webinar. On the webinar it’s just more helpful stuff. And again, it was just more Kool-Aid, more philosophy, more here’s exactly what I believe to be true. And then you’re just backing it up to the point where people are like, man, I totally agree with this. This makes a lot of sense. What do I do next? How do I book a call with you?
Ali Brigham: That’s a great point. Because I was thinking about all the angles and then I get a little nervous thinking, okay, is my webinar landing page and everything else congress with a message in the ad because you don’t want to mislead them. And I’m thinking, oh my God, I need to like have five different webinars and I remember I recall you saying in very, very beginning. “Ali we have one webinar”. And that’s it. And all the ads to that webinar. So I have to craft it a little better in order for it to be more congress. They don’t feel like they’re just being misled.
The standardized funnel and how to catch people’s attention
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. So in the ad itself, because what the ad’s going to do, so if you think of the … You can have one landing. So in a perfect world you would have one Webinar, one landing page for every single angle and it would be just as a line as possible, but realistically, logistically to deploy that as very challenging. So what we do in the ad is the ad, we’re capturing people’s attention with a really cool image, right? An image that’s native to social. We’re getting them to stop the feed or the scroll and I’m not going to read, they’re going to read the story of yours. They’re going to read something that maybe is conservative and right off the bat they’re going to get sucked into the ad copy and then we’re segwaying them into something you figured out.
Yuri Elkaim: And then that’s something you figured out from that point on in the ad to the bottom of the ad. Pretty much for every single one of your ads, it’s going to be the same. I figured out this thing, I put together this free training, I’m going to walk you through it all. Here’s what you’re going to discover. You can grab your free spot at this like. So every single ad essentially finishes the same way and you’re building context for the Webinar. So even though one angle of an ad may have been crash diets, another one may have been metabolism, they all kind of funnel into the same message toward the end of the ad copy so that when people click there or from there to the landing page, it’s the next logical step for them. So it’s not like it was like a one or two sentence ad and then they went through a landing page with no context.
Yuri Elkaim: And we have found in our case, our landing page, even though we have multiple different angles, one on one coaching, high price type of stuff, having to build a massive online platform. Like all these different angles. They all go to the same registration page and our registration page on average converts at 28%. And I’ve done zero optimization on that. And probably I could add a little bit here and there, but it’s doing well enough that it’s not something we need to spend a lot of time worrying about. So you have different angles at the top of the ad to hook people in different way and then the eye toward the bottom third as you start to finish it up, is it going to be more or less the same every single time so that when they land on the landing page it’s like, okay, cool. This makes sense. Let’s register now. Does that clarify that a little bit?
Ali Brigham: Yes. And something to think about, my webinar does talk about the byproducts of this program you’re naturally going to prevent and maybe even quell or cure chronic illnesses that you might be suffering from. But in my last ad, I sort of combine both of them together. So now I’m thinking I need to spread everything out. Like you said when fresh out of the tunnel diet supplements and then one on just healing chronic illness because of the fat loss.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. And everyone’s going to respond differently to different messages. So you might have an ad that’s going out to let’s say a million people, one audience and million people, let’s say, and you have an ad on fat loss specifically. They see it, they see it. It’s just like blind miss. They don’t pay attention. Then you have another one, same audience that’s talking about chronic illness and it’s like, Whoa, that’s what I’m experiencing. Let me pay attention. And now you’re going to hook them with that angle and you’re going to move them through the ad copy and now they’re like, man, this makes sense. I need to figure this out. Let me register for the Webinar and let scores the next level.
Ali Brigham: Do you think that it’s wise to separate like have one specific chronic illness like inflammation, but some people don’t even know what that means, so I need to break it down even further or digestive disorders. Can you say digestive disorder or could you have to say gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation?
Yuri Elkaim: Let me ask you this. If you were dealing with a digestive disorder and you saw now you can’t call someone else, “Hey, do you have a digestive disorder?” But let’s say you could, right? So have a digestive disorder or tired of gas, bloating, constipation, like which one is more appealing or magnetic you.
Ali Brigham: A latter.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, so because we use like no one says I know this are digestive problems like gassy and bloaty.
Ali Brigham: Right.
Yuri Elkaim: So we want to think of, let’s enter the conversation, the prospect’s mind. Let’s use their language and less draw them in from there. So sometimes a really good starting sentence for an ad could just be a question. But again, we have to be careful on Facebook because we can’t assume there’s anything wrong with the person, right? So we can’t say got joint pain.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s kind of, that’s a gray area, right? But we can maybe ask them a question for instance, one of my mastermind clients were actually reworking her angle a little bit. And what we came up with was a question. Something along the lines is your current workout program, where is your current workout regime not producing results? And what we did there is we’re not saying there’s anything wrong with you as a person. We’re saying there might be something wrong with your workout program because again, we want to make it an inanimate objects according to Facebook policies.
Ali Brigham: Webinar and what they are doing wrong on them.
Yuri Elkaim: Exactly. So now they’re like, you know what, that’s true. I do work out and there is a problem because I’m not getting results. So that’s one way you can catch people’s attention right away as you say it failing you, right? He’s your, should you fire your personal trainer, like however you want to enter the conversation or a pain point someone might be experiencing and if you start dragging like that, you don’t have to all the time, but you could.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s like, Hey, for us, we want more clients play. Okay, who would not say yes to that? Right? So you can think of those pain points and you can start the conversation right at the get go with that. And that’s going to … if you are dealing with those chronic issues instead of saying, God, a chronic health issue, like what specifically are they dealing with? And that’s going to speak a lot more closely to their problem and to what they want.
Ali Brigham: Yeah. That’s wonderful. That’s great.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So this has been helpful.
Ali Brigham: Yes. That’s, Thank you so much.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. So what’s the next action step for you based on our conversation here?
Ad copy, tools, and Ali’s goals for the new year
Ali Brigham: I’m going to go back and reevaluate my ads and also Facebook Fridays earlier today with Cody and gave me some other great tools and we have talked a lot about that ad copy and all that, so kind of want to do that. And I just want to add everything solidified by the new year. I’m really just ramping up, ramping up and I’m getting some action, and I have another call booked today-
Yuri Elkaim: Nice.
Ali Brigham: … For next week, so we’ll see how that goes.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s great. Good for you. That’s awesome. And doesn’t, she was like give herself permission to never have everything perfectly lined up. Like you have a certain amount stuff that’s ready to go and then you deploy it, you see what works, what doesn’t you course correct. You come back for feedback, you’re like, okay, let’s adjust. Let’s try this. And that’s honestly how you, that’s how we do it. In our case, because we’re speaking to a small audienceish, so health and fitness experts within the coaching category, we’re not speaking to hundreds of millions of people like you guys are with health and fitness and so forth. So for us, multiple angles of approach is the only way we can scale. Because if we show the same ad to the same people, which is already a small group over and over again, it’s going to lose its effectiveness. So we look at it, okay, what’s working, what’s the next thing we can come up with?
Yuri Elkaim: What’s the side door, backdoor into the same thing and let’s put that there. Let’s test that, let’s try this. So it’s a lot of fun because you’re just throwing different concepts at the wall and you’re going to see what sticks and a lot of times it’ll be surprised that what does and what doesn’t and the market is going to give you the feedback. And that’s a really cool place to be able to have that knowledge, not theory based on what your audience actually cares about you and it’s telling you.
Ali Brigham: Yes. You said something very poignant, I want to have the sales training about when you were on the doctor Oz show and you said you discovered this blah, blah, blah for humans and across to the audience and said, are there any non-humans in this audience? And it’s funny when you think about weight loss because I mean I live in the states, so it’s 45% right now are obese. 45% of the population. And so you think this would appeal to 45% of the population, but it doesn’t because this isn’t weight loss, this is fat loss be a cop and wellness. And that is a whole different market
Yuri Elkaim: For sure. And the good news is you don’t need 150 million clients, right? You just keep it to a percentage within a percentage, within a percentage, within a percentage. So even if at the end of the day your ads are being put in front of let’s say 10 million people and just 1% of those people like resonated with you, that is 100,000 people. And from that you’re going to find a lot of great clients as important for people to understand their feedback by going niche or narrowing down. They’re going to lose people. You’re going to lose people, which is good, but you’re still going to have such a huge pie that you’ll be able to tap into that for decades to come. And remember, there’s only more humans coming in the pipeline. There’s only more people being born every day and people getting older and recently getting diagnosed from their doctor with whatever. So it’s not like it’s a finite number of people and it’s just getting smaller, smaller, smaller. There’s so many people, there’s so many of your perfect clients on facebook and just alone. You can do this for the next several lifetimes and you still wouldn’t wear it. Like you wouldn’t run out of people for sure.
Ali Brigham: Yeah. Nice legacy to pass on to my daughter.
Yuri Elkaim: Absolutely. Absolutely. That’s the next level. So once you have this dialed in, then the next level is, okay, now that we have this pipeline dial there, now that we’re stabilized, now we can scale. Now we can start thinking about what’s the empire, what’s the legacy look like, and really start to do something pretty amazing, which is the next level. If for people don’t want to get there, right? Because not everyone wants to build that level of a business, which is fine, but if you do, it’s pretty cool and pretty fun when you can get there because then you don’t have to worry about where’s my next client coming from? You have the predictability of this pipeline bringing people in day in and day out and then you can think about bigger things, which is a lot of fun.
Getting out of her comfort zone to grow and serve
Ali Brigham: That’s was the greatest thing have learned joining your group. And I’ve talked to a lot of my old mentors in New York City and my business advisor, I’ve always had an enormous fear of being successful and I really had to delve deep into that and I was perfectly fine and content with my small private practice and having additional income, family because there was no stress, there’s no aggravation. I never had a client who made a complaint and it was glorious. And now I know that jumping into this next phase, going online, taking online, it’s really forced me to come out of that comfort zone and realize what I’m actually capable of and how I just want to bring my skills to the marketplace. It’s scary, but it’s so exciting at the same time. And I’m ready and I’m building a super thick skin. I’ve always considered myself thick skin New Yorker, but it’s just getting better and better and better. And I’m able to deal with a lot of the negative stuff as well and letting that roll off my back.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s awesome. And that’s how you know you’re putting yourself out there. That’s how you know you’re expanding because when you are getting that feedback, which is not all as positive. Right. And it’s very easy to avoid that. And the answer to that is do nothing. Right. And play it safe. But that’s what we’re not here to do. We’re here to serve people and change lives. And we got to put ourselves out there. So.
Ali Brigham: I use there line too. He kept going, going, going, he’s the gentleman from this morning and I said it’s all good, blah blah, blah. His name, but I don’t engage in useless debate. Bam.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally. Yeah, it’s fun. Good Times. So action steps, you kind of revisiting some of the Facebook ad copy, kind of cleaning that up a little bit, which is awesome. So looking forward to seeing how all that plays out.
Ali Brigham: I’m sorry for interjecting, You had asked what my next thing is and I wrote down, I need to start honing in on my audience.
Yuri Elkaim: Yup. Cool. And you know them. I mean, the nice thing about having worked in person with clients is you have all the Intel you need, all these like online marketers, they’re doing surveys and stuff because they’ve never worked with people in person. Right? So you have, and so many of our clients have come from a brick and mortar in person in the flesh working with people getting their feedback and you have this unfair advantage that’s so many other online only people don’t have because they had never really done this with people in person. So it’s such a great platform to jump from going from that physical practice to more of a virtual type of coaching program, which is awesome. With that said, let me ask you a question. So if someone were concerned, let’s say that someone’s watching this or listening to this and may have a brick and mortar, whether it’s a gem studio, clinical practice, and are thinking about coming online and they’re thinking about maybe considering the health business accelerator program, what would you tell them? What would you say to them?
Ali Brigham: Just do it. And that’s what I said to myself when I was on the phone with Amy and I already knew before getting on the phone with her that I was going to sign up. But of course-
Yuri Elkaim: well, how did you know, what was it about? It’s like about the whole process that made you know?
Ali Brigham: I think just, you touched on all of my pain points in your webinar and I was like, you know what, F it, I’m just going to go forward. And what’s the worst thing that could happen? So you’re out of it. A few thousand dollars, big deal, whatever. It’s not everything in your bank account. And I just kept telling myself, I can do this, this, I mean, look what I done already and you and same deal with my clients in my practice state on the other time they won’t be able to do it without support team and without me holding their hand and holding them accountable. So it’s the easiest way. It’s the best way to do it when you’re in a group of like-minded people with the same goals and it’s comforting situation.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Awesome.
Ali Brigham: Yeah, I just feel you just said, just do it really.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So you don’t regret the decision.
Ali Brigham: No, I don’t Yuri
Yuri Elkaim: It’s great. Damn. God damn. I been found out. Cool. Awesome. Well, thank you for sharing that and playing full out and then bringing your thought of the day to the table and hopefully this has been helpful for you to get some more clarity around how you want to take your Facebook ads and really amplify them. So, Ali, thank you once again for joining us.
Ali Brigham: My pleasure.
Yuri Elkaim: And watching hope you guys got some great value out of this and we look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
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What You Missed
Our last episode was another installment of our “Between The Ears” session with our awesome Results Coaches where we ask the question… “When are you going to start?”
You can ask this question to yourself for any area of life, whether it’s business, health, fitness – whatever. No matter what it is, you’ve got to make time to improve yourself in whatever area you feel is lacking.
Step up, put away the excuses, and step into the courage it takes to get on the road to improvement in the year 2019. Listen in to hear Steph, Jackie, and I talk about the most common reasons for inaction, why small steps make a big difference, and how you can act now.
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