What To Do When Things Don’t Work Out
Moving Forward From A Set Back
I just got off the phone with a client with an interesting situation. She deploys her Perfect Client Pipeline, and within the space of two weeks, she has 100 phone calls booked, 100 people interested in working with her. Amazing, right? Dream come true. Then this happened. She quickly realized that a lot of those people were the worst possible prospects. Like couldn’t have been further away from her perfect clients. And so obviously we talked about making some adjustments to her pipeline and the way she’s attracting people and talking them through that whole process so that she only gets the best people on the phone. But here’s the thing is that she felt really, really down, and it’s kind of normal, right? You expect something amazing to happen, and then it doesn’t. And listen, I get that. I mean, if you’ve ever experienced that, you’re not alone.
I remember my first big product launch … This is back in 2009. I said it was going to be the biggest thing ever, 7-figure launch. I made a lot of big promises to a lot of people, and long story short, at the end of the 5-day launch, we made a grand total of $5000. Now, after affiliate commissions were paid out, I walked out of that with about $1250, which is really not a lot of money considering I spent about 7 months putting this whole thing together, and talk about, like, bottom of the barrel moments. I was about to just say, “You know what? What am I doing? What is this all about? This is ridiculous.”
Lo and behold, I learned an important lesson there. I learned a lot of important lessons when it comes to marketing and offers, et cetera, from that experience and then beyond. But most importantly what I want to share with you here is what’s happening up here. Because I promise you, no matter what strategy you’re using, no matter what tactics you’re deploying, there are examples of countless people who are doing the same thing or something very similar who are crushing it, and others who are not. And what’s the difference, if they’re doing the same thing, more or less? The difference is what’s up here.
Don’t Let THIS Hold You Back
And what’s up here can either move us forward or hold us back. Fear, we are all going to experience. But for some people, fear completely paralyzes them and stops them dead in their tracks. And if that happens, well, that’s really unfortunate, because what that means is that all the people you could be serving are going to suffer. They’re going to suffer because you let fear stand in your way of moving forward. And then there are people who understand that, yes, there’s fear. Right? I’m not too sure what to do here. I’m lost. But I will figure out a way. I will figure out a way to make this work. And that’s what I want to encourage you to think about.
Success Is On The Other Side Of Failure
I want to encourage you to think bigger. I want you to think about really what matters most. Like Winston Churchill once said famously, “Never ever, ever give up.” The biggest determinant of your success is your decision to never give up. Because you might launch something, you might put an offer out to market, and no one cares about it, right? Maybe it flops. Maybe it does well. I don’t know. But just because it doesn’t work once, does that matter? Does that mean it’s not going to work the second time if you make some adjustments? Listen, Colonel Sanders, the story goes, pitched the idea of KFC to almost a thousand people, and they all said, “No.” But there was one person who eventually said yes. And despite the fact that KFC is toxic garbage for our health, it’s gone on to do pretty well.
The story of Ray Kroc and McDonald’s is the same, right? A guy selling all sorts of different widgets and appliances for 30 years, going door to door doing okay but never really hitting a home run, along comes McDonald’s, and he blows it out of the water, becoming one of the wealthiest men in the world in the space of a couple years, in his mid- to late- 50s. So no matter what is happening in your business, I always, always, always want you to remember that it can get better. And now when you look back on this time a couple months or a couple years down the road, you’re actually going to have a smile. You’re going to have a laugh about it, because really in the greater context, it’s not that big of a deal. Right? The worst thing that can possibly happen is really not that bad, if you really think about it.
I’ve been in some really bleak situations in my life. And when I look back on them now, I’m extremely grateful for all of them because I would not have the strength and resolve and wisdom and courage that I now have, had I not gone through all that stuff. So bless the challenges, because they’re going to make you stronger, and you’re going to become a better version of yourself and build a better business as a result of that.
If you need someone to support you, and you need a better system to move through challenges, or hopefully prevent many of them from happening, and you want to get more clients, you’re ready to grow your business, you’re a health entrepreneur, you’ve got amazing magic, but you just need a better system and the right coaching to help you deploy it and get in front of more people, then here’s what I want you to do right now. Go to WorkWithYuri.com. On that page, I want you to book a time to speak with us. We’re going to ask you a few questions on the form to get a better sense of where you’re at in business, where you want to go. And then on the following page, once you’ve submitted your times to talk with us, you’re going to see a bunch of case studies of people just like you who have done some pretty amazing things with our help.
I want you to take a moment on that page and just watch some of those case studies, because it’ll inspire you and show you what’s possible when you really have the right system or right coaching and the right mindset to help you achieve what it is you want. So go ahead, do that now. WorkWithYuri.com is the place to go. But this is only for those of you who are serious, who are ready to hit the ground running now. Where you know you’re in a situation that has to change now. Not in a year from now, but now. You understand that your situation is not as good as you think it is. And what you’re doing is simply not working. If you’re ready to move forward and do something that actually works, then go to WorkWithYuri.com, and we’ll see you there.
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Is Your Business “Life Proof”
I was just in the park walking my dogs and ran into a friend who sold us our house five years ago. It was his house and it’s kind of weird that you get to know the owner of a previous house when they sell to you. He’s become a good friend and is a really nice guy. He just told me he’s been battling cancer for the past several months. And I was like, “Holy cow, this is crazy.” Really odd bile duct type of cancer, so we obviously spoke about what he’s doing and gave him some recommendations. I said, “Listen, if there’s anything I can do to help, anyone I can introduce you to, obviously I’m going to do so.”
Life Happens
When things like this happen, it really reminds you of how quick things can turn, how precious every day is. And I say this because in your business, you have the opportunity at your fingertips to really do something magical. It’s not just about making more money and getting more clients, but it’s really about really building something that becomes a safety net for you and your family. I don’t know if a lot of us really think about this, I don’t know about you, but for me, I don’t even contemplate my parents passing away. But that’s going to happen, right? And what happens when they do, right? Or what happens if a family member or a child gets sick or you just have these massive bills that you never anticipated. Listen, if you’re not in a position financially to deal with that stuff, you’re not in a good position.
Too Many Settle For the Status Quo
And this is the challenge of North America or the Western World we live in. Things are okay. They’re not that bad. That’s the problem. There’s no major urgency to do anything. There’s very few businesses, service-based, that blow me away. Most waiters and baristas and Uber drivers are terrible. I mean it’s the bare minimum, right? It is so easy to be just a little bit better nowadays because everyone is just so mediocre and there’s no desire to want to be better. And I think that’s really unfortunate.
When I was 17, I was in Brazil playing soccer. And I was down there for several weeks and speaking to all these Brazilian soccer players. It was really eye-opening, because for them, soccer was the only way out. It was soccer or the favelas, which is the slumps. In the Western worlds, it’s soccer, or it’s the job, or it’s the trust fund, or it’s another job. Or hey, maybe I’ll just sit back on the couch and collect welfare or worker’s comp or whatever. There’s just too many options and it’s not that severe enough for many people to really shake things up and change.
Listen, I have to do my very best to motivate myself to think bigger, to push on, because as soon as you sit and rest on your laurels, you’re done. You’re done. Right? To think you can get by on a couple thousand dollars a month as an income and feel that that’s okay. That is unacceptable. You have to understand that maybe it’s acceptable for this week, but things change, right? And if you’re not able to provide for yourself, for your family or this uncertain future, you’re not at a good position. You’re not in a good situation. And I say this with all the love possible because my goal is to help you realize that your situation is nowhere near as good as you think it is. My situation is nowhere near as good as I think it is, and that’s why I continue pushing to go bigger, to help more people, to earn more, et cetera. Because as soon as we rest on our laurels and accept the status quo and chill, I think we’re done.
Setting A Higher Standard
So I want to call you to a higher standard. And I want you to really, really think about this. If you look at your bank account and your bank account is just incredible. Again, I don’t want to use just money as the marker here, but let’s just be honest, right? If your bank account doesn’t have as much money as you want in there, you have to change something. You have to change something. You have to drive more business. You have to get more clients. You have to serve more people. You have to become more valuable and if you don’t know how to do that, then here’s what I want you to do right now. Go to workwithyuri.com. Let’s book in a time and let’s talk about where you’re at, where do you want to go, why you’re not there yet, and let’s put together a game plan to help you get there.
Listen, we are very, very good at helping health entrepreneurs get clients. We are very, very good at helping you go from where you are to where you want to be. We can do so very, very quickly with a very, very simple business model that we help most of our clients deploy. But you have to be motivated. You have to want it. I can’t make you want stuff. I can’t make you have more motivation. Motivation comes from within. I can inspire you, but the motivation comes from within. So I don’t know what you got to do to look in the mirror, to dig into the depths, but you got to find that. You have to find that drive because when you find that drive, you will become unstoppable. And until you find that drive, you’re going to coast. So if you’re ready to move to the next level, if you’re ready to move out of your current situation and really make your future what it deserves to be, then go to workwithyuri.com right now, book in your time to chat with us and let’s get you there.
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Is Your Pricing Repelling Great Clients
Today I want to talk about pricing, getting clients that are committed, because here’s a reality I want you to understand is that people only pay attention to the degree that they pay for your product or service.
Getting Clients That Are Committed
What that means is that if you sell something for $10, you’re getting a $10 commitment. If you sell something for $1,000, you’re getting $1,000 commitment, and if you sell something for $10,000, you’re getting a $10,000 commitment. In my experience, all of the coaches that I’ve ever worked with all want one thing in common with respect to their clients. They want clients that are committed. And then they wonder why their clients aren’t committed. And then I look at their coaching model and they’re charging 50 bucks a session, one-off sessions here and there.
And listen, it’s not about making health, fitness, body transformations inaccessible. It’s about understanding that you have to take care of yourself first and foremost. You should not be a martyr in the service of other people. And if you want clients who get results, you need clients who are committed and if clients aren’t willing to invest, then they’re simply not going to do the work.
I had a conversation over messenger with a lady in our tribe a couple days ago and she was like, “Yeah, I need… I’d love your help. Here’s where I am in business, here’s where I want to go.” And I said, “Great, well, why don’t we set up a call and let’s figure out the next steps.” And she said, “Well, I don’t want to waste your time because I have no money.” And I was like, “Well, why are we even having this conversation?”
Making The Investment
What are you expecting, like a $97 coaching program? Three years after I started online, in 2010 I made a decision to hire my first coach. It was $18,000. That was more money than I made the previous year in my business. Did I have $18,000 sitting around? No. What I did have was a credit card and I put it on my credit card and I said to myself, “I’m going to make a way. I’m going to figure out how to make this back,” and that’s the level of commitment you have to have if you want to take your business to the next level. And you also have to have the certainty to get on the phone with someone and tell them the price of your coaching program and be so certain in its ability to help them, that you are willing to have them go take out a credit card to work with you.
Because if you’re not willing to do that, then you simply don’t have enough confidence or certainty that you can help them. I have no problem for someone to invest on a credit card in their health if they’ve been suffering for decades or years with a condition that they need solved. I have no problem asking for a coach that we work with to do the same because we know we can help them in a very, very dramatic way very quickly if they do the work.
Raising The Barrier To Entry
And that’s the level of certainty I want you to think about with your coaching is, how do we get people that are more committed? Well, number one, we raise the barrier to entry, either by price or by activity or whatever to make sure only the best people are working with you. And that starts in all of your messaging, all of your marketing, because if you don’t want cheap quality clients, stop selling cheap quality stuff. Stop selling cheap stuff in general. $10 eBooks, it’s a waste of time. $97 courses, no one’s going to do them. Think about working with a select few to fill up your cup so that down the road you can help the masses who can’t afford working with you. All right?
If that makes sense to you and you want help with respect to structuring your coaching program or your pricing, then go to workwithyuri.com. Book a call with us and let’s talk about where you’re at, where you want to go, what’s standing in your way? Let’s put together a game plan for you and your business and let’s figure out if there’s a good fit for us to work together.
Again, if you’re financially broke, if you can’t rub two pennies together, it’s not worth booking the call. Not that it’s a sales pitch, but whether or not we work together, you have to be able to invest in your business. Whether that’s in the form of Facebook ads or systems or technology or coaching, you have to be in a position to do that. Again, if that’s of interest to you and you’re in a position now where things have to change and you want the right coaching and the right system to make that happen for you, then go to workwithyuri.com right now and let’s book in a chat and I’ll talk to you then.
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This Mistake Could be Hurting Your Client Enrollments
Wouldn’t it be great if you had an easier time enrolling clients and it didn’t feel like you were twisting people’s arms to have them work with you?
Selling Process vs. Selling Outcome
I want to share an important distinction with you. Are you selling your process or are you selling the outcome? I ask because the two are very different. Here’s what I mean. Anyone who’s working with you, as an entrepreneur, our goal is to solve problems. That’s it, right? So if someone’s coming to work with you it’s because they have a problem that they want solved, so they’re not starting at a happy place. They have a problem, and they want to end up in a happier place with the resolution of that problem.
The journey from where they are to where they’re going to be is your process. It’s going to be how you help them, but what I find a lot of health experts fall into in terms of a mistake that they make is they focus on their thing, they focus on their process, and I’m guilty of this.
I’ve been online since 2006 and I’ve launched a lot of things that were big failures because I didn’t understand sell people what they want, give them what they need. Sell the outcome, don’t sell your process.
For example; I have a really great way of helping people decrease their stress and reduce burnout or feel better in their bodies or whatever the outcome is that they want, but number one, that outcome has to be something they really want. It can’t just be something like get fit, right? It needs to be something that is attached to a major pain or problem that they want solved now.
Selling The Outcome
I remember one of the worst experiences that I had was about four or five years ago. I was at a public swimming pool and I got an ear infection. It was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life. I remember sitting in the emergency room at the hospital, a grown man sitting in the emergency room crying because my ear was in so much pain. I was about to do anything to solve that, including like whatever drugs I had to take. You see, that’s the level of pain we need to solve. If you’re having a tough time enrolling clients, number one, it could be that you’re not solving a big enough problem for people or number two, it’s that you’re selling the process and not the outcome, right?
With my ear infection I didn’t care about the process that the doctor was going to go through. I just wanted the ear infection gone, no more crazy pain. So I want you to think about that with your offers.
If you need help with this, this is one of the biggest problems in business, not just in the health space but in general, is putting offers into the world that no one cares about. If you’re having a tough time converting people who don’t know you into paying clients then this is at the foundation of all of that.
If you’d like help with this, here’s what I’d love for you to do. Go to workwithyuri.com and book a call with us. Book a call with our coaches. We can get on the phone with you and we can really figure out what’s not working with your offer and how you can make it better.
Now obviously this is a call to figure out if or not we might be able to help you as well in terms of a coaching relationship, so it’s not a kind of a pick our brain for free type of call but if you’re seriously considering if you need help, if you need accountability, if you need the right system to be able to make offers that are going to attract more clients in a much more predictable fashion then go to workwithyuri.com right now, book a call.
Once you’ve done so, I’m going to show you a bunch of case studies of other health experts just like you who are crushing it in terms of getting more clients and growing high six figure businesses working with our process and with our help. I think it’ll be really inspiring for you to check that out and then on that same page I’ll actually show you the very system we’re using that our clients are using to get such great results.
Go to workwithyuri.com, book your call today. Again, this is only for people who are health experts, who are sick and tired of their current situation, who want to move forward now, not in six months from now, but really want to make a difference now in their business and would like our help to do so.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
Those Who Need It The Most
Those who need the most are the least inclined, and it can be frustrating as a health professional. You have this magic that can really help someone and they’ve raised their hand, they say, “Yeah, I want some help, I’ve got this issue, I want solved.” And you get to talking with them and they seem like a good fit, and then it gets to the point where maybe you mentioned your price or whatever, and they’re like, “You know what? Maybe this is not that big of a deal. I’ll kind of do things on my own for a while.”
Are You Ready To Do What It Takes
Can you relate to that? I know I can, and I think a lot of us can. It doesn’t really matter if you’re a health professional or any kind of business owner, this is the nature of reality and what I’ve recognized, and I’m sure you have as well, is that there’s a very big difference between people saying they want something, and being ready to do what it takes to get that thing.
So let me give you an example from my own life. As you can tell, I don’t have any hair. I lost my hair when I was 17 to an autoimmune condition. I was motivated out of my mind during that period of time to figure out what was going on and to grow my hair back. I went on this eight year journey. Obviously there was peaks and troughs of, “Okay, I don’t care,” “I care,” “I don’t care,” whatever. When I was 24 I went back to school to study holistic nutrition, and that’s where everything started to come together. I made some simple changes, i.e., alkalize my body, to improve my health and my hair grew back. It was amazing, eyebrows, the whole bit. I kept my head shaved because it was my claim to fame by that point.
But a couple of years ago I took my oldest son to the doctor, and while I was there I got a tetanus shot, and I don’t even know why. And within two weeks all my hair fell out again. So by this point I was like, you know what? It sucks.
If you’ve heard my story about the makeup and stuff, you understand what that was all about. But I’m at a point now where I have access to hundreds of health professionals who are experts in autoimmunity and all this kind of stuff. I’m like, technically I could lean into them to really solve this thing, this issue. But I need to be super honest with you. The motivation is just not there. It’s just not that big of a deal for me at this point in my life. Sure, I’d want my hair back. Maybe. Who cares? I don’t know. But for me what’s a bigger issue is feeling good.
The Fear Factor
So what I’m trying to say is that when people say they want something, I don’t even think they understand whether or not they really want it, because they’re not realistic about what is going to have to go into this endeavor. So whether it’s building a business or transforming their health … See, the thing is everyone, we’re all used to doing this, right? We’re all used to going in whatever direction we’re going in, and all of a sudden we’re going to work with a coach or an expert and they’re going to have us go from here to here. And that change creates fear. Fear of the process, of what do I have to give up? What do I have to sacrifice? What do I have to commit to that’s going to get me uncomfortable? Do I really want to do that?
So listen, we all want to help everyone, we all want to heal the world. Our company mission at Healthpreneur, is to heal a billion people on the planet by 2040. We believe we can do that by helping more professionals build better businesses. But the reality is that not everyone is ready to be helped. And that’s something I really struggled with for a long time. And if you have as well, listen, you’re not alone, right? We all are dealing with that in some way, shape, or form.
Don’t Let Yourself Become A Commodity
But I want to remind you of something. Never, ever, ever should you suffer because your potential clients are. You should never compromise your pricing or your willingness to help people or not help people based on the fact that whether or not people can afford you. So if you charge X amount of dollars, and some people say they can’t afford you, it doesn’t mean you drop your prices. It does not mean you do that, because as soon as you do that you become a commodity, you become the same as everyone else, and at the end of the day you don’t help the people you think you really want to help, okay? I promise you this: I promise you with every fiber of my being, if you think that lowering your prices is helping people, watch what happens to their results when they don’t do anything because they paid you a hundred bucks instead of a thousand.
So anyways, if you agree with me, I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments below. In the meantime, join us in the Facebook group. We’ve got a great tribe, 2,600 health entrepreneurs in there building some great stuff in their businesses.
If you want to be surrounded by like-minded individuals who get you and who get it, click the link below.
Jump on over, join us in there, and when you’re inside, say hi. See you soon.
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Why Being Strapped For Cash Can Help Your Business
I’m here for dinner and came across this car. Check out the license plate. Porsche 911, license plate says, “Get prenup.” I thought, “That’s pretty cool.”
And it got me thinking about something that happened in my business years ago when I first started my business online. This was probably around 2007. I was looking to do some PR, and so I didn’t have a lot of money at the time, and I said, “Hey, I’m looking for investors.” Because I was smart, right? So I had a friend introduce me to someone he knew, who did that kind of stuff. We had a conversation and I said I was looking for $15,000 and in exchange he wanted 20% of my company. Oh, man. Talk about the deal of a century had that gone through.
Parksinson’s Law
I’m really happy that it didn’t because it would’ve been a real big waste of equity. But here’s the thing. Whether we’re talking about getting a prenup or partnerships or getting people to invest in your business, listen, I think, quite honestly, it’s wasteful. You get so much more creativity and innovation when you are strapped for cash.
You’ve heard of Parkinson’s law, right? So Parkinson’s law talks about, whatever amount of time you have, that’s how much time you need to get it done. But the same also applies to demand and supply. So when there is a lot of supply and the demand goes up. Right? So if you have a lot of cash hanging around, the demand for more cash or to use that cash goes up rapidly. But as soon as demand goes down, supply also goes down. Which means that when, let’s say, in your business, you have less money, it can actually force you to be a lot smarter because you have to think and innovate and be more creative than if you had tons of money to throw in a nine hole golf course or ping pong tables in the head office. Right?
It’s not about having resources, it’s about being resourceful.
So I want you to think about this. Regardless of what position you’re in business, let’s say you’re relatively new, not new, but maybe you’re not crushing it, when you’re not making millions of dollars a month. Maybe you’re just making a couple hundred bucks here and there. Embrace that. Embrace the suck, as the Navy Seal say, because that’s a great opportunity for you to really start to get innovative. It’s not about having resources, it’s about being resourceful.
And I’ve seen this happen a lot when companies, and I’ve made this mistake a few times in my life. The more money you make, the more money you spend. And I’m all for that. If you’re spending on advertising and that’s going to further generate business for you, but you’ll find yourself, the more money you make, the more supply there is, the more demand there is, which means you have more money to blow. And we see that, not just in our industry, but in any aspect of life. Right? %hey talk about, Jeff Bezos, he recently got divorced I think, and his wife that just divorced him got $37 billion. What are you possibly going to do with $37 billion? I promise, you would find ways to spend $37 billion, just in the same way you’d find ways to spend $37,000. Right? We adjust. We are creatures of our environments and we adapt very quickly.
Managing Cashflow
So my suggestion to you is this. Is learn how to manage your cashflow, learn how to manage your money so that even when you’re making a lot, it seems like you’re not. And one of the ways you can do that is by setting a strict budget for your operating expenses. So, for instance, you would say 50% of everything that comes into my company is going to operating expenses. And if there’s anything more, like let’s say operating expenses ended up being 50%, that was the goal, but you had to spend more than that to meet your operating expenses. Now your business is working at a red line, you’re not going to be able to sustain that. So you have to figure out either how do I make more money or how do I cut my expenses?
When you have this level of fiscal discipline, it doesn’t matter how much money you make because you’re disciplined and you’re not going to blow stuff. So this is one of the lessons that I’ve learned over the past couple years, and I’m super grateful I did, because I was terrible at managing my money when I was a little bit younger.
So anyways, hope that makes sense for you. There’s a couple lessons in there. But manage your money well. When you don’t have a lot of resources, be resourceful and embrace the suck. When things aren’t going well in terms of the amount of money you’re making, use that as an opportunity to be creative, innovative, and things will happen in an awesome way for you.
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The Birthday Episode: 5 Unexpected Lessons I’ve Learned in the Past Year

Welcome back to the Healthpreneur podcast! Guess what? This is my birthday episode! In today’s episode, I’m going to reflect on five unexpected lessons I’ve learned this past year that are related to business.
You see, I’ve come a long way. But I’m always learning and improving, and I always will be. There are ways I can improve my business this year and I hope my lessons will give you some insight into how you can make some much-needed change, too.
My lessons this past year had to do with doing too much in my business, recognizing my people-problems, building courage, and understanding the power of meaningful goals. I also learned – through an unexpected closing of my Facebook Ad account – that lead-flow is the life-blood of your business. Tune in to learn more!
In This Episode I discuss:
01:30 – 03:30 – Introducing my birthday episode and entrepreneurial journey
03:30 – 11:30 – Doing too much and people-problems
11:30 – 18:30 – Commitment, courage, and confidence
18:30 – 23:00 – The power of meaningful goals
23:00 – 29:00 – Lead-flow is the life-blood of your business
29:00 – 34:00 – Why your beliefs define your results
Do you know what today is? Today is the day after my birthday. That’s right, it’s March 24th, which was yesterday. I turned 39 years old, 39 years old. It’s amazing. It’s crazy. You know it’s so weird because I talked to people about who knew I used to play pro soccer. I was like, yeah, I used to do that. I’m thinking, I retired 15 years ago. That is crazy, crazy talk in my mind. I don’t feel 39. I feel really good. I feel like I’m in my mid 20s at the most. Maybe I look a bit different but I feel really good.
Introducing my birthday episode and entrepreneurial journey
In this episode, I want to share five really unexpected lessons that I’ve learned in the past year. Mostly related to business. I mean, obviously, I can share a ton more I have around like family stuff and parenting and maybe I’ll do that in a future episode but for now I want to keep it somewhat tight and concise. Listen, I’ve been in business, I’m very, very, very fortunate to have been in business for a long time. I started my first business in 2006.
Actually, that’s not true. I started my first business as a kid. I was telling my son, Oscar, he’s like, “How did you make money when you were a kid?” I told him, I’m like, “That’s a good question.” I told him I would knock on people’s doors, I would shine shoes. I’d be like, “Hey man, you got some shoes you want to shine?” 50 cents a pair. I would shovel driveways. I would mow lawns. When we lived in a town home complex, I took care of all the lawn maintenance, like the spring cleaning and stuff like that. Washed cars, I’ve always been an entrepreneur. I’ve always been someone who was thinking about ways to make money and do all that stuff from a young age. It’s just the way I am. I started my first business online in 2006 and it’s been a really, really good ride. A lot of ups and downs, as I mentioned before, way more downs than ups. That’s the reality for most entrepreneurs and business. You’re going to go through periods of time where it just feels really, really bad. Can I keep doing this? Like, I can’t even pay the bills. How am I going to pay for food? Should I keep doing this? All sorts of self-doubt, all that stuff creeps in.
If you haven’t experienced that, you’re a freaking alien. I’m just going to put it that way because listen, that’s the emotional journey you go through as an entrepreneur. There’s so many, so many lessons and I want to share five big lessons, rather unexpected lessons that have really hit me hard the last year. Without any further ado, let’s jump into this. Okay.
1- Doing too much and people-problems
Number one is the realization that I’m still doing too much for my business. I really am still doing too much for my business. The only thing that I can boil that down to is I’m a control freak. I have been doing this for so long that I’m really good in many things. I talked about this with our Luminaries Masterminds clients in Tampa. We did an extra, it’s called the Magic Matrix and the Dream Team. One of the exercises was identifying your danger zone, danger zone activities are things you become very, very good at but are not your true genius. For me, that was selling and copywriting and running Facebook ads. Right?
There’s probably a couple others in there as well because those are things that I’ve become very, very good at because I had to do that to grow my business but I don’t love doing them. There are things in my business even till today that if I really take a step back and ask myself, hey man, this is something someone else should be doing, don’t do it. I’m probably going to be a lot better off. Here’s the thing is we often feel that I’m just going to get this done because it’s going to take me 10 minutes. That’s the danger is because it takes us so little time to do this we think we can just do it. What I want to challenge you and me with is, dude, take 30 minutes, map out the process and give it to someone else expecting it to be done in twice or three times the time it would take you to get done. Let’s say I wanted this one thing to get done today. Now if you’re like me, you probably want everything done today, right? But the people you work with are like, dude, you’re freaking crazy. I need more time. I need more structure around this. Okay? You want something done today. Take a step back, breathe and ask yourself, is this something someone else can do?
If the answer is yes, then map out exactly what it’s going to look like. We do this through a process called the result accelerator. Ironically, it’s a worksheet. I don’t even use that much with my team and I need to make a point of doing it more often because essentially what it does is it helps clarify what is it that we want, why it’s important, and then really map out the success criteria. This is what it should look like when it’s done. You hand that off to the person running the operations or the project. You give it to them, they make it happen. Yes, I want this done today, but is it okay if it takes three days to get it done? Probably. If everything is last minute and urgent, you probably need to relook at how you’re doing things in your business. That’s the big thing for me, I was still doing too much for my business and I’ve got to make it a point of really, really being a lot more diligent with handing things off. Two, and this kind of segues from number one is every problem you have in your business is a people problem.
2 – Growing Your Business Through People
This was reminded to me by my good friend Dan Martell, super successful entrepreneur. We’re in the same mastermind together and we’re sharing all of our metrics for the quarter on a big scoreboard. He was talking, one of the guys in our group had set a goal from the last quarter and he was like nowhere near it. What Dan brought up to the group after everyone had shared their numbers, he’s like, “Hey guys, you see all these gaps on your scoreboards? These are all people problems.” I was like, man that is so true. That is so true. When I say people problems, I mean number one, maybe you need an extra person or another person on the team to do this thing to help you move that needle. Number two, maybe it’s a process issue with the person like you’re not clearly communicating what they’re responsible for, what their metrics should be, this should be accountable to, or maybe it’s the wrong person doing the work. Really knowing what the work is and if that person is even a match to do it. That was a big, big epiphany for me in understanding that in order for us to scale, in order for you to scale your business, it’s only a matter of people. That’s it.
If you want to grow your business exponentially, get more people on your team because the alternative is you do everything yourself. You can still build a very successful business all by yourself depending on your business model, but at a certain point it’s going to break and to really scale beyond that, it’s people. It’s going to be people in different areas, different departments, different skill sets that you don’t have and the nature of the business, especially when you start getting like the two to 10 million dollar range, that’s kind of the world in which we’re playing is a very different animal than the zero to one million. Zero to let’s say, I would say zero to half a million in sales, the number one objective of your business is to sell like crazy. You just have to figure out a pipeline and sell and sell and sell and you have to generate revenue. Once you hit a point where it’s like the airplane taking off, a lot of energy to get off the runway, a lot of that, and you’ve probably experienced this and maybe sometimes sunken into a little bit of a panic when the airplane takes off and it’s like full engines and then all of a sudden it’s like, whoa, what happened to the engine? It’s like, are we going down? No.
The reason that happens is because airplanes are not going to fly full power because they’re going to blow through their gas and it’s going to cost the airlines a ton of money. What they do is they’re full power when they take off and they throttle way back at a certain altitude and then they’ll level off, right? Then they continue to climb. You notice like a step climb. They’ll do, right? The same thing happens in businesses. It was a lot of energy to take off and then you hit that initial kind of 10,000 feet, which let’s just call it $100,000 in revenue, things stabilize a tiny bit. Then you’re like, cool, let’s keep going. We got to get to cruising altitude. We go from 10 to 20,000 feet or let’s say 100,000 to 500,000 in revenue. You ramp up some energy again, you start getting the work done, selling, enrolling clients. You get up to half a mil, things are good and then you’re kind of at that cruising altitude. Now it’s really a matter of starting to bring people in, really rectifying systems in your business to move to the next level. Once you hit about two million dollars in revenue, the nature of the business changes and you start to become more of a leader as opposed to a doer.
That’s really been a big, continues to be a big thing for me to really think about and work on is, dude, don’t do so much man. Just lead the team, bring other leaders onto the team, let them drive the business forward. That’s part of my evolution and it’s very exciting because we’re in a good place and I’m really excited for the growth that we’re going to see over the next year. I know the only way we can do that is by bringing on great players. One of our clients or one of my first clients, Amanda Tress, who was actually on the podcast, do more than a million dollars a month now. She’s a great example of someone who has publicly said the only reason that they’ve grown to the point of where they’re at is because she’s brought amazing people on her team, right? Amazing people doesn’t mean like you hire random people on Fiverr to do graphic work. It means you’re hiring C level people, like VP of operations, director of marketing, stuff like that, once you hit a certain point, okay.
Every problem is a people problem, initially and down the road, right? If you’re spending too much time creating graphics, guess what? It’s a people problem fire yourself, hire someone else to do graphics. It’ll cost you five, 10 bucks. Third lesson is it takes courage not money to build a successful business. We talked about this with Zander Fryer the other week, talking about how self-belief and courage are prerequisites to anything in life. I don’t care how much money you have or how much money you don’t think you have. You always have more than you think because there’s something called credit. I have no problem telling you to get a credit card and invest in yourself and your business because every single time you do, assuming you do the work, it’s going to pay off exponentially. This year alone, I’m spending $8,000 a month on my own coaching, masterminds education. I don’t say that to brag. I say that because I need that to move to the next level. I need it because I need to learn things and be exposed to things that I don’t currently know.
3 – Commitment, courage, and confidence
When I first hired my first coach in 2010, actually that’s not true. I actually worked with a coach before that, but it was 2005 I think up until about 2006 midway through 2006. That was a bit of a different thing. It was 200 bucks a month, it wasn’t a big investment. We checked in twice a month. It was really good. That was the first formal coaching I had back in 2005 but when I really took the leap to grow my business after struggling for three years, I said, listen dude, man, you got to hire a coach, someone who knows what the hell they’re doing. It was $18,000. I didn’t have that. I said, you know what? I’m going to figure a way to make this work. I put it on my credit card and I’ve always been the type of person who’s like, I’m going to jump out of the plan even though I love flying and I would never jump out of a plane. I shouldn’t say never. I’d rather not, but I’m like, I’m going to jump and I’m going to build the parachute as we go. That’s always the way I’ve been. I’m not saying you have to be like that, but I do believe you have to have courage and courage …
See, here’s the funny thing. We’ve talked about this before and I think what I should do is actually one of the upcoming episodes, I’m going to share my Courage Quote talk from Healthpreneur Live because I think it’d be really valuable for you. See, courage is not something that happens after having a lot of success. I mean, it helps. Courage is like a muscle, right? You keep working your muscles, they’re going to get stronger. Courage comes right after commitment. The way I see this is this, you have vision, right? The first thing is you have a vision for what you want to do. Second thing is you decide, you make a decision to take action and then decision to capabilities like the journey from making that decision to building the capabilities to create that outcome. That whole journey of action is called courage. It’s a bridge you have to go through from making the decision to getting the outcomes you want, and then from the capabilities you build confidence. The more confidence you have, the more courage you build, and it becomes a really cool self-perpetuating cycle. You don’t need a stash of money to start a business. You need courage. You need self-belief.
You have to have the ability to say to yourself, I don’t know how to do this, but I can figure it out. I can figure it out. I can find people who can help me. I’m resourceful. I can do things. I have succeeded in the past. I can do it again. You have to lean on experience. All these different moments in your life where you’ve had some degree of success, those are reference points to remind you that you can do it again, even if it’s in a completely new space. What was it that allowed me to play professional soccer? It’s exactly the same thing that’s allowed me to build two seven figure companies, exactly the same thing. Completely different industries, completely different walks of life but the common thread was me, not the people around me, nothing else. It was me. It’s you. What that means is that you have beliefs in your head that are hurting you or helping you and you need to water the ones that are helping you. You need to pull the weeds out of your head for the ones that are not helping you. You constantly have to be tending to this internal garden because if you have self-doubt, that’s fine.
We all have self-doubt, but you need to get to the point where your self-belief and your desire overshadow that self-doubt because if it doesn’t, you will stall, you will procrastinate and you won’t move forward. That means you’re choosing fear over your dream. What ends up happening because of that is a life half lived really, it’s a life half lived. You know there’s something big you want to do, but you’re scared. I’m here to tell you that you will never not be scared. You will get better at handling the scared and that’s called courage and there’s no remedy. There’s no Pepto-Bismol. There’s no magic pill other than repetition. I love how Zander mentioned in our interview, talked about, I think about the courage challenge or something like that, race. Little things like do something every single day that requires a little bit of courage. Say hi to a stranger, smile to someone and they’re going to give you that awkward look. Who cares, right? Do things every day that are going to challenge your courage and build that muscle because that is all it is, is building a muscle.
Why is it that someone is more confident in sales than someone else? They just put in the reps, right? They went through a lot of nos. They pick up the phone again. No thanks. Okay, cool. Next. Dude, when I was in my early 20s I was selling mattresses going door to door. Now I didn’t do that for a long time. I did it for a couple of weeks I think, but it was a really great experience because from one door to the next, I’m like, okay, well that didn’t work. The person didn’t open the door. How do I approach the next one? How do I refine my approach? How do I get better? No, no, no, no, no. Oh yeah. Cool. Tell me more. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You do enough of that, you’ll get better. You’ll build your courage. Then at the end of the day you’re like, you know what? Who cares? I’m not taking anything personally. You have to have courage to move your business forward. That’s a big lesson and it’s something I see a lot of people … We did 1,300 enrollment calls last year. Okay.
We didn’t enroll 1,300 people, and the number one reason is because of the people who did not enroll aside from the people who were not a fit for us, the number one thing holding them back is the lack of courage. It’s simple. I don’t have the money yet, I talked to my spouse, bullshit, whatever. It’s a lack of courage. That’s all it is. Let’s just be honest. Okay. It’s fear. That’s it.
4 -The power of meaningful goals
Fourth lesson is the power of meaningful goals. Not all goals are created equal. I don’t believe you should set goals that have no visceral charge for you. When I was playing soccer, it was very easy for me to work out, very easy. I would train in the morning by myself. I train with the team afterwards. I had a very clear vision of what I was doing. I wanted to train. I want to become more explosive, more powerful so I could jump one inch higher, dive one inch farther, kick the ball a little bit more accurately, whatever it was. It’s very clear why I was training. When I stopped playing soccer when I was 25 at that level, and I still play for a couple of years just recreationally. My workouts really just went to the shit because I had no compelling goal for what I was doing.
I was like, yeah, like, okay. Yeah, I want to look better. Who cares? I still want to perform better. That’s important. Yeah, but it was like, what am I performing for? Right? Really recently, I’m talking about within the last six weeks, I was listening to a podcast on The Tim Ferriss Show where he was interviewing John Sommer, I think, who’s the Olympic coach, the U.S. Olympic gymnastics coach. I’m listening to this interview, it’s like three hours long. I was on a plane, it was perfect. I’m like, this is what I want to do. This is what I want to do. Because as you know, I love tennis, like tennis, I’m obsessed with tennis but the challenge with tennis … I got a little bug flying around here. The challenge with tennis is that for me, I’m not a very flexible and mobile guy so I’ve always had shoulder issues, right? I’ll play tennis for a couple of weeks. I’m like, shit, my shoulder is acting up again. I got to do treatments. It’s really been a nagging, like one of those nagging things.
I thought to myself, I’ve always admired gymnasts, like the strength, their physique, their mobility, everything. They’re the most complete athlete. I thought to myself, that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to train like a gymnast, I’m doing dead lifts. I don’t even have the flexibility in my ankles to do dead lifts. Why am I doing dead lifts? Right? Who cares? Every time I lift, I just kind of tweak a muscle in my back. I’m like, what am I doing this for? They’ve got a great program called Gymnastics Bodies, again it’s gymnasticbodies.com. It is an amazing platform, severely underpriced severely underpriced. I should actually send them an email, be like, dudes, you should be charging $10,000 for this minimum because what they had given me is a structured path to not only achieving the goals I want to achieve, but it’s given me a meaningful goal to work towards. Now I know exactly how I can get there. My goal, Healthpreneur live, which is in September, full splits, press to handstand, right? Those are my two goals. Why does that matter?
It’s not about doing the press to handstand. It’s not about doing the splits. It’s about what those represent for me in terms of how I feel. The best I’ve ever felt in my life was when I was doing hot yoga three times a week. Now that I have this gymnastics routine and I’m not talking about like doing like horizontal bar and pommel horse and stuff like that. All I’m doing for now is I’m building my mobility, I’m reconditioning my connective tissue to not be so tight. I’m working on mobility and strength at the same time. I have a gym in my house. I don’t even use the bar anymore. I’m not even using weights. I’m using my body weight, I’m getting mobility going. For me, now it’s like I see the end results because I can see as I increase my thoracic mobility, I’m going to be more performance in my tennis serve. I’m going to have less shoulder issues as I improve my scapular mobility, all of this stuff is going to help. The way I’m training now is a lot more meaningful than it was for the past 10 years. Bringing this back home for the lesson I’ve learned is like in your business or in your life, you have to set goals that are meaningful so that you feel excited about working towards them.
Look at your goals and just ask yourself, do I care about this thing or is this a vanity metric that I thought I should go after? You can always just scratch the goal, you can scratch the goal and be like, you know what? This doesn’t matter. I’m going to just wait it out and I’m going to start a new one. There’s nothing wrong with that. Okay. Five, the fifth lesson is that lead flow is the lifeblood of your business. We’ve had a couple, two specific instances of this. Last year I was writing on my Facebook ads in the early part of the year, going great, like crushing it. Then our ad account got shut down. I’m like, what the, right? Not good because 95% of our business is reliant on Facebook ads. You might be saying, well maybe that’s not a good thing. Well, it is kind of, if you know what you’re doing, but again there was a bit of risk with that, right? When our ad account got shut down, our lead flow got shot down to zero and I’m like that’s not good. Now, the good thing is that we had recurring revenue because of the way we, because you know, not all of our clients pay in full. They have payment plans and so forth. It gave us a little bit of wiggle room.
We set up new accounts. Two weeks later it’s going great, shut down. I’m like, oh my God, what is going on? I’m in Mexico at the time on a vacation with my family and all this is happening and I’m trying to coordinate with our teams like, “Hey man, can you set up accounts under this person’s name, this person’s credit card?” It was just mayhem. We had six ad accounts in the space of four weeks shut down. I got to the point where I’m like, oh my God, is this going to be our business for the next forever? This is really not fun. I also understood that Facebook has everyone I could possibly ever want to serve. It’s a worthwhile battle. I needed to figure out a way to make this stability, to make it more stable because if we don’t have that lead flow stability as a relatively new business, right? Healthpreneur, we started four years ago. The first two years were really like haphazard. I wasn’t really focused on it. I was still on my health business. Then about two, two and a half years ago I really went 100% of Healthpreneur.
5 – Lead-flow is the life-blood of your business
This is kind of how we built it from scratch with Facebook advertising into our Perfect Client Pipeline and it’s been great. The challenge was that we had no organic following. I didn’t have an Instagram account at the time. I wasn’t doing anything on YouTube. I mean, our blog was simply nonexistent and now it’s just the podcast repurposed on the blog and it’s not like we get a ton of traffic. I share this with you because if you’re doing things like that and they’re not generating consistent lead flow for you, you are screwed big time. We see this all the time like, oh, I’ve got a coaching business. How many coaching clients do you have? I’ve got zero. Okay, great, well you don’t have a coaching business. What are you doing to get clients? You know, posting flyers, Starbucks, you know, posting on Instagram once a month. I’m like, dude, you don’t have a business. You have a freaking nightmare. Lead flow is everything in your business. Now, you have to deliver a great service. That shouldn’t even be part of the discussion.
You could be amazing at what you do and really help your clients but if you don’t have lead flow, that’s the lifeblood of your business. If you don’t have leads coming in, you are toast. Yes, I’m a big believer in referrals and making sure clients are super happy and kind of generating backend stuff like that, but if you don’t have leads coming in, it’s the single biggest problem we deal with and the single biggest problem we help our clients solve is I don’t have enough leads or clients. How do we solve that? You come work with us. During this process, I knew that I was going to have an issue having our ad accounts stay active. I reached out to another firm. I’m not going to mention them because it wasn’t a good experience. Agency, $10,000 a month retainer and then going up from there based on ad spend. They said, yeah, I told him, I’m like, listen, I know you guys are great at what you do. I just need my ad accounts active every single day, no issues. We know this works. We know our ROI. We just need to scale and we need to stay active. They said, yeah, we can certainly do that and we just need to have a look at your accounts. I said, cool. Here are my accounts.
I don’t know if you can access them because they’ve been deactivated or shut down or whatever. Five weeks later, nothing is happening. I sent them an email, I’m like, dude, WTF, it’s been five weeks without our ads running. What is going on? We’re having a challenge getting into this account. I’m like, dude, I don’t care. This is unacceptable. It doesn’t take you five weeks to do this. I said, you guys were toast, I’m not working with you guys. This is ridiculous. I sent my buddy Nicholas Kusmich who ironically I should have contacted in the first place because he actually ran ads for us when we first started Healthpreneur and he’s the best in the world. I sent him an email and was like, I came in like, I don’t know what your workload looks like. I don’t know what your capacity is at right now, but here’s the issue. Here’s the challenge we’re in. Would you be able to take us on and run our stuff? He said, yeah, for sure. I was like, dude, that’s amazing. Two days later, everything’s active. He’s been active ever since and it’s been great. If you don’t have a consistent stream of leads coming to your business, you’re going to run into challenges, I promise you.
Then the next thing is obviously improving the conversion funnel and all that kind of stuff. If you don’t have people coming into your business, you don’t have the business. You have to look in the mirror and you have to be very honest with yourself, is what I’m doing putting enough money in the bank? If the answer is yes, keep doing it. If the answer is no, stop doing what you’re doing or if you’re building up what it is that you think is going to work, continue doing that. If you’ve been beating the drum, if you’ve been beating the same thing for months or years and you’re barely scraping by and guys, it really hurts me when I’m like, hey, what’s your monthly revenue at right now? I’m thinking about a thousand dollars a month. I’m like, how do you eat? How do you survive on that level of income? You can’t, and this goes back to courage. You have to have the courage to step up. Listen, if you want our help, we can help you. Okay? Invest the money to work with us. Don’t worry about what other people have done or have not done. It has zero bearing on your success. I will tell you what the most important determine of your successes is your self-belief.
Why your beliefs define your results
If you don’t believe that you can get results working with us or anyone else, you will never get the results you want, I promise you that. We have a lot of people that ask us like, hey, show me some proof that your stuff works. I’m like, we know our stuff works. Here’s some proof. Have a look at the testimonials. I still need more time to think about it. I still need more proof. I’m like, you’re full of shit. Sorry for my language here. You can tell, I get very passionate about this. You see, if you were to draw a triangle and we have attract, convert, deliver on the triangle, right? We help you attract leads, we help you convert them into paying clients. We help you deliver an amazing result for them. We know this process works. Do me a favor. Draw your name in the middle of the triangle. The one thing we don’t, the one variable in this process we don’t yet know about is you. Please tell me why we should hire you as a client. That’s the discussion that really should be happening is listen, I don’t need to sell you on the fact that we know what we’re doing.
You need to sell me on why we should work with you because you need to prove to us that you will do the work because I’ll promise you, you are going to struggle. You’re going to go through challenges, you’re going to hit your head against the wall. You’re going to have self-doubt. Some of your stuff is going to suck. Some of your stuff is going to work, some of it’s not. What are you going to do when that happens? You’re going to cry about it? You’re going to hide under the covers? No. Some people, the answer is yes. Some people take one year to create a webinar and that’s unacceptable in my eyes. If you are the type of person who’s great at what you do and you’re generating revenue right now, you’re working with clients, but you’re not growing fast enough, but you want to go to the next level, then let’s have a chat. I’m going to finish off this episode with a little bit of tough love because that’s the way I work, man. I’m telling you, don’t come to work with us. Obviously, if you don’t like my tone, the way I approach things, you’re not going to work with us anyways and that’s totally fine.
If you need a real kick in the ass and you want a very simple process to follow to build your business substantially and rather quickly, then go to healthpreneurgroup.com/training. Watch the training. If you resonate with what we’re talking about then book a call with us because I promise you, nothing else you will do will produce the results we can help you produce. You have to believe in yourself. You have to understand that you are the only determining factor in your success. Yes, the business model does come into play. Absolutely. That’s why I’m so adamant about this business model. If you are great at coaching, if you enjoy speaking with people and if you’ve got a great idea that can serve others, we can help you. I can promise you that having done almost every other business model you can imagine, the blogging, the content marketing, the affiliate stuff, you name it, nothing comes close to what we do with our clients. I promise you that if you work with us and do the work and you just keep persisting, you’re guaranteed to create some amazing results.
One of our client’s brand, it took her two months to get her Perfect Client Pipeline deployed. Her first week, she made $10,600. That’s pretty good. Now, does that happen all the time to everyone? No. Right? Some people see thorough results. Some people see amazing results as well. Another one of our clients, Dan, he 3x his ROI in the first week of working with us by sending two emails to his following, right? These are the things that we can help you do, but you have to have the courage to step up and you have to believe in yourself because I can’t give you a magic pill to give you magic self-belief. That’s up to you. If you know you’re awesome at what you do and you just need a better business model and better coaching, then we can be that for you.
Again, healthpreneurgroup.com/training. Watch the training then book a call with us and we’ll take it from there. Anyways, that is the end of today’s episode, the birthday episode, five unexpected lessons I have learned in the past year. It’s been a really good 12 months.
The next 12 months are going to be even better as I’m sure they will be for you, right? Hopefully, right? Thanks again for joining me today. Continue to get out there, be great and do great and I’ll see you in our next episode.
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What You Missed
In our last episode, I was joined by Zander Fryer, a best-selling author, certified success coach, and impact entrepreneur who has helped hundreds of coaches and experts build six and seven-figure businesses.
The word “impact” has always resonated with Zander. That’s why when he was climbing the corporate ladder and a mentor challenged his mindset he decided to finally make a shift that would be on purpose – not off purpose – and now he’s happier and more successful than ever.
Zander’s got some deep wisdom to share about success, having a growth mindset, courage, and confidence. He also touches on some of the work he does with his clients to get them to that next level in business by redefining their relationship with rejection and the word “no”.
Healthpreneurs, when you tune in to this episode, you’ll want to grab a seat and get ready for some valuable truth-bombs!
Do You Have A Growth Mindset

We’re back at it here on the Healthpreneur podcast! Welcome back. Today, we’re here with Amy, Jackie, and Steph – our Results Coaches – and we’re going to talk about mindset. Why? Because you’ll only go as far as your mind will allow. Period.
When it comes to mindset, you’ve got one of two choices. You can have a fixed mindset or you can have a growth mindset. Have a growth mindset and everything in your life will grow, too. Yes, this means your business, your bank account, your happiness…everything.
Is that what you want? Tune in to find out how to reframe your mindset, learn from mistakes, find solutions, and light the way so all you’ve got to do is dive in and believe in the power of YOU.
In This Episode Jackie, Amy, Steph and I discuss:
- The pitfalls of a fixed mindset.
- The fear of getting burned.
- Seeing lessons in failures.
- How a coach can light the way.
- Believing that you can figure things out.
1:30 – 7:00 – Mindset and how we limit ourselves
7:00 – 10:00 – Getting over getting burned
10:00 – 15:30 – Looking for solutions instead of problems
15:30 – 21:00 – Why coaching and mentorship offers support when stepping to the next level
21:00 – 25:00 – Believing in yourself completely and using the support of others to excel
Yuri Elkaim: What’s up, friends? Yuri here, a little bit of a different background today. It’s a beautiful sunny day so I decided to come up into the office with windows and we are here with another edition of Between the Ears which is one of our segments on the Healthpreneur podcast and joined by Amy, Jackie, and Steph. How you guys doing?
Jackie: Very good.
Steph: Awesome
Yuri Elkaim: You guys good? Alright, cool. So, just, if you’re watching this on video, I’ve got this pulse massager on my shoulders so if my arm starts doing some weird stuff, you’ll know why. It’s doing its thing. Anyways, today’s topic is not about massage and not about tight muscles, it’s about a growth mindset. So we talk a lot about mindset, Between the Ears is obviously is the name of the segment. One of the things that I think we’ve recognized as a team is that as long as someone is really good at what they do in terms of what their skill set, being able to really help someone transform their health, that’s … and they have a good mindset in the sense of they can … they’re willing to jump in and they don’t necessarily need to know how to do everything, but they have the mindset that says, “I can figure this out.” Right? And I think a lot of people in the health and fitness biz should have that mindset, at least that they’re entrepreneurial because, listen, when we all went into school, none of us knew anything until we went through school. So we learned things and we grew our mindset in that process.
Mindset and how we limit ourselves
Yuri Elkaim: Let me ask you guys, what are some of the pitfalls that people can fall into if they don’t have a growth mindset, and the opposite of a growth mindset which would be a fixed mindset. Carol Dweck … do you remember the name of our book, Steph?
Steph: What is it called …?
Yuri Elkaim: It might just be called Mindset, I don’t even know. I don’t even-
Steph: I think it is Mindset something …
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, it might just be-
Steph: Mindset’s definitely in the title.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, it might just be Mindset. In the book she talks about fixed mindset versus growth mindset. Anyways let’s talk about what are some of the consequences of somebody living through life or building their business with a fixed mindset, as opposed to being growth mindset oriented. Steph, do you want to kick it off?
Steph: Yeah, I’d love to. I think one of the biggest things that … I’ll just use this as an example. What a lot of people end up coming to us with as a mindset coach, I’m a mindset coach and a results coach in the program, is, “I’m not good at tech. I’m really not good at tech. I’m really not good at tech.” Well guess what, if you keep repeating that to yourself over and over again, guess what it’s going to become fixed in your mind when really it’s just more challenging for you. That doesn’t mean that you can’t figure it out by any means, especially because we have so many people on the team that help you walk through it. When you have that in your mind that, “I am not good at tech,” or, “I am not good at copy writing,” or, “I am not good at webinars,” or, “I’m not on camera.” Whatever it is, it becomes very difficult for your mind to think of any other idea then, “You’re not good at it therefore you’re going to fail at it.”
Steph: If you can think, “Okay, well I’m going to figure this out. I have a proven system, I have coaches to help me. Let me just try or figure it out.” Then all of a sudden these challenges … I think when you have a fixed mindset, and I’m a recovering fixed mindset person so I totally understand how this feels. Any challenge that pops up, it feels like you just want to give up rather than, “Challenges help me expand, challenges help me grow just like a muscle. When I lift my bicep curl, or do bicep curls in the gym I’m challenging my muscle so it helps me grow, then same in life.” What happens is that when you have that fixed mindset, it causes you just to give up before you’ve even started because you’ve already told yourself ahead of time, “I’m not good at this, I’m not good at that, I’m not good at this, I’m not good at that.”
Steph: It’s just something to really be mindful of and change your verbiage around it because all it is a habit. That’s all it is a neurology that’s built up over time where you’ve repeated it, repeated it, repeated it. You have a chance and a choice to change that neurology down a different path that will lead to much more success and happiness too. That’s the other too, is that when you have a fixed mindset you can get super stressed out, really bummed out. You see challenges or failures as a dig on your own worth rather than, “Oh, I’m going to learn from this and grow from this.” There’s a big difference between those two.
Getting over getting burned
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, that’s good. I totally forgot what I was about to say, maybe it’s all these muscle twitches going through my neck. Anyways, so if we look at … okay yeah, now it’s coming back to me. I mean this doesn’t happen all the time but there are I’d say a decent percentage of people that we speak with who talk about, “I’ve been burned before, I don’t want to get burned again.” That’s a totally valid comment and it’s actually sad that it happens because it’s really unfortunate that a lot of people get burned.
Yuri Elkaim: The challenging thing for me is that when that happens it’s almost like they’re on … it’s almost like getting into a relationship. Being very cautious because the previous one didn’t work out well and now it’s like, “All guys are pigs,” or, “All women are whatever.” I think what ends up happening is this … and I think life can have this effect on people, is where you have these goals and you want to achieve these things and it doesn’t happen. What started off as a growth mindset ends up becoming a fixed mindset because you just don’t want to get hurt anymore based on, “I set this intention, it didn’t happen,” or, “I put myself out there and invested in this program,” or, “I dated this new person and look what happened again. I got hurt, it didn’t work out.” Now it’s just completely fixed and closed minded.
Yuri Elkaim: I shot an episode for the podcast last week about this because there was someone in our pipeline who was interested in working with us, but she was so fearful based on the fact that she’d been burned before that there was nothing I could say to help her overcome that.
Yuri Elkaim: So Jackie, how would you address this? If someone’s coming in with wanting to grow, wanting to achieve a certain outcome but they’re so … maybe just based on experience, just so fearful and so fixed now based on all those things that have happened to them before, how would you address that?
Jackie: Yeah, well I always ask at the beginning of our calls if they’ve ever worked with a coach before, or a coaching company of that nature whether it was one on one or group. If they say, “Yes,” or they bring up the whole burning situation then I ask, “Okay, what’s the one thing you’d have changed, would have been different so you wouldn’t have felt or been…?”
Jackie: When they say they’ve been burned, that means they just gave up in reality if you think about it, or they signed up for something that wasn’t a right fit. Then that’s just part of the reason they didn’t investigate long enough, or the other company wasn’t as transparent which that’s all now hindsight, right? They’d even entered that relationship with a fixed mindset because they didn’t grow from it. If you grow from something, you didn’t get burned from it, you just grew from it and you have a different way of talking about.
Jackie: I always ask, “What’s the one thing you can learn from that.” When they share that, 100% of the time, and I can say this now in the past year and a half, we are a part of that solution. Meaning that if they say, “Well, there wasn’t enough Q&A time in my group,” or, “The group was hundreds of people,” well we don’t allow hundreds of people per month to come in. We have four calls that are live per week and every question gets an answer hands down, even if the calls have ran over a little bit. “There wasn’t any one-on-one coaching available,” well we offer that as well so every single time we’re part of the solution which is great. Well I don’t share that right out of the gate, that’s later but at last I’m taking notes and understanding.
Jackie: These are little nuggets that we’re teaching our coaches to use because they need these tools and ammunition. When someone says, “I need to lose weight, I’m a chronic yo-yo dieter,” or, “My hormones are messing up my life,” or all these crazy ailments and challenges in the health space that everybody is dealing with. They need these tools and others to say, “Well I bought that book, I signed up for that program, and I spent thousands of dollars on all this,” it’s like, “Okay, are you going to let them go?” No, they’re sick and tired of being sick and tired and they finally found you. So that’s one little obstacle, I think I just went on a worldly rant there, sorry.
Yuri Elkaim: No, that’s great. That’s really good, I love that distinction of if you were burned you didn’t grow because you can’t get burned, only victims get burned. That’s just … I’m not trying to be abrasive to anyone who may have been burned before but the reality is like we believe as individuals in our team, and just as a collective in our company that everything happens for us, good or bad. We’ve gone through … last year alone six Facebook ad accounts shut down. It was not a fun six weeks-
Steph: Mine got shut down in the process because they were using it-
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, that was not a lot of fun, but the reality is that we had the mindset to be like, “You know what, we’re going to figure this out because it’s really important for us to figure this out. If we don’t, that’s not good for our business.” I think if you’re on the receiving end of not the greatest experience, or however the situation might look like, it’s such a great mindset shift to think about, “How do I grow from this? How does this serve me even though it was maybe not the best thing?”
Jackie: It’s taking responsibility and it’s a maturity level.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
Jackie: So even in a romantic relationship, just because it ends it can be sad or it can be like, “Thank God.” Either way if you look at it with growth, and like, “Okay, what didn’t I like about that relationship,” or, “What did I like about that relationship,” so now I can filter that and the next one is going to be better. Or, “I’m going to go back and do the same thing over and over again and get the same result.” And so with the fixed mindset it’s kind of like you’re almost creating your own glass ceiling and you’re just going to keep bumping against it, keep against it, keep bumping against it, but when you have a growth mindset everything is possible. Everything is literally possible. When you have the right coaches to help you with that because 99% of the time what stops is between our ears, not even a secret source, or formula, or strategy, or thing. This is why we do these calls.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s such a good example too because this one lady I was speaking to over email, she said, “I need 100% certainty that this is going to work.” I told her, I’m like, “I can’t give that to you because we know our process works, what we don’t know is whether you work.” I told her, “Your results are 100% your responsibility.” I said, “We’ve had clients that have done one million dollars a month, and others that haven’t done anything. What’s the difference? It’s the same strategy, what’s the difference?”
Yuri Elkaim: When you have … we’re sharing this, if you’re watching this and you’re obviously coaching clients you’re going to have clients who are asking this stuff of you as well, like, “I need to be sure this is going to work. Why is this going to be different than every other diet that I’ve done before?” You need to be in a position where you should never be explaining yourself because a lot of times that client’s not even a good fit to work with you because they don’t have the mindset to be willing to grow and understand that they’re responsible for the results. You can’t do their sit-ups for them. You can’t put their food in your mouth and expect them to get the change so they have to step up and they have to be of that mindset. That’s the beautiful thing about coaching is that you choose who you want to work with, just like we choose who we want to work with.
Looking for solutions instead of problems
Yuri Elkaim: Amy, I’ll let you drop in here. What are something that you see with maybe some of our clients that have been able to push through some barriers being more growth oriented with their mindset?
Amy: This is a great topic because there are really three things that I see. First that suffering is familiar, so even though it’s painful and it sucks we know it. So if my business isn’t working, and my business isn’t working, and my business isn’t working, it’s that same loop that’s definitely talked about but it’s familiar it’s not working. Some people believe it or not, when they start making the money, and making the impact, and things are going everything they wanted they get scared because they don’t know how to be in that place. That’s why visualization and really feeling what it feels like to have what you want is a really important habit to incorporate, and knowing that the new suffering, or it doesn’t even have to be suffering, but the discomfort is just that unknown. It’s just a fear of the unknown. We know what we want, it’s kind of like explorers sailing across the ocean when they were told that the world was flat, and they’re like, “I know the world’s not flat. I know I can get over there. I don’t know what that’s going to look like and maybe I’m going to fall off the earth but I’m going because I know.”
Amy: So that brings me to my second point is, what if you did know? What if instead of saying, “But I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to set up my ads manager. I don’t know how to set up my schedule once,” or, “I don’t know how to submit for a webinar review.” What if you stopped for a moment and just said, “Well, what would I do if I did know?” So if you did know we’ve got an amazing great new resource sheet now that’s super simple, you’ve got people to lean on to ask. Before you start jumping into, “I don’t know,” and freaking out frenzy, how empowering is it to say, “What would I do if I did know?” Or, “What would Yuri do, what would Stephanie do, what would Jackie do, what would Amy do, what would Phyllis do?” And do that, and when you’ve done those things, this is how I go into when I ask questions like of a chat, I say, “I’ve done all these things,” because they inevitably say, “Did you read this?” One time with AAA they asked me if I tried starting the car, “Duh, yes I know you’re reading from a script but I did try starting that.”
Why coaching and mentorship offers support when stepping to the next level
Amy: So do all those things and when you truly are like, “I just … I can’t find the answer,” then that brings me to my third point. You want to lean on someone who does know and you want to have that person who can reach down and pull you up. Not that’s going to prop you up, but that’s going to help you get to where you want to go because you’ve been there. This might be a weird example but yesterday marked, I think it was 23 years since my dad passed away so I was thinking about like just growing up and all these memories of my dad. I have this memory of being a young child with a nightgown on, and I’m in my … I came up early in the morning and I was like in my parents bed and my night gown is going crazy with static electricity. So it’s like kind of stinging and it’s lighting, and my whole nightgown’s like lighting up and I looked at my parents. Like it was kind of cool but I was scared, but my parents at that time were my coaches. They smiled, they knew what it was, they were able to tell me how cool it was and they’re like it wasn’t going to light on fire or anything.
Amy: So that’s what we do for all of you, for all our clients, and all of you who are going to join us. We’re there to say, “Yeah that’s okay. Your Facebook ads, your numbers … you’re getting registrants for a higher dollar amount than you wanted but you’re enrolling them at three to five thousand dollars, that’s okay.” So we’re going to be that person to say, “We’ve been there, we’ve done that, we understand the numbers.” So it’s really getting out of that comfort of suffering, asking yourself, “What would I do if I did know?”, and then leaning in for that support when you truly can’t find the answer. That’s just going to be empowering for all of you, whether you’re working with us now, or will in the future, or you’re listening and-
Yuri Elkaim: That’s it. I was … reminds me as well, I was just putting together some new ads and one of them was a slow motion video when I was in Greece we were on … we had like a day on a yacht with some friends and we’re at an agency. It’s frigging cold, windy, and we’re like, “How often am I going to be out here? How often am I going to come to this exact spot? I want to jump in the water here and give it a go.” I’m thinking, like I was cold just wearing clothing so I’m like, “Am I going to put my bathing suit on and do this?” I thought to myself, “Well, if I don’t this I’m going to regret not doing this,” and it’s like, “I am a decent swimmer, I can figure it out when I’m in the water and it’s going to be okay.”
Yuri Elkaim: So I jumped in and it was so cold, so salty, definitely some shrinkage happened but it was well worth it. I was in there for about 20 minutes and the current was so strong that I was swimming but I was staying stationary so it was actually a really good workout. When I look back on that it was like, “Had I not done that, I never would have had that experience and I’m so happy that I did do it because now I can always remember what that was like and it gives me a reference point for other things that may feel uncomfortable but I know that if I do them are going to be good for me.”
Believing in yourself completely and using the support of others to excel
Yuri Elkaim: I think it’s … it’s as entrepreneurs it’s very easy to get paralyzed by fear because we want certainty in so much of the things we do. We want to be certain that this is going to work out, or whatever. I think it’s important to lean in and really look at yourself, to be like, “Okay, this is a program, this is a solution, this is a whatever. Does this fit how I want to move forward with my business?” If the answer is no, that’s totally fine, go to something else that does. If the answer is yes, then there is going to be a certain amount of uncertainty that you don’t know about because you don’t know how it’s going to work out, when it’s going to work out, all this stuff.
Yuri Elkaim: The thing about being growth minded is just the belief that, “I will figure this out.” That’s really what it comes down to. I think as we’ve been talking, but I think it’s one of the most important traits of successful people, not just entrepreneurs. I’ll share one last story. When I launched my first book, The All-Day Energy Diet which became a number two New York Times Bestseller, I decided to take on a huge risk which I said was going to be, “I’m going to do whatever I can to hit the number one spot on the New York Times list.” That involved me putting in $300,000 into this launch, which basically meant I was going to buy all these books and that we were going to give them away for free with shipping obviously the customer had paid. So we spent nine months testing all the stuff out, testing our funnel, finally got to the point where we were really confident where we know it’s going to work and when … just before the week of launch I had to submit the money to the marketing company we were working with for the distribution of books. They needed $300,000 on a Monday morning. I didn’t have the money leading up to that, I had about half of it and then I had a friend/colleague who said, “Listen, I’ll send you, or I’ll front the rest at whatever interest rate we had determined.”
Yuri Elkaim: On the Friday he pulled out, so like literally two and a half days before the money was due, he pulled out and I’m like … I was at the lowest of lows at this point and I said, “Okay, dude you can have a little melt-down for a second, but then you need to get back up and figure this out because if you don’t this whole thing is gone.” And so I got super uncomfortable and I just texted, an emailed, and called everyone I possibly knew and I just asked them for money. It was the worst case … like the worst position I’ve ever been in but I knew that I was going to figure this out. I had to because obviously it would have been a disaster otherwise.
Yuri Elkaim: I’m not suggesting you have to take a $300,000 risk on what it is you’re doing, but you have to believe in yourself that you can figure things out, or that you can lean into other people who can help you figure it out. Amy, you talked about sometimes people, they can’t really … they kind of sabotage themselves because they don’t know what it’s going to be like when they have certain success. I can relate to that because I actually held myself back I think unconsciously where I was like, “The more success I have, the more complications there are going to be. I don’t know how to figure all this stuff out legally, corporately, whatever.” Then I had a shift and I said to myself, “Well, if I can’t figure it out I probably know someone who can.” I was like, “Okay, cool well I’ll just speak to my lawyer, speak to my accountant, or ask someone else who’s already done this.” All of a sudden that fear went away. So-
Amy: Hey Yuri?
Yuri Elkaim: Yes.
Amy: I’m going to say that I used to have a sticky note, we just moved so I don’t have it available right now, that says, “Figure it out, or hire it out.” It’s one or the other.
Yuri Elkaim: Exactly.
Amy: There’s no non-negotiable. There’s no give up. There’s no like, “If it’s something that’s a passion, and in my goals, and my plans, and my intentions for my life on a day-to-day basis, month-to-month basis it’s either going to be figure it out, or it’s going to be hire it out.”
Yuri Elkaim: Yes, I love it.
Amy: And we do both which is awesome.
Yuri Elkaim: Yes, absolutely. That’s really good. So, if you’re watching this, I’d love to know in the comments … well Irene’s already just pumped in a little comment actually a couple of minutes. She was in relation to what Steph had said, “100% agree with you. How we speak to or about ourselves is the most important thing.” It’s very true. That internal dialog is … you’re going to be with internal dialog every single day so it’s got to be good.
Yuri Elkaim: So, if you guys have enjoyed this one let us know obviously in the comments if you’re watching this on Facebook or YouTube. If you’re listening to this on the Podcast on iTunes and you’re thinking to yourself, “You know what, like yeah I do have a growth oriented mindset. I’m willing to move my business to the next step. Not really sure how,” but I’m going to invite you like I always do to do two things. Number one is to watch our online training. It’s pretty much an online workshop called the 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint. You’ll get a really good sense of what not to do in terms of building your business, and a better sense of what to do based on just years of experience that I have in done this and obviously helping a lot of clients go through this process.
Yuri Elkaim: If it resonates with you and you’re like, “You know what, this makes sense. I can see myself building my business in this manner,” then we’ll have a link near the end of the training. Click on that link, and you’ll be able to book a time to chat with us. We’ll get on the phone to you, we’ll figure out where you are, where you want to go, what’s holding you back. We’ll see if there’s a good fit to work together. At the very minimum you’ll walk out with a lot more clarity. If there is a good fit and you want to continue the relationship and help us, or have us help you build out your business to help you get more clients and scale your coaching, then we can certainly help you do that if there is a good fit. To get all that started just go to healthpreneurgroup.com/training and that’s what I’d like you to do right now.
Yuri Elkaim: Thanks so much for joining us. Amy, and Jackie, Steph once again thank you so much guys for all your great insight and wisdom, and hope you guys have enjoyed this one. See you in the next episode.
Yuri Elkaim: Hey, thanks so much for joining us on this episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, here’s what I’d like you to do right now. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the Healthpreneur Podcast on iTunes and while you’re there leave us a rating or review. It helps us get in front of more people and change more lives. If you’re ready to start or scale your health or fitness coaching business and want to start getting in front of more people, working with them at a higher level without trading time for money then I invite you to check out our free 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint training.
Totally free right now, and you can do so at healthpreneurgroup.com/training. For now, thank you so much for joining us. Continue to be great, do great, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
The last episode was my birthday episode where I reflect on five unexpected lessons I’ve learned this past year that are related to business.
Although I’ve come a long way, I’m always learning and improving, and always will be. There are ways I can improve my business this year and I hope my lessons will give you some insight into how you can make some much-needed change, too.
My lessons this past year had to do with doing too much in my business, recognizing my people-problems, building courage, and understanding the power of meaningful goals.
I also learned – through an unexpected closing of my Facebook Ad account – that lead-flow is the life-blood of your business.
If you missed it, click here to tune in to learn more!
Innovating vs Imitating

What’s up Healthpreneurs? It’s time for another episode of the Healthpreneur podcast! Today we’re talking about innovation versus imitation. Why is this important? Because if you aren’t a thought-leader, you’re a thought-repeater. Which do you prefer?
It’s no secret: Go on social media and you’ll see that there are thousands of people doing exactly what you do. And if you want to be heard above the noise, you’ve GOT to stand out. You’ve got to start making moves NOW that’ll keep you at the forefront of the industry for years to come.
I’ve got a couple simple pointers to get you started on the path to thought leadership. Whatever your business, chances are you can apply these ideas to stand out and innovate something new. Tune in to find out!
In This Episode I discuss:
01:00 – 04:30 – Introducing today’s topic: Innovation versus imitation
04:30 – 11:30 – Innovation through imitation; be inspired but then improve upon what you see
11:30 –19:00 – Start with quotes
19:00 – 22:00 – How to learn from others and apply these ideas to your own business
22:00 – 26:00 – Some final words about thought leadership
How’s it going? Welcome back to the Healthpreneur Podcast. Yuri with you once again. I mean, who else is going to be here other than me? Today is going to be a really great episode. I say that all the time, but I think each episode gets better. I mean, maybe, maybe not, right?
Introducing today’s topic: Innovation versus imitation
Today we’re talking about innovation versus imitation. This is a really big concept, especially if you want to be a thought leader. I think everyone should become a thought leader because if you’re not a thought leader, then you’re essentially a thought repeater. If you want to stand out in this competitive space, and when I say this competitive space I really mean the health and wellness industry, there is no shortage of ads.
I mean, I look at my feed. It’s hilarious how many ads there are for other people talking about how to build your fitness business. It’s almost overwhelming. Then you just scroll through the feeds, and there’s thousands of other people doing what we do, doing what I do, doing what you do. So how do you stand out?
Well, number one is if you don’t get this right, you’re going to end up being caught up in the shuffle. You’re going to be one of the many who are just kind of treading along not really standing out. But if you do get this right and you do this consistently, what ends up happening is that this builds the foundation for longevity, and longevity is one of the fastest, well, ironically one of the best ways and maybe fastest ways, to stand out in the long-term, if that even makes sense.
So when I talk about innovation versus imitation, there is no shortage of people who rip off other people’s IP, right? So you have a great idea. You put together some kind of thing, and then you find out that someone rips it off and does their thing.
So, for instance, there was a dude, a chiropractor, who has a company called the Health Business Accelerator, and he has a Facebook page called that. I sent him a cease and desist. I said, “Hey, dude, we own the trademark for this. We’ve been using this for years. I might appreciate if you take it down. I’d rather not get the lawyers involved. I’d rather not get the lawyers involved and just wanted to give you a friendly heads-up.” I’m just going to fix my mic here.
He’s like, “Cool, man. Thanks for letting me know. I’ve taken that down.” That was done, right? So I don’t know if his website’s down, but the Facebook page is down. But we’ll talk about the website another time. Anyways, the thing is your intellectual property is your intellectual property. You really need to think about what goes into creating it, and then you really want to protect that.
Now, I’m not saying you have to surround yourself with lawyers and sue people. That’s not what this is about. But a thought leader is somebody who comes up with ideas and ways of looking at the world which are unique from what everyone else is talking about. For instance, I don’t believe there really is anything new that is being created, right? There’s nothing really … I mean, there might be, but for the most part, we’re not reinventing the wheel. We’re not inventing brand new things out of thin air.
Innovation through imitation; be inspired but then improve upon what you see
What we’re typically doing is we’re looking at how things are, and we’re thinking to ourselves, “How can I make this better?” So I believe that true innovation is very tough for most people. That doesn’t mean that you’re not innovating. I believe that you should actually innovate through imitation. So let me give you an example of what I mean. I’m actually going to share two ways for you to generate some really cool ideas, too, okay?
So the first way, which is going to segue into what I’m talking about, the first way to generate great ideas is to think about “yes but” or “yes and.” So think about this. A student sees an idea or some type of concept, and they’re like, “That’s a great idea.” A teacher says, “That’s a great idea. How do I share that?” A thought leader says, “That’s a great idea. What do I think about that?” If you think of where you’re at on that spectrum, it should really be clear as day.
So typically I will think about, for myself, I’m probably going to be in the teacher and the thought leader, those two categories. I try to be more in the thought leader category because I don’t want to just repeat stuff. I believe, listen, according to what I just showed you, if you’re a teacher you’re essentially a thought repeater. You’re just sharing what other people said.
A really easy way for me to look at this is if I go to your Facebook page or your Facebook profile and all you’ve done is post other people’s stuff, then you are a thought repeater. There’s no reason for me to be like, “Man, this person’s really put some thought into this. That’s really powerful.” Oh, they’re just kind of sharing other cool stuff that they found, which is fine. But if you really want to stand out, now you want to be the preeminent, dominant figure in your space, you have to become a thought leader.
In order to be a thought leader, you have to look at what is, and you have to ask yourself “yes but” or “yes and.” Yes, this is true, but here’s how I see this. Or yes, this is true, and I also think this. So you’re adding your own elements based on your experience, opinion, whatever philosophy of life, and now you’re taking … You’re not imitating. You’re taking what is, and you’re adding to it or taking from it, right? So in some way you’re innovating based on the imitation, right?
So we’re not innovating, just like “I had a great idea out of thin air.” Listen. The Wright brothers, they innovated flight. There was nothing out there like that previous, but there kind of was. Because they looked at birds, and they looked at wow, birds are flapping their wings. Their first plan I think actually had flapping wings. So if you think of even the greatest innovations of all time, those innovations are in some way, shape or form modeled from something in existence, whether it’s nature, something that’s currently out there, and we’re always looking at how do we make it a little bit better.
Because the thing is there is no perfect blank. There’s no perfect computer. There’s no perfect iPhone. There’s no perfect car. It’s almost like it’s only ever getting better. So when a new car comes out, the innovation is not like, “Oh my God, I’ve never seen this before.” It’s small improvements to make the new model better than the previous model.
So I drive a BMW M5. I freaking love the car. It brings me so much joy. I’ve had it for four-and-a-half years. It is a beast. I was initially thinking about calling it the beast in terms of the license plate. I love it. It is unbelievable. I’ve had this conundrum. I mean, I own the car full-out. I’m like, “Do I want to get the new M5, or do I want to get another car?” So BMW has a newer M5, and I’ve seen it. I’m like, “Meh, it’s not that much better.” There’s nothing new, new to the point that I would be like, “You know what? Yeah, let’s upgrade.”
The only difference is four-wheel-drive as opposed to real-wheel-drive, which is what I have. That, for me, is not a big enough improvement to make me want to get out of my current car and into a new car and go through that whole kind of process again. If BMW were to come out with a completely new body line, just something that really blew me away, then I would consider being like, “You know what? That’s amazing. That’s innovative.”
I think they’ve kind of done that with the 8 series. So the new M8, which is coming out, I think, later this year, it’s something I’m looking at. But again, I’m looking at is it really enough for me to move to the next level in terms of getting out of my current car, et cetera.
So the key idea here, guys, is that we’re always innovating by imitating, okay? That’s what I’m trying to get across here is you’re always innovating by imitating. But the key is that you can’t just imitate people and take it as your own. You look at something, and you’re like, “You know what? This is good, but I can make it better. This makes sense, but here’s how I would add to this.”
Now, in some cases, you do have to give attribution, right? So I’ll be super transparent. Some of the worksheets that I have put together have been inspired by other coaches that I’ve worked with, and I’ll put that on the worksheet itself, like adapted from the work of so-and-so. I’m very, very transparent about that because if I haven’t changed it enough to make it my own, I shouldn’t call it my own, right?
But if I see an initial concept or an idea and I’m like, “That’s cool. I’m going to really kind of take that to the next level,” then it kind of becomes your own thing. But what we want to avoid is we want to avoid imitating people or copying people flat-out, because now you’re really adding zero value to the marketplace. You’re just one more person beating the same drum, and there’s no new perspective there. I think, quite honestly, that’s a waste of time.
So I want to challenge you and I want to encourage you to think of becoming a thought leader. You don’t need to have the title of a thought leader because a thought leader is not like something you’re ordained with. It’s not like becoming a knight. It’s something you become over time because you share your thoughts over and over and over again. The people that are on TEDx and all this kind of stuff, these are people who are thought leaders, right? They’re mastered one area. They’re put enough time into it to really give some type of distinction to this idea, whether it’s gratitude, happiness, confidence, whatever it is.
So that’s the first way to generate great ideas is to look at what currently exists and asking yourself “yes but” or “yes and.” Okay? So yes, this makes sense, but here’s my thing about that. We see this already. I mean, so if we look at Bulletproof Coffee, okay? So if we look at Bulletproof Coffee as … I would say that Bulletproof Coffee was probably a pure innovative idea, right? Dave Asprey did a great job with that. There really wasn’t anything like that before he came up with it. It was based on his own research, based on what he believed to be true for the benefits of that. He literally innovated that idea.
Now, we’ve seen variations of that over time where people are talking about, well, here’s an innovative approach to it’s not called Bulletproof, but it’s called, what, upgraded coffee or something else, and it’s a variation where they use yak butter instead of cow butter, or whatever. So they’re making small little incremental improvements. So they’re innovating based on something that’s already in existence. But again, very, very seldomly are we purely innovating something completely new. But if you do have a breakthrough idea like that, that’s pretty cool.
Start with quotes
So that’s the first way to generate great ideas. The second way, which is a really great way to start for most people, is to start with quotes. So if you look, there’s no shortage of quotes, if you go to, I don’t know, motivation quotes and type it into Google, okay? So let’s do a little exercise together. I’m going to type in “motivation quotes” on Google, and we are going to see what pops up here. So that was my German self. I apologize for any Germans listening. I love German, by the way. It’s the best language. I don’t know how to speak it, but I want to. Okay.
So here is an example. So this is a quote by Norman Vincent Peale, and it says, “Believe in yourself. Have faith in your abilities. Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy.” Okay.
So if you want to talk about something around the idea of motivation or believe in yourself, you could start with that quote, and here’s what most people do, okay? Most people are going to take this quote. They’re going to create an image, and they’re going to put Norman Vincent Peale’s name on the bottom of it, and then they’re going to post that on Instagram. Hey, cool. Thanks for sharing someone else’s quote. You’ve added zero value to my life other than repurposing someone else’s stuff.
So what I’m trying to get at with this is you’re not going to rip his quote, copy, paste it, and put your name under it. You’re going to look at this as a starting point, and you’re going to ask yourself, “Is this something that I can add some discussion to? Is this kind of a foundation from which I can use my own perspective on self-belief and whatever and maybe come up with my own quote or my own idea?” So that’s one example.
Let’s look at another one. So Walt Disney, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Okay, cool. So let’s start with that. So remember, I’m not just talking about creating quotes here. I’m not talking about just creating quotes. I’m talking about using these quotes as a foundation from which you can build ideas. So if you believe that part of your platform is talking about, “If you can dream it, you can do it,” or “If you can dream it, you can achieve it,” however you want to call it, start with that as a starting point. Look at okay, how can I add to that? It’s kind of like a “yes but” or a “yes and.” So it kind of leads to the next thing.
So how can you add your own perspective to this quote? Now, I can’t really think of an idea for this one, but let’s see what else we can find here. Okay. So how about this one? This is by George Herbert, if he’s French, I’m not sure. “Do not wait. The time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” So let’s say you want to talk about procrastination, right, and you weren’t really sure about how to start talking about procrastination. Well, here is some kindling for your fire. It’s like don’t wait, the time will never be just right. All right, cool. Let me start with that.
So I want to talk about procrastination and how to end it, right? So, for instance, there is no perfect time to start, right? I talk about how a lot of people wait for their ducks to be in a row, but by that point there’ll be no more ducks, okay? So you want to kind of take an idea that’s currently circulating in the world because we’re all a collective consciousness, right? There’s no new ideas really, as we’ve talked about. We’re just taking what’s there, and we’re putting our own spin on it. We’re presenting, we’re packaging, it in a new way. We’re not copying and pasting. We’re taking that idea, the idea, not the word-for-word quotes, and that’s the big thing here. So the idea behind this quote is procrastination.
See, sometimes when you have a tough time coming up with ideas, you just need to be stimulated, and you just have to look at a quote or something to get the wheels going, right? For instance, George Whitefield says, “Press forward. Do not stop. Do not linger on your journey but strive for the mark set before you.” Maybe you don’t agree with that, right? Maybe you’re like, “You know what? Maybe you shouldn’t press forward.” Everyone talks about pressing forward and keep going and persisting. Well, what if you’re not doing the right thing? Maybe you should pivot.
How to learn from others and apply these ideas to your own business
So you can take these ideas. You’re like, “Do I agree with that? Do I not agree with that? How do I add my own kind of thing to it?” So two ways to innovate by imitating is you start with quotes. Use that as a foundation from which you can build your own thought leadership. Number two is with those quotes or within the idea that you’ve really come across is asking yourself “yes but” or “yes and.” Now you’re adding your own two cents to the discussion.
So that’s how I look at innovating versus imitating, but remember true innovation, I think, a lot of times is coming from imitation. Remember that a lot of the biggest companies in the world are not innovating brand new solutions. Look at Samsung Galaxy. I don’t think, I mean, I don’t know the exact trajectory of this company, but okay, let’s look.
So Steve Jobs created the iPod, right? That is a true blank slate innovative idea. No one else was even doing something remote similar to that. That was like out of the ethers here’s an idea. It changed the world. So now, what has everyone else done? Well, they’ve copied Apple, but they didn’t copy it. They imitated it to innovate on their own. So people talk about the Samsung Galaxy being better than the iPhone. I don’t know because I haven’t used it, but that might be true.
So they looked at the iPhone. They said, “Okay, here’s this amazing thing that everyone wants and loves. How do we make it better?” Right? That’s, I think, where the true power is because there’s a saying that trailblazers end up with arrows in their back, right? So sometimes you come up with a great idea you think is going to be amazing, and it sucks. Sometimes it’s amazing, but sometimes, and very often, it’s a lot safer to kind of piggyback on what is already working well or a really great idea and look at how do we make this better, how do I think about this.
So how does this apply to your business? Quite honestly, I don’t know, okay? That’s the truth because you have to figure … I don’t know your business. I don’t know the way it’s building. I don’t know your business model. I don’t know how you’re marketing. I don’t know how you’re coaching your clients. But there are ways through which you can learn what you’re doing from some other people, okay? If it applies to your business, modify, innovate, expand, take it to the next level based on what’s going to apply to your business.
So that’s really what I’m trying to get across here is remember that we always want to give credit where credit is due. So if you’re full-on copying someone, just say, “Hey, listen, this is so-and-so’s work.” If you are adapting that person’s work, you can just say, “Listen, this person’s work inspired me to do XYZ.” Or you just kind of use that initial idea as the fundamental thinking ground from which you can take things to the next level, and really that becomes your own thing.
So that’s what I believe to be true innovation by first imitation. But remember, it’s not copying, right? So anyways, if this makes sense to you, that’s great. I’d love for you to hit me up on the Instagram. Actually, if you look at my Instagram account, okay, that’s a great example of, I think, thought leadership. Because all my quotes are my own quotes, but a lot of those quotes weren’t like, “Oh my God, I had this great idea in a meditation.” Many of those quotes were inspired by other quotes. I’m like, “I don’t really agree with that quote fully, but I like the initial idea for it. Let me make it my own.”
So if you go to my Instagram account at healthpreneur1 and you just kind of look through my feed, you’ll get an example of what I’m talking about. All of my quotes are my name. I’m not reposting other people’s stuff because I don’t believe in that.
Some final words about thought leadership
Here’s another example. I never wore a soccer jersey with another person’s name on it. Never. Seriously, this is how much … I don’t know, maybe I’m must a crazy spaz fanatical about this. But I never believed that I should wear someone else’s name on my back. I want to wear my name on my back because I am my own person. Why would I wear a Real Madrid shirt with Ronaldo or now an Juventus shirt with Ronaldo’s name on the back? Why? I want to become the best version of myself. I don’t want to become someone else.
With my kids, same thing. I mean, they’ve got a couple Barcelona jerseys now with Messi on them and stuff, and that’s okay because Messi’s a good player. But I also challenge them, “Hey, guys, as you get older, I would love for you to have your name on your own shirt, right? Because you want to be the person other people imitate. You want to be the person other people wear on the back of their shirts. You want to be the person leading the way, not following everyone else.”
Any day of the week I would much rather be the driver in the car. I’d rather be on the field playing. I’d rather in the trenches doing the work as opposed to one of the thousands of spectators squeezing through the crowds sitting in the stands, any day of the week. In order for that to happen, you have to put in the work. You have to put in the reps, and you have to add your own thought leadership into the mix.
So that is my take-home message for you today. Again, join me on Instagram at healthpreneur1. Sharing lots of great stuff over there. Hit me up on the DMs. Let me know what you think of the podcast, and that’s all for today.
Invitation to join us
Actually, one final thing. We’ve got two days left for early bird pricing for our Luminaries Mastermind. Twenty spots, they’re actually almost all filled up. If you want to join us in Toronto live for two days with me in the trenches, I’m going to walk you through our million dollar model to really help you build a million dollar business. Now, is that going to happen in six months? Probably not, right? Depending on where you’re at maybe. But it’s the foundation from which we built a million dollar business in less than a year and how we’ve grown it since then.
So it’s worked really well for us, working really well for our clients. I’m going to walk you through that in those two days. The first day is all about the million dollar model. The second day we’re going to be bringing our clients and our Mastermind members in. You’re going to be kind of thrown into the mix with them, and we’re going to talk some next level strategies.
The best thing about this is that it’s literally at cost. So you’re just paying for the meals and the materials, right? So we cover all the lunches and the dinner. But we’ve got early bird pricing which expires March 31st, which is coming up in two days. So if you want to join us, two criteria. You have to be actively coaching clients, and number two, you have to be generating revenue. That’s it, okay?
So if you’re brand new and you’ve got no experience, and you’re like, “I just got out of school and I want to coach clients,” it is not for you, okay? But if you’re really good at what you do and you have been coaching clients and you are generating revenue, then this could be a really good fit. To double check that, go to healthpreneur.com/2day, so the number 2 D-A-Y. You’ll get all the information for the event. If you’re interested, fill out the application. I’ll get back to you personally within 24 hours with a yes or no, and it’s going to be an amazing, amazing time. Plus Toronto, if you’ve never been in the summertime, is phenomenal.
So if you want to join us, June 26th and 27th are the dates. Everything is over at healthpreneur.com/2 D-A-Y 2day. All right, guys, that’s all for today. Thanks so much for joining me. Continue to be awesome. Do your stuff. Be great, do great, as I always say, and I look forward to seeing you in our next episode.
Hey, thanks so much for joining us on this episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, here’s what I’d like you to do right now. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the Healthpreneur Podcast on iTunes. While you’re there, leave us a rating or review. It helps us get in front of more people and change more lives.
If you’re ready to start or scale your health or fitness coaching business and want to start getting in front of more people, working with them at a higher level without trading time for money, then I invite you to check out our free seven-figure health business blueprint training. Totally free right now, and you can do so at healthpreneurgroup.com/training.
For now, thank you so much for joining us. Continue to be great, do great, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
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What You Missed
Our last episode was with Amy, Jackie, and Steph – our Results Coaches – and we talked about mindset. Why? Because you’ll only go as far as your mind will allow. Period.
When it comes to mindset, you’ve got one of two choices. You can have a fixed mindset or you can have a growth mindset.
Have a growth mindset and everything in your life will grow, too. Yes, this means your business, your bank account, your happiness…everything.
Is that what you want? Tune in to find out how to reframe your mindset, learn from mistakes, find solutions, and light the way so all you’ve got to do is dive in and believe in the power of YOU.
The First Idea Fallacy

It’s another beautiful day on the Healthpreneur podcast! Yuri here, and today I’m going to talk about the first idea fallacy. What is that, you ask? Well, sometimes, when you first start a business, your first idea isn’t your best.
We have a lot of clients that are ramping up their new businesses. When they realize that things aren’t exactly going as they’d hoped, they must recalibrate so their offer is a “must have” instead of a “nice-to-have”.
Know that there’s an ongoing process of learning, tweaking, and optimizing in business. And that’s ok. As things change and technology advances, that’s especially true in marketing. So, tune in to understand the first idea fallacy and evolve your business to the next level with clarity, momentum, and purpose.
In This Episode I discuss:
01:00 – 03:00 – Introducing today’s topic: The first idea fallacy
03:00 – 05:30 – The idea generation process
05:30 – 09:00 – Imparting wisdom while still encouraging struggle
09:00 – 12:00 – Seeing Facebook as the bouncer at the door
12:00 – 17:00 – Letting go of that first idea and thinking like a detective
Hey, hey, welcome back to the show, Yuri with you and excited to bring today’s episode to you, which is brought to you by no sponsors because we don’t do that on this show, as you know.
Introducing today’s topic: The first idea fallacy
Anyways, today’s episode, we’re talking about the first idea fallacy. And what this essentially means is, well, let me give you some context. The reason I want to discuss this today is because a lot of times, especially when you’re newer in business, when you’re starting your business, you’re getting your business kind of in that foundation zone and building it from there a lot of times what you think is a great idea really sucks. Okay. And that’s okay. So I call this the first idea fallacy. And the whole premise is that your first idea is most likely not your best one.
And I share this with you because we have a lot of clients who are kind of ramping up and started their businesses and kind of building that foundation, which is so important. And a lot of times they’ll launch their pipeline or they’ll get their webinar or live or they have their initial program and it doesn’t work out as well as they hoped it would. So there’re a couple elements to why that might happen. So there’s obviously, the messaging, which could be off, or ultimately what it comes down to is you’re offering something that people don’t even care about. And this is something I think is really important to remember, especially when you’re charging high ticket prices for your coaching, is you have to be offering something that people really, really want so it’s not like a nice to have. We spent a lot of time with our clients who really working around this.
The idea generation process
For instance, does somebody want to get fit? Sure. But they’ll pick up a men’s health magazine to do that. Right. And then not all the time. Right. But let’s just look at this comparison. “My name is Yuri, I’m going to help you get fit, It’s an eight-week program. It’s $5,000.” “Cool. Awesome. Let me think about that, okay? Compare that to, “Hi, my name’s Yuri, over the next eight weeks I’m going to help you put on 10 pounds of muscle and I’m going to help you look amazing when you look in the mirror. How about that?” Okay, that’s a little more tangible. It’s a little more juicy. I can sink my teeth into that. So part of this idea generation process is coming up with something that people really, really want.
Now, how do you know what people want? Well, if you’re good at what you do, you should know that already, right? You should have been working with clients. You’ll know what they want. You just get a sense, right? You just look at what the marketplace is talking about. What people are suffering with. What they’re having issues with, and you create your offers around that, assuming that is something you can actually deliver on. So the key is that you want to make your offer, like your program, for instance, something really, really valuable, which means that it solves a major pain or problem for someone, or it’s something that is strongly desired. And if it’s not there, if it’s kind of a nice to have, not a must to have, you’re going to have a tough time making that work. So we’ll bring it back to this idea, it’s the first idea, is the first idea might look like I help people lose weight. I help people get in shape. I help men get fit. And that’s a good first idea. That’s a good starting point.
Imparting wisdom while still encouraging struggle
And sometimes it’s actually good to launch that and struggle. And obviously, my intention as a coach is never to have any of my clients or anyone suffer because that’s my goal is to end suffering for all of them. Right? That’s what I want to do. But you have to go through the journey. So my son, as an example, was trying to open a bottle of water the other day. So we’ve got a bottle of water and he couldn’t open it. And he’s like, “Can you open this for me?” I’m like, “I could, but I’d rather you struggle with this for a little bit,” right? Figure out a way to make this happen. And so he was doing it with his bare hands and then I’m like, “Well what if you put your gloves on, so it didn’t hurt your skin as much?” And then he did that and he was able to twist off the cap. I was like, “Cool, you did it right? That’s awesome.”
So there’s a balance in life and in business between doing everything yourself, which I don’t think is a good idea, but obviously going through the journey where you have to go through those points of struggle where you come up with the insights to understand that you know what? Maybe that wasn’t a good idea. Right? I tested this out. I had these discussions, obviously, I threw it against the wall and it didn’t stick. Now, I know, and remember, words don’t teach. Life experience does. And that’s the challenge with coaching sometimes is that if you’re coaching clients is you want to be able to impart your wisdom on them, but at the same time they have to, and you have to encourage them, to have a little bit of struggle, right?
A little bit of struggle so that they internalize the breakthrough for themselves. And I think if you’ve got kids, I firmly believe that I think there’s a certain amount of struggle they should go through. I never want to spoon feed my kids. I don’t buy anything for them. I mean if they want to buy Pokemon Cards, they have money. I say, “Hey guys, listen if you want to go buy Pokemon Cards, you’re using your money to buy the Pokemon Cards.” One of our youngest kids, Arlo, had a bit of a temper tantrum and smashed our front door. The handle went through the drywall. He put a hole in the wall and I was like, “Oh, my God, they are toast dude.”
But essentially what I told them is, “You’re paying for that,” and he’s five years old. And you may or may not agree with me. I don’t care. This is just the way I look at this is kids don’t value much because they don’t pay for it. They don’t value their toys, they don’t value the house they live in, they don’t value the food you make for them because there’s no struggle. There’s no value creation on their part to make that a reality. So I told Arlo like “Hey, buddy, listen, I don’t know how much this is going to cost, but it’s going to come out of your money for as long as needed until it’s paid off. So I don’t care if it’s a $500 repair, that birthday money you got, it’s coming right into that repair.” And yes, you might think, “Yuri, you are a frigging tyrant as a parent,” I don’t really care. But I want my kids to learn the lesson that you have to take responsibility for the outcomes in your life.
So I’m like, “Listen if you want to break the wall, that’s fine. That’s your choice. But you’re going to pay for it. If you want to buy more Pokemon cards. Hey, that’s, that’s great. You have a certain amount of money you get for your birthdays and other things. Half of that money is put aside in savings. The other half you can do whatever with. So if you want to buy Pokemon cards, you’re making the choice to use your money to buy that, but when you don’t have that money anymore, remember that was your choice.” So where am I going with this? I don’t even, I don’t even know how I got off on this tangent, but I think it comes back down to you value what you go through, and so I believe, personally for me, I believe it’s important to go through a little bit of the challenge to test something out, to see that it doesn’t work. Cool. I got that, checked that off. Let’s move on to the next idea.
Seeing Facebook as the bouncer at the door
I think a great example of this is Facebook advertising. I love Facebook Ads. You should as well. Facebook is your YouTube channel. It’s your blog. It’s your email list. Every single person you ever want to help is on Facebook. And if you look at it that way and look at, “How do I get more of those people on Facebook into my world?” Think of it like this. Think of it, well, just on the side, you can’t obviously can’t see this but right over there is the door to the studios, is the door to my room here. Now, consider this, on the other side of that door is every single client I could ever ask for. Every single client you could ever ask for.
Now, Facebook is the gatekeeper. Facebook is the door it’s kind of like the bouncers like, “Hey, man, I’m going to slip you a 20 can I get in?” And he’s like, “Yeah, no problem. Let’s get in.” So you slip him the 20, you get into the club for instance. But let’s say you’ve got a bunch of friends with you. Now, you’re going to slip them the 20, 40, 50, 100, 200 bucks. Now, a bunch of your peeps are going to come into the club with you. And this is kind of like Facebook. It’s the more money you give Facebook, the more they’re going to open the door to allow more of your clients or perfect people to see your stuff and engage with you. And I think it’s a great opportunity no matter … And you don’t need to have a marketing budget for this because if you do have a pipeline or a funnel built out that’s the acquisition of those clients is going to pay for your ad spend, then you don’t need to worry about having a budget for instance. Right?
Letting go of that first idea and thinking like a detective
But think about this, do you know that the first ad is going to work? The message or the image, is that going to work right off the bat? I don’t know. Maybe and maybe not. So what do you want to consider is you need to look at this as you are you’re an investor and you’re also a detective. So the investor mindset is thinking about, “Okay, I’m going to put in 100 bucks and let’s see what happens. If I can make 200, 500, 1,000 return, that’s great.”
The detective is thinking about, “Okay, I’m going to test this one idea, this one message, this one image, this one headline, this one angle. We’re going to put it up there. If it resonates, cool. If it doesn’t, let’s think of something else,” is you’re always testing new ideas, new angles, new images. And there’s no one perfect ad because everyone’s business is different and your story, your message is going to be unique based on your situation.
So in terms of having this resilience to go through and understand that if you put up 10 ads, eight of them are probably going to suck, but two of them are really going to be good and it’s probably not the two that you think are going to be the best. And this is the big insight that I’ve had over the years in business is that the idea you think is going to be the big one. A lot of times it’s not, and I’ve shared this story with you before, but my third in the pros launch back in the day, we thought it was going to do seven figures and it ended up doing $5,000 there’s a lot of learning in that. I think one of the reasons that we really encourage our clients to at least initially understand Facebook advertising at a very basic level is that they start to look at business through this lens is, “Okay, well this didn’t work. This one did. Okay, cool. Let me try something else and this one’s working well, let’s keep that going. Let’s put something else into the mixer, see how that’s going.”
Now, you start to think through a different lens as you grow your business to understand that it’s not just one thing that your whole life depends on. It’s constantly testing new ideas because the only feedback that matters is from the marketplace. And yes, coaches can give you feedback and direction, but ultimately say, “Hey, does this headline make sense?” “Sure. I think it looks good,” or “No, it sucks. Try this.” But I don’t know what it’s going to convert at. You have to put it out there and see what the market tells you because that’s all that is going to give you the concrete data in the long run. So don’t get too hung up on if you’ve had something you thought was going to be great, it didn’t work.
Okay, well maybe you tweak the idea, you tweak the offer a little bit to make it more compelling. You change the messaging around it or you scrap it altogether and you’re like, “You know what? It wasn’t a waste of time. It was a learning,” and you move on to something else. But again, there’s this fine line between not always jumping ship to the next thing, but really starting to understand. Thinking like a detective like, “Why didn’t this work? Where’s the leak in this process? What could be tighter? What could be better?” And this is why business is challenging. There’s no easy way to go from zero to hero in a very short amount of time. Yes, you can do it quickly, but you have to understand that there’s a process. There’s a process of learning, tweaking, optimizing, testing something new that didn’t work, test something new.
That’s the ongoing process we all have to go through to build a successful business, especially, when we’re marketing, right? Because that’s pretty much what we’re doing is we’re putting our stuff out there and we’re seeing what resonates with people. So that is the whole concept I want to share with you today. The first idea of fallacies from my take home is don’t get upset if you’re first thing doesn’t work out. Just keep at it. Again, remember, a big shot is simply a little shot who just kept on shooting. That’s it, right? There’s no, there’s no genetic mutation that makes you a successful business entrepreneur, right? Or a coach or whatever you want to call yourself. So that’s the goal. Again, if you want to help move your business forward, we have our Luminaries Mastermind coming up in Toronto, June 26th and 27th if you’re interested in joining us.
Couple things. Number one it’s two days. I’m going to be walking you through my Million Dollar Model, which is exactly how we help our clients go from where they are to adding a minimum of 10K per month in revenue to their business. The details are over at, you probably want to write this down, Healthpreneurgroup.com/2, as in the number two. Not spelled out, but the actual, just press the number 2 on your keyboard. 2day, D-A-Y, so 2day and you’ll get all the information for the event. Now, here’s the thing is we have early bird pricing, which expires on the 31st of March. That gives you about a week. It’s going for $300 so if you want to join us, we’re making it super affordable to join us, so basically, you’re just going to pay for the meals and all the materials. We’re basically just it to you at cost. Okay?
Two criteria you have to be very, very aware of. Number one, you have to have an existing coaching business. If you’re working in a full-time job and you’re thinking about starting a coaching business, this is not for you, okay. Second, so you have to have experience coaching clients. Second, you have to be generating revenue. If you are pre-revenue and you’ve got zero clients, this is not a fit for you, but if you are generating revenue and you are working with clients and you have a history obviously of coaching, then this can be a really good fit.
So what you’re going to want to do is go to healthpreneur group.com/2day. Fill out the application. We’ll have a look at the application. I will personally get back to you within 24 hours with a yes or no and you’ll be in a room with about 20 to 25 other people on the first day.
On the second day, we’re bringing our clients in and so you’ll be mixed in with them and we’ll be talking about some next level high-level strategies. It’s going to be a great experience. Plus, you’ll get to hang out with me and you’ll have my hands-on help for two days, which is going to be a game changer for your business. So that’s the deal for today. Hope this episode has found you well, if I can continue speaking I will see if I can stop fumbling my words here and as I’m going to shut it down for today, hope you have an awesome one, healthpreneurgroup.com/2day. Apply to join us in Toronto if you fit the criteria and I look forward to seeing you in our next episode.
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What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about innovation versus imitation. Why is this important? Because if you aren’t a thought-leader, you’re a thought-repeater. Which do you prefer?
Go on social media and you’ll see that there are thousands of people doing exactly what you do. And if you want to be heard above the noise, you’ve GOT to stand out. You’ve got to start making moves NOW that’ll keep you at the forefront of the industry for years to come.
In this episode, I’ve got a couple simple pointers to get you started on the path to thought leadership. Whatever your business, chances are you can apply these ideas to stand out and innovate something new.