Never Take Advice From Naysayers
Welcome to another Between the Ears session on the Healthpreneur podcast! As an entrepreneur, you’re bound to take risks, make changes, and do things that are uncomfortable in order to pursue your dream.
Inevitably, you’ll have naysayers that – even if they love you – can slow you down. It’s not their fault. They want to keep you comfortable, secure, and safe. They want to keep you from getting hurt. But you’ve got to fine-tune your intuition and listen to yourself – not the fears of others.
Today, my Results Coaches and I will discuss why it is a total disservice to yourself and the world to listen to naysayers who don’t even know what they’re talking about. Instead, examine your own belief system, how it was created, and why it’s important for you to push forward.
In This Episode Stephanie, Jackie, Amy, and I discuss:
- Being careful about who you listen to.
- How we approach naysayers on our calls.
- The value of talking out what you want.
- Not enrolling into the belief system of others.
- Being nuts – until you’re a genius.
- Not seeking the approval of others and moving forward.
2:00 – 5:30 – Understanding the intentions of others
5:30 – 10:00 – Navigating the thoughts of others after understanding your own desires
10:00 – 15:30 – How we form our belief system and adhere to the limits of others
15:30 – 23:00 – An example of taking the risk and being ok with push-back
23:00 – 27:30 – Being the example of someone who isn’t afraid to pursue their dreams
27:30 – 30:30 – Get up and move!
Yuri Elkaim: Good morning. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the show. Yuri Elkaim here, and I’m just trying to figure … There we go. We got four videos. We are back with another edition of the Between the Ears session in the Healthpreneur Podcast. If you’re watching this on video, welcome. If you’re watching this on YouTube or on our Facebook Group, good to see you guys. If you’re listening to us on a podcast, well great to have you with again.
Yuri Elkaim: Today’s topic is going be a really good one. They all are. I think today is going to be a lot of fun as well. It’s all about not taking advice from naysayers. I think this is an important discussion because you’re listening to this, you’re watching this, you probably have a dream. You want to build your business, you want to move forward, you’re gonna do things that are going to be uncomfortable, they’re going to be unknown, and what the tendency is going to be for other people who know you already is not to really encourage you, they want to keep you safe, they want to keep you comfortable, they want to keep you from getting hurt.
Yuri Elkaim: Today’s discussion is all about how to wrap your head around being comfortable, moving into the uncomfortable, listening to you, your intuition, your gut feeling, more than listening to other people trying to keep your plan small.
Yuri Elkaim: Steph, Jackie, Amy, welcome to the call. Steph, why don’t you open things up for us today, because I know this is obviously something you’re really, really good at helping people with. What’s your perspective on this?
Understanding the intentions of others
Steph: Yeah. I think the number one thing that we always have to remember is if someone’s never built a multi-million dollar business, if they aren’t Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, someone like that, then we most likely shouldn’t be listening to their advice when it comes to business, or building a business. That’s number one. Then number two, the other thing that we have to always remember is that the only reason why people are gonna tell us negative things about the things we want to do is because, like Yuri said, they want to keep us safe. It really triggers this archaic part of the brain where we were in tribes.
Steph: When you’re trying to move out of the norm, the box that we all get put in … Let’s say when I had this amazing job, I’m using air quotes, that I had all of these epic benefits, and all of this stuff. My family thought I was absolutely insane when I was leaving that job to go and pursue my own business. That’s because I was leaving what was the norm, what was okay for them, what made them feel safe for me. They said everything under the sun as to why I shouldn’t do that, but now, about eight years later, now they understand, “She’s safe, she’s okay.” Now they understand that everything is all good. But for a long time, it was really.
Steph: But we have to remember that they’re of course going to go against what we want, so we do have to listen to our intuition and our gut, and understand that we have to follow people who have been there before in order to get where we want to go. Not that you can’t do it alone, you probably could. It’s just gonna take you much longer and probably a lot more painful.
Yuri Elkaim: Yup. As you mentioned, I really do believe our ultimate guide, the best coach you can have is your internal intuition. We see this all the time, and I’m gonna ask you guys a question about this in a second is, if you’re doing something that you know is right for you to do, the only reason you are not gonna do it is out of fear. That’s just the reality of it, it’s the fear of the unknown, it’s the fear whatever. If you’re making decisions based out of fear, you’re never gonna get to where you want to get to because you can stay …
Yuri Elkaim: The reason, for instance in our case, people book a call with us is because they’re unsatisfied in their current situation. We have a solution. If there’s a mutual fit to help them out of that current situation, and the only reason someone would not move forward is if they know in their heart of heart, and that this is the right things for them, there is some degree of, “I am scared, I don’t want to make the wrong decision,” blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. If you recognize that, and are able to move through that, you don’t need to run ideas by people.
Yuri Elkaim: Here’s the thing, it’s your life, it’s your future. Why should you run this thing, this idea you have by somebody else who has no context of what you’re trying to do. The only thing they’re gonna do is they’re gonna come from their perspective with no knowledge about what you’re looking to do, and what are they suppose to do? Give you really encouraging insight? Like, “Yeah, this totally makes sense.” They have no context. They’re only gonna hold you back. It’s frustrating for us because we see this so often. That’s why we’re obviously talking about this today.
Yuri Elkaim: Amy, what about you? What do you see related to result accelerator calls that you have. People who are like, “Yes, I want to do this, but I want to talk to my spouse,” or, “But I want to think about it,” or pray to the heavens. Whatever the thing is. Talk to us about that, and what you see come out of that.
Amy: Just want to make sure I’m on here. That’s it, that’s great. Really, what you mentioned, Yuri, is that fear, and recognizing that, and then flipping it. We talked about this a little bit last week.
Navigating the thoughts of others after understanding your own desires
Amy: When we get into results accelerator calls, folks, like you said, do want to change. They’re taking the time to watch a hour and a half webinar and then they’re hopping on a 45-minute phone call with us. Obviously, when you’re booking a call with us, you’re motivated, you really want change. What I see, when people want to think about it, everybody operates differently, so we do coaching on the call to just help people through what do they need to think about, what is it that they’re praying upon, what is it that they want to talk to their spouse about, and really getting clear on what they want. When we do these results accelerator calls, we start with where you are and where you want to go.
Amy: When we can help folks to be really clear on what they want, and they’re already reaching out to us because we have it, we have what they want, we’ve done what they want, Healthpreneur is the light that’s lighting the path for folks. Getting very clear on their vision helps them, even if they need to speak to a spouse, helps them to have that knowing, and then we just can ask some questions, “Well what if your spouse says no? Are you going to allow that to stop your dreams?” I’m not breaking up marriages or anything like that …
Amy: What we really want to do is understand that as we go through life, we bloom and blossom, and come into our own. We’ve got to be who we are. Like you said, Stephanie, there’s fear surrounding that because we have all these agreements with ourself, and with the people that we interact with. When we step outside of that, everything starts to crumble, not in a bad way, but all of a sudden the people that love you and have supported you your whole life, they don’t get this new you, they don’t get why you’re not getting a nine to five, they don’t get why you’re not going for security, and now you’ve broken that agreement, and you’re creating a new agreement of how you’re being, and then how you’re interacting with them.
Amy: A lot of times, for folks on the phone, it is scary. I think every single person that enrolls with us on the phone says, “I’m really scared, but I’m really excited.” The really important things that I see is helping folks to get clear on what they want. That’s something you could do right now. When we are done watching this podcast, sit down, find some time, and really get clear on what you want. Then find someone who has it. If you’re building a business in the health space, we’ve got it, and we’ve got a step-by-step system. That takes the fear out of it. Then ask for advice when you need it. You’re not gonna ask the people who have never built that business what to do. Then the final thing that’s so, so very important is to stop worrying about what the people who don’t have what you want, think about what you’re up to.
Yuri Elkaim: Exactly.
Amy: It’s really, really important. We see all that fear, but when we can help people to really feel that vision and step into that knowing, you’re able to edit your relationships. Don’t share those hopes and dreams with people who are gonna crush them because it’s like building a sand castle and then somebody coming, every time you’re almost done, and dumping water on it. Then the sand cast ….
Amy: See. Where you’re building it too close, and now the tide’s coming in, or whatever it is. We want to stop dumping that water on our sand castle and build our beautiful castle. Don’t go to people who … It doesn’t mean that you have to break up with everyone and not talk … I’m not saying to cut your family out of your life. Just I very much have edited my conversations with my family. When they ask me about work, I say, “It’s awesome,” and I then ask them a question about themselves. They don’t talk about it, they don’t get it. It’s been years, they’ll never get it. It’s okay, they love me, and it’s all good.
Amy: It really comes down to that fear, but the fear can be quelled by getting clear on what you want so that you can have the courage to seek out the guidance and support of people who have been there before and can light the path for you.
How we form our belief system and adhere to the limits of others
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. That’s really good. How many times, and I’ll just turn this over to Jackie, how many times in a call has someone said to you, “Just the fact of talking this out has been extremely useful and valuable?” Because nobody knows he is having these conversation with him, right?
Jackie: A hundred percent.
Jackie: A hundred percent of the time. Sometimes it’s in the first 10 to 15 minutes, sometimes it’s at the end of a call, but it’s 100% of the time. Even if they’re not qualified to work with us yet, it’s 100%.
Jackie: Going back on what Amy said, it’s really a double whammy, our clients and our prospects are getting hit with. It’s not just fear, it’s belief too. When you’re getting hit with a double whammy where your beliefs aren’t there yet, you’re getting hit with fear, going to take that action takes more than confidence, takes a lot of courage. It has to be that, I call it the farmer’s mindset. The farm knows he’s gonna plant the seed, and something’s gonna grow. He doesn’t see it right away, but he knows it’s going to grow because he has a process in place. He knows the sun’s gonna shine, he knows he’s gonna fertilize, he knows he’s gonna tend to his crops with a proven system. That’s the same thing with us.
Jackie: When we come back to the belief side of things, really, you could boil it into seven different things, but it really is two. We take our beliefs based on what’s happened to us in the past. It could have been the immediate past yesterday, it could have been when we were five years old. Our belief system gets ingrained and built all along the way based on those experiences, rather than borrowing from somebody else’s belief, who doesn’t even know what the heck you’re doing. It’s like taking your car to the vet when you need a tune up, and you’re like, “Hey, vet. Can you fix my car?” It’s totally not the right person, not the right qualified person.
Jackie: I have to dumb things down and get that simple because in reality, it’s like, are you gonna borrow somebody’s belief that’s not true because they’ve never experienced this before, nor have they gone in that direction? Or are you going to lean on someone logically who has a system?
Jackie: The one thing I keep hearing, even when I follow up or get the spouse on the phone is this seems illogical, or irrational, or too quick to move, or too good to be true. But if you really understand our processes, we’re not smoke and mirrors y’all, we’re legit. We built the business this way, we’ve helped hundreds of others do the same thing. It is the logical way, and if you don’t understand it, then just ask us. If you’re shopping or looking for other things in life, you ask. You ask to understand, and then you can then implement what it is that you want to go after. A lot of it goes back to the belief, and really having that trust in yourself. If you believe in yourself, and you can find the proven process and system, which we have, then there’s 100% chance you’re going to succeed.
Jackie: When you go back to somebody who says, “Oh, I don’t know about that.” It’s just ’cause they don’t know. That’s the part that really stops us on the phone, is when we don’t have the spouses there. That’s why we ask that at the beginning because we don’t want to continue that conversation until we have all parties on the phone to understand. I don’t blame them.
Jackie: My husband, back in the day, same thing as Steph’s situation, we worked together in corporate America. By the way, it was over a decade ago, Stephanie. It’s been way over eight years. But when we left those truly “amazing” jobs, even today that business is thriving. We have good friends in that field, but it was because we had a bigger purpose and a bigger plan. We surrounded ourselves with people, like-minded individuals. These are the same people in our Healthpreneur tribe.
Jackie: When you start to surround yourself with those people, you can start to share that excitement because we all get it. Anybody outside of the circle might think you’re crazy. My husband even says sometimes. He’s like, “What the heck are you working on now?” Like, “Oh, we’re doing this and this.” He’s like, “Okay, I don’t really understand it, but I support you.” Those are the spouses I just want to reach through and give a virtual hug because they don’t have to understand it. They are not the ones doing it, they just need to support their spouse through the process.
Yuri Elkaim: I think it comes down to, like in your case, he doesn’t have to understand it but he supports you because he has confidence and he believes in you. I think a lot of times, a spouse … Again, this might not be true for everything, but there might be a control issue. The person’s trying to control their spouse’s life. It’s like, “If I don’t fully understand this and give my stamp of approval, you can’t do this either.” Then the person is like, “Okay, yeah. You’re right, you’re right.”
Yuri Elkaim: It’s really sad because we get people who book a call with us for a very specific reason, they’re in pain, they want to move out of pain. You’re listening to this, you’ve got client who are gonna book calls because they’re in pain, they want to move out of pain, and to a bigger future. They’re coming on the call, they’re coming on the phone, and they’re thinking, “Okay, can I get some information on if or how you can help me?” If there’s a good mutual fit, this sounds good.
An example of taking the risk and being ok with push-back
Yuri Elkaim: The thing is, the reason people don’t do what they say they want to do is because of doubt. There’s a lack of trust, there’s uncertainty, there’s doubt. It’s like, Amy and I went to … Well wife Amy, not … There’s so many Amys in our Healthpreneur, it’s amazing. We went to a movie a couple weeks ago, and it was a late movie, so we went for dinner ahead of time. We’re like, “All right, let’s go for some sushi.” But the normal sushi restaurant we go to is nowhere near the movie theater, so like, “Hey let’s try out something new. She pulls up a bunch of reviews, and looks at Yelp or whatever was coming up, and there’s this restaurant we have never heard of. It’s two minutes down the road. She’s like, “Well I don’t know, there’s this one but we haven’t been there.” I’m like, “Well obviously … Here’s the choice we have. We can go there and it sucks, or we can go there and it’s great. Either way we’ll know.”
Yuri Elkaim: The alternative is that we don’t go there and we potentially miss out on something amazing, or whatever, it’s not big deal, it’s a restaurant that would have been crappy anyways. That’s the decision all of us have to make. It’s like, “I can do this and I’ll make it work out, or I can do this and cry the blues, and be a victim and not make it work out. Or I can not do this, and continue to stay in my current situation, and go back to what I’m safe feeling ’cause I’m comfortable and I know that already.”
Yuri Elkaim: In our case, we could have driven way out of the way, go to this restaurant that we’ve been to before because it was comfortable, we knew wat to expect. It’s the same reason why franchises work so well. Why do people go to Starbucks all around the world? Because they know exactly what they’re gonna get. When you understand this, humans are so fearful of change that it’s crippling. It really is crippling. But the opportunity is that on the flip side, you could be creating something absolutely magical.
Yuri Elkaim: Going back to the sushi restaurant, we decided to go to the sushi restaurant, we park out front, there’s zero people inside. Zero people inside, which is never a good sign for a restaurant. But we’re like, “You know what, who cares? It’s a Saturday night, everything else is booked,” so we’re like, “Let’s just give it a shot.” We sit down, order the sushi, and it was the most incredible sushi that we’ve ever had. We’re like, “Thank God we discovered this restaurant because now this is our go-to sushi restaurant.”
Yuri Elkaim: Actually, Stacy, one of our clients, she’s been to that restaurant too. We actually had Oscar’s birthday dinner at that sushi restaurant on Friday night, and we ran into Stacy, who was there having dinner with her friend as well. We’re like, “It’s so funny.”
Yuri Elkaim: Anyways, had we not gone there, we would have not even known about the restaurant. Even though it wasn’t busy or whatever, there was this hidden gem, literally two minutes from our house. But because we decided to take a little bit of a leap, to say, “Hey, let’s just give it a shot. What’s the worst case scenario? What’s the worst that happens if it sucks? We have one dinner. At least we know either way.”
Yuri Elkaim: Guys, this is the mentality you have to have in your business. It’s not to say you have to invest. Obviously you have to make in intelligent decision. We hope that we do a good job at obviously providing value in the phone calls to help people do that, but the worst part is that when we’re on the phone with someone, and they say, “Yes, this is a 10 out of 10. I need to meditate on it, sleep on it,” whatever, here’s the big realization is that no one, the only place to go after a phone call, and this is gonna apply to you and our clients too, the only place for someone to go after a phone call is down. Is down.
Yuri Elkaim: There’s no way they can be even more excited, or happy, or expect things after the phone call. The only possible thing that’s gonna happen is that their energy, their enthusiasm, and their belief is gonna go down the drain. They’re gonna speak to someone, that person’s gonna be like, “Oh, I’ve heard of these things before.” Of course you have, but you’ve never done them. It’s a lot easier to be the critic in the crowd than the player in the field.
Yuri Elkaim: Second, is your own self-doubt is gonna creep in, “Can I really do this? What if it doesn’t work out?” Whatever, whatever, whatever. I want to encourage, if you’re a coach listening to this, I want to encourage you to lean in and not let people go off the phone, because it’s gonna be challenging. You’re gonna push that person. They might feel pressured, but I guarantee you, it’ll be the best thing for them. Sometimes people don’t know what’s good for them until they’re actually inside of it. Then they’ll thank you in the long run.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s just my perspective on this, but it’s just really … For me, it hurts me because we see our clients talk with people, and they’re like, “Ah, I’ll do it later. I need to think about it.” Then obviously, in our situation that’s what we deal with that as well, and it’s like, “Oh my God, this person knows this is the thing for them, and they’re just letting it slip through their fingers because someone else got into their head, and talked them out of that.” It’s just really unfortunate.
Amy: I came across a quote by John Elliot, and I think it’s really apropos. I encourage those of you listening and watching, to really think about this because here is the quote by John Elliot, “History shows us that the people who end up changing the world, the great political, social, scientific, technological, artistic, even sports revolutionaries are always nuts until they are right, and then they are geniuses.”
Amy: Again, go back to shielding yourself, surrounding yourself with people who are gonna lift you up, and understanding that the people who care about you are scared, and you are changing things. They’re gonna think you’re crazy. My family has said I’m crazy my whole life, they still do. It’s okay, because if you’re happy and you’re making a dent in the world, that’s all that matters, you’re living your passion. Just remember, you’re gonna get that push back from the people in your life. Keep looking for that light that is shining on the very clear path for you so that you can live your dreams instead of wondering later, or years down the road, what if I had actually taken that leap? Be crazy, have a clear vision, find a clear path, and don’t worry about what people who don’t understand think. Be compassionate, but keep moving.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Entrepreneurship is challenging in it of itself. It’s isolating, it’s a lonely journey, and this is why I’m a huge believer of group coaching because when you’re in an environment with dozens or hundreds of other clients who are exactly like you or very similar, now you’re like, “Man, finally people get me.” Now it’s so important because you become your surroundings. If you’re an entrepreneur or a coach, and you’re building your business, and the only influences around you are people that are thinking to themselves, “This cannot work out,” they’re nine to fivers, they’re a fixed mindset, they’re not growth oriented, how are you supposed to succeed? You have to be the most determine person on the planet to make that work. You have to be plugged into some type of environment that’s gonna support you.
Yuri Elkaim: This is one of the reasons why our program, they’re all group-based, ’cause people need to be surrounded by other people to see their wins, to borrow their beliefs as Jackie talked about, to borrow their courage, to show them what’s possible. We encourage our clients to share their wins in the group. Dan just talked about how he enrolled a new client of $5,000 the other week, and someone in the comments said, “Thank you for confirming that I can charge these prices.” You have to see this stuff, guys, because if you don’t that you’re gonna see every other reason that this can’t work.
Yuri Elkaim: The same thing for your clients. If you’re watching this or listening to this, your clients are gonna be looking for … Not necessarily looking for but they’re gonna be surrounded by influences that are gonna tell them, “You can’t do this. You’ve tried all this other stuff. It didn’t work out. What’s gonna be different this time?” It’s really sad because it’s the tall poppy syndrome almost. It’s like, “All right, let’s get you a little bit further ahead, but not too far ahead. Let’s bring you back down so that we can still related to you, because we want to keep you safe and protected.” If that’s the life you want to live, that’s fine. But if you really want to do great things in your life, be it with your health, your business, or anything else, you gotta break out of a mold, and you have to do you, and not seek approval of other people. That’s really what this comes down to almost, is seeking approval of others. It’s just …
Being the example of someone who isn’t afraid to pursue their dreams
Amy: But how about this? How cool is it when you follow your passion, and you shine that light, and some of that fear that comes from our friends and family is ’cause they’re not living their passion. But how cool is it when you do it and they go, “Look at what they’re doing. Maybe I can too?” That’s the flip side of it, and it doesn’t always work out that way, but how cool is it when you can be that light, not only for your clients but for your family. But don’t get stuck on having to do that.
Yuri Elkaim: I’ll also mention, one of our clients, Eric. He actually posted a long ass post in our group the other week. This is not something I recommend for everyone, but this is a great example of what we’re talking about here.
Yuri Elkaim: He comes into the program months ago. He talks about how he had two different loans from family members to get him to the program, ’cause he knew he had to do this. This was everything for him. At the time, he was with, I think his fiance or his girlfriend, and she was not supportive. She was not supportive of him. She was holding him back. She was saying, “Hey, why don’t you just do what you’re accustomed to doing,” but he believed that this … He was all in. Eventually, they actually broke up. He left her because he’s like, “Listen, here’s my dream. You’re not supporting me, then this is not gonna work out.”
Yuri Elkaim: Again, we’re not in the business of breaking up relationships here. But I didn’t really feel bad about that because I know that, that wasn’t the right person for him, even though I didn’t know her. But he will find the right person for him because he’s now living his dream. He’s gonna find someone who supports him, and that’s really what you can … You can only ask for that because you can’t change people. The common saying is, “Don’t ….” I don’t even know what the saying is, but anyway it’s like you can’t transform the way people are, you can’t change them. You can only attract more people who already get it, if you will. That’s going back to shining your light, and being that beacon for others to be attracted to.
Yuri Elkaim: In his case, I have a lot of faith that he’ll find the right partner. Again, I’m not saying because you are doing your thing, you’re gonna break up relationships. But sometimes, again, if you’re not with the right people, you’re not with the right people.
Amy: He was in a different mentality too. He was attracting her, and that type of person at that time and place of his life. Thank God that happened then, and they didn’t go up a little bit longer, and then he did something later.
Amy: It goes back to nobody is ever, ever … Somebody can prove me wrong here, ’cause I am still young, but has ever succeeded at something, and looked back and then like, “Man, you know what, I wish I would have waited 10 years to do that.” It’s like ordering a really nice glass of wine or going on your dream vacation, and you’re like, “Oh, I’m doing this now. This is something people do when they retire.” Screw that. It’s like, “No, I’m doing it now.” Nobody’s looked back and like, “Man, I wish I would have just waited a little longer to do that.” No, it’s like, “I wish I would have done that sooner.”
Amy: It’s just that same mentality. You got to own it, you got to want it more than anybody else want it. If you don’t, then you’re crazy to go after it because it’s not something that you are built to have, or do, or be, or experience.
Yuri Elkaim: The pain of regret. You’ve got the pain of discipline, or the pain of decision, and the pain of regret. I don’t think anyone gets at the end of their life being like, “Man, I really made a bad decision there.” I think most people regret not making decisions on the things they know they should have done, and maybe delayed, and never accomplished.
Yuri Elkaim: You can always recoup money, you can’t recoup time. You have to understand that if you’re watching or listening to this, you’re currently in a situation that is either amazing or it’s not amazing. If you’re not satisfied with your current situation, that is the true cost of you not changing the situation.
Yuri Elkaim: If you want to make an extra 10k a month, and you’re not making that, and it’s been a year that you wanted to do that, that’s cost you $120,000 a year. You have to be honest with yourself, “Am I okay just pissing away $120,000 a year?” If the answer is ‘yes’, then that’s find. But if the answer is ‘no’, you got to put your big boy pants on, and move forward, and out of your current situation.
Get up and move!
Yuri Elkaim: It’s the same for your clients. If you’re talking to someone who’s in a position where they’re just in terrible health, and they don’t think that changing right now is a must, you as a coach have to get them to the point where they recognize at the forefront of their mind that staying where they’re at is no longer acceptable, and it is 10 times more painful than whatever change you’re asking them to make with you in your program. Because if that’s not the case, they’re never gonna budge. It’s momentum, it’s inertia. It’s easier to lay on the couch and continuing laying on the couch, than it is to go from laying on the coach to working out. What we’re asking people to do, for the lack of a better metaphor is we’re saying, “You’re laying on the coach. I’m asking you to get up and move your ass.” It’s not easy for people to do that, but you have to let them know, “If you continue laying on the coach, not good stuff is gonna happen to you.”
Yuri Elkaim: That’s part of what we help our clients, is really help them have these conversations that they’re not even … Again, our conversations are coaching calls. They’re not sales pitches. They’re getting to the truth of the matter, and sometimes the truth is like, “Hey, listen. We can’t be of service to you. You are not a good fit.” That’s fine. Then there are other times where it’s like, “This person we know, we can help them. They know we need our help,” and now all right, and we got to meet half way to make this happen because if we don’t, we let you go, we let you down. That’s what we help our clients do with their clients, or perspective clients as well.
Yuri Elkaim: Jackie, Amy, Steph, thanks so much for joining us today. I know we’re a little bit over time, but if you’re watching in, hopefully this message has found you well. If you’re watching this on YouTube or in the Facebook Group, let us know in the comments what you found most useful from this discussion today. Not that you have to respond to what I’m about to say, but I want you to really ask yourself, and look in the mirror, and really ask yourself, “Am I being held back? Am I playing it small? Am I playing it safe? Or am I really moving forward to my dreams?” If the answer to that question is ‘I’m playing it safe and I’m letting other people dictate my future’, then you just have to have an honest conversation with yourself. That’s what it comes down to, okay.
Yuri Elkaim: If you’ve enjoyed this, and if you want our help to help you move forward with your business, to step into the unknown, and to help you create something amazing, we’d be delighted to have a conversation to see if that’s a possibility.
Yuri Elkaim: The first step is to watch our 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint. It’s our free online training. Go through that. If you enjoy it, if it resonates with you, then book a call with us. You’ll be speaking with one of these fine ladies most likely on the backend. We’ll see if this is a good fit. We’ll see if we can possibly help you out, and if you’re a good fit to work with us. If you are, we can take from there.
Yuri Elkaim: In the meantime, thanks of much for joining us, guys. Have an amazing start to your week, or whenever you’re listening to this, and we’ll see you in the next episode.
Yuri Elkaim: Hey, thanks for joining us on this episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, here’s what I’d like you to do right now. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the Healthpreneur Podcast on iTunes, and while you’re there, leave us a rating or review. It helps us get in front of more people and change more lives. If you’re ready to your start your skill, your health or fitness coaching business, and want to start getting in front of more people, working with them in a higher level without trading time for money, then I invite you to check out our free 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint training, totally free right now, and you can do so at
Yuri Elkaim: For now, thank you so much for joining us. Continue to be great, do great, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
Our last episode was a solo round where I dropped another truth-bomb! The Side-Hustle.
If you’ve got a side-hustle, it isn’t working – right?
If you’re treating your business like a side-hustle, you aren’t all in. It’s that simple. And if you aren’t all in, and you aren’t taking it seriously, you’ll inevitably be disappointed with the output.
It takes way more than you think to start and operate a successful business that is worth your while – and you’ve got to be ready and ok with that. It takes time, effort, and grit – and a level of uncertainty and risk. Sound scary? It is, but if you go all in I promise you’ll be much happier with the result.
If you missed the episode, you can catch it right here.
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