The One Objection That is Crushing Your Business (And Your Clients)
Hey there, Healthpreneurs! Welcome back to the show. Today, I’m going to talk about improving the sales process. I’ll do this by revealing the number one objection that kills your business and keeps your potential clients in pain. And guess what? It has nothing to do with money.
This common objection must be addressed and you must prepare for it. So, what is it? None other than the good ole, “Lemme think about it.” To understand this objection, we’ve got to know where it comes from: Fear. Fear of making the wrong choice.
But you can combat this with information and a clear solution to their problem. You also must help your prospective client understand how the price of your program is way smaller than the price of their continued suffering. But there’s more. Tune in to hear how to never let this objection get in the way of selling your product and helping people again.
In This Episode I discuss:
01:00 – 03:30 – Introducing today’s topic and the objection that kills your business
03:30 – 05:30 – Understanding why someone reached out in the first place
05:30 – 08:30 – How to turn around a “Lemme think about it” objection
08:30 – 13:30 – The likelihood of someone coming back after saying they need to think about it
13:30 – 16:00 – An example and understanding someone’s level of commitment
16:00 – 20:00 – Getting the help you need if your sales process isn’t working
Hey, guys, what’s up? Yuri’s here. Welcome back to the show. In today’s episode, we’re going to talk a little bit about enrollment calls, the selling process, whatever you want to call it, right? I’m going to share with you the number one objection that not only kills your business, but it actually keeps your potential clients suffering. It has nothing to do with money.
Introducing today’s topic and the objection that kills your business
This one objection that I would say is probably the most common objection is brought up for a couple of reasons. The thing is, if you don’t understand how to address this, here’s a couple things that are going to happen.
Number one, you’re not going to be able to enroll clients to the degree that you want to. You’re going to start to doubt yourself. You’re going to lose confidence because you’re like, “Nah, I’m speaking to like 10 people, and no one’s enrolling.” It’s not that the process is broken, but there’s something in the conversation that isn’t working.
As a result of that, you’re not going to make the money you want in your business. And that can become very frustrating because you start to second-guess the whole thing, you start to look for “Maybe I should do this instead,” and you start to chase shiny objects, which is the last thing you want to do. But if you do get this figured out, what ends up happening is that you become a lot more confident on the phone, you become a lot more confident when you’re speaking to people. You become a lot more confident at detecting bullshit. And you get a lot more confidence at having deep, meaningful, honest conversations that most will lead to some type of enrollment.
And that’s the power here, is that if you have 10 conversations booked with prospective clients and 0% of those people enroll with you, that’s a very different business than if, let’s say, five or six of those people enroll with you. That’s a very, very different business. Can you appreciate that? So, nothing else has changed. The only thing that’s different is, you’re able to enroll a lot more people. What I’m about to share with you is going to help you write your own lottery ticket. This is something I really, if you’re one of our clients listening to this, this is very important. This is something I really helped my team grasp. Because I don’t do enrollment calls that much anymore. It’s mostly our coaches who do them. And this is something I continually have to remind them about.
So, this one objection that is crushing your business and your clients is the good old, “I need to think about it.” And so, here’s why this objection is not a lot of fun. Why is it that people need to think about something? Well, first and foremost, is it that people book a call with you? There’s two things that people want from a conversation. Number one is, they are looking for information. They are looking for information. And number two, they want a solution to their problem.
Understanding why someone reached out in the first place
So number one, let’s talk about number one for a second. If they’re on the phone with you, and they don’t feel they have all the information they need to make a decision, then they can’t make a decision, right? You can never expect somebody to make a decision who was not fully informed. So your goal is to fully inform your prospective client about everything that’s entailed with your program without obviously, overwhelming them with details. But they need to feel clarity around what it is they are getting into.
I use this example about the black box and the fishbowl. If I were to ask you, imagine Fear Factor, that show, if you can remember that. Imagine them asking you to put your hand in a black box. I’m not going to tell you what’s in it. Would you do it? Maybe if you trust me you would, but most people are not going to, because they don’t know if there’s jelly in there, or a scorpion, or nothing. There could be $1 million in there. Here’s the thing, there could be $1 million in that black box. But why would someone not put their hand in? Because they are afraid. They’re afraid of making the wrong choice. And the wrong choice means, “I’m going to put my hand in this box and bam, I get bit by a scorpion.”
In business, when you’re speaking to people on the phone, people are more concerned about making the wrong choice than anything else. I’m serious about this. So if they don’t have enough information, they can’t move forward with confidence. Instead of the black box, you need to create a fishbowl, which means you’re getting people, “Hey, put your hand in the fishbowl.” Cool, awesome. Why would they do that? Because they can see everything across that. There is no mystery. So, you need to be very clear about the information that’s being given to that client so they feel like they have everything they need to make an informed decision. So, information is the number one thing they are looking for.
The second thing is, they are looking for a solution to their problem. So, the whole time you’re talking, you’re asking questions, they’re answering, and so forth, the goal of the conversation is not to be like, “Okay, what do you want to do?” “I want to lose weight.” “Awesome, next.” You have to go deep with people, because they need to recognize the badness or the severity of their situation. Because if they don’t, they are never going to see your solution, especially if it’s a higher-priced solution, as the must-have thing to solve their problem.
So you, in the context of the conversation, that goal is to have an open, honest conversation where you’re digging deep and getting to the truth, having them verbalize why their situation sucks, and if they can stay there or not. I’ll tell you this, though. If people are speaking to you, and don’t get to a point on the phone where they have recognized that the value you’re providing or the price of your program, is infinitely smaller than the severity of their problem, you will not enroll them. And this is a problem, because then you start, you’re like, “Oh, my God, it’s priced too high,” or whatever.
Someone is about to work with you, and your program is, let’s say it’s $3,000. They want to lose weight. In their mind, if they don’t enroll with you, they don’t think they have a $3,000 problem. That’s what it comes down to. They believe that their problem is $500. Your job is to help them internalize that their problem is not a $3,000 problem, it’s a $500,000 problem. And this is why you need the right training to be able to do this. And we are not talking about manipulating people and doing that kind of stuff. It’s about leading the conversation in a way where people are just openly talking with you about with the situation is. And if you don’t know what questions to ask, and if you don’t know how to lead these conversations, well, you’re going to have a challenging time, right?
How to turn around a “Lemme think about it” objection
So, if we go back to, “I need to think about it,” people are going to say, “I need to think about it,” because they want to be polite, right? Maybe they don’t want to verbalize, “I can’t afford it.” Because some people, I’ll just be honest. I am not the type of person to tell somebody I can’t afford something. Why? Because it’s going to make me look bad. So, you have to understand that some people are not going to verbalize that they can’t afford it. It makes them look lower, in terms of the status on the totem pole, then they think they are.
But third is, that there’s something in their head, they are not clear about something. There is something they are not clear about. So number one, they’re going to use it as a stall. They’re paralyzed. They can’t make a decision. Number two, they are going to be polite about it. Number three, they’re going to say that because they don’t want to look like a fool by saying it’s too expensive, for instance. And we have to understand where people are at. But the thing to remember is that if we let people off the hook to think about it, what is the likelihood of them coming back and being like, “You know what? Yes, this is the thing I need to do”?
The likelihood of someone coming back after saying they need to think about it
What do you think the percentage of people who you have a phone call with for 45 minutes or an hour 30 minutes, who are like, “I know I want to do this, but I just need to sleep on it. I need to meditate on it. I need to talk to my dog about it,” whatever those excuses are, what is the likelihood percentage-wise, of those people coming back and actually doing business with you? And I don’t care what kind of follow-up you have in place. We’ve got a really good follow-up process in place, but I’ll tell you statistically, it’s very low. It is less than 10% of people. And what that means is, that if you let them go, you let them down.
So in our process, when we get to a point in the conversation where we mutually agree that this is what they want, they have verbally told us, “Yes, I need your help,” once that has been decided upon, it is our job, and I continue to tell my coaches, it is your job to lean in. Because if you don’t lean in and get uncomfortable, that person is going to use the, “I need to think about it” excuse to jump out of the conversation for whatever reason. And when they jump out and they say, “I need to think about it. I’ll call you back tomorrow,” what’s going to happen? Even if you have a phone conversation the next day, what’s going to happen? Is their energy, and their enthusiasm, and their excitement going to go up or down from the conversation? It’s going to go down. It only can go down. It’s not going to get any higher than it was on the phone with you.
What else is going to kick in? People’s inertia. The inertia to keep doing what they’re doing, because change is scary and uncomfortable. What else can happen? Oh, they might talk to their spouse, and their spouse who is like, of course, the know-all. Right? Of course they had a conversation with you, as well, so they know the whole gist of your program. Very often, that spouse is going to talk them down. They’re going to say, “You can’t do this. It’s a scam, it’s not going to work.” And so, they’re going to come on the phone with you tomorrow and they’re going to say something like, “You know what? I thought about it, and” dot, dot dot. Whatever follows that is never a good thing.
An example and understanding someone’s level of commitment
And it’s really frustrating. When this happens more often than you want to see it happen, you’re going to start to change your approach. You’re going to start to get a lot more assertive with people on the phone. I’m at a point now where if I speak to people and I’m like, “Listen, where are you on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being let’s do this right now, 1 being I’d never do this even for free”? They say they’re at a 9. Okay, cool. What’s it going to take to get to a 10? “Oh, I just want to think about it.” “Okay, great. I know there’s probably a couple of things you want to think about, but I’m going to assume there’s probably one thing you want to think about more than anything else. What’s that one thing?” “I just want to figure out the finances.” “Okay, cool. Awesome. Totally understand that.”
So, if you don’t know how to handle these conversations, what’s going to happen is, the conversation’s going to finish by you saying, “Okay, cool. I’ll let you look over your finances and we’ll talk tomorrow.” That’s how that’s going to end. And here’s what’s going to happen the next day. “Hey, I’m really pumped about our conversation yesterday. So, you ready to rock ‘n’ roll?” “Ah, man, I was thinking about it. Talked to my husband.” You might as well just hang up the phone at that point. It’s over. It’s done, okay?
So, I want you to have the belief that once you finish that conversation, it’s over. No commitments, no clients. They don’t put down that deposit, they don’t pay whatever, they are not going to become a client. And everyone talks about follow-up, you need 1,000 touch points. We have a whole 90-day follow-up sequence, okay? So we have a whole drawn-out process. And we do get quite a few clients from that follow-up. But I promise you, if you are better on the phone on that first conversation, it’s going to save you a lot of time and it’s going to save you a lot of heartache. And really, it’s a pain in the ass.
Because what ends up happening is, you have to draw the line between following up with people and chasing people. You are offering a premium solution that is going to solve someone’s problem. If they don’t see the value in your solution, either two things, number one, you haven’t done a good enough job communicating that, or two, they’re just not serious enough about making it happen, right? Where there’s a will there’s a way. If it’s something that’s a must for someone, they will find a way to make it happen.
I had a conversation with a lady the other week … Amazing, amazing stuff that she’s done. She was in school, and did a PhD on this whole new cool methodology of helping people achieve weight loss, crazy stuff. And I’m like, “Man, you’ve got something phenomenal here.” And she said she wanted to think about it. And I said, “Okay,” whatever, kind of addressed that. And she said, “Listen, I’m not the type of person who makes a decision right away.” Okay, there’s lots of different ways to handle that. But again, this is a PhD student. You obviously know she’s going to be analytical and so forth.
And she’s like, “Yeah, why don’t you reconvene in three weeks?” I’m like, “What do you need three weeks to think about?” Either this is, “I need to do this,” or it’s not. I’m at a point now, I don’t waste my time following up with people like that. Because I promise you, if I were to follow up with her, she is, “Other stuff has come up. This other stuff is more important. I’m going to do this for now.” It’s all bullshit, okay? It’s either you need this and let’s do this or, you’re not serious enough. That’s all it comes down to.
So if someone’s like, “I’m going to think about it,” for me, it’s, you are not serious enough. That’s all it is. How is either a, “Hell, yes,” or it’s a “No.” And if you can’t make a decision, if you can’t see how your situation is horrific and how if you keep doing what you’re doing you’re going to end up in a really bad place,” if they can’t see that, and if you haven’t done a good enough job at showing them that your solution is the only … not a way, but the only way, to achieve their outcome, you’re going to have a tough time enrolling people.
Getting the help you need if your sales process isn’t working
And so, one of the things that we help our clients with is, we spend a lot of time on the enrollment side. We actually have a whole new training we did over the Christmas holidays called the 30-day Sales Amplifier. And it was all because I recognized that you have to learn how to sell with confidence. Because if you don’t know how to handle these situations, you cannot enroll people. You will continually come up against, “I can’t afford it, I need to think about it, I have to talk to my spouse.” And if you don’t know how to, first and foremost, prevent those things from happening, and second if they do happen how to handle them, you’re going to have a tough time, okay? It’s going to be a tough go of making sense of this stuff. And it’s going to be very frustrating. You’re going to hit your head against the wall. You’re going to think there’s something wrong with you. There isn’t. It’s simply the way you’re approaching your calls, and how you speak with people.
And again, if you don’t know what to do, then what are you supposed to do, right? You only know what you know. And listen, I’m not the world’s best sales trainer. I’m not trying to say that. But I’m very good at what I do. And we are very good at helping our clients break through their own limitations to help their clients. And the thing I really, really don’t want you to run into is, if you are running your business and you run into, “I need to think about it” more often than you think is normal, then something isn’t working. And I implore you to get the help you need to fix that.
So, one of the things I’d like to present to you … I think I mentioned this last week. We have our next Luminaries Mastermind coming up in Toronto June 26 and 27th. We’ve opened up about 20, 25 spots for non-clients to sit in and experience the two days with us. In those two days, on day one, we are going to map out your million dollar model. This is a very, very simple model that we encourage anyone in a coaching business to build out and deploy, which is going to help you bring prospects in predictably. It’s going to help you enroll them with more confidence. And it’s going to help you deliver an amazing result to those clients.
So, if you want more clients, if you want to charge what you’re truly worth, if you wanted to deliver an amazing coaching experience without one-on-one coaching, I think you’ll really enjoy this. Day two, you’ll be able to sit in with our existing clients, and really just kind of take things to the next level and be surrounded by some next-level stuff and people that are doing some awesome stuff. If that’s of interest to you and if you want to see if you qualify, then head on over to So, 2 as in the number 2, D-A-Y.
Once you’re on the page, just have a look through everything we’re going to do. Check out all the testimonials of our clients. We are crushing it. And if you are serious about fixing your business and moving it to the next level, then fill out the application on the page. I’ll get back to you within about 24 hours, either yes or no based on where you’re at and where you want to go. And then we’ll take it from there, okay? Because I don’t want you to run up against stuff that I can help you fix. But again, if you think everything’s okay, there’s not much I can say about that, okay.
So, you have to be honest about your situation. And you have to say to yourself, “You know what? My situation is great. I’m making $1,000 a month and I’m happy.” That’s terrific. I can’t help you. But if you’re in a position where you are absolutely frustrated and sick and tired of where you’re at and you know you’ve got a bigger future, you’re not going to do it by yourself. I can promise you it’s never going to happen, okay? So, I’m not saying I am the only option. But I can promise you that if you’re a health, fitness, or wellness coach, I am the best option. And it’s not just me, it’s my entire team that’s here to support you.
So, if you’re interested, join us over at 2 as in the number 2, D-A-Y. Fill out the application. And we’ll get back to you. And if all is good, you can join us live and in person in Toronto, which is in Canada, just in case you’re wondering? I’m amazed at how many people don’t know where Toronto is. It’s an amazing city. We are going to have a lot of fun. And most importantly, we are going to help you create some big breakthroughs and big wins in your business so you can get more clients, convert more clients, and deliver amazing results. Cool? Look forward to seeing you there.
Thanks so much for joining me. I’ll see you soon.
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What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about climbing your success ladder, specifically, to help you diagnose exactly where you are in your business so you can know which rung you need to reach next.
Certain questions, like ones about basic tech, indicate that a business is still in its beginning stages. Alternatively, questions about scaling and stepping out of the business start a very different discussion. Neither are wrong, but identifying where you are – honestly – can give you a gauge of where to go next.
Each step of the ladder needs to be mastered before proceeding on to the next. So, if you’re still figuring out the tech to operate your business at its most basic level, for example, you probably aren’t ready to start discussing how to step away from it all and still scale.
Tune in to assess where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there.
Should You Speak on Stage?
What’s up, Healthpreneurs? Welcome back to the Healthpreneur podcast where we bring you the best information to grow your health business. Today, I’m going to talk about speaking on stage and whether you should consider doing it as part of your business.
There are a lot of speakers out there who are on the road more than they’re home. There are also many speakers who are in and out of speaking gigs; they show up, talk, and go home. Me, I’m more about the connection and relationship I make with the people I meet through speaking engagements.
But I’ve found that something else is much more effective and scalable than speaking onstage – and it provides more time freedom. It’s something that keeps working for you – even when you’re on vacation – while still providing you the comfort of predictable income. Does this sound good? Tune in to find out more!
In This Episode I discuss:
03:00 – 05:30 – Introducing today’s topic: Speaking on stage – Should you do it?
05:30 – 10:00 – The webinar and choosing what you do based upon your desired lifestyle
10:00 – 13:30 – The difference between “having to” and “choosing to”
13:30 – 18:00 – The importance of certainty and connection
18:00 – 22:00 – Why spending time with people is important
What’s up guys? Welcome back to the show. I just got back from Portland, Oregon. I was there speaking at the Nutritional Therapy Association Conference. There’s probably close to about a thousand health coaches, nutrition consultants, nutritional therapy practitioners, all sorts of cool people.
I want to share a couple of really cool insights I got from the event. I think this will really, really find you well. First and foremost, if you’ve never been to Portland, go to Portland, it is a great city. That’s the first time I was there. If you’re a foodie like I am and a healthy foodie, there’s some amazing restaurants there. It was almost like it would be tough to find bad food in Portland. It’s just got a really great food scene, really great vibe. I was really impressed. It’s somewhere I would definitely go back and spend more time. So if you have not been, I encourage you to go and I have no affiliation to the Portland Tourism Board it is just my act of good goodwill.
Introducing today’s topic: Speaking on stage – Should you do it?
So yes, that was in Portland and we were down there for three days. We had a talk on a Saturday morning and then we had a booth as part of our arrangements where we could have conversations with people who are interested in learning more about what we do and how we might be able to help them. So it was a really, really cool experience.
It’s always nice to go face to face and have conversations with people because when you’re on the phone, phone is great, but face to face is another level, right? So there’s like eye to eye, toe to toe. Yeah, you can kind of get a better sense of where people are at. There were a few people that listen to the podcast who were there, which is awesome. So if you guys are listening, thank you so much, I appreciate you guys and it was great to meet you, and it’s just fun to connect with people who are in our space, right?
That’s why we love serving our audience because I just really love health and fitness and wellness entrepreneurs, because we’re all here to do good things for other people.
So a couple of takeaways from this event that I think you’ll appreciate. First and foremost is a lot of health experts love speaking, right? For the most part, a lot of health experts that I’ve known over the years, a lot of them want to just spread their message. They want to speak from stage, they want to write books. I think it’s great, I love speaking as well.
One of the things I want to share with you is what I said to this audience, “This talk that I’m giving you right now is a webinar.” As we got into the presentation, I talked to them about that and when I was on the plane ride home, I was really thinking about it.
Is it worthwhile to travel around the country as much as I love traveling and do the whole speaking circuit, right? Now, the answer for me is a hell no, because I’ve got three kids and a wife that I actually want to see. But there’s a lot of speakers out there, professional speakers who are on the road like 200 plus days a year going from one event to the next. I think speaking from stage is an amazing positioning platform. It’s a great way to connect with an audience and share your message. But I do think that a lot of speakers do it improperly. They just show up and they take off. They look at their keynote fee and then that’s it, right? And some people, their keynote fee is $500, other people’s $100,000, my keynote fee is $25,000. I don’t even ask for that, because I would rather have an opportunity to give away some really great stuff. I’m more interested in building relationships with people, and spending a few days there. Not just like one hour in and out, and seeing if there’s an opportunity to do some work together.
So when I look at like, does it make sense to fly across the country? In our case with two extra teammates, ready to usher team members, the cost of food, hotel is taken care of for us. Flights thankfully were taken care of for us by the events. But you know, if you’re not in the situation where you have all these things taken care of for, you have to factor in all these expenses, you have to factor in that it’s your time, it’s your energy. You can only stand for so long. You can only have so many conversations before you’re like, “You know what? I’m going to just go to my room and lay down. I don’t want to talk to anyone.” And that’s kind of how I feel after three days. I’m like, don’t talk to me, I just want my space. And here I am talking, how ironic. So speaking is awesome, but it depends on your lifestyle. If you want to travel every single day, hey, give it a shot.
The webinar and choosing what you do based upon your desired lifestyle
But what I found to be even more powerful is having a webinar, because if you think about it, the webinar, at least in my case, is the exact same talk I give from stage. But now with the webinar I can sit on my couch, I can play with my kids, I don’t have to leave my house if I didn’t want to. That webinar, as I’m recording this is being listened to by hundreds of people. I have no idea where they live. I don’t need to see them face to face, but my message is on their computer screen if they’re watching it right now.
I just want you to let that sink in for a second. The power of leverage here, of technology, gives you massive amounts of freedom. Because what most speakers do is they travel around repeating the same message over and over and over again. What a webinar does, and when I talk about webinar, I’m talking about like an evergreen automated, you record it once, let it play type of webinar, not a live webinar every single day of the week.
So you record this webinar once, it’s a really good training for instance, okay? And then it’s done. You put it into a platform that now hosts the webinar online, people can register and watch it whenever they want. And when you have a pipeline built like we do, what ends up happening is that a percentage of those people eventually enroll with you.
We speak to a lot of people who ask us, “Yuri, how are you getting clients right now?” They’re like, “You know, I’m speaking in a couple of events.” I’m like, listen, first and foremost, you’re probably not speaking at a level where it makes sense for your business. You might be doing a lunch and learn here, a small talk there. You might pick up a few clients cause, you know, speaking in person is a great way to do that. But the thing is that it’s not scalable, at least not if it’s you doing most of the speaking. So you’re really limited to your time, if speaking is something you are thinking of doing as the main way of generating clients for your business.
The difference between “having to” and “choosing to”
I think it’s great. But again, it’s not scalable. You’re trading time for dollars and that is not a way to run a business. You’re basically a hamster on a wheel, right? You’re running from one thing to the next. But here’s the difference when you have a webinar. When I’m in Portland, I can do that by choice. We don’t do many of those. We might do two or three of them a year, because we have our own event, Healthpreneur live, which by the way is September 27th through 29th. If you’re interested, hit me up on Instagram. We’re only opening up 20 spots for non-clients. Okay? So I’m at @healthpreneur1, if you want to be part of an amazing three day experience and you fit our criteria let me know, cause it’s just, I can’t even describe it. It’s just a magical event. As we have that event, we’ve got three mastermind meetings throughout the year.
I’m part of another mastermind, so I’m traveling already seven times throughout the year. I can’t do, you know, a thousand speaking events. So when I do pick and choose those events that I go to, or when I’m hosting my mastermind or I’m taking part in the mastermind that I’m a part of, I don’t need to worry because our perfect client pipeline, which revolves around that automated webinar is still running even while I’m doing those things.
Just think of what that could do for your business, where you could take off on a vacation or go to whatever you want to go to, the gym, on a trip, to a different events and you don’t, let’s say you were speaking at the event, you don’t need that event to make your month. Like you don’t need that event to be like, I need clients from this event. It’s a thing you want to do because you love doing it, but you have this predictable sales process, this perfect client pipeline that automatically is bringing you clients even without the speaking.
So what that allows you to do is that gives you a lot of freedom of choice to say no to certain things and to say yes to things you love to do. And the challenge is that when you have to do things out of necessity, you really start to despise them. And that’s what happens. That’s what happened to me when I was training clients, it’s like I love working with clients, but I really got sick and tired of it because I no longer had the choice. I had to train clients, I didn’t choose to train clients. Right? There’s a very big difference between having to and choosing to. And so, when you’re in a position of having to, it’s very stressful and it can lead to burnout very quickly. Not just burnout, but just like, you start to detest what it is you’re doing and that’s not a great place to be. Right? So you want to be loving what you’re doing. And in order to have that happen, you have to have the right systems and processes in place to bring clients in automatically for the most part with very little of your involvement.
The importance of certainty and connection
So, that was a real big takeaway. Like, I mean, it’s something I’ve thought of for years anyways, but it’s just a reminder of speaking is great, but you cannot build a scalable, sustainable, successful business just on speaking alone. Especially if it’s just, “Hey, I charge $1,000 from my talk,” and I’m done. Listen, I mean, I don’t ask for my keynote fee because if I’m doing an event, will typically do anywhere from five to 10 times that amount just in the back end, which means that the relationships we build with clients that eventually decide to work with us is infinitely more valuable to me and the company than a $25,000 keynote fee. Right? But again, most speakers don’t think like that because their speakers, they’re not business owners, they’re not entrepreneurs. And I want you to think like an entrepreneur, which means you got to think about this stuff. So that was the big takeaway. You have to have a webinar, you have to have this process that’s dialed in and working for you.
Second thing is you learn a lot about people when you speak with them in person, a lot. I mean, we did over 1300 enrollment calls last year alone and there was a lot of takeaways from that. But when you’re in person with people, you get that same stuff, but there’s also something you don’t pick up as easily on the phone, which is the general energy that comes off of someone. So let me give you two great examples. I was speaking to one young woman at the event who is relatively new to starting her business and she was asking me like, you know, “Do you think I’m at a good point to start doing this and making this work?” And I told her, I’m like, “Listen, let me ask you a question, are you confident in your ability to help people?” And she was like, “100%.” I’m like, “You just answered your own question,” because all that matters is that you have that confidence and certainty and she did.
She did and she had this charisma and this energy and this presence, which is kind of like an X factor that not a lot of people talk about, right? Because it does make a difference if you have that presence. There’s this kind of like unspoken energy that is just persuasive. And she had that and I told her, I’m like, “Listen, you are at the very kind of basic stages of your business, but you could do this on your own. You can keep your money, but you’re going to save your problems and it’s going to take you a lot longer. You can work with us, you can step into the fear of like, do I have the money for this? But we’re going to get your results a hundred times faster.” And that’s something that you can pick up on the phone, but in person it’s just so much more powerful.
The second example was a lady who came by and actually her friend brought her over. She’s like, “Hey, you got to talk to the Yuri, he and his team are here to do some awesome stuff,” and right away I knew she wasn’t our perfect clients. It was instantaneous. You’ve probably had these moments in your life where right away it’s not even, it’s like an energetic judgment. I could tell that she wasn’t an expert, I could tell that she didn’t have confidence and I could tell that she wasn’t sure of herself. Like in a split second, I made all three of those conclusions. Now, I gave her the time of day, we had a quick chat and I, you know, kind of just probing went a bit deeper and those things came to surface. Now you can say, “Okay, Yuri, well, you’re, you know, the cognitive bias or looking for that stuff.” Not really, because she was very wishy washy. She wasn’t sure about, you know, what she could do and she wasn’t certain about it.
And those are the types of clients that I cannot help, because building a business is hard. Attracting clients and getting them to give you a good chunk of their money to transform their life is not easy. It’s not giving away a pamphlet, like you have to be certain about what it is you’re selling. And if you’re not, well the prospect is not going to be certain about you being able to help them. So what I loved about spending time at the event was, listen, I’m not, like if you know me, I’m not one of those guys who is like too cool for school, where I’d like pop into the event for an hour and take my helicopter out. And I’m like, I don’t converse with the regular folk, that drives me crazy. Like when people go to, I’m not going to name names. When speakers go to events and I don’t know if it’s an egotistical thing, or I’m too cool to hang around with the common people, or I’m too busy, which might be the case, right?
Because obviously, you know, not everyone can hang around for three days and maybe it doesn’t make sense for them, but I really believe that there’s a lot of goodwill you put into the market when you stick around and actually have conversations. Like I was at our booth, right? I’m not one of those like, I’m going to just hide in the green room because I was a cool speaker type of guy. I was out there in the trenches having conversations with people. And I think there’s a lot of value there, because this was a great example of what happens in business where, as the business owner evolves in their business, they become more of the CEO, they become less accessible, they become, you know, really, really inaccessible, right? For the lack of a better term. What ends up happening is they become so disconnected from their audience, and I think that the CEO of a company should actually be spending most of their time with their market.
Why spending time with people is important
And that’s why for me, I spent a lot of time with our clients. Like I don’t have to, but I want you, I want to see what’s working for them. I want to see where they’re stuck, I want to see how I can make things better for them, I want to talk to people who are not our clients, but are kind of our perfect audience. I want to figure out like what’s holding them back? What are their frustrations? Like, where are they stuck? Right? Because the more you can do that, the more intel you have to bring into your marketing and your messaging. You don’t have to do survey, monkey surveys, so you’ve actually had a conversation with someone, you’ve helped somebody. If you’re in a clinical setting, or in a one on one coaching setting, you’ve had these conversations, you’ve worked with clients and you have all the data you need. But it’s tough to do that when you’re hiding behind your computer or hiding behind other people, and gatekeepers, and you are kind of sitting at the top of the ivory tower without any connection to your marketplace.
And I really think that if we look into fortunate 500 companies, I don’t necessarily know all of their stories, but I would venture to say that most of their upper management are so disconnected from their customer that they can’t even relate to them anymore. Right? They’re flying the private jets, you know, they’re making $1 million a month, that’s fine, right? But you still have to be connected to your audience, because you can very, very easily lose sight of what your customers or clients are actually going through. And that empathy is really important, so I really enjoyed that elements of being at the event for that reason and it’s all just fun to kind of just hanging out with people and kind of, you know, just like having fun, right? Because, that’s where we’re all here to do. So those are two of the big takeaways that I wanted to share with you, is one is I think speaking is overrated quite honestly for building a business.
It has to be done very intelligently, very strategically and quite honestly you’ll make a hundred times more and impact more people who’ve got a good webinar and a good pipeline from your home. And second is, I guess ironically is that spend time with people in person is important and you don’t have to go to events to do that. Like maybe, you can have a meetup around, you know, your neighborhood with people in your space for, or people that you may want to work with, right? Just like no strings attached. Like no Tupperware party. Like, “Hey, here’s the thing I’m going to pitch you,” but just like, actually like bring people together, have conversations, break bread together, right? Build that community, build that tribe. You’ll feel more fulfilled and what’s going to happen is those people are going to choose you. When they’re ready, they may not be ready now, but when they are, they’re going to choose you because you made them feel special.
You went out of their way, you went out of your way to give them a bit of time. And I think that goes a long way in a world and a day and age where we’re so disconnected yet so technologically connected.
So, that’s the takeaway from the Nutritional Therapy Association Conference events. Hope this has made sense for you. And again, if you want help building out in your webinar and your perfect client pipelines, you have more of that automated client acquisition. Then, hey, well, that’s what we do every single day? Actually, as of this recording, Brandy, one of our clients, and she maybe, she’s listening to this, she enrolled two clients last week alone at $5,300 a piece. That’s $10,600 in one week. And she actually deployed her perfect client pipeline the week before. So within two weeks, actually not even two weeks, within one week of deploying her pipeline, she made over $10,000. That’s what can happen when you do things the right way.
Now, I’m not saying that’s going to happen in one week. It might take you a little bit longer, but our program is built to help you do that. So if you want, are interested in seeing how we might be able to help you inside of our Health Business Accelerator coaching program. Remember, we don’t just talk to anyone, right? We want you to jump through hoops and there’s a very specific reason for that. We want to make sure that the right people are on the phone with us and it’s the same way we teach our clients to kind of filter out their perspective clients.
So if you’re interested in going on the next step and you want to get more clients, you want to scale your coaching, you want to add, you know, an additional 10,000 or more per month to your revenue, that is our program designed to do that. Then go to Watch our free online workshop.
If it resonates with you, book a call, the link will be provided under the end of the training and if you like what you see, we’re going to have a chat, we’ll figure it out. If there’s a mutual fit, if we can serve you where you’re at, where you want to go, we’ll craft a game plan and we can take it from there. Is that cool? So thanks so much for watching today. I hope this one has found you well. Hope you got some good insights and nuggets from today and I’ll see you the next episode.
Hey, thanks so much for joining us on this episode of the Healthpreneur podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, here’s what I’d like you to do right now. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the Healthpreneur podcast on iTunes and while you’re there leave us a rating or review, it helps us get in front of more people and change more lives.
And if you’re ready to start or scale your health or fitness coaching business, and want to start getting in front of more people, working with them at a higher level without trading time for money, then I invite you to check out our free 7 figure health business blueprint training totally free right now, and you can do so at
For now, thank you so much for joining us, continue to be great, do great, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about why some offers work well – and why some just don’t. You see, there are tons of businesses out there offering tons of stuff, and really, all of it could sell.
The trick to having an offer that works is having a hook that is specific and relatable. It can’t be ambiguous. It’s got to be back and white.
Tune in to hear how to hook your audience and make your offer more effective than ever.
Climbing Your Success Ladder

Welcome back to another episode of the Healthpreneur podcast! Today, I’m going to be talking about climbing your success ladder. Specifically, this episode is to help you diagnose exactly where you are in your business so you can know which rung you need to reach next.
Certain questions, like ones about basic tech, indicate that a business is still in its beginning stages. Alternatively, questions about scaling and stepping out of the business start a very different discussion. Neither are wrong, but identifying where you are – honestly – can give you a gauge of where to go next.
Each step of the ladder needs to be mastered before proceeding on to the next. So, if you’re still figuring out the tech to operate your business at its most basic level, for example, you probably aren’t ready to start discussing how to step away from it all and still scale. Tune in to assess where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there.
In This Episode I discuss:
01:00 – 04:00 – Introducing today’s topic, climbing your success ladder, and an example
04:00 – 08:30 – The different components of our business and who we help in each
08:30 – 11:00 – My business goals and vision for this year
11:00 – 14:00 – Figuring out your target market and their major problem
14:00 – 17:00 – A question for you: Where are you in your business?
Yuri here. Welcome back to the show. Hope your day is going great. It’s about to get a little bit better or maybe a lot better.
Introducing today’s topic, climbing your success ladder, and an example
In today’s conversation I’m going to be talking with you about climbing your success ladder. What does that really mean? Let me put it this way. It’s very easy to know where someone is at in their business based on the questions that they ask. I want you to listen to this and I want you to listen to this episode as a diagnostic tool to help you identify where you are at in your business.
Let me give you an example. I would say about 60% of clients that we work with are brand new to business, right? They’ve just got their certification or they are randomly doing stuff in their, “business” that really isn’t a business and now we’re helping them build something that is more of a business. A lot of the initial questions that people at this stage start asking is technical questions like, “How do I set up this page? What widget do I use?” All the tech questions. When someone is overwhelmed in tech, you know that they are at the beginning stages of their business for the most part. Nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. It’s just understanding that at that stage of business there is a lot of foundational stuff that needs to be built. Understanding what this page should look like, how it integrates with this platform.
One of the things that we do for our clients to alleviate some of that tech is we actually build out their tech for them so that they don’t have to spend a lot of time … Ideally, we want them spending no time in the tech, but obviously everyone has their tendencies, but our goal is to take that off the table so that they can focus on really what matters most, which is their messaging and their offer.
As you climb this ladder, when I say a ladder, I’m talking about the journey of your business. You get into next level discussions, which if we’re talking at the base level, how do I set up this page? What technology do I use here? At one end of the spectrum, the opposite end of the spectrum is, how do I scale this business? How do I scale myself? How do I bring other people on this team? How do I lead a group of people to now allow me to step out of my business and to scale our company to 5 million, 10 million, $100 million a year? That’s a very, very different level of discussion than what webpage do I set up? Or, how do I write a headline? There’s nothing wrong with either one. I think it’s helpful to identify where you are at.
The different components of our business and who we help in each
One of the things that I had to make a decision around was, so we have two core offers. We have our health business accelerator program, which is where we help people from ground zero to earning 10k a month in six months or less. That’s our goal with the program, or adding an additional 10k per month or more to their bottom line by helping them build their Perfect Client Pipeline. Okay. That’s our initial program, it is phenomenal. Now we can’t, we can only do so much in that program without overwhelming people, right? My goal is never to overwhelm our clients, but we also understand that there’s going to be people or clients who get to a point where they’re like, “Listen, like, okay, I got it. I’m good. Now I’m too busy. I need to move myself out of this picture. How do I scale my sales team? How do I scale my coaching? How do I structure my company?” That is stuff that I can’t talk about in the workshop because it wouldn’t make sense if people are talking about how do I set up this webpage and then were having discussions about structuring your company. It’s just way too different. That’s why we have our Luminaries Mastermind for.
Luminaries Mastermind is helping people in our space, health fitness coaches who are doing six figures and want to get to seven and beyond. The big difference there is that yes, your Perfect Client Pipeline, you can do a lot of great stuff with that, but there are things that we can’t do in the initial workshop based on time, the level of where people are at that we can do in the Luminaries that are going to amplify the results of everything we did in the workshop to continue adding consistent streams of revenue, new clients through that pipeline. There’s next level strategies we can look at to really amplify and scale your business and the discussions are very different. The conversations are another level and they should be. The challenge I ran into. When I started the mastermind, I started the mastermind two years ago and it actually came out of necessity. I had two clients, individually didn’t know each other, asked me for one-on-one coaching. I said, “Listen, I can’t stand one-on-one coaching, I suck at it but why not do this? Why don’t we put together a mastermind and you guys will be the first two clients.
I’ll figure out how to fill the rest of it. Sound good?” We did that. We worked together for 12 and 16 months respectively. Initially, the group was fairly small. I think we started out as four people. It grew to 25 in the first year. Our first client, Amanda does not do more than a million dollars a month. We had her on the podcast. Stephen Cabral, another one of my first clients is absolutely crushing it with his business. His business is so busy. He actually had to step down from the mastermind because it was overwhelming. It was a good problem to have for him. Anyways, but we had a lot of people who came into the mastermind who at the time in retrospect probably should not have been in the mastermind because I wasn’t clear on the differentiation between the two, the workshop, the mastermind. What ended up happening was that people who should have been in the workshop should have been in the workshop, and people who should have been in the mastermind should have been in the mastermind.
These are things that you’d learn as you go. Right? You make mistakes, you course correct. We had to part ways with a couple clients. In full transparency, I don’t think the mastermind was set up properly. Personally for me I could have done a much better job in terms of the delivery of the coaching and the contents. Our meetings that we had three times a year were amazing, but kind of in between that is a little bit disheveled. What I decided to do last year was we focus 100% on the workshop. We said, we’re going to dial this bad boy in so we can scale it. I think last year we brought inclusive 300 clients at a relatively high price point. We only did the workshop and I said, I’m going to put the mastermind on the back burner because I know that of these 300 clients, the vast majority of them are not ready for the mastermind. They’re not going to be ready for the mastermind for at least the next six to 12 months. I was willing to take a step back with the mastermind. I kind of compromised the effort I put into that, I was still serving the clients that we had in there but in terms of growing it, there wasn’t much effort there.
My business goals and vision for this year
As we set our goals for 2019, we realized that we had our workshop really dialed in and obviously we’re all doing things to make it a bit better. I said, my focus for this year is to grow our Luminaries Mastermind to 200 members. That’s a very ambitious goal. Okay. Very ambitious goal considering it’s a sizeable investment. My vision was let’s use the workshop to help elevate all of these amazing entrepreneurs and coaches who are, let’s call them in the minor leagues and let’s cultivate them. Let’s help them get success and let’s send them to the pros. The pros in our case is our mastermind. I recognize that. That was probably going to be … I was going to have to go backwards 12 to 16 months to take a step back to cultivate and bring these people up to the point where they could be in the mastermind, if obviously it made sense for both of us. By that point, we’re now having higher level discussions. We’re now having conversations about, listen, I’m doing five or six, seven phone calls a day to enroll clients. It’s great, but I’m going to burn myself out. How do I start building a sales team around me? I’ve done that.
We have four enrollment coaches who do all the calls from me. I don’t do any calls anymore. We got an amazing team of coaches who do most of the coaching in our program. I don’t have to do a lot of coaching. I love what I do, but it’s not me and 300 clients. The cool thing is that because I can introduce that stuff early on because no one’s at that level to make sense of it, we introduce that later on in the mastermind. What does this mean to you? Well, I want you to think of this. When you are working with your clients, you need to be very clear, that initial program you’re offering needs to have a very singular focused promise. Our promise in HBA is we’re going to help you build your Perfect Client Pipeline up to the point where you can add an additional or an initial $10,000 or more per month within six months. That’s how the program is designed. Does everyone get there? No. Sadly, some people take forever to get some simple things done, right? They start second-guessing themselves and all this kind of stuff. That’s the challenge and opportunity of working with people early on in their business.
It’s a lot easier for me to work with someone who’s already doing six figures and give them a couple of tweaks and boom, they’re making a million dollars a month. That is very easy for me to do but we decided as a company, we want to be able to help someone who is brand spanking new, who has as long as they have expertise and they got work ethic, we can build them up. We know that it’s going to be a more challenging road. We also know that it makes us better as coaches. It forces us to systemize things better, forces us to make our trainings better and easier to understand so that we don’t get lazy and expect everyone to understand this stuff. In your business, you need to figure out first and foremost, and this is the first thing we do with our clients in HBA, is you need to figure out who is that single target market? Who’s that perfect client for you? What is the major problem that they’re dealing with? This is another example is for me it’s very easy to see this stuff because I’ve been doing this for almost 15 years now, but for a lot of other people, they don’t see this stuff. They’re looking at it through different lenses.
Figuring out your target market and their major problem
My goal is to empower as many people as possible to think like a marketer, like a CEO eventually. You have to put on different goggles at different stages of your business. Initially, you have to become the marketer, you have to sell for the first while in your business. You got to generate income. As you scale to seven, eight figures, you don’t necessarily do that as much anymore. You might evolve into putting on the goggles of a CEO or maybe you don’t even want to be CEO. You just want to be the content person and you hire someone else to be the CEO. Initially, you can’t even think about that stuff until you make sales. Right? Initially, you got to master selling, you got to really be good at marketing and messaging and so forth and that’s the first thing you need to really figure out in your business is who is the single target market? What is the single major pain or problem that they want solved? Getting healthy is not good enough. Getting fit is not good enough. It’s not going to work especially if you’re charging premium prices. Nobody is going to give you three, four, $5,000 to help me get healthy, but you need to figure out what is really keeping them up at night.
The good news is that if you’ve been coaching clients in person or one-on-one, you’ve been having these discussions with them already. You don’t need to do surveys and market data and that kind of stuff. You already know this stuff because you’ve been working with clients most likely. Figure out who is the single audience because if you don’t figure out a single audience, here’s what’s going to happen. You end up having a bunch of one-on-one clients with different problems and then your messaging is all over the place. I help people with this, this, this, this. I help people get healthy and feel great again. Great, so does everybody else. You don’t send out, you don’t differentiate yourself, therefore you’re not going to be able to command premium prices. When you’re on the phone with someone they’re like, “Yeah, let me think about it.” What they’re saying is, “I don’t think you can solve my problem,” because a lot of other people, including a $20 book can do that. You need to figure out the major pain. Someone’s got to get on the phone with you because they’re in a very bad situation.
If they’re not in a very bad situation, you need to filter those people out so they don’t get on the phone with you in the first place. We could talk about this for hours. Quite honestly, this episode can go on for seven hours but I just want to kind of bring things back in for a second.
A question for you: Where are you in your business?
I want you to think to yourself, where am I in my business? Am I somebody who is still trying to figure out the technology? Am I at a point now where I’m starting to craft better messaging and better offers? Am I at a point where sales are coming in, clients are coming in and I’m starting to get a little bit overwhelmed? I’m starting to think of, how do I clone myself? How do I build a team? How do I build a great company, right? Because the conversations at those different points in your business are going to be different. What I would love for you to do is pop over to Instagram and find me @healthpreneur1 and I’d love for you to send me a direct message just, “Hey, I listened to this episode, climbing the success ladder. It was really cool,” or it sucked, whatever you want to say it doesn’t matter to me. Let me know.
Send me a direct messages and just let me know what stage of business you’re in. Where are you at in your business? What is the biggest challenge you’re currently dealing with? Now, if you’re one of our clients, you don’t need to send me that because I speak with you pretty much every day, so we’re all good, but if you’re just a listener, then hit me up on Instagram. Cool. I hope this episode has helped you out. Hopefully it’s given you some food for thought. I look forward to seeing you in our next episode. I will be actually talking about the one objection that is crushing your business and your clients. If you’re on the phone and this objection is coming up, it will sabotage your business. That’s coming your way on Monday. Do not miss that one. In the meantime, hope you have an amazing day. Hit me up on Instagram and I’ll see you soon. Hey, thanks so much for joining us on this episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, here’s what I’d like you to do right now. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the Healthpreneur Podcast on iTunes and while you’re there, leave us a rating or review. It helps us get in front of more people and change more lives.
If you’re ready to start or scale your health or fitness coaching business and want to start getting in front of more people, working with them at a higher level without trading time for money then I invite you to check out our free seven figure health business blueprint training totally free right now, and you can do so at
For now, thank you so much for joining us. Continue to be great, do great. I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about speaking on stage and whether you should consider doing it as part of your business.
There are a lot of speakers out there who are on the road more than they’re home. There are also many speakers who are in and out of speaking gigs; they show up, talk, and go home. Me, I’m more about the connection and relationship I make with the people I meet through speaking engagements.
But I’ve found that something else is much more effective and scalable than speaking onstage – and it provides more time freedom. It’s something that keeps working for you – even when you’re on vacation – while still providing you the comfort of predictable income.
Does this sound good? Tune in to find out more!
Ask and Assess, Don’t Tell and Impress
Welcome back to the show, Healthpreneurs! Today I am here with my Results Coaches, Amy, Stephanie, and Jackie, and we’re going to talk to you about why you should be asking and assessing – not telling and impressing. Wondering what the heck that means? Read on.
When people try to sell their product or service, they often get stuck in telling, telling, telling to try and impress their prospective client. Unfortunately, this has the opposite effect. The client never gets the chance to express their problem and, in turn, the seller never gets to hear what the person actually wants. Sounds like a lose-lose situation, right?
The secret is to ask and assess instead. Ask questions, assess their answers, and guide them to the solution you have to offer. By doing this, you give your client a voice and naturally guide the sales process towards a solution that’s best for them. Win! Tune in to hear exactly how to ask and assess – and learn some ways to make sure you aren’t falling into the trap of telling and impressing.
In This Episode Amy, Jackie, Stephanie and I discuss:
- Understanding the why and how to get there.
- The dating analogy.
- Why vomiting on prospective clients isn’t attractive.
- What happens when we ask and assess.
- Bringing people back to problem-solving.
- Classy and effective selling techniques.
01:00 – 05:00 – A trade show story and why we must ask the right questions
05:00 – 09:30 – How the problem of telling and impressing shows up in business.
09:30 – 15:00 – Asking and assessing and why telling isn’t impressive
15:00 – 19:00 – Following-up without seeming needy or desperate
19:00 – 25:00 – How we help our clients and what we do as coaches
Yuri Elkaim: Hey guys, what’s going on? Yuri here, welcome back to the show. I’m joined by our amazing result coaches, Jackie, Steph, and Amy today. Welcome, everyone, hope you guys are having an amazing day, and ladies, thanks for joining me. I’m excited to jump into today’s topic because I think, for people listening to this who are coaching, at least along the lines of what we recommend, I think it’s important to understand the difference between asking and assessing versus telling and impressing. So what the hell does that mean, how does that impact your business, what does that mean to you the listener or the viewer? Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about in today’s episode.
A trade show story and why we must ask the right questions
Yuri Elkaim: Quick little story to give a bit of context on this. So, when I started my business online, 2006, I got a lot of bad advice. And part of that advice was, “hey, man, you should do some trade shows.” I was like, “cool, let me turn all my digital products into physical products and then we’ll just tour the country to do trade shows.” So 35000 dollars later, we did all that, and I realized something really, really powerful.
Yuri Elkaim: Three of those trade shows, we only had booths at. And so what was happening was that we were at a booth, and if you’ve ever been to a trade show you know that’s like, people would walk into the convention center with a suitcase that was empty, and they’re just there for free samples. Right, that’s kind of the vibe. So we got people just walking down the aisles and stuff, and you’re one of hundreds of exhibitors trying to pull people into your world, and it was a very tough thing to do.
Yuri Elkaim: But one of the trade shows, I was lucky enough to speak on stage and have a booth. And that trade show was a very different experience. Because instead of me trying to pull people in out of the aisles, now I had people lined up, coming to see our booth. And there’s a very, very big difference, from a positing perspective, when that happens, and I want to kind of lay that as the context for today’s discussion.
Yuri Elkaim: So, ladies, let’s jump into this. Why is this important for people listening or watching this to understand? Jackie, do you want to kick things off?
Jackie: Sure. Well, first of all, it’s not about us, right? We think it’s about us as the gurus, as the coach, our stories really have a little bit to do with it, but really it’s what challenges we overcome. What tools, what methods, what actions did we take. Those are the missing pieces, right? There’s a lot of self-help books out there, but there’s only so many coaches that can teach their own methodology around taking courage and action and blending that together and getting a true transformation.
Jackie: So I think if we assess and ask the right questions, we can understand why prospective clients are needing what we have to offer, and needing our help and assistance in that, in the how to. And once we understand the why, that’s the golden nugget, and until you know why, you’re not asking enough questions to get there. And that’s why we’ve been blessed with two ears and one mouth, to listen more than we talk. So, I think that boils it down in a nutshell, for me.
Yuri Elkaim: Have you guys ever been to a restaurant, maybe you’re traveling and, typical tourist destinations, and you have let the maître d’ outside the restaurant flagging you down outside the restaurant, like, “hey, we got a special dinner price going on, special, come on in.” I don’t know about you guys, but I want to run in the opposite direction when I see that stuff. And that’s what I’m talking about. Telling and impressing is kind of like that maître d’ outside the restaurant, begging you to come in, versus the restaurant that has the six-month waiting list, and you’re like, “where do I line up?”
Yuri Elkaim: And that is what we’re trying to get at, guys, is in your business, especially if you’re selling a higher ticket coaching program, which you should, you want to think of yourself as Simon Cowell on American Idol. You’re the judge sitting behind the desk, and you’re assessing people. You’re not saying, “please work with me, please work with me,” you’re saying, “okay, we’ve got this awesome program. Please tell me why we should work with you.” And have them jump through hoops. Does that make sense?
How the problem of telling and impressing shows up in business
Yuri Elkaim: Steph, what about you, how do see this show up in people’s worlds, in terms of their coaching businesses?
Stephanie: Well, there’s two things that are popping up right now for me. One is, this sounds very much like dating, where it’s like, let’s say as a woman, if the guy’s like, “you want to date me because I’m amazing and I’ve done this and I’ve done that, and I’ve done that and I’ve done this and all of that, I’m so great, I’m so great, I’ve been through this and that and blahblahblahblah.” Then you’re just like, “whoa, dude, back up, it’s not about that.” Just like you’re saying with the restaurant thing, that’s what it is. So it’s almost like that proving, proving, proving, and chasing and showing and all of that stuff, it just turns people off.
Stephanie: And then the next thing that kind of popped up in my mind was that, a lot of times when we do it, we’re coming from a good place, from a heartfelt place. It’s like, “let me tell you about me, let me show you about all the awesome things I’ve done. Let me tell you about all my accolades, let me tell you about all my hardships. Let me tell you about all these things, and this is why you should work with me.” But really, like Jackie said, nobody really cares about that. They want to know about; can you help them with their pain point. And that’s what we have to focus on is, what is it that they are looking for and what do we have that can help them.
Stephanie: But just to kind of circle back a bit, a lot of that comes from almost a lack of self-worth kind of place, where we feel like we have to prove, and prove, and prove, and prove, and it’s very, very, very common, and I think every single one of us, listening or here, me, everybody have dealt with that lack of self-worth issue, where you don’t really know if what you have is good enough, or if you can take care of things. I don’t know. But that’s why we end up talking and talking and talking instead of listening and listening and listening, because we feel like we have to prove so much, and really it’s the opposite.
Yuri Elkaim: My book agent, years ago, and this is really where this whole thing started happening, she told me, “Yuri, if you’re explaining, you’re losing.” And that stuck in my head, and it’s still ingrained in there. And it was so good. At first, I’m like, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” But then I did.
Yuri Elkaim: And this really hit home again. I had a call a while ago. And this is as I’m developing my craft, the person said, “I want to think about it.” Obviously that’s the worst objection of all time. At the time, I didn’t really know how to handle it well, so I said, “okay, cool, let’s talk tomorrow.” The next day, I call her back, and her husband answers the phone. And now, I’m completely unprepared for the assault I’m about to take because now he’s peppering me with questions, I’m literally on my heels up against the wall, and I’m telling and impressing.
Yuri Elkaim: And I lost the enrollments, because I was not in a position of power to lead the call, I was on my heels, and I was explaining as opposed to asking and assessing. And this is, if you’re working with us as a client, this is one of the most important things you can get better at when you’re dealing with objections and you’re dealing with, I’m not going to say difficult people, but people who are challenging you, remember, this isn’t some widget you’re selling them, this is a high-end coaching program that you are working with people in, and you have to be as deciphering as they are with you.
Yuri Elkaim: We’ve had so many cases where people are like, “hey, show me eight to twelve testimonials.” We send them testimonials, they’re like, “oh, I need to see more.” And it gets to the point where it’s not about the testimonials, there’s something going on with you that is a little bit apprehensive for us. Tell me why should we even consider working with you and using the takeaway, and suddenly, the person’s like, “no, no, no, I’m going to do this. I’m the type of person who’s going to make this happen.”
Yuri Elkaim: So it’s just like you talked about, Steph, the whole dating thing. It kind of is playing hard to get, in some way, shape or form. Jackie, I don’t know if you’ve ever done this with your kids, or Amy, with yours, trying to get my kids to eat healthy foods is a lot tougher than getting them to eat hamburgers and pizza. So a lot of times I’ll just be like, “hey, this dinner is for actually mommy and I only.” And they’re like, “no, no, no, I want some of that, I want some of that.” Instead of saying, “hey, guys, here’s your salad, eat it,” and they’re like, “no, I don’t want that.”
Asking and assessing and why telling isn’t impressive
Yuri Elkaim: So the human psychology is phenomenal. Anyways, Amy, how do you see this come up in a lot of the calls that you do?
Amy: It’s very interesting, because I love the ask and assess. What we discount when we are showing and impressing is that the enrollment cause, it goes back to, you are showing how you’re going to show your clients once they enroll with you. So if you’re just vomiting on them all of the great things, this person can’t see themselves, and remember, we’re all tuned in, all of us, to WIIFM, right, what’s in it for me.
Amy: So that’s great that you got results, but when people hear us on the podcast or we’re coaching them, they forget that we ever struggled. So, it doesn’t matter that we say that we used to be so depressed that we couldn’t get off the couch, because they’re like, “uh-huh.” So we don’t want to talk about those things. We want to ask good questions and assess and remember why we’re doing this. So you want to go back your why. Why do you want to have a deeper impact? On who? That perfect client, right? And why do you want to increase your income?
Amy: Like Stephanie said, we got caught in, “I have to make the money, I have to make the money, I have to make the money, I have to make the money.” And we get so focused on those things, and I see that happening with folks who are excited to launch but they are almost losing sight of why they’re doing this in the first place. Yes, we want you to have the lifestyle you want. That’s going to come from serving people, and when you ask and assess, whether it’s in your webinar, asking good questions that are getting people to think, or whether it’s in your Facebook add, or on the phone with people, you want to bring them back to, they’re going to be able to solve the problem.
Amy: I’m guilty of talking too much, still. I practice, but I just talked with two gentlemen who enrolled with us, you guys are rock stars, super excited to work with Chuck and David, and they were nervous about, “how is think going to look? I still don’t understand how I’m going to do a virtual coaching program.” Now, they can agree that I talked too much about when they asked me a question about my own story, but, for this, instead of answering David that, “oh, you’re going to use Kajabi, and you’re going to do this and you’re going to do lalala.” I said, “what would you put into a coaching program if you were to build a coaching program?”
Amy: And you had the best answers, David, awesome. So, he ended up building the framework for the program in our enrollment call, right? So we were able to coach through that. I definitely need to zip it in other areas, but when I even remember to just say, “it’s that question.” And I think Les Brown, I first heard him say it, “I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do.” Well, if you did know what to do, what would you do? So I even sometimes will say that to clients. Well, “I don’t know what to do next.” “Well, if you did know what to do next, what would you do?”
Amy: And then suddenly, it gets those roadblocks out. So when you ask and assess and remove yourself, people just want to know that you can help them, like Stephanie said, they want to know that you get them, that you’re going to hold space from them to feel vulnerable, they don’t care the letters after your name, they don’t care how much orbital experience you have, just can you connect, can you help, and you do that by asking really good questions and really saying to the wrong people, “I’m sorry, we’re not a good fit, go over here. I can point you in the right direction, but it’s not with us.”
Amy: People will respect that, and they will refer people to you because you had the courtesy to do that. So ask good questions, folks.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s so good. because it really does come down to questions. If you’re not asking a question, you’re explaining, more or less. If there’s no question mark on the end of your sentence, you’re pretty much explaining something. And in some cases you have to do that, but in a lot of cases, if you just ask a question, you’d be better off. I think this is really helpful, too, because a lot of people in our space just enjoy coaching their clients. They don’t really like selling. And if you don’t like selling, then ask questions. Because selling, I think, a lot of people just don’t know how to do it properly, so they end up just, having verbal diarrhea over whoever they’re speaking to, and it feels like they’re pushy and salesy and non-stop, but the reality is that, the way I see this is, I call it coach to close. How can you coach someone to the point where they’re like, “how do I get started?”
Yuri Elkaim: And that’s really the process that we walk our clients through on our webinar. It’s called the “teach to sell” framework. Teach to sell, right? You’re getting people to the point where they buy in, and they’re like, “oh my God, this makes so much sense.” And then on the phone, it’s not like, “all right, get started now, we’re going to save 5000 dollars, plus we’re going to throw in these bonuses and free shipping,” it’s none of that stuff. It’s like, “okay, let’s figure out if we’re a mutual fit. You tell me why we should work with you.”
Following-up without seeming needy or desperate
Yuri Elkaim: And part of the challenge here, too, is what if someone says, “I need to think about it, I may want to do it later.” Now you’ve got this kind of fine line between follow-up and coming across as desperate. We’ve got a really good follow-up process, but how do you guys juggle this? I’ll just ask Jackie and Amy here for a sec. How do you guys handle the fine balance between following up with someone, to let them know that we’re serious about working with them, but also not coming across as needy and desperate for their business?
Jackie: Yeah, this is fun one for me, because I like challenges. And this is always a challenge that used to stop me, early on in my sales career. And to be honest, it goes back seeking to be understanding of that person before being understood, right? Really going down to the big why. If this is something that they’re thinking about later this year or next year, then this isn’t urgent for them, so we’re not going to waste a lot of our time.
Jackie: We actually do a really good job now qualifying them, where we weren’t a few months ago, getting them to understand, “is this something you’re ready to commit to. Are you ready to make a difference in your business, in your life, in your impact, in your influence.”? And so, when we get to the point in that conversation where they start to back pedal a little bit and they’re like, “uh.” This is the do-or-die moment to, “I’m officially going to sign on the dotted line and commit. This means I have to show up and take action.”
Jackie: And then that fear and self-doubt and old wiring in our brain starts to play again, because they haven’t done this before, and they don’t know what they don’t know. I simply kind of ease them into, the coaching’s already started, right? “So, do you want to continue this now, or do you want to continue getting what you’re getting, which obviously got you on this phone call, because you’re not happy with where you are right now, right? So, how much longer are you willing to tolerate where you are right now, and getting the results that you’re getting?”
Jackie: And usually people are quick to be like, “okay, yeah, I’m going to call you back in a few hours, and I’m going to put this on my card, or I’m going to move around some money, and we’re making this happen today or tomorrow.” So there really isn’t a true follow-up system. I’ve had people say, “can you email me once a month?” So it was in the past, when we didn’t have a good system. “Can you just be atop-“, I’m like, “no, because if you really want that change, everything that you need is already out there. We have an amazing podcast, Yuri has an amazing YouTube channel, gives away generous amount of tools and tips and methodologies. When you’re ready to commit and make true transformation in your business and in your life, let’s do this. You have my email address. That’s all you need. Call me when you’re ready to commit.”
Jackie: So that’s how I handle it. Amy, how about you?
Amy: Well, and it’s funny, because I agree, things have changed over time. Where I used to really follow up and make that follow-up call, but then, now this space is taken up on my calendar, the people, many of them were doing that because they felt bad not making a follow-up, but now I’m wasting my time because they’re just not showing up. Now they may be sitting there feeling guilty that they didn’t show up or they just didn’t even give it a second thought, so now we also want to teach our clients and our prospective clients how to run their businesses.
Amy: We don’t want you wasting your time, either. So, I ask, if somebody’s making a follow-up, I will say, “I just want to check in and make sure that you’re setting this appointment with me because you’re serious about this, you’re seriously going to the bank, or you’re seriously going to friends and family.” There are people who, I say, “okay, great, give me a call, or you’ve got my information, you have my email, reach out to me when you’re ready.” And again, that’s that asking and assessing and qualifying, because we don’t help anyone. We don’t help ourselves, we certainly don’t help them by allowing them to do that because we’re not helping them move forward.
Amy: So like you, Jackie, I do ask those questions about, “how much longer are you willing to suffer with this problem? Is it truly a must right now?” And some people end up saying, “yeah, no, it’s really not a must for me right now.” And there’s nothing wrong with that. I would rather have that honesty up front. And again, we’re coaching. If they’re not the right fit, awesome, all the best to you. We’ve got tons of people who need exactly what we offer, and are enrolled with us, and are enrolling with us every day. So, if it’s not for you, it’s going to end up being this anyway, so let’s just part ways now if you change your mind, you know where to find us.
Amy: And like you said, podcast, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook. Yuri, you’re so generous with the information that you provide. We all know that people get the best results working with us, but you can check out those resources, because you are super generous with all those methodologies.
Yuri Elkaim: Thank you. Obviously, you guys for taking part in this podcast, as well, you guys give a lot of good insights.
Jackie: If I can give just a few more sentences on that outline, because I think you ended that well, Amy, but it’s not making someone right or wrong. As a coach, we’re not right or wrong, as a prospective client, they’re not right or wrong. It’s just where people are. You have to meet them where they are. And it’s not about perfect timing, so please do not take this in the wrong way. There’s no such thing as perfect timing-
Yuri Elkaim: Let me get my ducks in a row.
Jackie: There’s no such … and that. There’s no such thing as ducks in a row. We need to-
Yuri Elkaim: Really, no more ducks?
Jackie: Visual image of a duck with its head cut off, because it doesn’t exist. And I love animals, so please take that the right way, as well. But that’s the thing with this day and age and technology. Everything is so quick to be looked at or so quick to judge. And it’s not a right or wrong situation, it’s just timing, right? And if the timing isn’t right for them in that moment, it doesn’t mean it will be later, so if you come across too aggressive, too pushy, you might completely turn off a prospective client that could be ready in 30 days, or could be ready in six months.
Jackie: We really don’t know all the junk that’s going on in their life, nor do we really want to unload all of that in a first-time conversation, like dating. We don’t want to dump all our garbage onto someone. It turns them away. We also don’t want to ask them to marry us in the first conversation, either, right? So it’s a very fun, fine line dance, but with the right strategies that we share in the Help Business Accelerator workshop, it really gives you the step-by-step how to without crossing the line too soon but meeting people right where they’re at.
Yuri Elkaim: I think the other thing too is that, when you come across as too pushy, like really pushing on someone, you end up getting higher refunds and cancellations. Because if someone is in a position where they’re making an impulse decision, again, that’s going to lead to remorse and regret a lot of times, and they’re going to end up being in a program that maybe they shouldn’t be in a program for, and that’s why, again, we’re not selling a 10 dollar book, we’re selling … and when I’m talking about we, I’m talking about people listening and watching. If you are selling coaching, you’re selling your time, your expertise, your intellectual property, and that comes at a certain value.
Yuri Elkaim: But again, no one cares about that. That needs all to be tied into an outcome you can get for your clients. And it really is a mutual, symbiotic relationship where you have to show up. It’s not 50-50, you have to show up at 100 percent and they have to show up at 100 percent. If it’s you are doing 100 percent and they’re at 20 percent, it’s not going to work.
How we help our clients and what we do as coaches
Yuri Elkaim: And so I really feel that in this type of environment where you are assessing a prospective client, you’re not selling them, you’re not closing them, you are like border patrols, you’re a customs agent, and you’re like, “why are you coming into the country, when are you coming back, what are you doing here?” You have to think of yourself as border patrol, allowing or not allowing people into your country. Because if you’re working in a group coaching program where you have 5, 10, 500 people, those people coming into your country either are going to enhance the experience of everyone else and yourself, or they’re going to be a cancer that spreads negativity. And you need to be very discerning right away.
Yuri Elkaim: But in order to do that, this goes back to what we talked about before is, if you have a pipeline issue, then obviously you’re going to be needy for every single person you speak with. But if you get to the point where your incoming problem is not a problem anymore, where you have leads in clients booking calls, you can say “no” more easily, because you’re, “okay, cool, next, someone else is booking a call, it’s no big deal.” Anyways, Steph, do you want to add anything before we finish off today?
Stephanie: Oh my gosh, I think you ladies just hit the nail on the head with everything, I don’t even know if I can add anything to that. It’s all awesome.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool, cool. All right guys, well, thank you so much. If you’re listening or watching this and you want to take things to the next level, by the next level I mean either you’re starting your business and you’re just not growing, you’re not getting clients, you’re not doing what you want to do, obviously we can help you. because we’re good at helping health and fitness experts who aren’t growing enough, or fast enough, to get more clients and skill their coaching.
Yuri Elkaim: So if that’s something of interest and that’s something you want to do, we got a great free training over at
It’s called the 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint. We’ll walk you through our whole model, we’ll show you exactly what we’re doing, what we’re doing for our clients. And if it resonates with you, then book a call to speak with us and then we can brainstorm a game plan based on your specific situation.
Yuri Elkaim: But again, as Jackie has mentioned, don’t do this if you’re not ready to move forward. There’s no point in you spending time investigating something if you’re not in the position to be like, “I need to change now.” If this is something you’re thinking about six months down the road, it’s not even worth it. Because you’re going to have to come back and revisit it again six months down the road.
So if you’re at a point where you’re sick and tired, or you’re at a point where you’re ready to move forward, then go to and check out the training. Again, book a call with us, the link will be provided in the training if it resonates with you. And once again, thank you so much for joining us. If you’re watching this or listening, thank you so much, guys, have an amazing day, and we’ll speak to you soon.
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What You Missed
In our last solo round, I talked about your new marketing budget for 2019.
If what you’re doing is making money, then you have a marketing budget. And if you have a marketing budget and you’re using it wisely, you should be profiting at exponential levels and continuing to increase your investment to your marketing strategy.
Is this not happening for you? Then you’re doing something wrong somewhere along the line.
Tune in to learn the route that is proven to work and lean into the experience and wisdom of others who have already taken the path.
3 Things I’ve Learned From Spending $250/Day on LinkedIn Ads
What a great day for another episode of the Healthpreneur podcast! Yuri here, and today I’m going to share with you three big lessons I’ve learned about advertising on LinkedIn. Disclaimer: Focus on Facebook! I’ll explain why.
We’ve had incredible success on Facebook. We could stay on Facebook forever. But, when I was on LinkedIn a while ago, I saw I could advertise there. So, I decided to try it out. We’ve been running ads on LinkedIn for the past two weeks as of this recording, and I’ve learned three valuable lessons.
One, LinkedIn isn’t for beginners. Two, there are some serious limitations on LinkedIn that don’t exist on Facebook. Third, you’ve got to be ready to lose money. Wait…what?
Tune in to learn more about my three LinkedIn lessons so you can consider them when determining where to spend your advertising budget.
In This Episode I discuss:
01:00 – 05:00 – Introducing today’s topic: Advertising on LinkedIn and why I’m doing it
05:00 – 07:00 – Why LinkedIn isn’t for beginners
07:00 – 09:00 – The limitations of LinkedIn
09:00 – 12:30 – Why you have to be prepared to lose money when advertising on LinkedIn
12:30 – 17:30 – Being comfortable with taking a leap and thinking like an investor
17:30 – 23:00 – How to scale quickly
Hey and welcome back to the show, Yuri here. What is up guys? In this episode I’m going to share some interesting stuff with you about what we’re doing on Linkedin right now.
I’m going to be sharing three really big lessons I’m learning from advertising on Linkedin.
Now, before we jump into that, a really, really big disclaimer, which I normally don’t do. Please don’t do what I’m about to share with you, especially if you’re one of our clients. You guys obviously know what you’re doing, stay focused on Facebook. You’re good.
Introducing today’s topic: Advertising on LinkedIn and why I’m doing it
The only reason that I’m playing around with Linkedin is Linkedin is a great platform for professionals and as you know, a lot of our, all of our clients are professionals. There are coaches, experts, professionals in the health and wellness space we’re like, you know what? Let’s see if we can get in front of them with some really great messages and offers on Linkedin.
So as of this recording, we’ve been running ads now for just under two weeks. I think our total ad spend is about $1,400 and I want to share some interesting insights from these experiments. The only reason that I’m playing around with Linkedin is because we’ve had a lot of good success on Facebook and we could stay on Facebook forever and it would still be everything we need. Okay? Facebook is huge, there’s a billion users on Facebook, and if you’re watching this and you’re in the health and wellness space, every single one of your clients that you want, that you want to get in front of, I don’t care who you’re targeting is on Facebook. At the end of the day, you don’t need a million clients. You might need like 100, 500, 1000 to meet your goals for life. You can build, you could build $100 million a year coaching business with a thousand clients. You could, so you don’t need tens of millions of clients. You would if you’re selling a $20 E-book or the cheap supplements. Okay?
Well, we’re talking about higher end coaching. So we typically find about a 500% ROI on our Facebook spend. So we spent a dollar or Facebook is as five for like, cool, thank you so much. We’ll continue doing that all day long. That’s why I don’t invest in stocks. I don’t invest in Bitcoin. Why would I, why would I invest in things I have no control over? But you know what I do have control over? You know what you have control over? Your business. So I’m much more willing to spend money on Facebook for my business, because I control the outcome to some degree of that process.
So we’ve had a really good run on Facebook and it’s not like we’re over, we’re still running it. And I was on Linkedin a couple of weeks ago and I don’t even know how this came about. I was just messing around through the menu and the tabs and stuff and there’s a tab that says something like advertise. And I was like, what? I can advertise on Linkedin.
I’m so used to getting all my ad accounts shut down that I don’t even try anymore. But I saw this button, I’m like, hold on, I can advertise on Linkedin? I’m going to click the button and see what happens. I’m taken into this amazing mysterious world known as the Linkedin Campaign Manager or Objective Manager, whatever they call it. And I got really excited because I’m like, hold on. What you’re telling me is I can take everything I’ve been doing on Facebook and try it on Linkedin? Let’s give it a go.
So I spent a couple days learning, I’m not one of those guys to delegate and outsource right away. I like to learn enough to be dangerous and then hand it off, so that I can intellectually have a conversation about, hey man, you have no clue what you’re doing or hey, great work. Keep it going. So I’d like to understand the platform at least initially. Okay?
I’m currently running the ads on Linkedin. That’s just the way I operate, I want to be good enough to be dangerous.
1. LinkedIn isn’t for beginners
So three important things that I recognized. First and foremost is Linkedin is not for the beginner. Okay? Do not use Linkedin if you are trying to attract clients in the health and wellness space. You could down the road. But honestly, start with Facebook. The reason I say it’s not for beginners is because it’s a lot more expensive than Facebook. Now, it’s a lot more expensive per click per conversion. But some people talk about how even though it’s more expensive for a click, the quality of those conversions or those clicks is actually greater than Facebook. That’s yet to be seen. Well, I guess I’ll keep you updated as we go over the next couple of months with this. So we recommend starting on Facebook, because Facebook allowed, the minimum ad spend per day on Linkedin, I believe a minimum is $10 a day, I think. I believe it is.
But because of the cost per conversion is so much higher, you might get one conversion per day, like one opt-in per day. You’re not going to go anywhere quickly with that. So we usually start most of our campaigns at 25 to 50 bucks a day. So I don’t recommend that if you don’t have a tested funnel, like don’t even bother doing that. Start on Facebook, five to 10 maybe 20 bucks a day, you’ll get much lower cost per conversions and you’ll still get great quality leads and prospects from that. Okay?
So, first thing is that Linkedin is not for beginners, so you have to have a proven pipeline. Our pipeline, we’d been running for two years now, very successfully with Facebook. So I’m like, “You know what? Yeah, we’ll try this out.” If you just started yesterday on Facebook, do not go into Linkedin, I swear do not do that. Okay?
2. The limitations of LinkedIn
Second thing is Linkedin only allows 600 characters in the ad description itself. And that’s very limiting, especially if you adopt our philosophy, which we call long ass copy, LAC.
Our Facebook ads are very long. Like in some cases they’re more than 2000 words or 2000 characters I should say. And that’s very controversial in the advertising space, because a lot of gurus talk about just get the click, just get the click. I’m like, I don’t want to click, I want the client. Okay? Do you want the click or do you want the client? In order to get the client, you have to filter them properly right in your Facebook ad. So we use a long, and if you’ve seen in any of our ads, you know what I’m talking about. Like long story-based compelling copy that really gets people excited or intrigued, and then filters them out. This is not for you if this, this is for you if this, don’t even click on the link if you don’t even meet these criteria. So we filter people that whole way.
Linkedin, you don’t really have the luxury of doing that because you’re limited to 600 characters. So what that means is you need to be very good with your words. Most people aren’t. It takes a lot of work to cut down the length of your words. It’s easier to write 10,000 words, it’s harder to say the same thing in 10 words. And so Linkedin really challenges you to get the most important message across in the most succinct fashion, so that’s the second thing. And that’s why Facebook is such a great place to start, because it gives you the liberty to not have to be like an amazing copywriter to get very good results. Okay?
3. Why you have to be prepared to lose money when advertising on LinkedIn
Then the third thing is I would recommend, if you’re going to go on to Linkedin, you need to be ready to lose money. Now, I know that sounds completely whacked, you are like, “Yuri, why would you recommend I lose money?” I’m not recommending you lose money, I’m recommending you be prepared and okay with losing money.
And this is actually the same on Facebook, okay? I recommend all of my clients, how much money are you willing to lose to get data? Because you can advertise $5 a day and in one month you’ll have spent $150 right? It’s going to take you one month to get data, or, you could spend $150 per day and get that data 30 times faster.
Being comfortable with taking a leap and thinking like an investor
So you have to look in the mirror and say, how quickly do I want data and how much am I willing to give Facebook for that information? That’s why you have to approach your advertising like a detective and like an investor. As a detective, all you’re looking for is data. You’re trying to look out, okay, which audience is working best, which ad creative is working best? Cool, this one’s working. Let’s keep going with that. This one’s not, let’s shut it down, so you have to be that detective. From an investor standpoint, you have to think like, I’m going to give Facebook a thousand bucks and I’m okay if I lose that, I’m okay.
The most you can lose if you put a limit on your budget is $1,000 in this scenario, but what is the upside? What’s the most you can make? The most you can make is infinite. Let’s say, just watch how this plays out. Let’s say you spend $1,000 on your Facebook ads, and from that $1,000 ad spend, you get two clients who enroll with you at $3,000 a pop. That’s $6,000 revenue, $1,000 ad spend, you have $5,000 profit. Now, you can put most of that money back into your ad spend and start to accelerate, or you can do whatever you want with it. Now, as you work with those clients, they get amazing results. And let’s say you have another level program for ongoing support, maybe a higher level thing, and it’s $10,000 for the year, and let’s say one of those clients stays on with you.
So now your initial $1,000 ad spend was $6,000 plus $10,000, so you’ve made $16,000 from a $1,000 ad spend. And that’s just like, and that’s just a fictitious example. So there’s no ceiling because the lifetime value of those clients could be whatever you want it to be based on the offers you make over time. But the most you can lose is $1,000, so anyone who understands this would be like, okay, how much money am I comfortable losing? 500 bucks, $1,000, $10,000? Everyone is in different situation, but I want you to think like an investor because when I go on to Linkedin, so we actually, just this morning before recording this, I set up a new ad and I said, “You know what? Let’s try something. How quickly can we break our system? How quickly can we break our calendar? How quickly can I overwhelm my team?”
I said, “I’m going to take a bit of a risk here. I’m going to start my ad from day one with a $250 ad spend.” Now, I don’t normally do that. I don’t recommend doing that, and I’m just testing it out. Normally I’ll start off with like 20, 25 bucks and then build it up from there. But this morning I said, “You know what? Let’s do it. I’m going to take a chance. I’m going to take a risk. What’s the worst that can happen?” I turn off the ads tomorrow I’ve lost 250 bucks, but I probably got some leads in the process, right? So I’m at a point now where I want results quickly. I work with urgency and speed and I could say $250 spent over 10 days, or $250 spent over one day. What’s the difference though? What is the difference? The difference is risk aversion. You spend, and this is why premium price coaching is so important.
If you spend $250 in one day and let’s assume that the data is exactly the same, let’s just assume that it costs you $250 to get one person on the phone through this, your perfect client pipeline. So it could take you one day to get that, or it could take you 10 days to get that, which would you rather have? Most people want one day, right? But now here’s where the fear kicks in. Well, what if I don’t enroll that person? I’ve lost $250 today. Then you repeat that tomorrow. You have another person on the phone. Again, fictitious example, let’s just say this is the way it works out. Every single day you’re spending $250 to get one person on the phone. Now, let’s say that you have been doing this for three days. You have three phone calls, and on that third phone call, that person enrolls of you at $5,000. You have now spent $750 right? So three times 250 and you made $5,000. Now that’s pretty cool. Now, is that going to happen? I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not.
But let’s look at the other example. So if you spent $250 in 10 days, you’ve spent at $750 in one month, because it’s 10 days instead of one day, right? And you still have the same data, the same number of people you’ve spoken to, which is three. You’ve enrolled one person, okay? So you spent a $750 in one month and you’ve made $5,000 from that one enrollment, three phone calls. Pretty good, right? Not too bad at all. And this is where your ambitions come in. If you’re fine with that, that’s cool, but if you are someone who’s in a maniac like I am, and you’re like, I want to stir a lot of people, I would rather have those three phone calls in the space of three days, or one day, or three hours instead of 30 days, because now I’m not limited to one $5,000 client per month. I’m getting one 5,000 client, $5,000 client every three days.
So now, in this space of 30 days, I’m making every third day would be 10 paying clients at $55,000 each. That is $50,000 in revenue for what? 30 times 250, I can’t even do the math right now, but it’s going to be about a $7,000 ad spend. Okay? So I’m spending $7,000 on ads, I’m making 50,000 in one month versus spending 750 and making 5,000 in one month. Do you see the difference there? What’s the difference? The only difference is your aversion to risk or how comfortable you are taking a bit more of a leap. That’s all it comes down to. So I share this with you because I’m not advising you to do stuff like what I just shared. I’m not saying go spend 250 bucks per day, but I do want you to get to the point where you’re spending $250 a day, $2,000 a day, $15,000 a day. I know that sounds super scary, but when you know your numbers and you get so excited by that and you have the capacity to take on more calls and clients, why would you limit your ads spent?
Because you don’t need a budget if you’re getting Facebook 250 and they’re giving you $5,000, right? And so, that’s a really important lesson thinking like an investor that I hope really, really sinks in for you. Because the most, the fastest growing, largest earning companies think like investors. They don’t play small. They think big. And it’s okay if you’re starting out, think small. It’s totally fine. Start a five bucks a day, just get your feet into the water. That’s totally cool. Stand in the waiting pool, that’s fine. Get comfortable with the platform. Facebook specifically in this case, look at, cool I’m getting some metrics. I’m getting some data. Awesome. What if we spend a bit more, what if I put another ad creative? What if we test a different audience? What if we start spending a bit more money. Over time and when I say over time, this can be a space of a couple of weeks or a couple of months, so it doesn’t have to be decades. You will get really good data.
How to scale quickly
You’ll say, this isn’t working. I need to fix a few things. Or this is working really well, how do I go faster? How do I spend more money on Facebook? How do I maintain my ROI? How do we scale? And this is how you can scale your business very quickly, very quickly. You don’t need to take 10 years to make $1 million. You could make $1 million a month, two, three months from now. You really can. You can make $1 million a month starting next month. Seriously, this is how exciting this is and what holds us back from doing that is fear. Fear that art of our pipeline is going to break, fear that are the numbers really going to hold up? So I just want you to know that the possibility is Facebook. Think of this, Facebook has a room full of people. Okay? The door’s closed and they’re beating down the door. You have the key to open that door a bit and allow a few clients to come out and work with you. Or you can open the door fully and crew to stampede.
That’s the power you have when you work and partner with Facebook. Facebook is your email list. Facebook is your blog, Facebook is your YouTube channel. Facebook is everything you want behind that closed door and you just have to give Facebook a bit more money to access more of your clients. And that’s the way I view Facebook, that’s the way I view Linkedin. That’s the way I view YouTube. And as you become more seasoned in your business and you start to look at your numbers, and they start making sense, you’re going to think to yourself, how do I give Facebook more money? Because when I give them money, they give me more clients and more money. How do I give Linkedin more money? Because when I do, they give me more money. It’s like a slot machine, you give Facebook 10 cents, they give you a dollar. Like, oh my God, I’m going to do this forever. But not everyone thinks this way.
They think I’m going to play it safe, I’m going to be comfortable. I’m going to blog, I’m going to post some pictures of my but on Instagram. But no one sees that stuff and no one enrolls as clients as a result of it. And the reason most people do that is, because they think that spending money on their business is risky. But here’s the thing, you can always make money back. You can always get your money back somehow. But the one thing you can never get back is your time, is your time. So if you’re okay, slowly but surely you’re just kind of going along, tracking along a couple clients here, a couple of clients there, making 1,000 2,000 bucks a month. If that’s what you want to do, that’s totally cool. I’m not here to judge. But if you know there’s a bigger calling for you, you want to really build a brand like something substantial. And, that’s the goal, that’s the vision.
That’s what you want to do, the possibilities are at your fingertips and you just have to be able to step a bit more into the unknown, a bit more into the uncertainty. But it starts with small steps, right? Take those small steps, get the data, feel more comfortable, become that detective. Think like that investor and that is how you can scale your business from zero to hero very quickly. Okay? And I’ll be, I’ll raise my hand, like I am guilty of not scaling fast enough. Like really, I’m guilty of that. I could be taking bigger risks and that’s what I’m going to be doing this year. So watch out baby.
Quick Recap About LinkedIn Ads
So quick recap on some lessons from Linkedin. Number one, it’s not for beginners. Number two, you got to be very, very good with your messaging because it limits the characters, the 600 instead of infinite on Facebook. And three, it can be expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing. So please start on Facebook.
It’s easier to play there and I don’t really think for most health and fitness and wellness coaches, Linkedin should even come into the conversation for the most part. There might be a couple of exceptions here and there. But anyways, I hope this training, the session, this podcast episode, I don’t even know what I’m talk … This show has made sense for you and I would love to know, what has been most useful from today’s episode? I would love to, just find me on Instagram at @Healthpreneur1, just send me a DM. Like, “Hey man, I just listened to this episode, like this really huge bell went off in my head.” Let me know what that is, I’d love to hear your thoughts. And for now, thanks so much for joining me. And I’ll see you in the next episode.
Hey, thanks so much for joining us on this episode of the Healthpreneur podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, here’s what I’d like you to do right now. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the Healthpreneur podcast on iTunes and while you’re there, leave us a rating or review.
It helps us get in front of more people and change more lives, and if you’re ready to start your scale, your health or fitness coaching business, and want to start getting in front of more people, working with them in a higher level without trading time for money, then I invite you to check out our free seven figure health business blueprint training, totally free right now, and you can do so at
For now, thank you so much for joining us, continue to be great, do great, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
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What You Missed
Our last episode was with my Results Coaches, Amy, Stephanie, and Jackie, and we talked about why you should be asking and assessing – not telling and impressing.
When people try to sell their product or service, they often get stuck in telling, telling, telling to try and impress their prospective client. Unfortunately, this has the opposite effect. The client never gets the chance to express their problem and, in turn, the seller never gets to hear what the person actually wants.
The secret is to ask and assess instead. Ask questions, assess their answers, and guide them to the solution you have to offer. By doing this, you give your client a voice and naturally guide the sales process towards a solution that’s best for them.
Tune in to hear exactly how to ask and assess – and learn some ways to make sure you aren’t falling into the trap of telling and impressing.
Why No One Is Buying Your Stuff
Welcome back to the Healthpreneur podcast! On today’s episode, I’m going to talk about why some offers work well – and why some just don’t. You see, there are tons of businesses out there offering tons of stuff, and really, all of it could sell.
But it’s all in the packaging. The offer. Someone must see the offer and feel the need to have what it is you’re offering. In other words, the door needs to look appealing enough to open. Otherwise, they’ll never see what’s inside.
The trick to having an offer that works is having a hook that is specific and relatable. It can’t be ambiguous. It’s got to be back and white. Tune in to hear how to hook your audience and make your offer more effective than ever.
In This Episode I discuss:
01:00 – 02:30 – My biggest takeaway from our last Luminaries Mastermind
02:30 – 05:00 – What business boils down to and some examples
05:00 – 09:30 – The door to the kingdom analogy and a client example
09:30 – 10:30 – How we help you get your clients to understand exactly what you offer
10:30 – 16:00 – A call to action for anyone who wants more business
Hey, guys. How’s it going? Yuri here and welcome back to the show. In today’s episode, I want to share with you a really cool takeaway that I got. It really hit home for me after our last mastermind, our Luminaries Mastermind, in Tampa, which was a couple weeks ago now. This is a theme that has come up over and over again that really hit me in Tampa.
My biggest takeaway from our last Luminaries Mastermind
Have you ever asked yourself why is it that some offers work really, really well and others just don’t?
You put this page up. You put this offer up. When I say offer, I’m essentially saying when you’re looking to get people to opt-in or sell something. That’s what an offer is. You’re making an offer for someone to do something, right? With that offer inherently comes a promise. If you click on this button, you’re going to go to this page, which is going to show you some stuff. That’s a promise. That’s an offer. On that page, if you’re selling something directly, they’re going to click the buy now button. That is going to be entailed in some type of offer. When you get started now, you’re going to hit this and this promise and this outcome. That’s essentially what an offer is.
But not everyone is very good at making offers. One of the weird things about business is that you look at people who had a lot of success and you’re trying to figure out like what is different about them? Okay. Are they persistent? Do they have more charm? Do they have a better product? A lot of that stuff can be true, but at the end of the day, what it really boils down to is you need to have an offer that is so compelling for your audience that they have to have it. The way most people present their offers just doesn’t do that justice. As an example, let me ask you this, if I were to say, hey, do you want to get fit? Okay, cool. Sure, I want to get fit.
What business boils down to and some examples
Now, let me ask you a second question, what does fit mean to you? What does getting fit mean to you? What does it look like to you? Now, as you answer that, I can promise you that somebody else who’s listening or watching this is thinking something different. For them, it might mean lose 10 pounds, put on 10 pounds, compete in a triathlon. Getting fit is a very vague and ambiguous outcome. Let’s look at another example. I help you lose weight. Okay, great. Well, what does lose weight mean? What does it mean to you? Does it mean the same thing to you as it does to somebody else? Probably not.
This is where people run into trouble and this is something I’ve been thinking a lot about the last couple weeks is for me it’s very easy to see this kind of stuff when a client comes and presents their offer or their headline, their thing. The challenge is that you only know what you know. You can’t see things you’re not aware of. But once you look at things through this type of filter, we actually put together a whole new worksheet for our clients called The Promise Amplifier, which is essentially a way to amplify your promise so that it becomes so much more compelling for your audience.
Now, I’m not going to go through the whole thing because obviously that wouldn’t be fair to my clients who pay us good money to help them, but I do want to give you a couple nuances. The big mistake that people make is they don’t even know they’re making the mistake, right? That’s the challenging thing. That’s the challenging thing of doing things on your own is that you don’t know your blind spots, is you put out a headline, you put out a message, and you think it’s like the best thing ever because you’re so in love with your program. But guess what? Nobody sees that. No one sees behind … Think about it this way. Let’s say that you have … Let’s just use the example of a room in your house.
The door to the kingdom analogy and a client example
Inside your room you have this amazing kingdom of magic that happens, but the problem is that the door is closed and people can’t see into the kingdom. What you have to do is you need to paint that door with some type of spectacle or some type of message that is going to get people so excited to open the door that they’re going to do it. Because the challenge is what most people are not willing to do is open the door because they’re afraid that what’s on the other side is not really what they want. This is the challenge that you know roughly what you want to tell people. You roughly know what your message is. You just don’t know how to articulate it properly.
I’ve seen … Because I’ve been doing this for a long time since 2006. The only reason I’m sharing this is because I’ve failed like a thousand more times than I’ve succeeded. Okay? I’ll be very honest. I’ve had so many offers that have flopped. I’m like this is going to be the best thing ever and then like crickets. Okay. Well, let’s try this next thing. It’s going to be the best thing ever and then crickets. Why? Well, it took me a long time to figure this out, but it comes down to what is the messaging and what is the offer. If your offer is really vague and ambiguous and it could mean a lot of different things to different people, you’re going to have a tough time getting people to take action.
We use the examples like getting fit, losing weight, feeling better. Those are really, really commonly used terms. The problem is that I think a lot of this comes from big brand advertising, right? Where a lot of those general terms are used, right? Like lose weight, feel better. Great. That’s a great tagline. What the hell does that mean though? I want to really challenge you to think deeper beyond that. How do you make lose weight concrete? It’s like when someone sees your offer, they know exactly what that means. It means one thing to everybody. At our mastermind in Tampa, I’ll just give you one … I’ll give you two examples. One of our clients had … Her landing page was doing like okay.
When I say landing page, I mean she’s driving Facebook ads to a page that people landed on from clicking on the ad and they would register for her webinar. Her webinar is amazing. She’s getting people on the phone for like 25-30 bucks, which is crazy amazing. The challenge was how do we improve the conversions on her landing page, and if we could double her conversions, then her cost per call booked almost goes in half, which is a major breakthrough. We looked at her headline and there’s a lot of words in there that talked about get toned, lose weight. Again, a lot of these very ambiguous terms. We started talking about, okay, who’s your perfect clients, all these kind of stuff.
One of the things that popped out of her mouth was helping women lose the last 10 pounds. I asked her. I’m like, “Out of all the women you’ve spoken to and served, is this the major thing they want solved?” It was almost like 100% yes. I said that’s the hook. That’s the angle you have to take. You have to tell people this is the program to help you lose the last 10 pounds because losing weight is ambiguous. Losing the last 10 pounds it’s black and white, right? It happened or didn’t. It’s the same thing for everyone. Okay? Do you understand that? Losing the last 10 pounds means the same thing to everybody. There’s not multiple meanings. It’s one meaning. With that, we were able to recraft a more compelling headline.
I got to check back with her because I think it’s probably doing a lot better. Another client helps new moms lose weight, right? Get back into shape and so forth. Again, we started talking about this whole ambiguous like what does get back in shape mean? What does that look like? It looks like this for one person. It’s something completely different for another person. We needed a way to make it more tangible, more concrete, more black and white. She talked about skinny jeans. I’m like, “Oh, perfect. You help new moms get back into their skinny jeans.” Done. Black and white, right? You either get back into the skinny jeans or you don’t, right? It doesn’t mean multiple different things.
How we help you get your clients to understand exactly what you offer
This is the big, big lesson that I want to leave you here with is that listen, if you are trying to figure things out in terms of crafting offers and writing headlines and … Let me just preface this by saying we don’t spend a lot of time doing copy, right? We’ve got copy coaches on our team that help our clients with … Here’s the extent of the copy, okay? You’ve got a couple Facebook ads, which by the way, we give you templates for. You have a page people land on to register for your webinar, which has a headline. Okay? That’s it. That’s the extent of the copy. Then inside your webinar, you have a couple words on every slide. That’s it. Okay? There’s no long sales pages.
There’s no convoluted funnels. None of that stuff. But with that said, the limited amount of copy you do use needs to be powerful. That’s why we spend a lot of time with our clients really helping them understand this. Because you could have the best program in the world and be able to change people’s lives, but if they don’t get what you’re offering, if it doesn’t mean anything to them, they’re not going to take action. Here’s the deal. If you want help with this stuff and … Again, you need help with this. I don’t even know you, but you need help with this. Unless you’re this unbelievably sophisticated and experienced marketer, which most people are not, you need help with this.
The challenge is you don’t even recognize this. Let me ask you this, is what you’re doing producing the results that you want? Are you getting a constant stream of new leads and clients? When I say constant stream, I’m talking about a problem of I have too many clients. I can’t handle the number of clients that are coming in my door. If you don’t have that problem, then you have an offer problem. That’s it. Because you need to put something out there that is so compelling. I mean if you’re selling a product or a course or a coaching that’s not converting, you have a messaging and offer problem. You are putting something in front of people that they don’t care about.
That’s really what it comes down to. It’s not that you have to redo your whole program. You just have to repackage it. You have to put a bow around it. You’ve got to change the wrapping paper and that’s where we work our magic with our clients.
A call to action for anyone who wants more business
I talked about our Tampa mastermind in February. Our next mastermind is in Toronto June 26th, 27th and 28th. Now, the 28th is only for our mastermind clients.
But listen, if you’re somebody who is not a client of ours and you want to sit in for two days and have us really help you dial in what I call the million dollar model, which is going to help you do much more predictable prospecting, predictable meaning you’re not trolling Facebook groups, you’re not knocking on people’s doors, you’ve got a predictable way of getting people into your door, very different, if you like, if you’d like to learn how to teach to sell, if you’d like to learn how to ask and assess instead of tell and impress, and if you’d like to learn how to coach to close, that is the framework of the million dollar model.
It’s a very simple process that’s going to help you build the foundation of your business that can take it to six figures, seven figures and beyond. That’s what I’m going to be sharing with you on day one of our mastermind in Toronto. On day two, you’ll be able to sit in with our existing clients and get some really cool next level strategies and be surrounded by some people doing some big things. If you’re interested in doing that, we’ve got about 25 spots I think that we’re opening up for non-clients to sit in and experience this for the two days. If that is of interest to you and you’re … I don’t care where you live because there are these things called airplanes.
Okay? It’s hilarious. I get people like, “Oh, if it was only closer.” I’m like, “Dude, you have an airport close to you. Come on. Let’s get real.” It’s obviously not that big of a deal. It’s not that big of a problem you’re dealing with to jump on an airplane and be in a group where you’re getting some high level help. If you’re in a point in your business and in your journey where you know that what you’re doing is just not working, you just have to be honest with yourself about that.
If you want to learn more about what we’re doing in Toronto and if you will qualify to sit in with us for the two days, then here’s the website I want you to go to right now,, like the number two, day, D-A-Y. 2, as in the number two, not spelt out, but just type the number two, and then D-A-Y.
That’s going to give you a full breakdown of what we’re doing at our Luminaries Mastermind. We’re opening up about 20-25 spots for non-clients to sit in and experience this. I’ll be very honest with you. I mean like they’re going to get some amazing stuff in two days, and we will let you know if you’re the right fit how we can move to the next level together.
If you don’t want to hear that, that’s totally fine. You can leave the room, but it’s not a two day sales pitch. Okay? I don’t run my events like that. If you’ve ever been to any of our stuff, you can know that’s the case, but we do give the opportunity for some people to move to the next level with us because they just see so much value in how we can help their business.
If you’re at a point now where you just need some help and you need someone else’s eyes on your stuff and to really build a solid foundation on what you’re doing, then go to Fill up the application and we will get back to you within about 24 hours after reviewing it.
Okay? That’s the deal. I hope this episode has found well. I hope it make sense. Remember, nothing happens until people see a must in your solution. Craft your offers and craft your messaging in such a way where people feel compelled to take action. I’ll see you soon. Hey, thanks so much for joining us on this episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, here’s what I’d like you to do right now. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the Healthpreneur Podcast on iTunes. While you’re there, leave us a rating or review. It helps us get in front of more people and change more lives.
If you’re ready to start or scale your health or fitness coaching business and want to start getting in front of more people working with them on a higher level without trading time for money, then I invite you to checkout our free 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint training. Totally free right now. You can do so at
Thank you so much for joining us, continue to do great, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
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What You Missed
In the last episode, I shared with you three big lessons I’ve learned about advertising on LinkedIn.
We’ve had incredible success on Facebook. We could stay on Facebook forever. But, when I was on LinkedIn while ago, I saw I could advertise there. So, I decided to try it out. We’ve been running ads on LinkedIn for the past two weeks and I’ve learned three valuable lessons.
One, LinkedIn isn’t for beginners. Two, there are some serious limitations on LinkedIn that don’t exist on Facebook. Third, you’ve got to be ready to lose money. Wait…what?
Tune in to learn more about my three LinkedIn lessons so you can consider them when determining where to spend your advertising budget.
Client Deep Dive: Creating The Perfect Offer For Your Perfect Client
It’s another great day on the Healthpreneur podcast! Welcome to the show. Today, we’re doing another client deep-dive with one of our Health Business Accelerator clients. Tara Mazanec is a personal trainier holistic health counselor, and yoga instructor. She loves helping women in executive positions improve their health and vitality.
She’s been doing this for 16 years, but has mostly worked with clients one-on-one. Now, she’s ready to take her business online to get her time and freedom back. In this episode, we polish up the language in her webinar so her offer and ideal client are crystal clear.
To do this, we had to go deep into where her clients are feeling pain. We had to touch on that pain and frame our offer as the solution. Once that’s done, the webinar becomes so much easier to create. Tune in to hear how we break down the structure of our offer, title, and perfect client. Chances are, you can always improve upon the way you frame your offer, too!
In This Episode Tara and I discuss:
- Improving her webinars and slides.
- Identifying her perfect client.
- Her focus on performance.
- Tapping into people’s simmering discontentment.
- Embedding the benefit and power word in the title.
- Tackling the how to create the proprietary process.
1:30 – 5:00 – Introducing Tara and her webinar slide-deck
5:00 – 9:00 – Tara’s background and ideal clients
9:00 – 15:00 – Stepping into the prospect’s life and meeting them where they are
15:00 – 20:00 – Tara’s proprietary process and product name
20:00 – 24:00 – Getting clear on the offer and framing
24:00 – 28:30 – How polishing language makes the rest of the webinar easy
Hey guys. Welcome back to another episode of the Healthpreneur podcast, special edition Client Deep Dive. Today, we’ve got one of our health business accelerator clients on board with us.
Introducing Tara and her webinar slide-deck
Her name is Tara Mazanec and I’m going to give you a little brief rundown of who she is, just to give you a bit of context. She is a personal trainer, holistic health counselor and yoga instructor who’s been doing what she’s been doing for 16 years, mostly helping people one on one and that’s probably why she came to us, to help move away from some of the one on one, and get her marketing dialed in a little bit more.
She’s really passionate about helping executive wellness women, or helping women in executive positions, improve their health and vitality and I’m excited to have you on the podcast with us today, Tara. So, let’s dive into this. How can we best support you over the next 25 minutes or so?
Tara: I want to take a look at my web slides to make sure I’m on the right track. I have been excited about this program because learning how to make webinars and Facebook ads, I think, is going to give me another edge to help me get more online clients. I’ve been doing one on one’s live for a long time and as much as I don’t want to get away from that, it’d be nice to do three quarters online and a quarter live in person.
Yuri: Yeah, totally.
Tara: So, take a look at my slide deck just to see, or even just talk about what my perfect client would be and just make sure that I’m on the right track so I can move onto the next phase.
Yuri: Yeah, it’s good. Let’s rock and roll. Can you show your slide deck on screen?
Tara: Let me see how I-
Yuri: And if you guys are listening to this on the podcast on iTunes, just hop on over to Healthpreneur on YouTube, check out the channel, go onto the Healthpreneur Podcast channel, you’ll be able to see this video, and if you’re watching this on YouTube, then welcome.
Okay. So, we’re having a look at your webinar slide deck. As you guys know, a webinar’s a huge component to what we teach because it’s probably the most effective way to get people to buy into your philosophy and moving to the next stage. Okay.
Tara: You can see that?
Yuri: Yes. And just so you know, this first slide is not going to be the webinar, right?
Tara: Right. Of course.
Yuri: That would be a hilarious title slide. People are like, what?
Tara: I know.
Tara’s background and ideal clients
Yuri: What are you talking about? Before you start. Okay. So, The Bounce Back Project, the new simple and effective method to say goodbye to wellness dependency, bring you back to action and help you become your own CHO, Chief Health Officer. Okay. So, let’s start with, who is the perfect client? Who is the person that’s going to be watching this webinar?
Tara: So, they are previous athletes, division one/two/three, have lost sight of their wellness based on career changes, lifestyle changes, they’ve left college, they’ve left the schedule, they’ve left the intensity, of what the coaches were providing for them but they didn’t want to lost the intensity of the actual workouts and they’re very passionate about their wellness. They’re not newbies. They’re independent. They’re intermediate, independent wellness professionals and now that they’re in the next stage of their life, they’re focusing on something a little bit different. They’re focusing on their careers and their next direction with making money now that they’re not playing sports and they never made it to pro but they still want to be very active.
Yuri: Yeah. They have the lifelong athlete inside of them.
Tara: They do. So, they’re not beginners. I’m not working with beginners anymore. So, I’m working with mainly women who have gotten into their 30s and 40s and they want to get back to that intensity, hence The Bounce Back Project, but they also want to maintain some level of self-reliance and they don’t want to depend on the next gimmick that society has deemed appropriate. So, every philosophy pretty much says the same thing, however the author has put a different spin on it. So, I’m really helping each person be their own author and be their own CHO, to create their own nutritional and wellness philosophy.
Yuri: So, just out of curiosity, are you your perfect client, back in the day? Were you-
Tara: So, I did play soccer, hence why I absolutely love Healthpreneur.
Yuri: There you go. You’re in the right place.
Tara: I did, yeah. So, your video actually really spoke to me and one of the reasons I signed up for this, I’ve done so many in the past, I was an athlete in high school and previous years and then in college for two years but then I went into a premed type of program and switched from that into economics and then went full force into my career but I just love wellness.
Yuri: Cool.
Tara: So, I went out of finance and moved back to where I really wanted to be and where I really should have been, which was working with clients helping them be fit.
Yuri: Prefect.
Tara: I want to work with people who want to make that sustainable change but can get their goals set and then maintain it for life. I’ve gotten to a point where I’ve backed away from listening to every advice out there. I’ve learned from it, I’ve taken what I want and what I don’t and then I’ve created a philosophy for myself and it’s been wellness, maintenance, and even still, I’m 42 and I feel better than when I was 20.
Yuri: Yeah, it’s awesome. It’s great. So, let’s talk about-
Tara: Does that answer your question?
Yuri: Yeah, totally, for sure. Let’s talk about this title slide. So, first thing is … Actually, were you on our call last night? The Polisher Proprietary Process call?
Tara: No, I had a client.
Yuri: Okay.
Tara: I shouldn’t say that. I was lucky enough to have a client so I missed it.
Yuri: Oh, damn, I had a client. Damn clients. So, first thing is, I would recommend watching that. I’ve actually put a backup into Module One and saved it on my portal. It’ll really help with this, okay? So, what I’d like to talk about here are, I think for the sake of our time here, two big things that’ll really help you. Number one is … Three things. Number one, let’s get massive clarity on a problem you’re solving. Number two, let’s figure out a way to maybe wordsmith the promise here of the webinar, and three, let’s look at the title a little bit more and maybe just bring it back to … Well, I’ll use some nuances around that.
Stepping into the prospect’s life and meeting them where they are
So, talk to me about the problem. So, what is the one problem that these athletes, former athletes, lifelong athletes in their mind, are facing now that they’ve launched into their life and they’re no longer playing sports like they used to … What’s the number one problem that they are aware of? It’s something that is just in the back of their mind or top of mind all the time, that you can solve for them.
Tara: Well, there’s actually two. One is, they’re disorganized, where they’ve been dependent on a coach to design programs for them every day for their whole athletic career and there’s no lack of motivation. They have the motivation, the desire, the drive. They just don’t know how to piece it all together and develop a systematic process for themselves going forward.
Yuri: So, they’re … Are they aware that they’re disorganized with their health and fitness or-
Tara: Yes, they’re aware.
Yuri: All right. So, what does that mean to them? So, they’re disorganized with their health and fitness and that means that … What is the outcome of that reality?
Tara: Getting back to … Not necessarily the perfect body shape, but the perfect … I shouldn’t say perfect, but that athleticism that they once had where they could easily run up a stadium stairs without any reservations. They put on some pounds certainly, but they’re not organized with their schedule. It’s not a priority and everything else is coming first.
Yuri: So, maybe this will help. We can use me as an example because I’m your perfect client except for the fact that I’m male, not female. So, obviously, for me growing up playing soccer, that was my entire focus was just doing that. Now, when I would train, in the gym for instance, for soccer, it was like singular focus, I’m doing these deadlifts. I’m doing these power snatches, whatever, for the sole focus of jumping one inch higher. So, it was never appearance basee, it was never an appearance thing, it was more of a performance.
Tara: Right. Performance. Mm-hmm.
Yuri: And I really believe that most athletes, for the most part, are going to be performance driven, and that’s important to remember throughout this process, with your enrollment calls as well, that these are individuals who understand that it’s not just how you look, it’s how you perform and how you perform in your sport and the sport is life, right? Really, it’s your appearance or you just want to conquer life. So, the challenge that I ran into when I retired from soccer was, now I was working out for the sake of working out. I didn’t have the same goal, the same focus, the same desire, and I’m sure there’s a lot of athletes who have kind of fallen into that, things like that. Things like CrossFit have become so huge because it’s taken that, ‘All right, you’ve been out of sports for five, maybe ten, years. This is the thing you need to get. This is the thing you’ve been looking for. This is the thing you need to get back into it.’ So, we need to speak their language in the sense of really identifying, ‘Okay, you’re at a point where you know there could be more.’ And this is going to be a real play on messaging, I think.
Yuri: From your Facebook ad, right into the webinar, is your connecting a message with a person who maybe is thinking about this but they come across your message on Facebook and is like, ‘Holy cow, that’s exactly my situation. Yes. I used to be at my peak. Now I’m not so much there but I know I could get back. I know I can perform maybe better than I did in the past.’ Like you mentioned, feeling better than you do now, than in your 20s. So, the essence … We want to try to get to the core benefits. So, the core benefit of the outcome that is someone’s on your webinar registration page and they’re looking at the headline and the sub-headline, the promise of why they should join or watch the webinar. The promise that you’re making to them, you’re essentially making … There’s a transaction. You’re saying, ‘Give me your email and I will give you this in return.’ Right? So, the person’s thinking, ‘Okay, why should I put my email in here?’ And you’re saying, ‘Well, when you do that and click submit, here’s the promise. Here’s what you’re going to get in this webinar in return.’ So, if I’m looking at this for myself and I’m looking at the promise, being the new, simple and effective method to say goodbye to wellness dependency, number one, I’m not too sure what that means, okay? So, we’ll wordsmith that a little bit.
Tara: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri: Bringing back into action to help you become your own CHO. I think we can make that a lot more powerful, okay? So, number one, we want to be super clear in all of our messaging. So, CHO, you know the first thing I thought of when I saw that? Was carbohydrates.
Tara: Oh.
Yuri: So, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen. And that was with the short form I remember in school. So, I’m like, become your own carbohydrate, what? So, that’s an example and then obviously, you elaborate on what it is, it’s right next to it. But that’s an example of clarity. We want to be so clear that it’s impossible to be misunderstood.
Tara: Okay.
Yuri: Okay? So-
Tara: And there’s another piece to this where I’ve always had that thought of, why should people wait until something happens to them before they take action? And this whole idea of prehab, not rehab. So, I also had a prehab project out there for a little bit and really focusing on, ‘Okay, you don’t have to wait till you’re 90 to now wake up. Let’s start now and let’s maintain your sense of identity and wellness and awesome performance forever.’
Yuri: Well, you know what’s funny about that is that every health and wellness professional loves that idea, right? Prevention, prehab, we totally get it. But for the average person, they don’t take action until something happens and so in this case, what I think is … If we kind of step into a prospect’s life here, what’s happening is that there’s probably this simmer under the surface. This simmering of this discontentment. Things are not as good as they could be. ‘I know I could be doing better if I just had the right plan, if I just the right structure, if I just had the right meaningful goal to work towards. That would give me something to wake up in the morning for, right? Instead of sleeping an hour more or whatever it might be.’
Yuri: So, that kind of slow simmering percolation that is happening just day in and day out and it’s probably been happening to them since they stopped playing their sport and so it may have been five years, 10 years, 20 years, already. And it’s just simmering under the surface and maybe there’s something that, either it was one event where maybe they had a workout with a friend and they’re like, ‘Oh, my God, I’m completely out of shape’, or they went back to their old sport and played a pickup game or they were playing with their kids and they were like, ‘Oh, my God, I am nowhere near where I was before.’ And there’s that realization like, ‘Man, I got to change this.’ Sometimes there might not be. I think most athletes are very aware … That they’re very kinestically aware, right?
Tara: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri: So, there’s this awareness of just things are not quite where they are. So, I think, your whole idea of bringing them back to their prime, I think, is a really good idea here. So, I just want to kind of work on the wording and the messaging here a little bit. So, ‘bringing back into action’. Again, if we clean that up a little bit, the essence of what you’re trying to say is, we’re trying to bring them back to their prime almost, right?
Tara: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri: Is that the essence of what we’re trying to get at here?
Tara: Yeah.
Tara’s proprietary process and product name
Yuri: Okay. The new simple and effective method is, have you built out your proprietary process? Like is there a number of steps there or what does that look like?
Tara: Essentially, it’s not solidified yet, but I do have, in down further in the slides, you can kind of get a sense. Do you want to see what it looks like quickly? I don’t know if you have time for that.
Yuri: Well, before we get there … Actually, even … Sorry, it’s kind of like a five step approach there, is that what I’m seeing?
Tara: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah, it’s like four steps. So, essentially, it’s my whole philosophy is keep it simple, keep it fresh, keep it healthy, keep it consistent. So, there is no guessing game. You can go to any party, any event, and make decisions based on what you’ve learnt.
Yuri: Cool.
Tara: Forever.
Yuri: So, I think it’s important to maybe address the target audience here in the sub-headline, right? We’ll put the new and simple effective method to the side for a sec and let’s just kind of discover how … And now we got to come up with a term to describe this person. So, former athletes, I’m not too sure if that’s the right word or … What word would you use to describe the women you want to serve? How would they describe themselves?
Tara: High performing.
Yuri: So, discover how other high performing women are getting back into their prime, or something along those lines of how they’re resurrecting their old self to be even better and this is a terrible example of copywriting skills right here, off the top of my head. I’m going to blame it on the freezing cold weather. I just took my dogs for a walk and my head is frozen.
Tara: Your mind is frozen.
Yuri: Exactly.
Tara: What do you think about the title?
Yuri: So, I think the title is good if there’s explanation with it.
Tara: Yeah.
Yuri: So, one of the things we did last night on the training was introducing a new concept called The Product Name Genie. So, The Product Name Genie and essentially, what it’s trying to help our clients do is, how do you take the name of your program, or in this case, the name of the webinar or whatever, and how do we make it really pop? And there’s two things that I want to kind of help you through with this. Number one is, it’s really important to embed the benefit in the title.
So, The Bounce Back Project, there’s an element on benefit there, right? I’m trying to think of like if there’s … Let’s just use that as an example. What if there was something like Get Back Your Prime, Getting Back to Your Prime or there might be a better word that might more cohesively illustrate or resonate with the viewer or the listener or whatever in this specific case. because The Bounce Back Project, I think, it sounds really good. It’s a good alliteration of words and as long as there is some description underneath in terms of the sub-headline, it would make sense. But what we also want to think about is the headline itself, just by itself, if we’re to cover up the sub-headline, it should speak to a desired benefit that the client wants. Right?
Tara: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri: So, we’re going to use a combination of … And you’ve kind of already done this here, which is good. We’re going to use a combination of a benefit and a power word. So, the benefit is bounce back, right? And the power word would be something like system, blueprint, project, method, formula, etc. Right?
Tara: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri: And all we’re going to do on the end of that is put a TM because it’s obviously your proprietary process, it’s your intellectual property. So, what that’s going to do is it gives it more credibility, more authority, and now it just kind of stands on its own a little bit more effectively. Okay. So, let’s go back to the sub-headline because this really is the promise. If you get this sub-headline right, this helps you with the webinar registration page, it helps you with your Facebook ad copy, and this is probably very similar to the promise of your program as well, right?
Tara: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri: It’s going to be more or less the same. So, wellness dependency, what are you trying to say there?
Tara: So, taking them away from … When they were a high performing athlete, they had coaches all around them, feeding them information. So, they’ve acquired knowledge over the years so if they could retract that knowledge and organize it in a systematic format, so it takes them into where they want to go with their performance. They may not be at their peak like they were when they were 20 because now they’re 40. So, they’re not depending on the next gimmick nutrition philosophy, they’re not depending on somebody else’s program. They’ve taken a knowledge that they’ve acquired and I’m teaching them how to organize it in a systematic format to get them to that stage of, ‘I’m on my own. I’m self-reliant. I’m my own advocate for myself.’
Getting clear on the offer and framing
Yuri: So, if we think of what that’s going to help them do, if we take it up one level to the ultimate benefit … I’m just thinking of one of our clients, Nick Holtz, he’s got a great headline, which is something along the lines of like, ‘I help guys in their 40s look, feel and perform better than they did in their 20s.’
Tara: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah. That’s essentially what I’m going for.
Yuri: Yeah. And I would say that is so much more powerful because what you just told me, in terms of becoming more self-reliant, becoming more organized, that’s part of the how, right? And once that’s tackled, ultimately what that means, is the person is going to feel better, look better, perform better, than they did in their 20s, for instance. So, I would almost want to see this kind of guided in the direction of what Nick has used with what I just said there, if that’s fitting for your audience.
Tara: So, I help women in their 30s and 40s become self-reliant and feel better than they did in their 20s.
Yuri: I wouldn’t even put self-reliant in there. So, I would say, ‘I help high performing women in their 30s and 40s look, feel and perform better than they did in their 20s.’
Tara: Look, feel and perform. Feel and perform.
Yuri: And there’s really no ambiguity there, right? It’s really clear cut.
Tara: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Right.
Yuri: So, we’ve got the age with age demographic, we have the target audience, high performing women, and then we have the promise, ‘You’re going to look, feel and perform better than you did in your 20s.’
Tara: Mm-hmm (affirmative). So, I get rid of this whole thing? Like the new and simple effective method? Or maybe I could do like a new and simple effective method to help high performing women?
Yuri: I would just say like the new way that high performing women … Or high … In their 20s. Oh, sorry, in their 30s and 40s … Or, ‘How I help …
Tara: Yeah, I like that new way to help or the new … Or I help. Or how I help. Yeah, I see that.
Yuri: When you mention something like, ‘The new way’, there’s a certain amount of curiosity there, right? So, it’s like what is this new way? I really like using ‘new way’ because it implies that there’s a new, better way to do things and the cool thing about that is it’s exactly how we built Healthpreneur, is like, ‘This is the new way and the enemy is the old way. And what’s the old way, is everything else.’ So, it naturally sets you up from a positioning standpoint to polarize and say here’s what a lot of people are doing, here’s why this might not be working for you and other people, and this is the new way. If you really want to get these results, here’s what we’re doing and, with or without you, the ship is sailing but if you like what you see, then here’s what we recommend that you do. Does that make sense?
Tara: Yes, it does. Now I have to change a lot of my slides.
Yuri: Yeah, like if it fits. I don’t want to force anything into your brain here but again, we want to really focus on what’s going to convert and what’s really going to capture people’s attention because the words matter and words are going to carry a message that’s going to imply a lot of benefit to the user, right?
Tara: I also think that this is not going to be just about getting them back to snatches and cleans and high, high intensity but it’ll be a way to align where they are in their 40s in their health with how they want to go going forward. So, it’s a different method of working out essentially, too.
Yuri: Totally because you’re going to be speaking … Their goals are going to be different. It’s not going to be like, I want to win the State Championship anymore, it’s like, I want to outlast my kids, for instance.
Tara: Right, but it’s also with nutrition, too.
Yuri: Yeah, exactly. You think back to, man, you used to recover so quickly after those training sessions and now you feel sore for a week but there’s all sorts of … In the ‘Can You Relate?’ Section here at the beginning, there’s so many things that, if I were to see this and it’s like, ‘Man, that’s so bang on.’ And it’s however you want to position it in terms of getting people to think of 20 years ago, you were training or competing for the big championship and now the championship is life. Let’s prepare you for the sport of life and make you a winner so that when you leave this planet, you’re like, this is amazing.
Tara: Oh, my God. That was amazing.
Yuri: Yeah, thank you.
Tara: Did you have that recorded? Is this recorded?
How polishing language makes the rest of the webinar easy
Yuri: It is recorded. This is the podcast after all. Yeah, just tapping into those core emotions because if they’re in their 30s and 40s, they’re going to be parents most likely, they’re going to be wanting to be more productive and effective at work, they’re going to want to have more energy. If someone was in their teens or early 20s as a high performance athletes and then they’re in their 40s, lethargic, tired all the time, there’s a massive amount of pain there internally because they know that’s not who they are and they know that once you’re an athlete, you’re an athlete forever, right?
Tara: Right.
Yuri: And you can’t get that out of your brain.
Tara: Exactly.
Yuri: So, there’s a massive disconnect there internally. There’s that internal suffering that if you can solve that for them, that’s a huge, huge, huge win for that client. Cool. So, Tara, has this been helpful for you?
Tara: Oh, yeah. For sure. I need to go back to the drawing board a little bit and clean up my slides and then submit it again on Webinar Wednesday.
Yuri: Absolutely. So, what’s been most useful for you from our discussion so far?
Tara: Well, clarifying the first page will essentially clarify every slide thereafter because now I have some better language to solidify each slide and I think it’ll just polish it up a lot.
Yuri: Yeah, totally, and that’s why we go back to even the structure of the program, the first thing we do is talk about the perfect client, problem promise and then your program, right?
Tara: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri: Because it’s hard to know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’re going and in the webinar, sometimes it’s easier to have the title slide done after the fact, but sometimes it’s good to have it done before because then that sets the stage, as you mentioned, for everything else that follows.
Tara: Yeah, it does because I think what you’ve just given me is going to help me navigate a lot easier.
Yuri: Yeah. Cool and that’s what I’m here to do.
Tara: Yeah. Thank you.
Yuri: Awesome. Well, I know that we’re just about up for time. I got to go pick up the kids in just a few moments but for all of our listeners and viewers who are watching this and thinking like, ‘I don’t know but I’ve considered other coaching programs’, or maybe, ‘I’ve been burned in the past’, or, ‘Are you really going to help me do this thing?’ What would you say to them if you were considering working with us?
Tara: I think it’s important to have guidance and to have guidance and support through live events such as this and also the Facebook page and the calls that you have weekly and a lot of the support that the other clients who are going through this process can give. Sometimes I do feel overwhelmed because everybody’s coming at it from different stages of this program. So, when people posted like, ‘Oh no, I’m not there yet.’ But then I have to just sit back and be like, ‘Okay, just take it at your own pace. You’re going to finish this. You’re going to be successful and just keep going and just don’t stop.’
Yuri: Yep.
Tara: I think one of the most important things is, because I’ve made the investment, it’s an encouragement to keep me going and I’m not going to stop until I get to that top of that pyramid that was on the first part of your webinar, that millionaire mark.
Yuri: Yeah. You guys will all get there, 100%, if you can keep at it, right? And if you paid $100, half the people would be gone already.
Tara: Yeah.
Yuri: ‘Yeah, this webinar thing’s not too important, I’ll do some other stuff’, right?
Tara: Well, it’s very true, yeah. I’ve done that many times.
Yuri: Yeah, totally. And that’s why we talk about, guys, you know this if you’re listening, guys and girls, the importance of premium pricing, because we’re able to support you guys at such a higher level than we could if it was a fraction of the cost, right? And that’s going to be important for your results because that’s ultimately what matters. So, awesome. So, Tara, thank you so much for joining me today and for sharing your slides and opening the book and allowing us to dig a little bit deeper with you and I’m glad that we got some clarity around this. I’m looking forward to seeing how this all unfolds for you.
Tara: Yes. Thank you so much, Yuri, I really appreciate it. This has been very helpful.
Yuri: Awesome. You’re very welcome. And everyone else, I hope you guys enjoyed this one.
Yuri: Hey, thanks so much for joining us on this episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, here’s what I’d like you to do right now. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the Healthpreneur Podcast on iTunes and while you’re there, leave us a rating or review. It helps us get in front of more people and change more lives.
And if you’re ready to start or skill your health or fitness coaching business and want to start getting in front of more people, working with them at a higher level without trading time for money, then you should check out our free seven figure health business blueprint training. Totally free right now and you can do so at
For now, thank you so much for joining us. Continue to be great, do great and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, I asked you to give it to me straight: Do you need a coach or a babysitter? As you’re looking to grow and get through challenges, do you want someone who’ll coddle you – or do you want results?
As coaches, our clients depend on us to show up as our best and offer our best. They need honest advice, feedback, and solutions. Otherwise, they’ll never push themselves forward and past their challenges.
Tune in to hear when to hire a babysitter, when to hire a therapist – and when to invest in a coach.
Your New Marketing Budget for 2019
Welcome back to the Healthpreneur podcast! On today’s solo round I’ll be sharing with you your new marketing budget for 2019. Disclaimer: You might not like what I’m about to share with you but you need to hear it if you want to build a successful business that lasts.
If what you’re doing is making money, then you have a marketing budget. And if you have a marketing budget and you’re using it wisely, you should be profiting at exponential levels and continuing to increase your investment to your marketing strategy.
What? Is this not happening for you? Then you’re doing something wrong somewhere along the line. Tune in to learn the route that is proven to work and lean into the experience and wisdom of others who have already taken the path. It’s about time.
In This Episode I discuss:
1:00 – 3:30 – Your marketing budget and the two routes you can take
3:30 – 8:00 – Why the slow route isn’t just slow – it doesn’t work
8:00 – 12:00 – Starting with a small investment and gaging your returns
12:00 – 17:00 – The difference between a cash flow issue and a profit issue and an example
17:00 – 20:30 – Leaning into the experience and wisdom of others
20:30 – The most valuable thing in your life: Time
Welcome back to the show. Today I’m going to be sharing with you your new marketing budgets. Now, I’m going to give you a fore warning here. You might not like what I’m about to share with you and if it rubs you the wrong way, then I apologize.
Actually, you know what? I don’t apologize, because this is the reality of what it takes to build a business. I want to be very clear with you. I’m not in the … My goal is not to help you build a little side hustle. My job is to help you create a legacy. I want you to create, not just getting more clients coming in, but I want to help you ultimately create something that is going to leave a dent in this planet in a positive way. Okay? So, in order to do that, you need to take your businesses seriously from day one.
Your marketing budget and the two routes you can take
So, a lot of people, I see join our free Facebook groups or talk to us. You know, they talk about not having a marketing budget. And for me, I don’t really understand that because when you have … If what you’re doing is producing a positive ROI, then why do you need a budget? Do you see what I’m saying?
So, let’s say you say, “I’ve only got $500 to spend on marketing.” “Okay, cool. Well, what if that marketing generates $10,000 for you? Are you going to stop at $500?” If you’re smart, you would say no to that because instead of just spending $500 you’re like, hold on, I’ve just got $10,000 in return. What if I spend $5,000, maybe I’ll make $100,000 in return.
So, this is where you have to think like an investor. So I don’t, I don’t use budgets, I don’t even think of budgets at all. Because everything we do from the team members we have to the marketing that we do is tied into an ROI.
Why the slow route isn’t just slow – it doesn’t work
So, here’s what I want you to think of as your new budget. If you don’t have cash sitting around, which by the way, most people don’t to invest in your business. Unless you’ve already had a lot of success and you want to reinvest in your business. But you have two options. Okay, you’ve got two options. You can see yourself, don’t have the marketing budget, and you shut off all possibilities of what you’re able to do in terms of building your business rather quickly, and you end up going the slow routes, which is what almost everyone does. So, you say to yourself, I don’t have enough money to invest in marketing, so what am I going to do instead? What’s the plan?
I’m going to blog. I’m going to put some stuff up on social media. I’ve got this really great opportunity. I’m part of a summit coming up and that’s really going to make my business blow up. By the way, it’s not going to, I’ve done a lot of them and have a hosted them. Listen, I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but I do want to spare you from needless suffering. My overarching why would I … why I do what I do, is to end suffering or health and fitness business, its purpose is to end suffering for people with their health. Healthpreneur our core mission is to end the suffering of entrepreneurs in the health and fitness and wellness space, because I see it every single day.
So, you have the choice of going via organic slow route. You’re going to post some stuff on social media which no one’s going to see. You can create some free content on your blog or on YouTube, or create a podcast that again, no one’s going to see at least for the first couple of years, especially with the most recent Google algorithm updates. That’s even more depressing. Or you can do some free talks here and there, you might pick up a couple clients, but again, it’s dependent upon your time and effort and again, how much of that can you possibly do? Or you might do some joint ventures and some affiliate stuff, but again, you need an offer that really converts really well in order for people to promote it. So, those are some of the options you can do from, I don’t have a marketing budget perspective, so I’m just going to effort my way based on time to my end results.
Starting with a small investment and gaging your returns
The second option you have is a really … I mean you got to love this. Okay, so this is going to be your new marketing budget. It’s a really great four letter word called a Visa or Amex. Yeah, seriously. I want you to get to the point in your business, where you are comfortable throwing stuff on your credit card. Now, you might be throwing stuff at your computer. Now, you might be thinking or you’re just like taking out your budget like, “This guy’s crazy, he’s on drugs, he’s like on a different planet.”
You know what I might be, I might be on a different planet. But here’s the deal is, I know based on experience, having been doing this for so long. The only way to predictably grow your business and attract clients, is to be able to figure out how to spend money to acquire clients. So, let’s look at the case of two scenarios. So, you put up a really well thought out post on Facebook and Facebook has told us that if you just post it on your page 2% of your followers will see it. That’s really encouraging, let’s do that all day.
So, you put that out there, unless you’ve got a thousand fans, so 20 of those fans see the post. That’s one option. And you can continue doing that for the end of time and your business is going to crawl along. The second option is you put that very same post up on Facebook and instead of just letting it sit there, you click that little button that says boost post, and now you tell Facebook how much money you want to give them so they can show your message to more of your perfect clients.
Now, a lot of the two reasons people don’t play with the advertising space. Number one, they don’t know what the hell they’re doing, in which case you should not do that, because you’ll waste money very quickly. Second is they’re afraid. They’re afraid that what they’re about to do is not going to return any money to them. And that’s okay because you are afraid of what you don’t know. And that’s totally okay. So, number one is you have to get the right training and guidance to know what the hell you’re doing. And as a result of that, you’ll have less fear to move your business forward.
Again, I’ll keep plugging our coaching program, because if you want to do this, like this is what we do every single day with our clients. We help them go from, no one’s ever heard of them, to now putting a message in front of them. I’m getting calls booked with the right people on the phone. And that’s the option, right? You’ve got two options, you can do that. Or you can do the slow turtle organic route that I told you about earlier.
The difference between a cash flow issue and a profit issue and an example
So, your marketing budget … As an entrepreneur you have to get to the point where you are comfortable using Visa as money, while ultimately your money but you’re using a credit card as your marketing budget. It’s not a budget. You’re saying, “Listen, I am willing to go in the whole.” Let’s say a couple of hundred dollars in 30 days. “I am willing to invest $10 per day on Facebook ads to get my message in front of more people and I know that I’ve got a pipeline built out.” Hopefully you do if you don’t, don’t do this, okay. So, you have a pipeline built out. You know you just need more people coming in the pipeline, because you have a money problem … you don’t have a money problem, you have an income problem. And if you have an income problem, you really have an incoming problem or a pipeline issue. You have no one coming in your pipeline, right?
That’s the real issue. So, when you’re speaking to someone on the phone, you’re like, “Oh my God, please work with me. Please work with me, because you have no idea. You have no like there’s no one else lined up to work with you.” But when you fix your pipeline issue and you’ve got hundreds of people in your pipeline, you’re like, “You know what? I don’t want to work with you. You’re not the right fit, next.” That’s the place you want to get to. And that doesn’t happen overnight with the organic slow route, that’ll take you five to 10 years.
But with Facebook, who by the way has 1 billion users, and I promise you they have millions of your perfect clients, no matter what niche you’re in, you can find them on Facebook. So, Facebook is your blog. Facebook is your YouTube channel, Facebook is your email list. Everything you want is on Facebook. Now, the question is, are you willing to step out of your comfort zone and give Facebook a little bit of money, so they can give you more of their people, right? More of your people that are using Facebook, okay.
So, you put $10 a day in Facebook ads. What’s the worst thing that can happen in the space of one month? You lose $300. Is that the worst case scenario? Are you going to be living on the street, if you lose $300? Hopefully not. Okay, I really hope not. But what’s the upside? What is the upside? You could lose 300 bucks, but could you make more than 300? You can make multiples of 300. Typically we want to see in our life where our clients have three to one. So, if you’re spending 300 you’re making 900 in return at the minimum. And this is why it’s also important, going back to the pricing of your program, to be a little bit on the premium side, we’re not $97 courses like come on. Seriously, you can’t make that work on paid traffic. It’s not going to happen. It’s not going to help your people, just don’t even do that stuff.
So, your new marketing budget is to think differently. It’s to say, you know what, I don’t have a budget. I don’t have money to throw it this stuff. But you know what I do have, I’ve got a credit card and that credit card doesn’t need to be paid off in full for instance, it can be paid off in installments, or if you’re using an Amex, obviously in full in 30 days or so. But I believe in myself. I believed in my dream. I believe in my program and my ability to help people. I am willing to take out my credit card, spend $10, $20, $50, $100 in our case, $2,000 a day right now on Facebook ads. Because I know that’s the only way to get my message in front of people.
Okay? So, that’s how I want you to think. You have to think like an investor, because what … think about this, you could go to the bank and asked for a loan, right? You could do that, but they’ll rape you, like they’ll rape you and interest rates. Or You could say, “Visa is my lender. Visa is lending me as much as my credit limit is.” We don’t need a blow it obviously, let’s be smart about it. But let’s just say, visa is going to lend you $500 a month, $500 a month. Just start with that.
So, visas lending you $500 a month if you don’t pay it back, worst case scenario, interest rates will be 10% to 20%. Okay, not the end of the world. But ultimately, if you can spend $500, I promise you at the right pipeline, you’ll be getting several hundred people that are coming through your pipeline. And a few of those will probably book calls with you, to speak with you about potentially working with you. You spend $500 and let’s say one client enrolls with you and let’s say at the very minimum your programs like $1,500, like really inexpensive. And if you’re thinking really that is expensive, that’s a whole other topic. Okay, please listen to my other episodes on pricing and mindset and stuff like that.
But let’s just say it’s $1,500. You spend 500 you just made $1,500 return. So, do you have a budget issue? No. You have a cash flow issue, because in this scenario you’re saying Visa, lend me 500 bucks for 30 days and I’ll pay you back in 30 days. So, you pay off the Visa and you still have an extra thousand dollars profits to reinvest in your business and then take some out for yourself if you want. That is how you succeed in business. That is how you need to think. That is called being an investor in yourself, not in some stupid stocks and some companies you have no clue about or no control over.
Leaning into the experience and wisdom of others
Invest in you and your business. It is the number one vehicle for you to create financial freedom. It is the only way to grow your business rapidly. It is the only way to grow and scale your business in any appreciable amount of time that is not five to 10 years in 2019. There is nothing else that I’ve seen that I’ve done, I did … Listen, you probably know this by now. I’ve been on that since 2006 and I have done everything. These summits, the books, the free plus shipping offers, the supplements, the free lead magnets, the convoluted funnels, the joint ventures, the affiliates, the speaking on sage, you name it. I have done every single business model you can think of and nothing will produce the results from day zero. That taking this mindset will produce for you and your business.
Thinking like an investor saying, “I’m going to use my credit card and if I don’t have a credit card, you know what? I’m going to go and get one.” Even if it’s a $500 credit limits. That is how you build your dream. You have to have the confidence to commit. You can’t just take this like, you know when money comes in, like I’ve got this really cool opportunity to come up. I’m speaking at a lunch and learn. You can’t build your business on hope. Like you cannot do that kind of stuff. It’s ridiculous. I hear it all the time and it drives me crazy. Listen, I mean it’s easier for me retroactively to see this stuff. That you can’t see this stuff. If you’re in it and you’re thinking this one opportunity is going to make all the difference for me.
Let me share a really quick story with you, about my real big first kick in the ass. 2009, I had been struggling on the line for three years, trying to do all this stuff myself, the cheap way, the freeway, the long organic way. It wasn’t working. So, I decided I’m going to create, well technically what it’s called, the summit, but at the time it was basically an interview series. I interviewed 13 of the leading health and fitness experts in the industry. And it was called, Fitter Than the Pros. I wanted to go behind the scenes, like I was just interviewing them and asking questions about like, “Hey, how do you stay so healthy and fit, as you’re building your business? As you become this micro-celebrity?”
And I thought they were like … I thought this is the best thing since slice bread. I thought this was like the game changer. Like no one else had ever done this before. People are going to love this. You’re going to feel so inspired and motivated to go out and make positive change in their life. So, months like interviews and prepping all this stuff, get on the sales page and funnel ready. And the night before we launched, I went out for drinks and dinner with a couple friends and I said, “Hey guys, whatever you want, it’s on me.” And they’re like, “Dude, did you win some lottery or something?” And I told them I’m like, “No, but I’m about to.”
I was telling them about this launch that we have coming up starting tomorrow and I’m like, “Guys, you have no clue this thing is going to crush it.” I was telling my friends, and obviously colleagues in this space and like, “Guys, this is going to be the biggest launch. This is going to be a seven-figure launch. No one in the industry has ever done this before. This is going to be a game changer.” I was saying this stuff publicly, like I was telling our partners, “This is going to be huge. Promote it, you’re going to make a ton of money. It’s going to help a lot of people. I was making a lot of promises.”
So, that night before the launch we go out for dinner, had some drinks. I said, “Guys, it’s on me. It’s all good.” And I go to bed like, oh my … like, I’m so excited. The next morning I wake up, I jump out of bed and I checked my stats and I’m like, is the website broken like that? We had so much traffic that nothing else happens? And then my worst fear came true. I went to the website, everything was fine, I checked our stats and I saw there was traffic that had landed there.
But the problem was that no one bought and no one bought. And for four days of this promotion, what I thought was going to be a seven figure promotion ended up making a grand total of $5,000. Not too bad. I mean, well, let’s just put this into context. Seven figure launch turns into $5,000 that’s pretty, but there’s a big gap there, right? The worst part, it’s 75% of that was owed to my affiliates. So, I walked out of that with maybe $1,500.
So, I shared this story with you because you only know what you know, and you don’t have enough foresight to understand how or why things are going to work out or not. And that’s why it’s really important to work with a coach. Someone who doesn’t just like know stuff, but someone who’s actually been through this. And I think it’s really important to lean into that experience and wisdom, because listen, if I can assure clients of ours and I can shave off years of frustration and trial and error, just by giving you some advice, or by stirring new clear of nonsense, that’s going to save you a lot of time, money and frustration.
If someone had told me, “Hey Yuri, let me talk to you for a second. Listen, I know you’re super passionate about this project, but I need to be very honest with you. No one gives a shit about this stuff.” I’d be like, “What are you talking about? People love this stuff.” I’m like, “Listen, I’ve been in this space for 10 years. I’ve done stuff like this. What I’ve recognized is that people don’t want to buy motivation, they want an outcome.” And had someone told me that back in the day, it would’ve saved me months of doing all this nonsense and speaking all sorts of big promises and then looking like a fool when none of it worked out.
So, the reason I share this story with you is, because I don’t want you to end up in the same position that I was in. And I’m not saying that it’s going to happen for sure, but I can promise you that if you are doing things the free cheap way, you’re not going to get the results you want. Listen, we get dozens of new people coming in are free Healthpreneur group every single day. You know what I’m going to do? One of the upcoming episodes, I’m just going to read you, what their goals are over the next 12 months, because we ask them two questions. What’s your goal? And where are you stuck?
The most valuable thing in your life: Time
Every single one of them is the same thing. I want more clients. I want to make six figures. I want to make … Like I want more clients, but I don’t know how to get more clients. I want more clients, but I don’t know how to get more clients. Like, so guys I’m telling you the secret here. Now, you have to step up and be like, do I have the cojones, right to take my credit card and get a little bit uncomfortable and invest in myself and my business.
How do you think airlines start? Do you think an airline starts with a bag of cash? Nope, Richard Branson started Virgin Airways or whatever it’s called Virgin Atlantic. No bag of cash. He had to like beg, borrow and steal loans from the bank. That’s called credits. Do you think Elon Musk, do you think apple, do you think any restaurants, do you think any big businesses started with a bag of cash just saved up for a rainy day? No. As far as I know, all of them, at least the ones I know of and read of, and can speak of. Started with a dream, they believed in it, they got money from friends, banks, credit cards or whatever, and that is how they funded the business.
They fund the business with other people’s money. And in your case there’s two sources of other people’s money, credit cards and your clients. This is called client financing. Your clients are paying you to acquire them. our clients are giving you the money to then put back on your credit card. I want you to really understand this and if you are not willing to do this, then here’s my recommendation is please go work for somebody else, please. I’m sure you have some great talents that other people could really benefit from, but if he were not an investor and if you’re not willing to invest in yourself or your business, you should not be in business.
And Darwinism, survival of the fittest is a fair phenomenon, because what’s going to happen is you will eventually run out of business, because you’re not doing things properly and you will succumb to like, “Okay, I can’t do this anymore.” So, you have two choices. It’s either you do this or you painfully glow to slow organic routes and do the freeway, which is financially less risky, but riskier in the long run because you’re tying is the most valuable thing, it’s the only thing. Money you can make back, you can’t get time back. So, I hopefully … I really, I mean I hope you get this, like this is such an important topic that I’m going to do multiple shows. Just continuing to harp on this, because you have to get your mind right, like you have to get it on rights.
I don’t care if you made no money last year. I don’t care if you’re not willing clients right now. I don’t care. If you believe in your dream, then you have to be able to get uncomfortable, put a little bit on credit and start building your business, building a dream. Because the alternative is if you don’t believe strongly enough in your dream, what’s going to happen is Pac-Man, is going to gobble you up and have you build his or her dream. Your dream needs to be bigger than everyone else’s, otherwise you’re going to be building someone else’s dream, because you’re going to get to the point in your business, where it’s too hard. I just want to make an extra thousand dollars. Listen, like that’s not a big dream, right? You’re going to end up working for someone else who has a bigger dream, who you can support, and that’s fine, but you just must be honest with yourself.
So, I hope this episode really gives you like an alarm clock, wakeup call about the reality of marketing budgets and how they’re quite honestly ridiculous. If your marketing is tied in with an ROI, that’s all that matters. I don’t have a marketing budget. My budget is how much money can I give Facebook? That’s my budget, because I know my metrics, I know my ROI and if I can give Facebook more money, Facebook will give me more clients, and it’s the same thing for you if you had your stuff dialed in right? And if you don’t, then please reach out to us and let’s have a conversation. All right, so hope you have a great day. Hopefully this no BS Podcast episode, has found you well and I look forward to seeing you at our next episode.
Hey, thanks so much for joining us on this episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, here’s what I’d like you to do right now. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the Healthpreneur Podcast on iTunes and while you’re there leave us a rating review. It helps us get in front of more people and change more lives.
If you’re ready to start your skill, your health or fitness coaching business, I want to start getting in front of more people, working with them at a higher level, without trading time for money. Then invite you to check out our free seven figure health business blueprint training. Totally free right now and you can do so at
For now, thank you so much for joining us. Continue to be great, do great and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
On our last episode, we another client deep-dive with one of our Health Business Accelerator clients, Tara Mazanec.
Tara is a personal trainier holistic health counselor, and yoga instructor. She loves helping women in executive positions improve their health and vitality.
In this episode, we polish up the language in her webinar so her offer and ideal client are crystal clear.
To do this, we had to go deep into where her clients are feeling pain. We had to touch on that pain and frame our offer as the solution.
Once that’s done, the webinar becomes so much easier to create.
Tune in to hear how we break down the structure of our offer, title, and perfect client. Chances are, you can always improve upon the way you frame your offer, too!
Do You Need a Coach or a Babysitter?
What’s up, Healthpreneurs? Welcome to the Healthpreneur podcast. Today, I want you to give it to me straight: Do you need a coach or a babysitter? As you’re looking to grow and get through challenges, do you want someone who’ll coddle you – or do you want results?
I’m not the guy that’ll tell you that everything’s great when it’s not. I’m just not. If you want that, you should look for a babysitter. I empathize with my clients but also understand that they need a strong support.
As coaches, our clients depend on us to show up as our best and offer our best. They need honest advice, feedback, and solutions. Otherwise, they’ll never push themselves forward and past their challenges. Tune in to hear when to hire a babysitter, when to hire a therapist – and when to invest in a coach.
In This Episode I discuss:
1:00 – 2:30 – Why I’m not a babysitter
2:30 – 4:00 – The job of a coach and veering away from dependency
4:00 – 6:30 – The caterpillar story, kids, and how it relates
6:30 – 9:00 – Why a coach isn’t a therapist, either
9:00 – 12:00 – When to choose a babysitter or therapist and when to choose a coach
Do you need a coach or do you need a babysitter? Let’s just be honest, right? What do you need in your business? As you are looking to build your business, as you’re looking to coach more clients, grow your business, get through obstacles and challenges. Are you looking for someone who’s going to coddle you and make sure everything’s okay and snuggle you at night? Are you looking for a coach who’s going to help you get results?
Why I’m not a babysitter
I want to be very real about this because listen, I’m not the kind of guy who’s going to say that everything’s okay and you’re doing great if you’re not. I’m going to give you what you need to hear and sometimes this might come across as insensitive and if it does, I apologize for that, but I believe that my goal is not to necessarily make you feel all warm and fuzzy. My goal as a coach, and I believe your job as a coach as well is yes, a 100% to empathize with your client’s situation. You should always do that.
I’m not saying that I don’t do that, but your clients need you to lead them. They need you to be the stronger version of themselves. They need you to help them pull themselves out of their own little rut, and it’s not going to be helpful if you’re telling them it’s okay, that you’re babysitting for this through whatever process they’re going through. People and your clients are going to go through downward spiral, they’re going to go into negative portals that are not going to support them. You have to bring them out of that. Right? Part of your job as a coach is to elevate people, to empower people. It’s not to disempower them and making them dependent upon you. This is a fine line you have to be very cautious of with coaching, is that coaching can very quickly become dependency where your clients no longer can think for themselves. They’re coming to you for every single answer.
The job of a coach and veering away from dependency
Yes, as a health or fitness expert, you have expertise and wisdom that you can share with them and say, “Hey, listen. Do this. This is going to work,” and that’s fine. You need to balance that with asking questions and challenging them and helping them figure things out on their own because if they can’t do that on their own, they have become more dependent on you and less empowered for themselves. I think that’s a really bad trap to fall into and that’s something that I’ve had to personally overcome in terms of the way I coach. At least years ago, the way I used to coach was just blurt out a lot of advice and I still do to some degree, but I do challenge our clients to think for themselves and really come up with answers that they think is going to make sense for them. That’s why I think you can never really change the way somebody thinks, but you can give them a tool to help them change the way they think about their thinking.
The caterpillar story, kids, and how it relates
A lot of what we do with our clients in our mastermind or our health business accelerator workshop is frameworks and templates and tools. Questions that can help them figure things out. I think that’s important because very much like with my kids, if my kids are struggling with something, I want them to struggle. I want them to struggle because if they don’t struggle, they can’t learn from that. There’s a story of, and I’m probably going to butcher this story, but there’s a story of this caterpillar. It’s in a little cocoon and it’s hanging from a branch, right? It’s doing its thing and struggling. This man walks by the one day and he sees this, whatever the thing is called, the cocoon, it’s wiggling around. You can see that there’s something inside and he just wants to help out. What he does is he takes a pair of scissors and he cuts a hole in the cocoon and lo and behold, the butterfly falls out but the butterfly falls out prematurely.
As a result, it dies, because it hasn’t had enough time to go through the struggle, it hasn’t had enough time to build its wings to be able to fly. It’s the same thing with you and it’s the same thing with your clients. You have to allow some degree of struggle for your clients for them to think, for them to have to go through what they have to go through, with you as their sherpa, as their guide, but they need to figure things out. You can’t always have the solutions for them. You can’t do the work for them, but you have to expect them to show up and do the work. With my kids, if they’re struggling putting a zipper up right on their coats, I’ll let them struggle for a little bit. I’ll let them struggle for a little bit, you know, and then we’ll see what happens. Right? They will figure it out. Here’s the cool thing is if you have kids, you probably would recognize this too, is that when they figured out how to do it, do they feel more proud or less proud?
They feel a lot more proud about themselves. Right? They feel good. They’re like, man, I accomplish them. That’s awesome. When my kids were a lot younger, trying to get them to put on their own seatbelts was an interesting challenge, right? They’re like, oh my God, I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I can’t do it, and I’m like, yeah, you’re right. You can’t do with that attitude. I would try to train them as early as possible instead of saying, I can’t do it. Let’s ask a better question. How can I do this? How can I put on my seatbelt? Maybe the answer is ask mommy or daddy for help or ask my brother for help, right? Become more resourceful. I’m not saying there’s a right or wrong way to coach. Everyone has difference, capabilities and expertise, and ways of doing what they do. What I believe is results are most important. That’s really why you’re hiring a coach is to get results.
Why a coach isn’t a therapist, either
If you’re looking for a therapist who’s going to sit you on a chair and talk about your story all day, that’s fine. Don’t expect that from a good coach. A good coach doesn’t care about the stories. This is especially important in group situations. One of the reasons people move away from one-on-one is because they had drained from that type of coaching, that psychotherapy sessions. No one wants to listen to your stories. Nobody cares about your stories. Okay? When a group call scenario, one of the things that a lot of people think of is like, there’s no way a group call is going to be beneficial because everyone’s been talking and wasting time. That’s true if you don’t know how to lead a call. Number one, everyone’s lines should be muted until you unmute one at a time. Then being very clear with your ground rules. There’s a difference between being useful and wasteful. Don’t talk about your story for 20 minutes. Ask the question and let’s get to the point.
Now, some people might take that as insensitive or a little bit abrasive but I don’t think it is. I think it’s just respectful of everyone else’s time. Nobody else on the phone call wants to hear your story. I have one of my closest childhood friends who I don’t really talk with that much anymore. Great guy. We spent a lot of time when we were younger together, played soccer together, but he lacks social awareness. He goes into stories that everyone’s like, you know that guy that just talks about that same story over and over? It’s like, oh my God, you’re telling this 30 minute story again? Don’t be that guy. Don’t be that person because it really ruins the experience for everyone else. Now, if you have clients like that, it is your job as the coach to really nip that in the bud before it even happens. You have to set clear ground rules for your clients, for your calls. You have to be the leader. You have to take the reins and say, this is the way this is going to go.
When to choose a babysitter or therapist and when to choose a coach
If you have an issue that needs resolving, let’s get right to the issue. In our masterminds, when we’re doing hot seats, I tell people, listen, you’ve got 20 minutes. Listen, the clock is the boss. When the timer goes off, you’re done. Don’t spend 10, 20 minute, 10 to 15 minutes talking about the backstory. Really quickly, 30 seconds, give us some context, ask the one question you need help with and open it up to the floor. If you spend 10 minutes talking about your story and then going off on tangents about things that have no relevance to what we’re about to discuss, that’s your issue. The problem is that it’s also going to detract from what everyone else can share with you. All of this coming back to you, do you need a coach or do you need a babysitter? If you need to have emotional support or whatever else from a babysitter who is going to coddle you and tell you everything’s going to be great. Hey, go find that person. I’m not that person.
You might need a therapist as opposed to a coach. If you need a coach who is going to kick you in the butt in a loving manner, who is going to be there to support you and push you, then that’s what we do. I really hope that you provide that for your clients too. There’s a combination of love and a little bit of tough love, right? We really, really care about our clients’ results but we can’t want our clients’ results more than they want it for themselves. Just like you can’t want your clients’ results more than they want it for themselves. You can only do as much as you can, but that client got to show up and do the work. If they don’t do the work, that’s on them, it’s not on you. Okay? At the end of the day, you have to become the client you want to attract. If you are the type of client who needs a lot of handholding and a lot of emotional support and a lot of all that kind of stuff, chances are you are going to attract that type of client into your business.
There’s nothing wrong with that if you want to deal with that, but personally, I want to deal with action takers. People who are like, I got the plan, I’m going to do the work. I’m going to come in for support when I need it. That’s the type of person I am. Those are the type of people that I want to attract. If that’s you, that’s awesome. We should have a talk. If it’s not you, that’s totally fine as well. There’s probably other coaches out there who can help you as well. At the end of the day, that’s the deal. I think you need a coach. You don’t need a therapist. You need a coach, you don’t need a babysitter because if you want results, a good coach can get you there. A babysitter is going to keep you where you’re at. They’re going to keep you safe and they’re going to keep you feeling comfortable, but you don’t grow when you’re comfortable. All right, hope this makes sense. Hope this sinks in and I’ll see you soon.
Hey, thanks so much for joining us on this episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, here’s what I’d like you to do right now. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the Healthpreneur Podcast on iTunes, and while you’re there, leave us a rating or review. It helps us get in front of more people and change more lives. If you’re ready to start or scale your health or fitness coaching business and want to start getting in front of more people, working with them at a higher level without trading time for money, then I invite you to check out our free seven figure health business blueprint training totally free right now. You can do so at
For now, thank you so much for joining us. Continue to be great, do great, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
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What You Missed
On our last episode we did Client Deep Dive with Susan Gleaton, who is a registered dietician with an integrative and functional nutrition background.
Her main concern was her mindset around charging premium pricing. She feels like she’s always wanted to help those in need – whether they can pay what she’s worth or not – and finds herself losing confidence when charging more.
Tune in to hear how Susan (and you!) can get paid what you’re worth and deliver the best results.
The Certification Epidemic
The health and fitness industry has more certifications than any other industry that we know of. Yet, here’s the irony. Based on my experience, health and fitness professionals are probably the least paid out of other professionals when compared to accountants, doctors, real estate, all that kind of stuff, although doctors are still part of the health and fitness world.
Average Salary Of Health and Fitness Professionals
Okay, what’s going on then? What is going on? The average salary of a health coach is less than $42,000 a year. The average salary of a naturopathic doctor is less than $73,000 per year. That’s not a lot of money to live on if you live in the Western worlds. Yet, we think as a health and fitness professional that we need to continue getting new certifications and putting more letters behind our name. For what? Why are we doing this?
Yes, You ARE Good Enough
Well, here’s what I think. I think this happens for a few reasons. Number one, I don’t believe, or I believe that most health and fitness experts don’t believe they’re good enough to help their clients. At some level, there is this thinking of, “You know what? I don’t know enough. There’s something I’m missing. I’m not good enough. I can’t charge enough. Therefore, I need to get another certification,” or, “I need to be certified in order to help people.”
Now, when I was in school … I went to school for Kinesiology. In my second year of university, I went to a local gym, and I decided to get a job as a personal trainer. And I told my manager straight up, I said, “Listen. I have no intention, like zero percent intention, of becoming a certified personal trainer. I’m not going to do a certification course. I’m not going to do a two-day weekend workshop, whatever, because I’m doing this every single day in school.” And what I knew was that, based on my experience and my knowledge, I could help people.
And I want you to really let this sink in. You are good enough just the way you are, and if you’re not good enough in terms of being able to help someone, then that’s okay. Just be honest with that. And if you’re at that point where you’re not good enough to get an outcome for other people, then hey, yeah, do the training. Sharpen your skills. That’s important. But at some point, it’s just another excuse, getting ready to get ready, getting all your ducks in a row, filling up your tool box with more tools and more tools and more tools, just so that at some point in the future, you’ll feel confident and better about yourself to be able to finally get out and get clients.
Getting Past Your Fear
The reality is that I think most people, again, number one is that they don’t believe enough in themselves and they’re trying to get … they’re borrowing belief from certifications. Yet, the more certifications they get, it doesn’t seem to help their business. Second is I think a lot of health pros are simply afraid of doing what matters, which is selling. And when I say selling, I’m talking about having a conversation with a prospective client and being like, “Hey, does this make sense? Let’s do the deal. Let’s make this happen. Let’s start working together.” Because what could happen if the person says no? God forbid, we get rejected. It’s one of the biggest human fears, rejection and the fear of being disliked.
So what do we do? We hide behind busy work. We hide behind, “Oh, I’m doing this six-month certification. Once I’m done that, then I’ll feel ready to go out and put myself on the ledge.” But you know what? That’s not the way this works. The only way you get more comfortable putting yourself out there is by putting yourself out there. You can’t study bungee jumping and then go 1,000 feet up and be like, “Okay. Cool. I’m ready to bungee jump.” It doesn’t work like that. You got to go to the edge, jump off the fricking edge, and then the next time you’re going to do bungee jumping, it’s going to be a lot easier.
It’s the same thing in business. The only thing that matters is attracting new leads, converting them into clients, and delivering an amazing result for them. Anything else you’re doing is a waste of time, not just for you but most importantly for the clients you want to serve. Think about this. The longer you wait, the more you deliberate, the more the people you want to serve are suffering. It’s as simple as that.
That’s the first problem, but the second problem is that they’re not going to suffer forever because they’re pretty smart. They’re going to find a solution somewhere else. So the longer you’re waiting, those clients are like, “You know what? I still got to figure this solution out today.” So they’re going to go to somebody else. And listen. There’s no lack of problems you can solve in this world. There’s no lack of new potential clients coming into the pipeline of your potential business. But you have to be at a point and you got to be realistic about … I mean, you got to be real with yourself. You got to be, “Listen. Am I okay making $40,000 a year? Am I okay making less than $5,000 a month before tax,” if that’s the case in your situation.
Raise Your Ambitions
There are people that we speak with who just want to make an extra thousand dollars a month. I’m like, “Add a zero to that at least. At least add a zero.” So raise your standards. Raise your ambitions, and when you want more, not for the sake of wanting more money. It’s not about that. It’s about growing. It’s about who you become in the process. It’s about helping more people. And by helping people, we’re not doing that by getting more and more certifications.
So please, there’s a balance between getting enough knowledge and know-how to help someone and deliberating and procrastinating forever because you want to get more and more and more certifications because you’re going to feel better about yourself to eventually help people. Don’t make that mistake. Please, don’t make that mistake. Take action. Fail forward fast. Make the mistakes. Learn from them. Help people. That’s the way you build your business, and anything else is going to be a massive waste of time, at least in my experience, at least with the people that we’ve served, and yeah, hopefully this serves you as well, okay?
So that’s the deal. That’s the deal. If you think I’m crazy, let me know in the comments. If you agree, let me know in the comments as well. And if you think someone else needs to hear this message, then please give this a thumbs up and share it with them. We need more health and fitness pros doing the work, getting out there, and serving more people.
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While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.