Client Deep Dive: How to Map Out Your Coaching Program with David Zachary
It’s another great day on the Healthpreneur podcast! Today’s special because we are speaking with one of our clients for a new installment to our show. We’re doing this to give you a sense of what goes on behind the scenes, so you can see exactly how we help our clients improve their offering and business model.
David Zachary is an ADHD coach and transforms lives through addressing what people eat, how they sleep, what they think, and how they move their bodies. He has flushed out the four main processes he teaches his clients, and through that, is working on creating a curriculum.
Depending on the kind of business you have, it may be difficult for you to keep a linear or standardized curriculum. In David’s case, his clients come in with varying test results, so his clients must begin on different levels. Tune in to hear us navigate through David’s questions and see how you could implement these ideas in your business, too.
In This Episode David and I discuss:
- Finding your process and organizing it.
- How he helps his clients.
- Creating a “dream come true system”.
- A linear versus genius model.
- Finding the fundamentals of your training.
- Visualizing the framework of your content.
- Catchy program names that encompass what the client wants.
2:30 – 5:00 – Organizing steps for your systemized process
5:00 – 12:00 – Building out a genius model and graph
12:00 –19:00 – Customization, standardization, and curriculum templates
19:00 – 21:30 – How to organize your content and sell your product
21:30 – 25:00 – Naming your program and the naming formula
25:00 – 27:00 – The naming archive we offer our clients
27:00 – 28:30 – David’s biggest takeaway
Welcome, Yuri Elkaim here and this is a special edition of the podcast, because now we are starting to bring on some of our HB, our Health Business accelerator clients to strategize. We’re going to give you a sense of what goes on behind the scenes in terms of figuring out how we can make their offer better, how we can fix part of their business, their pipeline, and so today, in this first installment of this new edition to the podcast, I’m very honored and grateful for having David Zachary on the line with us.
And just so you guys know who David is, he is an ADHD coach and he transforms lives on forefronts, what people eat, how they sleep, what they think, and how they move their bodies and their activities. So, I’m excited to have you on the line with us here and we’re going to get into whatever we need to get into and if you’re watching this, if you’re listening to this, hopefully you’ll get a lot of value out of this as well. Let’s do this, David.
David Zachary: Thank you. Yeah, let’s just jump right in. That sounds like a fun way to do it.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
David Zachary: Awesome, okay so let me see here. What I’ve got right now. Can you see my screen or are we sharing your screen?
Yuri Elkaim: You can click the “share your screen” button I think and that should work okay.
David Zachary: All right.
Yuri Elkaim: And if you’re listening to this on a podcast, you have no idea what we’re talking about. Just bear with us. I’ll try to bring some auditory perspective to this.
Finding your process and organizing it
David Zachary: Here we go, there we go. Okay, so what I have going on is one of the pages creating an escape plan and this is one of the starting pieces before you get the webinar. What I’ve been working on is creating the milestone, creating the steps for each of these milestones.
Yuri Elkaim: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
David Zachary: And it’s really interesting, when I went through this, I found that I was fleshing out a lot more stuff, because as you mentioned Yuri, I have a four-step process and in the form, it says we’ll come out with maybe seven steps or something like that. And it was kind of interesting, because when I came out with the four processes, what’d you think, what’d you eat, how’d you sleep, and what you do, I really was able to divide up some of these processes into something a lot more interesting.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool.
David Zachary: You can kind of see here that I’ve got the escape from … moms with the kids, they’ve got an ADD kid. They don’t want to put their kid on Ritalin necessarily or maybe they’ve tried it, they’re putting them on Ritalin, they’re just trying to figure out how to do it. How do you make life work with that?
Yuri Elkaim: And just real quick, your program is targeting parents and helping them with their kids who have ADHD as a natural, better way instead of using medication, correct?
David Zachary: Yes, well actually, I’m not necessarily opposed to medication, but working more in harmony, working in conjunction, just trying to get all the other things out going, because one thing I’ve found in my process is that yeah, medication works and it’s a great and effective tool, but a lot of the information out there says that if you have a kid with ADD, it’s not because you gave them sugar, it’s not because they spent so much time in front of the TV and everything else.
David Zachary: And this is all true, however, it’s also true that if you stick your kid in front of the TV for hours on end and if you feed your kid sugar, they’re not going to be doing as well.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool.
David Zachary: So, why not …
Yuri Elkaim: Sorry to cut you off there, David.
David Zachary: Go ahead.
Yuri Elkaim: What specifically can we help you clarify or really dial in with respect to this for this call.
David Zachary: Oh, sorry. Thank you. I’m getting off track.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s okay. That’s part of my job is to bring it back on track, because we have about 25-30 minutes, so I want to make the most of our time.
David Zachary: Okay, that’s awesome. So, what I’m trying to figure out what to do now is I’m actually trying to put this Dream Come True system … I’m trying to put the escape plan structure into the Dream Come True system. Where do I go next? How do I take this piece and put it into the Dream Come True system so that I can move forward? Because I’m really getting stopped and bogged down and mired with just the minutia.
Building out a genius model and graph
Yuri Elkaim: So, for everyone listening, if you’re listening to this iTunes, you can actually go to our YouTube channel, just type in Healthpreneur and you’ll find it. We’ll have a whole playlist for these video episodes of the podcast and what David’s referring to is his Dream Come True System, which is essentially your coaching program and how that’s all built out to help your clients.
Yuri Elkaim: So, one of the exercises we do is identifying what are the core landmarks that are going to move someone from where they are to where they want to be and then we’re going to break those down into smaller milestones and what this does is it kind of goes from a high-level perspective down to a very granular perspective so that you have a good idea of what you’re going to be sharing throughout the content of your program.
Yuri Elkaim: So, in your case here, we’ve got seven milestones, we’ve got Chaotic Life, which is how to balance out of control, arrive into an ADHD balanced family life and you’ve got seven milestones in between there. Now, you can … so, let me ask you this, David: is your program linear? By that, I mean does somebody come into the program, do they have to do step one before they do step two before they do step three or does it all kind of fit together simultaneously?
David Zachary: That’s actually a really good question. That’s one of the things I’m trying to tease out right now, because one of the things I’m finding is a lot of them are simultaneous.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
David Zachary: It’s hard to almost tease out how do you clean up your diet, how do you add nutrients and not do them at the same time?
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, so one of the things … so, for instance in our Health Business Accelerator Program, it’s actually very simple, because it’s a linear program. You can do step one before you do step two before you do step three. In that case, logically in your mind, we can see the sequential order very easily step by step. In this case, and this is actually the case with a lot of programs and there’s no right or wrong way to do it, there’s two models.
Yuri Elkaim: So, in our case, we have a linear model, and in a lot of our client’s cases, they have a linear model as well, but in your case and in a lot of cases too, you’re going to have what we call a “genius” model and a genius model is going to be … and I’ll sort of draw this out for you and we’ll brainstorm some ideas here is how you can graphically represent what it is you’re doing in a way, first and foremost that you understand it, and then you can clarify this and present it to your perspective clients in a way where they’re like, “Wow, that is super clear.”
Yuri Elkaim: So, let’s look at this for a second. You talked before … actually, if I can share my screen at the same time, I think I can do both …
David Zachary: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: … which is actually pretty cool. All right, okay, so I’m going to just draw this out and give you a sense of what I’m talking about here, because you have … if we take your approach from let’s say ADHD to no ADHD, obviously that maybe not accurate, but let’s just say for the sake of this discussion, we’re going from not happy over here to a lot happier over here.
Yuri Elkaim: So, how are we going to do that? In your case, what we’re doing here is we’re taking the Dream Come True System, but in the Dream Come True System, there’s got to be some type of proprietary process where we talk about this. So, what I’m talking about in your case is what’s called the genius model and you could think about it as your proprietary process. It’s pretty much the same thing, but in this case, it’s not linear, so it’s not step-by-step, it’s kind of all together as you mentioned.
Yuri Elkaim: We have in your case, let’s just look at four pieces to this puzzle. And there’s a lot of different ways we can graphically represent this, but just for me in my mind, this is what’s coming to mind first. So, you have “think”, “eat”, you’ve got “move” and what was the other one?
David Zachary: Sleep.
Yuri Elkaim: Sleep.
David Zachary: Or yeah, think, eat … yeah …
Yuri Elkaim: Is “move” an accurate word or “activity” would be better?
David Zachary: Yeah, “move” is fine, yep. That works.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool, so what we want to do here is we want a graphical representation of what it is you do. Does this make sense? So, think, eat, move, sleep. Those are the four major blocks that you walk people through, right?
David Zachary: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: Now, you’ve mentioned and you’ve shown on the screen that you broke it down into seven milestones. If possible, can we keep it at four and then maybe work within those to break those out a little bit?
David Zachary: Sure, I can probably re-write that, yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah? Because sometimes the simpler solution is usually the better one. If we can go from seven to four, it’s easier for the perspective client to get a grasp on, “Oh okay, cool this is how this works.” If we think about think, eat, move, sleep, now we have some type of model that we can bring together at least in our minds and show our perspective clients about how this might work.
Yuri Elkaim: So, we have four categories and there’s different ways of graphically representing this, so for instance, with our mastermind, we do three circles that are attracts, convert, deliver, and each of those intersections represents a different perspective and then in the middle, we have systemize and scale, so that’s one of the ways we graphically show our genius model. What can we add in your case, what are some elements we can add here in your Dream Come True System to flesh this out to make it a little bit more clear, I guess for you, but also for your clients?
Yuri Elkaim: Is there anything we can add to this or clarify around this to do that?
David Zachary: Well, I think one of the elements that was a capstone perhaps is the testing part.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
David Zachary: Where’s our baseline? Where are you at, because every person’s going to come in a little bit different. ADD is all over the place anyway for people and some people can do that, some people have this, some people have that. There’s a lot of different types, so the testing is one of the things that I think is probably the starting point. You do the hair tissue mineral analysis …
Yuri Elkaim: Perfect.
David Zachary: You do the physical assessment test. You do the test of how are you sleeping at night? What are your thoughts like?
Yuri Elkaim: So, everybody who enrolls with you has to go through that test, right?
David Zachary: Yes.
Customization, standardization, and curriculum templates
Yuri Elkaim: So, that’s perfect. That would be a great example. The person starts let’s say day zero and the first thing they’re going to do as part of the on ramp or the onboarding process is, they’re going to do a test. They’re going to … obviously, you’ll get the dialogue, you’ll get whatever results you get from that test. From that test, then what happens?
David Zachary: From the test, then you can figure out … that’s when the customization starts.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay.
David Zachary: That’s where I’m starting to get confused, because it’s like, “Okay, well it’s hard to make a one size fits all for this sort of a thing.”
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
David Zachary: But I think I can make maybe a five sizes fits all sort of thing or a seven sizes fits all sort of thing. Depending on that test, it would go into some of these subcategories of, “Well, you think this way. You eat this way, you move this way, you sleep that way.”
Yuri Elkaim: Sure, because what you’re saying and for everyone listening, if you’re in the business, if you’re a naturopath, functional medicine doctor, doing some type of lab test with your clients … and let me ask you this, David: you probably see clusters of patterns develop over time, right?
David Zachary: Yep.
Yuri Elkaim: Like, people generally will fall into one of a few categories?
David Zachary: Absolutely.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, so what you want to do and this is the beautiful thing about a leveraged coaching model is it can be a pure group coaching model, everyone does the same thing, but in your case, it’s kind of a hybrid where it’s … we’ll talk about that in a second, but what we’re starting with is how do we individualize and customize it, yet still keep it within predetermined templates that tend to show up more often?
Yuri Elkaim: So, in this case, we might have … you said five buckets, for instance, that they might fall into?
David Zachary: Yeah, let’s just come up with five. That sounds great.
Yuri Elkaim: So, you’ve got five possible buckets. Those are supposed to be buckets. All right, so we’ve got one, two, three, four, and five based on the testing. Regardless of which bucket people fall into, is there going to be standard fundamentals that everyone would follow or benefit from above and beyond the customization in terms of think, eat, move and sleep?
David Zachary: Absolutely. Yeah, so for example the sleep, standardizing your sleep is huge.
Yuri Elkaim: Yep, cool.
David Zachary: And so that’s one that everybody should be doing.
Yuri Elkaim: Perfect. The reason I ask that is because this over here, like these four boxes, these are going to be the fundamentals of the training component of your program. Just like we have the online portal with our different modules, you’ll have different modules that can be video, they can be PDF, they can be whatever you want and because everyone … whatever you’re going to say over and over and over again, no matter who the client is, those are going to be the things that you teach in those different modules. Does that make sense?
David Zachary: Yeah, it does.
Yuri Elkaim: For instance, we’d have module 1, module 2, module 3, module 4. Now, they don’t necessarily have to be sequential. Perhaps, there is a higher level structure, so for instance, if we look at … because we can’t say, “All right, just do module 1 about thinking and then just do module two about eating and so forth and so on,” right? Because it’s not linear.
Yuri Elkaim: So, is there a way to create the curriculum in a way where we address think, eat, move, and sleep each step of the way? For instance, this week, we’re going to do this and then next week we’re going to do this?
David Zachary: Well, that’s kind of where it gets tricky, because I think the best way to do it is to actually isolate out each of these as a unit, but then it seems to me like when we’re looking at this model, I would think you’d have think group sub 1, sub 2, sub 3, eat group, sub 1 through 7 or something like that, move group sub 1 through 3 and sleep group sub 1 through 4 or something like that.
Yuri Elkaim: And that would be based on the buckets they fall into from the testing?
David Zachary: Right.
Yuri Elkaim: Or is that … ? Okay, so that’s one of the ways you can do this is you can say for think there’s going to be, let’s say if we have five buckets, there’s going to be five different levels of the content in think, five different levels of the content in eat, move, and sleep and each one would be listen, if you fall into bucket 2, then you’re going to go down the track of group 2 under each one of those four components, right?
David Zachary: Right. So yeah, I think that’s kind of how, when I’m looking at this, that probably is the best way to go is you have the test, come back with the test results, “Okay, well you scored this points or this is what this says about that,” and then maybe there will be a consultation at that point.
Yuri Elkaim: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
David Zachary: And then from there, we can say, “Okay, you want to see webinar this, this, and this,” and create this series based on which of those five categories they would fall into?
Yuri Elkaim: Yep. So, I’ll give you a great example. So, a friend of mine, she runs the Cleanse, which has done I think more than $7 million in the past couple years and her … the way she does it is you fill out an assessment and it’s online, so it’s not like saliva testing and stuff like that, but it’s based on the answers symptomatically to your questions, you’re going to go down one of three tracks and based on those tracks, you’re sent a specific kit of supplements and specific trainings for your specific path.
Yuri Elkaim: So, that’s kind of similar to what we’re talking about here is you’ve got … let me just clean this up a little bit … so, you’ve got path 1 that will go this way, you’ve got path 2, you’ve got path 3 and so forth and each one will address the four components: eat, move, think, and sleep, right?
David Zachary: Okay.
Yuri Elkaim: And now it’s just a matter of you to determine, okay for path 1 or bucket 1, what would I tell someone to do with respect to their food, movement, thinking, and sleeping if they came back from the test and fell into this bucket or this path?
David Zachary: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: Does that make sense?
David Zachary: I think that does make sense.
Yuri Elkaim: Because then they’ve got five tracks, right, five paths based on however many buckets you want to do and the content may or may not be very similar, but the good news is it doesn’t take a lot of time … excuse me, I just choked on an almond, I think … it doesn’t take a lot of time to shoot that content.
Yuri Elkaim: If you’re shooting a video on path 1, you can just very quickly make an adjustment, shoot the video for path 2 pretty much in the same day. It’s not a huge amount of extra work to do this, but the nice thing is that when you’re speaking to people on the phone, you’re telling them, “Listen, based on our initial testing, we’ll be going to one of a few tracks that is specific to your needs and is going to move you to your goals a lot more effectively than if we had everyone doing the same thing regardless of their customization needs.”
David Zachary: So, when I start recording this and start making it, do I create the Path 1 System, then create the Path 2 System, or would I go let’s look at the eat section of Path 1 through 5 and then go to the move section of Path 1 through 5?
How to organize your content and sell your product
Yuri Elkaim: Whatever you want. It depends on how you create content. I’m just stopping my share here for a second. It depends on how you create your content. The most important thing that we do in module one is our goal is to get you super clear on just visualizing what this looks like, because once you have the framework and the skeleton mapped out, it becomes a lot easier to create the content, right?
David Zachary: Yup.
Yuri Elkaim: So, if you know that you’re going to have an eat, move, think, and sleep component or several components under each of those for each path, let’s say you’ve got five paths, three components under each one, five times four is 20 times three variations is 60. So, you’re going to shoot 60 little micro videos and they’ll all be placed into their respective paths.
Yuri Elkaim: When someone comes in, they’re not doing 60 different things, they’re doing one path, four sections or four components, each one has specific exercises, actions to move them closer to that desired outcome. Does that make sense?
David Zachary: It does. Yeah, I think that really helps clarify it for me. That actually is probably the thing I needed to break through to the next level, because it just felt like spaghetti at some point.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. And this is … it is tough. If you don’t have your program dialed in, mapped out, this is where some really important thinking has to come in, because what you’ll find is once you have this clarity, it’s like everything just happens so much faster, because you know exactly where people are ending up and that all feeds back into your marketing, because then you go on the marketing side, even the webinar, you can talk about how there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to ADHD, how customization’s really important.
Yuri Elkaim: And then that makes it easier to sell your program, because now you’re offering that individualization that customization that most people are not going to get elsewhere. That makes your program more valuable and now people see, “Yeah, he’s speaking exactly to what I need or my son needs or my daughter needs. This sounds awesome.” I think yeah, I think that’s great. I’m happy we’re able to get a bit of clarity around this.
Yuri Elkaim: Does that resolve a bit of that issue around the Dream Come True System for you?
Naming your program and the naming formula
David Zachary: Well, I think that really does help solve a lot of it. The other part I was really having a challenge with was naming.
Yuri Elkaim: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
David Zachary: For some reason I’m really stuck into … because to me, I’m perfectly content with saying “Section 1, Module A”.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
David Zachary: And I don’t know if that has the catchiness that …
Yuri Elkaim: So yeah, this is something that a lot of our clients struggle with, because naming is not … coming up with really cool names is not second nature to most people, so I’ve been having to come up with names for a long time and I’ve figured out some mnemonics to help with that. One of the exercises you have in the portal, actually with the Dream Come True System and the downloads is the be, do, have, and feel naming formula.
Yuri Elkaim: Have you gone through that worksheet yet?
David Zachary: Yeah, I’m actually working through it and that’s actually part of where I got stopped, because it was like, “Oh, I’ve got this big pile of spaghetti. How do I come up with names for all these things?” And when I started thinking about that, it’s like if I was a client, I wouldn’t want to have somebody throwing out four dozen names at me.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
David Zachary: Oh great, I’ve got these flashy names.
Yuri Elkaim: So, out of the ones you’ve come up with, what are one or two or three that just kind of jump to top of mind?
David Zachary: Well, one of the things that’s really interesting that’s fleshed out from this is a video game theme to it.
Yuri Elkaim: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
David Zachary: I think about the old Nintendo video games like Wings of Heaven or something like that, this kind of a thing. I think one of them was just like Gamify Life or something like that, but I think that’s already been taken.
Yuri Elkaim: Do you have the name of the program yet or no?
David Zachary: No.
The naming archive we offer our clients
Yuri Elkaim: Okay, so the name of the program and this is very important for everyone listening or watching this … the name of your program should be directly related to the benefit or the outcome your client wants. So, a really simple name of your program could be “The ADHD Solution.” Right, so that could be at the simplest, basic level, the name of the program is “The ADHD Solution.” That doesn’t have to be that, but what that does is it tells you exactly what it is, right?
Yuri Elkaim: Or ADHD Gone, like I have a book called “The Energy Diet”, the “All-Day Fat Burning Diet,” “Amazing Abs Solution.” So, the names of these programs are going to define what the outcome is that the client wants. If we take that thinking and you go back to the be, do, have, feel naming formula, so who is this person going to be once they’re done, what are they going to be able to do, what are they going to have, what are they going to be able to … what are they going to feel?
Yuri Elkaim: If you think of, for instance, the all-day energy diet, that would tie into both the have and feel categories, they’re going to have all the energy, they’re going to feel all the energy, for instance. Amazing absolution, that is what they’re going to have, amazing abs. In your case, ADHD Solution, that would fall into the “have” category. They’re going to have pretty much no more ADHD, right? Or does that make sense, David?
David Zachary: Yeah, it feels to me like the end result is feeling in control.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
David Zachary: One of the things about ADD is it just feels like life happens to you and not you’re in control of life and I think there’s a real feeling of control that happens when you get control of ADHD.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah and this is … again, usually the fewer words you use, the more time you have to think about it and that’s why naming titles and stuff like that is tough. So, even if you don’t have the name of your program figured out, just have the framework done. Have that framework and that road map done, because as you’re working on your webinar, as you’re piecing all of this stuff together, you’re going to have time to think through this.
Yuri Elkaim: You might be in a shower, you might go for a walk, you might come up with an example. Actually one of the things we’re doing for you guys is putting together a whole archive of headline and naming ideas from places like Amazon or Dr. Oz or popular magazine titles. One of the great hacks you can use is just go to Google Images, type in a name of a magazine your clients might read, for instance like the Dr. Oz Magazine and look at the covers, look at the titles, look at the words they’re using, the copy on those titles or on those covers, because a lot of those are really, really good for naming things.
Yuri Elkaim: These are very highly paid copy writers who’ve been paid a lot of money to put the right words on that front page, because it’s going to get the most eye balls. I would look at having a look at Google Images, typing in … like, what would be a magazine that your clients might read? Now, not the kids necessarily, but would like the Dr. Oz … would that be a relevant, broad general health magazine that your people might be reading?
David Zachary: Sure, why not.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, so I would go Dr. Oz magazine, go into Google Images and look at what comes up and just write down a couple ideas. Like, if you see some words that come up … and it might be something that doesn’t relate necessarily to ADHD, but it’s a word or a phrase that you may not have thought of otherwise, just jot it down, because then you can tie it all together with ADD, ADHD in a way that maybe is more compelling.
Yuri Elkaim: But at the end of the day, it’s when you’re speaking with someone on the phone and you’re saying, “Listen, we’ve got this great program. It’s called x, whatever the name of the program is, they in their mind automatically should be like, ‘That sounds amazing. That’s exactly what I need.’” Right, does that make sense?
David Zachary: It does. And I think I’m again over complicating it with trying to make a video game theme to it.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Now, inside the components of the deliverables, you can then … so, we have a theme, like an aviation theme with our Healthpreneur Status Levels. We’ve got “cadet”, “top gun”, stuff like that. You can do that inside the delivery and give it a bit of a theme. If you like video games, maybe there’s a theme. So, instead of calling it a training, it’s called an adventure or whatever language you want to give to that, you can give that inside the program and you’re just going to train people right from the get-go.
David’s biggest takeaway
Yuri Elkaim: Here’s the language we use, here’s what this signifies and that’s how you can make it all happen. We’ve got like 30 seconds to wrap this up David, but I would love to … well, first and foremost, thank you for sharing this and being open about what this all means to you and how it’s all looking. Just before we finish off, I’d love to get to know from you, what’s been most useful from our conversation around this?
David Zachary: Well, I think it did open a lot of doors. It’s always nice to bounce stuff off of another person and especially from you, Yuri, you’ve got a lot of good insights on this, so I think the big thing I really enjoyed about it was being able to just talk it out, tangle out the idea that the test should be the starting place, then going into the genius model and then, finally, with the naming system, just to go out and look for what people are reading and what other people are already doing on that.
Yuri Elkaim: Yep. There we go. Perfect, so David thanks so much for joining us today. Hope this has been helpful. For everyone watching and listening, thank you guys so much for joining in. Hope you had some insights and aha’s from this and again, if you want to watch the video, go back to the YouTube channel for Healthpreneur and you will find it there and, in the meantime, we look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
David Zachary: Thank you, Yuri.
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Recently we’ve had some feedback from our followers. And a lot of that feedback had to do with the basics, the fundamentals that they still don’t have in place. Many entrepreneurs are anxious to get to the fun stuff without setting up the foundation that’ll lead them to lasting success – and that’s a big mistake.
You’ve got to follow a step-by-step process for your predictable, profitable, Perfect Client Pipeline to work. And you’ve got to lay this – the groundwork – first. Plain and simple.
Listen in to find out exactly what those fundamentals are, why they’re so important, and how you can lay that foundation in your business no matter how long you’ve neglected it.
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