How To Share Your Magic And Not Get Lost in The Crowd With Jill Sawchuck
Hi Healthpreneurs! Welcome back. On today’s episode, we’re doing another Client Deep Dive from our Health Business Accelerator program. Jill Sawchuk helps people liberate themselves from limiting patterns and uses movement, breath awareness, and her own intuition to get her clients lasting results.
She’s wondering how to use the framework we teach while still maintaining the uniqueness and voice that her clients love. She understands the value of the structure and wants to improve the delivery of her funnel, but how can she do that and still grab people’s attention and stick out from the rest?
Tune in to hear how to incorporate your best images, voice, and personality into our Perfect Client Pipeline so that it gives you the results you want. But be careful, if you get creative too soon you’ll be wishing you had had the basics down first!
In This Episode Jill and I discuss:
- The delivery of her funnel.
- Her Facebook ad struggles.
- Concerns about maintaining voice and unique-ness.
- Getting too creative too soon and the value of structure.
- What performed well for us and what grabs people’s attention.
- Figuring out what people are attracted to.
1:30 – 4:30 – How to tighten up your program and funnel
4:30 – 7:30 – Aligning with your launch and nailing down the framework
7:30 – 10:00 – What has worked for us, video or image, and reading the metrics
10:00 – 15:00 – Fearing the generic and freeing your time
15:00 – 19:00 – What types of images attract clients
19:00 – 21:00 – Parting thoughts and thanks
All right, so we are back with another client deep dive. I’m excited to have one of our HBA clients, Jill Sawchuck, on the line with us, and just want to give you a little bit of context as to who she is, just in case you don’t know her. If you don’t that’s okay, but you will get to know her very soon, and you’ll probably see her around the interwebs in a big way. Anyway, so Jill helps people liberate themselves from limiting patterns and she uses primarily movements. She has a special kind of yoga that she teaches, breath awareness and her intuition, to create some amazing results for her clients. And we’ve had some fun together in the program so far, and I’m excited to go a little bit deeper with you in this conversation. So Jill, what specifically can I help you with over the next 20 minutes?
How to tighten up your program and funnel
Jill Sawchuck: I think it’s just getting clear on how to tighten everything up that I’ve already learned in the program already. I am taking a small break over Christmas and I’m going to teach with my teacher and I plan to go back over all the modules. I know you’ve added some things in the post when I went through it.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
Jill Sawchuck: So, I’m just taking a little time. I’ve paused my Facebook ads because I’m away and I don’t really anticipate wanting to take calls, and my program doesn’t start until January 21st. So, just kind of any insight you have in that month. I want to do, like record my videos and tighten up my own program and anything else that you see that I could use that kind of pause time to make what I’m launching just more powerful.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. Just so I understand, you’re taking about a month off. You want to use that space to focus on the delivery side of this funnel. So the coaching program itself, how to make it as amazing as possible so that when you’re ready to rock and roll, you have it really dialed in and then you just feel really good about what you’re offering class. Is that right?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, exactly. And the other side of it is just that Facebook bit, which I know you know how much I struggled in that. So I went through it and I got through my fear and all my mental blocks of that. But I’d love to re-look at all those modules and just tighten up my ads and then plan them out so they’re really clear, that I have this ad one variation. Just get really clear so I’m not wasting time or money there.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. We can talk about both, so let’s talk about the program. So as I said before, your program will get exponentially better the more you do it and the more clients come through it. That’s the best way we’re gonna get feedback. You’re going to find out, just like with what we have, you find out where people get stuck and you figure out how you can make it less sticky for them in the future or for people going through the program in the future. And that’s the best way to make your program as amazing as possible, is having clients go through it and understanding that it’s never gonna be perfect and it doesn’t have to be perfect before you enroll those first clients, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So, your first clients will have a great experience. They’ll transform their lives and the next time people go through it, those people will have a slightly better version of that program and the next people have a slightly better version of it. And just allow that to be part of the process, of just continual improvement. And it’s not to say that the first people are getting the cheap version, because they’re still getting a great results from your guidance. So, for you and your mind, when you think about, I want to really solidify this and get clear about what’s being delivered, what does that look like for you? Where are you not 100% clear on? Or is there any kind of cloudiness or fogginess around that that we can clear up here?
Aligning with your launch and nailing down the framework
Jill Sawchuck: Not what I’m offering. No, I think I’m really clear about what I do and Amy and I were talking. I was like, “No, I’m swimming in my own Kool-Aid.” I don’t doubt what I do at all. I think more, it’s like the launching of it. I want it to be really in alignment with who I am. I don’t want it to be kind of this generic, what everybody else sees and is doing. I want to kind of, yeah, just I feel like I’ve taken everything you’ve given us, which is incredible. And now it’s here and I just want to put my own kind of voice and flavor and maybe even some just more creative brilliance whenever it comes to me in that pause. Does that make sense?
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. And you should. I mean, for anyone watching or listening to this, it’s really important to follow some type of framework, but 100% you have to put your own voice into that. Where we’ve seen some clients veer off a little bit, is when they try to reinvent the wheel, trying to get too creative too soon. It’s like, let’s just get some stability first. Then when you’re making some good dough and you’ve got everything dialed in, then you can start playing around with some more innovative things. When you say kind of like adding your own voice, are you talking about the messaging, the marketing of it? What does that mean exactly?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah. I think when I wrote in the Facebook ads initially I just took your template word for word and put obviously my own ideas into it, but I’d like to spend a little bit more time in that copy and just make sure that it really is in alignment with what I’m offering. That there isn’t this just kind of other piece of it that won’t be unified in what I’m doing.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, for sure, totally.
Jill Sawchuck: And then I also had a little bit of question about offering, like I know we’re always using images for our copy and our Facebook ads, but is it a good idea or is it even, is that something ridiculous to think that we could use a video?
Yuri Elkaim: It’s not ridiculous. I would just, as we recommend, let’s get the fundamentals down first.
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
What has worked for us, video or image, and reading the metrics
Yuri Elkaim: So let’s nail your key metrics using image ads, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Okay.
Yuri Elkaim: So we’re going to use a Facebook ad and again, 100%, you should totally put in your lingo, your language, your vibe, but the key thing, Jill, is that you understand the framework of those ads. So if you’re listening to the podcast or if you’re watching this on YouTube, we give our clients a number of ad templates that are like cookie cutter. They work extremely well in our business and we give you guys the templates, so you can directly just insert your stuff where needed. And if you want to go off a little bit, if you need to, just make sure that you’re hitting those really important pieces. Because, if you can look at the framework, and obviously we’d give you the structure of how it all works, as long as you’re hitting the major pieces, that’s what’s most important.
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: So, as an example, if we talk about story for instance, we talk about star struggle, discovery results. If you miss the struggle, your ad is toast, right? Because now you don’t have a way for people to connect with you and they don’t understand what you’ve gone through. So, does that make sense, just really following the framework?
Jill Sawchuck: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: By giving yourself that flexibility to kind of do what you need to do so it’s more of your voice, which is totally fine, for sure.
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, no, and I do trust that. I think I’m not like rushed through it, but we’re kind of on this like, keep up the momentum, just get through it. And the tech part for me definitely was like a mental block, so I was just plowing through it so I wouldn’t stop. And now I feel like I want to go back and just, yeah, make it like 110% not like 95.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. And you’ll find, so you’ll have an ad, the copy’s done and then going back to the video versus the image, use an image. You’ve got some great photos that we looked at. Use those to start, because I would say video is good but it’s not necessarily better. And I would, it’s like the next layer of, what should we test next later down the road? As long as you get the fundamentals, all of our ads, what we’ve done to build … I don’t even know if we’ve run any video ads, to be honest. It’s all been taxed and image, all gone through our perfect client pipeline.
Yuri Elkaim: And the only time we’ve used video has been for kind of just goodwill contents, putting it out there. But honestly, even those, they don’t perform well. We looked at, we just had a meeting with our ad bar yesterday, and shockingly that stuff was not performing as well as if it was direct to the webinar. So with that said, let’s start with the image, get that dialed in. Once you’ve got a good foundation for your couple of winning image ads, then you can start exploring video and using those and looking at, does that make more sense? Is it costing me more? Is it costing me less? And then you can just go with what feels right to you, and then looking at your metrics, because if it feels right to you but your metrics are terrible, then you just have to be like, let’s be honest. I’m not in the game of losing money, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: We want to be smart about this, but video I think is great, and I would strongly encourage you to do it if you enjoy it, but let’s get the fundamentals down. Let’s get that foundation running, and then you can add that stuff on top after.
Jill Sawchuck: Okay.
Yuri Elkaim: Does that work?
Fearing the generic and freeing your time
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, and another question that just is coming to mind is, do you anticipate that this kind of, I don’t know, this template, this way of grabbing people through Facebook ads, that it doesn’t become kind of so generic that people are like, “Oh, I’ve seen that. I’ve seen that. I’ve seen that”?
Yuri Elkaim: It could be. I mean yeah, there’s how many people on Facebook, one billion?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: Okay, so there’s the opportunity perhaps where there might be some overlap, where there might be like, “Oh, I’ve seen this type of thing before.” Listen, in our space, there are no shortage of coaches talking about how to attract more clients. It’s like, probably everyone sees it every third post on Facebook. So what’s going to grab people’s attention is number one, the image, and number two is the copy, right? So those one or two sentences at the top, it’s going to grab people and be like, “Man, that’s exactly what I’m going through,” or “Man, I can totally relate to that.” So even if the structure or the template is similar, it’s your message. We talk about message, market, magic?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: It’s your message and the magic that’s going to make the big difference. Because let’s say that there are 50 other people that do what you do, and let’s say they’re all running Facebook ads. The market is the same. Let’s just say they’re all targeting the same audience as you, so the market’s the same. But what’s going to differentiate you from everyone else is your message and your magic. Your message is whatever ad copy you’re using, and the magic is going to be your solution, which is going to be your webinar in this case, some proprietary process that you’ve discovered, some discovery that you’ve made that’s going to help them go from where they are to where they want to be. So the likelihood of that becoming an issue is real, but it’s very unlikely just based on the volume of people that you’re going to get in front of, and based on the number of different angles you can approach people with. Does that make sense?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, it does.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, so it’s funny. We get this question so often like, “Hey, what if Facebook goes away?” Or “What if this doesn’t work?” Listen, everything you need is on Facebook. Your clients, if you think about who’s got my money, where are my clients at?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: Facebook is it. Facebook is the place. I mean, there are obviously other platforms, Google, YouTube. Facebook is the simplest to understand and deploy, and you’ll have … The thing is, honestly Jill, once you deploy your ads, you’ll see how fast this can happen.
Jill Sawchuck: Well yeah, I mean I did already in that first week. I only ran them for a week and I was like, “Oh,” can I swear?
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
Jill Sawchuck: Oh, shoot. Because I’m taking this break, and I’m really committed to it. And that was the other piece, signing up for your workshop. I anticipated that I’d be kind of done, like I didn’t have to necessarily … You’re not totally understanding everything or what it’s going to entail, so I just anticipated that by January I’d be kind of not off the hook, but you know, able to go and do these other things.
Yuri Elkaim: Yep.
Jill Sawchuck: So that’s why I kind of was like, well, I understand that as soon as I’m deploying those ads that it’s going to be full-on, and I just don’t have the time or the space to do that right now, so …
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, it’s a good problem, because just to give some context for our listeners and viewers, what were you doing before the health business accelerator program to grow, to attract clients?
Jill Sawchuck: You’re asking me that?
Yuri Elkaim: I’m asking you that.
Jill Sawchuck: My whole business has always been word of mouth. I’ve never advertised or done any marketing.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, and that’s honestly, it’s probably 90% of the people we speak with it’s the same answer. And listen guys, I’m all for word of mouth. I think it’s amazing, referrals, it’s great. But as you know, it’s not predictable, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: And the nice thing about when you have a system like this built out, and you submit your Facebook ads, now it’s like, how many can you handle? That becomes the problem. That becomes the issue, is how many calls and how many clients do you want to handle? And that’s up to you. You can handle, you can say, “Look, I’m only open to have space in my day for two hours of calls.” Or other people are like, “I’m blocking 12 hours for calls, and I’m going to just go balls to the wall and go all out.”
Yuri Elkaim: So it really depends on how you want to do it, and there’s no right or wrong way. Some people want to do really big things and be super aggressive. We still recommend, start small, so like $15, $20 a day. Find those winning audiences, those winning ads. Slowly but surely get confidence in where you can scale, and then when you’re there it’s like, man, it’s amazing to be able to predictably step away from not having to worry about, how do I get new clients coming in? And now focus on the delivery a lot more, which is really where the magic is. Most coaches and teachers like ourselves really want to focus on the teaching, on the creation, on the delivery, and not so much on like getting more people coming in, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Absolutely, yeah. That’s where I’m at, for sure.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, so this is what this allows you to free up. Okay, so has that kind of … Have we answered your question that you wanted tackled earlier?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, or yes?
Jill Sawchuck: Yes, yes.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool.
Jill Sawchuck: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: Is there anything else you want to explore while we have a few minutes together?
What types of images attract clients
Jill Sawchuck: I just would love to hear your opinion. You know those, I don’t know if you saw both images that I was using for that initial week of ads, but I was surprised to see that the one where I was leaning against the tree did much less, got me many less leads, than an image of me and my daughter, just super casual. So do you find that that’s across the board? Do you-
Yuri Elkaim: That’s a great question, and this is so much fun because we all have these preconceived notions of like, I have to have these beautiful pictures and professional photographer. It’s got to be like Instagram quality. The reality is, some of that stuff can work but ultimately the answer is what you just said, is when you ran the ads, you found out this one worked better than this one.
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: And that’s, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what I think. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. What matters is, what is the market telling you? And the market told you that that other image of you and your daughter worked better. Which means at least for that audience and that ad, that was the winning image, and you just continue working with that. In general, if you’re using images that are just natural and casual and social, that’s probably going to do better.
Yuri Elkaim: So images of you, so the purpose of the image is to stop somebody in their tracks. It’s going to stop the scroll, and it’s going to just, “Hold on, let me check this out.’ So that’s the most important thing, is that it capture their attention, and it should be congruent with I guess the ultimate aspiration of your client. So the ultimate aspiration of your client might be more happiness, more connection with their family, and that image of you and your daughter might speak to that, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: It doesn’t have to be exactly about the products, or the coaching, or the webinar. It can be completely out of left field, so I think I’ve showed you guys this. We have a picture of me and my family on the beach, which has nothing to do with our webinar or business, but it’s one of our top-performing ads. Because something about it stops people in their tracks. It speaks to freedom, happiness, family, which are values that our clients hold in high esteem. So, find those images, and honestly if you’re just taking it off your smart phone, like if you’re taking a picture with you just doing stuff, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: Randomly, and if it’s a good picture, it’s clear, if it’s got some nice colors to it, close-ups of the faces are always a good thing. At the end of the day, if you think it’s a good image to test, test it out. Then Facebook will tell you, “This one’s doing better than this one,” and then you know.
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
Jill Sawchuck: And as far as the webinar, I’ve heard you say this before. I just again, lots about that techie stuff, the stuff that was out of my scope of knowledge, I just kind of plowed through. Do you think it’s worth going back and refining the webinar? How much do you think that matters?
Yuri Elkaim: I think it matters when you start having a lot of calls booked, or not having any calls booked. So problem number one is, you have leads coming in that have watched the webinar but no one’s booking a call, there’s some disconnect there. So, that’s when you want to look at, where is this breaking down? The second problem is, you have a lot of people booking calls but you find that a lot of them are not qualified. You get on the phone with them really quick. How did you even book this call?
Yuri Elkaim: If that’s the case, you can just go back to the end of your webinar and clean up the criteria, like this is for, this is not for. Because you’re going to find, like I’m speaking to people who keep bringing this thing up again, over and over again. I’m like, I don’t want to deal with that. So go back to the webinar and address that, right in that section of the webinar, so that you’re not attracting those people onto the phone in the first place.
Yuri Elkaim: So those are the two scenarios where I would look at maybe improving things. And again, you have to give yourself enough data to say, “Okay, I’m going to start making some adjustments here.” If you’ve had 10 people watch the webinar, it’s not enough data. You want at least I would say several hundred people before you start making those kind of adjustments.
Jill Sawchuck: Okay, that’s helpful.
Yuri Elkaim: That make sense?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool, awesome. Well Jill, has this been helpful?
Parting thoughts and thanks
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, it has. And Yuri, I did just want to say thank you, because you have gathered an awesome tribe of people. Everybody that has helped me, Amy and Stephanie and Cody, and I know there’s a whole bunch more awesome people on your team, you’re really doing a good thing.
Yuri Elkaim: Thank you. Thank you very much. Let me ask you, if someone were thinking about enrolling in our health business accelerator program, and they’re thinking to themselves, “Nah, I don’t know. I’ve been burned before. I’ve done coaching programs. Is this going to be better? Is this going to be different? Is this going to work?” What would you tell them?”
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, I would just say that this program definitely has integrity, which is one of my core values, and I think that’s what attracted me to it in the first place. I totally believe in that kind of energetic feel, and everybody that I’ve worked with, honestly you guys have really been there for me. And you know personally-
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
Jill Sawchuck: How much I was struggling, and you personally reached out. Yeah, it’s not just some kind of generic money-making program. I think you guys really do want to help us, and that definitely has been my experience.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. Yeah, thank you. And that’s, again you attract what you put out, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: So you will attract exact clients you want based on who you are, and we try to work with integrity and do the best we can. As you said, it’s not easy.
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: This is a process that you’re going to go through those ups and downs. Like when we jumped on the phone and went through the Facebook ads manager stuff, there are times where you’re like hitting your head against the wall. Not all the time, but there are times where that can happen. But that’s, with anything worthwhile there’s going to be challenges. There might be struggles, and if it’s meaningful to you, you’ll put in the work and together we’ll figure out a solution to make it happen. So, you’re a great example of that, and you’re at the point now where you’re ready to just about deploy, so you’ll have that nice time off in Mexico and you’ll come back. I’ll tell you, from my experience, whenever I travel, everything is better on the back end of that.
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, totally.
Yuri Elkaim: Because you have so much clarity and space and thinking, and when you come back you’re just fully energized and amazing things can happen. So, I’m pumped to see how all this unfolds for you, and I want to thank you for taking the time and sharing a little bit of what’s going on and how we could help with that. So thanks so much, Jill.
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, thank you, Yuri.
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What You Missed
On our last episode, we had Dr. Chris Zaino who is a world-renowned speaker, author, entrepreneur, and Mr. America 1991, Mr. Universe, and IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.
He now has one of the largest wellness clinics in the world, and his “I Am Hero” project was built to liberate the hero within all of us. Chris has had an amazing journey that’ll touch your heart and inspire you to stop playing the victim.
Tune in and hear what Chris has to say about playing the victim, remembering the end goal, and using your vehicle of influence to spread your message to the world.