The BIG TRUTH About Success vs. Failure In Your Business
The BIG TRUTH About Success vs. Failure In Your Business
As a health entrepreneur, do you believe that you have to get everything perfect and be dialed in all the time so that you can reach success vs failure?
The truth is, even the most successful health professionals, athletes and businesspeople strike out most of the time. While you might think you have to get everything perfect, it’s actually normal not to. In today’s video, I share things that’ll shift the way you think about success vs failure, and what they mean for your healthcare marketing and business.
For example, some of the best professional tennis players to have lived on this planet have a fairly high percentage of missed shots and points in their games. So if you really think about it, you don’t necessarily need to make every shot to be the most successful.
The same applies to your healthcare marketing and business. Sometimes, scoring singles is not a bad thing. It takes many tries before you can score that homerun you need to catapult your business into a success.
Facebook Ads are a good example of trying something multiple times until it succeeds. You can post 10 ads, and out of those 10, only one might be successful. But that shouldn’t stop you from posting ads. When you put some of your healthcare marketing content out there, don’t expect to always have a hit.
Watch this whole video until the end to see how you can change your mindset about success vs failure, and what success rate you can expect out of your healthcare marketing and business.
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What You Missed
Are you limiting yourself from greatness, and holding yourself back from success as a health professional and entrepreneur?
For the longest time in my first business, I struggled quite substantially because I had a debilitating fear of the unknown. I eventually realized that I was limited in my thinking because I had a paralyzing fear of growing my business. And that was flawed. I was willing to stunt my business growth out of the irrational fear of having more admin fees and more taxes.
Often, FEAR is the one thing that’s holding yourself back from achieving greatness. Fear is a story about a future event that hasn’t happened yet which we tell ourselves based on a previous experience. And by telling yourself this story over and over again, you’re limiting yourself from reaching success.
In my case, something in my past or subconscious told me that making more money meant paying more taxes, and that it was bad. It was a previous experience that informed a false future based on my limited information about the subject at the time. And if I had continued to listen to my debilitating fear, then I would’ve never gotten to where I am now.
While it’s ok to have fear — and honestly, fear will always be there for each and every one of us — it’s your ability to move through these potentially paralyzing fears and to stop them from holding yourself back that’ll define the level of greatness you accomplish in life.
Watch this video until the end to learn more about building courage to face your debilitating fears, so you can stop limiting yourself and reach the success you want in life.
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👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️
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