The Secrets of Lasting Business Success With Matthew Loop

It’s another great day on the Healthpreneur Podcast! Today’s guest is a wicked-smart social media revenue strategist, author, speaker, and philanthropist. Matthew Loop is the author of “Social Media Made Me Rich,” and he helps brands, celebrities, startups and small business owners leverage the internet for greater influence, impact, and income.
Matthew hasn’t always had the code to social media success. In fact, when he started out online, he was massively in debt, his credit cards were maxed out, and he was humiliated when he had to accept a $2,000 loan from his ex-girlfriend’s father. What an ego-squash. Luckily, as you’ll be able to hear during our chat, Matthew is wildly ambitious and an avid learner.
He devoured books and content about social media, human behavior, and marketing, and soon his tactics were working. Others began noticing and they wanted to know just how he did it. Tune in to hear how Matthew grew his consulting business, what he did to scale, and why – through all his success – his top priorities have never changed and he stays grounded in what’s important.
In this episode Matthew and I discuss:
- How he’s built his consulting business.
- Facebook marketing and how he cracked the code.
- Taking the leap into an online business and learning how to do it.
- Delegating work to people who can do it better and putting skin in the game.
- How having kids makes you more resourceful and creative.
- His Ferrari, why he bought it, and what he prioritizes.
4:00 – 8:30 – Matthew’s business model and how it evolved
8:30 –13:00 – Using social media, direct response, and marketing to influence people
13:00 – 21:30 – The journey from a struggling private practice to a flourishing online business
21:30 – 27:00 – Working at home with kids and teaching them entrepreneurial skills
27:00 – 30:30 – The Ferrari and what Matt has learned about priorities, happiness, and life
30:30 – 36:30 – The Rapid Five
Boy oh boy, do I have a treat for you today. Welcome to another episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast. I hope you’re doing great and having an awesome start to your day. It’s only getting better because I’ve got my good buddy Dr. Matthew Loop on the show. If you’ve been around social media, online for any number of years, or are in the chiropractic, practitioner, alternative health space, you’ve probably heard this name. This guy is the real deal.
Not only is he a trained chiropractor and has had his own practice, but he realized that to get out of that rut, serve more people, and live the life he wanted, he needed to figure out this Internet thing.
This episode is a gem. There’s a lot of golden nuggets you’re going to discover because Matthew and I started online around the same time. I love speaking to people who’ve been around for a long time. The original gangsters. The people who’ve seen the rise and fall of things like MySpace and who’ve seen how the tides turned as it pertains to building a business online.
One of the things you pick up on with people who’ve been around for a long time is that there are some fundamental principles that they get. We’re going to talk about a few of those in this episode. I’m not going to ruin the surprise, but be sure to buckle down and listen to this one.
Let me give you a bit more of a background on Matthew, in case you don’t know.
Matthew Loop is an international best-selling author, Harvard speaker, philanthropist, and the highest paid social media revenue strategist in North America. Not too shabby. He helps entrepreneurs multiply their influence, impact, and monthly revenue by harnessing the power of Facebook and other powerful online platforms.
Since social media’s infancy in 2005, he’s consulted thousands of entrepreneurs in over 25 countries. Millions have viewed his free business growth tutorials online and Matthew has developed a reliable blueprint through his knowledge and experience connecting anyone or company with a big vision to their desired outcome.
As I mention in the interview, you’re going to want to get his book, “Social Media Made Me Rich.” It’s a terrific read.
It’s an all-encompassing course, if you will, for building a business online. If you want to learn about that, go over to
Without any further ado, let’s welcome Matthew Loop onto the show. Matthew Loop, welcome to the Healthpreneur Podcast. How’s it going?
Matthew: Excellent, Yuri, how are you today?
Yuri: I’m doing awesome, man. I’m excited to chat with you. We connected a couple of months ago and I’ve known of you for some time. We have a lot of mutual friends and it’s great to connect with someone who is doing some awesome stuff in our space and serving not just health professionals, but also entrepreneurs in general to leverage social media and build businesses that are super-successful.
Can you give our audience a sense of what your business model looks like?
Matthew’s business model and how it evolved
Matthew: Yes, absolutely. Most of the time, I’m a consultant. I travel and speak all around the world to help doctors and professionals grow their practices. Or I show them how to create additional sources of income online.
Through that consulting and speaking, I’ve got a separate company that does Facebook ads for doctors and professionals. I’ve got separate products and programs online that are digitally delivered, free reports, and the whole gamut in between. I consider myself an information marketer, classically, but I love traveling and speaking, so my model mostly revolves around the consulting element.
Yuri: Awesome. What’s your favorite place to travel to?
Matthew: The Caribbean. At least once a year we go to Turks and Caicos and then once a year we go to Cancun. We probably hit the Caribbean at least twice per year, but I do love the Old-World style of Europe. I’m getting ready to speak in Amsterdam this year.
That’s one of the beautiful things about what we do. We can go all over the world, speak, and experience different cultures. I’m very grateful.
Yuri: Yeah, it’s funny because people ask if I’m traveling for business or pleasure. It’s very tough to answer that question because even if I’m traveling for pleasure, I’m still doing work. Even if it’s a conversation. It’s tough to separate the two when you love what you do.
Matthew: I was speaking last year in London and I put out a bulletin on Facebook. I said, “I’ve got a half-day available. I’m going to be in this area because I’m hosting a seminar for a couple hundred doctors. I’ve got a four-hour window if anybody wants a total emersion private training for a company or group. Message my assistant.”
I put that out there and within a few hours somebody had booked that. It’s a beautiful thing to be mobile and able to do trainings on demand for people that are hungry for the stuff.
Yuri: Yeah, that’s awesome. You had sent me your book, “Social Media Made Me Rich” which, by the way, guys, get it on Amazon or in bookstores because it’s a great book. I was surprised. I thought it was just going to be, “Hey, here’s what to do on Facebook,” but I got a full all-encompassing business plan almost.
It covered everything you could need. I guess you’re most well-known for this kind of approach to social media. How did you crack the code for yourself within the online space or social media in general?
Facebook marketing and how he cracked the code
Matthew: That’s a great question. I started way back in 2005 in social media’s embryonic stage. Were you on MySpace, by chance?
Yuri: I’m a very late adopter I refuse things until I must do them. So I didn’t actually do MySpace.
Matthew: It was by accident for me, but I was on MySpace hanging out with friends and I thought, “Man, this is an interesting channel. You can connect with people that have certain interests that are five miles from my chiropractic office. I wonder how I could make this work?” I started experimenting and growing my audience way back then.
Lo and behold people saw me, they saw what I did, and they said, “Hey, can you help me with this problem?” That snowball turned into an avalanche and then I had other colleagues starting to ask me, “Hey, what are you doing? How are you attracting patients from this ‘kids’ network?”
I began showing them what I did, then I realized it was cutting into my practice time. I didn’t know how to package my knowledge and expertise into a downloadable product, program, or DVD, so that was a whole new learning experience. It’s much easier to do it nowadays, but that was my initial journey and taste into information marketing and how I evolved from a private practitioner.
I thought if I could help thousands of doctors reach millions of patients, that’d be a really cool thing to do. 2005 or 2006 is when I set my sights on consulting. My life has never been the same since.
The book “Social Media Made Me Rich” basically details my journey and it also shows you what the world’s highest paid internet entrepreneurs are doing to multiply their impact, influence, and monthly revenue. Those are strategies that I learned throughout the years. I mastermind in certain groups and what-not, but it is a very comprehensive, very strategic and tactical book to use.
Using social media, direct response, and marketing to influence people
Yuri: What I enjoyed about it was your acuity for direct response and the understanding of how to influence people. Guys, when I say influence I’m talking about that in the best way possible. We’re not talking about doing stuff that’s ridiculous, but just understanding how to weave words together in a way that compels people to act.
When you help people with their social media do you find there’s a missing piece in their toolkit? Do a lot of people just post some stuff on Instagram or Facebook and think it’s all going to work out without understanding direct response? Do you find there’s a disconnect, or are people starting to put it all together?
Matthew: There’s a huge disconnect, especially in the health space. You and I work with a lot of health practitioners. The reason is because these people want to help as many patients as possible, so they typically look at the direct response or selling component with a certain stereotype. For those that don’t understand it, like you said, it’s about influence not manipulation. When you understand how to craft certain words to get people to act, it’s the difference between making a few hundred thousand versus a few million.
I wish I would have connected with mentors like Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, or some of the legendary copywriters of our time much sooner because that got me to look. Do you know who’s great in the health space way early on? I knew this, but I didn’t know how great he was in marketing. Dr. Joe Mercola. He’s a classic example of someone you listen to or you view his emails and you can’t throw them away because the subject headlines are so compelling.
Yuri: Totally.
Matthew: You and I both know that if you can’t get your email opened, no one is going to see your message, so I’m a big fan of direct response marketing. When you combine that with social media the right way, it opens a whole new world of opportunity for you and you’re able to reach and impact so many more people based on that alone.
Yuri: It’s so true. We’ve had about three episodes on this podcast already that have gone deep into copywriting. Not becoming a Gary Halbert copywriter, but just understanding how to weave words together. I think it’s one of the most important skills you can have if you’re going to be communicating online, whether in video or written form, because it follows a framework that allows you to be so much more effective at what you do.
Gary Halbert, one of the greatest copywriters of all time, passed away a few years ago, but he’s got stuff all over the place. A lot of the greats refer to him. Dan Kennedy has a great book called, “The Ultimate Sales Letter,” which is a great reference as well.
Matthew: What did Gary always say? He always said, “You’re one sales letter away from being rich,” which is crazy, but true. If you have an online course or product and you can compel people to take a certain action, the world is possible. I learned this very early on, even in practice. I had somebody that had a herniated disc and for some odd reason there was a mental block between them coming to see me or taking out their credit card to pay for the treatment they knew they needed.
It’s the same thing online. People know they need this information to better their quality of life, but how do you bridge the gap? How do you get them to take the next step and work with you? It’s an art and science and I’m a constant student.
Yuri: I think he also said, “Every problem can be solved with a good sales letter,” as well, which is true. That’s a good thinking exercise to go through. Anyways, you had your own practice before coming online. Why did you decide to come online? Was there a pivotal moment in your clinical work where you decided you couldn’t keep doing it and needed something different?
The journey from a struggling private practice to a flourishing online business
Matthew: My journey is interesting because when I got out of school all I wanted to do was help people, like most doctors. I learned early on that you don’t just hang a sign and people come in. We accepted health insurance and, at least health insurance here in the United States, you submit a claim and won’t be reimbursed for two or three months. It’s insane sometimes.
No one ever told me that, but I was very naïve when it came to business. I got out of school and I thought I was helping a lot of people, but it got to a point where my credit cards were maxed, I had $1,000 in the bank, $120,000-$130,000 of student loan debt, and my ex-girlfriend’s father took me out to Bahama Breeze to float me a $2,000 check at lunch and I was humiliated. But I couldn’t refuse. I had to take it.
I still remember, I said, “I got to figure this stuff out. I’m a great chiropractor, but something is not working.” That’s when I started to get my hands on books like “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini, or “E-Myth” by Michael Gerber. It completely revolutionized my thinking. I discovered that there was a technical component of the business.
There’s the entrepreneur and there’s the manager, and most doctors don’t focus on that entrepreneurial aspect. That got me thinking about marketing- advertising to grow my business. Around that same time in 2005 is when My Space stepped in and I started to learn about the value of using the Internet to bring people in. Then my other friends started to consult me and ask me what I was doing, and I began to show them.
That’s when the whole thing with online courses started. I had to figure that stuff out. It was right around that time and that hardship propelled me into an area that I could have never anticipated, certainly, but I’m very grateful for what transpired.
Yuri: Yeah, no kidding. What a great story. It’s always cool to see how people evolve in their business and life. That’s great. As you started the online side of things, what were some of the initial internal blocks – from a mindset or external perspective – that you had to overcome?
Matthew: I thought I had to do everything myself. I was getting good at programming and article writing and all these different things. It was fun initially because I was learning a new skillset. It was just another beautiful day once I discovered Elance and ODesk, which now merged to create Upwork.
It was a huge epiphany to learn that I could delegate to people that were more experienced at writing great content than I was at that time. I could also find somebody that was very proficient in Google AdWords. That was a huge burden completely lifted, and that’s when I learned one of the most important lessons: Strengthen your strengths and delegate your weaknesses. That allowed me to scale to the next level. I wish that was something I had learned very, very early on in business.
Yuri: Yeah. I was just about to ask you: knowing what you know now, what would you do differently if you started again? Other than that, is there anything else you would do differently?
Matthew: I would have connected with mentors early on, as well. You and I both know because we’re in masterminds and groups that it’s a lot easier to pay to get in certain circles, have the information immediately, or have access to somebody that has already been where you are and encountered every hardship or obstacle.
That’s one of the other gems that I wish I would have taken early on. I didn’t start getting involved in mastermind groups probably until four or five years later. I connected with other influencers because I was so early in the space and people would approach me to promote my stuff, but in general, your inner circle is what makes you grow quickly, so I can’t say enough about connecting with mentors that way.
Yuri: Yeah, totally. The really successful people that we’ve interviewed on the show – from a financial perspective or business growth perspective – have all said the same thing, that they wish they would have had a mentor sooner and specifically paid for one. I think there’s a big distinction there because a lot of people say, “Hey, can I pick your brain?” When I say that I’m being sarcastic.
Matthew: I’m like, no.
Yuri: No way. As someone who values the advice you give, have people pay to play. That’s something I learned the hard way as well, but hindsight is 20/20 and we both believe coaching and masterminds are super important. What do you say to people who are just starting out or don’t think they have the financial resources or stability to hire a coach or join a mastermind?
Matthew: It’s interesting because we all have different priorities. In my life, if I reflect on everything that has ever been a real top priority, I’ve always come up with the money.
I realize that certain masterminds can be $20,000 plus per year and I get that, but there’s nothing that is preventing you from going to a successful business owner locally, talking with them, and seeing if you can help them out in some way, shape or form to provide value to them first. That is another way that I connected with a lot of influencers.
I had experience with products and programs and I would do video testimonials for these people because I saw great results. That put me on the map in certain circles. I would go and approach other businesses that were successful and offer to do stuff for them. Then I could at least get a few minutes of talk time. You don’t have to have a huge budget, but at the same time you certainly should make that a priority.
I wanted to touch on one more thing, too. When you invest a lot of money in something, like if I invest 7,10,20 thousand dollars in coaching or whatever it is, it’s very difficult for me to sit on the sidelines. I get sluggish at times. I know my weakness. Sometimes, I don’t want to do anything. But, if I have a lot of skin in the game, I don’t want to let that go to waste. So, that’s another motivating factor. Just like with anything else, it’s simple psychology but can be powerful.
Yuri: Totally. I’m sure you’ve been part of some groups that have been better than others and some events that have been better than others. I spoke about this on stage at our event last year. I said, “I traced every single event in my business, and it all started with that first decision to join a mastermind.” Even in the masterminds or coaching groups that were less than ideal, there was always one relationship or something that came out of that that which was infinitely greater than the monetary investment.
Would you agree with that?
Matthew: Absolutely, and this even goes into seminars that are high-level. We both know that if you want to attend a high-level seminar in this space you’ll pay at least $1,000. That is a barrier to entry for a lot of people. I remember spending $3,000 or so way back on Yanik Silver’s “Underground.” Half the room was making over six-figures in passive income through their online businesses so that is a huge thing.
I love social media, but nothing compares to being in a room with high-level influencers and getting face-to-face with these individuals. Amazing opportunities can open whether it’s through a seminar like that or a mastermind.
Yuri: Totally. That’s why I keep saying that the best way to build your online business is to spend more time offline and connecting with humans. It makes a huge difference.
Matthew: I like that. I’m going to steal that. I’m going to give you credit though.
Yuri: Go for it. What would you consider a defining moment in your life business, personal, or otherwise?
Working at home with kids and teaching them entrepreneurial skills
Matthew: When I had my first son, Ethan, and looked in his eyes for the first time. That was just amazing and unbelievable, and put a lot of things into perspective. He gave me this deep-down reason why I have to be successful and continue even though I don’t want to continue sometimes. That was pretty defining.
Yuri: You’ve got two boys, right?
Matthew: Yes.
Yuri: What has having kids taught you about yourself or business?
Matthew: It’s taught me to be a heck of a lot more resourceful. Maybe you’ve had similar situations. Even though I have a home office, I just never know with two tornadoes going everywhere. I could be in an interview and get knocks on the door. Stuff like that happens.
I’m just trying to be a lot more resourceful. I wake up much earlier than I did before. If I can get up at five o’clockish I know I’m going to hammer out at least two, 2-1/2 productive hours of silent time. I can get a lot done during that period. That’s something I would have never thought I would do before.
Yuri: Yeah, I tell everyone that if you want to be more productive, just have kids. It’s the ultimate productivity tool.
Matthew: That’s right.
Yuri: You learn so much about yourself, too. It’s awesome.
Matthew: Of course. Do your kids star in some of your videos with you?
Yuri: They do. I don’t know if I should mention this publicly, but when we travel I make sure I shoot videos because I use those videos as advertising on social media and in all our marketing. They’re models for our company. They’ve been in some of my videos.
It’s cool for me from a parent perspective. It’s fun to look back on some of the older videos when they were young. I’m so happy I had them in those videos because we sometimes forget how far they’ve come and how much they’ve grown. It’s nice to have those memories on video even if it’s on YouTube.
Matthew: I totally agree. Another thing I like is the spontaneity. I’ve got a six-year-old and a two-year-old, and you never know what’s going to happen. That gives an extra authentic feel to the video sometimes, but now, with my six-year-old, we’ll rehearse a little bit before. But I do like that extra level of authenticity.
Yuri: I think it’s good for the kids, too, because they’re growing up with a father or parents that are living this type of life. I’m sure they ask you what you do, or if they don’t understand it, at least they’re seeing how it all works. It’s a very different experience than mommy and daddy going to a job in the office and not seeing them until an hour before bedtime. They’re seeing you add value to the world and helping other people by sharing your knowledge. I think it’s cool to grow up like that.
Matthew: I’m hoping to impart some of that on my son. I want him to be an entrepreneur and he’s got that entrepreneurial spirit right now. I like that he thinks big. He says, “Dad, I want a Ferrari like yours.”
Yuri: Nice.
Matthew: I said, “Well, Ethan, what do you have to do?” He’s like, “I need to start a company.” I said, “Ethan, that’s absolutely right, and what else do you need to do?” He said, “I need to deliver value to the marketplace.” I said, “Absolutely, that’s right.” I’m trying to get him in the habit that with constant repetition, you can have anything you want, if you just help enough people.
The Ferrari and what Matt has learned about priorities, happiness, and life
Yuri: That’s great. Let’s talk about the Ferrari for a second because I love fast cars. What kind of Ferrari do you have?
Matthew: 430.
Yuri: Nice. Was that a bucket list thing for you? Was there a moment in your business where you said, “We hit it big, I’m going to buy a Ferrari.” What was that like for you?
Matthew: It was after I sold one of my companies, but I wanted to get it early on. My wife wanted a four-door sports car. I said, “Sweetheart, well, with Ferrari or Lamborghini they typically make two doors.” It was a dream of mine since I was five years old. I don’t know where I got this, but I always have to prove certain people wrong. I have this deep fire, my “why” which is my family, but if I set my mind on something, I do it.
It was more like the validation that if I set my mind to something, I do it. It’s a memory that if I work hard enough, have a clear vision of what I want, am willing to put the time and energy in, find the best tools, resources, and adjust or tweak certain things, anything is possible. It gets attention, too, which helps you in business anyway, so from many different angles I enjoy it. Mostly, when I get in the car I still feel like a little kid and it excites me because it’s something I’ve always wanted. It’s been a very cool experience.
Yuri: Yeah, that’s awesome. It’s always nice when you buy something like that. I have an M5 and that was one of my dream cars for the longest time.
Matthew: Nice.
Yuri: I’ve had it four years and the novelty still hasn’t worn off. I’m sure it’s very much the same with the Ferrari. You just appreciate it, love driving it, and it’s just so much fun every time you get in.
Matthew: 100%.
Yuri: Yeah, that’s awesome. A lot of people seek out these “toys” because they think they’re going to be happy or because they’re going to feel a certain way. Did you notice anything shift in you once you made that purchase? Did it help you reprioritize what was important, or did you already have that understanding of what makes you happy or fulfilled before you bought the car?
Matthew: That’s a great question. I was confident before and grounded in all things. My family is first to me and travel is second, so we spend most of our time, energy, and money on travel and doing cool things and experiences. Toys and trinkets are very nice, but there were no trumpets sounding when I bought the Ferrari like I thought there would be when I was five years old like, “Now he’s good enough.”
It wasn’t like that. It was a cool experience and I got the whole thing on video. I’m not sure if I ever showed you that video because I did make an inspirational video out of it.
Yuri: Oh, nice, send it over. I’d like to have a look.
Matthew: I think it almost has a million views now, which is cool.
Yuri: Awesome.
Matthew: I was always grounded from that level. Certainly, I like nice things, fine experiences, and you can easily use them for your business ventures as well, but I think it’s important to stay grounded. It’s not the toys, like you said, that stuff doesn’t make you happy. It’s nice if you’re ever feeling down to go take a drive in the Ferrari, certainly it cheers you up a little bit.
The important things in life are family. I will hustle, I work my ass off, but I’m not one of those guys that’s doing and creating content 24/7 every waking moment. I know that I’m not going to get these years back with my kids, so it’s a super priority to me. I respect the guys that do the 24/7, but it’s not something that I totally resonate with because I like freedom and flexibility.
Even if you make $10 million per year, what good is that if you can’t enjoy it with the ones that you love?
Yuri: Totally. What do you say to those who have an issue with money? They don’t feel they’re worth it. They don’t feel they’re good enough. They don’t feel people will pay them for the true value they provide. What type of conversation do you have with those types of entrepreneurs?
Matthew: That’s a very interesting question, too, because I deal with people from all different walks of life. I can relate because I was in that situation. I grew up in a lower middle class family where I heard all the typical things. Money is the root of all evil. It doesn’t grow on trees. My parents had the best of intentions and they did the best with the knowledge that they had at the time and I’ve very grateful. But you learn very early on that if you want to play a little bigger in the world and reach more people, something’s got to change.
When I relate my personal story to them or when somebody reads my book I think that’s the best end to being able to change their mindset because they see, “He came from a small 600-square foot duplex, now he’s like this, and he still seems pretty grounded. He donates a lot. He’s philanthropic.”
I don’t remember where I first heard this, but money essentially amplifies the person you already are. So, if you’re an obnoxious jerk, when you have money you’re going to be even more of an obnoxious jerk, but if you’re really kind and generous, you’re going to be even more kind and generous. I believe that.
I think that’s held true in my own life. And, at least from friends and colleagues that I’ve seen who’ve done exceptionally well, it’s held true in theirs.
The Rapid Five
Yuri: That’s awesome. Good advice. Matt, this has been awesome, dude. I know we could talk about this forever, but are you ready for the Rapid Five?
Matthew: Let’s do it.
Yuri: We are moving onto the rapid-fire questions. I don’t believe Matthew knows what these questions are, so here we go. Whatever comes top-of-mind is probably the right answer. Number one, is what is your biggest weakness?
Matthew: I’m a control freak.
Yuri: Nice. I don’t think anyone can relate to that.
Matthew: Not at all. I know when to delegate, but it just takes me a little bit longer than usual sometimes.
Yuri: Yeah, totally. Number two, what is your biggest strength?
Matthew: My biggest strength is my consistency and ability to give value because I feel that no one will outwork me. I’ll hear people say they feel guilty and like they should buy something from me because they’ve made so much money off my free stuff, but I’m consistently giving. I think that’s one of my biggest strengths.
Yuri: You should just set up a Matthew Loop Foundation for people who want to send in charitable donations.
Matthew: Exactly.
Yuri: Number three, what’s one skill you’ve become dangerously good at to grow your business?
Matthew: Facebook advertising.
Yuri: Nice. Let’s talk about that for a second. What’s been your secret to success with Facebook without going into the grander details? Is there a guiding principle that has allowed you to be successful with Facebook advertising?
Matthew: I can stand out when there’s all this noise. One of the ways I do is by consistently giving content, so while there’s so many direct response offers on Facebook that try to get people to buy now I’ve always tried to build my email list first. I think a lot of entrepreneurs think they should have built their email list earlier, before Facebook started to jack up the cost-per-click and change the algorithms.
I was very fortunate to do that early on because, like you, I studied some of the direct response greats like the classic internet marketer Frank Kern. He’s been a huge mentor of mine.
Early on, build the list. That’s where most of the money comes from anyway. With Facebook, I consistently deliver value. Sometimes, I’ll just do goodwill campaigns because I have the money to spend. I’ll put it out there; whether it’s a great video that shows somebody how to get results in advance. With Facebook, we can re-target people that watch our videos for over 50% of the time so there’s ways that we can still go for the direct response in the backend.
The ability to deliver value has helped me a lot. I just give people something that they need to give them results in advance before I ask for money.
Yuri: That is such a great principle to live by, in life and in business, so it’s no wonder it’s worked well for you. Number four, what do you do first thing in the morning?
Matthew: I wake up and have about 15 minutes of quiet time. I try to clear my head, breathe deeply, reflect on everything, and count my blessings. Essentially, I’m grateful for my children, that we can live a wonderful lifestyle, and that I’m going to help so many people.
I set the stage whether it’s Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, or any self-help 101 stuff that works and shapes my entire day. That’s the first thing I do.
Yuri: Awesome. Finally, complete this sentence: I know I’m being successful when…
Matthew: That’s a good one. When my children follow in my footsteps, meaning that when they start to deliver value. Whether it’s my son in his class or if it’s online or whatever, I want them to always be givers. I like what Joe Polish says. He says, “Life gives to the givers, and takes from the takers.” 100% true.
That’s what makes me feel successful; when I see my children picking up those great habits of consistently giving. It makes me very happy.
Yuri: Awesome, that’s great. This has been a lot of fun, man, thank you so much for taking the time and sharing your story, your journey, and your wisdom.
I know our listeners are going to get a ton of insights out of this, so thank you so much. What is the best place for our listeners to see what you’re up to online, follow your work, and all that good jazz?
Matthew: Absolutely. If you go to you can download the first six chapters of “Social Media Made Me Rich.” That book will help transform your life. It’s worked for thousands of others and I’ve been very blessed throughout my years. I used to sell the information in that book for $15,000 because it can dramatically alter the course of your life, so I’d recommend starting there.
You can look me up on Facebook, Instagram @matthewloop, and my fan page is just @MatthewJLoop. If you have any questions, I try to answer to the best of my ability, but you’ll find all the information about me and how we could potentially work together at
Yuri: Awesome. There you go, guys. Matthew, once again, thanks so much for being here and doing what you do in this world to support our community in bettering themselves. Thus, you help their patients, clients, and customers at a deeper level, so I want to express my gratitude to you as a friend and colleague.
Matthew: Thanks, brother, I appreciate you having me on.
Yuri’s Take
Amazing stuff. Hopefully you enjoyed that one. There’s two things I want to take away from this episode. Number one is the importance of mastering your craft. It’s not about dabbling, trying a little somethin’ somethin’ and it doesn’t work out. No, the thing that makes Matthew different, the things that have allowed both of us to thrive and survive in this very competitive space is that we just never gave up.
We’ve learned how to master direct response marketing, how to become better copywriters, and how to use words to influence people in a positive manner. These are things that don’t happen after a month. These are things that happen after years of relentless practice and persistence.
Surround yourself with great coaches and amazing people who are doing great things in their businesses and following proven strategies to elevate the game. Are you surrounding yourself with the right people? Do you have professional accountability? Do you have a proven strategy to follow? Do you have what it takes? Are you an “I’ll do my best” type of person, or are you the “I will do whatever it takes” type of person? I’ll tell you, if you wanted to come work with me you must be the latter.
I won’t hire people who say, “I’ll do my best” because that ends up fostering excuses. “I did my best, but the weather was cold.” No. If you’re a “do whatever it takes” type of person you will go for a run when it’s minus 20 outside and snowing. That may not be the greatest analogy because not even I would want to do that, but whatever your desire, outcome, or goal is, if you have that “I will do whatever it takes no matter how long it takes me” type of attitude, I guarantee that you will reach your goals.
I don’t know when, but I guarantee you it will happen because that is a virus that you have in your brain. It’s a very good one. Please just follow it.
I hope you enjoyed this episode today.
If you want a proven blueprint to help you build a successful six or seven-figure online coaching business, you know the drill. Head on over to and jump on to our free online training called “The Seven-figure Health Business Blueprint”. It’s a terrific 75-minute training.
I get paid some pretty high keynote fees to share this content from stage. If you want to enjoy it for free and have your eyes opened to what is possible with your business with a smarter way of generating the income you want and attracting more clients predictably – instead of relying on referrals or manual prospecting or spray and pray marketing – I think you’ll enjoy that.
Take advantage of that training today. In the meantime, remember to subscribe to the Healthpreneur podcast on iTunes. If it’s your first time, welcome, I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you stick around, and if you’re a continued subscriber I appreciate your continued loyalty. I know it takes time to tune in every week, whether you’re walking your dogs, sitting on your couch, or doing anything else. I appreciate your attention to this because you could be listening to something else.
Thank you so much. Have an amazing day. Continue to go out there, be great, do great, and I’ll see you in the next episode.
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What You Missed
Our last episode was a solo round where I had an epiphany I had while travelling around and training with some tennis coaches this past year.
It’s this: Having too many coaches is worse than having none. Why? Because it’s frustrating, their advice always contradicts each other’s, and you just never seem to get on one path and stick to it long enough to see results.
Tune in to find out what you can do RIGHT NOW to curate the information you consume and move towards your goals on a clear, effective path.
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