Why Perfectionism is Holding You Back (And How to Move Forward)
In this episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast I‘m talking to (some) of our awesome team about perfectionism.
I’ve got Amy, Jackie, and Stephanie with me for this episode and we’ll be discussing perfectionism and, more specifically, why it is holding us back.
We are hoping that this conversation will give you guys a couple of ideas and strategies to help you get stuff done instead of getting stuck due to perfectionism and the need to make everything perfect.
We had a really honest and open conversation in this episode. The team shared their own struggles with perfectionism and some very practical mindset shifts your can make. If you’ve ever found yourself trying to be perfect, you’re going to get a lot out of this episode!
In this episode the team and I discuss:
2:00 – 3:00 – Why do we strive for perfection?
3:00 – 12:00 – How the need to be perfect will paralyze you into not getting stuff done or never even starting them.
13:00 – 14:30 – Being a perfectionist is selfish.
14:00 – 16:00 – Perfect is the enemy of done and you can improve things over time.
16:00 – 17:30 – If you’re a perfectionist or you’re striving for perfection you’re going to procrastinate.
20:00 – 28:00 – Some of the signs or symptoms of perfectionism that the team has noticed in clients.
28:00 – 31:30 – “Who cares what other people think?”
31:30 – 35:30 – Final words of wisdom from the team.
What’s up Healthpreneurs? How is it going? Yuri here along with some of our awesome team. We’ve got Amy in the house, Jackie and the mystery person in the black box over here if you’re watching this. I’m not going to tell you who it is. You’re going to have to figure it out on your own. But quite honestly it’s Stephanie.
Our mindset results coaches are here. This is our second installment and we haven’t come up with a name for this segment have we?
Amy: No.
Yuri: Maybe you guys can jump in a few comments and let us know what we should call this, but what we want to focus on this week is perfectionism and why perfectionism is holding you back. We’re not saying you personally, we’re talking about people in general.
A lot of our clients, whether we’re talking about HPAs or our luminaries or really any other entrepreneur who’s trying to create stuff and get stuff into the world and why that perfectionism is holding them back and give you guys a couple of ideas, insights, and strategies to move through perfectionism to actually get stuff done and get it out to the world. So, I’m excited to jump into this conversation guys, so thanks for joining me.
Amy: Thank you.
Why do we strive for perfection?
Yuri: Okay. So, let’s talk about this. Here’s my take on perfectionism. And I don’t know where I heard this from or if this is an insight that I’ve developed overtime, but perfectionism in my mind or from my understanding of it is we are trying to get things perfect because we, at a core level, we want the approval of other people. And if we don’t have that approval of other people, then we’re not good enough.
So, essentially what perfectionism says is it’s never good enough because I’m not good enough. And I think that if we take that perspective and look at why are we trying to get this PDF exactly the way it should be or why are we stalling and stalling and stalling and waiting and waiting and waiting? Instead of worrying about the work itself, let’s work internally a little bit more to understand that we are good enough, right? We’re always going to be a couple of steps ahead of the people we want to serve. That it’s never going to be perfect, and let’s just get it out there.
So, I want to open this conversation with that in mind and Jackie do you want to kick things off with some of the stuff that you see and some of the calls that you do with some of our clients as it pertains to needing to be perfect?
How the need to be perfect will paralyze you into not getting stuff done or never even starting them.
Jackie: Absolutely. I’m a recovering perfectionist myself. So, I really think it stems from childhood. First child, always did well, always expected to do well, right? So, putting the pressure on ourselves is really where it stems from. It goes back to, it’s a mindset, it’s a choice, and it can lead to a paralysis at times, or to being a workaholic, or to never getting something done because again it’s never good enough. Or never moving forward with something because I don’t have the right credential. I need to read that next book and then I’ll have all the answers, or take that next course, right?
The cool thing with our clients is they have a proven system. So we can check that off the list. We have a proven system, done. Now we just need to chunk out time to put in the action, put in the work. Set deadlines. Have your coaching accountability calls with us, done. These are all things that will break you out of this perfectionist habit and keep you on track for really getting the results and allowing you to serve your clients, make a bigger impact and naturally grow that influence and that confidence again, right?
Yuri: Sure.
Jackie: So, it can do two things, negatively, right? It can keep us stuck at where we’re at, in getting what we’re getting which isn’t serving us or the people we want to serve. Or again it can also not just get us stuck but we won’t even get started, and that’s the worst. Especially as an entrepreneur or someone who has ability to really make a difference in the world, to never get started is like holding your gift and never sharing it with the world. And that makes me sad as a coach.
So, that’s what I’m noticing right now.
Yuri: That’s awesome. Steph are you there?
Stephanie: I am here. If you guys can’t see me I’m here.
Yuri: How did you get in the black box? So, there she is. Awesome you just replaced Jackie. So apparently we can only have three on the screen or something at this point. So anyways, talk to us about maybe something personal for you that if perfectionism has been something that has blocked you at some point in life and maybe some of the stuff you see with clients.
Stephanie: Yeah. I mean, it’s so funny because you tell us what you want to talk about, or what we’re going to be talking about the night before. So, I thought about this all night, about how many times in the past perfectionism has completely, just like Jackie said, paralyzed me from taking steps forward. And the funny thing about perfectionism is that it’s almost like as Jackie says, that sometimes it’s like rocking in a rocking chair, it’s like you’re doing something, doing something, doing something but you’re going nowhere.
It’s like you’re fooling yourself into thinking, “I’m taking all these steps to get out of this cave or where I want to go because the magic leaves out here. So, I’m reading every book, taking every certification, perfecting this PDF,” doing all this stuff but you’re never doing anything to get out. And the problem with that is, I think, and many of my clients feel the same way, it’s like once I get it perfected then I’ll have the confidence to actually put it into the world. When really that’s not how it works. You actually have to take the action of putting it out then you gain the confidence, and then you can do more.
So, it’s like I think people are constantly waiting for this light bulb to go off like, “Now it’s ready. Now I can do it.” And it’s just never going to happen. You just have to focus on your passion, purpose, mission, why you’re doing this and then allow that to push you forward.
How we only want things perfect because we want the approval of other people
Yuri: It’s so true. I’ve talked to you guys about this, this whole new platform I’m building called the courage code which is whether we’re talking about overwhelm, perfection, moving through fear, it’s all the same stuff. It ultimately is some degree of fear, “Oh my God, people are not going to approve of me.” Guys this goes back to our primitive wiring which is still in existence in our brain.
Our primitive wiring says that if we don’t get approved by our tribe, we’re gone. And in caveman times that meant we’re going to die in the wilderness. And now that same wiring is still in existence now. So, even though we’re not moving in tribes around the world as nomadic people, we still have a tribe whether that is our clients that we serve, the people we care about, or even if people, even the worst is people we don’t even know who think actually give a shit about us but don’t actually care because everyone is just so self-absorbed. That’s just the way humans are. We care so much about what other people think, what they think about us and it stops us from moving forward.
So, guys it really, like as you mentioned Steph, it’s the confidence doesn’t come first. It never ever, ever comes first. You have to have the courage to move into the unknown and that’s the only way you can build the confidence after that.
This is why I really want to bring these sessions to you guys to understand this is that we approach life and entrepreneurship backwards a lot of times. We want to see stuff before we believe it. We want to have the confidence before we move forward. We want to have certainty before we take the first step. It doesn’t happen like that. I wish it did, but it doesn’t. It’s the complete reverse, and that’s why entrepreneurship is awesome because we’re the ones stepping out on the ledge, right?
You guys are stepping out into the unknown based on what you’re comfortable with and that’s amazing, and that’s why you grow so much in this journey. So, it’s really awesome, but yeah. Great perspective Steph. Amy what about you? What do you see when it comes to perfectionism.
How perfectionism & procrastination delay us from reaching and helping the people that we want to serve
Amy: Like all of you I love that I am a recovering perfectionist because I’ve gotten caught paralyzed because you know what? I’m good at writing and I like to create content and it makes you feel good right? So, what I’m seeing is, and really Yuri I’ve seen just you put your courage out there or you have the courage to put yourself out there, let’s say, and then things are happening. And it doesn’t matter if you forgot to change your business here on the bottom of your click funnels page, right? Because really only people noticing that are other business owners and if they’re seeing that you’re successful with forgetting to change the app so what, right?
So, what I’m seeing a lot is that same thing you talked about. People want the confidence before they have the knowledge. And so if we can go back to even when you guys first spoke with us on the phone and you took that leap before you were really ready, right? You’re taking this leap, it’s a leap of faith, the parachute is the HPA. You’re not sure what that’s going to look like when it opens up, but you’re taking that leap that this parachute is going to open and hold you.
You’ve got to just go back to the question, why did you enroll? Remember that you don’t know what that parachute looks like, but it is there and you can do this.
And so, four things, I like you Stephanie, I spent some time really thinking about this and looking, and four things about perfectionism to remember is it’s never going to be perfect. When I first joined the Healthpreneur team I said, “I want to have all my ducks in a row,” and Yuri stopped me right there and said, “Just one thing – you will never have all your ducks in a row.” That was wonderful.
The second thing is worrying about perfectionism or about being perfect and perfect leads to procrastination, right? Because now you don’t know what to do. So, instead of doing, you’re stuck wondering what’s the next thing I should do? Just start. Just like Jackie said, right? We don’t even start. So, if you’re wondering what’s the next thing you should do; start. Where should I start? Where are you in your modules? That’s where you should start, right? Imperfect and done is always greater than perfect and incomplete.
So, if you have an incomplete project, an incomplete webinar, an incomplete email series you’re not reaching the people. And last but not least perfectionism is a mask for fear of failure and rejection which you talked about and that sure hits home with me because nothing was ever good enough when I was growing up. So, that’s what I found and the final quote from Brené Brown that goes with this courage code is “Courage is contagious. So, every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little bit better and the world a little bit braver”. So, take that from Brené Brown and be brave. Step out there, be imperfect and just get it done.
Being a perfectionist is selfish
Yuri: That’s great. That’s really good. Really good insights there Amy. I want to share with you guys two little ideas here.
Imagine you’re walking down a street and I’m just thinking in Toronto because we have homeless people downtown. So, you’re walking down the street and you’ve got a homeless person asking you for money, okay? And out of the goodness of your heart you decide to give them a dollar or two, or you buy him a coffee or donuts, I don’t know. But you decide to do something good for that person, and we don’t even think about that.
Here’s the way I want you to think about this is what perfectionism looks like is like walking down the street and you’ve got a homeless person asking you for money and you’re like, “No, no hold on, hold on. Let me go get my stuff in order, let me go make sure I’ve got my finances all settled, and I’ve got my estate planned, and then I’ll come back to you and then I’ll support you when I’m ready.” That’s what perfectionism is.
The way that I want you guys to think about this if this helps is, think about perfectionism as being selfish, okay? Let me explain. So, every single day you delay doing the stuff that’s going to move your stuff forward, move your business forward, moving you out into the world and putting yourself out there, is one more day that the people you can potentially be serving are suffering. And this was the big distinction for me years ago, because I actually almost failed graduating university because of procrastination. Which wasn’t so much tied to perfectionism at the time. It was actually because I was lazy and I didn’t want to get out of bed to go to swimming classes.
I had to make up 20 hours of swimming in one week. And then I had to write a paper on procrastination. So, I get what procrastination is not, there’s reasons we do that and we’ll probably do an episode on this in the future on procrastination specifically. Whether it’s procrastination or perfectionism or the two of them combined, the more we delay getting ourselves out there, the more we allow the people we want to serve suffer.
So, think about it this way. If I said I need everything in this program to be a 100% perfect before I ever felt comfortable running Facebook ads, none of you guys would be here. And who knows what would be happening? And yes, I mean, like there are challenges and there are struggles and that’s part of the journey, but I’d rather you guys be in the boat with us now doing this together than you guys trying to suffer on your own.
Perfect is the enemy of done and you can improve things over time
Yuri: That’s why I continue to say the beautiful thing about what we’re doing and what you guys are doing is it’s constantly evolving, and it’s constantly getting better. So, we talked about this, Amy has mentioned this, Jackie has mentioned this, Steph has mentioned this procrastination is the enemy of done. Just get it good enough. You’re always going to be one or two steps ahead of the people you want to serve, and that’s all that matters, right?
You can improve things overtime and that’s what we’ve done with this program is we’ve gotten feedback from you guys, we’ve looked at how do we make this better? How to help you guys to deploy this stuff? I’m currently working on stuff behind the scenes all the time to help you guys do things more effectively. And if it’s not live yet, it’s going to be live in the coming weeks. And that’s just the way I think, and that’s just the way I want to approach things to make things easier and more certain for what you guys are working on.
So, it’s never perfect. Just like the perfect car doesn’t exist. The perfect phone doesn’t exist. Perfection is like seeking infinity, or seeking the horizon. It never happens, right? So we’re always getting better, and better and better and better and better, and we’re always better off on the better and better but it’s never perfect. Perfect is like infinity. We never get there. So, just something to think about guys.
Jackie: Yuri that leads me to a very good point as well, am I in a box?
Yuri: No, I think you’re in. You’re in.
Jackie: I’m in.
Yuri: Steph’s in the black box for now.
Jackie: Sorry Steph.
Stephanie: I’m in time out. It’s okay.
Using the tools you already have to get started and get your work out there in the world
Jackie: Time out. The whole feedback of the infinity is we can strive for excellence. Excellence is a great thing. Excellence is like we’re continuing to grow, and as entrepreneurs we always seem to be sharpening our saw and growing into the right direction. Procrastination and perfection are literally hand in hand. If you’re a perfectionist or you’re striving for perfection you’re going to procrastinate. And most of the time people are just looking for the right framework or the right tool to get going, right?
And it’s like they’re going to search, search, search in what? Media and internet, you could be searching for years and days because there’s always going to be something new, right? Like the latest fad diet. There’s always going to be a next fad, today’s fad is going to be tomorrow’s history and then there’s going to be another one to replace it.
So, the cool thing is that you have all the tools. You have a framework. You have every little step to launch a business online that Yuri has handed over to you graciously and selflessly and we’re here to just support you with that. So, again check that off your list, feel confident about that, it’s been proven, it works and now you just got to take action.
So, we’ve handled 50% of what would cause somebody to want to be a perfectionist or to procrastinate any longer. So, I just want people to really understand that and know it’s there. The road map’s there, the framework’s there, use it. Take action and use it.
Amy: Yeah, that’s awesome.
Yuri: So, Amy you had mentioned that parachute is the program which is true and we’re like those crazy sky divers that jump out of the plane like hands back just like darting down into the whatever because we have to save somebody, right? So, we’re like those guys that you can’t get your parachute open and we fly down to the plane, crazy and all. We’re like, “Don’t worry. It’s all good. We got you and we’ll bring you back up and it’s all good.” So anyways go ahead Amy.
Jackie: That is a great example Yuri. The second time I went skydiving the guide knew I’d only gone once and he said, “Okay.” And we’re trained on the land so the jump out, squat down, roll out forward and instead he’s like, “We’re going to do something different.” He didn’t tell me what and I’m in course in tandem. So, he strapped me. I’m trusting the parachute, trusting the process and all of a sudden he flips me around.
I’m no longer facing out to where we’re jumping, I’m facing into the plane and he does a back flip. And it was awesome. Like it was, I’m a thrill seeker, I’m a junkie when it comes to that. But you trust the process. You trust the parachute. You use the format. You follow the rules to some degree, but as entrepreneurs we break the rules, right? Yuri we’re always recreating and paving the way once we know it’s been proven then we’re sharing it like crazy.
Amy: I think one of the most important things that you just said Jackie is take action, commit to being in action. The action always alleviates anxiety. So, we can tell you all this awesome stuff and there’s, Yuri has laid out this super simple system but if you don’t get in that portal and get that work done, the parachute’s never going to open.
So, that is the way to fight that fear and that uncertainty and to gain the confidence and the courage is just to commit to being in action and whatever results you’re getting you can always say, “Did I take the action?” Right? Because then you can look at what you did and see where you are, and then when you go back to the system, I have to admit that’s what keeps me calm when I start to get all emotional about things I’m like, “Okay.” I have a great support in my husband who’s like, “Look at the system,” right? So, just stay in action, use the system and it’s never going to be perfect.
Some of the signs or symptoms of perfectionism that the team has noticed in clients.
Yuri: I want to maybe talk about how perfectionism shows up. What are some symptoms or signs that we might notice in clients and maybe that they’re not aware of that we can maybe shed some light on, and two of the ones that just come to mind here; one of them is I need to make my slides look pretty. I understand there’s this whole brand thing we want to build and but honestly guys our slides do not look not pretty. They’re white slides with some texts and some images, and the most important thing that you have to remember is no one gives a shit about your brands. Unless you’re at a point where everything you’re putting it online is of a certain quality and there’s a specific font, and color, and they recognize your brand, most of us are not at that level.
So, don’t even don’t even worry about the right color pallets, and making your slides look amazing and setting your keynote off to some designer who’s going to spend a week or two sending it back to you. Then you’re like, “You know what? I don’t like the look of these slides, they’re not quite right.” None of that stuff matters. The only thing that matters is what is on the slide and how you’re presenting the webinar. That is all that matters because all people care about is can you help me? Not wow your slides look really professional you must be really good.
So, that’s one thing I see show up. The second thing is this belief that we need to get the program, your actual coaching program, done before you can roll out. And I’m telling you, you guys and I’ve said this every single time I’ve talked about this is you only ever have to be one week ahead of your first cohort of clients. Do it and build it with them. Because in the process, you’re going to run your program once, and then your program’s done. Then you’ve created the content and it’s a 100% done. And yes you may tweak it overtime, but you don’t have to shoot all the videos, you don’t have to get everything, you don’t have to go to a cave and work for months creating all your content before you start enrolling clients.
Actually I find the best, like I don’t know about you guys, but I actually enjoy jumping out of the plane without the parachute and then figuring it out because that’s the biggest motivation for me and maybe that’s just me personally it’s like what’s going to get me out of bed in the morning is the very thought that I have to get this done.
So, I know that not everyone is like that but please do not use I have to get my whole program done before you can start hitting submitting your Facebook ads. Amy, Steph, Jackie what do you guys see as other symptoms or signs from some of the people you’ve spoken to that they might be more in the safety delay mode trying to get, or maybe masking it as perfectionism, but they’re just maybe scared of moving forward? What are some of the ways that you guys see this showing up?
Amy: The dream come true system is a big one. I’ve talked with many, many folks just about getting the framework out. So, what I hear a lot is well, I have to do my program because if I don’t have my program completely done how can I do the webinar and instead of understanding those big idea questions that they haven’t seen those yet, right? So, we’re just looking at that framework so that we know how do we get these people from their pain to the solution, and yeah just be a week ahead. So, that’s a huge one that I see.
It’s really, the perfectionism pieces is self-imposed, and it’s subjective. So, it’s something to remember we’re imposing it on ourselves, and our view of it is our view, right? So, I see that’s a huge one. I have to get the program done, and I’ll think of another one with the webinar, but that’s the big one that’s coming up right now.
Yuri: Quick example on that. So, as you guys know I love flying, and usually pilots before they can leave the gates have a flight plan, right? So, you can’t fly somewhere you don’t know where you’re going. The most important thing is having a flight plan. So, the pilots know exactly, “Okay, we’re going to go roughly this route from New York to L.A..” And that’s synonymous with you guys having the framework, your process for how you’re going to help clients.
Now, what you don’t need to worry about now is what’s going to happen when we get over the mid-west and maybe there’s a thunderstorm? Right? We’ll figure that out as we get there maybe it’s unexpected, or maybe as we’re coming into the airport the winds have changed and now there’s some sheer of downwind forces all these stuff that is going to have us use a different runway.
So, we don’t need to worry about that right away, we just need to know where we’re going and the general path we’re going to get there, because that’s all you have to communicate with your clients on the phone. Once they’ve enrolled, then you can figure out all the rest. Jackie, Steph?
Amy: I know.
Yuri: Sorry, go ahead.
Amy: I’m sorry, I know that’s scary for so many of you. I know so many of you are watching this and being like, “Yeah, okay. I hear you but that’s really freaky and I can’t do that. I have to do it this way.” So another thing that really came to mind is what is your idea of perfectionism and how is that relevant for other people? Right? So, when we have been putting off and I know I’ve been guilty of this I’ve been coaching for 20 years, but my body is different, no it’s not, yes so we’re individuals but you’re not, everyone’s special but you’re not different.
Yuri: You do bicep curls you get bigger biceps?
Amy: Exactly. So, that’s, just don’t get stuck there like, “Oh, but this doesn’t apply to me,” it does. This is how you can move through.
Yuri: Jackie, Steph you guys still there.
“Who cares what other people think?”
Stephanie: Yeah I’m still here. One thing that I think I’ve noticed that a lot of people do is that they’re so, and you mentioned this at the beginning is that they’re so concerned about what other people are going to think or say or they’re just super embarrassed about presenting themselves out on videos, in a webinar, all this stuff. And then that part is really what’s holding them back is their just self-esteem issues, lack of self-worth issues that kind of stuff that pop up that you don’t even know that’s what it is because we’re focusing on the perfectionism part but really that’s what it is, is that you’re scared to put yourself out there.
And one of the things, I always like to bring in a little bit of science in these things, and just a second ago I was looking on my phone for the stats but there’s this thing called the spotlight effect that’s a literal scientific term that we often times will way overestimate the amount of judgment that is being placed on us. And specifically when we’re in situations that are embarrassing like, for example, people you can use it when people go to the gym for the first time or a group fitness class for the first time they think everybody is staring at them messing up the steps or lifting the little three-pound weight, or whatever. When really when they did the research on it they realized everybody else was just looking at themselves in the mirror and wasn’t even paying attention to anybody else.
So, we overestimate the amount of judgment that we’re receiving by about 50%. So, if you guys can just grasp that and understand that this intense pressure that I’m feeling is I’m doing it to myself.
Yuri: Totally. Then everyone else will do that to themselves too. We’re all in our own heads worrying about what everyone else is thinking, and so no one is actually thinking about anyone but our own judgment of what other people are thinking about us.
Stephanie: Exactly. That’s exactly what the study showed was that it just we way overestimate the amount that people are actually judging what we’re doing.
Yuri: Guys if you want to put up mantras in front of your computer, on your computer, like whatever I think two of the good ones would be you are enough just as you are, okay? You’re good enough for, you’re here for a reason. And you’re good enough and that’s awesome. And if you believe that, that’s great. The second thing is who cares, right? Who cares what other people think?
Yuri shares one of the scariest moments of his life
I’ll share one of the scariest moments of my life which I actually happened only a couple of years ago. As you guys know I don’t have any hair. I lost my hair when I was 17 to an autoimmune condition. Grew it back when I was in my early twenties, went to the doctor a couple of years ago, she gave me a tetanus shot which I didn’t even question, I lost my hair within two weeks after that.
So, by this point, I’ve built up a pretty big following online in the health space and I’m thinking to myself, “Oh my God, what are people going to think of me now that I’m losing my hair again? Are they going to think I’m a fraud, I don’t actually practice what I preach?” Whatever. So, I went through two years of putting a mask on. A literal mask which was using my wife’s make up to paint on eyebrows. And there are actual, there’s probably maybe a 100 or so videos on YouTube of me with paint on my eyebrows you can probably pick them out very quickly. But here is the thing is that I at the time was so worried and fixated on what are other people going to think of me if this is going on?
So, I decided to make myself look even less normal by painting on my eyebrows. And at one point I had an experience and some conversations that led me to say, “You know what? Screw this.” And the scariest moment of my life that I can recall is shooting this video called my coming out part two. It’s actually on YouTube and I shot a video where previous there’s hundreds of videos of me with these fake eyebrows and then in this next video is me with nothing. And I said, “Hey guys, here is the deal, here is what’s going on.” And that was a very scary moment for me. And I had just got to the point where what I recognize as trying to be perfect and trying to please other people is exhausting. It really, really is exhausting.
Yuri: And when you just allow yourself to be who you are and just say, “You know what, here’s who I am, take it or leave it.” I used to have a girlfriend who used to tell me that all the time, it used to piss me off. I’m like, “Why do you keep saying this take it or leave it all the time.” It’s true, it’s like some people are not going to resonate with, you some people will. That’s the way the world works, who cares? Right?
And just be you because as soon as you try to be someone you’re not, you start attracting the wrong stuff into your life. So, that was a big lesson for me it was just like, “You know what? I’m just going to be myself and that’s it.” And the coolest thing that happened as a result of that, is that it gave other people permission to be themselves too. And that’s really what I want you guys to understand is as Jackie said we’re always striving to be better. We’re striving to be excellent and while we do, we want to be masters of our craft. That’s something that we should, I think as entrepreneurs and the growth-oriented people is never going to change. But we also have to be completely okay with who we are. And just being able to put ourselves out there because there’s going to be judgment. There’s going to be people that say stuff. Who cares? They don’t know you, right?
If they are people on the Interweb and they’re not part of your immediate circle they don’t know you, they don’t know anything about you. So, who cares what they say? If they’re a client who’s paid you good money and they’re not completely satisfied with their experience have a conversation with them. Maybe it’s something that can be better about your program or maybe they weren’t a good fit for you in the first place, but the only way that’s going to happen is by putting yourself out there. And it’s scary, yes, it’s uncomfortable, yes, but that’s the only way we get to the promised land instead of living in webinar land as Amy said. So, yeah, Jackie you still there?
Jackie: Yes I’m still here.
Final words of wisdom from the team.
Yuri: Just want to make sure you’re not dying away over there in the black box. So, any final words of wisdom to help our audience here move forward with confidence not worry about being perfect. Anything that we haven’t touched on that you want to leave them with?
Jackie: Honestly you’re on the same wavelength as me as you heard of, right? You have the tools, you have the background, you have the experience, you have a freaking framework, you have a team that’s supporting you here when you are in the health business accelerator workshop, it’s a rockstar team. There’s no excuses. You can try to make them up, we’re going to call you out on that. That’s what we’re here for. And just take action. You are enough to take action, every day one little step because life’s going to happen. But staying in action is going to get you there much quicker, you’re going to look back and be like, “Damn, I’m glad I started a year ago,” right? Versus delaying or stalling and it can get tough because as Healthpreneurs we’re usually solopreneurs too, but you have a team when you’re part of the health business accelerator workshop which is cool.
Yuri: Yeah, awesome. Great advice.
Amy: Awesome.
Yuri: Amy what about you?
Amy: I just will always go back to action. That is the thing that has worked for me over the years. That is what takes me out of anxiety and just start. And one last thought is Seth Gordon says it’s important to have heroes. So, instead of asking yourself or coming and we’re here to support you, but as you’ve seen you guys don’t need us to hold your hand for every step because you know what to do.
So, instead of saying, “Oh, I need to get in, I have to wait for this answer what should I do?” Ask yourself what your hero would do and then do that thing.
Yuri: I love that question. That is such a great question. You guys there’s a question I like to ask if I’m doing a brainstorming like what would The Four Seasons do in this case? Right? In terms of customer experience. Or what would 20 robins do? Or what would whoever your hero is, because it’s sometimes we only know what we know but if we now think of ourselves as what would Oprah do? What would this person do? That’s a really powerful question and it’s awesome.
Steph what about you? What’s your parting thoughts or wisdom?
Stephanie: I just want to piggy back on what both Yuri and Jackie said is that I think the more you that you can be, the more likely you are to attract your exact perfect match of a clientele. I call them soulmate clients, but it’s almost like they are just so perfect for you. But they cannot find you if you don’t show up and if you don’t go out there and tell them what you’re doing, and tell them what you’re about with complete authenticity. And the more, I think right now too, and this is something I don’t think a lot of people realize is that there are so many filters and perfectionism and perfect images and perfect, perfect, perfect that I think when people start to see people’s flaws, right? We call them flaws but really they’re just authenticity. It’s like a breath of fresh air.
So, I think the less perfect you are actually now especially the more you’re going to actually stick out in a good way because people are like, “Oh thank God, someone who is actually telling the truth and being themselves, and they actually look the way they look in person as they do online instead of with a lot these filters and all these stuff.” Filters are fine I’m not knocking them, but I’m just saying that the more you that you can be, and the more you can step in to feeling completely confident in the you that you are, the more those people can find you.
Yuri: So, if you’re watching this hope you’re enjoying these sessions because we’re going to be bringing them to you every week. If you’re listening to this on the podcast because we’re taking these audios and throwing them up on the Healthpreneur podcast, then hope you’re enjoying this as well. And if you’re watching this and you’re not in our luminaries or health business accelerator group, and you’d like to work with us and we’ll help you take your awesomeness, your expertise and only serve clients that are higher level, then here’s what I’d like you to do: Check out our free training it’s called the 7-Fitness Health Business Blueprint.
Head on over to healthpreneurgroup.com/training, watch that webinar, okay? Just go through it, you’ll get a much better sense of our philosophy. The way we work. The way we work with our clients, and if it resonates with you, then book a call with us. You’ll be speaking with one of these amazing ladies and they’ll see if we’re a good fit to work together. And if we are, that’s cool, and if we’re not, we’ll serve you at the very minimum at a really high level on that call as well.
So, that’s all for today guys. Thank you so much for taking the time Jackie, Amy, Steph you guys are awesome. Thank you so much, and thank you for all of you guys watching and tuning in. Hope you enjoyed this.
Remember you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to get it going. You are good enough, and no one cares. Or no one, no one cares, who cares what they think? Just do your thing and take action. See you soon guys.
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What You Missed
In the last episode, I tackle the tough issue of how to charge what you’re really worth.
I know this is important because I have a lot of clients that struggle with it.
If you want to impact people, you can either go the route of magnitude, or the route of impact. Either sell cheaply to thousands, or sell to far fewer people for a lot more money.
In the health and fitness space, most of us love working with people and want to change their lives. It’s so much more rewarding to enroll one person in your coaching program for $5,000 than to sell a book for $10—to 500 people.
If you missed it, you can check it out right here: How To Charge What You’re Worth
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