When Are You Going To Start?
Welcome to episode 199 of the Healthpreneur podcast! Although we’ve been going strong for 199 episodes, our question to you today is this: When are you going to start? Again, when are you going to start?
You can ask this question to yourself for any area of life, whether it’s business, health, fitness – whatever. No matter what it is, you’ve got to make time to improve yourself in whatever area you feel is lacking.
Step up, put away the excuses, and step into the courage it takes to get on the road to improvement in the year 2019. Listen in to hear Steph, Jackie, and I talk about the most common reasons for inaction, why small steps make a big difference, and how you can act now.
In This Episode Steph, Jackie, and I discuss:
- What they hear from clients about burnout.
- The biggest expense in your business.
- Fear, uncertainty, and the need for inaction.
- The need for coaching and support.
- Premium pricing.
- The struggle some people have with tech.
- Movement in the right direction and discipline.
3:00 – 6:30 – The biggest cost to your business
6:30 – 11:30 – Making excuses and being stuck in inaction
11:30 – 15:00 – Standing up for yourself and the pain of the process
15:00 – 21:00 – Fear over tech and an example of inaction
21:00 – 23:00 – Small steps and discipline
23:00 – 26:00 – Understanding why you aren’t where you want to be
Yuri Elkaim: All right, guys, welcome, I’m Yuri Elkaim here, and I’m with Steph and Jackie today, another Between the Ears session. Jackie was on a cruise last week, so she’s back in the saddle this week with us. Amy just had Lasik eye surgery last week, so her eyes, she’s like Cyclops from X-Men now I think. She’s out of commission for a day.
We’re going to talk to you about an important topic today. I think it’s a great discussion for the new year being the time this is being released is, when are you going start? When are you going to start? This applies as appropriately to those of you who are clients of ours as well as those of you listening on the podcast or watching this somewhere else who are not clients of ours.
Here’s the thing, guys, whether you start now, or you start later, at some point, you’re going to start. All that matters is, how much are you willing to tolerate your current situation before it bubbles up and boils over? For some people that might mean 10 more years.
You can take this to your workouts. You can take this to your dietary changes. You can take this to run your business. You can take it to whatever area of life you want to improve in. What it’s going to come down to is, are you going to start now, or are you going to start at some later point in the future?
Jackie, Steph, let’s jump into this, and I want, let’s start off with maybe some of the perspectives you guys have gotten from people we speak to on a weekly basis. People who are inquiring about working with us, and then they’re like, “Not now, later, whatever, whatever.”
Steph, I know this is fresh for you. What are some of the insights for you of that, that are top of mind as we discuss this?
The biggest cost to your business
Steph: Yeah, I think it’s interesting to me, because we talk to many, many people during the week who are interested in the Health Business Accelerator Course. They say things like, “I can’t possibly do this for another year. I hate what I’m going through. I’m not making the money. I’m not doing this. I’m not doing that.” Yet, there’s still a piece of them that’s like, “But, I want to wait. But, I want to wait a little longer.”
This is a funny thing that, Yuri, you shared this with us, it’s almost like the money that, you said something along the lines of, the money that you’re not making is really the biggest cost to your business.
Yuri Elkaim: Yup.
Steph: That’s what I think a lot of people aren’t understanding. That if you’re wanting to make, let’s say, $10,000 a month, but you’re currently only making $3,000 a month, well, then, all of that money you’re not making is actually the biggest expense to your business.
Especially, well, and I think the biggest expense also is, for example, there’s a lot of people who just are burnt out going into the clinic every day, or they’re burnt out trading time for money. Because you can only see so many patients, you can only see so many clients.
Yet, there’s still something blocking them from starting. It’s like, you already are hating where you’re at so get started now, so you can get to a new place sooner, right?
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. It’s, as we talked about before, it’s going to come down to fear and uncertainty. Those are the two biggest things that are going to kill people from moving forward.
Yuri Elkaim: Well, let’s talk about that example you just brought up, because we did talk about this last week. The biggest cost in your business, guys, is the money you’re not making.
We use the example of, if someone wants to come in and work with us, and we ask them, “Okay, how much money do you want to make? Let’s say they say, “I want to make $10,000 a month.” That’s awesome, great.
Yuri Elkaim: How long have you wanted to make that amount of money? The person says, “Well, I’ve been wanting to make this for the past year.” They’re at, let’s say, they’re at $2,000 a month. Here’s the thing is the real cost of that is, you’ve wanted to be making $10,000 a month for the past 12 months, that’s $120,000 in lost opportunity. That’s the real cost of your business. That’s the cost of inaction, guys.
Yuri Elkaim: I want you to take this seriously, because this is not Mickey Mouse, man, this is your life. You are at a point now, it doesn’t matter if it’s January or August, every day is a new year for us, okay? How much longer are you willing to tolerate losing out on making that kind of money, if we’re just talking about finances here for a second?
Yuri Elkaim: The thing is you have to get so associated with that, that it makes you sick to your stomach. Because, here’s what most people think about. I want to achieve this goal, but I’m scared, because I don’t know if it’s going to work out. I don’t know if I can afford it.
Yuri Elkaim: But, what you really can’t afford, the real cost of you not doing anything is staying where you’re at and not getting the results. You have to viscerally, on a daily basis get connected to that. Otherwise, nothing you do is going to make any difference in your business or in your future. You’re not going to be any further ahead a year, five years, 10 years from now, if you don’t get viscerally disgusted by your current situation.
Yuri Elkaim: Seriously, guys, pain is a very, very important motivator. If you don’t have enough pain to move forward, you’re going to stay exactly where you are. Because, comfort, we all want comfort, and you cannot grow from a place of comfort.
Yuri Elkaim: I can tell you that, because, this morning, I wanted to get out of bed at five, I got out of bed at six. Why? Because, I was more comfortable in my bed.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s the worst, I hate that moment in my life, where it’s like, every morning, I’m like, “Man, I just want to stay in my bed. I just want to stay in my bed.” That moment of time where I’m laying down is the worst time in my day, but, as soon as I stand up, everything’s great.
Yuri Elkaim: For me, it’s like, “When are you ready to get started, dude?” You’re going to get out of bed any time, during, at some point during this day, do it now, just get out. You’re going to feel so much better for having gotten up earlier.
Yuri Elkaim: Costs of not doing what you want to do, guys, is the biggest cost in your business. It’s money you’re not making.
Yuri Elkaim: Jackie, what about you?
Making excuses and being stuck in inaction
Jackie: Yeah, so that’s one that definitely pops up. But, another one that drives me bonkers, honestly, is getting ready to get ready. A lot of the times I’m on the phone, and they’re like, “Well, yeah, this sounds great, but once I know my client better, or once I complete my 6 week course, or once I get all the details out and down and just right, or once, once, once, once this happens.”
Jackie: It’s kind of like the shoulda, coulda, woulda. When people are oncing all over themselves, I’m just like, “Well, what’s going to change when that happens? When is that going to happen? What proven strategy are you going to use to make sure that gets done sooner than later?” Then they’re like, “I don’t know.”
Jackie: When I throw it back, so I basically say, “You’re going to wait to get started, until you get all your ducks in a row. But, you don’t know how to do that part.” They’re like, “Well, yeah, that sounds a little ridiculous.”
Jackie: I’m like, “Okay, now let’s revisit a proven strategy, some coaching and accountability, and we’re going to give you the right areas to focus on to get this done in four to six weeks to 10 weeks,” excuse me, I was all ready to sneeze, “or whenever.”
Jackie: That part drives me a little crazy, because, at the end of the day, like you said, Yuri, once you get out of bed and get going, you’re going. That’s your momentum. If you look at Warren Buffett, or if you look at Bill Gates, if you look at all these successful people in the world, what it boils down to is focus. What are they focusing on?
Jackie: You’re going to continue to get what you’re focusing on. If the results you’re getting you don’t like, focus on something else. Focus on a new strategy, because, obviously, what you’re doing isn’t getting you where you want to go.
Jackie: When we bring it back to simplicity of focus, and maybe you don’t know what that is to focus on, we can help you with that. With the Health Business Accelerator Workshop, we have a roadmap, we have systems, we have strategies, we have accountability, we have a plethora of coaching.
Jackie: It’s really getting people out of the fear and into an area of, a community where they know what they need to be focusing on, and they have that support.
Standing up for yourself and the pain of the process
Yuri Elkaim: Yup, totally. It’s, we’ve all heard the famous saying, you can have, there’s the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. I don’t think any of us want to get to the end of our lives with the pain of regret, because that’s something we experience on a daily basis, “I should have done this. I wish I got up earlier. I wish I got this done.”
Yuri Elkaim: That’s like, as you said, Jackie, it’s all about fear. Everything is fear. If you understand that and just know that it’s never going to go away. It’s the same reason why there’s only a small percentage of people who succeed in business. When you look statistically, the percentage that make a million, the percentage that make 10 million, it’s like 0.01% of all businesses.
Yuri Elkaim: There’s common traits between success whether we’re talking about in sports, business, life. It’s all the same stuff, guys. It’s all the same stuff.
Yuri Elkaim: The one thing that I’ve noticed over my life is that those who succeed in any aspect of their life just have courage. That’s all it is, because you’re stepping into the unknown. You don’t know what’s going to happen.
Yuri Elkaim: We can’t guarantee you specific results. We can promise you we’re going to bust our ass to help you. But, I’ll tell you this, this past weekend I was in our online portal, and I look at all of our clients. I’m like kind of a stalker, because I want you guys to win.
Yuri Elkaim: I was shocked by how few people have actually gone through the trainings in the portal. I’m like, “This is a coaching program that people paid good money to be part of.” I was like, “What, what is it going to take? What’s it going to take to spend half an hour, one hour a day, two hours a day to go in and do the stuff every single day?”
Yuri Elkaim: This is the same reason why when we don’t really recommend people sell courses, because left to their own devices, as we’ve seen here, humans are going to do nothing. Even the most motivated humans need coaching and support. But, left to their own devices, most humans are not going to do much, and it’s really, it’s sad.
Yuri Elkaim: It comes back down to, what’s holding you back, what are you afraid of, why do you need to get things perfect, it’s never going to happen. Perfect is like, it’s like the guy who’s … I remember I was training back in the day, clients, and I remember having consults with people that are like, “I really want to hire you as a trainer, but I think I’m going to get in shape first, and then we’ll do some sessions.” I’m like, “That is completely backwards.”
Yuri Elkaim: If you’re watching this, and you’re clients of ours or not clients of ours, remember, you are coaching clients. You are coaching people. You are going to be speaking from the phone, and they’re going to come up with this stuff. They’re going to be like, “Oh, this sounds good, I’m going to start later, whatever.”
Yuri Elkaim: You have to be the client you want to attract. It’s as simple as that. If you want people to take action and step up and step through the fear, you have to be that type of person as well, because, energetically, otherwise, you’re just going to attract the wrong people.
Yuri Elkaim: If you are not willing to step up and step into the fear, how can you ever expect other people to do the same? You got to drink your own Kool-Aid. You got to walk the walk. You got walk the talk. I think it’s super, super important.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, does that make sense, guys?
Steph: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah?
Jackie: Yeah, well, another, way to piggyback that too is you not only have to walk the talk, but you also have to stand up for yourself in ways you’ve never stood up before. Our brains are wired, have been wired, for 30, 50, 60, some people in our group are getting ready for retirement. I get on calls, and they’re like, “I need something to plan for my retirement. I didn’t plan for it.”
Jackie: I’m like, “Okay, well, you have to realize your brain has been operating with these same fears, these same habits for a while now.” The second they peek out of their box, and they try something new, that fear will pull them back in. That uncertainty will pull them back in.
Jackie: But, that’s why coaching is so important. This is why our clients are creating premium coaching programs, because there’s a, millions and millions of people out there with certain issues, certain ailments, certain challenges that need a coach to help them get through what they need to get through. Because, all this other stuff on the internet isn’t helping them. Because, they don’t have the accountability, they don’t have the coaching, they don’t have the support, and that fear and uncertainty pulls them back in. It doesn’t allow them to complete what they know they need to complete.
Jackie: It’s like, it’s just this cycle, and this big circle that just keeps going. But, if you could just step into your own right now, finish your course, finish your own coaching program, step up for yourself like you’re going to be stepping up for your clients, that’s what coaching really is all about. It’s when you can say something to your client that that client isn’t able to say or stand up for themselves in that moment for.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Yeah, that’s awesome. We talked about pain of discipline, pain of regret, standing up for yourself, the costs of not doing something. Because pain of discipline, pain of regret can also be reworded into pain of action versus pain of non-action or pain of inaction.
Yuri Elkaim: If you’re going to start now, there’s going to be a pain of action. There’s going to be pain of doing something new. I talked about this in The Courage Quote at HP Live where there’s four different types of fears. There’s the fear of the outcome, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Yuri Elkaim: But, one of the biggest fears that I think a lot of people are not even aware of, but it’s really important to be aware of is the pain of the process. It’s the pain of starting something new. Oh my god, is this going to work? Will I know how to do this? Will I get the right support? What if this hurts? What if it isn’t comfortable?
Yuri Elkaim: If you guys are going into a situation, or I’ve heard getting clients to come into your world, I think it’s really important to be very upfront with them about the pain of the process. We don’t tell people on the phone that this is going to be easy. We tell them straight up, “Listen, this is simple, but it’s definitely not easy.” Because, you’re going to go through a lot of your own mindset issue stuff. Also, stuff’s probably not going to work out the first time once you deploy it.
Yuri Elkaim: What are you going to do? Are you going to crawl onto your bed and hide under the covers? No, you anticipate that, just like you anticipate soreness from a workout, and you move through that, and you just keep going.
Yuri Elkaim: But, if you go into something with the intention that everything’s going to be easy. That everything’s going to be laid out for you on a silver platter, you don’t have to do anything. You’re fooling yourself.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s like never having worked out before, but working out now with a trainer or on your own, and then being shocked that there’s muscle soreness? “How is this is even possible. I was lied to. My physiology’s different. This shouldn’t happen to me.” Come on, man, seriously?
Yuri Elkaim: You have to recognize the pain of the process. If you’re not able to cope with that, then you should probably just say, “Listen, I’m not cut out for this. I’m going to do something else. I’m going to make lattes at Starbucks, or I’m going to work for somebody else.” Because, being an entrepreneur is serious business. It’s not for the faint of heart, right? Steph-
Steph: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: What do you see on some of the, I guess some of the coaching calls even. People delaying and delaying, or what are some of the things that are relevant to this discussion that come up on some of our check-in calls with our clients?
Fear over tech and an example of inaction
Steph: I think, every once in a while, I’ll get on a call with somebody, and it’s deep, deep on an emotional level fear, but it’s over a tech piece. For example, we have people in this group that we are having to actually walk through how to even use Facebook, or how to even have a Facebook page. That’s how, let’s say, lower level of tech stuff, the type of people that we’re working with sometimes.
Steph: That causes a deep-seated, rooted, I don’t know what it is, fear, that almost feels like that cave man fear where it’s just setting off that fight or flight response. But, the cool thing is, is that we talk to you, so it’s not like you’re just sitting there spinning your wheels like, “Oh my gosh, I can’t do this. I can’t do this.” We get on the call, and then it’s by the end of that call, they feel so much better and ready to keep moving forward.
Steph: I think that’s the biggest difference of this course and workshop than any other one out there is that we’re actually helping people through that. Because, there is fear that pops up, just period. There will be.
Steph: But, it’s just a matter of how much are you willing to take in your current situation knowing, again, it’s that pain of either staying the same or the pain of trying something new. I would rather try something new and get to a better place than sit and just wallow in …
Steph: Some of the people that I’ve talked to, let’s say, that are interested in this workshop, they have deep pain going on in their lives on where they are, either their income level, the amount of patients they’re having to see, or clients they’re having to see.
Steph: Some people are even hating their passion. They had a passion, and they got into this passion, and, all of a sudden, now, they’re just like, “I hate it. I’m burnt out.” That’s not okay.
Steph: You have to understand … Well, and just to circle back to what you said at the beginning is, you’re going to do this someday. Well, the sad thing is, is that there’s some people who don’t. There’s some people-
Yuri Elkaim: Oh.
Steph: … that literally never come to the realization, “I should have, could have, would have,” like Jackie said, until they’re on their deathbed. That’s very common.
Steph: When people are on their deathbed, it’s like they’re not thinking about, “Oh, what a great thing. I should have done this. I shouldn’t have cared about this. I should have invested in this. I should have done more of this. I should have worked less and had more time with my family.”
Steph: It’s like, you have to really wrap your head around that and then take action from that place.
Yuri Elkaim: Yup.
Steph: Right?
Yuri Elkaim: Totally. I was just having brunch with my mom yesterday, and she is the classic example of this discussion. As long as I’ve known her, 38 years, as long as I can consciously remember, so let’s just say 28 years, she’s always said the same thing, “Oh, I got to start working out. I’ve got to start getting active. Oh, I can’t believe how much weight I’ve put on.”
Yuri Elkaim: I’m like, “If I hear you say that one more time, I’m going to slap you, because it’s so frustrating to even hear that come out of your mouth.” Because, we all know that even though I’m health and fitness expert, she’s never going to take advice from me, right? You can never-
Jackie: No.
Yuri Elkaim: … help your parents. Let’s just be honest about that. If you’re watching this and trying to change your parents, it’s never going to happen.
Yuri Elkaim: But, even if that means, “Oh, I saw this thing on Dr. Oz, and, now, I’m going to do this.” That’s awesome. But, it’s like, I told my mom, I’m like, “Listen, Mom, you have to be very aware that you have a massive amount of inertia and momentum in the opposite direction. That opposite direction, the momentum you’ve built is the momentum of doing nothing.”
Small steps and discipline
Yuri Elkaim: What you’re trying to do right now is you are looking at this huge boulder. You’re in San Francisco, and you have your car parked at the bottom of a hill that’s going up. You’re looking at this, and you’re like, “There’s no frigging way I can push this car up this hill.” When you think of that, it’s very clear of why people don’t start. Because, for them, it’s impossible to even achieve the outcome.
Yuri Elkaim: We did our whole yearly planning session the other week, and we set these very big lofty goals. But, if we just focus on that, there’s no way. We would be paralyzed.
Yuri Elkaim: You have to chunk it down into bite size, what do I do tomorrow morning, or right now to, let’s say, maybe I’m just going to open the door of the car. How can I do that?
Yuri Elkaim: All right, so, number one, I’m going to commit to just getting up a bit earlier, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to get uncomfortable and make that happen. I know it’s going to suck. I know it’s going to suck, and I know it’s going to suck for the first little while. Until the momentum builds and builds and builds, ’til the point where the car is now at the top of the hill, it’s in neutral, and you just give it a little push with your finger, and it just rampages down the hill all by itself.
Yuri Elkaim: I think it’s important, you guys, to remember you have to identify where you are at momentum-wise in any aspect of your life or your business. If you’re coming in, and you’re stuck in a specific spot, you just have to realize like, “Man, I got to do a little bit of work here. I got to do a little bit of work here and build momentum, so that over time it becomes a lot easier.”
Yuri Elkaim: The only reason I’m in a place where I’m in now business-wise is because I went through years of trying to push that car up the hill. It sucked, but I was committed to the vision. I refuse to live a life that most people live. I refuse. I would rather not be here at all.
Yuri Elkaim: I will do whatever it takes to create the reality I want to live in. I hope that if you’re watching this, you’re in the same boat. You have the power to choose. You have the power to create whatever it is you want in your life. I’m telling you desire is a really big deal, guys. If you don’t have enough desire, you’re never going to have the strength and the will to start pushing that car up the hill. It’s so, so important.
Yuri Elkaim: Whatever you have to do to light that fire under your ass, get somebody to knock on your door every single morning, give you a phone call to get out of bed. I don’t care, whatever you need to do to figure that out, you have to do that. Because, time flies, man, time flies.
Jackie: Yeah, agreed.
Yuri Elkaim: Jackie.
Jackie: Right, I’d say a great example on that is back when I used to do weight loss, it was your weight loss why, right?
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
Jackie: Because, unless it was bigger than, “Hey, I need to lose 10 pounds to go on a cruise,” it wouldn’t work. It’s not sustainable.
Jackie: All it requires is just a little bit of discipline, a little bit of discipline. As you do that day and day, and repeat that little bit of action, 30 minutes, an hour, work on this stuff, focus, just map it out.
Jackie: Do your first things first. Do the important things first in the morning. Because, if you’re mapping out that hour at 6:00 PM, guess what? Your willpower is now down to here.
Jackie: When you wake you up, you have this much willpower. By the time you go to bed, it’s gone. It’s like a gas gauge. It’s full in the morning, and, by the end of the day, it’s gone. It’s not like we have infinite amount of willpower every day.
Jackie: When you just have this much discipline, one of my clients, he was hilarious. I was like, “Well, what’s going to get you out of bed? Do I need to call you? Do I need to do something?” He was one of my premium clients, so I would call him if that’s what he needed every morning at 5:00 or 6:00 AM. He just put his alarm clock on the other side of the room. He had to get out of bed to shut the damn thing off, right?
Yuri Elkaim: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Jackie: It’s just a little bit of discipline will eventually compound. Before you know it, you’re going to be this rock star, because with that little bit of discipline will allow that focus, will allow that ritual to be set into place, which is just habits.
Jackie: Then, before you know it, you’re going to be getting results, and you’re going to be like, “Damn, thank God, I did that then, and I didn’t wait ’til I thought I was ‘ready,’” right?
Yuri Elkaim: Totally.
Jackie: In quotes, that.
Understanding why you aren’t where you want to be
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, so, guys, how can you move your alarm clock to the other side of the room? That’s a metaphor. I’m not saying, physically, it’s probably a really good thing to do as well.
Yuri Elkaim: You need to think of, what is it that you need to do? Really, this is a great time of year to really just introspect and reflect and be very honest with yourself, “Am I where I want to be?” If the answer is no, you need to uncover why.
Yuri Elkaim: You need to really be objective and very honest with yourself, “Here’s the goal I set. Here’s my action. My level of congruence was completely off.”
Yuri Elkaim: If you can address that and understand that you are 100% in control. You’re in the driver seat. You are in the driver seat of your life. Instead of making excuses, “Life got busy, this and this and this,” listen, life is busy for everyone.
Yuri Elkaim: You need to identify how important this is, whatever this is for you, how important that is. If it is the most important thing for you, you have to carve out time, no matter what to make it happen.
Yuri Elkaim: For everyone who’s saying, “Life is busy. I couldn’t get up. There’s too much stuff going on in the day,” for every person who says that there are other people out there who have said, “No matter what, this is what my life looks like.”
Yuri Elkaim: Mark Wahlberg, he wakes up at 3:00 AM every morning. He gets in a workout, gets his breakfast done. He’s played 18 holes of golf before 6:00 AM, every single day.
Yuri Elkaim: The Rock, he travels around the world with his entire gym. Now, obviously, he’s in a financial position to carry his gym around, which is who knows how much many millions of dollars that’s going to cost, but no matter what, that’s a priority for him. He works out every single day. He’s up at four or five in the morning just crushing it.
Yuri Elkaim: Guys, you have to identify what is important to you, you have to make time for. You don’t find time for it. You make time for it.
Jackie: Yes, we all have the same 24 hours. We all have 24 hours. It’s not like you can squeeze one more hour. It’s what we do with it, and it’s just a little bit of discipline and knowing why you want it.
Yuri Elkaim: Absolutely. Guys, if this is resonating with you, then just let us know in the comments what your thoughts are, what you liked best about this conversation.
Yuri Elkaim: If you are listening to this on a podcast or watching this somewhere else, and you’re interested in making 2019 your best year yet, and you’re ready to step up and put away the excuses and step into the fear and knowing that your pain is way greater than the investment you’re going to make in working with us, and that’s what it’s going to come down to, and you’re ready to start and move forward with that, then here’s the first step you want to take. Watch the 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint. It’s our free online training. It will give you a really good context of how we help our clients.
Yuri Elkaim: If it resonates with you, then book a call with us at the end of that training. We’ll give you the link to do so. If all is good, we’ll jump on the phone. We’ll figure out where you are, where you want to go, what’s holding you back, and put together a game plan to get you on the right path for the coming year and beyond.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s the first place to start. You can watch the training over at healthpreneurgroup.com/training.
Yuri Elkaim: For now, Steph, Jackie, thanks so much for taking the time and for sharing your insights. Hope you guys have enjoyed this one, and remember start now or start later, but you’re going to start, so get it done now. Talk to you guys later.
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What You Missed
Our last topic was a tough one where I talked about how to niche down and find your target market.
This question comes up often, and it can be difficult not to try and be everything to everyone.
The truth is, there’s a lot of people doing what we do. But you can do it better if you hone in on who you want to work with. If you focus on them and their specific needs, the people you want will be attracted to you. Then, you can specialize your product and offer it to groups that have the same problem.
I’ve got some questions for you that’ll help you narrow down your niche and target market. Why? If you don’t niche down, you’ll be nothing to no one.
So, listen in and grab a pen because it’s time to start 2019 with a bang!
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