Why Comfort is The Enemy of Growth
We’re back with another great episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast. On today’s episode your Healthpreneur experts Jackie, Steph, Amy, and Yuri sit down for a candid discussion that you won’t want to miss about comfort and why it is the enemy of growth..
Each of our Healthpreneur team know what it is like to get stuck in a rut without a foreseeable way to break through mundane routine and push forward with momentum and growth. They know firsthand the fear and frustration that come with stepping out of their comfort zone and leaning into the next phase on their entrepreneurial journey, but they also know the immense reward lying on the other side!
Listen in as each coach discusses their personal journey with cyclical routine and the tools they used (and you can too!) to break out of bad habits and press on to great growth.
In this episode the team and I discuss:
- Why being uncomfortable is healthy
- The Archaic Brain and it’s focus on the negative
- “Sharpening the Saw”
- The importance of asking “Who can I best serve?”
- The importance of consistent discomfort
- The more you grow the more you give
02:30 — 08:30 – Jackie: her take on courage… and jumping out of airplanes
08:30 — 17:00 -Steph: Fear versus Discomfort
17:00 — 21:30 -Amy: Worry and Wonder – reframing your feelings
21:30 — 26:50 -Yuri: Changing your Perfect Clients
26:50 — 33:25 – Jackie & Amy: consistency and jumping in
Healthpreneurs, what’s up. Yuri here, with our amazing coaches. I’ve got Jackie, Steph in the black box this morning. And Amy is with us as well. So if you’re watching us inside of our group, obviously you can see this. If you’re listening to this on Healthpreneur podcast, you can’t see this. So you can just enjoy the audio. But today’s topic is a big one. We’re going to talking about the notion that comfort is the enemy of growth.
I don’t know when this hit me, maybe last week or the week before. But I was thinking about this, I’m like, you know what, I think this applies to pretty much all there is in life. So I’m excited to jump in to you guys today. Because you guys are on the phone with a lot of our clients, every single week, you see the roadblocks and the obstacles, and the challenges they’re up against. And this process of building a business is not easy. It doesn’t feel good all the time. I want to give our listeners and our viewers a perspective today about this whole topic. Because I think it’s important to really understand and be okay with.
Okay, so I want to give a bit of perspective here, before I ask you, Jackie. So last night I was watching the Avengers Infinity War. I’m thinking, one of the reason why so many people love movies, is because there’s always this element of courage that these main characters have. They have to fly across space to stop this evil person. And every single protagonist of a movie has that level of courage, where they’re this reluctant hero. They’re called to something bigger than themselves. They go up against all odds. In spite of failures in the past, they keep pushing. It’s just the way I believe we connect to people in terms of quote, unquote, “heroes”.
Jackie, how do you see clients that we work with, or pretty much every day people, as their own version of these superheroes, as it pertains to kind of going out of their comfort zone and chasing these things that are maybe a little bit unfamiliar or beyond what they think is possible?
Jackie: Her take on courage… and jumping out of airplanes
Jackie: I like that idea of being your own hero. As healthpreneurs, you know, entrepreneurs, I tell a lot of our clients, if you’re going to be working with us, you have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. It’s just part of it, and actually that’s where I thrive.
I love being uncomfortable. I love being challenged, because my perspective and my mindset around it, is growth. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. Look at the cells in our body. From the second we’re born, that’s just what’s happening. It’s inevitable. And being comfortable with being uncomfortable, just gives you that, I can handle this. Right, superheroes don’t stop and freak out, and get stuck in their fear and their thoughts. Like, should I jump off this bridge to save that lady? No, maybe I should do this instead. They just do it, right.
So the cool thing is, you have our community, you have our support. So being uncomfortable is healthy. That means you’re about ready to take a leap and grow as well. But you have to embrace it, and have the mindset around it. Be excited about it. It’s a choice. You could be fearful, which is fake. It’s all made up. Fear isn’t real. That’s usually what stops us.
Or you can stay comfortable in being comfortable. And that leads to laziness, and boredom. And as Healthpreneurs, we don’t go there. We just don’t, it’s not in our DNA, right.
So if this is a new concept to you, that’s all I can really tell you. It’s part of the mindset shift. It’s growth. And getting out of this archaic box. We only know what’s inside this box, right, and we’re comfortable there. Everything outside of this box is scary, and creepy, and weird. And I don’t think I can do it. And all this self-doubt, and fear sets in again. And we jump back into our box.
The archaic brain, that’s not really what we need for survival this day and age. I’m sure Stephanie can go in on this a little deeper. But it doesn’t serve us, because it’s not scary. It’s actually what we need to survive and grow, and develop, and make an impact, and to share gifts.
Yuri: So just to give our listeners and our viewers some perspective, you’ve gone skydiving a few times, right?
Jackie: Yes, twice. I wish I could’ve gone more.
Yuri: You’ve gone skydiving a few times. You’ve traveled all around the world, doing some pretty adventurous types of stuff. You have two kids. Before you’ve done them, you hadn’t done them.
Jackie: Correct.
Yuri: How do you feel when you … I guess you didn’t push yourself out of the plane. But you were strapped to some instructor. You’re in the plane, the door opens, then you’re out of the plane. What was that moment like? What did that feel like for you?
Jackie: It’s a rush, right. You’re prepared, though. You’re on the ground, you’re going through the safety. You’re understanding that, if we bonk heads with the guy I’m jumping with, who’s done 16 thousand jumps, and we both get knocked out and black out cold, there’s going to be a shoot that opens 500, 700 feet before we hit the ground. Are we going to break our legs? Possibly.
So there’s a lot of things that could happen. But you’re preparing yourself, right. We’re using the tools, we’re using what we know. I’m listening to an expert. I’m not jumping out of the plane by myself, because I trust the expert, right. It’s like utilizing us as your coaches, utilizing the whole program from start to finish, taking action. I couldn’t have jumped out of a plane if I didn’t put on the straps, be tied tight to this guy, walking to the edge literally ready to roll out. You’re just staring at the ground. I wish I could do it every day, to be honest.
Yuri: Did the second time feel more comfortable than the first time?
Jackie: Oh, the second time was a breeze. I was excited both times. But there was fear the first time. I’m looking out, and I’m like, oh my god, why am I jumping out of a perfectly good airplane? Because I wanted to do it, right.
And the day before, I went the very first time. I was 18, because that was the law in Ohio. And the day that I was going to jump, I was prepared, I was ready to go. There were clouds in the sky. Legally, you’re not supposed to jump through clouds. So we’re sitting there, waiting for the clouds to go and they didn’t. So we’re like, man, bummer. Maybe I’m not supposed to jump. Maybe this was my day that something bad would’ve happened.
I went back the next day, which was Mother’s day, because my birthday’s in May. I jumped out of the plane on Mother’s day. Something happened on a local jump pad nearby that day, that was a bad situation. And of course, my whole family freaks out. Like, my god, was that your plane? No, thank God it wasn’t. But I wanted to do this. I wasn’t going to let it stop me. I wasn’t going to let fear stop me. I wasn’t going to let my comfort zone stop me, right. And I went and did it, and it was a blast. I did it again, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Yuri: That’s awesome.
Jackie: And yes, you get more comfortable every time you do it. Maybe one day I’ll do it by myself. That takes a whole nother training, but we’ll see.
Yuri: I don’t know if I ever told you. I almost flew into a whole flock … I don’t know if flock is the right word. But a whole troop of paratroopers, when I took my pilots’ license. I wasn’t that close, but I was on route, and I saw these things dropping out of a plane. I’m like, I don’t think I should be heading this direction. So that was fun.
Steph: Fear versus Discomfort
Anyways. Steph, I want to ask you. Talking with fear, how do you see fear verses discomfort? Is there a difference? Being uncomfortable, verses being in fear?
Steph: I love that question because there is such a huge, huge difference between these two things. So fear is something that is a negative response. This is something that’s beyond the scope of this session today. But we can get anchored, negative emotions. Anchored to different things. So then we’ll get triggered every single time we do that thing. However, if we feel discomfort that is coupled with this idea of purpose, passion, mission, that means you have a big purpose, you have a big passion, you have a big mission to help others really live the life they truly love, get healthy and live full lives.
And if you can use that as the catalyst that pushes you forward through the discomfort, then you feel empowered on the other side, and have confidence on the other side, rather than feeling that fear still. And then every single time you do that action, let’s just use Facebook Live as an example. A lot of people have fear around stepping out into Facebook Live, and kind of talking about what it is they’re doing, what they’re putting out in the world. You can then get anchored, that every single time you do a Facebook live, your cortisone levels are super high, and your stress hormones are going crazy.
But if you couple that with the idea of the purpose, passion and mission of why you started this in the first place, and this goes with whether it’s recording your webinar, whether it’s making your price points, or presenting your price points to people really confidently, knowing that what you’re providing is a really high level, high caliber service that will change people’s lives, which it will. I know it will, then you can all of a sudden become empowered on the other side.
So you will feel a discomfort. And I know a lot of you guys are in the fitness field. Right, a lot of you guys are health and wellness, and fitness. And if you can just think about a muscle. You have to stress the muscle. Stress the muscle in order for it to grow bigger, thicker, stronger. And that’s exactly the way you are, that’s how your neurology is. The more and more and more you pump it, the bigger, thicker, stronger it becomes.
We always have two paths. One is doom and gloom, whatever is going to go wrong. And one is, oh wait, this is my purpose, passion, mission. What can go right. And we constantly have this choice, whether we’re going to go down that black hole of doom and despair, or whether we’re going to go down this path of light and love, and prosperity and abundance, and all of these amazing things that can happen on the other side, right.
Yuri: And it’s always just the choice, right. It’s always just the decision. And I mean, all of us get caught on this. I get caught in fear sometimes. When you recognize what’s happening, it’s like, I’m choosing to think these thoughts. Why is that. Why am I choosing to think fearful thoughts. And I think fear, as you mentioned, is really not something that’s happened. It’s something we’re projecting, that possibly could happen in the future. So why are we choosing to spend time consciously. We’re aware of it, yet we’re still stuck there.
I don’t know if you have an answer to this stuff, but I think from my journey, what I’ve recognized, is that it gives us a sense of control. Even though it’s a shitty feeling, we control the fact that we have a feeling about that. It doesn’t make sense at all, I don’t know. I just don’t know why it’s almost comfortable to feel like we’re in control of fearful thoughts verses trying to not do that.
Steph: Right. You’ve actually mentioned this, and Jackie just mentioned this. This is all part of our archaic, ancestor brain, that was trained to focus on the negative to keep us alive and safe. The fact of the matter is, right now, lions, tigers, bears, and feast and famine isn’t anything that we have to worry about anymore. So that’s why our brain will then choose other things as the lion, as the tiger, as the bear. So it could be, oh my gosh, this webinar. Or it could be, all of a sudden, your brain starts to think, my clientele isn’t hanging out on Facebook or any of these things. They’re not going to like what I’m putting out there. Or, nobody’s going to want to pay this price point. Or whatever.
And then that is why you can say, I’m going to stop. I’m going to quit. I’m going to stay in my comfort zone, because X, Y, and Z are possible and going to happen. But really, you do not have a crystal ball. You cannot predict these things, it’s not real, and you have a proven system and a proven path to take. So it’s just important to focus on that part, rather than all of these things that your mind can create.
And we often will go to the worst case scenario. It’s just in our DNA. And again, it’s just that archaic brain. And if we can just remember that, and just keep going, there’s my brain again. And just acknowledge the feeling, and say, “Oh, when I feel this feeling, it’s actually a little red flag that something is off in my mindset.” Instead of letting it suck you down into the whole feeling, and go, what is that? Is it that I’m scared, is it that it’s this. Do I need to make an appointment with Steph, Jackie, or Amy to clear all this up?
What is it that I need to do right now to clear this up? Because I know this isn’t real.
Yuri: Yeah, totally. I don’t know if there’s any humans that are born with the upbringing … We’re all conditioned with no fear. I think we’re all dealing with this in some way, shape or form.
One of the things I sent out on Monday’s e-mail, was this 19 year old tennis player who just made the finals in Toronto. Just an unbelievable run. He beat four top ten players. Lost the round in the final. After his semi-file, he looked in the camera and said, it never gets easier, it gets better. I’m like, dude, this is a 19 year old kid. This amazing perspective, right.
And I started thinking. You kind of used the analogy of strengthening your muscles. And the way I see this, is that we get better at all things in life, right. And 50 pounds is always 50 pounds. So if you lift up 50 pounds today, objectively, that 50 pounds is always going to be 50 pounds on planet earth. But 50 pounds today might feel heavy to you. 50 pounds a year from now might feel like a pencil to you. And the only difference is how much you’ve grown in the process.
So if you think of for all of you fitness folks out there. If you think about that, and you think of it, okay. I’m feeling really uncomfortable right now, because I don’t know how to speak to people on the phone. I don’t know how to do this webinar. That is completely fine. You should feel like that, if you’ve never done it. If you came into it mastering already, then it would be a different feeling. And this is what I keep telling you guys, for all of you listening, watching, is that where you are going to be a year from now, I can see your future. I feel like I’m a genie in a bottle. I can see your future, guys.
Great example of Nick. Nick posts his critical numbers in the group. Little bit worried about some of his stuff. I’m like, hold on, hold on. Let me break this down. You spend under $800. You got eight calls booked, which is freaking phenomenal.
Steph: Phenomenal.
Yuri: That’s unbelievable, right? It doesn’t matter how many people register for the webinar. Sure, certain things can be improved. But eight booked calls for that ad span is incredible. And he enrolled one person. And I sent some feedback on his calling stuff, because he posted the recording. And I said, “Okay, here’s the good news. The good news is that you have one out of eight enrollments, right. The good news, is there’s still a lot of room for improvement in how you speak with people on the phone.” So in the future, that one turns into three or four, out of potentially eight or more.
And this is just the process, guys. It’s the process of continually sharpening the saw. Continually getting better and better and better. And what used to feel uncomfortable becomes very comfortable. And what you’ll find, and this is one of the things I’ve noticed for myself when I started doing a lot of calls. Is my confidence in how I handle difficult conversations with potential clients, became very matter of fact.
There was no wishy washiness. It was very certain, very confident. I think that just comes with practice, right. So it starts off feeling shitty, ends up being a lot more comfortable.
Amy: Worry and Wonder – reframing your feelings
Amy, you’re speaking with quite a few people on a weekly basis. What comes up for you in this conversation? What pertains to comfort and growth, and all that.
Amy: You know, really, it’s so great to be able to piggy back on all of you. Because all the different perspectives are amazing. And really, what’s coming up a lot is a worry and wonder. So again, it’s not real. It’s what I’m worrying and wondering. People are going to respond. And really, it’s flipping that mindset, and saying, what can I do right now? Reframing that, reframing your feelings.
Stephanie talked about how you can anchor something negatively, and maybe you’re looking at that as fear, but instead of feeling that heart flutter feeling as fear, what if you were to stop and took that heart flutter feeling and said, “This is excitement about my future, and how many people I can help.” So I’m really scared to do my webinar, but actually, I’m really excited to do my webinar, because I’m going to grow.
And I know from just the last several months, and working with the team both as a client, and as a team member, the growth is exponential, if you allow it to happen. So if you’re feeling that sort of, not quite right, there is something out of alignment energetically, and whatever you believe in when you’re not aligned with your true purpose, or what you should be doing, and you’re staying over here in fear, and not doing, you will feel worse. Because you’re not helping people. Starting with you, right. You’re not helping yourself. And we have to make ourselves a priority.
Because everything we’re doing here in Healthpreneur, is a model for how all of us are running our businesses, right. So if we got on the phone with your guys in our initial calls, and how many of you were scared when you got on with us, or when you took the credit card out? And if we just said, “Oh yeah, think about it ’til tomorrow. Oh, and we’ll talk to you next week.” Guess what? We’re not doing our jobs.
So re-frame that fear as excitement. Because that worry and wonder is a time waster. So now you’re worrying and wondering, worrying and wondering, worrying and wondering. And you’re not getting your stuff done. So what I’m seeing though, is as we work through that on the call, people are getting off the call excited. And there are people that have actually done a webinar, and have been like, oh my gosh, my perfect client is something different. And they’re re-vamping the webinar and saying, “This is so much easier. Because I’ve already done it.”
Wow, you know, it’s not going to take me all these weeks. It took me what, you know, a day to re-do it. And so that’s the thing that I’m seeing the worry and wonder, but the excitement about, wait, I don’t have to wonder because why? You’ve waited all out, so simply, that no one has to worry and wonder. Because you’ve taken care of that piece for folks. So now it’s all up to each of us. And there are two other things that came to me.
Mark Twain, I don’t have the exact quote. But he said something like, I’ve lived through a lot of bad situations, some of which really happened.
Yuri: I had an idea for the name of these sessions. Have you guys ever seen the Zach Galifianakis show, Between Two Ferns?
Amy: No.
Yuri: Never heard of it?
Steph: I’ve heard of it. I haven’t seen it.
Yuri: Okay, so I was thinking about calling this Between two Ears.
Steph: He’s hilarious.
Amy: Yeah, that’s a good one.
Yuri: Little play on that. But that’s not the final title, but we’ll just play with that.
Amy: And that’s what happened for us. I don’t know if you guys remember, and I think it was last year. Time is time, and I don’t remember.
Somebody climbed El Captain, right, he did the face of … In Yellowstone, I believe it is. And it’s like, you’re on this face, and it comes out like this. And he climbed the thing. You can’t decide in the middle you’re not doing this anymore. So he went.
And when he was interviewed, and someone said, “What was the hardest part?” And guess what he said. Starting. Walking up, and taking that first step. So it really, that’s what it is. Take that action, and re-frame it as excitement. Because it’s so exciting when you do that. And then get out of your head.
Yuri: Changing your Perfect Clients
Yuri: So talking about kind of changing your perfect clients, and not having everything perfect, kind of what we talked about the other week. I’ll be very honest with you guys. This is a process that I’d gone through as well. Even to this day. So our Luminaries Mastermind started two years ago. And initially, I started it because people were asking me for coaching. And I didn’t want to do one on one coaching, so I said, “All right, somehow I’m going to piece together a few people.”
And the first year, we had I think half a dozen. Then we had about 20. And what happened over the last year, was because I was a little bit too porous, in terms of allowing a little too much in, if you will. I had to part ways with a few members. Because what I recognized was they were not the perfect clients that I wanted. It wasn’t that I wanted them, it was who can I best serve?
And I recognized that some people may have been a little bit too early. Some people were just not the right mindset. And I mean, to this day I’m still refining this. I think I’ve become a lot more black and white with who I’m going to let into the group. And I think it’s been helpful having this workshop as a starting point, as a launch pad for a lot of future members.
And I didn’t use that to not build up the master mind. It doesn’t matter if your first webinar is whatever it is. Or your first coaching group is with certain clients. Because what you’re going to recognize, is you’re in the trenches, in the working with these people, you’re like, I can’t stand spending time with these people. Or, I love working with these people.
Amy: Yes.
Yuri: You have to be in it, to understand that. You can’t forecast that initially, with the degree of inclusiveness that you would if you were working with them in person.
So don’t worry about getting everything just perfect before you can get the right people. You’re going to run your thing, you’re going to figure out, okay maybe these are the right people. Okay, I like these qualities, and not so much these qualities, so I’m going to refine my messaging and my calls, and my Facebook Ads. And this is part of the process. This is just like this slow chipping away at a piece of marble that eventually gives you that finished David, right.
Going back to what we talked about last week, it’s not about being perfect. It’s about moving forward. Today’s topic is all about understanding that the only way you can grow is when you’re uncomfortable.
If you’re in the gym training, and you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not growing. If you’re not stressing those muscles to the point where they feel tired or whatever, those muscles are not growing. And if you think of building muscle, the building of muscle is not actually not building of muscle in the gym. Its tearing down of the muscle tissue, that repairs during sleep. So if we think about it in our lives, in our business, it’s like you’re tearing down walls, you’re tearing down fears, you’re tearing down limiting beliefs, or you’re working through discomfort. And these are all things that we kind of have to break down. Because on the flip side, it builds you back up to become stronger, and stronger, and a bigger, better version of yourself.
And that’s what this is all about, is that as we’ve talked about loosely over the last couple sessions, is courage is so important. We talked to … All the people we speak to on the phone, we said, listen. One of the most important things we looked for, is courage. Because building a business is … I mean, at some point it becomes pretty enjoyable. But initially, it’s kind of … Our goal is not to make it uncomfortable for you guys forever.
I don’t know if you guys know Ed Mylett?
I just came across this stuff about a month ago. He’s really, really awesome. He’s got a great show on YouTube. Super successful guy. But he talked about the first five years in his business, as the worst. He was like, every day he was thinking. And I’m sure a lot of you guys can relate to this. Do I really want to do this. Is this really what I should be doing. What if this doesn’t work out? Should I just quit and do something else?
This is the mind freak that’s happening all the time, for quite some time until you start seeing the results you want to see. And you have to understand that that is not your higher self speaking to you. That is that little fear, that little voice trying to keep you safe, as Steph has talked about. Archaic brain, that is looking for danger. And is saying, okay, this feeling you’re feeling, is not safe. It’s not comfortable. We want to keep you safe, therefore just lay on the couch and watch whatever you want to watch.
And I think it’s important to recognize that, because to create and accomplish anything great in life, requires getting uncomfortable. And that is bottom line, guys. That is bottom line the only reason I’m here, the only reason any of us are here. And the only reason any of you guys are in this program, is because at some point, you were uncomfortable with your current situation. You were uncomfortable enough to move forward in spite of fear. Which is terrific. And you’ve done it once. You’ve done it several times in your life. And just use those as reference points to keep moving forward.
Yuri: So, I think this has been a really awesome conversation. I mean, we can keep going.
Jackie: Hey Yuri.
Yuri: Yeah, Jackie.
Jackie: I just want to chime in one thing.
Yuri: Yeah.
Jackie & Amy: consistency and jumping in
Jackie: And it’s consistently … You’re not just going to be uncomfortable today, or once tomorrow. You can’t just go lift that 50 pounds today, and go, oh man that was hard to lift, and wait a month or two or three and lift that 50 pounds again. Because guess what, it’s going to feel just as uncomfortable. And then you’re going to look back a year and go, damn it. Why didn’t I just lift that 50 pounds every two or three days, consistently, to get used to that comfort so you can grow or develop.
It’s not just going to happen once. You’re a Healthpreneur. This is going to be part of your lifestyle. You’re going to have to learn to shift that mindset, because your head will talk you into or out of what you know you should be doing, or shouldn’t be doing. So that’s a whole other concept, a whole other probably topic we can talk about. But it will. It will talk you into, or out of.
We’re here to keep you on track. You know, you have a whole tribe, you have tools. You have a proven system. It’s not like you’re alone, trying to wing this. That’s the cool thing. You just have to do it consistently.
Amy: I think its so important for people to jump in. Because honestly, as entrepreneurs, Healthpreneurs, you can feel alone in your regular life. So make sure that you do connect with the people in your life that are not entrepreneurs, in a way that works for you to keep those relationships strong. It’s super important. And then jump in the group with us. We get it. We’ve all been there. We didn’t all wake up one day, or were born having confidence and being able to push through these things.
For me, I’m not having a nine to five. I don’t care what’s going on. That’s for me, right. So you have to find for you, what is it. But make sure that you show up in the group, so you can connect with people who get it. Because we get that a lot of people in your life don’t get it. And that’s okay. So just jump in here, and keep going. Because we’re here for you one hundred percent. Make your appointments. And you’ve got to be there for yourself a hundred percent. So awesome.
Yuri: That’s why entrepreneurship is the best spiritual journey you can be on. You learn so … Other than having kids, you learn so much about your own shit, and you have to grow. It’s a lot easier guys, to work nine to five, and punch in and punch out, right. Do the minimum. But when you do that, you live a life of mediocrity. You’re a sheep, right. And we’re not sheep. We’re the leaders, the herd whatever. The leaders of our tribes. It requires a lot to step up as a leader. You’re taking on the risk.
You’re taking on the discomfort that a lot of people are not willing to take on. And that is the role you decided to take on. Not even being part of this program, but just who you are as a person. And stepping up into your greatness. That’s just the way it is.
So understand that for the rest of your life, it’s never going to stop. There’s never going to be the time where, finally I can just watch the sunset. I’m just referring to this from Infinity War, Avengers. This Thanos guy … I’m not going to ruin the movie, but he destroys the universe-
Amy: Don’t tell us the end, don’t tell the end.
Yuri: I’m like, really, that’s the purpose of this whole thing?
Yuri: So understand that there’s the whole illusion … At least for me. And this probably pertains to a lot of you guys who are real entrepreneurs. Is the illusion of retirement at 65 and laying on the beach, is B.S. Maybe for some people, if they have enough money in savings. Instead of bagging groceries when they’re 70.
But the key, is to understand that for a lot of us, we were wired, is of service and growth. And if you’re wired to serve and grow, you can never stop. Never. If I’m 85 years old, I don’t know if I’ll be doing exactly this, but in some way, shape or form, I will continually be serving others, and continually be growing. That’s just the way I am. That’s just the way a lot of us are. And if you have to be okay with that, that’s the path you’ve decided to be on in this life. And there’s never going to be the time where everything just stops. There will be days where you can chill out, and lay on the couch and take a vacation.
But I think we are here because we are here to be of service to others. We’re here to grow, and the more you grow … Here’s the big thing I want to finish with.
The more you grow, the more you can give to others. And if you want to make a lot more money, you have to do a lot more growing. If you want to be the best possible healer, provider, teacher, coach for others, you have to grow ten times more yourself, in order to give more to others.
So guys, this has been awesome. Thank you so much, Amy, Jackie, Steph.
For all of you listening on the podcast, if you’re currently not one of our clients, here’s what I want you to do. If you want to join this conversation, first and foremost, subscribe to the podcast.
Second, is if you do want to work with us, and you want us to help you build out your perfect client pipeline, and really help you attract the right clients, so you can serve on a deep level, then here’s what I want you to do, is attend our free training over to healthpreneurgroup.com/training.
Go through the training, go through the presentation. If you like what you hear and see, book a call with us.
And the reason I’m suggesting you watch the webinar first, instead of booking a call with us directly, is because you need to have some context of our philosophy of approaching business. And if you don’t like it, don’t talk to us. But if you like what we’re doing, and it jives with you, then book a call with us. Because just like in your business, yo don’t want to work with people who don’t want to work with you. We only want to attract the right people who get it, and who really value what it is what we’re building and how we can help you in your business.
So healthpreneurgroup.com/training.
Jackie, Amy, Steph, thank you guys so much once again for your insights. This has been awesome. And guys, if you’re watching this in the group, put your comments below. Let us know what you think. All right guys, thanks so much.
Steph: Thank you.
Jackie: ‘Bye everybody.
Amy: Bye.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
The previous episode was a solo round where I talked about focus—how to get focused, how to stay focused, and how to hone your focus.
Ultimately, at the end of the day, if you don’t know what you’re driving towards or why, there’s no way to get there.
As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get bogged down in the details. Our daily routine can get filled with so much of the minutiae we forget what it is we’re actually striving towards. Do you ever get to the end of your day feeling completely exhausted, but thinking, “What have I really done? What did I even accomplish?” It’s so easy to fall into the trap of busy work and fussing with tiny ingredients that the big picture, your big idea, your business crumbles before it even has a chance to fully bake.
Your focus is your lifeline. Grab a pen and pad, or write notes on your phone, because what we’re talking about in this episode may seem small, but it is so, so important.
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