Why Winning is The Lottery is For Suckers

Today for our solo round of the Healthpreneur Podcast I’m going to passionately explain why winning the lottery is for suckers. Confused? Let me explain.
People use things like the lottery as an excuse for not being able to build their dream lives themselves. As though an escape from their current reality could only be achieved through simply being given the money. I have a big problem with that.
I’m going to talk candidly (read: rant) about the journey vs. the destination, becoming a better version of yourself through business and service (not handouts and passivity), and why we Healthpreneurs must pave the way for ourselves and the world. This episode contains a critical wake-up call for anyone wishing their reality was different than what it is. My hope is that this episode inspires you to get back in the driver’s seat of your life and get moving towards a better you and a better future.
In this episode I discuss:
1:00 – 3:30 – Recap on Yuri’s week and last week’s episode
3:30 – 5:30 – Why winning the lottery is for suckers
5:30 – 7:00 – Who you become in the process is the key
7:00 – 10:00 – You have a choice; make the choice to live the life you want
10:00 – 11:00 – Live a fulfilled life by putting in the work
11:00 – 12:30 – What’s ahead and training opportunity
Welcome to another great week on the Healthpreneur podcast. We’ve had an amazing week.
Today we’re talking about why winning the lottery is for suckers. Yes, you heard me right. I’ll tell you more about that in a second, after a quick recap on my previous week.
Recap on Yuri’s week and last week’s episode
I’ve had a lot of fun these last seven days. Last week I was in Morocco and we came back on Tuesday, I think. I had a day at home, hopped on a plane to Orlando, and spent three days at the USTA National Tennis Center in Orlando doing a three-day training camp. I felt like a kid again. It was amazing.
I got back yesterday, and I’m all tennis’ed out. Actually, I could play tennis until the end of time, even if my arm fell off, and I’d still be happy. I played a lot when I was in Morocco. It was on clay, so that was interesting. I’m not a clay court player. I was back on the hard courts in Orlando at the USTA National Tennis Center.
So here’s the thing: When you build a business that you love and provides you with the financial and time freedom to do the things you love, life gets much more exciting. If you can relate, I’m so happy for you. If you can’t do the things you love yet, I share this stuff with you to show you what’s possible when you dream again and don’t allow yourself to be limited by, “Is this realistic?”
Last week we talked about charging premium prices. If you missed that episode, it’s important. Go back and listen to it. It’s episode 72.
If you’re selling anything under $100, you’re going to need a massive amount of volume to live the life you want to live. However, if you’re charging several thousand dollars to work with people closely and impact their lives, the possibilities are a lot more exciting. You get to impact peoples’ lives at a greater level, feel more fulfilled in the process, and save time by not needing to build funnels and all that nonsense online. You’re helping people.
I’m very grateful and blessed for the business that I’ve built and the lifestyle it’s allowed my family and I to enjoy.
Why winning the lottery is for suckers
With that said, let’s talk about the lottery for a second. I think a lot of people in life lose their ambition. They lose the sense of possibility and wonder that we had as kids, and they end up growing up believing that their only escape is if they win the lottery.
I think that’s absolute freaking bullshit.
Pardon my harshness, but it is. When you don’t believe in yourself enough and believe more in a lottery system that may never end up working for you, that’s problematic. It’s ridiculous to say, “I’m going to put my dreams on hold unless I win the lottery. Then I can live the life I want to live.”
As entrepreneurs, as Healthpreneurs, we’re able to take control. We are in the driver’s seat of our life. If we want to make something happen, we make it happen.
So I say winning the lottery is for suckers.
Winning the lottery doesn’t make you a better version of yourself. It’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey.
Who you become in the process is the key
If one day you’re moseying along and making a certain income, a decent living but nothing crazy, and suddenly you win $20 million, you aren’t suddenly a better person. That’s a long bridge to cross if you were to do it normally. You’d have to add value to the world, solve problems for people, and build a business that helps you do that.
For most people that are employees, that’ll never be a reality. They often live paycheck to paycheck and they have a cap on what they can make.
So, the problem I have with winning the lottery, freebies, and handouts is that they don’t develop you as a person. Something I teach my kids all the time is that your goal in life should be to become a multimillionaire – not because of the money – but because of who you’ll have to become in the process.
That is the secret.
When I played professional soccer in my early 20s, the best result was the person I became in the process.
This is not a public service announcement to go have kids, but why is it awesome to have kids? Because you become a better version of yourself to be the best possible parent and role model. You look in the mirror and call out your own nonsense because you know your impact on these little humans.
Whenever I look at a destination we want to hit, it’s never really about the destination. It’s always about who we become in the process.
We live in a sad reality where 90% plus of people would rather rely on handouts, play the victim, and maybe someday win the lottery so they can live the life they want. Instead they could ask, “How can I be of value to this world? How can I contribute to the people around me, and because of that, get compensated fairly?”
You have a choice; make the choice to live the life you want
I don’t sympathize with people who complain about their jobs. No one put a gun to their head. No one forced them to bag groceries at the grocery store. If you want to make more money, build your skill set, and become an asset to the people that you serve or the market in general.
As an entrepreneur, it’s the same thing. You get paid what you are worth. Not as a human, but how the market values you in terms of the value you provide to them.
If you want to make a million dollars, how do you become more valuable to the marketplace? You figure out a solution that people want, and you offer it to them.
The more people you get in front of, the more money you’re going to make. Figure out a solution and charge a higher fee for that solution. Work more closely with people with less headache, which is the approach that I like, and help them solve that problem.
This may not apply to you. I’m talking about people in the rest of the world.
Again, it just bothers me. We all have so much potential. I see so many people complaining and yet they always have the choice to do what they want to do. I understand commitments. I understand that you might have a family, a mortgage, and bills to pay. There are things that confine us sometimes. But if you don’t, there’s no excuse.
This is turning into a little bit of a rant, but when I was on the plane from Toronto to Morocco, I went to the bathroom and heard the flight attendants gossiping and talking shit about the union. They were complaining about getting shifts and all kinds of stuff.
I thought, “Guys, I’m going to open this door and throw you out of the plane soon because look at the opportunity you have! You get to fly around the world for free. You get to fly to any destination you want for free, even when you’re not working. Stop complaining. If you don’t like what you’re doing, go make lattes at Starbucks or do something else that you would rather do.”
I apologize for the harshness, but obviously, this charges me up. It’s not about the money. It’s not about the destination. It’s about enjoying the process and being a better version of yourself and living life on your terms.
Live a fulfilled life by putting in the work
As Healthpreneurs, we’re in the position to do that because we’re the ones who are paving the way for ourselves. We might be following a proven plan but we’re building our dream, not someone else’s. If you’re building someone else’s dream and you don’t like it, don’t complain about it. Do something about it. Please.
If you want to win the lottery, terrific. But don’t bank your future on that possibility. Not winning the lottery and instead putting in the work, building yourself and your business, and making as much money as if you did win the lottery is a much more fulfilling prospect.
Wouldn’t you agree? If you do, great. If you don’t, that’s fine as well. We can agree to disagree. It’s all good. That’s why we have freedom of speech.
What’s ahead and training opportunity
That’s it for today’s episode. That was a little rant, but hopefully there was a part of it that stuck with you. If you’ve enjoyed this and want to go a little bit deeper with me, check out our awesome Seven-Figure Health Business Blueprint training at HealthpreneurGroup.com/training.
I’ll walk you through the new way to build a high six or seven-figure online coaching business by turning your expertise into amazing outcomes and results for the people you want to serve. If that’s of interest to you, check out the training. It’ll be the best 75 minutes you’ve spent on your business in a long time.
I appreciate you joining in. We’ve got some great interviews coming up this week. We’ve got Tess Challis, a great health coach, on Wednesday. I’ll also be talking to Scott McCullough on Friday. He’s got a cool, vegan, done-for-you meal delivery service.
If you haven’t subscribed yet to the Healthpreneur Podcast, what are you waiting for?
Go to iTunes and hit that little purple button that says “Subscribe” so you don’t miss any of my future rants and amazing interviews. We offer great insights and conversations to help inspire and take your business to the next level so you can live the life you want and impact the people you want to serve in the process.
Continue to go out there, be great, and do great. I’ll see you on Wednesday.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
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What You Missed
In the last episode, I was chatting with Aaron Hinde, sports chiropractor turned President and Co-Founder of LIFEAID, the beverage company that is the official sponsor of the CrossFit Games.
I met Aaron five or six years ago, and man, how his company has scaled and succeeded since then!
Through this growth, Aaron has learned some key lessons in hiring, “going big” (or not), cash flow, and ROI. He’s even made some game-changing realizations about himself as an entrepreneur and the people he brings on the team.
his episode is for any entrepreneur looking to scale their business while maintaining the integrity and quality of their offering. Tune in for priceless nougats of business wisdom topped off with a morning routine that has Aaron prepped for more great things to come!
You can listen to this episode with Aaron right here.
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