Growing Your Business 10x with Facebook Ads with Scott Rewick

Welcome back to the Healthpreneur podcast! Today we have an amazing guest who you may not know—he flies a bit under the radar, you could say. His name is Scott Rewick and he is one of the early pioneers of affiliate marketing, online direct response and high-volume media buying.
Scott is the president and co-founder of Native Path (formerly Lexicon Digital Media), and has a background in the B2B space. Previously, he worked for companies like Netflix and Blockbuster, generating massive numbers of leads. So he’s got tons of experience with lead gen and is now putting that to use in the health and wellness space.
This is a great episode for anyone who is interested in buying paid traffic—maybe you’re a bit nervous or you’ve had a bad experience in the past … This episode should clear it all up! We’re going to talk a lot about how to scale your business using Facebook ads and also how to bring expert marketers onto your team.
In this episode Scott and I discuss:
- How Native Path became #88 on the Inc. 5000 fastest growing companies list.
- How to spend money, analyze, change, and repeat.
- Chad Walding’s lack of shoes.
- Focusing on lead gen and not just sales.
- Customer feedback and why it keeps many of us afloat.
- Leaving your ego at the door.
4:00 – 8:00 – I’m thinking of using paid traffic—what should I do?
9:00 – 13:00 – Facebook likes, offers, and community groups.
13:00 – 20:00 – Chad, Brenda, Scott and Chris—why are they such a good team?
20:00 – 25:00 – Key qualities to look for in a marketing employee.
25:00 – 32:00 – The problem with ego and the benefits of customer feedback.
32:00 – 36:00 – The Rapid Five Questions.
Hey guys, how’s it going? Yuri here. Hope the new year’s off to a great start, hopefully 2018 is going to be your best year yet.
I’m excited to bring you a great interview with my good buddy, Scott Rewick. You probably don’t know Scott, because he’s really behind the scenes, running operations for one of the fastest growing companies in the digital health space. The company was originally called Lexicon DMG, but they’ve actually renamed it Native Path.
Scott is one of the early pioneers of affiliate marketing, online direct response and high volume media buying. He’s been a prolific company builder over the last 20 years, and he is currently the president and co-founder of Lexicon Digital Media—which, again, has been renamed Native Path.
They are a leading online publisher in the natural health and wellness space. He actually has a background in the B2B space, generating monstrous numbers of leads for companies like Netflix and Blockbuster, and he actually co-founded and sold an early affiliate network, Metareward, for $30 million. He then scaled his next company, called Netblue, to $130 million in revenue.
Now, with their current company—Native Path, or formerly Lexicon—they were recently given the accolade of 80th fastest growing company on the Inc. 5000 List. Pretty impressive stuff that they’re doing.
And again, we’ve actually done business together. They’re great partners of ours and they do amazing work—specifically a little more in the Paleo space. And what we’re going to talk about in this episode is how to scale a business using Facebook ads, how to think about approaching that—but also looking at how to bring on expert people into your business and into your team, specifically around the areas of marketing.
If you want to learn more about what they’re up to, you can check out their website at So with that said, let’s bring Scott into the show.
Scott, welcome to the Healthpreneur Podcast, how’s it going my friend?
Scott: It’s going great, thank you so much for having me, I appreciate it.
Yuri: Yeah, for sure, it’s been too long since we’ve connected, at least via this format, so I’m happy to reconnect with you.
Obviously, we’ve done business quite a bit over the past couple of years with what you guys are doing with the Paleo Secrets and your business partners Chris and Chad have done some awesome work.
What is new and exciting? What are you guys focusing on these days? What has really just kind of got you jazzed up?
Scott: Well, gosh, I mean, so much, right? I think that we dipped our toe in this water three years ago and we are more excited today than we were back then—and we were awfully excited then.
I think we get excited just because we feel like there’s so many more people to touch. There’s so much more media to buy. There are so many more ways we can go deeper with the customer, in terms of our relationship with them. I’m excited about new technologies that seem to pop up every so often that we’re able to avail ourselves of.
Gosh, I mean it’s hard to say one thing, but we wake up every morning just super jazzed and psyched to go after it. A lot of stuff going on.
How Native Path became #88 on the Inc. 5000 fastest growing companies list
Yuri: That’s awesome, and I mean you’ve got a superpower because you have really taken some serious companies to big revenue numbers—as I alluded to in the introduction. But recently you guys were ranked number 88 on the Inc. 5000 fastest growing companies. How does that happen?
Scott: Practically speaking, you apply. You just fill out the application.
But you know, I’ve always been a big proponent of media buying. I’ve always been a big proponent of advertising. Once you have something that catches fire, you can apply it over these huge media channels and get scale.
I would say that both Chris and I have had some practice in terms of scaling companies, but it’s really just a blocking and tackling affair. It’s really just going after it every single day and doing the things that you gotta do to grow your business.
I would say that in our mind is the biggest thing that we’ve done. We have just attacked this business. We’re proud of that, and I think there’s a ways to go, which we’re excited about. Yeah, that’s it.
I’m thinking of using paid traffic—what should I do?
Yuri: That’s awesome. So, I know a lot of listeners are not professional media buyers—they likely don’t even want to consider spending a dollar on Facebook ads. Maybe some of them do, which is great.
Let’s say you’re sitting down with someone who has a product, a business idea, something that they want to amplify, and they’re thinking of using paid traffic. You’re sitting down with them, having a coffee. What type of advice would you give them?
Scott: Well, the simplest thing to do is just start. And what I mean by that is that this can oftentimes be a pretty daunting proposition—to go out and spend your own money buying traffic.
And so, what I find that a lot of people do is, they over analyze. They sit in their fear. They will contemplate these massively complex funnels, and I think a lot of that stuff gets in the way of just doing it.
I think you’ve gotta get on the bike and just ride it, right? To someone who’s just starting out I would say that it’s important to just get out there and place a first buy. Put your best foot forward with the ad creative, with the landing page, with the funnel. Spend the money, go back the next day, analyze it, look at it and say, “Boy, we spent 100 bucks and we made 12. What happened?”
And then get back on the bike the next day and do it again.
I think a lot of people will sit in this fear-based mentality of wanting it to be perfect—and it’s never perfect. And that is getting in the way of them actually doing it.
So I would say keep it simple. There’s N number of complexities that can occur down the road, once you scale, but the first thing is just actually doing it. I find most people talk themselves into not doing it and I think that’s problematic.
Yuri: Yeah, and would you recommend people start on Facebook in terms of ease of use or is there another platform you really like?
Scott: Yeah, Facebook is the easiest by far. We’ve tried them all. Maybe outside of just putting out a Google adverts campaign, Facebook allows you to test very, very small—which is super important for any direct marketer. Put a high level of targeting, if that’s what you want to start with, and that allows you to get going very, very quickly.
So yeah, Facebook has been for us the platform by which we’ve scaled the most. And it also happens to be one of the easiest ones as well. So that’s, yeah. It’s the easiest one to start with and one that allows you to scale massively if you can get it right.
Yuri: Nice, nice. I think Facebook is the most popular platform online out of anything, so why not go where the fish are? And it’s a very easy user interface. It’s not very complex, like Google ads is—or was, at least back in the day when my ad accounts were not blocked.
But you guys have a million plus fans on the Paleo Secret page. What’s been the secret sauce of growing that? Has it been buying likes? Has it been running campaigns to specific offers, and as a by product you’ve had those? And was there a strategic intent to growing the fan page as an asset that you could later turn to for more direct response stuff?
Facebook likes, offers, and community groups
Scott: It’s funny, because we definitely played with the ‘like’ game for a while. In our head we felt as though a ‘like’ had some value. We weren’t sure exactly how to value it, but we knew that a like meant something, we just didn’t know what it meant.
But no, we realized early on that we needed to drive users and visitors to specific offers that we have, just through paid media. Our game was really just about engaging them as quickly as we could. And engaging them in different manners.
You obviously want to get the sale, right? But there’s many roads to get that sale. I think we were one of the first—and I hate saying that, because it sounds pompous—but we were one of the first to engage in high volume lead gen.
Chris and I come from the lead gen background, where you don’t necessarily have to sell someone right away. We can engage in a lead generation component. We were happy to acquire an email address that would give us the right to market to that user down the road.
And we didn’t see a lot of that going on early on. That was really our bread and butter, out of the gate—engage someone in a lead gen relationship, give away something of high value, continue to load the value over the first three days, seven days, and then at that point ask for the sale.
That was something that we found pretty effective, and as a result of that the fan page grew and continues to grow. Now, our reach allows us to kind of grow that as well.
Yuri: Awesome. So, the typical discussion is that Facebook doesn’t really like health and fitness, because they don’t like claims and people obviously transforming their health.
Scott: Yeah.
Yuri: What have you found to work well, from an advertising channel or funnel perspective, from Facebook?
Scott: You’re right, you really have to dance carefully with Facebook, because you’re exactly right. I think that they—along with any other new media that has come along—have been overrun with health and wellness marketers. And a lot of these people have no problem making egregious claims—and getting high conversions as a result, but doing a ton of damage to the industry down the road with chargebacks, FTC and FDA issues, and so on and so forth.
Facebook is not alone in that. I think that from our perspective, we really focused on high quality content. We don’t necessarily attack the diet issue head on. We try to look at it in different ways, like free reports, free recipe books.
Things that circle the health and wellness space, but don’t necessarily attack diet head on. I think Facebook likes that.
They don’t like the idea of talking about diet directly. I think, from their perspective, it makes people feel bad. There’s guilt marketing that makes people have not great days, because they realize they might have a few pounds to lose.
We attack it from more of a positive perspective.
Our approach has been giving away free recipe books—so we work really, really hard on the quality of our free reports. We really spend a lot of time and money on these free reports. Giving them away for free, giving free plus shipping.
That’s been probably most effective to us, when we don’t necessarily talk about diet. We talk about everything around diet that might make you healthier, and certainly cooking is one of them.
Chad, Brenda, Scott and Chris—why are they such a good team?
Yuri: Sure, and I love what you guys have done, because you have Chad. And for those of you listening, Chad Walding is kind of the face of the brand, right?
Scott: That’s right. We just say, “Chad, take your shirt off more, please.” People like him.
Yuri: He seems to just take his shoes off, he seems to be barefoot all the time.
Scott: He’s barefoot a lot.
Yuri: But Chad is a doctor of physical therapy. Really well spoken, very knowledgeable, very likable person. And I think it adds a huge amount of credibility to what you guys are doing. And again, this is from an outsider’s perspective—it’s like you guys have the lead gen marketing genius of you and Chris, and then Chad—who is obviously very smart as well—is more of the content generator and is more forward facing.
Was that intentional from the beginning? Or did it just kind of morph into that over time?
Scott: It was intentional. We are so blessed and we were so grateful to have Chad and Brenda come into our lives at the beginning of the business.
We knew that having a forward facing face to the business was really important—and it’s interesting, because most of our customers are women. Having both Chad and Brenda is really important, because some people really, really connect with Chad—just his aura, the way he goes about it, the way he does things—and many other people connect with Brenda, maybe because she’s a woman or they understand the plight that she’s gone through.
So, it was important for us to find a husband and wife team. Both with equally compelling credentials. They’re both doctors in physical therapy and so that was really, really important for us to put out there. And like you said, we prefer to stay kind of behind the scenes and do what we do, so having them forward facing is great.
And actually, they love that. They love the idea of being teachers, and so for them it was a natural fit to be the facing part of the company. But yeah, it was definitely intentional to have them as the face of the company and allow Chris and I to stay behind the scenes and do the work that we do. We were very blessed.
Yuri: I think it really is a dream scenario for both of you guys and a lot of health and fitness practitioners, because they just wanna do their thing, right? Not everyone, but a lot of them are in that mode of, “I just wanna teach. I just wanna help people. ”
They don’t want to figure out the marketing, they don’t want to figure out the nitty-gritties of the funnels and the ad campaigns. It’s important, but it’s nice when you have a setup like yours where you and Chris can really work out the logistical stuff, marketing-wise, and just allow Chad and Brenda to do their thing, which is pretty cool.
Let’s say you guys are thinking of a new thing to launch via Facebook, are you all sitting down collectively? Or is it you and Chris kind of coming up with a strategy and saying, “Okay, Chad, we need this from you.” How does that look?
Scott: It’s interesting, it used to be a lot more like that. We’ve actually flipped it, so that we are more of the ears and eyes of our customer base.
The interesting thing is that if you listen long enough to what your customers tell you, in terms of what things scare them, what things bother them, what things are curious to them, what things they’ve heard about … They will often give you the entire playbook. Just by listening to what their fears, desires, and wishes are.
I think when we started, we were much more like, “Hey, let’s get in a room and think about what people might like. We think anti-inflammatory is a big issue now, so lets create a guide around that.” I would say more recently, since we have such a big group of people, that oftentimes just doing surveys and listening to what they say will give you the playbook in terms of what we actually should be building.
We do surveys, we listen, we’ve got very, very active Facebook fan pages—both for people who just heard about us and people that are customers. And by doing surveys and listening to what they say, we now have nearly 1,000 testimonials of people that have gone through the process.
They’ve written these very long, sometimes five, six, 10 paragraph testimonials of how we’ve helped them, and if you listen closely to what they’re telling you … Oftentimes, it gives you rise to potential new products.
They can tell you what it is they’re interested in and what’s working for them, what’s not working for them. I think it’s kind of a combination of us looking out there and seeing, “What is it that our users are reacting to? What do we see that is hot in the market?
But more often than not, and more so than ever, we’re just listening to what they’re telling us. We’re building it and giving them exactly what they want. So yeah.
Yuri: Super smart.
Scott: Yeah.
Yuri: That’s awesome. So, what does the team look like? For those of 80 fastest growing company on the Inc. 5000, people might be thinking, “Okay, this has got to be a company of 100 people.” What does the team look like?
Scott: We have a core of about 10 people. Chris and I had come from businesses that we scaled pretty big. We were sickened by the idea of tons of people in an office every day, under fluorescent lights …
Yuri: That sounds amazing.
Scott: Yeah right, doesn’t it sound like a good time?
We were intentional about building a company that was lightweight in nature, that allowed us to really, really care about our employees. We just kept it lightweight, kept it virtual, just hired the best—so we have a very small team.
We have different areas that we focus on. We’ve got the operational piece—myself, which is what I primarily focus on. And a couple people that help us keep the lights on, pay the bills, pay the taxes, pay our partners, collect money, that kind of thing. The operational stuff that just needs to go on in a business. We’ve got content creators—we’ve got Andy, who’s spectacular, works with Chad and Brenda and they’re out creating content, new videos, thinking about new ideas.
We’ve got some marketing people. Chris, amongst his many roles that he does, sits in the marketing team and looks at the data and figures out, “Boy, should we be adding an up sale here? Should we change the wording here?” Along with John and a few other people who work on the marketing piece.
We have an outsource tech team that we work with that make sure our servers stay up and we can push out new tests. We have an outsource customer service team that will answer your email within 30 minutes and take a call from you 24/7.
It’s a very distributed lightweight team where we just find the best people that we can. We put them in positions to win and we create a fun and exciting place to work. It’s a very lightweight team and we hope to keep it that way.
Yuri: That’s awesome, that’s great, you guys have done amazingly well. Keep it up.
Two of the big problems I see working with a lot of people in our space is, 1) there’s a gap in the integration role, so the operations. You’ve got the vision, “Okay, I wanna do this stuff.” But then it’s like, “I don’t wanna have to implement all this stuff myself.” And then 2) “It would just be great if I had someone to do the marketing for me.”
So, I wanted to ask you, if someone is looking for a marketing person—someone like Chris, who can kind of run that show. What should they be looking for?
What types of traits, qualities, attention to detail, different skill sets? What are the things that they should be considering in finding someone who is not just good, but really great at that role?
Key qualities to look for in a marketing employee
Scott: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll tell you, it’s one of the most important things that a business can do. I’m such a marketing freak, and it’s such an important role in the business because it is so difficult to get somebody who ticks off all the boxes on being great.
First and foremost, you’ve got to have a good relationship with numbers. You have to be able to read the data as it presents itself to you.
The beauty is in the data, and it’s really hard for people who are more creative to understand that you have to be willing and able to read data and make decisions based on what the data is telling you. First and foremost, you’ve gotta be data driven, which can be hard for people.
To add to that, to make it even more difficult, you’ve got to have kind of a creative sense to it, because simply being data driven won’t give you the next steps. If, for example, you find that you have click through rates but you’re falling apart on the landing page, great! That’s great data.
What do you do with that?
You’ve got to have someone who’s creative enough to say, “Look, I think what’s happening here is as follows. People are not reacting to this in such a way. We need to change the headline copy. We’ve got to move up the testimonials from the bottom of the page to the top.”
It really, truly engages both sides of your brain in the sense that the numbers will paint the picture for you, but you’ve got to have a creative side to say, “Look, I think what we should do next time is test this.”
Set up the test properly, run the test, get the data and you know what? The beauty of it is, you’ll know whether you’re right or wrong almost immediately.
It’s one of the few things that we are not interested in outsourcing in our business, because it is the heartbeat of the business. We outsource many, many things in our business. Call center, a lot of the tech functions, customer service. Those types of things that we think people do better than us.
But marketing is one of the things that we hold near and dear to our heart. It’s a unique person that can kind of dance around both sides of the equation, both technically, numbers-wise and also creative-wise.
Yuri: Yeah, that’s really good. With you bringing somebody on in this capacity, do you recommend people start off with one project for a certain amount of time and see how that goes, before engaging them more fully after that?
Scott: Yeah. I want someone to be proficient at the nuts and bolts of this game. The direct marketing nuts and bolts. I want someone who understands how to run a spreadsheet, how to run Google docs, how to look at numbers first.
I think that my sense is I can teach the other piece of it, but it’s more difficult for me to teach proficiency in looking at data. We put them on training wheels. We give them very, very simple assignments and grow from there.
This business can be overwhelming when you’re speaking about multiple distribution channels. Within each of those channels, you’ve got multiple ad campaigns, within each of those multiple ad campaigns, you’ve got dozens of different ad creative.
Each of those are getting traffic. Each of those are generating clicks and conversions and costs and revenue, so if you’re not careful, you can bury someone in data and before they’ll know it they’ll have no clue what there looking for.
It’s important to start very, very small and very, very simple. Look at one ad campaign, one creative, one lander, walk them through it. Soup to nuts, what that look like from a click, a cost, at revenue day zero, at revenue day seven, at revenue day 30. Look at the ROI, factor in things like cost and console, if you’re selling physical products.
It’s a whole litany of things that go into understanding these campaigns, but certainly starting very, very simply and graduating from there, I would say, is definitely job one.
Yuri: Yeah, that’s great, that’s really good advice. Everyone listening, go back, rewind, and just listen to this again at .5 speed. Take some notes, because I sure did.
We’re listening to the guy who has built a massive business with this type of stuff, so this is really, really great stuff. Thank you for sharing that, Scott.
With Lexicon specifically, what’s been one of the biggest challenges you guys have faced over the last couple of years, and how did you overcome that? What was the earning from that experience?
The problem with ego and the benefits of customer feedback
Scott: I think, honestly Yuri, it’s been our own ego.
And what I mean by that is that Chris and I, we had success in different businesses. And when you have that I think you begin to develop a sense of, “I’m pretty damn good at this.” And when we attacked this health and wellness space, we thought to ourselves, “Man, look at these guys. These guys are a bunch of personal trainers that are putting up websites, that are making all this money. With our level of professionalism, we can actually compete with these guys.”
And we fell flat on our face for the first year. We had no idea what was going on.
We had to swallow our own ego and realize that what these people were doing was actually quite incredible, because you were dealing with an actual person. A Mary Smith out of Plano, Texas, who is 53 years old, 20 pounds overweight, her husband just left her. She is a real person with real needs, real desires, real goals—and that was new to us.
We didn’t understand that. I would call us more of B2B guys. I was doing lead generation for Netflix, Blockbuster and Columbia House, where I’d be sitting in the middle between these two corporate entities and exchanging cash. We really had to understand that this was far more complex, because you were actually dealing with a human being on the other side.
So, I’ll be honest, we really fell flat on our face the first year. We couldn’t understand the power of copywriting, we didn’t understand the value of customer service and taking care of a customer. I would say it’s our own ego, because going into it, we thought to ourselves, “Boy, we’re kinda marketing bad asses, we got this.”
But for the first year, just walking into this space, walking into this collection of people who were already doing well … Leaving our egos at the door was super, super difficult. Like anything that taught us a lesson, we got our butts handed to us the first year. We began to kind of figure it out in year two, year three and I’d say we’re still figuring it out.
We’re still at the early stage in this game, but that was the biggest challenge we had to overcome—just putting that aside and being willing to learn this space from people who would pave their way before us.
Yuri: Awesome. That’s great. So, with all the experience you’ve had with different companies, different niches, different spaces, if you were to start in a new market today—maybe within health and fitness if you want, or something different—what’s the first thing you would start doing?
Scott: Let’s see … We love health and wellness space, so for me, I would say staying there is the most important thing that we can think of right now.
But I would begin to think about where this space is going to be 10 years from now. We are big believers, we’re riding the wave of what we call the natural health alumnus movement—from Whole Foods doing its journey and then the consumer packaged goods catching fire …
And we believe in the natural health and wellness space. People going back to a more sensible way of eating for a long time. The numbers are all there, in terms of where this market is going, how big it’s getting—but I would say that for someone who is just starting out, consider what you might be passionate about and begin to formulate an idea of who else out there might be passionate along with you.
Take that and attack a market that you think is growing, attack a market that’s exciting.
I’ll tell you, Yuri, in the darkest hours of trying to build this business, what really fueled us was getting thee testimonials from our customers, where we changed their lives. You’ve helped them change their life and it gives you goosebumps. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.
Having that to keep going was really important, because building a business is never this beautiful nice line going forward—it’s this jagged up and down line that takes turns that you can’t even contemplate. So, sometimes having customers telling you that what you’re doing matters to them is important.
But I think finding something—some niche within this space. We happened upon Paleo, we don’t know if Paleo is going to last the next ten years or not. We were intentional in building a natural health alumnus platform that allowed us to easily move in other markets as they rose, and you know, ride them out as they fall.
It’s important not just to think about one product, but thinking about building systems that allow you to do that, to kind of move in and out markets when they change.
Yuri: Yeah, that’s great. And I think you really hit the nail on the head with the customer feedback. I tell people all the time, we are very blessed to work in this space because I don’t know of any other industry where you can impact someone’s life to the degree that we do.
And that’s one of the reasons why I’ve started this podcast—to bring these great conversations to help others grow their business, because if you can grow a more impactful business, you’re going to transform more people’s lives and that’s what this is all about.
We’ve had so many people on the show that have talked about how they feel successful when they’re receiving feedback from their audience, that they’re doing something to positively impact their lives.
And it comes up over and over and over again, so that’s a really share.
Scott: It’s honestly the fuel that drives us, Yuri, and it hurts us to hear the haters.
“You guys are advertising and advertising is horrible” and blah, blah, blah and—know that hurts us just as much, but when you back that up with literally the thousands of people that we’ve helped create a meaningful change in their lives, it just gives you the fuel to keep going.
It transcends any of my own personal goals and aspirations of what I want to do with the business. It really just becomes about them. Sure, everybody wants to make money. Everybody wants to be successful—but fueling and feeding off of the meaningful changes you’ve helped create in people really gives you that extra push forward, that extra pat on the back.
So, it’s huge. It’s totally huge.
The Rapid Five Questions
Yuri: Yeah, totally, man, that’s awesome. All right Scott, are you ready for the rapid five?
Scott: I am ready, Yuri.
Yuri: All right, you’ve got no prior knowledge of these questions. I haven’t sent them to you ahead of time. You have no clue, whatever comes to mind, just shout it out and we’ll have some fun with this. Number one, what is your biggest weakness?
Scott: My ego.
Yuri: Number two, your biggest strength?
Scott: My relentless nature.
Yuri: Awesome. Number three, one skill you’ve become dangerously good at in order to grow your business?
Scott: Bee keeping.
Yuri: Bee keeping?
Scott: Let me explain. Bees are this fascinating tribe of animals that all get along, all move together, all have common goals and through being a bee keeper, many of the tendencies that exist in bees also exist in small teams. So, creating small teams of highly effective people that all have specific jobs to do, you can really move the ball forward very, very far if you can become a great bee keeper.
Yuri: That’s cool, I never heard that analogy, that’s really cool. That’s awesome. Alright, number four, what do you do first thing in the morning?
Scott: I like to walk upstairs to my child’s room and look at him sleep and marvel at what a beautiful creature he is.
Yuri: Yeah, they’re always really precious when they’re sleeping and then always refer back to them when they go crazy.
Scott: And then they wake up, right?
Yuri: Exactly. Just keep a picture of them sleeping in your wallet, right? All right and finally, complete this sentence, “I know I’m being successful, when.”
Scott: I know I’m being successful, when the world smiles upon me.
Yuri: Awesome. That’s great, man. Scott, this has been a tremendous interview, thank you so much for candidly sharing what you guys are up to, part of the journey. I know our listeners will find this hugely inspiring and very actionable as well.
What is the best place for people to follow what you guys are up to online?
Scott: We run, and we’re about to rename ourselves, so I think by the time that this podcast goes live, we’ll actually be Native Path— They can catch up with us there. I’m happy to give my email address if people have questions or if there’s any way I can help them—it’s [email protected], so they can follow me there or ask questions.
We do a lot of talk in our Facebook community group and in the private group, so if you’re a customer, I pop in there from time to time and also in the public group, which you’ll see me there from time to time. We’re out there, we’re doing stuff, we’re meeting people, we’re going to events, masterminds, we try to stay as active as we can in the space. By all means, any way I can help I am happy to do it.
Yuri: Awesome, thanks so much for taking time out of your day, Scott. It’s been great to reconnect, and I just wanted to express my gratitude for all the amazing work that you guys are doing in transforming people’s lives and really pushing businesses forward, raising the standard for our industry. You guys are doing such a great job, so thank you so much for that.
Scott: Its been my pleasure Yuri, thank you so much for having me, I’m very grateful to you and your audience and again, thank you so much.
Yuri: Absolutely, thank you.
Yuri’s Take
If you’ve ever thought about advertising on Facebook or thought about, “How do I spend a dollar and make two?” I hope this episode has really found you, because Scott and what they’ve done with their offers through their companies has been phenomenal. Again, he is one of the guys that we turn to for a lot of our partner promotions.
They’ve been great to us, we’ve been great to them—just lots of really, really good stuff. And as he mentioned, as much as it is about building the business and making money, for them it’s really all about touching people’s lives and always coming back to that.
I never want you to forget that.
As much as we talk about building a profitable business, making money, and really scaling your business so you have more free time … At the end of the day, the only reason we’re in business is to solve people’s problems. It’s to transform their lives.
And as I mentioned in the interview, and as I’ve said a thousand times before, I firmly believe you have the ability to make a dent in this universe—whatever that dent means to you. Whether that’s working closely with people or writing books and impacting millions, it doesn’t really matter.
But what does matter is that you have a gift and a message that can really make a difference in people’s lives. My sole purpose with Healthpreneur and this podcast is to let you know that you can make a difference, that you are making a difference, that you deserve to make a difference.
People need to hear about you, they need to hear from you. They need to read your books, they need to hear your voice. They need your products. Never forget that. And yes, all of that is covered in sales and marketing, because if you don’t have that stuff, you don’t have a business and you can’t touch those people’s lives.
Never forget that. Whether or not you’re buying paid traffic or you want to grow your business organically, it really doesn’t matter. The choice is yours, because business is philosophy, but I hope that if advertising has been something you want do, you’ll put some of the golden nuggets from this episode into use.
With that said, I wanted to let you know that we’ve got a great interview coming up in just a few days with my man Sean Croxton, formerly the founder/owner of He kind of morphed more into the personal development side of things over the last year and a half, he’s got a great podcast and he was really the person who brought summits to live.
He was the guy doing summits, before summits even became a thing.
We’re gonna have a great conversation about some stuff, about his journey, about lessons, about ups and downs, so be sure to tune in for that one coming up in just a few days—and the easiest way to do that is to subscribe to the podcast. Head on over to iTunes, hit the subscribe button and while you’re there, if you could leave a rating or review, that would be awesome.
With that said, it’s the beginning of the year—let’s grow, let’s make a difference, let’s get your stuff out there, let’s keep working smarter, not necessarily harder, and let’s keep touching people’s lives.
One more note. All the show notes are over at the blog,, just find the one with Scott Rewick and while you’re there, grab a copy of the Health Profits Secrets book if you haven’t already yet.
You’re going to discover four awesome secrets that you need to know, that all successful online health businesses have in common and how you can tap into those in a big way in your business.
Once again, thank you so much for joining me, it’s been a pleasure bringing this episode to you. Go out, be great, do great and I’ll see you in our next episode.
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Free Healthpreneur Health Profit Secrets Book
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While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
The last episode was a solo podcast to help you take on 2018 in a way you probably never thought about.
In this episode I talked about negative goal setting and how it can help save your business.
I know this may sound weird, but once you understand what negative goal setting is, it will all make sense.
Think of it as your “What happens if?” Game Plan.
You can find out what negative goal setting is all about and how it can make a huge difference in the way your business operates right here.