Using Facebook Ads to Reduce No-Shows on Enrollment Calls
In this episode we have Dr. Ian Rainey who runs a weight loss and chiropractic clinic in Florida.
Dr. Rainey struggled with getting people who booked a call with him to show up for the call, which needless to say is very frustrating.
We looked at Dr. Rainey’s complete process to determine where the disconnect was . So we took a look at his FB ad copy and tweaked it to attract better qualified leads that convert.
Tune in to find out how to improve your Facebook Ads that attract qualified leads that convert to paying clients.
In This Episode Ian and I discuss:
01:29 – 3:04 – Dr. Ian’s Journey From Chiropractor to Weight Loss Specialist
3:04 – 04:56 – Dr. Ian’s Struggle To Get People On The Phone
04:56 – 12:48 – Analyzing Dr. Ian’s Facebook Funnel
12:48 – 22:54 – Attracting Qualified Clients
22:54 – 29:11 – Narrowing Down Your Perfect Audience
29:11 – 34:16 – Dr. Ian’s A Ha’s And Biggest Takeaway
Hey guys, welcome back to the show. Yuri here, really pumped to have another special guest with us today, Dr. Ian Rainey. How’s it going my friend? Welcome to the Healthpreneur Podcast.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Thank you very much for having me on. It’s a pleasure to be here.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. I think our listeners and viewers really like this segment because it’s like they’re a fly on the wall, getting to take in a lot of the wisdom that’s going to come out of this conversation. Before we jump into what you need help with over the next 20, 25 minutes, tell our viewers and listeners who you are, what you do, and who you serve.
Dr. Ian’s Journey From Chiropractor to Weight Loss Specialist
Dr. Ian Rainey: Okay, all right. I’m a chiropractor from Ohio. I love the water and I love the warm weather. So, I moved to Florida, and opened a chiropractic clinic here. My mom has owned a health food store for about 40 years. So, I grew up around health and nutrition my whole life. Back in Ohio, I was working for a friend of mine part-time. At that office, we were seeing about 800 people a week. It was a very high volume clinic. So, I didn’t have any time to do the nutrition that I enjoyed doing. I did a lot of muscle testing, applied kinesiology. But there was a medical doctor who was getting all my chronic patients well. He was using lab work, functional blood chemistry. Introduced me to that. So, I incorporate that into my practice a lot.
Dr. Ian Rainey: But since then, being here in Florida, I’ve opened a weight loss clinic. I do weight loss and chiropractic. But I really love the weight loss because it’s a doorway for me to really get to work with a lot of people who, they just have health challenges. That’s a good starting point. Once you get there, you get their confidence, then that opens the door for, do you want to do functional blood chemistry? Where do you want to take your health?
Dr. Ian Rainey: I really like that because most people want to lose weight. It’s just-
Yuri Elkaim: It is what it is. That’s great, awesome. Thanks for the intro and the insight. So, Ian, what specifically can I help you with over the next 25 minutes or so with your business?
Ian’s Struggle To Get People On The Phone
Dr. Ian Rainey: Well, that’s going to be a loaded question. Really, what I’m struggling with, I’m scaling Facebook ads. With the weight loss, I have a program, I’ve got an app, I get great results in the office. I can bring you in here one on one. I’ve got a great salesperson that her whole mission is to help transform the health of people around her. She used to sell pharmaceutical sales, hated that, quit it, and just was like, “I will never do that again.” Now, her mission is to do the opposite.
Dr. Ian Rainey: In the office, we can close people on a weight loss program, no problem, we charge about $1,500 dollars. But I’m struggling online. I’ve got a program that I want to take it from a done for you, to a group coaching program, which I’m doing group coaching in the office, but I want to be able to expand this program beyond my market. My goal really is to get at least 10 new signups per day. In order to do that, I got to get my Facebook ads scaled, and I got to do some … I’ve been testing since October. What’s really caused me trouble has been just getting people on the phone.
Dr. Ian Rainey: I’ve just done a lot of different things, but it’s just getting people on the phone. I’ll make 20 appointments and one or two people will show up. That’s where I’m struggling.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. Awesome. Well, thank you for the context. You can see this white piece of paper, I guess on the screen there. Just making sure they’re showing it properly. Give us a rundown right now of what the funnel looks like. You’re taking them from Facebook ads, and then just give us a rundown of what happens-
Dr. Ian Rainey: Do you want me to screen share, or do you want me to-
Yuri Elkaim: You don’t even have to. Just sketch this out and then we can look at it.
Analyzing Dr. Ian’s Facebook Funnel
Dr. Ian Rainey: Okay. I run a Facebook ad, and it’s literally just a single image. I’ve tried a lot of different pictures. The one that seems to work the best I’m using, it’s just a picture of me and my girlfriend in the office. What I started doing was funneling people to a free case study. That was the text that I was using. They go to a landing page with a picture of me, it looked pretty much just like this. Then it says, click here to learn about the top 10 things my weight loss program does. I list like a couple other things, the top things that celebrities do to help manage their weight. I’ve just got a couple of pros about it.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Then they go to the next page, and they watch a 20 minute video. I’ve tried using a six minute, I’ve tried using 20 minutes. In that video, I try doing a PowerPoint presentation. Most recently, I’ve just been doing like a Live video of myself.
Dr. Ian Rainey: After they watch that video, then they go to the calendar to schedule a call with me. Then once they’ve scheduled that, then they go to a survey, which tells me a lot about their health. Then once they fill out that survey application with all the questions regarding their health, what their weight loss goals are, what they’ve tried, what’s worked, what hasn’t. Then after that, I get all that information and I’m ready and prepared for the call. Then I have text and email reminders going to them.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool, awesome. Wicked. All right. We briefly spoke about this via Facebook Messenger a couple of weeks ago.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: I think this is a really good funnel. This is similar to what we help our clients with. Facebook Ad, some type of video presentation, and then obviously getting people to book a call. The thing I like about this is that it gets people to jump through hoops, which is really important because a lot of people talk about higher conversions and so forth. Yeah, you could throw a lead magnet, a free book or a free download, and you’ll get higher opt ins, but you’re probably getting less show up on the phone calls. That’s something we’ve seen pretty consistently over the years.
Yuri Elkaim: So, getting people to jump through these hoops is really important. On average what are the rough percentages at each of these stages? From Facebook ads, how many roughly opt in for the case study/video?
Dr. Ian Rainey: Let me get those numbers for your real quick here.
Yuri Elkaim: I love how you have the data. It’s really helpful. As I say all the time, marketing is psychology and math. That’s all it is.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Yeah. Let’s just go like lifetime average here. Let’s just pick … Say out of 9,000 impressions, or I reach about 7,000 or 8,000 or 9,000 people, somewhere in there, it’s costing me about $20 per 1,000 impressions, but my click through rate is 2.5%. It ranges from 1.3% to 4.5%.
Yuri Elkaim: Anything over one is pretty good. So, that’s good.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Cost per click, we’re running between 30 cents to some really bad ones are like $4. But the majority of them were running around $1.50 per click. But I was using the word weight loss, I was using weight management and I found out when I took those out and just made it simple, cost per click dropped tremendously. Out of 1,800 people, I would get 30 clicks. My best would be like 15 people who would opt in. They’d go to my landing page, I’d have like a 50% conversion rate on the landing page. That’s my best. But anywhere from 30% to 50%.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Kind of what I’ve been seeing, which is surprisingly good, I thought.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Actually, it is really good considering … Your ad is pretty short, right? I remember seeing the ad copy itself.
Dr. Ian Rainey: I tried a long one that actually worked pretty good. But the most recent one, it’s just a short, very simple. I’m not filtering as much probably as I should be.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s okay, that’s good. So, a 30% to 50% opt in on that page. Then they go watch the video, which is about 20 minutes you said.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Yeah. But I had originally done a video that’s a PowerPoint presentation. When I actually went through and looked at the stats, nobody was watching it. Really, nobody was watching it. They would just skip through the video and go down to the bottom and say, “Oh, let’s get on a phone call with him and we’ll schedule our appointment.” But I don’t think they were really that well qualified.
Yuri Elkaim: Of the people who opt in for the video, how many of those people book a call with you, percentage wise roughly? Let’s just say we had a bundle of 100 people. What percentage of 100?
Dr. Ian Rainey: Of 100, we may get probably around eight people out of 100 would complete the application and book a call.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. All right. That’s really good. Then obviously, the issue is that those 8% are not necessarily showing up on the phone.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Yeah. Then you’re dwindling that down. Maybe out of 10 or 20 people, you get one or two to actually show up for the phone call. Even when they text, even if they respond, I’ll be there.
Yuri Elkaim: This is something we deal with all the time. I think depending on who you speak to, you might get different perspectives on this. But this is something that I’ve just noticed having done this for 14 years, is that … I don’t know if you’ve read the book Influence or Pre-Suasion by Robert Cialdini, two tremendous books on marketing and human psychology.
Yuri Elkaim: One of the reasons that we went pretty much all in with this type of funnel, was that it just made sense to me. Because in my health and fitness business, we have probably hundreds of funnels, that are lead magnet, checklist, $7 offer, upsell flow, it’s ridiculous. The quality of those leads was incredibly poor. This was confirmed to me about a year ago, one of our mastermind members, when she first joined our mastermind, we actually had known each other for years prior to that, and she had built her business online using $10 eBooks, $27 a month membership sites.
Yuri Elkaim: She had this list of about, I think is what 8,000 people. She was just burnt out by doing that. So, she was training clients in the gym. She wanted to get away from that and really move online. I said, “Listen, based on what you love to do, you need to be coaching clients at a high level online, in a group format to have more leverage.
Yuri Elkaim: I said, “Before you even run Facebook ads, let’s just get this pipeline set up and run it to your list internally and see what happens.” Lo and behold, she ran to her list, and she didn’t have one single person enroll from that list. She had a couple of calls booked, but the quality of people is so low, because that list had been cultivated over months and years of low priced junk on the front end.
Attracting Qualified Clients
Yuri Elkaim: She ran her Facebook ads and within one week she had qualified people on the phone enrolling with her, and that’s all because now she was using different baits to go fishing for the right people on Facebook. That’s really what’s important to remember here, is that when you’re looking at … There’s a couple of things here. I talk about this a lot. Where we have three overlapping things going on. We got, number one is your market. Number two is the message that they’re seeing, and number three is the magic. The magic is essentially your offer.
Yuri Elkaim: The offer needs to be something really compelling, something that they’ve never seen before that’s going to get them excited about possibly working together. Once all three of these are dialed in, that’s really where you start seeing high conversions. The thing here, though, is that when the conversions are not where you want them to be. For instance, you have 20 people book a call, and let’s say five people show up, that’s an issue.
Yuri Elkaim: What a lot of people think of, is they think, well, my webinar is the issue, my presentation is the issue. So, I’m going to change all of that. That may or may not be true. But the thing that I try to get our clients to think about is that any problems down the pipeline starts upstream. We need to look at if we’re getting a low show up rate here, we need to look at who are the people we’re inviting to the party in the first place?
Yuri Elkaim: That’s why we really have to start with what’s happening on the Facebook side of things. That’s going to be a combination really, of the market, and the message and the magic. You can’t have just one working well, another two are so, so. If one is off, it’s like walking 10 dogs, but two of the dogs are walking the opposite direction. It’s going to be challenging.
Yuri Elkaim: When we look at our Facebook ads, we need to consider a couple things. We need to look at the audience that will tie into the market. When we look at that under an audience, we need to look at is there a major pain or problem that they have? Obviously, in our case there is, they want to lose weight. The other thing too is just really narrowing down. This is a problem I see a lot of people make is for men and women who want to lose weight as an example. I really feel that the more narrow and niche you can go, the better off you’re going to be.
Yuri Elkaim: What’s going to happen is, as you narrow down your messaging and your market, this cost per click is actually going to increase. I look at cost per click as a predictor of the quality of leads coming into your funnel. If your cost per click is $1.50, I’m going to make an assumption that the quality of those leads is fairly low.
Yuri Elkaim: If the cost per click goes up to $4, or $5, $6, even $8, now we’re getting people who are much more committed. In our business, we get cost per click up to $14 in some cases. For most Facebook advertisers doesn’t make sense at all. But all that matters is the overall return on ad spend. Does that make sense so far?
Dr. Ian Rainey: Yeah, it does. Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: All right. We’re going to look at two things specifically here. Number one are the audience’s, and number two is the ad copy itself. Because I think you using an image of you and you mentioned your girlfriend was it? I think that’s tremendous. Because the images we use on social need to be social. Which means, is it a picture you would post on your Facebook profile type of thing? Just keep it super natural, something people would not see as oh, this is a blatant ad.
Yuri Elkaim: You have the image down, I think that’s great. Then obviously, you can test different images. But I think the ad copy is really, really important because what we’ve found to work really well in our business, as well as with hundreds of our clients is really long copy. Copy to the point where people actually comment in your ads to be like, “Dude, why is this so long?” It’s like, this ad is not for you. It’s for the person who doesn’t leave stupid comments like that. It’s for the person who gets sucked into a very compelling story or message that they can relate to, and they see that you are the authority to solve this problem. As a result of that, they’ve maybe spent, I don’t know, two minutes reading something on Facebook as opposed to just continued scrolling, that’s a big, big commitment for most people on social.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s almost counterintuitive because what we’re looking to do is actually get fewer conversions but higher quality compared to what most people talk about. Going back to Cialdini’s books on human psychology and Pre-Suasion and influence. In Influence he talked about a really important psychological tendency we have, which is called commitment and consistency. If somebody reads an ad that is two sentences, versus let’s say 10 paragraphs, which one do you think is more committed to the process?
Dr. Ian Rainey: The one who can idealize with the long copy, and they say, “Oh, that’s me.”
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. It’s not that as a blanket statement, you should always have long copy. But, we’ve been writing this for a long time, and every single one of our ads is very long. There’s a reason for that. We’ve tested short copy, we’ve tested get to the point type stuff, and it just doesn’t get the results that we want. You also have to think about, what is the ultimate offer? Because if someone’s offering a $10 eBook. Okay, there’s no big commitment there. You’re just getting people on the phone; you’re enrolling them at $1,500 apiece. There’s a commitment in terms of their time and their money. We want to start that commitment from day one with what they see right in their Facebook newsfeed. Does that make sense?
Dr. Ian Rainey: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Obviously, we’ll talk about this in Toronto, and we’ll give you specific templates and stuff for this. Just for everyone listening, Ian is coming to our mastermind in Toronto, which will be a lot of fun. Obviously, we’ll look at really honing in on that ad copy. But I do believe that longer ad copy that is story based is going to be much better than something shorter.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Okay, that’s helpful. Good. It’s interesting, you’ll see something like a really cheap weight loss program. Trying to think of new more, one of those other programs that’s marketing to the masses. Theirs will be short, but they’re selling something that’s like a free trial.
Yuri Elkaim: Exactly. This is really, really important. This is why it’s kind of … We live in a great world where there’s so much at our disposal, but it’s also very dangerous. Because even if you look at websites like AdEspresso, which is a great website for Facebook ads and marketing strategies for Facebook. They’ll show you the top Facebook ads based on their opinion. Every single one of those examples is from one of these SAS companies, or a free trial offer where it’s one sentence, and then click now. It’s very deceiving if you are running a different business to think, that’s the way I should do things. It’s almost like you have to put your blinders on.
Yuri Elkaim: At the end of the day, all that matters is testing things, right? If you have an idea for, here’s one idea, let’s test it versus this one, whichever one performs better, that’s great.
Dr. Ian Rainey: That’s why I reached out to you because you’ve been doing this for a long time. I knew there’s only so much time and I’m tired of wasting time. So, time and money.
Yuri Elkaim: For sure. The other thing to think about in ad copy, and this is something that we talk with our clients a lot because they do … Depending on the market, we’ve got clients that get a very high volume of calls. Sometimes they find that the quality those prospects are just not that great. They’re getting a show up, they’re getting the people on the phone, but they’re living on food stamps.
Yuri Elkaim: If you think of, we can call this a funnel, we call this a pipeline. But the other way to think of this is a filter. Don’t just think of the funnel as a funnel, think of it as a filter. In your Facebook ad, there should be … It doesn’t have to be overt, but it should be suggested, at some level that this is for these types of people and not these types of people.
Yuri Elkaim: This is where you have to do a little bit of thinking about for instance, in our ad copy, we’re not going to say, this is only for health professionals who have money. You’re not going to see that. We would say something to the effect of this is for health professionals who have hit a plateau and are tired of trying to dig themselves out of a hole and have hit their wit’s end type of thing.
Yuri Elkaim: They have a vision that is bigger than what they’re currently living, et cetera. There’s ways of adding in qualifiers in your ad copy that are going to disqualify the wrong people and hopefully attract the right quality people.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Okay?
Yuri Elkaim: As an example, you could say something like, this case study, this training is for you. If your idea of a fun Saturday is hanging out at Whole Foods for two hours. When you think of the psychology behind that, it’s like someone who hangs out at whole foods probably has a bit more disposable income, probably is a bit more health conscious. So, thinking along those types of terms. So, there’s ways of disqualifying people in the ad, because you don’t even want those people in your funnel who are not going to be quality on the phone anyways, right?
Dr. Ian Rainey: Mm-hmm (affirmative) Good. Okay.
Yuri Elkaim: Is that good so far on the ad copy side?
Dr. Ian Rainey: That is, yeah.
Narrowing Down Your Perfect Audience
Yuri Elkaim: Second thing is audiences. Talk to me a little bit about your audience selection right now with your Facebook ads.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Well, I’ve tried … Let me look at the last audience. The last audience, I was … Let’s see if I can find it. You’re targeting the whole country. If you’re doing weight loss, you’ve got 58 million people that can be interested in health and fitness. I tried to narrow that down to people who are interested in Dr. X or Dr. Oz, and I would filter it down. I seem to get a little bit better quality leads with that. But still not there. Still getting a lot of people who they’re working as a CNA making $9 an hour in the rural area of Alabama or Louisiana or West Virginia.
Dr. Ian Rainey: If I’m trying to sell them a $1,500 program, they’re like … One person, her husband was in prison, she had PTSD. My filtering process is not where it should be. I tried running the ad locally. Because I’d run my light blazer, I’d just get people in the door, that would work great. Then I could have the chance to educate them. But running the ad locally, I wouldn’t get anything.
Dr. Ian Rainey: It’s like Facebook was picking for 58 million people and picking the low hanging fruit that are sitting at home, they’re like, sure. I’ve got all the time in the world.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally. It’s challenging, but it’s also nice at the same time, because it helps you hopefully, quickly identify, all right, something is not right here in terms of the targeting of the message. Let’s turn it off and pivot a little bit.
Yuri Elkaim: One idea in terms of audience selection is you could target geographically. For instance, you could target West Coast only, you could target East Coast only and stay away from the middle of the states just as a general example. You could try that. You’re going to pay a little bit more but again, maybe you’re getting a slightly more progressive health conscious individual. That’s one idea. Other things too with audience is there’s obviously the celebrities and authorities like the Dr. X and Dr. Oz, et cetera, which I think are great to test because it’s definitely worthwhile. You’re going to be tapping into more health conscious audiences.
Yuri Elkaim: Another way to think of it too, are the behavioral psychographics. If you think of … Again, this is just something you have to test, is what are brands or things people associate to, that might indicate they have a little bit more disposable income?
Yuri Elkaim: Now, just as a disclaimer, just for everyone watching and listening, I’m not saying we’re only targeting people who have higher affluence. But it’s something worth testing. If you were to think of a handful of brands that might indicate someone has a little bit more affluence, what brands might those be?
Dr. Ian Rainey: I was going to say Apple, like iPhone products. When I think about that, I just have trouble diving deeper and saying, okay, where’s the next step? Where do we go with that?
Yuri Elkaim: Sure. You could think of Apple. Because the thing to remember is that people who buy Apple products might be overweight. Some of them might be health conscious, and some of them might be a really good fit for your program. Another couple of brands might be Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, Four Seasons Hotels, Ritz Carlton, stuff like that. Just because they like Mercedes or titlist, or golf as a sport, for instance. If someone likes or has an interest in those brands, it tells us they might have a little bit more disposable income. But second is, let’s say we put your message in front of people who are interested in Mercedes, who like Mercedes. Not everyone who drives a Mercedes is fit and healthy. At the same time, there’s probably a percentage of them who are overweight, and who are actively going to a gym or who are eating well or who are health conscious.
Yuri Elkaim: So, we can put an ad in front of those types of audiences. The ad is now going to attract, out of that audience, the right people for your pipeline. Again, I’m not saying that hey, Mercedes audiences are the best because it depends on the offer, it depends on so many different factors, but it’s worth testing. That’s the key with this whole thing is you just have to continually test different ideas and concepts.
Yuri Elkaim: I was at a mastermind that I’m a part of, and a couple of months ago, one of the guest speakers was a gentleman from Australia who runs, well at the time, probably now more $5 million a month with this type of funnel. So, Facebook ad, webinar. He ran two versions of it, one going directly on the phone. Another one was to book a seat for a live event. But it was about two and a half million on the phone, two and a half million on live events per month.
Yuri Elkaim: He was showing us his screen. He oversees the team that does all this. But what I noticed in there ads manager was they must have had thousands of different ad variations and audiences running. Again, that’s very overwhelming for the average person to manage. But the idea is that we just want to throw a bunch of stuff up against the wall and see what sticks. Have a theory, let’s test it. Does it work? Yes. If it doesn’t, we move on to something else.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s really the key to cracking the code, is you have a hunch that this might do well. Give it a shot. If it does great, if it doesn’t, you try something else. Does that make sense?
Dr. Ian Rainey: I can’t imagine the old way of marketing where people just put up a billboard, and threw out money and don’t really even get that much feedback.
Dr. Ian’s A Ha’s And Biggest Takeaway
Yuri Elkaim: Totally. Awesome. What’s been most helpful for you so far from this conversation?
Dr. Ian Rainey: I think the audience targeting. Because I knew I couldn’t target by income. I think there may still be that option, but from what I heard, doesn’t really work. I just wanted to make sure that I was getting people who, either had a disposable income, or were willing to invest in something that was important to them.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Totally. I think the audience selection is important. Ad copy can obviously filter people out just based on what you say in it. I think that’s part and parcel of just getting better with writing, writing copy in some way, shape or form. Because the difference between one ad and another one, it could just be a better version of better written copy. That can make all the difference. Cool. But here’s the thing, honestly, we’re one or two tweets away from a big breakthrough on this.
Dr. Ian Rainey: I feel like I’m so close. It’s like, oh, man. I’m fortunate. I’m at a point where the office has been pretty successful. I don’t know if you’re familiar with Florida, but there’s auto injury here. Per adjustment, the income you get from an adjustment is much higher for someone who’s been into an injury or car accident. The Insurance just pays better.
Dr. Ian Rainey: As a result, it’s been funding my funnels here to figure this out. I would have run out of money. I’d be up a creek, but-
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. It’s nice to start like that. But obviously you want the business to fund itself. You don’t want to take from Peter to give to Paul. I think just bringing this full circle, cleaning up the ad copy a bit, audience selection. I don’t even think you have to do anything within the middle of the funnel. I think just on the front end from now, getting that refined a little bit will hopefully get more people showing up on the call.
Yuri Elkaim: The other thing, the final thing I’ll mention really quickly, is whatever criteria you mentioned in the ad, you just want to make sure that that is stipulated again, in the training, like on the video. You say, “This is for you if you meet these criteria, and it’s not for you if you don’t meet this criteria.” There’s congruency from the front end as well as now middle. Now, obviously the right people will continue on.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Good. Awesome.
Yuri Elkaim: What is your one action step from this conversation?
Dr. Ian Rainey: My one action step is to start with the front end, and I’m going to tweak the audiences. I did have a long copy ad that performed fairly well. I would say it was running like .50 to $1.50. But it was very clear. It was like my whole process of what I’ve done for the last five years to get to where I am now to be able to help people and why I’m doing what I’m doing.
Dr. Ian Rainey: I’m going to make sure I use that. But I’m also going to start to target the audiences. I’ll use a lot of different angles.
Yuri Elkaim: Wicked. I’ll still share some more goodies with you in Toronto.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Looking forward to it.
Yuri Elkaim: I’ll leave our viewers and listeners in suspense.
Dr. Ian Rainey: I’ve been looking forward for that for a while.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, it’s going to be awesome. Ian, thanks so much for opening up the kimono here, giving us a little bit of an insight into what’s happening in your biz. For all the viewers and listeners, hope you guys enjoyed this one. If you want more help with getting clients and growing your coaching business, you know the next step. Go to
Yuri Elkaim: Ironically, or not ironically, you’ll be going through a very similar process as what we’ve described here. You’ll just watch our training. If it resonates with you, then you can book a call with us. If it doesn’t, that’s totally fine. But again, thanks for joining us today. Hope you’ve enjoyed this, and we’ll see you in the next episode.
Dr. Ian Rainey: Thank you.
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What You Missed
In our last episode, we took a deep dive with Celina Pizarro helping her dial in her message to attract more clients.
Most people that we help initially have the issue of not attracting enough clients or not attracting enough leads and as a byproduct of that, they’re not converting enough people into paying clients.
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