The Successful Fitness Business Blueprint with Vince Delmonte

Hey, Healthpreneurs! Welcome to another episode of the Healthpreneur podcast! I’ve got a holiday gift for you! Today, we are starring Vince Del Monte, the only Fitness Guru who has been coined The Skinny Guy Savior. He helps skinny guys and girls build muscle, confidence, and overall health through his popular muscle-building system.
Vince is an author and WBFF Professional Fitness Model. Because his fitness business did extremely well, he now helps others build their online fitness businesses. He’s a wizard when it comes to branding and marketing, and understands how critical it is to invest in yourself (he does!).
This episode will give you some insight into maintaining a lucrative – and lasting – business in the health and fitness industry. It’s not about the details. It’s about what’s between your ears and how you think about your growth and investments.
Tune in to hear what Vince believes to be the top two investments every entrepreneur should make.
In This Episode Vince and I discuss:
- Shifting in business and maintaining your identity.
- Imposture syndrome.
- Getting out of the box without fear.
- Outdated marketing techniques.
- Why investing in yourself matters.
- Branding and marketing.
03:00 – 11:00 – Vince’s journey, background, and goals
11:00 – 20:00 – Transitioning from fitness to business and how he manages both sides
20:00 – 27:00 – The need for coaching programs in an ever-evolving world
27:00 – 42:00 – Why people hire coaches and how you’re going to improve
42:00 – 1:00:00 – Where your investments count and an example
1:00:00 – 1:06:00 – The Rapid Five
Hey, guys, how’s it going? Yuri here, and I’ve got a Christmas gift or a holiday gift for you today. We’re going to finish off the week going into Christmas next week with an overdue interview with one of my closest friends, Vince Del Monte. Vince and I have known each other since, oh man, I don’t even know, 2009? Probably about 10 years. We actually started online at the same time. He specialized in helping skinny guys put on muscle, and over the past few years, he’s transitioned from doing that to helping other fitness people in our space build their online fitness businesses, and he’s done very, very well in a very short amount of time. You’re going to see why.
This is going to be a really casual, candid conversation, very much like if we were just kind of hanging out together, and this is the stuff we talk about. I mean, he lives five minutes from my house. We hang out with the kids quite a bit. These are the types of conversations we have all the time, and I really hope that you’ll listen to this episode, not as a passive listener, but really, really listen to the message because both Vince and I have enjoyed a very similar run in terms of the revenue we’ve generated, the people we’ve served, the longevity we’ve had in the online health and fitness space, and there’s reasons why we’re still doing what we do today.
I really, really hope that you clue into the really important messages that we talked about in this episode with respect to mindset, investing in yourself, committing instead of dabbling. There’s a lot of important messages that sound simple, but don’t dismiss them because those are really the important things that are going to help propel you forward in your business. It’s not about the tactics. It’s not about the tools or strategies. It’s really at a deeper level. That’s really where the most successful people have conversations. It’s not about what the latest tool is. It’s really about going deep between the ears and figuring out what makes people tick, why they do things, why they don’t do things. I’ll think you’ll get a really good taste of that in this interview.
Yuri Elkaim: So, without any further ado, let’s welcome Vince Del Monte onto the Healthpreneur podcast. Vinnie, what’s up, buddy? Welcome to the show.
Vince Del Monte: Yo, Yuri, this is awesome, man. I thought we were going to meet up in person though.
Yuri Elkaim: No, I know. We did that for your podcast. I’m too lazy to do that. I like the in-person stuff. It really is good. Plus we only live five minutes away from each other.
Vince Del Monte: That means we’re both busy.
Yuri Elkaim: I know. I know, but I’m pumped. This is way overdue. For all of our listeners, Vince is one of my closest friends, and it’s just so cool to kind of pave our own paths kind of side-by-side, having started more or less almost at the same point and kind of going through a lot of the same journey. So it’s great to see what you’re up to and all the people you’re helping in the fitness space with their businesses now.
Yuri Elkaim: So talk to us about the transition because I love when people bring this shit up, which is, “Oh, dude, if you’re doing so well in your other business, why would you be teaching this other stuff now? Why would you be teaching other people how to build their business?”
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, simple, man.
Vince’s journey, background, and goals
Yuri Elkaim: My answer’s like, “I just systemized things properly over there so I don’t have to do this anymore.” But anyways, for you, what did that transition look like? Why did you pivot from just being the fitness guy to now helping others with their fitness business?
Vince Del Monte: Well, I felt like fitness was always my career, but I didn’t feel like it was my calling. That’s how I really define it. I really see that the fitness was ultimately a steppingstone to doing what I really wanted to do. Ever since I was a young guy, I grew up in a Christian home. I saw my father pastor many churches. I saw him come alongside men, and I saw the impact he had one-on-one. What I really knew I wanted to do long-term was impact men’s lives. I did realize that to earn somebody’s attention, your life needed to represent what I call a trade-up, right? Do you know anybody who wants to downsize into a smaller house?
Yuri Elkaim: Well, I mean, sadly there are a lot of people, maybe not of the same mindset as us, but-
Vince Del Monte: But you know what I’m saying?
Yuri Elkaim: They’re retired and so forth, but generally, no, no one wants to downsize.
Vince Del Monte: Do you know anybody who wants a skinnier body, less muscle, more body fat, a worse car? Nobody wants to trade down in life. My dad taught me this at a young age, but what I realized is that to have permission, if you will, to speak to people about other areas of their lives like relationships and business, you have to have some credibility and a relationship in a smaller area of their life, and that’s what I saw my fitness skills as an opportunity to help me to move towards.
Vince Del Monte: So I basically spent 10, no, never mind, from the age of 22 to 36, 37 just talking about one thing: muscle. Muscle, muscle, muscle, muscle. What was really cool, what I also learned early on was that people will come for the fitness, but they’ll stay for the life advice. I realized that I could impact people in the other areas I wanted to impact them in if I continued to help them with their fitness goals. You kind of just get to a point though, after five years, 10 years, you pretty much exhaust everything that you can say on that subject matter, and you’re in a new season of life. You become a husband. You become a father, and the things that were really interesting and challenges and chapters you were living through in your 20s are no longer relevant in your 30s.
Vince Del Monte: Frankly, I don’t want to talk about the same thing the rest of my life. If somebody else wants to, there’s nothing wrong with that, but for me, I was starting to not stand out differently anymore. This is really how guys are creating momentum in this fitness business is because they’re new. They’re the new kid on the block, and people love new. Every single guy, see, the thing is if you don’t who up differently, you don’t show up at all. The reason that I was gaining traction and the reason all these brands gain traction in the first few years and then kind of fizzle out is because they’re new. People don’t know who they are. People want to give them a shot. It’s like the new supplement. Everyone will try the new supplement for three to six months, but then they’re onto something else.
Vince Del Monte: It’s the same with the people that they follow. Very few people follow the same people forever. They might go back to them, and I was starting to kind of experience that in my mid-30s. I was a dad. I had two kids, and people were following me who were going through more of those similar experiences in life and were interested in how I was doing all that on top of how I was growing a successful and profitable online business. I wasn’t even talking about that, and that’s what was ultimately most unique about me. I always wanted to teach men how to build what I had built, but there was that fear factor of leaving the familiar to something unfamiliar and getting out of my comfort zone. Because with the fitness business I know how to run a promotion. I know how to create YouTube videos. I know how to recruit affiliates. I know that if I keep doing this, I’ll likely stay in this seven-figure-a-year mark.
Vince Del Monte: What happens is you gain an identity amongst your peers as oh, he’s successful because he’s crossed this milestone. One of the things that literally hit me like a ton of bricks was when I was at a Grant Cardone event, same one that you were at, Yuri, and Cardone came up on stage, and he goes, “The worst person you can take advice from is a millionaire.”
Vince Del Monte: I was like, “Oh, man.” I couldn’t even post that one on Instagram because I actually had to … A lot of the stuff I hear I repost right away. I was like, “I can’t even post this because he’s speaking right to me.” He was speaking to what was really happening deep under the hood, which was I was playing to not lose instead of playing to win. Everybody says, “Oh, become the best version of yourself. Go to the next level.” Nobody’s trying to go to the next level. If you’re actually trying to go to the next level, you would be okay with failing. I think what happened to me is I started making decisions that weren’t putting me into a position of epic failure because I was terrified of losing the identity of being a seven-figure earner. It was an identity I was holding very close to, and that’s when the plateau begins. That’s what happened.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, because it’s more comfortable to stay where you are and be safe and kind of hold onto what you’ve built than venture out and what if this doesn’t work or what if people say this about me or whatever. As you were taking this leap, even after the Cardone stuff or even before that, and this happened to me, so that’s why I’m asking. Did you go through a period of time where you started to really have that imposter syndrome. Like should I be teaching the business stuff now? Everyone sees me as the muscle and fitness guy, and now I’m doing this. Did you ever go through that mind trick?
Transitioning from fitness to business and how he manages both sides
Vince Del Monte: I’ll be honest, man. I don’t think I ever went through imposter syndrome with the business because I’ve always seen myself as a marketer first, fitness expert second. What was interesting was a lot of my close friends, when they saw me make the shift to business, their response was, “It’s about time. We saw this coming years ago. I wasn’t sure why you didn’t launch your own Mastermind two years ago.” Where I was starting to experience imposter syndrome was in my fitness business. So that’s where I was experiencing imposter syndrome. I’m like, “I’m good at fitness, but I don’t talk about fitness the same way I talk about business.”
Vince Del Monte: So if anybody ever said to me, “Vince, you only went into coaching business because you couldn’t make this fitness business,” it’s actually the opposite. I’m better at business. I should have been teaching business way earlier, and I was just losing … How many more videos can I do on what’s better, the leg extension or the squat? You know what I’m saying? I felt like I’d outlived that, and I didn’t want to be the guy that always had to be lean. If you and I hung out, how much would we talk about fitness and nutrition versus business and family?
Yuri Elkaim: Well, I don’t think we ever talked about fitness and nutrition other than do you want more wine.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, exactly, and that’s very common amongst virtually all the conversations I have with my friends. Even when I’m interviewing a Stan Efferding and a Christina Thibaudeau, the leading authorities on strength and body-building, I find my brain wandering. Even though the information is fascinating, I’m not hanging on every word because it’s just not who I am anymore, and I think a lot of guys are afraid to make the pivot. I needed outside eyes. Two of my mentors needed to tell me, “You’re not living up to your full potential. Vince, you’re a leader of men, and people want to have the type of life you have, and you simply need to man up. You have to essentially kill the fitness business.”
Vince Del Monte: We still have the fitness stuff running on autopilot, but it’s not where I’m concentrating my time, money or resources to grow it anymore, and that was freaking scary, really, really scary. Because, if you will, this is kind of like my last card, my business card. But I don’t really see it that way. I see myself after the next decade of teaching business, I’m going to teach marriage and relationships. I’ve got a lot of work to do in that area before I start publicly talking about that. So I’m really just looking at each of these different areas of a man’s life and helping men one decade at a time.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s awesome. Because I think it’s important for people to remember that, as you mentioned earlier, you evolve, right? The diet you used to eat 10 years ago probably doesn’t apply the same way it does now. Who you were, what you knew, what you were passionate about, is different now than it was 10 years ago, and it’s probably going to be different in 10 years from now.
Yuri Elkaim: I think a lot of times people get stuck. They put themselves in this box. They call themselves a vegan or a bodybuilder or a whatever, and then they end up going through this identity crisis where they have a tough time breaking that mold. I think instead of people criticizing people teaching business instead of running the business they started with, I think they should be celebrating that because it shows you’re evolving and you’re contributing. By you helping all of your Mastermind clients, you’re helping them help more people,, and that’s really the best part. That’s awesome.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, and it’s my brand, too. I mean, it’s my life. It’s really being honest with how I can stand out differently because obviously there’s who you really are as a person, and that is who I am as a person. Like we just said, in the M5 framework, the Five Ms of Manhood, muscle is the first thing because, I mean, it doesn’t take that long to get your muscle goals figured out. Does it really take 10, 15, 20 years to figure out how to get your ideal body and maintain it? Come on, guys. I’m pushing men now. Let’s get your muscle figured out, and then let’s get your mind figured out. Then we’ll get your money right, and then we’ll get clear on your mission in life, and then let’s get your marriage right.
Vince Del Monte: So it’s a progression for men now to look at all these different things as seasons. A big theme that I’m really excited about that is finally getting talked about more and more is that you can have everything in life, just not all at once. You can have anything you want, just not today. You have to focus on one thing at a time; do it really, really well. The reason your Mastermind’s blowing up and mine is blowing up is because people have seen us build a business and run it successfully for a decade. We’re not teaching people what other businesses are doing. We’re teaching what our own time and our own money is teaching us, and that’s why people are coming into the group.
Vince Del Monte: We’re still running Instagram ads and Facebook ads and YouTube ads to my fitness stuff, and we’ve still got funnels so that when I’m teaching, I can show I’ve got my rod in the water here. I’m not just leveraging other people’s knowledge to cash in because that’s a really shaky, shaky foundation, and I can’t teach authentically on the decisions they have to make if I’m not making them myself.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally.
The need for coaching programs in an ever-evolving world
Vince Del Monte: I mean, that’s the God’s honest truth, and the truth is always simple, and that’s what people are seeking out now. They’re looking for who is the real deal. I mean, it just speaks for itself when you walk into the room and you see who else is in the room, and you can tell when you’re in a room with experts versus amateurs.
Yuri Elkaim: I think it’s important for people to, when you’re evaluating and looking at who you want to, I don’t even want to use the word guru, whatever, who you want to follow in terms of their advice or coaching or whatever. I think there’s two important questions that I look at is number one, are they producing the results for themselves? Number two, are they consistently producing the results for other people?
Vince Del Monte: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: I think, again, as you mentioned, and listen, I’m going to blow our own horn here because there are very, very few people, maybe we can count them on one hand, who have been in this industry for as long as we have who have had the success that we have had and are also teaching business. There’s other people that are teaching business and coaching and stuff that maybe they had a good year, and then all of a sudden they transition into coaching business and stuff like that. That’s fine, but I think we are in a very unique place because we’ve had such longevity in this space, and there’s a lot of wisdom and perspective that comes with that.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, and we have access. I mean, who don’t we have access to? I mean, we have friends who have nine-figure businesses, eight-figure businesses. We know guys who’ve hit peaks and valleys. We know the guys that are doing triple six figures a month in ad spend, and we know that they’re not making money on day one, and they’re losing for a while before they make it back. We have contacts of the landscape, and we’ve kind of been underneath the hood of a lot of different cars, if you will, and we know what’s really driving them.
Vince Del Monte: We’ve even seen repercussions of certain business models in terms of some people’s health and relationships, and we kind of know that road. We could go down that road if you want, but I’ll tell you, it’ll kind of open your eyes up to what you’re in for if that’s the path you want to go down. So we have a lot of depth in terms of offering, “Hey, if you want to go down this road, I can tell you for a fact this is what you’re in for the next couple of years.” That’s what people want.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s huge. I’m telling you. As you’re listening to this, this perspective is huge. This is one of the biggest … See, I don’t think a lot of people really understand what they’re getting into when they decide to do something, but I also don’t think they understand what the cost, for instance what the cost of not doing something that is right for them is really costing them.
Vince Del Monte: Oh, yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: We actually had a training call this morning with our team, and they were talking about best and worst calls of the week. One of the calls was a duo. They’re kind of a partner in their business. They were saying, “Yeah, what you guys are doing sounds great, but we just don’t think it’s the right time for us.” We said, “Okay, well, what are you doing right now? What’s the alternative? If you don’t do this, what are you going to do?” Here was their marketing strategy. “We’re giving talks at libraries and posting flyers on walls.” That just breaks my heart because I’m like, “Really? Is that really how you foresee growing your business?”
Why people hire coaches and how you’re going to improve
Yuri Elkaim: So I think there’s two things. Most people don’t understand what they’re getting into in some cases because they see the shiny objects and they’re like, “Oh, I’ve got to do what that person’s doing.” Or they’re not truly aware of how much it’s costing them to stay stuck where they are doing what it is they’re doing that’s not working.
Vince Del Monte: Oh, yeah, can we talk about this for a bit?
Yuri Elkaim: Let’s do it now.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, this is huge because one of the big mindsets that started to create a slippery slope for me is if we could just do that again next year. You hit 30 grand. Oh, if we could just do that again this month. You get to seven figures. Oh, man, if we could just do that again next month. Really what that is is going backwards because these platforms are changing so quickly. What’s your breakthrough launch today is obsolete tomorrow. I know you guys are teaching different stuff in your Mastermind every 90 days, and so are we.
Vince Del Monte: When we have certain guest speakers speak on Instagram ads or Facebook ads in Toronto, what they’re teaching in New York, it’s like, okay, here’s some of the updates you guys need to be aware of. If people are trying to figure this out on their own, the most expensive information is bad information. They’re seeing bad data. If you don’t have the right data to make your decisions based on what’s working right now today, you’re not saving money by not being in a coaching program.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s costing you more.
Vince Del Monte: It’s costing you more, and you might not feel it today, but this is the mindset of the middle class. The mindset of the middle class is to try and get ahead with addition and subtraction. If we could just save a little bit over here and just add a little bit over here. Even if you started doing every single $10-an-hour job in your business, you’re not even going to make six figures a year. I think it’s $92,000.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, it’s crazy.
Vince Del Monte: So by not delegating and by not making the decisions to expand, you’re going to get left behind, and that was a huge aha for me this year when I started going to Cardone’s events. He just hammers you. He goes, “You can’t expand and contract at the same time.”
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, I love that.
Vince Del Monte: And 95% of your time needs to be into top line. Sales cures all. You don’t have a budget problem. You don’t have a too high of expenses problem. This is what your banker will tell you, your accountant will tell you, but your banker and your accountant are broke, so why are you listening to them? When he just started grilling this in my head and said, “If you want the top line to go up, if you want the top 5%” … not the top 5%, “if you want the top two inches of your financial statement to go up, then every other line on your financial statement needs to go up.”
Vince Del Monte: The fastest way to scale a business is people, all right? People don’t understand this because they think, oh, but people cost you money. People not producing profits in your company cost you money. I will say sometimes when you’re onboarding new people it does feel like there’s a bit of a two step backwards, and you’ve got to train them up, and at first it’s frustrating. You’re not getting what you want, but what are your options? What else are you going to do? Name one big company that has five employees.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, doesn’t exist.
Vince Del Monte: It doesn’t exist. So I think that mindset, that was a game changer for me and to understand that money is absolutely useless until you use it. I had everybody in New York, I had everybody reach into their pocket. I said, “Everybody take the money they’ve got in their pockets out of their pockets and raise it in the air.” I told everybody, “Put that money” … I told one of the girls that she had 400 bucks in her pocket. I said, “Put the 400” … Who has 400 bucks?
Vince Del Monte: So I told her, “Put the 400 bucks on the table right now.” I said, “If you come back here in a month from now, a year from now, 10 years from now, that money will actually probably be worth less, and what will that money have done for you just sitting there? Absolutely nothing.” There is this mindset that you need cash, and that cash is king. Cash is not king. Cash is trash. You need cash to grow the top line, and you need cash to get a media buy, get a videographer, a better videographer, faster tech, new products, new people on your team. It really comes down to the reasons that you’re doing this.
Vince Del Monte: Our pastor, Steven Furtick, had an awesome line that I haven’t been able to get out of my head just this past weekend. He said, “Your reasons are your rewards. Your reasons are your rewards.” If your reason for business is just to say, “I’m in business,” well, that will be your reward. You’ll be in business, but that’s about it. If your reason for being in business is to get more followers and you get 10 followers today, don’t be upset because that’s what you want. If your reason for business is just to make money and just to get by, don’t complain when you’re just getting by. But if your reason for business is to have impact and to have contribution and to push towards your full potential, well then, you’re going to have to make different types of decisions that are not about you and your comfort zone.
Where your investments count and an example
Yuri Elkaim: Well, let’s talk about that. So you mentioned cash isn’t king. Cashflow is definitely more important. A little sidebar. I love having an Amex because it has to be paid off every single month. Talk about doing whatever it takes to increase cashflow to make that happen. Going back to making a decision, for instance, I don’t know about you, but most of the coaching programs and Masterminds that I’ve been a part of have usually been one step above what I’m comfortable at. It’s not like hey, I’ve got 30-grand cash sitting around here. It’s usually putting me in a situation where I feel slightly uncomfortable to make that back as fast as possible.
Yuri Elkaim: So when you’re talking with perspective to guys and girls who are considering working with you, how do you get them to think about making an investment in a coach, in the program that’s going to give them the guidance, the structure, the support, the strategies to see a return on that over time?
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, well, listen. They don’t teach you this in university. There’s only one thing you’ve got to invest in: you. The number one thing you invest in is you because you’re the only … What do I mean by that? Well, if you’re in the fitness business, you hire a coach who can get you shredded because those abs are going to make you cash. You hire a strength coach who’s going to get you strong so you can start taking those clips of dead-lifting five, 600 pounds, which are going to get you more applications. You hire a coach who’s going to get you on stage and get you to win your pro card so that you can launch a muscle-building program and charge 100 bucks a months and build up your recurring revenue.
Vince Del Monte: So when you’re investing in yourself, when you’re investing money, you’re not giving it to me. You’re not giving it to Yuri. We don’t need your money. You’re doing it to achieve confidence in your life, to develop your skills, to improve your body, to improve your spirituality. You’re investing that money to become someone of status, somebody who other people want to do business with. You’re investing that money to build relationships with other people so that you’ve got a network to tap into.
Vince Del Monte: So you have to realize you’re not doing me a favor by paying me 18 grand. I don’t need your money. There’s seven billion people in the world. If you don’t want to sign up for my program, I will find somebody else because this program is growing with or without you. So what we’re talking about here-
Yuri Elkaim: That’s true. But, Vince, what if it doesn’t work out? What if I lose my money?
Vince Del Monte: If I took $18,000 from your life, would you recover?
Yuri Elkaim: Probably.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah. So you’re magnifying … Well, first of all, if this was a sales call, the person that is pitching this has to say, “You might lose it.” So big deal. What are you going to use it on anyways? Peace of mind? Where’s 18 grand going to get you anyways? What is that? A couple months’ rent? So you really have to acknowledge your fears as the boogeyman. They don’t exist. The thing that you think could be the worst case scenario, okay. So heck let’s say the Mastermind’s $50,000. So yeah, you take 50 grand out of your house, and it doesn’t work. So? It doesn’t work. I’m sure you’re going to recover.
Vince Del Monte: You just have to literally make these decisions decisively, and obviously what happens is people don’t just not take action. People do the complete opposite, and they take massive action because now there’s a threat. For me, when I pulled the money out of the house, I conditioned Flavia, and I’ve been conditioned from a young age that a house is where, that’s the best use of your money. Put all your money in your house. Put all your money in your house. I’ve got all this money sitting in my house doing nothing. It’s just sitting there. It’s literally sitting in the bank. Even if I got a good investment guy and it is making some money, what’s it doing? It’s just sitting there. It’s useless.
Vince Del Monte: So why wouldn’t I take that money out and reinvest it into myself, into growing the top line, and into a new stream of income and to helping more people and to elevate my credibility and to help more people so I can get more social proof?
Yuri Elkaim: But so, Vince, you know what the difference is? You’ve recognized this, too. There’s two types of people. There are dabblers, and there are masters. There are people who are building hobbies and people building businesses. I’ve taken a second mortgage out on my house to reinvest in my company. If you don’t believe in yourself and you don’t believe in your company, that’s not going to happen. If you’re looking to build a little side hustle, you’re not going to do that stuff. But we’re building empires.
Vince Del Monte: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s the difference, guys. You have to understand you just have to be honest with yourself. Are you looking to make an extra 5K a month, or do you really want to build something phenomenal? I would really encourage you to build something phenomenal. It’s really not worth it otherwise.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah. You’ve got to go big. You’ve got to figure out … You nailed it on the head, man. You’ve got to figure out why you’re doing this. I think, obviously, I didn’t have this mindset. I don’t want anybody to think I’m speaking down to anybody because I might just come across as I get a little excited because I didn’t have this data, these truths, if you will. This is it. If this is resonating with you, it’s because the truth is always simple, and the truth is always penetrating, and the truth will always set you free.
Vince Del Monte: When I heard this stuff this year, I was just like, “This is it. These are my wealth limiters.” Everybody talks about limiting beliefs? I couldn’t really figure out what are my limiting beliefs. These were my limiting beliefs, and a big thing that has really reassured me is … This is a good one. Your competition has the same fears as you. Your competition has the same problems as you. They’re trying to figure out well, what if I lose money on the media buy, or what if we run this promotion and it doesn’t work?
Vince Del Monte: I’ll tell you. We just sold $1,500 of PRELOAD, and now my guy, and we’re getting incredible feedback. My guy is saying, “Hey, are you ready to do another order?” The next order is $5,000 because I want to get it a little cheaper. It’s an $80,000 check. I have to just continue to up the ante. The first check was about 30 grand, or was it 24 or 20? I don’t know. It was close to 30 grand. I had to write a 30 grand check for the first round, and now we’re up to close to 80 grand. But they’re just numbers.
Yuri Elkaim: Dude, you know what it is. It’s like Grant talks about. It’s commit and then figure out the rest later.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, exactly.
Yuri Elkaim: I’m telling you. If we were to boil down what the most successful entrepreneurs, whether it’s in our space or in life, look at Elon Musk. Here’s a guy who is the epitome of commit and then figure out the rest later. I think so many people are looking for “show me the proof that this is going to work first. Show me the end result before I commit.” Guys, it doesn’t work like that. It’s the complete opposite of how it works.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s actually funny that we have, as a human population, so many babies, considering the fact that we have no clue what’s going to happen when it comes out. Here we are. I don’t know if I can invest $10,000 to get some more product or in this program because I don’t know if it’s going to work out. Guys, you will make it work if you want it to work, and it’s as simple as that.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, it really will. You’ve got to create a threat. There needs to be something at stake, and I think that’s the problem when you’re not in a coaching program and you’re flying solo. I mean, there’s no outside eyes, and I think one of the big things is that you’ve got to put your word on the line because that’s the only thing you have in life, your word. When you show up at these meetings and you tell people, “This is what I’m going to have done in 90 days from now,” well, there’s other people in the room listening.
Vince Del Monte: It’s sad, and I’m sure everything’s recoverable, but guys will show up in Toronto, and then they don’t show up 30 days, sorry, 90 days later. Sometimes it’s the more muscular guys. Sometimes it’s the better-looking girls, and they don’t show up at the next meeting, and I know what’s going on. It’s pride. I don’t want to show up because I’m just … It’s like they’re finding their identity in maybe their success or what has given them validation, which is the you’ve made it kind of thing from other people. Now, all of a sudden, they’re in a room with people that are further ahead of them, and they don’t want to be seen as maybe an imposter or somebody who’s a fake or just not saying what they want to do.
Vince Del Monte: I tell people that. “Hey, listen, that’s the exact reason you need to be in the room.” I get that fear of showing up. When I signed up for Empire, I truly thought … I’m looking at the nine guys in the room. There weren’t many guys who signed up for the Empire Mastermind, and I’m like, “If this is a race to see who is going to make the most money, who’s going to be the top success story for Craig and Bedros?” I actually thought, “I’m going to come dead last. I think these guys are going to crush me.” Because I don’t know. Guess what happened?
Vince Del Monte: Bedros and Craig flew in their team from Chino Hills, California, and they hung out in New York City for two days, and I guess they’re doing a success story, my hero journey video on me or something. I haven’t seen it yet. I guess I was the top guy from that group.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s not surprising to me.
Vince Del Monte: I think you need to intentionally, if you’re not … So this comes down to the conversation around pressure, and I’m really fascinated about this whole concept of pressure. Most people aren’t succeeding because they’re experiencing the effect of pressure, but they’re not creating the pressure. If you’re not creating the pressure, then there’s never an opportunity to get better. The first step to creating pressure is you have to be willing to fail. You have to be willing to.
Vince Del Monte: It’s like skiing down a triple black diamond when you’ve only gone down a green hill. Well, there’s a serious threat when you go up the hill. Yeah, exactly, but you have to be willing to maybe not make it, all right? Obviously, after that then you need to get feedback. How did you do? Then you’ve got to prepare further. You’ve got to prepare further for the next time you go down it so you can go down. Is there a quad black diamond? Maybe I should have said the double black diamond.
Yuri Elkaim: I don’t even know, man. I’m good at the blues. That’s right at my level.
Vince Del Monte: So let’s say you start with the single, then you’ve got to be prepared to go to the double black. Then when you go to double black, you’ve got to be prepared to go to the triple black. So the pressure has to continually escalate for you to get better. That’s why I’m telling people, a lot of people, “You guys, if you don’t keep up, you’re going to get kicked out the back.” It’s like a running race.
Vince Del Monte: I just remember when I was in high school running cross-country, my coach would always say, “Go out with the lead pack.” I’m like, “Yeah, but I’m not in shape to stay with them.” He said, “Just don’t lose contact with the lead pack.” Your coach would be yelling at you in the middle of the race, an 8K race, at the 5K or the 6K mark where it’s getting super, super painful, and he would just keep yelling, “Don’t lose contact.”
Yuri Elkaim: That’s good.
Vince Del Monte: “Shoulder-to-shoulder. Get up on his shoulder.” They would literally be running beside you when the group’s starting to surge and starting to take off, and they would be pointing their finger to the guy’s heels right in front. “On his heels. Go. Sprint. Get back in the group.” Because they knew as soon as you lose contact with the group, you’re done because now you’re running the race by yourself, and you get comfortable, and there’s no more threat.
Vince Del Monte: I tell everybody at these meetings. I said, “There’s individuals in this room that are going to set a blistering pace. I suggest you get on their heels and don’t get dropped. I’m going to continue bringing in faster runners into this group, and I’m going to try and spit you all out the back, all right? If you’re not willing to surge and charge, this isn’t for you. I want you to look at all these other guys in the room, not as your competition but as your friend. Everybody in this room is going to pull you to your fastest time. You’re never going to run a personal best going out to the field with nobody out there and just running yourself. You need a gun. You need a start line, a finish line. You need coaches on the field. You need other teams. It’s got to be the championship. Only top seven guys count, and there needs to be a lot on the line.”
Vince Del Monte: That’s why I like what you said. This might not be for you. You’ve got to be honest and look at all this as good. Because guess what? Here’s the coolest thing, man. When you rise up to the pressure, guess who calls on you when the team needs somebody to come through on something even bigger, right? They’re looking at this as an opportunity to get better and better. I want to speak at 10X Growth Con one day. There’s no way Grant Cardone’s going to be bringing me up on stage to speak to 35,000 plus people if I can’t crush an audience with 100 people. There’s no way Bedros is going to bring me up on stage to speak at Fitness Business Summit in front of 1,000 people if I can’t crush it with 200 people.
Vince Del Monte: I realize that if I can just keep rising above the pressure, then I’m going to get called in when the stakes are high and they’re trying to figure out who’s going to be able to come through for us. We’ve got this big event. We need some people that can rise to the occasion, and the only people that’ll rise to the occasion are people that keep upping the ante.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s so true. So this is funny because you hear all these contrasting points of view in life, right? Comparisons are the thief of joy. Don’t keep up with the Joneses. I completely agree with that, but there’s also elements of benefit to comparison. If you’re comparing, not like you’ve got a cooler car or you’ve got this many followers on Instagram, whatever, comparison is a way of using that to stimulate you to want and move further forward.
Yuri Elkaim: This is one of the reasons we moved back to Toronto. Because we were living in a small town outside the city for five years, and I’m like, “My next door neighbor is sitting on his front porch in a tank top, beer belly hanging out, drinking a beer.” I’m like, “This is the worst thing I ever want to experience for myself and my family. I do not want to see this because that is not making me want to be a better version of myself.” I want to be in an environment where I’m stimulated, where I’m empowered. There’s more stuff that I want to achieve and be around.
Yuri Elkaim: So yeah, I think whether it’s where you live or the group that you’re a part of and being pulled forward by other people that just motivate you to want to be better because, as I said, you’ve got to stay with the pack because if you don’t, you can’t run a race by yourself. It’s impossible.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah. I’ll give people some encouragement here. I feel like, guys like us, I feel like we’ve got big engines. So what I mean by that is we’ve got those endurance muscles, those slow-twitch muscle fibers, and I think guys really need to embrace that this is a marathon.
Yuri Elkaim: Dude, it’s a steeplechase.
Vince Del Monte: A steeplechase?
Yuri Elkaim: It’s a freaking steeplechase where every single hurdle you jump over you fall on your face, and then you just get right back up and keep going. That’s the way I see it.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, yeah. I ran the steeplechase in high school. It’s a grueling event, but I think you guys have got to really embrace that you’ll beat a lot of people simply by not quitting. You asked me earlier what do you invest in, and I said number one thing … There’s three things you invest in. The first thing is you, all right? So we talked about that. The second thing you invest in is the branding and marketing, all right?
Branding and marketing
Vince Del Monte: Here’s the deal. All branding and marketing works. There’s only one reason it doesn’t work: if you quit on it. Whether you want to do a webinar, you want to do YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, it all works. You and I collectively probably know a gazillion guys, a couple dozen guys. Some guys are crushing it with video sales letters. Some guys are doing webinars. Some guys are doing application pages. Some guys are doing book funnels and all sorts of different machines, if you will. They all work. The only reason they don’t work is if you give up, and you’re short-sighted, and you don’t get outside eyes on the strategy and understand that the opportunity is not coming into our coaching programs and learning what to do.
Vince Del Monte: Don’t get me wrong. That’s really critical, and you’ll get that. But what’s most important is just having validation that this isn’t converting where it needs to convert. The reason is is because this video sucks. The script isn’t really good. The words aren’t compelling. The idea isn’t big enough. There’s no points of differentiation. That’s where the opportunity is, in the details and making the piece better. I think everybody just wants to jump to doing something, and they forget that you’ve got to score an A+. It’s not good enough to get a B- or even an A- anymore. You have to commit to being number one or number two in your space.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally.
Vince Del Monte: Your stuff has to be good. You have to invest into a better media buyer. You need the tracking. You need faster tech. That’s where the opportunity is, and that requires digging and staying focused on it and finding the gold as opposed to just moving onto another area. So that’s what I think a lot of people are just a little short-sighted on. When you’re in our coaching program, we can give validation to say you’re doing the right thing. You’ve just got to keep going. You’ve got to keep running the split test. Get that first split test done. Then we’ll move onto this split test.
Vince Del Monte: I mean, we’ve got friends who go into the hole for three to six months to get one funnel converting, but then the next thing you know, we talk to them, and they’re doing over a million dollars a month in ad spend on that one funnel they’ve been working on for half a year. I’m like, “What did you do different?” Like, “Oh, we just kept split testing.” “That’s it?” “Yeah, we kept putting the money down, knowing that if could make this thing convert, we’ve got a winner here.”
Vince Del Monte: Then I ask them, “So, holy cow, how’d you do that?” He’s like, “Oh, dude, it was brutal. It was just tedious.” I’m like, “Anything else?” They’re like, “Nah, that’s it.” So it’s like, “Oh, this is it?”
Yuri Elkaim: Sadly, yeah. Again, it’s committing to mastery. I will figure this out because the only difference of why someone’s doing that and someone’s not is because they just gave up sooner. Guys, listening to this and what Vince and I … I’m sure you can imagine this, too. Yeah, the strategies work, right? The strategies are important, but none of that matters if your mindset isn’t dialed in. All of this stuff is mindset. Like taking the risk, believing in yourself, committing full. These are all between the ears. This has nothing to do with what platform should you use and whatever.
Yuri Elkaim: I think so here’s the truth or dilemma. It’s never been easier to set up an online business, which is great, but the challenge is that it’s never been easier to set up an online business. I think a lot of people get into … It’s almost like it’s an eBay type of business. I’m just going to sell and do transactions. People complain that they’ve got to make an investment in a couple different tech tools. It’s like, “What are you trying to do here? If you went to school, you’d have to buy books, right?” I think if more people treated their online business like they did if it were a retail establishment or a clinic, I think they’d be a lot better off, right?
Vince Del Monte: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Because your lease is, what, 10, 15,000 a month in some cases if you had a clinic? But now online you don’t want to spend 50 bucks on ClickFunnels or whatever it is, it just doesn’t make sense.
Vince Del Monte: Everybody wants to be a boss, but nobody wants to write the bills.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, exactly.
Vince Del Monte: Pay the bills, sorry.
Yuri Elkaim: No, for sure.
Vince Del Monte: If you want to be a boss, you’ve got to write checks. You need people. You need payroll. You need products. You need promotions. Just as soon as you think that you’re punt, punt, doing all that, you’ve got to up it again. You can’t back off, and I think that’s the biggest mistake, coasting and thinking that you’ve arrived. You’ve got to just stay around people that are way ahead of you and setting a faster pace, doing bigger things, so that your mind’s always expanding.
Vince Del Monte: I think that’s critical in terms of just getting into rooms every 90 days, not deliberating. I told everybody in New York, I said, “Book your flights for Tampa right now because right now you’re in a heightened state. Your dopamine’s up. You’re motivated. When you get back home, what’s going to happen is you’re going to wonder, which one is real? Is it what I’m experiencing now? I’m a little demotivated, a little depressed. I’m a little discouraged. Or what was the real feeling?” I said, “What you’re experiencing now is real, right? This is it, and you’ve got to have many runways in your life, on your calendar, things you’re constantly looking forward to.”
Vince Del Monte: Again, I’ll blame the kids for a little bit on this as well, too, because I do want to say. I understand if you’ve got young kids, there are seasons of your life where you’ve got to be present for your family, for your wife, or next thing you know you don’t have a marriage. I understand there’s times in life where you can’t go to … Right now, it’s Craig’s Perfect Life Workshop in San Diego, 425 people. I would have loved to be there this weekend, but I was away last weekend in New York City. Flavia was with me, but she was with the baby the whole time. That’s not easy while I’m up on stage. I’m getting cheered on, and everybody’s taking pictures with me, and she’s got a crying baby, and she’s out in the hall trying to get her to quiet up, and she’s not sleeping, and she can’t eat anything because something she’s eating’s bugging the baby. I have to make sacrifices, too, and I’m also off to Chino Hills next week to Bedros.
Vince Del Monte: So I think one thing we do want to talk about here with all this being said is that you can’t gain something without giving something else up, and this applies to all areas of life. So even though I would love to be in San Diego right now, but I’ve got to say no to some things. But then on the flip side, if you want to grow your business and you’ve got the time to travel, you can’t do this as a lone wolf operating out of the small confines of your apartment.
Yuri Elkaim: No. I think, well, the first time that we met was at Yanik’s Underground, and that was actually the first event that I ever went to, after trying to do this on my own for three years. I was like-
Vince Del Monte: We were both there alone. I think you were attending by yourself. I was attending by … Yeah, we just knew. Yeah, that was interesting.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, I mean, it’s so important to be surrounded by other people to get … I think in 2018, 2019 coaching is maybe more important than ever, I think, because there’s so much information out there, and people need help navigating what it is they’re doing. We had a client, so he started running his Facebook ads, and he was on one of our calls. I’m like, “Okay, cool. Show me your critical numbers,” because we give them this tracking sheet. I’m looking at this. I’m like, “Dude, am I seeing this right? You’re paying $81 for a webinar registrants,” when he should be paying about, let’s say, six. If he didn’t have the coaching to identify that and help course correct, if you’re trying to figure that out on your own, you’re toast. You’re going to be thinking, “Oh, Facebook ads, they don’t work. This stuff doesn’t work.”
Yuri Elkaim: But when you have the coaching and guidance, you’re able to make those pivots, and you have that person looking over your shoulder to give you that guidance. I think that’s more important than ever. For me, I tell people the number one decision I ever made was attending that first event at Yonik;s because that’s when I met Bedros. That’s when I met Craig, and that was how it all started with my first coaching, my Mastermind. Then it led to another one and another one.
Yuri Elkaim: I think we’re here because we’ve invested so heavily in ourselves and our businesses, and I think it’s the same for a lot of the guys and girls that we know who have done so well is they just, in spite of not having certainty of what’s going to happen, they just, “All right, let’s just do this. Let’s figure it out as we go.” I think that’s a really important message for everyone to really … It’s nice to hear this, but to really internalize it, guys, I’m telling you, it’s so important to really just invest in yourself.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, and don’t be afraid to let your coach what’s really going on underneath the hood. I really stress this, that you can’t fix what you fake.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s good.
Vince Del Monte: I’ve actually seen a couple students inflate their numbers in front of me. I get it. You kind of get to a point where you’re now in the coaching program for other maybe validation reasons. Like, “Hey, coach, look what I’m doing.” But then what happens is you don’t bring the real problems to me, and the next thing you know, then they drop out. I’m like, “Don’t be in the coaching program to get a pat on the back. Be in the coaching program to get a swift kick to the you-know-where and to ensure that you’re living up to your potential.” It’s a really weird dynamic, and maybe because I’ve been doing it for a year-and-a-half. Now I’m starting to experience some new dilemmas as a coach.
Yuri Elkaim: Your problem, buddy.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, and I really tell people. It’s like, “If you’re struggling with something that you’re embarrassed to share with me maybe because we talked about that in the meeting last time, and you might have this expectation that you should have figured it out by now. No, this is a safe environment. I don’t judge you. I might give you a quick kick as well and a nudge and tell you you’ve got to stop doing this but in a loving and best-intentioned way to see you succeed.”
Vince Del Monte: So you need to have people that care about you, and it helps when you’re paying them because that coach will feel more … Some coaches are really too nice to say it. I’m a nice guy, but because you’re paying me so much money, it’s way easier for me to say what I need to say. It’s funny because I had my little cousin, my cousin is in the coaching program.
Yuri Elkaim: Maria?
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, Maria. She’s got a business, and we came up with this epic name for her product, Unfading Beauty Secrets, and she does hair and makeup and stuff. We did that. In the first 30 minutes of the coaching call, her first coaching call right after Toronto, I said, “Maria, we’re going to hit the ground running. We’re going to get you going.” We came up with all these great ideas for her whole full-blown funnel in August. She was in New York City. She came up to the room to see me, Flavia, see the baby. I said, “Hey, is the product done?” She hadn’t even started. I’m like, “Maria, this is supposed to be done. We had the outline done two months ago.” She started asking all these questions about cameras and lighting, and I had to tell her, “Why are you in this program? Why did you sign up if you’re not …”
Vince Del Monte: Then we had to dig deep. I had to go a little under the hood, and then I actually put her a bit on the spot in front of 100 people on the Mastermind on her hot seat. My dad asked her after the hot seat. He says, “Was your big cousin a little tough on you?” She said, “No, I needed that. I needed that.”
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. That’s what a good coach will do.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, and I just told everybody, “It’s okay to let me know that maybe you didn’t do what you were supposed to do, and I’ll keep pushing you and pushing you. If I’m finding, okay, maybe I’m giving you too much to do, we’ll adjust it. Okay, just do this.” I found out that she had a little too much on her plate. One of her things, she has a limiting belief that I’m really busy. I have to yell at her. Not yell, in a big cousin way. I said, “Maria, we all have stuff going on.” She goes, “I got a lot of stuff going on.” I’m like, “You’re always going to have stuff going on. You’re not even married yet. You don’t even have kids yet. The only time you’re not going to have stuff going on is when you’re six feet under.”
Vince Del Monte: She likes to sleep in, and I had to call her out. I said, “Maria, why are you sleeping in until 10:00 in the morning? Why are you always tired? There’s no reason for you to be tired. Go to bed earlier.” I said, “Go to bed at 11:00 and start waking up at 6:00.” So she sent me a whole full-blown thing. Like, “Oh my God, this is so amazing. I can’t believe how much better I feel getting up earlier, how much productive I’ve been, and I’m already starting to finish the program now.” Again, she said … Oh, I’ve got to find what she texted me. But she said, “Thanks for not giving up on me. I was about to quit on myself, and you didn’t quit on me. I didn’t realize that quitting would have cost me more if I had dropped out.” Because she wanted to actually put her coaching on hold a month or so ago, and I had to just tell her, “You’re not actually saving money by dropping out.”
Yuri Elkaim: It’s costing more.
Vince Del Monte: I said, “$1,500 a month. In fact, I get it. The first one or two months might feel a little tight, but that’s the point. When you operate on less, you learn to live broke but not poor.” I said, “You’ve got to operate on broke, and you don’t need that money. What do you need it for? Peace of mind? How do you even know you’re going to get to 60 or 70? For retirement? What do you need the money for? Let’s get your top line cranked up.
Vince Del Monte: Again, I know the upbringing she grew up in. I know she comes from a small town, and I know a lot of people have this, and they just need to hear all this and then to have that breakthrough. Now she’s going to get this product done, and she’s going to launch it, and she’s engaged a copywriter and a funnel guy in our group. She’s going to get all the people in the group to promote her product when she launches because it’s a non-competitive product for all the fitness people. But I had to paint that picture for what she’s going to miss out on if she doesn’t take action now.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally. The thing is, do you think that she would have taken your advice had she not been paying you as part of the group?
Vince Del Monte: No, because she’s been in a multi-level marketing company for four years, and she’s been talking about launching a YouTube channel for four years. So when we were in Toronto, there’s another girl in my group. Her name’s Laura. She lives in St. Catharines, 23-year-old girl, and when she came into the group she had never broken five figures.
Yuri Elkaim: Per year or per month?
Vince Del Monte: Per month. She never broke five figures per month, and she had been doing it for three years by herself. She joined in the summer. Three months later she had her first $13,000 month.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome.
Vince Del Monte: She’s like, “Oh my gosh.” There’s literally a gazillion things we still need to do. She’s still just all over the place. I told Laura, I said, “Laura, what do you advise Maria do?” She just said, “Go for it.” I said, “Maria, I’m not twisting your arm here. You’ve been telling me you wanted to do this for four years.” So a coach never twists somebody’s arm into doing something. They just help them make the right decision for their right life. That’s what she’s always wanted to do, but she needed a bit of a push. She’s never had anything at stake with the multi-level marketing. Yeah, you’re going around selling stuff, but they’re not paying a coaching fee each month if they don’t succeed. There’s no skin in the game.
Vince Del Monte: I said, “You don’t do this for me. You know your big cousin. He’ll be fine. I really don’t need your money.” I even tell people, and I almost say this to myself as well. I’m like, “You guys could all quit today. Every single person in this coaching program could drop out today. I’ll be fine, guys. There’s eight billion people in the world. I’ll go find another 75 people who want to go through the coaching program. It’ll take me probably six to seven months, and I’d get right back to where I was. If you all want to quit today, quit.”
Vince Del Monte: You’ve got to have that level of confidence and belief in yourself that you don’t need anybody’s money. The person that needs it the most always loses because they’re coming from a scarcity mentality. This comes back to getting clear on your calling, your vision, your path, and having outside eyes to affirm it. Again, this is what you all want to aspire to, everybody listening, to have the confidence to tell your entire coaching roster that you guys can all leave. I’ll be fine. Don’t do this for me. Do this for you. The reason that’s a penetrating message is because it’s the truth.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally. Going back to what you had mentioned earlier, people who have a money problem, they have a revenue or income problem. I’d take it one step further. If you have an income problem, it’s because you have an incoming problem. You don’t have enough leads and clients coming in. If you don’t solve that, you can never solve the top line. Yeah, Vince, this has been awesome. Obviously, we could talk about this stuff forever.
The Rapid Five
Yuri Elkaim: So, if you guys are listening to this, hopefully you’re getting some nuggets of wisdom here. This is kind of a discussion that you would partake in if we were just kind of hanging out together and having a conversation over wine or whatever. But before we finish off, I do have five rapid-fire questions that I didn’t tell you about that I’ll fire them your way if that’s cool.
Vince Del Monte: Shoot the bullets.
Yuri Elkaim: The bullets. You ready for the bullets?
Vince Del Monte: Just do it. Hit me.
Yuri Elkaim: All right, buddy. So, number one, what is your biggest weakness?
Vince Del Monte: Ruffles salt and vinegar chips and chocolate glazed donuts from Tim Horton’s. I actually had two last night and a whole bag last night.
Yuri Elkaim: Nice.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, I don’t know if I was enjoying it or if I was guilty. The feelings are getting blended now, so it’s a weird situation.
Yuri Elkaim: What’s your biggest strength?
Vince Del Monte: I’m a massive action taker. I’m very good at just working hard and fast.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Awesome. Number three, what’s one skill you’ve become dangerously good at it in order to grow your business?
Vince Del Monte: Closing. I’m the terminator. Yeah, everyone’s just falling like dominoes. You will fall when I get you on the phone. So if you don’t want to take your credit card out and if you don’t want to invest in yourself, do not get on the phone with me.
Yuri Elkaim: You’re just too irresistible. That’s the thing.
Vince Del Monte: What you need to hear and what you don’t want to hear. But yeah, it’ll all be true.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally. Number four, what do you do first thing in the morning?
Vince Del Monte: I train. I come downstairs. I have my PRELOAD, and then I come down, and I train in the basement.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. Finally, complete this sentence. I’m know I’m being successful when …
Vince Del Monte: Oh, the wifey’s happy.
Yuri Elkaim: There you go. There you go, guys. Mr. Vince Del Monte. Dude, thank you so much for being with us. This has been a lot of fun.
Vince Del Monte: Yeah, thanks so much, Yuri. It’s an honor to come on, man.
Yuri Elkaim: What is the best place for our listeners to follow you online and then kind of stay up-to-date with what you’re up to?
Vince Del Monte: Instagram. Vince Del Monte, V-I-N-C-E D-E-L-M-O-N-T-E. Instagram’s the best spot. Hit me up. We’re reviving the YouTube channel, so we’ve got some cool videos going up on the YouTube channel.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. Dude, thanks so much, man. I appreciate you.
Vince Del Monte: Okay. Yuri, thank you, man.
Wrap up with Yuri
So I hope you enjoyed this one. This was a lot of fun. It gives me an extra hour to hang with Vince and bring some great wisdom to you. Hope you found it valuable. If you did, remember to subscribe to the Healthpreneur podcast on iTunes. While you’re there, leave a rating or review. That’s always appreciated. We’re approaching 2019. We’re what, two weeks out? I really want to have you use this time to think about what is going to be different next year. What are you no longer going to tolerate? What will you commit to? How are you going to invest in yourself? How are you going to grow? How are you going to get the right coaching and support to really hit your goals? Because, as we’ve talked about, doing things all by yourself, it’s never going to happen. I can promise you that. It’s not going to happen.
Now, whether you work with us or somebody else, that’s up to you. But I really, really want to encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and to really, really make the commitment to investing in yourself and to move your business forward. Because yes, I obviously want you to make a lot more money. I want you to enjoy a great lifestyle, but you also have to remember that it’s not just about you. The smaller you play, the more people you can be serving or suffering. Nobody wins by playing small, and nobody wins by staying small.
So I want you to head into the Christmas holidays thinking bigger, thinking about the bigger possibility for your life, thinking about what could go right instead of what might go wrong. To think about what’s the worst case scenario if I did fail? Are you going to be living in a cardboard box on the sidewalk? Probably not. There’s a reason that both Vince and I are happy to take money out of our houses to invest in ourselves and our businesses. Most common folk don’t do that. They want to keep all their money in their house, save up their nest egg, and they’re going to be 65 years old doing the same thing.
There’s a difference. As entrepreneurs we are a different breed, and you have to be honest with yourself moving into 2019. Am I building something incredible, or do I just want to make a little bit more money every month? If you just want to make a little bit more money every month, honestly, you might as well come work for us or go work for somebody else. But if you want to build something truly incredible, then you’ve got to commit, and you’ve got to go all in.
So that’s my parting message for you today. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day. Have a great weekend. I look forward to speaking with on Monday because I will be back. Yes, Christmas Eve day I will be back with you, and I’m going to share the story of Healthpreneur and how we built a million dollar business with less than 5,000 people on our email list. So don’t go anywhere. You won’t want to miss that one. In the meantime, continue to be great and be great, and we’ll see you then.
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What You Missed
In our last episode we highlighted some of our incredible clients and give some surprise shout-outs.
These clients have stayed on course, followed their vision, and are now reaping the rewards of a job well done. We are very grateful to work with such incredible, dedicated clients, and are excited to see where their journey takes them.
This episode is inspiring and should drive you to reflect on your past year’s accomplishments. How have you advanced since this time last year? Are you where you said you wanted to be?
Tune in to hear what system has worked for our clients, and see how you can get a piece of the pie, too.
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