What pandemic death rates can tell us about your health business?
Today I want to talk about what COVID-19 death rates can tell us about your business.
If you look at Italy, which is experiencing a high death rate from this virus, has a very high population of people who are 80 years of age and older and statistically speaking, 99% of them have a pre-existing medical condition.
If we look at those who are most susceptible to COVID-19, they have a very weak foundation to begin with.
When you think about your business, does it have a weak foundation or the equivalent of a pre-existing medical condition?
Pay close attention as I share with you ways you can “strengthen your business foundation” to help get you through these rough times.
If you want help building a better, solid foundation in your business and you want some very quick immediate wins to help bring in more clients or patients in to work with you virtually, who are paying you money, we can help. Go to healthpreneurgroup.com/rac
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 03:30 – Introducing Today’s Topic
03:30 – 05:17 – Your Success Is Determined By Your Systems
05:17 – 0724 – You Have To Be OK Taking Imperfect Action
07:24 -10:55 – Now Is The Time To Be Resourceful
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode we talked about being opportunistic and profiting from COVID-19. In this episode, I address with how to navigate in this interesting time in a way that feels good to you and does good for others.
If you missed it, you can catch the episode right here: Being Opportunistic and Profiting From COVID-19?
Being Opportunistic and Profiting From COVID-19?
I know this may seem a bit controversial, but should you be profiting from the COVID-19 Epidemic?
Prior to this unfortunate epidemic, a lot of people in the health industry have issues making money to begin with and now a lot of health professionals are thinking maybe they should be cutting prices or not charging people, they shouldn’t be profiting from this situation, etc.
I’m going to be blunt and honest. If you go down this road, you will be out of business.
So what I am going to address with you in this podcast episode is how to navigate this interesting time in a way that feels good to you and does good for others.
If you would like our help and jump on the phone with us, got to workwithyuri.com or write the word “Help” in the comments below.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 01:20 – Introducing Today’s Topic
01:20 – 04:31 – Opportunistic vs. Opportunity
04:31 – 08:10 – Problems and Solutions
08:10 – 12:26 – Profiting From A Situation vs. Because Of A Situation
12:26 – 15:00 – Positive Outcomes From The COVID-19 Epidemic
15:00 – 16:14 – Stepping Up And Being A Leader In The Community
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
With the current COVID-19 climate we’re all living in and the economic stress it has caused for a lot of businesses, particularly for Health Practitioners, in our last episode I talked about what to do with your money in times of crisis.
While I’m not a financial advisor, I believe a lot of the information I present to you in this episode will help you navigate your business through this particular crisis.
If you missed it, you can catch the episode right here: What To Do With Your Money In Times Of Crisis
What To Do With Your Money In Times Of Crisis
With the current COVID-19 climate we’re all living in and the economic stress it has caused a lot of businesses, particularly for Health Practitioners, I want to talk about what to do with your money in times of crisis.
Expenses vs. Investments
When it comes to money, you have expenses and investments or liabilities and assets.
A liability is something that takes money out of your pocket on an ongoing basis, and asset is something that brings money into your pocket on an ongoing basis.
With regard to your expenses, go through your statements and look at things that are taking money out of your pocket that are not adding to your business, your growth, etc. you may want to look at cutting some of those things out temporarily.
With regard to your investments, that’s something you want to double down on. Believe it or not, the number 1 investment you have is yourself.
You never lose by investing in yourself.
The next two things you want to invest in is your business and coaching.
Now Is The Best Time More Than Ever To Run Facebook Ads
If you’re not running Facebook ads, you really need to. Now is the best time more than ever to run ads as the competition has dropped out and Facebook the cost of running Facebook ads has dropped. Plus with more people spending time on social media, you have a more captive audience and more eyeballs than ever before.
People Are Looking For Leadership In This Time Of Uncertainty
People are afraid and they are looking for guidance and certainty. Now is the time to invest in coaching so you can be a better coach to your clients to help guide and navigate them through these uncertain times.
This is a great time for you to really step up and be a leader to your tribe.
If you need help navigating through these times and how to come out of this stronger than ever, I invite you to go to workwithyuri.com where you can book a call with us and we can give you clarity as to what to do and what not to do right now and we can talk about what the next step might look like for you.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 02:22 – Introducing Today’s Topic
02:22 -10:00 Expenses vs. Investments
10:00 – 12:55 – Now Is The Best Time More Than Ever To Run Facebook Ads
12:55 – People Are Looking For Leadership In This Time Of Uncertainty
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode I shared with you 8 reasons why people aren’t buying from you and this is very important particularly with the current COVID-19 climate we’re in.
If you missed it, you’ll want to grab a pen and paper and take notes because this is extremely important to the viability of your business.
You can catch the full episode here: 8 Reasons People Aren’t Buying From You
8 Reasons People Aren’t Buying From You
In this episode I’m going to share with you 8 reasons why people aren’t buying from you and this is very important particularly with the current COVID-19 climate we’re in.
You’ll want to grab a pen and paper and take notes because this is extremely important to the viability of your business.
1. People Believe That Price Is The Issue
If price is an objection or someone says I have to think about it, what it really means is that your prospect doesn’t believe your offer, product, etc., can solve their problem.
2. There’s No Commitment To Greatness
There’s so much mediocrity out there which is why it’s so easy to stand out as a really great business.
Most business owners treat their business like a hobby, especially on line.
3. You Don’t Know How To Sell On The Phone
Most health practitioners do not know how to message or position their offers properly when they get a prospect on the phone to be more willing to do business with them. They lack the information to do this effectively.
4. A Sale Is Always Being Made
Either a prospect is buying your story or you’re buying theirs.
If you have a 30% enrollment rate, you’re they buyer 70% of the time. You are buying the story and excuses of the people you speak with 70% of the time.
The reason why we buy their story is because we don’t know how to handle the conversation. You don’t know what to say.
5. Unwilling To Be Assertive
Most health practitioners are not aggressive enough because they don’t want to come off as being salesy or pushy.
You have to learn to be assertive. You need to come from a place of love and service. Not I need your money.
6. You Lack Financial Goals
In the health and wellness space, because everyone wants to be this martyr, and they don’t feel good about charging, they have issues making money. You should not feel bad about that because you’re helping someone transform their life.
7. Lack Of Training
Think of business as a sport. Athletes train every day. They put in the reps.
With business, there are fundamental skills you need to be good at. The most important thing you have to be training on is communication.
Communication takes the form of marketing, selling, speaking from stage, and copywriting. You have to be training on this every day.
8. You Are Not 1000% Sold On YOU And Your Solution
The #1 sale you need to make is YOU. If you don’t believe in your product, your service, your solution, no one else is going to.
You also need to have proof of concept that you can actually help people, however, at the end of the day you need to be certain you can help someone.
Certainty is the most important element of selling.
If any of this has resonated with you and you want our help, go to workwithyuri.com to book a call with us to find out how wee can help you and see if we’re a good fit for each other.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 01:30 – Introducing Today’s Episode
01:30 – 06:23 – People Believe That Price Is The Issue
06:23 – 10:48 – There’s No Commitment To Greatness
10:48 – 12:52 – You Don’t Know How To Sell On The Phone
12:52 – 14:44 – A Sale Is Always Being Made
14:44 – 20:50 – Unwilling To Be Assertive
20:50 – 27:33 – You Lack Financial Goals
27:33 – 32:06 – Lack Of Training
32:06 – 44:52 You Are Not 1000% Sold On YOU And Your Solution
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, I shared with you an epiphany I had and why you’re not making the money you want to make in your business.
Like anyone else, we all experience mindset issues. We let fear, doubt and worry get in our way and hold us back.
With that, I had an epiphany that will help you make more money in your business if you’re not current making the money you want to make.
Tune into this episode to find out what that is.
To Earn More You Need to Invest More
In this episode I want to share with you an epiphany I had and why you’re not making the money you want to make in your business.
Like anyone else, we all experience mindset issues. We let fear, doubt and worry get in our way and hold us back.
With that, I had an epiphany that will help you make more money in your business if you’re not current making the money you want to make.
Tune into this episode to find out what that is.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 00:40 – Why You’re Not Making The Money You Want to Make
00:40 -02:00 – My Big Epiphany About Facebook Ads
02:00 – 03:00 – Worst Case Scenario
03:00 – 03:28 -How To Make More Money
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about a mistake most Health and Fitness Professionals make. They need to get over with being uneasy about charging premium pricing for their services.
If you want a Ferrari, don’t expect to pay Honda Civic prices. What do I mean by all that?
You can tune in here to find out: Don’t Expect Ferrari Performance For Honda Civic Prices
Don’t Expect Ferrari Performance for Honda Civic Prices
A lot of health and fitness professionals feel uncomfortable charging their clients premium pricing. It’s important to charge premium pricing for your coaching so that not only do your clients show up, but you show up at a higher level to help your clients produce better results.
Clients need to understand that if you want the best results, you have to pay accordingly.
If you want a Ferrari, don’t expect to pay Honda Civic prices.
When it comes to your business, if you want to make more money, you need to invest in yourself and your business and doing the things that are not in the cheapest, but are more likely to produce the best results.
If you want Ferrari performance, you have to be willing to pay Ferrari prices and if you’re not, you have to be OK with Honda Civic results.
If you want help with this, go to www.workwithyuri.com where you can book a call with us. We’ll see what’s working and what’s not working in your business and how we can help you.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 00:30 -Biggest Mistake Most Health And Fitness Professionals Make In Their Business
00:30 – 1:00 – The More People Pay, The More They Pay Attention
01:00 – 02:00 -Why You Need To Charge Premium Pricing For Your Coaching
02:00 – 05:00 – If You Want Ferrari Performance, Don’t Expect To Pay Honda Civic Prices
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode we were joined by Ryan Cole and his partner Richard, who are doing some amazing things it in the Hashimoto’s Market and have been absolutely crushing it the last few months.
You’re going to want to pay very close attention and take notes as Ryan and Richard share with you how their business exploded in a very short period of time and the adjustments they needed to quickly make to be able to handle their growth while providing their clients top notch service and providing value to them.
As you listen through this episode, you’ll hear them share with you the mindset shifts they’ve make to be successful and lessons they’ve learned along the way.
I hope by hearing what they share, that you are inspired by what’s possible.
You can watch the full episode right here: How Ryan Earned $358,759.16 in The Hashimoto’s Market
How Ryan Earned $358,759.16 in The Hashimoto’s Market
In this episode I’m joined by Ryan Cole and his partner Richard, who are doing some amazing things it in the Hashimoto’s Market and have been absolutely crushing it the last few months. You’re going to want to pay very close attention and take notes as Ryan and Richard share with you how their business exploded in a very short period of time and the adjustments they needed to quickly make to be able to handle their growth while providing their clients top notch service and providing value to them.
As you listen through this episode, you’ll hear them share with you the mindset shifts they’ve make to be successful and lessons they’ve learned along the way.
I hope by hearing what they share, that you are inspired by what’s possible.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 00:41 – Introducing Today’s Episode
00:41 – 04:00 – What Their Business Was Like Before Joining The HBA Program
04:00 – 06:00 – How A Virtual Seminar Exploded Their Consult Call Bookings
06:00 – 12:40 – Massive Revenue Growth In Just A Few Short Months
12:40 – 14:45 – Being Comfortable With Charging Premium Pricing
14:45 – 17:00 – Roadblocks Of Success
17:00 – 21:45 – Why It’s Important To Go Deep And Not Wide With Your Business
21:45 – 24:56 – Why HBA Is So Different From Other Business Coaching Programs
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode I shared with you a story where I’m in Australia driving my rental car and side swiped another car, and what that incident reminded me about business.
It’s not like I don’t know how to drive or that I’m not a good driver, but from living in North America, we drive on the right side of the road so driving in Australia is almost like learning a new skill set.
With business, whenever you’re looking to get better at something, whether it be writing copy, sales, marketing, leading a team, hiring, operations, etc., initially feels like you’re driving on the wrong side of the road.
When we look to improve a skill set, we go through four stages. In this episode, I share with you the four stages we go through when we are looking to learn or master a new skill set.
If you missed it, find out what those four stages are right here: What Side Swiping a Car Reminded Me About Business
What Side Swiping a Car Reminded Me About Business

I’m in Australia driving my rental car and the one thing I’ve had to learn to be very conscious of is that in Australia, they drive on the left side of the road.
It’s not like I don’t know how to drive or that I’m not a good driver, but from living in North America, we drive on the right side of the road so driving in Australia is almost like learning a new skill set.
With business, whenever you’re looking to get better at something, whether it be writing copy, sales, marketing, leading a team, hiring, operations, etc., every single one of the things I just mentioned are skills. All of these initially feel like you’re driving on the wrong side of the road.
When we look to improve a skill set, we go through 4 stages.
Unconscious Incompetence – You Don’t Realize You Suck At Something
Conscious Incompetence – You Realize How Bad You Are At Something
Conscious Competence – You’re Trying Hard To Get Good At Something
Unconscious Competence – You Get So Good At Something You Do It In Your Sleep
No one is going to be perfect at doing something right off the bat on day one. Don’t expect to be a master at anything new right away.
Stay the course. It’s OK to make mistakes.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 03:00 – Introducing Today’s Topic
03:00 – 04:35 – Four Stages Of Competence
04:35 – 07:00 – It’s OK To Be Imperfect
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, we talked about The 3 Evolutions Of You As A Leader.
You’re going to want to grab a pen and paper on this one because I dropped a lot of insights and nuggets from things I’ve recently learned and am currently learning that will make a significant impact on how you run your business and it’s success.
Yes, while there are 3 skill sets you need to develop as your business evolves and I talk about each one, it’s the third skill set, that really sets the table for the longevity of your business.
If you missed this one, you’ll want to pay close attention to what I share with you. The 3 Evolutions Of You As A Leader.
The 3 Evolutions of You as a Leader

Entrepreneurship is such an amazing journey to go through because you’re never stagnant. You’re always growing. I would also have to say that the same goes for parenting.
I talk about in our Perfect Client Pipeline Training, the “Coaching Success Ladder”. There’s 7 rungs of the ladder we all have to climb.
With the Success Ladder you not only have 7 rungs to climb, you have 3 major focus areas.
If your revenue is below $250K, the number one skill you have to develop is sales and marketing.
As your business grows and your business brings in $500K, your skill set needs to change. The second level is operations and systems.
When you start bringing in $1 million plus, the third and most important skill you need to develop is leadership.
For me, personally, one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that you need to be the passenger in your business, not the driver. In other words, you want to think about how you can fire yourself from playing certain roles in your business.
This all comes down to leadership and this is something I’m currently working on with my team and share with you examples of how I’m doing that during this episode.
Remember, people will help you grow and people will keep you stuck. And when I refer to people, it always starts with you. You are the leader of the business and you set the tone. If there’s any problems with the business, always take responsibility for it.
If you want help growing your business, I invite you to go to workwithyuri.com to schedule a call with us.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 03:00 -Introducing Today’s Topic
03:00 – 12:00 – The 3 Skill Sets You Need To Develop
12:00 – 17:00 – Be The Passenger In Your Business, Not The Driver
17:00 – 20:00 – Recap And Wrap Up with Yuri
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode we talked about The One Trait Pros Have That Amateurs Don’t whether they’re professional athletes or business leaders.
When you think about it, we live in a world of instant gratification, so much so that if we don’t get results right away, we easily become frustrated and irritated.
And this is something that translates to business when you compare those who are new to building a business and those who have had their business for a while.
Someone who is new to business does not know what is involved to build something great and end up setting unrealistic expectations.
When you set unrealistic expectations you become disappointed and angry.
The one big thing I’ve learned as a parent and business owner, is that patience — practicing it and learning it, is essential to the success of your business and to your happiness.
If you missed this episode, you can catch it right here: The One Trait Pros Have That Amateurs Don’t
One Trait Pros Have That Amateurs Don’t

We live in a world of instant gratification, so much so that if we don’t get results right away, we easily become frustrated and irritated.
And this is something that translates to business when you compare those who are new to building a business and those who have had their business for a while.
Someone who is new to business does not know what is involved to build something great and end up setting unrealistic expectations.
When you set unrealistic expectations you become disappointed and angry.
In business you do want to set expectations and outcomes, but you also need to set negative goals. Think of negative goal setting as your “plan b” when your “plan a” doesn’t work out. If you already have “plan b” figured out ahead of time, you’re more prepared and have a solution if your “plan a” doesn’t work out like you would like it to.
The one big thing I’ve learned as a parent and business owner, is that patience — practicing it and learning it, is essential to the success of your business and to your happiness.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 02:00 – Introducing Today’s Topic
02:00 – 03:30 – The Business Newbie
03:30 – 05:45 – Patience
05:45 – 09:00 – Negative Goal Setting
09:00 – 12:06 – Tying It All Together
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our previous episode we talked about a weird intersection between plus size models, Instagram feeds and marketing no-no’s.
Instagram is a very visual platform. If you look “hot”, you’ll have more followers than if you add value simply because sex sells all the time.
It’s the same reason why no one wants to see Instagram feeds of plus size models. I know that’s a politically incorrect thing to say, but it’s reality.
There are images we see we know are so superficial, yet it is the thing that attaches to our primal senses to signify success and significance.
When it comes to marketing, people don’t want to see pictures of the journey. They want to see the end result. You have to sell people what they want. You have to focus your marketing on the end result.
You can tune into this controversial topic right here: Plus Size Models, Instagram Feeds, and Marketing No-No