The Only Measure Of Success That Actually Matters
I was recently flying home to Toronto from Los Angeles and reading a good book by John Wooden called “Wooden On Leadership” who is probably one of the best athletic coaches of our time.
One of the things I want to share with you from his book and something I firmly believe to be true is the only measure of success that actually matters.
To measure success, you need to look inward. Did you do your best? Did you give it everything you’ve got? Did you push through when things got hard and not give up? Are you all in or playing half-ass?
One of the things I’m really big on is processes. Don’t worry so much about the outcome. You need to be obsessed with the process. The prize becomes a byproduct of the work that you do.
Focus on what you can control and if you do that, then you never fail, unless you don’t do the work.
Listen to this episode and all of this will make sense. After you listen to this, I welcome your comments, feedback and questions and if you want our help, then I invite you to go to where you can book a call with us.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 07:20 – Introducing Today’s Topic
07:20 – 09:00 – Giving It Your Best
09:00 – 13:45 – Focus On The Process
13:45 – 15:28 – Wrap Up With Yuri
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What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about 3 lessons I learned from 2 mastermind events and a $65 million dollar business.
The lessons being:
Lesson 1: What Got You Here Is Not Going To Get You There
Lesson 2: You Become Your Environment
Lesson 3: To Achieve Very High Levels Of Success You Need Focus and Patience
You also need to be careful of who you model. You have to figure out one model that is going to generate the revenue you want to generate. I can tell you it’s not going to come from where you think it will. I tell you this from experience.
To learn more about these 3 lessons, listen to this episode. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, I’d love to hear from you.
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