The Untold Danger of 1-on-1 Coaching
I’m going to say this right out the gate and tell you that 1-on- coaching is not good for your business or your clients.
If someone is going to show you how to build systems to bring business and generate revenue, and they’re a “solo-preneur”, that’s a bit of a red flag.
As a client, you are reliant on that one coach for everything and if that person is not feeling well, or going through some personal crises, you’re left holding the bag.
If someone has a good coaching program, they have a system and process built out to where the business does not rely on them showing up every day.
Everyone starts off doing one-on-one coaching to get proof of concept. After awhile, this type of coaching leads to burn out and you can’t scale the business.
Your next step would be coaching one-to-many which then creates leverage and more money. The challenge with this is not becoming a “cog in the wheel”. This is where you develop your “proprietary process” and deliver it to your clients without them having to rely on your availability. This is how I was able to scale and grow Healthpreneur.
The highest level of your coaching ladder would be team to many. This is the level where our business is operating right now. At this level your business is thriving, you have more freedom and your clients have access to top level coaches. It’s a win-win for everyone.
Essentially, this is the track you want your business to take but you have to know how to do this.
If you want help with this, go to and where you can book a call with us and we can help map out your proprietary process. We can help you build out a leveraged coaching program where you’re not a cog in the wheel.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 07:00 – Introducing Today’s Topic
07:00 – 15:00 – Climbing The Coaching Ladder To Scale Your Business
15:00 – 18:09 – Wrap Up With Yuri
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What You Missed
In our last episode I shared with you why forming a partnership is not a good idea and why they fail.
That’s not to say that partnerships can’t be successful. Partnerships that have complimentary skill sets can be successful. The different skill sets that each person brings to the table complements each other and forms a complete unit and is the foundation for successful partnerships.
In this episode, I share with you something I use in my business called “The Four R’s” which I highly recommend you put in place before bringing anyone into your company either as a team member or a partner.
Before bringing a partner or a team member into your business, here’s something I’d like for you to think about before doing so.
Figure out what it is you’re trying to avoid doing. If it’s a major part of your business, you probably should figure it out first. Once you’ve gotten a handle on it, then you can think about who you’d like to bring into your business to handle that thing.
If you have thought about bringing on a partner into your business, you really need to check out this episode, Why Most Partnerships Fail.