How to Dial in Your Message to Attract More Clients
In this episode, we take a deep dive with Celina Pizarro helping her dial in her message to attract more clients.
Most people that we help initially have the issue of not attracting enough clients or not attracting enough leads and as a byproduct of that, they’re not converting enough people into paying clients.
Tune in as we help Celina define who her perfect client is and craft a message tailored specifically to that person to not only attract more clients, but convert them into paying clients.
In This Episode Celina and I discuss:
01:30 – 04:42 – Celina’s Amazing Journey
04:42 – 07:09 – Finding Her Target Market
07:09 – 13:14 – Identifying Celina’s Perfect Client
13:14 – 20:37 – Getting Celina’s Message Dialed In
20:37 – 26:05 – Messaging Magic
26:05 – 29:23 – Celina’s Big Takeaways and A Ha’s
Hey, guys, what’s up Yuri here, welcome back to the show. I’m excited to be joined by Celina Pizarro today and we’re going to be doing some pretty cool stuff. We’ve done this about a dozen times, I think on the podcast. We’re going to be doing many, many more of these types of deep dive consult type episodes. I have no context of what we’re going to talk about. There’s no pre-formulated questions, none of that stuff and I think you guys really enjoy this, so, Celina, welcome to the show. Can you give our listeners a bit of context about who you are, what you do and then we’ll jump into this.
Celina Pizarro: Sure, yeah. Thank you, Yuri for having me. This is exciting.
Yuri Elkaim: You’re welcome.
Celina’s Amazing Journey
Celina Pizarro: I listen to your podcast regularly, so this is cool. My name is Celina Pizarro. I have a 15 year background in behavioral health services. I come from the administrative side of behavioral healthcare in south Florida and as you might or might not know, a couple of years ago there was a big shutdown that went around pain clinics and this kind of thing, and it really put a squeeze on the industry and being in compliance within the industry, it really didn’t sit well with me ethically. At that same time, I was completely stressed out. My weight skyrocketed. I was on a ton of medications and I knew there had to be a better way.
Celina Pizarro: However, everybody that I was surrounded by, the doctors, nutritionists and everyone included were all on medications and… because it was easy to get right, I mean this was the whole issue.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
Celina Pizarro: I had a severe allergic reaction in one of the nurses stations due to how poor my gut health was. They shot me in a leg with an EpiPen, my throat closed. I thought I was going to die. This was the eyeopener. From there it propelled me into a wellness journey. I started a Greens Detox, reset my gut health, got back into fitness, went on to compete in the NPC in the national level as a bodybuilder for three years while I was still working and when I did that people were so shocked at my transformation that they were asking me to help them, the doctors and the CEO and everyone included.
Celina Pizarro: I started doing that on the side with friends and family and I really enjoyed it. I continued to do that and due to what was going on in the healthcare industry, I decided to make an ethical decision to leave at that point and went on to get my certifications as a holistic life coach, mind-body fitness coach. I’ve recently been honored with a PhD so now I call myself the healthy habits doctor and I help mompreneurs mostly. I help them establish healthy habits so that they can live their best life in their best body and do it effortlessly because we’re busy.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally. It’s awesome. That’s great.
Celina Pizarro: I wrote a book about it that this is the accompanying guide to my 90-day program, and the 90-day program is my high-ticket sale that I’ve been able to sell to a handful of ladies. I did about a year and a half of actual personal training and that kind of thing, so I was working real hard not making a lot of money and I decided to bring my practice online around October of last year. I wasn’t even on Facebook before that, so I’m totally new.
Yuri Elkaim: Better late than never.
Celina Pizarro: Well, I was doing so much in that technical field with healthcare that I didn’t have any interest to being on the computer online when I got home.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
Finding Her Target Market
Celina Pizarro: Anyway, so I have been able to do that but I have yet to have a steady flow of clients and I’ve done a lot of different things. I have a private Facebook group, I’ve created memberships. I do initial… My first step is a detox, so I’ve given away the actual detox out of the book and I’ve done all these things and it’s just, I feel like something is off with my messaging, which I’ve rebranded myself recently as the healthy habits doctor.
Celina Pizarro: I have paid for coaching in the past that didn’t really focus on that, was more about getting my product online or get my service online, which I have. I’ve got about 500 people in my group. Women in my group.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s in a Facebook group?
Celina Pizarro: Right. I’m not sure that they’re all in my… well, I know they’re not all in my target market because really what I’m going after is 39 to 55, mostly mothers? I have had clients that don’t have any kids, but that’s kind of rare. Either business owners or business leaders, somebody with a college degree that is either head of household or they’re at least an equal contributor to the household.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. Well that’s a good foundation, so essentially the challenges are just not getting enough clients pretty much, right?
Celina Pizarro: Yes. I have an incoming problem like you say.
Yuri Elkaim: Yes, that’s right. An incoming problem. Okay, so when we look at… and I’m just drawing some stuff here on the iPad so you can see this?
Celina Pizarro: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: Okay. Hopefully, if you watch this on a podcast on YouTube, you’ll see this, if you’re listening you can’t see it so just watch on YouTube. In business, the way we approach this is three ways. We look at attracts, convert and deliver, and when you have that all dialed-in you get this nice cool crossover in the middle which equals money. Most people that we help initially have the issue that you’re dealing with which is, I’m not attracting enough clients or not attracting enough leads and then a byproduct of that, they’re not attracting… sorry not converting enough people into paying clients.
Identifying Celina’s Perfect Client
Yuri Elkaim: That’s kind of what we’ll focus on over the next 15 minutes or so. Okay. Most challenges when it comes to client attraction, obviously, there’s a few things that we want to dial in. Number one, there’s the… I call this the triad of influence. We have the message… sorry, I’ll start with the market, then we have the message and then finally we have the magic and those should be overlapping circles if they’re not. The thing is, usually when there’s a conversion problem or an attraction problem, one or more of these might be out of whack. Now under each one of these three, there are what I call nine activators that, again all have to be dialed-in in order to turn into clients. Anyways, so you have I think based on what you’ve told me, you’ve got clarity around the market, right?
Celina Pizarro: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: It’s mompreneurs 39 to 55. That’s great. Based on that I would say the challenge is probably the message and the magic. If we look at the message, the messaging always stems from the problem and the promise. If we look at a spectrum here, so over here we have the problem and these women are looking to get some type of resolution to that problem and that’s essentially where your program is going to meet them to make a promise. What they’re looking for should match what you have to offer. Does that make sense?
Celina Pizarro: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: If we were to get inside your mompreneur’s minds, what is the conversation that they’re having in their head? What’s something that’s top of mind that’s a real problem, a real frustration in their life right now and let’s just kind of brainstorm maybe two or three or four of those and we’ll just go from there.
Celina Pizarro: They don’t have any time. They’re super busy and they are not happy in their bodies. Most of them would be like either prior high school athletes or cheerleader or someone who has experienced having that body, image before and they’ve lost it since children and family and stuff and they probably have tried some things but haven’t been consistent. Might or might not be emotional eaters and they are looking for a quick fix.
Yuri Elkaim: Have they done the diets, have they done the supplements, all that stuff.
Celina Pizarro: Yup, and I have found through… I am a lifetime Weight Watchers member which did me… I’m like 10 pounds lighter than my… their goal that they put on me. That group I found is not my target market.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s a really important realization because sometimes you don’t necessarily understand that until you’re kind of in the room with them almost. That’s a good realization because that’s going to help you with your targeting and your marketing, your messaging altogether. Okay.
Celina Pizarro: Self sabotaging and a lot of my current PR… and recently prior clients, they come to me and they’re like I just want to be healthy. They probably know how to get there, but they don’t… all these other reasons. Accountability, what have you, don’t know how to start the process.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay, cool. Do you have a really clear image in your mind of your perfect client. Is there an example of a perfect client?
Celina Pizarro: I do. Yeah, I mean it is one of my recently finished clients, but just who, what she does and like even what she looks like would be who I’d think of when I would think of my current client.
Yuri Elkaim: Perfect. What I’d recommend is when you have, and I think every single person who’s a coach has had at least one of those clients. All of your messaging, all of your communication is going to be built for that one person. When you’re writing a message, when you’re writing or creating something that’s put out into the marketplace, you’re creating it for that one perfect client.
Celina Pizarro: I’ve done the… I’ve like written her out, you know like-
Yuri Elkaim: It’s great. That’s terrific. That’s awesome. The key is now, if we have all these conversations happening in these mompreneurs minds, which one does your program for… which one naturally ties in the closest with what you do in your program?
Celina Pizarro: It really brings them back in love with themselves and so the happiness, it ties into the well, the time management, the happiness and the self-sabotage accountability. I think my problem because I have the bodybuilder background and some of my… and I’ve changed this since getting feedback. My pictures I’ve taken them down. It’s not like… they come, they want to lose 20 pounds, 25 pounds. That’s why they come to me, but that’s not necessarily what they’re going to get out of the program even though there is exercise, nutrition. It’s a lot more mindset and getting to the root of the sabotaging issue, so I wouldn’t say it’s like a body transformation. You know what I mean?
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
Celina Pizarro: I don’t promise that-
Getting Celina’s Message Dialed In
Yuri Elkaim: Here’s the first big distinction, is that when we look at our target market, where we look at what it is that you’re offering them, your promise needs to be and there’s really three things that need to be tied in here. Number one, there has to be some magic and we’ll talk what that is in a second. Number two, there needs to be a highly desired outcome. I don’t even know what that just wrote there and then three is it needs to be tangible. This is the biggest place for people drop the ball in our space. They get their message out there, they get their market dialed-in but then they feel like, because not everyone wants to be a weight loss, like… because we all know it’s more than weight loss, right, and the thing is we get so enamored with our process, so this here, this line between problem and promise is your process and we get as experts so enamored with our process that we forget about what really matters, which is the promise which solves their problem.
Yuri Elkaim: The problem is if you really think about it, the problem is not that they don’t have time, because if they didn’t have time, they would go to a time management person, right. Their problem is that they’re 20 to 25 pounds overweight and they don’t feel good in their body. That’s the big problem. Now, all these other things are kind of frustrations that they’re dealing with that might be excuses or reasons not to do something or that have held them back. If you know those, those are great because you tie that into your marketing but the key is that the promise needs to be tied in with what you had mentioned, which is they want to lose 20 to 25 pounds, and you said that’s why women come to you in the first place.
Yuri Elkaim: That is I believe a highly desired outcome and it’s not that I just believe it if you look in the market, I mean there’s thousands upon thousands of weight loss coaches and weight loss offers, which tells us that there’s a lot of demand for that in the marketplace so that we can shut that off. Now tangibility means that it’s measurable, it’s quantifiable. For instance, you could say that your program specifically helps women lose the last 20 to 25 pounds or like the 20 to 25 pounds. Now it can be the first 20 to 25 or the last 25, does it matter to you or is there a distinction there?
Celina Pizarro: It doesn’t matter to me. It might matter to them, I don’t know.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure, and so here’s the cool thing-
Celina Pizarro: I don’t really work with people who are like severely overweight, so I’d say it’s the last.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure. The cool thing here is you decide who you want to work with. If you said, I help them to lose the first 20 pounds that can be a 400 pound person.
Celina Pizarro: Right, that.
Yuri Elkaim: Right. When you say the last 20 pounds, that’s a completely different avatar all together.
Celina Pizarro: I’m seeing that.
Yuri Elkaim: Tangibility now… Okay, cool. Celina’s going to help me lose the last 20 pounds. I can see that and what’s the time frame typically that you help these clients with in this program?
Celina Pizarro: Three months.
Yuri Elkaim: Three months. Okay, so the promise really is we’re going to lose 20 pounds in three months. Now that becomes… like for you, does that become as a woman, does that become more tangible, more exciting than I’m going to help you feel better in your body?
Celina Pizarro: Of course. I mean, of course nobody thinks that they don’t feel happy in their body even though they’re not.
Yuri Elkaim: Here’s the challenge, right. Is the romantic side of us, like we all as health and fitness experts, there’s the true desire which is I want to lose 20 pounds but a lot of us tend to focus on the stuff that comes from that. You’re going to feel better, you’re going to have more confidence, et cetera, et cetera. You’re going to feel better in your body, you’re going to have more confidence, you’re going to be like the light of the room. We tend to focus a lot of that in our marketing because we don’t just want to be the person helping people lose weight.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s typically what I’ve found for a lot of trainers and a lot of coaches, but the challenge is that when you help people feel better, how do they know when they’re there? It’s tough to quantify that. Now here’s the cool part, is that just because you help people, it’s not just, but you help women lose 20 pounds in three months which is amazing, but here’s the cool thing which you know and which your clients are going to realize in the journey, is that everything you listed, no time, not happy in body, emotional eaters, all of that stuff gets resolved as a strategic byproduct of your program. Does that make sense?
Celina Pizarro: Yup.
Yuri Elkaim: But the key is that we’re leading with 20 pounds in three months. That is the bait that we’re putting into the water and we’re attracting the right fish into our lure who want that result. So far, so good.
Celina Pizarro: Yup. Why I have shied away from doing that is that if that outcome is not obtained, what happens?
Yuri Elkaim: That’s a great place to be and because here’s the beautiful thing about a higher ticket coaching program, is that if you asked yourself, okay, well if that’s the goal, if I were a realtor I would not get paid until I sold someone’s house, right, but as a coach, we get paid ahead of time. An interesting question to ask is, well, what if I didn’t get paid until my clients got a result? What would I have to do in my program, in my coaching to make it absolutely 100% certain that they would win. The nuance to that question as well is if I only got paid after getting results, those 20 pounds in three months, who is the best client for me to work with?
Yuri Elkaim: If you look at that perfect client that you’ve written down, like what are their traits? What are their characteristics? What type of mindset do they have? Because now-
Celina Pizarro: They’re doers, they’re leaders.
Yuri Elkaim: Exactly. All of that becomes infused into your marketing because that’s going to attract those women to you versus if you said, let’s just say you didn’t know your market as well as you do, and you just said, I’m going to help people who might be in Weight Watchers, right, and now all of a sudden those traits and those mindsets and those characteristics are very different, they might enroll with you, but they don’t do the work or they get some momentum and then they fall off into bad habits again.
Yuri Elkaim: You want to set yourself up to win by first identifying what is it that you have to deliver in your program to make it as close as possible for them… sorry as close to impossible to fail for them and then second is if that’s the case, who’s the segments of that market who’s probably going to do the work and get the results because that’s good for them, it’s good for you and just kind of thinking through that is important. I’m happy you brought that up because not everyone’s going to win. Not everyone’s going to get the results you want to deliver unless you did the work for them, unless you ate the food, you did the setup, et cetera, so we know that but we want to be able to create something magical that moves the needle closer to higher probability of them succeeding. Does that make sense?
Celina Pizarro: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Messaging Magic
Yuri Elkaim: Okay. I just want to finish up with the magic a little bit here. Okay. We talked about the messaging really is kind of what we talked about. The messaging is really the promise, which is something along the lines of helping mompreneurs lose 20 pounds in three months or less so that you can be the best mom and dominate in business for instance, right. Now the magic is really important. In a marketplace, Eugene Schwartz talked about this in a really good book called Breakthrough Advertising. We have one end of the spectrum, which is unaware, so people… actually let me do it two ways. The second line is where we start. We have sophistication of the marketplace and what this means is, have your perfect clients seen some type of weight loss offer at some point in their life.
Celina Pizarro: They’ve taken… they’ve done all of the-
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, exactly.
Celina Pizarro: They’ve done all of them.
Yuri Elkaim: On the one end we have a low sophistication, which maybe 200 years ago the market for weight loss was not sophisticated because no one had books, no one had gyms all that stuff. It wasn’t part of popular culture to lose weight and so forth but now it’s extremely high, and what that means is that they’ve seen everything. When people have seen everything and things haven’t worked for them, what ends up happening is increased skepticism. Now they start getting skeptical and be like, is this really going to work, whatever. We have to understand that they’re going to be skeptical. What we have to think of when we’re introducing magic and magic is just kind of the word I use to talk about the offer.
Yuri Elkaim: Whether it’s a free thing or the paid thing that has to inherently have some magic that gets people very excited and there’s three components to magic that are really important. New difference or polarizing. Now these all have to tie into the outcome that the person wants but the thing is that if you’re introducing to the market something that is the same as everything else, the likelihood of them taking action is a lot lower and so part of the process of crafting really exciting things for people is spend just some time thinking about how do I introduce something that has an interesting hook, an interesting angle that’s different, that’s polarizing.
Yuri Elkaim: For instance, with our webinar, the 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint and our positioning with our entire program is the old way of building businesses online specifically is dead. Doing all the Internet marketing stuff for most people in 2019 is harder than ever and we just happen to have a simpler, faster solution of doing so. We have a very polarizing stance that is different than what a lot of people have seen. You want to think about not just your program but your brand in general. What do you stand for? How is it new? How is it different? How is it polarizing… they don’t have to be all three but at least one.
Celina Pizarro: Because I’ve done a master class, like that’s what I know that your funnel leads to. I talk about the three false truths that the diet and fitness industry spread because I’m so anti-medication and potions and all that. I don’t have them cut any food groups out. There’s no carb or fat cutting. You don’t have to have a gym membership and I talk about some spiritualties, like you know that only spiritual leaders aren’t the only ones who can manifest what they desire.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool.
Celina Pizarro: I do the false truth kind of thing is my intro.
Yuri Elkaim: Part of it is again, like there’s a lot of different ways you can approach something. If you’ve got a masterclass, there’s many different angles you can take to bring to market and if you think of one of the easiest ways to become polarizing is to create a common enemy. A common enemy in your case based on what you just told me could be the diet industry. The common enemy in our webinar is the old way of internet marketing and we’re basically saying, if you’re doing all this stuff, good luck and we’re demonizing it for good reasons and that’s essentially what you’re going to do as well and what’s going to happen with that, like your masterclass or a webinar, the goal is not to teach people how to solve the problem, it’s to get people to buy into your philosophy and for them to have a couple a has to realize that what they’re doing and what everyone else is doing isn’t working and there’s a better way that you have figured out and then in order for them to really get a customized game plan they need to book a call with you.
Yuri Elkaim: Part of the goal of the webinar is to look at like the false truths and really showing how that stuff is not just not true but it’s damaging. It’s like if you even thought of going down this path it’s really going to be bad for you and what’s going to happen is, some people are like, hey, you’re full of shit, other people are like, you know what, this makes a lot of sense, let’s take the next step and that’s pretty much what you have to do in your masterclass. Does that make sense Celina?
Celina Pizarro: Yup and I do not have that, so I need to do that.
Celina’s Big Takeaways and A Ha’s
Yuri Elkaim: Okay, cool. I’ve got to jump off in like one minute because I’ve got an appointment at noon but I want to… just before we wrap up here I’d love to get like one or two takeaways or insights that you’ve had from it… and I know obviously we’ve kind of just skimmed the surface here, but I would love to get from you, like what are one or two insights or actions that you can take based on our conversation here?
Celina Pizarro: Definitely the desire… the true desire being there, linking to my promise, which is their problem. The 20 to 25 pounds and then creating that magic with I think for me would be that polarizing commonality. I’m focusing in more on that in delivering the masterclass webinar will definitely be helpful. Now how to go about doing that, I probably will have to contact you afterwards but those two things are huge.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. Awesome. That’s great and again, this is a process that takes a good amount of thinking around and it can hurt your brain but the nice thing is that once you have this figured out, once you have clarity on the market message and magic, that becomes the foundation of your business and everything else comes a lot easier from that but the challenge is that when we try to throw a bunch of stuff to market without that clarity, then it’s like we’re just throwing a ton of stuff at the wall and juggling a thousand different plates with no real guiding light with no north star, and then we’re just trying to figure out like why isn’t this working? Why aren’t people enrolling? It really comes back down to the basics. This whole market message magic, the triad of influence and if that gets dialed-in, everything else becomes a whole lot easier.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. Again… we can only do so much in about 25 minutes, but hopefully this gives you some good guidance to get moving forward in a better direction and I’d love for you to keep us posted inside the Facebook group to see what you’re working on, if there’s anything we can do to support you and just thanks for taking the time for joining us today.
Celina Pizarro: Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it, so nice meeting you.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, likewise. Awesome Celina. Thanks so much.
Celina Pizarro: Thanks Yuri.
Yuri Elkaim: You’re welcome. Hey, thanks so much for joining us on this episode of the Healthpreneur podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, here’s what I’d like you to do right now. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the Healthpreneur podcast on iTunes and while you’re there, leave us a rating review. It helps us get in front of more people and change more lives and if you’re ready to start or scale your health or fitness coaching business, I want to start getting in front of more people working with them at a higher level without trading time for money, then I invite you to check out our free 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint training totally free right now, and you can do so at
Yuri Elkaim: For now, thank you so much for joining us. Continue to be great, do great, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
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What You Missed
In our last episode, I shared three lessons specifically from my good friends, John Berardi and Phil Caravaggio.
If you don’t know them, they started probably one of the most prominent nutrition companies in the world called Precision Nutrition back in 2005 and their company recently got acquired.
There’s three lessons I learned from their journey that I share with you and see as a reflection with Healthpreneur.
In this episode you’ll discover the importance of differentiating yourself just by being yourself.
I’ve also gained an important insight as to why you don’t want to become a “cog in the wheel” as you build and scale your business by creating a company where the structure is built on giving everyone autonomy and authority and how you can create a Holocracy in your business.
And another important key is going all in on one thing which is the difference between those who succeed and those who fail. You need to have faith and not be looking for a safety net. You’ll be inspired by this amazing story of how Phil took a big risk that returned huge rewards.
Tune in to find out how to make your business succeed from what I learned from the Titans behind Precision Nutrition.
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