How To Feel Your Way To Financial Freedom
We’re back at it here on the Healthpreneur podcast! Today we’re discussing achievement and getting results. We all want those things, right? We all want to achieve great things and get the results we want. That’s why we’re here.
So, if that’s what you want, what should you focus on? What you lack? No! You attract what you focus on, so focusing on what you don’t have will actually give you more of what you don’t want.
That’s the way the universe works. And the challenge with that is it makes your happiness conditional on something that must happen that you aren’t attracting in the first place. So, how are you feeling on a daily basis? Check in with yourself and tune in to hear how to assess this important indicator.
In This Episode I discuss:
01:30 – 04:00 – Introducing today’s topic: Achievement and the law of attraction
04:00 – 08:00 – The problem with conditional happiness and a trailing indicator
08:00 – 11:00 – Mindset and pruning the garden of your mind
11:00 – 16:00 – Getting out of negativity and a mind reset exercise
16:00 – 18:30 – Reflecting on the results of the exercise
18:30 – 23:00 – You get what you focus on, so focus on the result
What’s going on, Healthpreneurs? Hope you’re doing great. Welcome back to the show. Today, we’ve got a really, really cool topic we’re going to be discussing, and in the last episode, we talked about your story. Is it helping or hindering you?
Hopefully, you’ve got some really good perspective on that. If you didn’t listen to that one, go back to the previous episode, 244. Can you imagine 244 episodes now? It’s amazing. Well, listen to it. I think it’s just a real good reality check based on what you want, where you’re at.
Introducing today’s topic: Achievement and the law of attraction
Today, I want to talk about achievement. You want to achieve let’s say… For the context of today’s discussion, let’s talk about money. Okay? Just to keep it simple, so you want to make more money. You look at your bank account and you don’t have the amount of money you want, so how does that make you feel? It makes you feel scared. It makes you feel anxious. You start to worry, right? Those are never good emotions to be feeling. Okay?
I’m going to get a little bit metaphysical, a little bit spiritual here with you because essentially, we get what we focus on. Right? If you want a really good sense of if things are working out in your life, there’s to ways to determine that. Number one is you can look at your results. You can look at, “Do I have the results I want? Do I have the amount of money I want in my bank?” That’s the first thing. If it’s a no, then it’s a no.
The second determinant is, “How do I feel?” If I feel worried, anxious, doubtful, fearful, all that kind of stuff, those are really great emotions to let you know you’re on the wrong path, and by that, I mean negative emotions are your being’s way of telling you that you’re going to be attracting more bad stuff into your life because we attract what we focus on, so if we are focused on a lack of money, well, what are going to be attracting into our life? More money or more of a lack of money? It’s pretty obvious, right?
I think intuitively… I mean, just logically, it makes sense. We get this. Okay. I get what I focus on, but I look at my bank, and I don’t have enough money, so I’m focused on not having enough money. You’re focused on not having enough money, so you attract more situations to highlight the fact that you don’t have enough money, and what I want to… The key that I really want you to think about here is let’s say that you want to make a million bucks, but in your bank, you’ve got $10,000. Right?
I don’t know. Whatever it is, it’s a big gap from where you want to be, so what most people do is they focus on the gap. They focus on what they don’t have, and naturally, it feels crummy. Right? It feels crappy to be in that position because you’re like, “Oh my god, I don’t have it yet. When is it coming?” All this stuff, but here’s what I want you to think, and here’s the question I want you to answer. Are you able to be happy in the absence of what you want? Okay? “Are you able to be happy in the absence of what you want?” because here’s how the world works. Here’s how the universe works, and it’s actually contrary, and so… how most people operate.
The problem with conditional happiness and a trailing indicator
You get what you focus on, right? That focus is the starting point. What most people want is they’ll feel happy when something happens. They’re going to feel happy when they have a big day, when they get a promotion, when they make a bunch of money, when whatever happens, so it’s really conditional. Their happiness is conditional. “I will be happy when…” “I’ll be happy when I meet the perfect person, when my business takes off, when I make more money.” The challenge with that is that it’s all after the fact.
You see, like in the world of metrics, we had an episode a number of weeks ago talking about metrics and KPS in their business, and that type of feeling and thinking is what we call a trailing indicator. Let’s take revenue. Revenue is not predictive. It’s trailing. It’s a reflection of what has happened previously, so you feeling crummy is a reflection of your current state, but I want you to understand that how you feel is really… It’s not a trailing indicator. It’s a leading indicator.
If you were to add one more metric to your business, it would be this is, “How am I feeling on a daily basis?” If you had a scale of sad on one end, depressed, pessimistic, anxious, doubtful, worrisome. Okay? That’s one end of the spectrum, and on the other end of the spectrum, we had joyful, excited, enthusiastic, optimistic, and if you graded yourself on that spectrum, that is one of the most important leading indicators you can give yourself because here’s the reality is that if you don’t feel all those positive emotions on a daily basis, then what’s happening is you’re focused on all the shit that currently is. You’re focused on the lack of. You’re focused on the not enough of, but because you’re feeling like that, you attract more of that, and so this is the real opportunity, and the challenge at the same time is you have to understand you’re the creator of what it is you want in life.
Mindset and pruning the garden of your mind
As I’ve said a million times before, you have to believe something before you see it, but most people want to see something before they believe it, and that’s the conundrum, but here’s like… If a true entrepreneur is someone who creates magic out of thin air, it’s someone who has an idea in their head that doesn’t currently exist and makes it happen. That’s what we do as entrepreneurs.
If you think of the Wright brothers, no one had ever created an aircraft before, and here they come. They’re like, “You know what? We have this idea for this flapping machine that’s going to help us fly like birds.” Naturally, everyone is like, “Not going to happen. Show me the proof. This is never going to work,” and they could have said, “You know what? You’re right. You’re right. No one’s ever done this. Why am I going to invest all my time and money to something that no one has ever done?” Do you know why? Because they believed up here. They saw it up here. They felt it up here, and because of that, they were able to create it in reality.
Where most people fall, and I’m telling you this like… Listen. We’ve worked with… I’ve worked with a lot of clients over the years, and there’s two things that I look for in a client. Number one is you have to be great at what you do. You have to be an expert, and number two is you have to have self-belief because the number one limiting factor in anyone’s success is between their ears, and I’ll tell it like it is. We’ve had a number of our clients on the podcast before. I look at our clients who are crushing it versus those who aren’t and who are using their story to be their safety blanket. The only difference, the only difference is their mindset. That is it. That is it.
Everything else is figure-out-able. Right? Your offer, the messaging. All that stuff. That is easy compared to your mindset. You have to do the daily gardening in your mind to only cultivate the right veggies, the right thoughts, and if you don’t, the tendency just like in a normal garden is for the weeds to overgrow. It’s hard work. It’s not easy, but here’s the thing is that it becomes easier the more you do it. It’s habit.
You see, a belief is simply a thought that you continue to think, so if you believe something is impossible, the only reason for that is that’s because that is a habitual thought that you’ve continued to think up until this point of time. Naturally, if you’re going in one direction and all of a sudden, I’m saying, “Hey, listen. Change your belief. Change your thought. Change your thinking around this,” naturally, it’s tough to course-correct because you’re so focused. Your brain has hardwired grooves to think like this, think like this, focus negative, focus anxiety, focus worry. Now, I’m saying, “Hey, focus on the good.” You’re like, “Oh, no, no, no. There’s no way. I can’t do that. That’s too challenging.” Of course, it is because you’re not used to it.
It’s just like if you’ve never worked out before. It’s going to be challenging to start working out, but everything you want in life is on the flip side of how you feel, and the better you feel, the better you feel, and the better you feel, the more good stuff comes into your life, and the more good stuff comes into your life, the easier it is to feel and see the good stuff happening in your life and reinforcing that thought. The better it gets, the better it gets as Abraham Hicks said.
The worse it gets, the worse it gets, so part of your challenge is to notice what you’re currently feeling and pivot. You have to change your thoughts. You have to be aware of what you’re thinking.
When we interviewed our client, Brandy, last week or the other week, one of the things she mentioned is like, “I don’t have time for negative thoughts,” and what is that? That’s simply self-awareness. Self-awareness means I’m aware of what I’m feeling. I’m aware of what I’m thinking. I’m aware of what’s happening around me. Essentially, what Brandy said is she said, “I don’t have time for a negative thought,” which means that when she thinks, or when something happens, or when something… one of those thoughts comes up, she catches it and immediately changes her perspective, and this is the big difference.
Sadly, we have clients who… and again, like it’s not all of them, but obviously, there’s a few who really go off a deep end like it’s like three months, they go walkabout, and it’s like, “What happened?” “Oh, I’ve been in a really negative spiral.” All that is, is that is three months of the wrong focus. That is, at some point, three months ago, for instance, a negative thought came up, fear, anxiety, worry, and then you allowed that to continue playing in your head. You allowed it to continue playing, and now the momentum is really starting to pick up, and now you’re in this whirlpool of this negativity, and worry, and fear. Obviously, to get out of that is not easy, and so what I want to suggest to you is that you have to, number one, be aware of what you’re thinking, and number two, be okay with changing that thought.
Getting out of negativity and a mind reset exercise
If you want, let’s just do a little exercise here. You want to make more money. Okay? Why do you want to make more money? I want you to take a… Just take a second or two to think about that. Why do you want to make more money? Again, just think about that. Let’s say that you want to make more money because you want to feel more stability in your life. You want to feel more financially stable. What does that mean? Right? What does stability mean to you? What does stability feel like? Think about that for a second. What does stability feel like? Right? Maybe it feels secure. It feels dependable. It feels like you know every single day that you have enough. Okay?
What about financial freedom? Some people want to just create a lot of freedom in their life financially. They want to have a huge amount of riches, right, so they can travel, they can buy the houses, whatever they want to do with their money. Well, what does freedom feel like? Well, freedom might feel like doing… be able to do whatever you want. Right? Freedom might feel just the sense of lightness like there’s nothing hanging over your shoulders or your head like there’s no… it’s just you feel free, and light, and excited about the possibilities.
I want you to think about… whether it’s stability or freedom, and ironically, they’re on two opposite ends of the spectrum, but I want you to think about what that feels like for you. How will you feel when you have financial freedom? How will you feel when you have financial stability? I want you to close your eyes, unless you’re driving or walking, and I’m going to do a little exercise with you. Okay? I want you to close your eyes. If you’re sitting down, that’s awesome. If you’re walking, just take a break. Sit down on the side. If you’re driving, keep your eyes open.
I want you to close your eyes, and I want you to see your bank account, and when you look in your bank account, you’ve just logged into your bank account, you’re looking at your checking account, and you’ve got a million dollars in there. You see a one followed by seven zeroes or six zeroes. Whatever it is, just a lot of zeroes. I want you to feel what that feels like. Your credit card, that’s also in there. Maybe it’s got a balance of a thousand dollars. Feel how good it feels when you can easily wire that money right into the credit card, wipe it out right away. You’ve got a million dollars sitting in your bank account. What are you excited about? What are you going to do today? What are the things that you can now do that you couldn’t previously do because now you’ve got a million dollars sitting in your bank account?
I want you to feel what that feels like. What are the things you’re going to experience today? What are the foods you’re going to choose? Who are the people you’re going to hang around with? What are the things you’re going to do in your business today, this week, this month now that you have a million dollars in your bank account? Most importantly, I want you to feel how that feels. Do you feel sad, or do you feel happy? Do you feel abundant or do you feel scared?
Just allow those feelings to really surface inside of you. Feel how good it feels to know that you have more than enough money at any given time, you can jump on a plane and go wherever you want. You can buy yourself or your family the best foods, the best restaurants. You can buy that car you’ve always wanted. You can build that dream home. You get a bill coming in for whatever expenses? No problem. I’m going to write a check for that right now. Feel what that feels like and how good it feels to be in that position of overwhelming abundance.
Now, I’d like you to internalize that feeling. Okay? I want you to hold on to that feeling, and I want you to open your eyes. It feels pretty good, right? Pretty, pretty good. Now, let me ask you this. Did I put a million dollars in your bank? No. Nothing happened financially in the last two minutes most likely. You still have the same amount of money in your bank. Now, here’s the cool thing is that you chose to feel a certain way based on how you focused your mind, and you have to ask yourself, “Is what I’m focusing on, does it make me feel good when I focus on it?”
If the answer is yes, then focus on it. If the answer is no, you need to change your thoughts quickly because if you’re focusing on that money in the bank and all that great stuff it can do, why would you not want to focus on that? You might think, “Okay. You’re able now. I’m just going to kind of like… It’s going to be mean to myself because when I open my eyes, it’s not really there, and then there’s going to be this huge contrast of where I am and what I want.”
Reflecting on the results of the exercise
The truth is the only way to get the million dollars is to focus on how it feels when you have the million dollars. You have to feel before it comes into your life. It doesn’t come into your life first, and then you feel. You have to feel the joy, the abundance, the happiness, the freedom, the stability. Whatever those feelings are, those emotions you want to feel, you have to feel them now and you have to feel them consistently because your life is a culmination of the thoughts, feelings, and emotions you experience on a consistent basis.
That’s why I say if you want to add in a metric to your business, it should be, “How much time percentage-wise do I spend feeling happy, joyful, expectant, enthusiastic, optimistic that everything is already here? Everything I want is already here.” Even if it’s not here, you feel what it feels like as it’s coming to you. That’s the only thing that matters because there’s… and I tell my clients this all the time. You can’t control how many people book a call with you. Right?
You can control what you put out on Facebook, but you can’t control what Facebook does. You can’t control how people respond to your stuff. You can’t control how people watch your webinar, but the only thing you can control every single moment of the day is what’s happening in your mind, and what’s amazing is that when you focus your mind in the right way like magic happens.
It’s just incredible. Right? It’s incredible how we are able to attract and manifest things in our life just based on how we focus on them, and if you’re thinking to yourself, “Hey, Yuri. This is a complete crock of stuff,” you know what? That’s okay. That’s your belief, and you’re going to attract more of that into your life. I’m not here to tell you that like, “Hey, I’ve discovered this new way of thinking that changes the way we function in this world.” This is a universal truth. You get what you focus on, and you can choose to believe it or not. You can have your own opinion of it, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s true.
You get what you focus on, so focus on the result
You might be saying, “Okay, Yuri. Well, if that’s the truth, then why do I have all this crappy stuff in my life?” Because you focus on that. It works. Right? It works. If you have the results you want or you don’t have the results you want, it doesn’t matter because it works. It means you’ve been focusing on the wrong things. That’s why you’ve brought things into your life, and the only thing that matters is when are you going to allow yourself to feel the way you want to feel to allow that good stuff to come into your life? That’s the only thing that is holding you back. Right?
I hope this makes sense for you, and the message I want to get across for you here is that you need to be able to feel good in the absence of what you want. Viktor Frankl, A Man’s Search For Meaning. One of the greatest books in the last 50 years probably essentially said the same thing. Right? Here’s a guy who’s in a concentration camp in World War 2, and essentially, he says, “They can do whatever they want to me, but the only thing they can’t do is change what’s in my mind.” Right? I’m paraphrasing that, and that’s the same decision you have every single day, and the good news is that you’re not on a concentration camp, and it’s how you choose to focus every single day.
That’s why things like appreciation, and gratitude, and really visualizing and feeling what it is you want is so important, and that’s why entrepreneurs are… We’re in this amazing small percentage of people who can daydream and put our heads in the clouds and think of the things we want to create. While everyone is like, “Hey, man, like be a realistic. Come down to earth,” we’re like, “You know what? I’m going to stay up in the clouds because I know that’s where dreams are created. The more time I spend up there, the faster things are going to happen down here.” Most people don’t get that, but you’re not most people. Okay?
Feel good starting today no matter what. Feel happy. Feel expectant that all the things you want to have in your life, the money, clients, whatever like whatever the things you want to experience that they’re… Maybe if they’re not here yet, just visualize them as they’re coming into your life. Visualize that all the perfect clients are coming to you, that money is literally being shipped to your front door. Visualize that like see that and feel how good it feels.
Here’s the challenge you’re going to run into is while you’re thinking this, your mind is going to be like, “Uh, this is bullshit. This is never going to happen. Why are you thinking this? Why are you getting your hopes up?” Right? You feel crappy when it doesn’t happen, and you have to tend to that little negative voice, and shut it down. Shut it down because why would we give our attention to something that’s going to make us feel bad? Right? Yes. Maybe what you want is not here yet, but why focus on what is here right now if you don’t want it? Why?
That’s my message for you today. Focus on what you want. See it as if it’s coming to you. Visualize. Do that exercise we just did a couple moments ago. Feel those feelings every single day. I promise you. In a short amount of time, things will start to really miraculously happen in your life. It will come in different ways. It will come in all sorts of cool serendipitous cool things coming into your life. Money, clients, parking spots opening up, finding money on the sidewalk. Like all sorts of really cool things. Okay? That is what I’m going to leave you with today. Master your emotions. Feel how you want to feel right now, and that is how you’ll attract more of what you want into your life.
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What You Missed
If you have a sick funnel, you’ll want to check out our last episode with special guest, Cody Burch who is a marketing, sales funnel, and Facebook ad expert who helps clients create and maximize a results-driven marketing strategy. He also happens to be the one who helps our clients build out their tech.
Cody’s been transforming businesses for a long time. His company, Red Anchor Marketing, specializes in funnels and ads so entrepreneurs don’t have to worry about integrations, set-up, and management.
Cody knows the nine things to look for when healing a sick funnel that isn’t providing the results you want. He’ll teaches exactly how to determine what isn’t working and will explain how to turn metrics into actionable improvements.
Listen in to learn how to fix your funnel and how to take action now.
Are You Solving a Major Pain or Problem?
Welcome to the Healthpreneur podcast! In today’s episode, we’ll dissect what it means to solve a major pain or problem and distinguish whether you’re doing that in your business. On our client scorecard, this is the second activator and a necessary component to getting your business off on the right foot.
Why must you clearly solve a major pain or problem? Because people don’t act otherwise. Think about it: Are people looking to lose weight, get healthy, or balance their hormones when everything is already fine? Not often.
Some degree of pain motivates people to action. So, what is the major pain or problem that you solve? Is your offer compelling and moving?
Tune in to hear how to rate this activator and connect your audience to it on a deep, impactful level.
In This Episode I discuss:
01:00 – 02:30 – Introducing today’s topic: Solving a major pain or problem
02:30 – 05:00 – Attracting people who act – not just browse
05:00 – 08:00 – Understanding why people act
08:00 – 10:00 – The question to ask and how to reach the answer
10:00 – 15:00 – What to sell and what not to sell
Hey, welcome back to the show and in today’s episode we’re going to be talking about whether, or not you solve a major pain or problem. This is the second activator in our client’s activator scorecard. If you still don’t have this, then I want you to pause what you’re doing right now.
Go to, download the scorecard, get your score and what this is going to help you do is identify the leaks and opportunities in your marketing so that you can activate more clients.
So what that means is how do you put stuff in front of people that they care about? Essentially, how do you turn cold leads into high paying clients? As I mentioned in the previous episode, which by the way, if you haven’t listened to episode 247, called the client activator scorecard, you should probably do so. In that episode, I’m going to give you some good foundations about what the scorecard is.
We talk about the first client activator and I’m not going to re-iterate all that stuff, so just go back and listen to that episode. Okay?
Introducing today’s topic: Solving a major pain or problem
In today’s episode we’re talking about are you solving a major pain or problem, which is the second client activator. Remember we’ve got a scale of one to nine, nine being ideal, one being your kind of in deep doo doo. So when it comes to this specific activator on the one side, we have the statements I want you to think about. You are serving people who are mostly browsers looking for tips and band aids instead of real transformation.
We talked a little bit about this in the first activator in terms of seeking a solution. This kind of ties in with that, but if your marketing is attracting people who are mostly browsers, you’re not helping yourself. This is why I’m not a huge fan of blogging, which is ironic considering my blog has a million visitors per month.
Attracting people who act – not just browse
I’ve recognized blogging attracts browsers for the most part. I mean, there are people that are seeking a solution, it depends on the content you are developing. But for the most part, our average time on a site is one minute and 21 seconds. So I don’t know about you, but no one’s transforming their life in one minute and 21 seconds. By contrast, if you have a perfect client pipeline running Facebook ads that pinpoint a very specific problem or pain someone’s dealing with, and you invite them to watch some type of training that’s going to give them some really important distinctions to solve that, now you’ve got a very, very captive individual who has raised their hand and say, yes, I’m interested. This makes sense, I want to book a call to you and then you have a conversation to see if you’re a good fit or not. And so that’s why when you are looking to work, you’re not just getting anyone to work with.
Understanding why people act
I’m not talking about you work with 50 different clients, they pay you 50 bucks an hour, one off sessions here and there. I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about you work with a very specific single target market. You charge a premium price, three, four or $5,000 for an outcome, not a session an outcome, which might be six to 12 weeks, okay? So you help people lose 10 pounds of belly fat or you help them get rid of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, whatever it is, it’s a very specific outcome. The deliverables, the process through which would you do that is less important, but you’re very clear on the problem that you’re solving.
We talked about alopecia in the previous episode, so when I lost my hair when I was 17 obviously there was a major pain or problem that I wanted solving. Now, I wasn’t seeking out that solution before my hair started falling out. And this is a bill, this is such a good example of how humans operate. I don’t care if it’s hair loss, heart attacks, longevity, memory loss, anything. We don’t take action until we are in pain.
So I had bushy eyebrows, long brown hair, probably spent a little bit too much time in front of the mirror back in the day. But I was like, I was not thinking about, “Oh, what can I do to preserve my hair?” I was not thinking about how do I prevent hair loss. It wasn’t even a thought until my hair started falling out. And then I was like, all right, let’s fix this now. I’m going to give you a number of examples here, so I hope you really understand this. So another example, I’m playing soccer with my kids the other week, Oscar shoots the ball, I dive and save it. Next morning I wake up and my rib is like killing me. I’m like, what the heck? I was a goalie for 24 years, right? I mean, this is what I did and I’m thinking there’s nothing else that can explain why my ribs are hurting. And it was really, really painful.
Like it wasn’t a broken rib, it wasn’t a strained rib, it was I think a strained intercostal muscle or whatever it was. Anyways, I ended up like really seeking out solutions. So, went to a local chiropractor. I haven’t been to a chiropractor in probably two years, just so happens my dog was actually having some issues with his leg and this chiropractor does animal chiropractic too. So it was kind of a two birds for a one stone type of deal. But anyways, I was seeking at that solution and here’s the thing, I was like, I know I could have benefited from chiropractic on a consistent basis over the past couple of months. Number one, I couldn’t find a good chiropractor, mainly because I wasn’t looking for one. But when my back and my ribs were killing me to the point where I was waking up at two in the morning, now I’m like, you know what I’m going to do first thing in the morning? Is I’m going to book an appointment with the chiropractor. I don’t care. I got to find one.
And it became a major pain or problem that I needed to solve and therefore I was willing to invest to solve the problem. But I wasn’t doing that on a preventive stand, I wasn’t doing like a weekly adjustments from the prevention standpoints. And listen, like I’m all for prevention, like just probably like you are. But the reality is that humans, that’s not the way we operate. We only do things when shit hits the fan. So a good buddy of mine who’s actually a chiropractor now, we were roommates in school, he worked at a cardiac rehab clinic in Toronto. And one of the things that really annoyed him was you have a patient that just had a heart attack and like triple bypass surgery. And so he was walking these people through their rehab process, right? Treadmill, progressive, you know, training and stuff like that. And one of the things that really, really just drove me crazy was that after a couple months, they just went right back to their old routine and just went back through all those stuff. The very things that caused the problem in the first place.
The question to ask and how to reach the answer
Very few people are able to create sustainable, long lasting change in a proactive fashion. It’s usually some degree of pain that is going to stimulate us into action. I want you to think about with your offer and when I say your offer, I mean your coaching program, your introduction into your funnel, like your Webinar, your whatever it is, right? Is your thing solving a major pain or problem. So for instance, our client activator scorecard, I think it’s solving a major pain or problem. And that problem is you can’t or you’re not getting enough clients. The scorecard is going to show you why that is and it’s going to show you how to fix it. So I think that’s a pretty compelling offer. And again, we’ll see what the conversion say or we’ll see what the data shows us, but ultimately that is going after something that is compelling.
What to sell and what not to sell
Now one of the things that I do want to remind you of is we have to focus, and I’m going to get into this in one of the future episodes, but we need to focus on a major pain or problem that people are aware of. Okay? So here’s another thing we run into with some of our clients, is they help people lose weights, but they really, really want to get their mindset dialed in. And I say, “Yeah, like totally, everyone’s mindset should dialed in.” Like no matter what it is you’re selling, 80% of success is going to be mindset. Even our clients, right? Our most successful clients have their mindset dialed in and the ones who struggle and kind of take a long time to work through their own stuff is because of their mindset. But I’m not going to sell a mindset program, because no one wants that, right? No one, very few people are aware that their mindset is the single thing that’s holding them back until they’re in the trenches doing the work for the pain they want to resolve in the first place.
The pain they want to resolve in the first place was not, I have self-doubt. Okay? But the self-doubt is going to kick in when they go through the process to overcome the problem that they sought your help for. So the process through which you help people is not what you’re selling. It’s, you know, we obviously show you how to package your proprietary process in a way that becomes very exciting. But ultimately, most people don’t care, they just want the outcome. They want the outcome, right? So the major pain or problem, what is the major pain or problem you’re solving? When we look at what’s going to make something convert better than something else, like, I’ll just give you a couple of examples from a number of friends that I know in the info marketing space, guys who are doing seven and eight figure businesses with those really sketchy video sales letters, really bold promises. You know the ones, you’ve probably seen them. $37 offer by an hour it’s 27.
Anyways, so when you look at these offers, they are very, very pinpointed at, like the most successful offers, if you look at ClickBank, which is a digital marketplace for selling information products, they’re most successful products are weight loss. It’s weight loss, fat loss, abs, right? Those are major pain points that people have. They’re not selling like the mindset to get weight loss. That’s part of a program, but on the front end they’re selling the dream, they’re selling the dream of no longer dealing with this issue of excess weight. Okay? So I want you to think about your offer and ask yourself, am I solving a major problem? And second, does my audience know, are they aware of the major pain or problem and do they want it solved now? Prediabetes is not a major pain or problem, because most people are not even aware of it. Atherosclerosis or plaque buildup in the arteries is not a major pain or problem because most people are not even aware it exists until they have their first heart attack.
Go where there’s pain, do not sell prevention. I will just that alone, I’m going to just, I just saved you millions of dollars and millions of years of frustration. Do not sell prevention and sell people what they want, sell the solutions to their major pains and their major problems. The higher the degree of pain, the more urgency there’s going to be and the easier it’s going to be to get people to work with you. All right? So that is our second activator. Again, we’ve had nine total, which when they work together are like fantasies. Why can’t I remember the name of those stones from the vendors? You know those five stones on the glove, right? Once all five of them are dialed into that glove, then it’s up to super power to make everyone disappear. The four of them don’t do the trick. Same with these nine activators. All nine of them have to be dialed in. You can’t just have the second one and everything else is okay. If one out of the nine is off, the whole thing is off, so really important for you to get the scorecard,, download it.
It’ll take you two minutes to get your score and then you’ll see what category you fall into and then we’ve included a deep dive training for you to really give you a better understanding of what that all means to you in your business, and then how you can improve your score. So ultimately you can get more clients, make a lot more money, help more people, and all that good jazz that you started your business for in the first place. Is that good? So thank you once again for taking the time for joining me in today’s episode. Hope you’ve enjoyed it. I will see you on the next one coming up on Friday. I will be talking about the third activator in the market pillar of our client activation process. And for now, I hope you have an amazing day and I’ll see you then.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode I introduced you to the Client Activator Scorecard.
We’re going to be talking about the score card in the next few episodes, however in the last episode I wanted to explain to you what it is and give you an over view of how it works and how the Client Activator Scorecard can help improve your conversion rate by helping you diagnose the quality of your offer.
It will help you pinpoint 9 activators that will turn cold leads into high paying clients.
Tune in to find out why you should be using the Client Activator Scorecard and how it can improve your business.
The Black Box or The Fish Bowl?

What’s up Healthpreneurs! Today I’m going to be sharing with you one of my favorite analogies to explain the fourth client activator.
If you’re just joining us, we’ve been talking about the client activator scorecard, which is a new two page tool we’ve developed to help you improve your conversions, to get more clients and make more money. If you haven’t downloaded your copy you can do so over at
In the last three episodes, we’ve talked about the market pillar and the three activators within that. So remember, there’s three pillars, market, message, and magic. Each of those pillars has three activators to help you turn cold leads into high paying clients.
Tune in to learn how to fine tune and dial in your message so that your prospects know exactly what you do and how you can help them.
In This Episode I discuss:
3:00 – 6:00: The Black Box Analogy
6:00 – 9:00: Putting Your Hand In The Fishbowl
9:00 – 13:40: Keep It Simple, Concise and Crystal Clear
Today we segway into the Fourth Activator, message or the messaging. I’m really excited about this because this is an area where a lot of people drop the ball. Again, I wish I could say one activator’s more important than the other but honestly they’re all equally important.
So today, let’s look at the spectrum of where you might be, where you want to be. So, on the low end of the spectrum in terms of your messaging, here’s the statement that may reflect that. You can’t quite clarify your message. It’s vague and unclear. Prospects aren’t quite sure what you do.
How many of you can relate to that? Well, I think, a lot because when I look at websites and when I look at landing pages, when I look at offers, actually one of our clients just posted one of her new landing pages in our group, and I was like, I’m not too sure I understand this. But again, I’m not her target market, so maybe that’s why. Anyways, the opposite of the spectrum, which is the ideal, is your message is crystal clear and is impossible to be misunderstood. That’s the key phrase. Impossible to be misunderstood. It means one thing and everyone gets it. Okay, got that?
The Black Box Analogy
All right. So, let me give you an analogy to make sense of this. Actually before that, let’s go back to how the brain works. When you feel overwhelmed, like you’ve got 1000 things to do, right? How do you feel? Do you feel clear or do you feel like you’re going into stress fight or flight mode? Probably the latter, right? More stress, fight or flight. You don’t feel comfortable and that’s because your brain is having to work harder to make sense of what’s going on. If we think of email and inbox, right? So, you’ve an email that comes in and what do you do with that email? Well, some people have a whole process where maybe they follow a get stuff done process, right, which I think, I can’t even remember the author of that whole program but as I remember reading years ago and one of the things was, if it takes under two minutes, get it done right now.
So, if you have an email that comes through, and the email can really quickly respond, you can get rid of it, boom, get it out of the inbox, keep the inbox clean. Now, I’m very guilty about not doing this enough because my inbox starts to accumulate, which I don’t like, and the reason for that is because I get emails that come in that require me to think more than I want to. So instead of me taking action immediately, they sit there and I delay my response in many cases.
So, if we think of this as an example of how the brain works, when you put a message in front of someone, and they have to think more than they want to, that is going to hurt your conversions. What that means is that if you’re messaging isn’t crystal clear, where almost at the snap of a finger, they understand what it is you do or what it is you’re offering, it’s going to be very challenging for you to convert them into clients, a lead, whatever, you know, whatever you want. So, the fourth client activator is clear messaging.
So, let’s look at this analogy. I love this analogy. Let’s say that we are on Fear Factor. Remember that show way back in the day? Joe Rogan was the host, and I’m asking you to put your hand inside of a black box. Now, you don’t know what’s inside this black box. You might as well have a blindfold on, you have no clue. There could be a million dollars in there but there could also be a cobra snake. There could be jelly beans or there could be dog droppings. You don’t know. Now, if you don’t already have a high degree of know, like and trust with me, then what is the likelihood of you putting your hand into that box? Pretty slim, right? Okay.
Putting Your Hand In The Fishbowl
So, that’s the black box, and the flip side would be, let’s see, we have the black box on one table and then another box on another table. This box is essentially a fish bowl, and I say to you, “Just put your hand in that fish bowl because there’s a key at the bottom and if you grab that key, it’ll unlock all your dreams.” You’re like, “Yeah sure, no problem. I’ll just put my hand, cool, awesome, thanks.”
What was the difference? The difference is that in the fish bowl, you see exactly what you’re getting into, and you can see the outcome. In the black box you’ve got no idea of what’s about to happen. It could be great but it could also be really bad, right?
So, the analogy here is that a lot of messaging that I see and that I’ve been guilty of putting out into the market place, especially early on in my career, was black box marketing. That’s actually a pretty good name, right? Black box marketing. How to create a market that no one cares about. There we go. What that means is the message I was using meant nothing. It was so vague and confusing and unclear that very few people took action because either they didn’t want it, they didn’t care about it or they didn’t understand it. Does that make sense?
Now, on the flip side, the fish bowl is really what we want. It’s crystal clear like a bowl, a glass bowl would be. You can see right through it. It’s impossible to misunderstand. Hey, there’s a fish there, I see a fish. Everyone sees a fish, so it means the same thing to everyone. It doesn’t just mean a fish to some people and a whale to other people. It’s a fish. It’s a goldfish to every single person who sees it. I really want you to think about this because when you are crafting a message, like on your homepage for your website, which again, we don’t really care about because no one sees your website anyways, but more important, your landing page.
If you’re offering a webinar that people are going to register for, obviously this is something you highly recommend because they’re amazing but again, your webinar has to be, not just the webinar but the thinking leading up to the webinar. What is the promise? What’s the messaging around the webinar that is going to get someone to be like, yeah, I need to attend this thing. I don’t care if it’s five hours, I’m going to watch this. If that is not clear, if people land on that page and they’re looking at the headline and they’re like, what? What is this all about? I have no clue what this is. They’re gone, right? Because they’re going to have to think and if they have to think, that creates a micro-stress response and that stress response is going to lead them to feeling not good, right? Not in a depressed fashion but just at a really cerebral level, a really surface like I don’t feel comfortable. I’m not sure why I’d want to do this, type of thing. I’m not clear what it is.
Keep It Simple, Concise and Crystal Clear
But if the flip side to that is, here’s a very specific thing you want. Here’s exactly what you’re going to get. Boom. Okay then. That’s interesting. That’s a bit more compelling. So, your marketing within your marketing your message. The words that you use need to be very clear.
So, the client activator scorecard is a two page tool that helps you identify the nine activators that turn cold leads into high paying clients. Now that is all, I think, very clear except for the nine activators. Now the nine activators, what does that do? That invokes curiosity and curiosity is a good thing and you can use curiosity in your messaging as long as the overall objective of the message is very clear, right?
So, you want to discover what these nine activators are. Well, what are you going to do? Well you got to go opt into grab the PDF, right? So go to So, if I said, there’s this scorecard thing and it’s got a bunch of things and a bunch of scores and it’s going to help you identify what’s going on in your business and then how you can create a breakthrough in your business. It becomes way too, like it’s … Dude, spend some time thinking to reduce the number of words you’re using to clarify your thinking. I don’t know if it was Oscar Wilde or one of those famous writers or whatever, back in the day, said something along the lines of, “I’m sorry it took so long to write such a short thing. If I had less time, I would have written something longer.” That’s the thing. The fewer words you use, the more thinking you have to incorporate because it requires thinking to clarify your message.
It’s very easy to ramble on but it’s harder to simplify and clarify and I think that’s a really great hallmark sign of someone who really understands their stuff is they can simplify, distill and clarify what it is that they’re trying to get across. So, if your message is vague, unclear, cloudy. If when the person’s reading this or hearing this, they’re not able to form very clear vivid images in their mind of what’s about to happen, that doesn’t create certainty and if they don’t have certainty, they’re not going to convert. Let’s look at the example of a phone conversation with a prospect. You talk about, you know, you get to the part of the call where you talk about your program and how it’s going to help them and in their mind they’re thinking, “I have no clue what you’re talking about. I can’t see this in my … How does this work? I don’t understand.”
So, that’s what they’re thinking in their mind, gets to the part of the call where you’re like, hey, do you want to work together and they say something like, I need to think about it, or I need to talk to my spouse. I need to talk to my dog. I need to talk to my postman. Whatever excuse they’re going to throw at you and the only reason they’re using that excuse is because in their minds, they have not been able to bridge what they want for where they are now with what they want and they can’t see your program as the visible bridge. It’s like, they see part of the bridge but then the rest of it is in the clouds and most people don’t have enough faith to just take it step by step, they have to be able to see the end result and see how it’s all going to tie together.
So, the more clear you can communicate what you do on a phone call, the better off you’re going to be converting people into clients. That’s a higher level example of how you take a prospect into paying you money but we can bring it all the way back down into a landing page to get someone to opt in. Clarity of message at every step of the process is extremely important.
So, that is our fourth client activator. Again, it’s our first one within the message pillar.
Now, in the next episode, we’re going to talk about the second client activator in the message pillar or the fifth client activator overall. Hey, I’m not going to even tell you what it is, right? So, you’ve got to join me on that episode. It’s coming up in two days.
For now, remember to grab the client activator scorecard over at Download it today. Get your score. See where the leaks and opportunities are and then attend the deep-dive training so I can show you how to increase your score so you can get more clients, serve more people and make more money.
That’s all from me today. Thanks for joining me. I’ll see you in the next episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode I talked about the 3rd Activator of your Client Activator Scorecard: Playing in a market where you intend to be the best.
In short, unless you plan to win, don’t play. By striving to be the best version of yourself and having the confidence that you can deliver, you are able to provide your clients with excellence.
Listen in to hear where you need to start if you intend to be the best in your industry.
No One Cares About Your Thing
What’s up Healthpreneurs! In today’s episode we’re talking about the sixth Client Activator. This is the final of the three activators in the message pillar. This activator is called empathy. Your messaging needs to be empathetic.
Why? Because No One Cares About Your Thing
All too often, one of the biggest mistakes people make with their messaging is making your message all about you, your story, and/or your offer. It screams self-promotion. This is rampant in the health, wellness, and fitness space.
Truth be told, no one cares.
Tune in to find out how to craft a message catered to empathize with your prospects they will care about, sit up and take notice of.
In This Episode I discuss:
02:00 – 03:50 – It’s Not About You
03:50 – 05:10 – The Dilemma Of Being An Expert
05:10 – 08:08 – It’s All About Them
08:08 – 12:20 – Tune Into WIIFM
12:20 – 13:45 – Wrap Up With Yuri
Welcome back to the show. Let me tell you a really long story about my life. Now, just before you turn the power button off because you’re probably thinking to yourself, “Dude, I don’t care about your life. Just tell me the goods. Just tell me what you got to tell me that’s going to benefit me.” Well, that’s the core message I want to share with you in today’s episode. We’re talking about the sixth Client Activator. This is the final of the three activators in the message pillar. This activator is called empathetic. Your messaging needs to be empathetic.
The previous two episodes, we talked about your message needing to be vivid. In the prior one to that, we looked at why your messaging needs to be clear, and this final one is your messaging needs to be empathetic.
So clear, vivid, and empathetic. Those are the three activators in the message pillar. For instance, on the worst side of the spectrum… Again, if you don’t have the Scorecard yet, go on over to Download this bad boy today. Get your score. See where the leaks are. I’ll show you how to fix them.
It’s Not About You
If we look at the worst side of the spectrum in terms of the empathy side of things, the statement says your message is all about you, your story, and/or your offer. It screams self-promotion. This is rampant in the health, wellness, and fitness space. “I’ve got this amazing thing. I’ve spent so many hours developing it. It’s got 500 videos,” and I don’t care. It’s really sad, but no one cares.
I learned this the hard way. Seven years ago, I built a program called Super Nutrition Academy, which was amazing, I thought. I spent a thousand hours building a nutrition education platform, pretty much, for the average person. We actually built out a certification. You can get CEUs on it, the whole bit. It’s like going back to nutrition school, but for the average person. I took all the stuff that people need to know around nutrition, distilled it down. It was research-backed, but still very simple. That became the course. A thousand hours, I built this thing, and I’m thinking it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
The whole promise was like it’s a four-year college degree in nutrition in one hour per week. Pretty cool promise, but no one cares about learning stuff. They just want to lose weight. We’ll talk about the magic in the next three episodes. When we come to making an offer, that would’ve been nice to know back in the day.
Anyways, had I known this stuff back then, I would’ve saved myself a lot of time, but one of the things I see a lot of people do is what I did. I was so excited about it because I spent so much time doing it, and we get so close and wrapped up in our own stuff that we forget that no one cares about our stuff. What they care about is their problem. That’s really important.
The Dilemma Of Being An Expert
I was speaking to a lady on the phone a couple months ago. She was recommended to me from someone else, and she said she had a book out. I said, “What’s the book all about?” She’s like, “It’s everything I’ve ever learned. It’s 600 pages.” I’m like, “Who is it for?” “It’s for everyone. I talk with protocols for every single condition.” I’m like, “Shit. This is going to be a tough one to sell.”
The reality is, as I’m listening to her talk, it was all about her. It was all about her and her knowledge and her expertise. This is a very slippery slope that as an expert you can slide down very quickly. This is the dilemma of being an expert is that you get so caught up in your expertise that you forget what problem you’re solving. It’s almost like we just want to verbal diarrhea everything we know and assume people want it.
The reality is they don’t. They don’t. People have a problem like, “I have 40 pounds to lose. Just give me a frigging pill. I don’t care how the body works. I don’t care how digestion impacts leptin and… Just tell me the pill or tell me what to do, and I’m going to do it. Everything else, maybe down the road I’ll learn that, but for now, I just want the results.”
It’s All About Them
Your message needs to be catered to empathizing with your prospects. If we look at the far right end of the spectrum on the Scorecard, the statement says, “Your message is centered around your prospect’s major fear, frustration, or desire. You’ve shown the ability to imagine what they might be thinking, feeling, or experiencing. They feel like you are in their head.”
When you hear people talk about, “I watched your thing or I read your thing, and it felt like you were in my head,” that is when you know your messaging is dialed in because if you do this properly, you’re naturally incorporating clarity and vividness in your message, and when it’s emphatic, people can see themselves, the key word is see themselves in that message and that story.
What I just read to you is essentially the encapsulation of a really powerful message is it talks about the fears, frustrations, or desires of your perfect client and not about you. Now, you can share your story and share it in a way where the client sees themselves in your journey. This is actually one of the secrets to running Facebook ads is you can’t say, “Looking to lose weight? Can’t lose those last 20 pounds?” You can’t say that stuff because Facebook will shut you down because it’s just against their policies of making people feel bad. How do we get around that? Well, part of it is sharing your story. You share your story in such a way where the random people on their newsfeed are like, “Man, that’s exactly what I’m going through. That’s exactly what’s going on in my life.”
It’s not about, “Hey, I’m so cool. I did all this cool stuff,” da, da, da, da, da. It’s you’re painting a picture of the prospect, but you might be sharing it through your story, or if you’re not on Facebook ads and you’re just walking on video or you’re writing a message that’s going out in email, it’s all about them.
My first mastermind class, Amanda, Amanda Tress runs Faster Way to Fat Loss, doing more than a million dollars a month, huge business. When we first started working together, I was looking at her initial web page for Faster Way to Fat Loss, and one of the first things I noticed was that the first, I don’t know, one-third of the entire page was all about the prospect. You know why? You know how I knew that? Every single sentence started with the word “you.” “You are here because,” inserts desire or whatever. “You’ve done your best to da, da, da, da, da.” “You’ve tried everything to without,” and it just went on and on. I’m like, “That’s the way to do it. That’s why people resonate with it.”
Tune Into WIIFM
But on the flip side, I see websites that are, “I do this. I’m an expert on this. I da, da, da.” Everyone’s like, “Who cares. Who cares. You’re cool. Whatever. Tell me what you… How am I being helped here?” Remember, the only radio station you should be tuning into is WIIFM. That’s what your prospects are tuned into, so you need to get on the same wavelength. WIIFM stands for What’s In It For Me. Everything you do is about them. Yes, you can share story, but just always, always, always, just keep this in mind. It’s like, am I talking about myself all the time here? Have I gone off on a 20-minute tangent about my own stuff, or is it all about them?
I think this comes back to social cues. One of my best friends from when I was young, we don’t see each other that much anymore, but when we do, it’s the same story he keeps telling over and over and over again. He has pulled more from the past than he has to the future, and that’s why I don’t hang out with him too much.
By the way, you want to be hanging out with people who are pulled towards the future more than pulled toward the past, but here’s the thing is that if we’re at a gathering, barbecue, dinner, whatever… everyone knows him. We’re all good friends. It’s like, “Dude, don’t tell us that same story about whoever or that time in Texas when this happened because we’ve all heard it,” but the funny thing is, he doesn’t get it. He doesn’t clue into the social cues of people being like, “I got to go to the bathroom,” or they’re going to pick up their phone when no one’s called them and fake answer their phone just to get out of the conversation. Don’t be that person who doesn’t pick up on the social cues. Be the person who is obsessed with understanding of what your market is going through.
I shot a video a while ago called The One-Word Marketing Plan. The one-word marketing plan is empathy. If all of your marketing is based around what your perfect clients are going through, you’re doing a pretty good job. I think that that’s important to think about because if your stuff is being put out into the marketplace and no one’s responding to it, well, it could be that they just don’t see what’s in it for them, so empathy is really, really important. How do you do this?
Well, here’s the good thing is that health, fitness, wellness experts usually come when they’re… so when you’re building a business online, you’ve probably already got some degree of experience coaching clients offline. When I started online, I’d been training and seeing clients for seven years in person. Do I need to run surveys? No. Dude. You’ve got seven years of face-to-face client interaction.
Now, if you have zero idea what your clients are dealing with, then that’s on you. Maybe you should show a bit of interest in what they’re going through, what are the challenges that… what’s keeping them up at night? You got to jot this stuff down, man. You got to keep notes on this stuff because everything that comes out of their mouth is marketing gold.
We’re not using it in a way to manipulate people. We’re just saying, “Tell me what you’re going through. Tell me what you’re struggling with. Tell me what’s going on in your head? What’s keeping you up at night? Where do you want to be five years from now? What do you want to see when you look in the mirror?” All of this stuff, this is like human-to-human interaction type stuff. You see, most Internet marketers have zero background in those types of interactions, and therefore, they’re having to figure out “what do my clients want because I don’t even know them,” so they’re running surveys and doing all sorts of stuff.
But you have an unfair advantage just for coming from a clinical setting where you worked with patients or you have your own gym or you just saw people virtually one-on-one on Zoom for instance. Hey, that’s all the intel you need assuming you’ve gotten deep enough to find the intel. That becomes the foundation of all of your messaging. I promise you if you build your messaging around your clients, everything’s going to change in your business.
Wrap Up With Yuri
That is empathy with respect to the message pillar. Next three episodes, we’re going to finish up this whole talk about the Client Activator Scorecard. We’re going to go into the magic, which is the final pillar of this triad of influence, that’s what I call it, market, message, magic.
As I’ve mentioned before, if you don’t have all nine activators, so each pillar has three activators, if all nine of the activators are not dialed in, your messaging, not, sorry, not just your messaging, but your conversions ultimately are going to suffer.
The next three episodes, I mean, I can’t say they’re more important because every single one of the things we talked about is very important, but these next three episodes are probably where I see people drop the ball the most. It comes down to the magic. What is the magic? Well, we’ll talk about that in the next episode.
For now, if you haven’t downloaded the Scorecard, head on over to Download it, fill it in, get your score, attend the Deep Dive Training. That’s a free bonus for you that goes along with the Scorecard.
For now, thanks so much for tuning in. I hope this makes sense. I look forward to seeing you in the next episode where we’re going to dive into the third pillar called magic. We’ll start looking at the first activator in that pillar to help you make your offers much more compelling. I’ll see you then.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, I got to share with you one of my favorite analogies to explain the fourth client activator which I call, The Black Box Analogy.
If you’re just joining us, we’ve been talking about the client activator scorecard, which is a new two page tool we’ve developed to help you improve your conversions, to get more clients and make more money. If you haven’t downloaded your copy you can do so over at
In the last three episodes, we’ve talked about the market pillar and the three activators within that. So remember, there’s three pillars, market, message, and magic. Each of those pillars has three activators to help you turn cold leads into high paying clients.
How to Get Prospects Begging to Work With You
Hey, hey, hey Healthpreneurs! It’s another great day and today we’re going to dive into the seventh activator which is the first activator in the magic pillar.
The activator we’re talking about today relates to the magic. The magic is what it is you are introducing to the marketplace.
We’re going to talk about how to make your magic highly desirable.
Tune in to find out how to get prospects begging to work with you using this magic pillar.
In This Episode I discuss:
03:42 – 06:23 – Sell Them What They Want, Give Them What They Need
06:23 – 12:04 – Is Your Offer A “Must Have”
12:04 – 17:31 – Choosing A Single Target Market
17:31 –18:23– Wrap Up With Yuri
It’s show time. Welcome back to the podcast. Hope you’re having a great day. We are going to take what you’re doing and we are going to amplify it in such a way that prospects are going to beg to work with you. Yeah, we are, seriously.
Today we’re going to be investigating the first activator in the magic pillar that encompasses one of the three pillars in our Client Activator Scorecard.
Now again, if you have no clue what I’m talking about, if you just joined the podcast, you’re like, “Dude, what are you talking my man? Is this like a magic for magicians type of thing?” No, it’s not. Number one, we’ve got this amazing scorecard called The Client Activator Scorecard. Two pages, front and back. Go download it at And why you’d want to do that is because the scorecard is going to give you a diagnostic score about where you are with your marketing. It’s going to help you identify where the leaks are, why conversions might be lower than you want them to be.
Then you’ll have a score. You’ll be able to identify what that means. And with the scorecard I’ve included a deep dive training which is about 60 minutes that’ll walk you through how to fix the leaks. It’ll give you more context about everything we’re talking about and just really give you a deep dive on how to fix those leaks once and for all.
Now that that’s said, let’s look at the seventh activator which is the first activator in the magic pillar. As I’ve mentioned before, you have to have every single one of these nine activators working properly, because if they don’t, as I’ve mentioned before, it’s like you’re a dog walker and eight dogs want to go forward but one’s going backwards, you’re going to have a tough time.
The activator we’re talking about today relates to the magic. The magic we talk about message, market, magic. The magic is what it is you are introducing to the marketplace. Your magic is either something for free or it’s something that is for pay. So it’s a free lead magnet, a free webinar, a free call as an example. Or if it’s something that they’re buying, it’s your coaching program, it’s a book, it’s a course, it’s whatever.
Anytime you’re asking someone to do something, it’s going to be free or paid. Those are the only two options. Click on this link. It’s free. Click on the Buy Now button. You have to pay for it. There’s only two options. We’re going to talk about how to make your magic highly desirable, and that’s the seventh activator. This is the one we’re talking about today, having magic and offer, something you’re providing others that is highly desirable. Let’s look at the spectrum.
Sell Them What They Want, Give Them What They Need
On the one side being not ideal, so like the one, two, three in terms of the score, we are looking at the following statements. You are offering or selling what you think people need but not what they really want. Now, how do you know what people need and how do you know what people want? Well, you can look at what is already selling like gangbusters. That’s one way. But I think also intuitively as a coach who’s been working with clients you kind of know what people want.
Now here’s the thing, is the more you work with people, you actually see what they need. Here’s the big distinction. You have to sell people what they want, give them what they need. In our health business accelerator program, our goal is to help you get more clients so you can add $10,000 per month or more within three to six months. That is something I believe something that is very highly desirable for most coaches in our space.
But here’s the thing. That’s what you want. But what you really need is a real kick in the head. I say that in the most loving way possible. What I mean by that is that most people, especially early on their business have major, major mental blocks that is crippling them. A large portion of what we do with our clients is mindset work, helping them overcome self-doubt, limiting beliefs, monster procrastination. Listen, this is real stuff. But if I were to sell a mindset program on the front end, do you think anyone’s going to buy that? Well, maybe for 20 bucks, but not at the level that we’re working with our clients at.
This is the thing you have to remember with your marketing, is you have to sell the sizzle, not necessarily the stake. You have to sell what people want. They don’t want to improve their vitality. They don’t want to have a more positive mindset. They need that stuff. But what they want is more money. They want more sex. They want a better body. Those are the three things if we were to really break them down into very tangible things people want. I say here in the statement, you’re selling something you think people need, which is mindset stuff for instance, but what they really want is a body transformation. They want body transformation. They want a body or performance transformation.
Is Your Offer A “Must Have”
So if we go to the other end of the spectrum, to something that is highly desirable, here’s what that statement looks like. You are offering or selling a quantifiable, keyword quantifiable, physical or performance transformation that solves a major pain or problem. Again, this goes back to what we talked about several episodes ago in the market pillar, major pain or problem. It is a must have and people are willing to pay top dollar for it. That’s a really important distinction.
I don’t want to spill too many beans here. I’m working on a series of new books. I said I was never going to publish a book again, and then I had some epiphanies a little while ago, spoke to my agents, crafted a bit of a game plan for world domination over the next five years. It’s starting. Now I’m not going to reveal anything, but what I can tell you is that the book I want to write, there is no way that I could sell that as a high-end coaching program. I’m very aware of that. I also understand that it’s the type of book that every single person can benefit from reading.
The challenge here is because the result … So because it is a very soft, I’ll just use that, a very soft type of result, I need to think of a way to make it very highly desirable. That’s part of the magic of what I do, is really crafting, it’s kind of taking mindset and turning mindset into something that’s like, “Man, I got to have that.” But most people don’t think like that and that’s okay because, listen, I’ve been doing this for a long time and I can kind of catch myself, I can catch my mistakes before they’re made. So I understand that it’s not like, “Hey, take this … Here’s a five day diet that’s going to help you lose five pounds in just five minutes a day.” That’s a very, very tangible, highly desirable type of result. What I’m talking about is not that.
Now, the reason I’m sharing this with you is because will clients pay top dollar to work with me in that type of program, in terms of the book I’m building out? Not really. Not as a front-end offer. But as a back-end, like giving you what you need, that’s pretty much what I do with all my clients.
You need to think about. Is the thing that you’re offering … There’s a very big difference. Just because something’s going to work as a $20 book doesn’t necessarily mean you can charge $5,000 to $10,000 for a coaching program for that, because you’re going to get on the phone with people and you’re going to talk about … Okay, the person is going to do most of the talking about what they’re struggling with, what they need help with. You’re going to introduce your solution if there’s a good mutual fit and they’re like, “Yeah, like man, let’s do this,” and you’re like, “It’s $4,000.” They’re like, “Are you for real? Like are you crazy? I’m going to just do this $97 workout.”
Here’s the bait and this is one of the things that we obviously help our clients really, really dial in, is you need to be working in an area where people have a major pain or problem where a $97 product is just not going to solve it. Because if you’re just helping people just generally get fit, no one is going to pay $4,000, or $5,000, $6,000 to work with you to get generally fit. It needs to be tied in to a highly desirable results.
We talk about physical or performance transformation. Now performance transformation is going to be very relative. If I’m a tennis player, I’m obsessed with tennis as I’ve probably mentioned a few times, I have a very, very strong desire to be a very, very better. That’s good English. I have a very strong desire to be the best tennis player I can be. I have this delusional belief that I could actually compete on the ATP Tour. Then the funny thing is I lose all my games that I play in tournaments. Like I don’t know what kind of drugs I’m taking. Anyways.
I have a very strong desire to want to become better. So that means performance improvement. That might look like I have a program … Let’s say I was a tennis coach. I have a program that is guaranteed to improve your first serve percentage, so that 70% of your first serves fall in and I’m going to add 20 miles per hour to your first serve. I’m like, “Shit. That sounds good. Let’s do it.”
Now the program is $5,000 and now I’m thinking to myself, “All right, tennis serve $5,000, like really? I don’t know. I mean does that make sense because I could probably get some stuff on YouTube?” But here’s the thing, is that if this is a … This goes back to the market. Within any given market there are going to be fanatical people like me and there are people like, “You know what? My serve is not important. It’s not a big deal.”
But if we’re dealing with our perfect clients who have a major pain or problem being they want their tennis serve to be a lot better so they can be the best tennis player possible, that’s a major pain or problem or a big desire that they are willing, not everyone, but they are willing, the right people are willing to invest to solve once and for all. Because if I were to pay $5,000, do you think that I actually might pay attention to the coaching and I actually might do the work more so than if I saw a free video on YouTube and then I got distracted by the next thing that came? Probably.
Choosing A Single Target Market
So what is highly desirable is obviously very subjective. That’s why we go all the way back to the first activator, choose a single target market seeking a solution now. If I were a tennis player. Okay, so I’m let’s say a level 5.0 tennis player. Am I seeking a solution now? Maybe. Maybe not. But I’ll tell you one thing. After I’ve played a couple tournaments and my first serve or my second serve … I just played my first game of the season a couple weeks ago. And it was a good … for being the first game, I had this rib issue that was going on which I may have mentioned. For being my first game I was actually really happy with how I played, except for at the end of the first set my second serve just completely disappeared and I probably hit 20 double faults in the next set. Like it was ridiculous.
I had 20 double faults. Now do you think my level of desire to fix my serve is greater than before? You better believe it. And that’s why you have to go after pain or problems that people are consciously aware of. Not prevention. Because we’ve talked about this. People don’t buy prevention. Only when shit has hit the fan do we take action. You’re in a marriage. All of a sudden your spouse leaves you. Oh my god, I’m super motivated to get her back or him back. But before that, it was just like you took them for granted. This is the way humans work. So you have to offer something to people.
This ties back into the market. Single target market they’re actively looking for a solution now to a major pain or problem. And that ties into offering them something highly desirable. And that means it needs to be quantifiable. So getting fit is not quantifiable. I’m going to improve your VO2 max from 40 milliliters per kilogram per minute to 80 milliliters per kilogram per minute. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t worry about it. But I’m going to help you improve that VO2 max double in the next two months. That’s a very tangible, a very quantifiable performance improvement.
Now is that strong enough for people to want to pay you a lot of money for? Probably not. I’ll just be very honest, unless, unless that is your livelihood, unless that means everything to them. But for a lot of people performance improvements means looking better. A performance or a physical transformation might mean, like my buddy Vince, he helps or he did it back in the day, helped skinny guys pack on muscle.
Skinny guys wanted to get girls. They wanted to feel more confidence. But here’s the thing, is that he wasn’t selling confidence. He was selling putting on muscle so you can look better at the club, in the mirror, by the pool. But as a result of that you became more confident. So it wasn’t just, “Let’s just do bicep curls.” But that’s what he’s sold. But on the flip side of what he delivered was not only the workout programs, but was the mindset, was the confidence improvements, and as a result his whole business over time morphed into the five Ms, of whatever they are, money, mindset, marriage, muscle, and something else.
But it’s really important you get this because we work with a lot of clients. I see this over and over again and this is where we have to course-correct them early on, is like, “Hey, I help people with their mindset. I help people get more confidence.” That’s great but you can’t … It’s tough to sell that. It’s not highly desirable. People know they want that stuff, but it’s not going to propel them out of bed to take action. It needs to be something that they are consciously aware of that they want.
So as an example. Let’s say you help people with more confidence, or to get more confident. Confidence is the bridge to an outcome. So yeah, you help me get more confident so that what? The answer to that so that what, that’s the desirable outcome you want to sell.
Now, you might have the same process and the outcome could mean different things so that you get in, you can attract your perfect spouse or mate, or you feel more … you can perform better on the field. Same process, different outcome. But you need to choose one. Because if you’ve got a process to improve people’s confidence and your clients are athletes and people and relationships, just choose one. Single target market is seeking a solution now. But I promise you, you will have a better time converting clients if the desirable outcome you are helping people achieve is I’m going to show you how to attract your perfect mate versus I’m going to show you how to have more confidence. I promise you that every single day of the week. Okay?
Wrap Up With Yuri
The first activator in this third and final pillar is highly desirable outcome. Got it? Now in the next episode we’re going to look at the second activator in this pillar which ties very closely with what we just talked about and it’s important to know as well.
I’ll just leave it at that. Again, I’m going to hang and keep you in suspense. I’m going to keep you in suspense so that we talk to each other in the next episode. For now, if you need the scorecard, you know where to get it, Download it. Get your score. Attend the deep dive training. Let’s get you fixed up. Okay, let’s get that marketing dialed in so you have an easier time converting clients and making more money, serving more people, and all that good jazz. Sound good?
That’s all from me today. Thank you so much for joining. Hope you have an amazing one and I’ll see you in our next episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, we talked about the sixth Client Activator which is the final of the three activators in the message pillar. This activator is called empathy. Your messaging needs to be empathetic.
Why? Because No One Cares About Your Thing
All too often, one of the biggest mistakes people make with their messaging is making your message all about you, your story, and/or your offer. It screams self-promotion. This is rampant in the health, wellness, and fitness space.
Truth be told, no one cares.
Tune in to find out how to craft a message catered to empathize with your prospects they will care about, sit up and take notice of.
Why You Need to Quantify Your Outcomes
What up! Today’s discussion is going to revolve around the second activator in the magic pillar. This is our eighth of the nine client activators, and it’s a tangible result.
People are interested in the outcome. They could care less about the means to getting there.
And that’s the magic of selling tangible results.
Tune in to find out how to use this magic pillar to make your offer more compelling and improve your conversions.
In This Episode I discuss:
01:56 – 08:50 – Selling Quantifiable Results
08:50 – 10:25 – Make A Promise They Want
10:25 – 14:54 – Its’ All About The Outcome
14:54– 16:42 – Wrap Up With Yuri
What’s up, guys? Hope you’re doing great. Welcome back to the podcast. We’re going to follow suit from what we talked about in the last episode, which was about how to get prospects begging to work with you. We talked about the first client activator within the magic pillar, which was having something that is highly desirable, whether it’s a paid program or free or anything, what you’re asking people to venture into needs to be highly desirable for something that they want, okay.
Today, we’re going to follow very closely to that conversation, so there might be some overlap. Today’s discussion is going to revolve around the second activator in the magic pillar. This is our eighth of the nine client activators, and it’s a tangible result.
Again, first and foremost, if you need the scorecard, go to And let’s look at what this looks like.
Selling Quantifiable Results
So, on the least ideal side of the spectrum, the statement says, “You’re offering or selling soft, unquantifiable outcomes, like feeling better, more confidence, feeling aligned, more motivation, et cetera.” We talked a little about this in the last episode. Let’s break this down. The activator is tangible results. Okay. Actually, I’ll come back to this in a second, let’s go to the other side of the spectrum, which is the ideal.
The statements, “You can clearly articulate the measurable, quantifiable outcome your clients will get.” Now, with that said, let’s go back to looking at things like feeling better. If you were to put a number, that means quantifiable or measurable, how do you quantify feeling better? How does the person in their mind, how can they visualize that? Remember we talked about vividness of message and clarity of message? They have to be able to see it in their mind. I can’t see what feeling better looks like because it’s just so, it’s such a big possibility. But if I say something like, “Jump out of bed before your alarm clock,” that is more tangible because it either happens or it doesn’t, and I can clearly see it in my mind.
I’ll give you an example of this. We’ve got a great greens powder in my health business called Energy Greens. And one of the challenges that we wanted to overcome was, I mean, how do you quantify energy? How do you show people that your greens powder is helping them? With a workout or a weight loss system, you step on the scale, you look at the number. With energy, it’s different. Now listen, I wrote the number to New York Times bestselling book on the topic called The All-Day Energy Diet, so I’ve kind of figured out how to sell energy and unquantifiable things.
What we did is we said, “We need a way for people to be able to measure the effectiveness of this greens powder,” because some people might experience more energy, others might experience better looking skin, which is really cool. Others experience weight loss. We had several older women, their hair became brown again instead of gray, it was pretty freaky, awesome. So, what we decided to do, and to be honest, I don’t even know if we still do this because I’m not involved in the business at all anymore.
So, what we did at the time was we included, because we knew that greens and part of our positioning are necessary to alkalize our body, and alkalinity leads to better health and energy, and all that stuff. So, we said, “How do we quantify this?” So, what we did was we included a pH testing kit in their order, and we showed them how to measure their own pH just using their saliva. What we decided to do is we said, “Listen, here’s a little chart, and we want you to track your pH.” I think it was like every three days or even daily for seven days. And all we wanted to do was show them that by taking the greens, it was improving their pH balance and basically showing them that by doing this, getting more greens in, they were improving their alkalinity, and that now becomes a visual, quantifiable measure of progress.
Now, listen. If I may say so myself, I think that’s a pretty brilliant idea. And it becomes really interesting when you can take something that’s unquantifiable, like energy, and make it visual and measurable. That’s what we did with the pH testing strip with the testing kit. And what that does is it encourages consumption. It shows people that what you’re doing is working, do more of it. That’s the biggest challenge with supplements is a lot of times, we’re taking them on blind faith. I take a multivitamin, or I … Sorry, I should say I tested a multivitamin from Onnit for a month. The only reason I’m testing it is because it was ridiculous, like $100 in shipping and customs. I’m like, “I’m not paying that every month. That’s crazy.”
But here’s the thing. Every single time I’ve taken a multivitamin, I’ve never ever, ever noticed a single difference. Never ever. When I’ve used fish oil, when I’ve used probiotics, I’ve never once ever noticed a physical difference in how I felt or looked. Now, here is the opportunity for these types of companies is you need to be able to offer something to your clients, or customers if it’s a product, where they can quantify and make, they can reason logically why they’re going to continue to take this. And honestly, if I’m going to do, for instance, probiotics, maybe having a stool sample before and after to show the improvements, that’s interesting. Now, I could go out and do that on my own, but if the company were to provide that or have a referral code to some other provider they recommend, that becomes very interesting because now in my mind, logically I can say it actually makes sense for me to take these probiotics every single day because here’s where I was, here’s where I am now based on the tests and here’s what that means to my health. That becomes very exciting.
So, part of your job, again, we’re not talking about selling supplements, but I just wanted to give you an example. Part of our job as coaches is to take mindset, is to take confidence, is to take motivation and you need to figure out a way to make that measurable. And that’s why it has to go back into the outcome because motivation in of itself, how do you measure that, your ability to get out of bed in the morning? I don’t know. But I’ll tell you if you tie this into an outcome, if you say, “Listen, I understand you want to be more motivated, but you want to be more motivated so that, what?” It’s a means to an end.
You want to be motivated so you can work out more often so you can get a better body. Cool. So, my program helps you get a better body, and part of how I do that is I give you accountability coaching et cetera to keep you more motivated to keep you on track, da, da, da, da. But the outcome is a tangible result. I’m going to help you burn 10 pounds of fat in the next 10 weeks. We’ll talk about motivation in a process, but I’m selling a tangible result that can be measured, it can be quantified, and we know if it was hit or not. I mean, this goes back to even setting goals for your business. We have very specific goals in our company.
Make A Promise They Want
This quarter, one of our goals is to help 100 new clients get their first client, and 25 new clients hit their first 10k month. Those are very black and white. They either happen or they don’t. That’s a tangible result and it allows us, as a company, to know when we’ve hit that or not instead of saying, “We help clients improve their marketing.” What the hell does that mean? What does that mean? It can mean so many different things. So, you have to spend the time thinking about what is the tangible result I am providing for my clients? And I promise you, if you can make it tangible and it’s tied into something they highly desire, which was the previous activator we talked about, now you’re on the path to crafting an offer that is very compelling.
So, when I say your magic, I’m talking about the thing you’re offering. You send out an email and you say, “Listen, on this blog post, I’m going to show you this thing. Click here and read the post.” You’re asking people to click. And every single time you ask someone to do something, inherently on the backend of that or included with that is an offer, is a promise. When you click on this link, I promise to show you this thing. So, how do you improve click through rates? You make them a promise they actually want. But it’s like, “Hey, new blog post. Click it, check it out.” I don’t care. I don’t care about a new blog post. But if that blog post shows me how to make a million dollars by looking for stuff under my carpet, okay, I’m more intrigued.
It’s All About The Outcome
Every single time you ask someone to do something, inherently, there’s an offer. There’s a promise. And that promise needs to be highly desirable and it needs to be tied into a tangible result if possible. If you’re offering a free consult, like a free strategy call, you have to sell that call as something very vivid and tangible and desirable. It can’t just be like, “Yeah, book a call and let’s chat,” because book a call and let’s chat could mean I’m going to be bombarded with a sales pitch for the next 30 minutes. But if you break it down and really, really walk them through what they’re getting, the tangible result they’re going to leave with, make it highly desirable, now people are going to be booking calls with you more often.
And obviously, if you’re working with a good pipeline, it’s going to qualify and exclude the wrong people. With your coaching program, please this will save you years of frustration. It could actually save you from going out of business because what happens is you get on the phone with people, you’re all pumped, you feel good about your program, you offer to them, once again, you’ve kind of gotten to that point to understand you can help them make them whatever they wanted. And you say, “Here’s my program.” They’re like, “You know what? Eh, I’m going to think about it.” And I’m going to think about it is a bullshit answer. It’s a bullshit answer that’s just basically being polite saying, “I’m not interested.” Okay. So, how do we take somebody from being not interested to like, “Oh, my god. I have to have this?” Well, part of that’s what we’re talking about is it needs to be highly desirable and it needs to be tied into a tangible result.
So, helping people get healthy, that’s a terrible, a terrible offer because who cares? We all want to eat healthy, but for what? So, this goes back through single target market. You help a single target market seeking a solution now to a major pain or problem, and you plan to dominate that niche. So, when we tie that into the offer, what’s the problem that they’re dealing with, and what is the thing that we’re offering them that’s going to solve that? Eating healthy is not the outcome. Eating healthy is a means to the outcome. I’m going to help you eat healthy so that you can lose the 10 pounds.
And I think the challenging thing for a lot of people is that they have to come to grips with that ultimately, it’s going to come mostly down to physical or performance transformation. Like, “Oh, I don’t just want to do all the weight loss. I don’t want to just be the weight loss person.” Well, guess what? You can choose to be the weight loss person and actually have people enroll with you or you can choose to be the person who helps with mindset and eating better and better habits, and no one cares. Okay. So, all of that stuff that you want to do, include it in your program, but don’t wrap your program with the wrapping paper that says, “Motivation, mindset, confidence, eating better.” It’s like no one cares about that stuff. You need to wrap it with the wrapping paper that says, “You’re going to look like this.” And people are like, “Shit. I’m in. Tell me what’s inside. All right, sounds good. Let’s do this.”
I hope you get this because this is a really, really big area of challenge for a lot of people in the health and fitness space. And I think it stems from the fact that we want to do the right thing, which is we know that it’s not just about weight loss. I’m not saying everyone has to become a weight loss coach. That’s not what this is about. It’s about understanding what drives human behavior. And what drives human behavior is how we look and how we perform. Okay. And when we understand that and we’re able to articulate what you do and the outcome you provide for your clients in a way where they can measure it, see their progress and know yes or no if they got there, that becomes a lot more compelling. So, I don’t sell confidence, I sell help you having more sex with your wife, as an example. I don’t sell mindset, I help you get a promotion in your job, but mindset is a key component in getting a promotion. You see what I’m saying? That’s the magic. That’s part of the magic here.
Wrap Up With Yuri
The final episode we’re going to have obviously coming up around this client activator scorecard topic is the final client activator. And maybe save the best for last. We’ve talked about the magic being the offer, the promise, whatever you want to call it, being quantifiable, measurable, tangible, they can clearly, vividly see it. Like, I don’t just help you lose weight, I help you fit into your skinny jeans. I don’t just help you put on muscle, I help you look better in a tank top. That level of vividness.
But the next and final activator could arguably be the most important. You’ve got to be the Chris Harrison from The Bachelor. This is the most dramatic season of The Bachelor ever. That’s what you said last year, but it was true because it was the most dramatic until the new one came out. This is going to be the most important activator, I think because, well, you’ll find out. It’s coming up in the next episode. I won’t ruin the surprise.
For now, once again … got to love the scorecard. Get your scoring on, nine activators. If you don’t want to wait until the next episode, you just want to go through the deep dive training with me, that’s about 60 minutes, about 60, six zero. I’m going to walk you through the whole scorecard in depth, deep dive training on what it means, where the leaks are, how to fix them. Watch it, attend it. It’s all free goodies for you.
As a result of all this, you’re going to have better conversions, more clients coming in, more money, more goodness. Okay. So, that’s the deal in the meantime. You can do that at Healthpreneur Group, Do that now if you haven’t already. And I’ll see you in the final episode, not of the podcast obviously, but of this series on the client activator scorecard that’s coming up next. I hope you have an awesome day, and I’ll see you then.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode we dove into the seventh activator which is the first activator in the magic pillar.
The activator we’re talking about today relates to the magic. The magic is what it is you are introducing to the marketplace.
We’re going to talk about how to make your magic highly desirable.
Tune in to find out how to get prospects begging to work with you using this magic pillar.
My Lead Magnet Isn’t Converting — Now What?
Hey guys, Yuri here and welcome to another deep dive episode. I’m excited to have another special guest with us. Patrick Willis
Patrick is just starting out and he is supporting people who have a terminal diagnosis and helps them make the best of the rest of their life.
Like so many other people, Patrick knows who he wants to serve, but is struggling with how to get more of them into his world. So it really becomes an attraction problem or an attraction challenge.
We took a look at Patrick’s funnel and worked with him to dial in his message to improve his conversions.
We identified where Patrick’s messaging needs improvement and how we identified the one area Patrick needed to focus on to attract his ideal client and convert to a customer.
Be sure to grab a pen and paper to take notes so you can use the same strategy in your messaging.
In This Episode Patrick and I discuss:
01:18 – 02:14 – Helping The Terminally Ill
02:15 – 03:49 – Patrick’s Biggest Business Challenge
03:50 – 11:30 – Yuri Breaks Down How To Attract Your Ideal Client
11:30 – 28:39 – Dialing In Patrick’s Marketing Message For Better Conversions
28:40 – 32:49 – Patrick’s New And Improve Marketing Message
Hey guys, welcome to the show. Yuri here. I’m excited to have another special guest with us. Patrick Willis is on the line with us and he is over in the UK as you’ll obviously get to see by his awesome accent.
Patrick Willis: Hello.
Yuri Elkaim: As you guys know, I’ve got no context for what we’re about to talk about. So Patrick, can you fill us in with who you are, what you do and then we’ll jump into how we can serve you over the next 20, 25 minutes.
Helping The Terminally Ill
Patrick Willis: Yeah, that sounds really good, Yuri. Thanks for that and again, thanks for the opportunity to speak together, to work together a little bit. So essentially my background, I was a kind of techy, geeky nerd and ended up being a business executive and got super, super tired of the corporate drone rat race stuff and started my own business being that I had coaching skills. I could do that and started doing some of this and then a couple of years ago now, I suddenly realized that there was a passion I started chasing, I hadn’t known about before and that is I’m supporting people who’ve kind of walked out of the doctor’s office with a terminal diagnosis and I help them make the best of the rest of their life. That’s what I’m doing. So I’m pretty new to this. I’m in a business I’ve not long started and just building, building up now, but I fill in the gaps in my knowledge. I’m a good coach, but I’ve been volunteering in hospices. Things I like to understand the specific needs of people in those kinds of places and how I’m building from there.
Patrick’s Biggest Business Challenge
Yuri Elkaim: Good for you. So what do you need help with most? If we could get clarity on maybe one thing over the next 20 minutes. What would that one thing be for you?
Patrick Willis: Okay, well I’m pretty happy that when I get on a call with people that I can sign them up. I know if I get the right person, somebody who needs my help and I get on the call with them, they can work with me one on one or in a group if that’s the right thing for them to do, but I have not quite completely sussed how to get the right people on a call with me to say, “Yeah, I’ve done a bit of ad on Facebook. I’ve been in certain groups and so forth,” and again, trust is an issue. I think people go, “Who’s this guy? What’s he trying to sell me? Oh no, no, no.” So for me, I think my biggest gap is working out the best place to kind of reach out to my tribe and my ideal client.
Yuri Elkaim: Perfect. That’s probably the most common challenge that we come up against is “I know who I want to serve. How do we get more of them into my world?” So it really becomes an attraction problem or an attraction challenge. I’m just going to share my screen here with you and we can just draw some stuff out. So just to lay a bit of a framework, we’ve got in any business there are three major pillars and I’ll just short form them. So we have attract, convert and deliver. So you know that when you have a client on the phone or a potential client, you can most likely enroll them if they’re a good fit and once they’re in with you, you can deliver some amazing results with them, right?
Patrick Willis: Yep.
Yuri Breaks Down How To Attract Your Ideal Client
Yuri Elkaim: Most people, most coaches are very much like that. They know they can deliver awesome stuff and that’s really important because that gives you the confidence to have that conversation with them in the first place. So what we need to figure out here is we need to look at how do we attract people in the first place? How do we get people knowing about you and what it is you can do for them. The conversion piece is the next piece, which obviously you feel pretty confident, comfortable around. So if it’s okay with you, we’ll kind of just maybe direct our attention on the attraction piece.
Patrick Willis: Sounds like a plan. Yeah, absolutely.
Yuri Elkaim: So there’s, what have you done, just as a bit of background in this, what have you done to get in front of potential clients up to right now?
Patrick Willis: Essentially clients I’ve gotten has been mainly word of mouth. Now again, it’s an old coach story and that’s not scalable. We all kind of know that. So I have been looking a bit on some Facebook groups where people are dealing with things like a terminal illness and life threatening cancer and so forth. So I’ve been looking organically in there, but that’s been a challenge because people are a little bit suspicious of what you’re doing if you’re doing anything other than just directly contributing to the group, which I’ve been doing as well. I have been running some very small scale Facebook ads, but I wasn’t really willing to scale those up until I could see conversions off them essentially. So I’ve seen a very small sliver of opt ins, but nothing that’s converting at scale into something that looks like it becomes affordable if that makes sense.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure. So really quickly walk me through what that looks like. So they go from a Facebook ad to where?
Patrick Willis: So they go to a Facebook ad and then I send them to an opt in page and on my opt in page I’ve got a lead magnet, which is kind of four things you can do right now to drop your anchor and find your feet. Imagine you just have walked out of the doctor’s office with this diagnosis you weren’t expecting and that’s available on there. Should you sign up for the lead magnet then you’ll be in my email list. Then I will nurture you and invite you onto a call.
Patrick Willis: There’s also in the back of the opt in form, there is an immediate saying, “Hey, thanks for signing up. If you want to speak to me now, you could. You can sign here and book in my calendar if you wanted to.” No one has done that so far. On the thank you page there is a possibility of signing up there. So that’s what, that’s essentially what it looks like at the moment. So I have a smallish list that have opted in through that mechanism and I’ve sent them some nurturing emails, but as of yet, no one has come back through that funnel to take up a call.
Yuri Elkaim: Can you, do you know roughly what the conversion percentages from the Facebook ad to people opting in for the lead magnets?
Patrick Willis: From the Facebook ad to the opt in, it’s pretty low. It’s around about 5% I think.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay, and then right now you’ve had 0% take the phone call on the thank you page?
Patrick Willis: Yeah, that’s right.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay. Like I say, marketing is really, it’s really math and psychology. So once you understand the metrics, that’s a great place to start because then you can reverse engineer to make things a bit better. So, what I think would be really helpful to focus on instead of talking about a different funnel, pipeline, whatever, just using what you already have and making it a little bit better if that’s cool?
Patrick Willis: Yeah, definitely. I’m for that.
Yuri Elkaim: So when we look at… All right, so we go back up here, we look at attract, convert, deliver. Now one of the biggest pieces that most people don’t recognize is we all, everyone wants more traffic. They want more traffic to their website, to their offer, et cetera and so that’s really the attract side of things, but in order to attract as many people as you want, you have to have the conversion side dialed in.
Patrick Willis: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Right? And the conversion side is not just the phone call, it’s how to get people from the Facebook ad to actually convert to opt in for the lead magnet and then from the lead magnet, how to get them to convert over here. So each stage of your pipeline is going to have an ask, right? Opt in, call me, book a time, et cetera and every ask inherently has a conversion mechanism there. So when we look at what it takes to improve conversions, I have something I call the Triad of Influence, and what this does is again, three circles. There’s three pieces that are really important. Number one is we have our market, we have our message and we have our magic. You mentioned that getting people to book a call with you or opt in or even enroll with you who don’t even know you, there’s obviously a bit of a trust issue in some cases, right?
Patrick Willis: Yeah, yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So the key is market, message, magic. When you have those dialed in, that’s how you start making more money and enrolling clients and really serving those clients, but one of the things that’s interesting is when you look at the market and the message, this interesting little crossover point here, this is the opportunity to build what I call KLT and that’s know, like, and trust. What that means is when you put a message in front of the right market, that market is going to say to themselves, “Wow, this person really understands me. They know exactly what I’m going through,” and when you can describe what people are going through or they feel more understood by you, that is how you build trust with an audience. So the messaging is really important and making sure that it’s obviously going to the right market.
Yuri Elkaim: Now the second component here is the magic that you introduce into the market. Now the magic is your offer, for the lack of a better term. So your lead magnet is your magic and what we need to do with our magic is we need to introduce some type of novelty. So when we have magic that is introduced into a marketplace, for it to really work it needs to be somewhat novel, different than what people have seen before. Otherwise they just browse on, right?
Patrick Willis: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: And then the third components, when we look at when you have a message that contains that magic, what that does is it builds desire. Because what you’ve done here is you’ve put a message in front of a market and that message is saying, “If you’re this type of person, here’s exactly what you’re going through,” and they’re like, “Holy cow, how’d you know that?” “And by the way, I figured out this really cool solution for you.” What that does is it builds a desire for them to want to have that thing. Does that make sense?
Patrick Willis: Yeah, totally makes sense, yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So if you were to look at market, message and magic, based on what you know of this right now and based on what you’ve seen perform in your business, which of these three do you think probably needs the most help right now?
Dialing In Patrick’s Marketing Message For Better Conversions
Patrick Willis: That’s an excellent question, which I’ve been pondering on for the last couple of minutes as you’ve been talking. I think it’s the message because essentially, I know the magic I can bring. I know the difference I can make. I know the impact thing I can bring. I know what the market looks like and I know kind of they’ve got some other places where they’re hanging out. I’m sure there’s other places to hang out and find better, but to me I think the messaging is the bit that probably isn’t on point and needs some work to do that either. The novelty in a way kind of worries me because people aren’t doing this very much. You get life coaches that will deal with anybody or therapists that will help people who’ve been terminal or whatever, but as a kind of niche, this is, there’s not many people doing exactly this.
Patrick Willis: So the novelty, it’s kind of scary and maybe a bit of a problem in itself, but it’s the message that’s tied together, those two things about the getting in the trust and also building the desire that I think is where the gap is.
Yuri Elkaim: So here’s the tricky thing about this is that these three pillars all have to work in unison. It’s very much like if you were to open the face of a watch and you have the dials inside. If one of these dials was not working, the watch doesn’t work. So it’s really important that each of these three are all working in unison. Each one of these three have three activators, I call them client activators within each of them. So now you’ve got nine activators that even if one of them isn’t working properly, it’s almost like walking eight dogs in one direction with one dog pulling the opposite direction.
Patrick Willis: Yeah that makes sense.
Yuri Elkaim: So let’s look at these individually really quickly and look at where some of the opportunities might lie. Under market, the first thing we have to look at is single target market seeking a solution now. So you’ve, I think you’ve clarified who that market is, right? So I guess my follow up question, are these individuals consciously seeking a solution now to their dilemma?
Patrick Willis: Well, I think a good lot of them don’t even think there is a solution. So they are problem aware as opposed to solution aware.
Yuri Elkaim: So at least they’re aware of the problem, right?
Patrick Willis: Oh yeah. It’s something they face every day?
Yuri Elkaim: Sure, which is important and they actively probably want to solve it because they’re aware of it. They just maybe haven’t been exposed to how to do so. Is that about right?
Patrick Willis: Yeah, I think that’s fair.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay, so let’s give that a check mark. Second piece in the market is they have a major pain or problem that they want solved.
Patrick Willis: I think that’s a big tick.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, I’d say so and then third thing is that you plan to dominate that space because I think it’s really, it’s a lot easier when you can be the authority in the space and I think obviously you’re doing something that very few other people are doing. So we’ll put a check on that. So under message, there’s three things, if clear, vivid, and empathetic. These are the three activators on our message and honestly this is probably where most people can start to make things more powerful. So if we look at your opt in page. So if we look at the message here, I just wrote this down, the four things to drop your anchor and find your feet roughly, that’s what you mentioned, right?
Patrick Willis: Yeah, yeah. There’s been a few variations of the page and I’ve been just gradually, just gradually getting a little bit more option through tweaking the dial.
Yuri Elkaim: I think the wording is clever, but I want to tie in magic to message here because I think they work really closely together here. So under magic, we have a tangible results. So, even if it’s a free lead magnet, there’s going to be a tangible result. It needs to be highly desirable and there needs to be a big idea and the big idea is something that is new, different or polarizing. Something that is going to get them to be like, “Holy cow, I’ve never heard of this before.” Otherwise it’s the same as everything else. If we look at the opt in page, so the fourth thing is to do, or to drop your anchor and find your feet. Do you find that to be a tangible results and highly desirable?
Patrick Willis: So it’s definitely tangible. It probably could do the… I made it tangible. I’ve said, “You can get results in 10 minutes.” If they look at the, the subhead says things like that that you can get results in 10 minutes.
Yuri Elkaim: So let me ask in a different way. How do you measure that? How do you measure? So when we say tangible, it’s got to be quantifiable and something you can measure. So how can we measure that?
Patrick Willis: Yeah, that’s a good shout. I mean in essence the steps, step one on this journey with people is kind of getting them to, rather than lock themselves in a darkened room for two weeks feeling totally numb, it’s to be out there starting to make the most of the rest of their life and figuring out it’s not over. So probably painting a picture around that. I mean I’ve heard others talk about the idea of landing the plane don’t keep it at 30,000 feet to be really tangible. I like that area, that’s a good point and I probably don’t do that as well as I could.
Yuri Elkaim: This is honestly probably one of the biggest opportunities for most businesses where they put something out and they’re like, “Hey, why isn’t it working?” Well let’s have a look at the offer. Oh, it’s improve your wellness. What does that mean? Right? How do you define that? So there’s a big difference her between selling people what they want and giving them what they need. Now in this case, we’re not selling anything. We’re giving them obviously a free thing, but let’s just call it selling for a second. Anytime someone’s going to opt in or buy something that’s essentially a sale in some way, shape or form.
Patrick Willis: Absolutely.
Yuri Elkaim: So if we tie this into a clear message, a tangible results mean something they can quantify. They can step on the scale. They can look in the mirror. They can measure it, something. Now, clarity ties in with that because the more tangible the magic is, the more clear the message becomes.
Patrick Willis: Absolutely, yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So part of the process of marketing is thinking about, I have this outcome. So if you were to, okay let’s think big picture for a second. When clients work with you, what is the outcome that you help them achieve?
Patrick Willis: If we’re talking about the ultimate outcome, the ultimate outcome is just that they, their last months or years of life, they’re not in survival mode. They’re actually thriving. They’re making a difference in the world. They’re living a tangible legacy for their family. They’re leaving peace and joy rather than trauma behind them. Now I know that’s all emotional stuff and you kind of have to turn that into, well what does that look like in practice I guess.
Yuri Elkaim: So it’s almost if I were to sum that up is making your life post diagnosis or do they all know that they’re going to be, that they’d have an expiration date?
Patrick Willis: Nobody ever knows. That’s the problem. Nobody ever knows. You can go to doctor, they say, “You have three months to live,” and five years later you’re still alive. It’s one of those things that, there’s a lot of gray edges on that. So that’s the thing.
Yuri Elkaim: So the idea almost is how to, something along the lines of how to make your life even better after diagnosis in some way, shape or form.
Patrick Willis: Yeah, exactly, yeah. And there’s lots of components to that. A lot of that there is about, you’re not arguing with your loved one. You’re on the same page as them. Your kids feel supported. There’s a whole bunch of stuff around that. Around to not dying in horrible stressful situations at the hospital when you can have some much better outcome dying at home, even doing something simple like that.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure. So if we looked at the, if we looked at the top three frustrations or fears that these potential clients are experiencing or worried about, what might those be?
Patrick Willis: So the biggest frustration or fear is, “Holy crap, my life is over. I’ve got nothing. I’ve got nothing to look forward to. I’m going to spiral down through medical treatment until I die.”
Yuri Elkaim: So they’re going to be dependent upon drugs, medical treatments for-
Patrick Willis: And they can’t see beyond that. All they can see is the, this is it. It’s all I’ve got. The second why is going to be like, “Well, how’s my wife, husband, kids going to cope?” There’s a big one around the often finances is another big one. “How are we going to pay the bills?”
Yuri Elkaim: Mm-hm. Anything else?
Patrick Willis: So there’s, I mean that there’s… The other one they go through really is best way to describe it is they wake up in the morning and suddenly remember, “Oh shit is happening to me.” Sorry. You can edit that out.
Yuri Elkaim: No, it’s all good. It’s all good. We curse sometimes on the show.
Patrick Willis: “This is happening to me,” and it’s anger that they aren’t getting to do what they want to do. It’s frustration. It’s guilt. They should have done things differently. It’s an annoyance that they lived a really good lifestyle and it can still happen. It’s this constant roller coaster of emotions that just gets in their way of doing anything.
Yuri Elkaim: What about desires or wants? What are some things? What are some immediate wants or desires that they have?
Patrick Willis: So again, the biggest usually is how do I best look after my family in whatever shape or form that is? Might just be a spouse or it might be kids and so forth, but that’s normally that’s the biggest desire. I mean the obvious one which is, “My God, I want to live.” That’s the biggest one.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s a good one.
Patrick Willis: You know, “I want to live. Thank you very much. I don’t want to die.”
Yuri Elkaim: So they’re motivated out of their mind to do whatever they have to do? Get on the green juices, infrared saunas, whatever they have to do to-
Patrick Willis: Yeah, and all the stuff that most of the time won’t help them at all, but they’ll still do it.
Yuri Elkaim: If we think of, so let’s say that they’re able to do stuff that allows them to extend their life for another 20 years. What does that look like? If they were to, so a want is something that they want relatively immediately and aspiration is something that’s more longer term.
Patrick Willis: Good shout, yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So they want to live. Why? Why do they want to live and what are they going to do with that life now? That’d be an aspiration. What are maybe one or two things there that we can-
Patrick Willis: Let’s talk about that a little bit. It’s interesting really, because I think when people are in that situation, they can rarely see beyond the immediate situation. So survival is top of mind. It’s the old kind of chimp lizard brain stuff. It’s survival. It’s top of mind. That’s really where it’s at. There is a huge opportunity here that people tend not to see. People don’t see it, but it’s there, which is for the people who go through it and deal with it well, they suddenly have this very different perspective on life and a very different view as to what’s really important. All that sort of annoying crap and trivia really doesn’t matter anymore, really doesn’t. And the people that come through very frequently take a new perspective.
Patrick Willis: Actually, Steve Jobs, I think he quoted this. He said “The biggest gift of him being diagnosed with the,” I think it was cancer he had, wasn’t it? “The biggest gift of that was helping him stop and think what’s really important.”
Yuri Elkaim: Sorry, I just kind of put that down as a sub bullet because it’s almost, I don’t think people really aspire to want that.
Patrick Willis: No, they really don’t. It’s a side benefit almost. Again, people’s individual aspirations are very, very different really. Again, the aspirations vary as to what the person’s about, what matters to them. What this will have given is a huge opportunity and perspective to recognize what matters to them that they didn’t have before.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, which is a great.
Patrick Willis: As a coach normally, you have to spend a lot of time teasing it out to people.
Yuri Elkaim: “So now you tell me what’s important to you and now that you’ve survived this, what do you want to do with the rest of your life?” and now a whole new world of possibilities opens.
Patrick Willis: Absolutely.
Yuri Elkaim: So we and sometimes it’s tough for people who haven’t experienced that to recognize that, but once they’re in it, to be able to see like, “Hey man, I’ve wanted to travel here and I wanted to take care of my family in this way.” That becomes interesting. When you’re thinking of aspirations and the reason we talk about this is because aspirations, is very closely tied with vision. So if you have vision for your life, that’s more of an aspiration than “Here’s something I want tomorrow,” and I think if you can juggle both of like, “Okay, listen. You just got diagnosed. Here’s how we’re going to survive today and tomorrow and the next 30 days and if all works out well, we’re going to give you another 10, 20 years of life. Well, what are you going to do with those 20 years?”
Yuri Elkaim: “Imagine being able to do all this stuff that you’ve put on the back burner for so long to now really live in the life you’ve always desired,” and so when we’re talking about message and we want to be able to paint a picture where we meet people where they’re at, the conversation in their minds. We’re able to, again, empathetically understand what they’re going through, but then share-
Patrick Willis: Yuri, I know this and this is tricky because I can’t say “I’m in your shoes.” I can do a lot of, “Yeah, I’ve talked to people who are like this,” and so forth and whatever, but the empathy is a tricky balance here.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure, so you’ve worked with clients who’ve gone through this, right?
Patrick Willis: Yeah, yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: And that’s all that matters because it’s not that you’ve gone through this, but you’ve worked with clients who have and you’ve felt what they felt to some degree and you empathize with their situation.
Patrick Willis: Absolutely.
Yuri Elkaim: And that’s partly, probably why you do what you do. I lost my hair when I was 17 years old, but I ended up helping people lose weight for almost 20 years and I’ve never had a weight issue, but I understood the emotion of what it felt like when you don’t feel like yourself and so empathy means you just understand what they’re going and they feel understood by you. It doesn’t mean you have to have walked in their shoes. So if we look at fears, frustrations, wants and aspirations, this starts to tie into tangible results and something that’s highly desirable. What you, I think just that I got emotionally here, is that the number one thing you said that people really wants is how to best look after their family.
Patrick Willis: Yeah, yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Other than surviving.
Patrick Willis: Other than surviving, which again is largely out of their control.
Yuri Elkaim: So here is my, and again it depends on if this is something like do you feel confident that you can help someone in this first area?
Patrick Willis: Yeah, absolutely.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah?
Patrick Willis: Absolutely yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Perfect. So based on that, I would change the angle of what I’m offering the markets to what their most desired thing is. So for instance, and honestly maybe the lead magnet itself is the same and nothing has to change other than the title of it and it’s-
Patrick Willis: Mm, because actually the lead magnet bag is very much about them and really it might need to be about others.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, because we’ll always do more for others than we will for ourselves, especially in this situation.
Patrick Willis: My thinking was, and again perhaps it’s faulty, is that this well I don’t, but again, this is me thinking about the need really, which is they need to do that first.
Yuri Elkaim: Exactly.
Patrick Willis: It’s like you’ve got to put your own oxygen mask before you can help somebody else, but what you really want to do is help-
Yuri Elkaim: We coaches are all the same. We’re always like, “Here’s what you need to do.” You’re like, “I don’t care. I just want this thing instead.” So like with our clients, we spend a lot of time working on mindset. Overcoming self-doubt, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, but if I were to sell that on the front end, no one’s like, “I don’t want that stuff. I just want more clout.”
Patrick Willis: I hear you Yuri, thank you. That’s helpful.
Patrick’s New And Improve Marketing Message
Yuri Elkaim: So here’s what I would suggest and obviously the numbers don’t lie. It’s 5% opt in. So I would suggest creating or tweaking your existing lead magnet to something along the lines of how to best look after your family after diagnosis or my wife actually came up with a term a couple of years ago called surviving the bomb. Surviving the bomb, which means the bomb just got dropped. How do you survive it? How do you help your client? Sorry, how do you help your family thrive after you’ve been diagnosed? And build it around that so that you have a step by step guide or a checklist or something that is going to give them, if I’m traveling for a couple of months I’m going to have a checklist of things I need to make sure I check off.
Yuri Elkaim: Maybe that lead magnet is going to address some of those things to help that person take care of their family and messages that you then segue into “Listen, your family’s one thing, but what if you could stay around for longer? What if you be around longer than maybe the doctors have told you? Well, if that’s of interest to you, obviously we can show you how to survive. Not just survive this diagnosis and prognosis but extend it and live a longer life and if that’s of interest to you, then book a call. Let’s chat. Let’s figure out a game plan,” and that’s what I would do to initially offer that initial lead magnet and then segue people into booking a call with you.
Patrick Willis: Yeah, that’s a good shout.
Yuri Elkaim: So what makes the most, what has made the most sense from this conversation for you so far?
Patrick Willis: I think for me it, again it’s a, and I’m familiar with a lot of the material you’ve shared, but again sometimes you just need someone to challenge you on what the detail is, what it looks like and I think really by encouraging me to kind of almost land the plane on the, on what really matters here and again, it’s about the family I think. I think you’re right. So focusing on that, which is again what they want and they can see wanting to see, they want top of mind rather than something I know they need, which I just slapped myself every time I do it. Still do it.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s all good. We learn. We fail forward fast and that’s how you get better. So Patrick, has this been helpful?
Patrick Willis: Yeah, thank you Yuri. That’s great. I’m going to revamp this lead magnet this afternoon and I’ll keep you posted how it goes if you’re interested.
Yuri Elkaim: Keep us posted. Let us know how it goes and I have a good feeling that it’s going to convert better than 5%. Patrick, thanks so much for taking the time.
Patrick Willis: Thank you.
Yuri Elkaim: Keep us posted inside of the Facebook group. If you’re not, I’ll send you a link for how you can jump in there.
Patrick Willis: I’m pretty sure I’m in it, but I’ll check.
Yuri Elkaim: Thanks so much for your time and trouble and listening. Hope you guys have enjoyed this one and we’ll see you in the next episode.
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What You Missed
In our last deep dive episode, we welcomed Leah Marie. Leah finds herself in the situation where she isn’t at the point to quit what she’s doing to focus her energy full time towards starting her business. On top of trying to make the transition she also finds that she needs to balance self-care and managing relationships during this time.
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Here’s my perspective on this. I think it’s a complete waste of time, and here’s why.
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When you run a beta group, people don’t pay you full price, and if they don’t pay you full price, they don’t pay full attention. A number of years ago, when I released my second book The All-Day Fat-Burning Diet, we did a beta group. We did a beta group with 500 people. 500 people, for free I gave them access to the book in exchange for a testimonial. Do you want to know how many testimonials we got? Five. Five testimonials out of 500 people. Do you know what those other 495 people did? Not a lot.
Why Beta Groups Are A Bad Idea
If you are thinking of running a beta group because you don’t have confidence in yourself, you need to work on that, okay? You need to be better at what you do. You have to be really good at helping people. If you don’t know how to do that, then you can’t help people. It doesn’t matter if it’s for free or paid, okay? You have no business helping people if you can’t help them, right? But if you know that you’re great at what you do and you can help them, then by no means should you be offering freebies. Listen, if you had a clinic, if you had a physical practice, and people came in, would you say listen, I’m going to charge you nothing, just for the next 12 weeks, just for a testimonial? No, you’d be insane. You’d lose your lease.
But when we run an online business, we think things are different. It’s not different. It’s the same. You’re going to have overhead. If you can’t make money, you don’t have a business. So don’t do stuff for free like that. I mean, it’s fine to provide free content and whatever, but when you’re going to work with clients,you should give enough stuff away for free that you earn the rights to charge a premium price to work with people.
Never Discount Your Awesomeness
So when people want to work with you, never, ever, ever discount your awesomeness, because it’s not just shortchanging you, but it’s shortchanging them, because they’re not going to show up fully. And if you’re looking for testimonials and social proof, then you want committed clients who are going to do the work. So the best way to do this is if you have client zero, the best way to get client number one is have confidence and certainty that you can help them.
Help them, and then get the testimonial. Make sense? Let me know if that makes sense to you, and if you want more help to get clients and grow your health business, join our free Healthpreneur Facebook group.
There are thousands of other health entrepreneurs in there who are growing their businesses, and we’d love to support you, as well. I’ll see you there. == >>
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The Secret To Success In Business
What’s up, Healthpreneurs? Welcome back to the show. Today, we’re going to talk mindset.
In our last episode, we spoke to Brandy Lipscomb and she spoke a lot about getting past fear, developing herself personally and moving into the unknown.
Her journey was so inspiring because she truly developed a winning mindset. She saw where she was – didn’t like it – and took action towards something different for herself. How many people can say they’ve done that? How many people stay stagnant because of fear?
What you feel and what you chose to do with those feelings will make or break you. Like Brandy, take control of your destiny and stop being the victim of your own negative thoughts. Tune in to hear some tips for getting into the right mindset and sitting in the front seat of your life.
In This Episode I discuss:
01:00 – 04:00 – Today’s topic: Mindset
04:00 – 07:00 – Where it all starts, pushing out negativity, and an example
07:00 – 10:00 – The choice you make and the reasons you give that either move or block you
10:00 – 13:00 – The discipline and courage it takes to make the shift
13:00 – 15:30 – Some important takeaways
Hey, what’s going on guys? It’s a special episode today. We are in the car. I’m actually driving to the University of Toronto right now as I’m recording this. I’ve got a meeting with our alumni, and we’re talking about the future of the soccer program. All that good stuff.
Anyway, the reason I wanted to shoot this video is I’m not often in the car for any appreciable length of time. So I figured, “Let’s make the most of this.” Let’s have a little conversation, and I hope this finds you well.
Today’s topic: Mindset
The focus of this episode is really going to be about mindset. Now in our last episode, we had a really great conversation with Brandy Lipscomb who’s one of our awesome clients. She’s a Naturopathic physician who moved away from 60 hours a week in the clinic, to burning herself out, to stepping into the unknown, and working with us, and building a six-figure online business. It’s pretty amazing. Really amazing story.
If you haven’t yet watched or listened to that episode, just go back to the previous episode of the podcast. It’s there. It’s really good.
And I wanted to just piggyback on what we talked about a little bit. But more specifically, one of the things that she mentioned is when you hang around successful people, successful in the sense of … success being I set a goal and I moved towards making it happen. That’s what I define as success. It doesn’t matter if it’s finances or whatever else.
Because what happens most of the time is people set a goal and then they let their mind get in the way. They have limiting beliefs, and there’s self-doubt, and they’re worried. And all this nonsense that we all deal with, fear, get in the way of what they want to achieve. Brandy’s conversation was so good because for her it was like, yeah, she was fearful. But the big thing was she went through a year of massive personal growth. She had $35. She did a huge amount of stuff on her own development, and that gave her the courage to move into the unknown.
And she’s not some kind of super human, although I think she’s pretty amazing based on what she does. But here’s the thing is that you could do that, too. You don’t have to be ordained by the queen to do amazing things. You know? It’s really starting in your mind, thinking to yourself, “I don’t know necessarily how to do this, but I’m going to figure it out and I’m not going to give up until I do.”
Because the alternative sucks. The alternative is, “I’m going to spend the rest of my life working for someone else who I can’t stand working for.” Or, “I’m going to slave away in my clinic, or in the gym, or just doing something that doesn’t really fulfill me.”
“And I know this thing that I’m starting is challenging. I know that I don’t necessarily have all of the answers yet. I know the tech is maybe a bit of a challenge. But you know what? I can figure it out.”
Oh, my camera just took off there. “I can figure this out, and I can get the support to help me figure this out.” And that’s the mindset that a winner has. I think Brandy’s a great example of someone who has that.
Where it all starts, pushing out negativity, and an example
So she talked about … she has no time for negativity. She has no time for living in self-doubt. And if she has a bad thought, immediately catches herself and changes. Here’s another way of starting for you. I was just having dinner with my kids. We went to a sushi restaurant, and they love sushi. So our youngest one, Arlo, who’s now five arguably based on what I’m about to share with you, he likes to throw meltdowns. I don’t have any patience for that stuff.
I don’t get angry, but I just don’t give in to the nonsense. So we’re at a sushi restaurant. He was wearing a big winter jacket and it’s springtime. I try to teach them some table manners and so forth, and said, “Hey, Arlo? Can you just take your jacket off? That’d be awesome.” And he’s like, “No.”
So for the next half an hour, he’s sitting there in mopey, sad, crying mode. And he has plates of sushi that are in front of him on the table. So Oscar and Luca, my other two kids and myself, we’re eating the sushi. We’re having a great conversation. We’re having a good time. And here’s Arlo moping and trying to struggle getting his jacket off.
And I’m thinking to myself, “This is ridiculous.” And I told my other two kids, I’m like, “Hey guys, you see what’s going on here?” Obviously we don’t want to give it a lot of attention. But I said, “Listen.” And I show the sushi … like, the soy sauce dish that we had. And I told them, I was like, “Hey guys. In life, there are two sides. You’ve got one side and the other side. One side is everything is great, there’s nothing … I mean, look at all this amazing beauty and these opportunities. And the flip side is life sucks, I’m a victim, nothing ever works out for me. The world is bad. And all that matters is which side you choose to focus on.”
And our youngest son, Arlo, apparently was choosing the wrong side which wasn’t really a very empowering, resourceful position to be in. And I told him, “Listen, man. You’re not touching the food until you get this nonsense figured out. So take your jacket off, and settle down, and then you can have some food.”
The choice you make and the reasons you give that either move or block you
30 minutes, okay? So eventually he did. And then he was in a great mood. He had the sushi and he was happy. So in any given moment in your life, you always have the choice to choose how you feel. Right? No one is telling you how to feel. Viktor Frankl, ‘Man’s Search for Meaning,’ terrific book. He was in a concentration camp obviously during the second world war. And the book was written about how no matter what happens around you, nobody can take away the fact that you are the only person who chooses how you feel.
And that is a choice. And that’s the big thing. It’s a choice. It’s the choice to feel shitty. It’s a choice to feel depressed. It’s a choice to feel overwhelmed. It’s a choice to feel like a victim. Circumstantially, nothing else changes. The only thing that changes is your choice of how you want to feel.
Here’s the thing is we work with a lot of clients. I want almost every single one of our clients to win. I want every single one of them to build a seven figure business. I believe they can. There’s no special secret sauce. You follow the right strategy, get the right coaching, you get plugged into the right community, and you just keep going.
I wish I could say 100% of our clients end up get amazing results. But they don’t. Just like your clients don’t all get amazing results. And the only reason why is because they come up with reasons. You can have reasons or results. That’s it.
And listen, I understand life gets in the way. Shit happens. Life get challenging. But it’s very, very interesting how many people come up with reasons for why they can’t do what they say they want to do. There’s never going to be a good time to do what it is you want to do. There’s never going to be a moment in time where the kids are out of the house, everything is great, all the ducks are in a row. It doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t work like that.
The discipline and courage it takes to make the shift
You have to make every moment of every day work for you. And the best way to do that … and I love that Brandy talked about this as well, is that she gets up at 5:30 every morning and she does what matters most. She focuses on herself. She does her meditation, she does her journaling. She gets herself primed for the day so that she’s in control of her destiny and she’s not a victim to somebody else’s agenda.
Listen, the little things in life matter. It’s not these massive, big needle movers. It’s these little things that you do every single day. That compound. It’s getting up early, it’s spending the first half an hour to 60 minutes every day focused on you. Getting yourself centered, getting yourself focused on your goals, getting yourself focused in gratitude. In whatever you need to do to live each day to the best of your ability.
Because listen, a month goes by fairly quickly. Six months, 12 months, five years. You look back like, “Where did the time go?” So every single day, you have to be gardening. You have to be gardening in your own mind. You have to pluck out the weeds and you have to put in the good thoughts. You have to spend the time doing this, because this is the only thing.
Listen, I keep saying this. I’ve been very fortunate to be surrounded by some very successful people. Not just in the online fitness business, but people with massive several hundred million dollar companies. Big time thought leaders. Whether it’s in passing or if I know them a little bit more familiarly, more friendly … it’s all the same. They’re not anything different. There’s no … Like, you have a conversation with these people and it’s like, “What’s so special about this person?”
There really isn’t anything that much more special about what these people are doing except for the fact that what they have between their ears is dialed in. They believe in themselves. They don’t spend time worrying or not in a kind of negative mindset. If shit hits the fan, they get resourceful. They don’t start making excuses.
And it’s not rocket science. It’s training. You have to condition yourself to respond differently and in a more empowering fashion to life. You have to be the driver of your life instead of the passenger. A passenger in our case is a victim. Someone who says, “All of this stuff is happening to me.” The driver says, “All of this stuff is happening for me.”
Let me put on some gas. Let me break. Let me swerve around this crazy cab driver in front of me. Right? And that’s the secret. It’s the secret. It’s the secret to living a great life is taking control of each and every day doing the best you possibly can to stay focused on what it is you want in your life. Having a really optimistic, positive, happy mindset. And everything flows from that.
It doesn’t matter what it is. Tony Robbins talks about how success is 20% mechanics, 80% psychology. The more you play this game of life and business, the more you see that’s such a reality. You know? It’s having the right mindset that allows you to take a bit more risks. To have a bit more courage to step into fear. To do things that maybe a lot of other people wouldn’t do because they don’t believe in themselves.
And the only way you can build confidence is by having courage to take action. But if you’re held back in fear, then you can’t develop that confidence. You can’t develop that capability because you’ve never had the courage to move through the unknown.
Some important takeaways
That’s the message I want to share. I’m not even sure what the message is here to be honest, as I’m just rambling on. I’m hoping there’s a number of things that are sinking in for you. And most notably is that having more horsepower to car is a good thing. It helps you get out of sticky situations like I just did.
But more importantly is that your success in life is determined by what happens between your ears. I really, really hope that this message sinks in that it’s your choice. Every single day, it’s your choice. No matter what the weather is, no matter what’s happening around you, you choose your life. You choose how you want to feel. And based on how you feel, you are going to create things in your life that are amazing or not so much.
And as a love boat … what Abraham-Hicks talks about, they talk about negative emotions are a warning sign that bad stuff is coming at your life. And if that doesn’t sink in, I don’t know what will. So just remember if you want good stuff in your life, feel good. Focus on good. Focus on excitement, optimism, hope. Even if things right now aren’t what you want them to be, who cares? Focus on what it is you want to create. You can only ever attract what you focus on.
Sound good? So I’m going to continue my drive down the university. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day and hope this message finds you well.
For now, thank you so much for joining us. Continue to do great, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
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While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, I introduced you to a very special guest, Brandy Lipscomb, who is a client of ours and powerhouse that’s doing some amazing things in the health and wellness space.
As I mentioned in the introduction, Brandy spoke a lot about getting past fear, developing herself personally and moving into the unknown.
After working with Healthprenuer, Brandy has experienced rapid results through her Perfect Client Pipeline – and she came to us with only the desire and motivation to impact more lives through her work.
Listen in to hear about her journey, struggles, and motivation, and find out what she’s excited for next.
How to Find Work-Life Balance While Growing Your Business
In today’s deep dive episode, we welcome Leah Marie. Leah finds herself in the situation where she isn’t at the point to quit what she’s doing to focus her energy full time towards starting her business. On top of trying to make the transition she also finds that she needs to balance self-care and managing relationships during this time.
Entrepreneurship is one of the biggest spiritual journeys or growth endeavors you’ll ever go on other than parenting.
Tune in as I help guide Leah through her new journey as an entrepreneur and talk with her the different phases she will experience along the journey.
There’s lots of great nuggets and takeaway here regardless if you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro.
In This Episode Leah and I discuss:
01:21 – 3:07 – Introducing Leah Marie And The Clients She’s Looking to Serve
3:07 – 05:18 – Getting Help On How To Find Work-Life Balance While Growing Your Business
05:18 – 07:15 – Your Business Seasons
07:15 – 08:56 – The Coaching Success Ladder
08:56 – 15:12 – Build Your Income Before Your Influence
15:12 – 19:07 – Hard Work – Smart Work
19:07 – 27:36 – How I Got Started And My Big Mistake Starting Out
27:36 – 32:50 – Having Bigger Problems Is A Good Thing
32:50 – 37:27 – Personal Growth
Hey, guys, welcome back to the show. Yuri here, and we have another deep dive, another 20 to 25 minute little consult here. Hope you guys will enjoy this one. We’re here with Leah Marie. And as you guys know, I’ve got no previous knowledge of what we’re about to talk about, and I’m excited for this one because Leah is pretty fresh into the biz. So Leah, welcome to the show and just give our audience just a real quick rundown of who you are and what you’re looking to do with your business.
Introducing Leah Marie And The Clients She’s Looking to Serve
Leah Marie: Sure. My name is Leah Marie, and I’m a health and life coach, and primarily, I would like to work with busy professional women and couples that have maybe 30 or more pounds to lose. I’ve developed kind of a nice three phase… I haven’t fully named it yet, but I’m working with permanent weight loss mastery system. But it’s three phases where we work with foundational stuff, getting blood sugar balance, sleep, just all the really foundational things going in the first four to five weeks and then transition into getting more balance in the body, which is identifying food intolerances that might be affecting things, identifying all those things such as gut health, that you need to bring balance into your body. And then in the final phase is kind of refining, stabilizing, if somebody wants to work out the kinks and maybe try something even more hardcore, like say intermittent fasting in there, something like that.
Leah Marie: So basically just one-on-one to start walking people through that kind of handholding step by step. I’m excited about that, but yeah, I’m just getting started. So I’m developing my program, and there’s a lot of ways to skin a cat. And as soon as you start taking a health coaching program, I’m sure you’re all familiar, that Facebook just starts just blasting ads at you, so you’re like, “Who do I work with,” and dah, dah, dah, dah.
Yuri Elkaim: Slightly overwhelming.
Leah Marie: Yeah. Overwhelmed, that’s a good word for it.
Getting Help On How To Find Work-Life Balance While Growing Your Business
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. So what can I help you specifically with today on this interview, with this conversation we’re about to have?
Leah Marie: What’s on my mind today is more on a personal level in the life balance area as one is starting a business. And I’m sure a lot of people get themselves in this situation where they don’t just have the opportunity to quit what they’re doing and start full time doing something else. They kind of have to transition to it over time. And what does self-care and managing relationships look like during that time?
Yuri Elkaim: Sure. And when you say managing relationships, meaning relationships with close family friends as well as business acquaintances, pretty much all humans for the most part?
Leah Marie: Right. Right. So we’re excited about starting our businesses. We’re super, super pumped about getting out there and talking about the work that we do. But there’s also things like, “Hey, honey. I invited so-and-so over tonight to have dinner, and we’re all going to go out on the boat, and it’s going to be great. And you should be there. No pressure.” Which is lovely, and I love the people in my life.
Leah Marie: So I guess, I would love to hear other people’s experiences, your experience, how did you start, and what were those hurdles like for you, and do you have any tips for people to kind of get in that mindset where they’re able to build their business at a pace? I’m not a slouch. I know that I’m doing the steps every day, doing things. How do I take it down a notch and just relax and have fun for a night?
Yuri Elkaim: Sure. It’s a very good question and happy to discuss it here with you based on my experience and obviously what I would advise in similar situations. I’m just having a little technical issue trying to hook up my iPad because I wanted to draw something for you, which would make a lot of sense, and I can’t seem to do that right now. So what I’ll do is I’ll just verbally explain it. So the thing to remember is there are different stages in business, right?
Your Business Seasons
Yuri Elkaim: The thing is I don’t think a lot of entrepreneurs recognize that there are different stages in business, and those different stages require different activities or focus, right? So if you are, for instance, a farmer, there are times of the year where you are going to plant the seeds, plow the fields, tend to the crops, and nothing is going to happen. You’re going to see nothing happen, and you’re thinking to yourself… Well, I mean, most farmers know that you plant a seed, and it takes a little bit of time for those plants to grow, so they do what they have to do for several months, and then in the fall, they can start to reap their harvest.
Yuri Elkaim: I feel from my experience, especially online, a lot of entrepreneurs forget that, and they think, “I’m going to plant the seed today, and I want the result tonight.” And that’s almost unrealistic. I mean, obviously there are certain models that can give you faster results than others. But I think if we really approach business with a seasonality mindset, it really helps you because if you understand that there are going to be times where you have to plant the seeds, there are times where you have to wait, there are times where you’re going to reap your harvest, and there are times where it’s going to feel like winter where nothing’s happening, and instead of freaking out, just understand that that’s okay because what happens after winter? Spring, right?
Leah Marie: Spring.
Yuri Elkaim: And it’s, life, it happens every single year, the same seasons every single year. The sun goes up. The sun goes down every single day. And what I’ve recognized and what I love to do is look at what are analogies or similarities between nature and life and nature and business because there’s a lot of similarities. And I think that’s one of them, is approaching business with the mindset that it’s not always going to be harvest time. There’s going to be times where you have to plant the seeds.
The Coaching Success Ladder
Yuri Elkaim: So going back to your question with respect to relationships and work life balance, when you are starting your business, you’re in a, what I call… So I have the seven step process called the coaching success ladder. At the base, if we think of a pyramid, and again, this is what I wanted to draw out, but if we think of a pyramid, the base of the pyramid is the first level, and I call that the dream, right? So that’s where you’re dreaming up an idea for your business.
Yuri Elkaim: And at this point, this is kind of where you’re at. You’re kind of between this stage and the next stage, which is start. And this stage is usually characterized by, this is a side hustle. It’s something you’re doing on the side while you’re working in a nine to five for instance, right? So what happens is you’re putting in, it’s a part-time job initially or a part-time thing that you’re pursuing, and it has part-time effort. You’re putting in a couple hours at night, maybe in the morning, whenever you’ve got time. And that’s what you have to do unless you’re coming into a business with a huge boatload of cash, which most people aren’t. You kind of have to start your side thing, right? So far so good?
Leah Marie: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So stage one is the dream. Stage two is start. And that’s really where the conversation needs to be for today. And the thing to remember at this stage is there’s going to be a lot of planting without necessarily a lot of reaping the rewards depending on how you’re going about building your business. And this is where I see a lot of people make mistakes. And this is why, sadly, the average health coach makes under $37,000 a year, which is the poverty line, which is really, really saddening. I mean, that’s why we do what we do because our goal is to help people like yourself do things the right way, so you can actually earn money but also really help people in the process.
Build Your Income Before Your Influence
Yuri Elkaim: So the number one objective at this stage in your business is to sell. It’s to make money. And the only way you can make money is by helping people, okay? Now, this is really important to understand. A lot of people want to build their influence or their impacts before their income. And my suggestion, and this is very important, is to do the complete opposite, is to build your income first. Then worry about your influence.
Leah Marie: You just reminded me how I ended up here because I heard something that you were doing, and I heard you say that, and I said to myself, “That makes sense.” That made something click in my brain where I was like, “Oh, I can stop freaking out about the influence part of it.”
Yuri Elkaim: Totally.
Leah Marie: “That’s down the road.”
Yuri Elkaim: When I started in 2006 online, the mistake that I made, and I didn’t know any better, so in hindsight, it wasn’t a mistake. So I was coaching clients offline, and I was sick and tired of it because it actually burned me out. So I came online, and what I did was I said, “I’m going to become one of those online guys, and I’m going to create an e-book and put out tons of content, and that’s what I’m going to do.” Sadly, for three years, I made less than $37,000 a year probably combined. And that’s because I was focusing on a strategy that was very low price, 27, $47 e-books, and in order to make that work, to pay my rent, to pay my living expenses, I need a huge amount of volume to make sense of that.
Yuri Elkaim: So knowing what I know now, what I would have done differently at the time is I would have come online, and I would have continued coaching clients virtually at a higher price points. Because if I wanted to make, let’s just even say $1,000 a month, which is again, really low, I would have had to sell, I don’t even know, let’s just say a hundred copies after… Well, maybe not a hundred copies, but 50 copies of a book for $50-ish. I don’t even know if that math is right. It’s probably not. But it’s a lot. There’s more that I have to sell of that than if I just enrolled one client who gave take me $1,000 a month. Does that make sense?
Leah Marie: Yeah, absolutely.
Yuri Elkaim: So when you’re selling low price type of things like that, it requires you to have more volume of traffic. And in order for that to happen, you have to become very, very good at converting that traffic. Otherwise, you can’t get the traffic from affiliates or partners or even Facebook ads or et cetera because it just doesn’t even make financial sense. So you have to become a master copywriter. You spend half of your time, what seems like more of your time, marketing than actually coaching clients. And that becomes very frustrating.
Yuri Elkaim: So instead, we want to think of, how can I just have a conversation with someone? It’s a lot easier to pick up the phone than it is to write a huge sales page selling a book, right? So the first thing to remember is that we have to build our income before our influence. And in order to build our income, the easiest way to do so is by working with a select few clients at a higher price point that doesn’t require you to become this amazing marketer to convert people. You simply have to offer something people want that solves a pain or problem that they’re experiencing and then have a conversation with them.
Yuri Elkaim: And even if you’re not even… I don’t even want to use the word “a good salesperson”, but if even if you’re not that comfortable on the phone, if you have the slightest idea of how to have a conversation with someone and offer them a solution, they’re like, “Yeah, this makes a lot of sense,” the likelihood of you succeeding with that is far greater than the alternative that I had mentioned previously. So does that make sense so far?
Leah Marie: Absolutely. Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So when we’re starting out, the most important thing is we need to sell and make money because if you want to move out of your current job, and you want to pay for your desired lifestyle, you have to earn income. And the most important thing, and I think this is… I get a lot of heat for this because I think health professionals should be very highly paid, extremely. $37,000 a year is a kick in the ass, kick in the face for people in our space.
Leah Marie: I could use my teaching degree if I wanted to make that.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. You should be making $37,000 a day if you wanted to and feel no remorse for that because the thing to remember is that everything you earn is only a byproduct of the value you create in the marketplace or for other people. And there’s two ways to make money. Either you help more people, or you impact them at a deeper level.
Yuri Elkaim: And so what I’m suggesting is work with fewer people, impact them tremendously. Don’t just skim the surface. Here’s a book for 20 bucks. Really transform their lives, and they pay you accordingly. But here’s the cool part, is that when you have expertise that can help someone, let’s say you start off with one client, that one client engages with you, you work with them for whatever length of time it is, they get a great transformation, and now that transformation becomes your first point of social proof.
Yuri Elkaim: So as you continue doing this, you start to build your repertoire, if you will, of social proof that what you’re doing works. And now, you can start sharing that online. And what happens over time is people start to look at you as like, “Wow, I need to work with Leah because what she’s doing with these other women and couples is pretty amazing.” And then they’ll start dropping you messages, “Hey, I saw this on Facebook or on Instagram or wherever. What are you doing?” And that’s how it starts. And that’s how over time you build your influence, right? But it doesn’t start by posting quotes on Instagram that no one’s going to care about, no one’s going to see. So does that make sense so far?
Leah Marie: Yeah, it’s just more noise. Exactly.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. So the first thing is to focus on the main thing, which is to enroll clients. That’s the number one thing you need to do at the early stages in your business. Most of your focus needs to be on that until the point where you have enough revenue in your business where you can say to yourself, “You know what? Now I’m going to start to build out systems and a team around me that can give me more freedom back.”
Hard Work – Smart Work
Yuri Elkaim: So initially, it starts off with hard work, and then it evolves to smart work, and then ultimately, when you reach the top of the pyramid, it ends up being less work, right? So we start, hard work, smart work, less work. And what’s ironic is when people see successful people, they think they’re super busy. But the reality is that they’re not. They shouldn’t be. If they are, then there’s something wrong with their systems.
Yuri Elkaim: So when we look at work life balance, I think it’s totally achievable, but work life balance might not always be the same every single day, right? There might be days where you work a little bit harder, other days where you have a couple hours off. Maybe there’s a week where you take off. Maybe there’s a week where you work hard on something. But on average over time, it starts to balance out. But the key is that you have a very strong vision of the business you want to build to support your lifestyle as opposed to you being a slave to a job more or less that you’ve built for yourself. Does that make sense?
Leah Marie: Yeah. I think one of the things that happened to me, and this is probably a really common pitfall, is that I got really excited about the big picture really fast, really early on in my training. I just wished that I would’ve had somebody to say that to me right at the beginning, just focus on serving a few people really, really well, and it will grow from there. And don’t get your head wrapped up in all of the social media and all the things. So thank you. Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, you’re welcome.
Leah Marie: And it makes absolute sense to me to build a business out that way, working towards that so…
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. That’s great. Yeah, I’m fascinated by the genesis of things. I’m always thinking like, because we just had a baby two weeks ago, our fourth-
Leah Marie: Congratulations. Oh, wow.
Yuri Elkaim: Thank you. And I’m thinking to myself, who’s the first person ever to give birth, and what was that experience like? Like, “Oh, my God. There’s something coming out of me,” right? Or when the explorers from Europe came to the Caribbean for instance, and I remember being in Barbados, and in Barbados they have certain trees that are painted because their droppings are poisonous, who is the first person to recognize that, right? That sucks. And so I’m very fascinated by how things begin.
Yuri Elkaim: And that’s why having been in business for so long and being able to help others from start to growth is really rewarding because you can help them avoid a lot of mistakes, right, and really fast track their success by doing things the right way. Because I mean, basically, I took a lot of arrows in the back when I started because I had no clue what I was doing. And second, I thought I was too cool for school. And because I was smart, I said, “I’m going to figure this out on my own,” right. You’re a little bit smarter because you’ve obviously engaged with a couple coaches. Yeah. But that’s important to-
Leah Marie: Well, it took me a while to get there.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. But again, you’re still relatively new in business, so it’s not like you’ve been doing this for 10 years.
Leah Marie: Right, but that would absolutely be my advice is to any person that’s starting out is just, don’t try to do it just by yourself. Get help. Just get help. Podcasts, coaches, whatever you can get your hands on, get help and support. And don’t be afraid to talk to other people about how you’re feeling and how you’re failing, what they did about it. I’m really curious how you got started.
How I Got Started And My Big Mistake Starting Out
Yuri Elkaim: So I got started… So, I mean, funny that we’re talking about this. I hired a coach, and it was more on the mindset stuff. This is back when I’m 24, 25, and we worked together for probably six months. And I don’t even know how this conversation started. It was 2006 at this point. And I was talking about how I was getting burnt out by training clients because I was working with a lot of clients 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM at nights, five days a week. And it was too much. And I knew that I wanted to impact more people.
Yuri Elkaim: I also knew that when we started building a family, I didn’t want to live that life. I wanted to be with my kids and the whole bit. So he said, “Why don’t you start a website?” And I’m like, “Dude, I’ve got no clue what the internet is. I don’t even know… ” This is just when the internet is becoming a bit more of a thing. And so anyways, he had someone he knew. We set up a website. We didn’t really know what we were doing with the website. And then what I did, again, as opposed to engaging with clients in more of a virtual live fashion like this is I said, “I’m going to create a product that I’m going to sell because I don’t want to talk to anyone because I’m just sick and tired of people.”
Leah Marie: Tired of it.
Yuri Elkaim: And that was a mistake. I mean, but again, I only knew what I knew. So I created products that I thought people wanted, and I was like, “This is amazing.” And then the reality set in, which was, oh, I have to learn how to sell this because if I set up a website, it’s not like I open a clinic on the street, and people walk by it. You set up a website, it’s one of billions. And unless you already have a massive clouts or amount of clout and authority, no one’s seeing your website. That’s the reality. And that’s what happened to me. So I had to figure out ways to get the word out. And it took me a lot longer than I think it should have. But again, I didn’t get the right guidance from day one. So that’s how things started.
Yuri Elkaim: And then the real kick in the ass was, I was training clients and building the business very much like you are, right? So I was building my business online one hour during lunch, one hour at night for instance, and then I got to a point where I said, “You know what? I really have to commit to this.” And I think it was after about a year I told half of my clients, I said, “Listen, guys. I’m not working with you anymore. I need to build my dream.” That’s essentially what I said. And they supported it. And the challenge was that took a huge pay cut because now I wasn’t generating revenue for my business. And I took a huge cut from my clients in terms of revenue. But I said, “I need to make this sacrifice in order to build my bigger future.”
Yuri Elkaim: And things started to pick up a little bit. But again, still poverty line income for the next year and a half. End of 2009, I was sitting at Starbucks reviewing the year, and I’m thinking to myself, “Dude, what you’re doing is obviously not working. It’s time to really man up and do something different.” So I looked at what I was doing, and I said, “Well, I need to do something completely opposite to that,” and what I was doing was essentially hiding behind my computer. I didn’t want to engage with people because I was just so tired of that for so many years. And I said, “You need to find a coach, and you need to surround yourself with people who already have or have done what you want to do.”
Yuri Elkaim: So beginning of 2010, I said, “All right, I’m going to go to these three events,” and they were events in the online health fitness marketing space. Went to three events, again, more money than I… $2,000 a ticket, I’m like, “Whatever, I’m going to throw it on my credit card, and we’ll figure it out.” And those events changed my life because I met pretty much every major player in our space who to this day still remain good friends. And at one of the events, I met my eventual coach who really opened my eyes to a lot of possibilities of better systems and marketing. And that’s where it all started. But none of that would have happened had I played it safe and continued to be scared of getting out of my own way and playing safe.
Yuri Elkaim: So I invested $18,000 in a coaching program that I didn’t even have money for to pay. And I put it on my credit card, and I said to myself, “I will find a way to make this happen no matter what.” And I think it’s really important for people to… Entrepreneurs, we’re a different breed. You have to have that belief that you will find a way to make this work no matter what it is, no matter what coach you’re working with, no matter what program you’re using, no matter what model you’re following.
Yuri Elkaim: And this is the reason why there’s so many different ways to the pinnacle of the peak of the mountain is that a lot of different ways can work. Some ways are better for certain people more than others, but at the end of the day, it’s all about you, right? It’s all about you not giving up. It’s all about you persisting. It’s all about you taking responsibility for what you do and don’t do. And it’s not about pointing fingers and saying, “That didn’t work. He wasn’t a good coach.” It’s looking in the mirror and saying, “Dude, you suck. Pull up your pants, and let’s make this happen,” right?
Yuri Elkaim: And that was the big realization was, just taking responsibility and doing no matter, obviously whatever it took that was moral and ethical and so forth, and just never giving up. And that’s the only reason that I’ve had the success that I’ve had. And that success is literally this compared to massive amounts of mistakes and failures, right? But even the best baseball players strike out seven times out of 10.
Leah Marie: Right. That’s such a good thing to remember. Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s really heartening to hear people that are successful having gone through what I’m calling right now, the valley of the shadow of death. It’s scary. It’s really scary. I think that you said some key things there in that you have to believe in yourself, and you have to have those honest conversations with yourself and enough to say, “I’m not doing this very well on my own, and I can continue to struggle and bash my head against the wall for another three years and destroy my body and my relationships and everything. What’s it all for then even? Or I can hire somebody who’s done it and been there and can walk me through it.” And yeah, it’s scary to spend that money, but if it shaves two years off, won’t that be worth it in the end? Absolutely.
Leah Marie: So that was a big scary decision that I made twice two weeks ago. I hired two different coaches for different things, and I’m loving it, loving it. And to push myself over that edge actually gave me that extra kick that I needed that you’re talking about where I was able to look at myself in the mirror and be like, “This is happening. It’s happening, and it’s happening now, and it’s happening fast.” And it took this kind of emotion out of it. It put me in a financial situation where I’m able to take my emotions out of it a little bit more.
Leah Marie: So that’s going really well, where I’m looking at it now more like I look at my eight to five job where it’s just like, yeah, there’s some stuff I don’t want to do there, but I’m doing it. Not even questioning, there’s no conversation in my mind about like, “Well, maybe I should. Maybe I shouldn’t.” No, I go there, and I do that thing. So that’s helped. But it’s nice to talk to somebody who has been through that, is on the other side, and it helps you.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Well, first of all, when you pay, you pay more attention. That’s a big lesson that people need to remember. And there’s a lot of free stuff on YouTube, right? There’s a lot of articles on Google, and you can spend the next decade of your life piecing things together, or you could fast track all of that with a coach. That’s essentially what a coach buys you, is speed and certainty. Does it cost money? 100%, but it’s an investment.
Yuri Elkaim: And I’ve had a lot of coaches and been part of a lot of coaching groups and masterminds, and even the ones that were maybe not as great as I had hoped still provided a massive amount of return for me because instead of crossing my arms and blaming, I said, “How do I extract the value out of this? How do I make the most of the situation,” and moving forward from that because everything’s happening for us, good or bad, right? There’s always learning. There’s always wisdom. And I think if you’re a growth oriented individual, you’ll find those nuggets, and you’ll make the most of it.
Having Bigger Problems Is A Good Thing
Yuri Elkaim: So that’s been a big thing. And you talked about being in the valley of the shadow of death. I’ll tell you that that never goes away. The problems never go away, but the goal as an entrepreneur is to have bigger problems because-
Leah Marie: Have bigger problems.
Yuri Elkaim: … it’s not about wishing things were easier. Jim Rohn talks about this. It’s about being better, right? Don’t wish for things to be easier. Wish to get better. I could have had an easier life by not having kids and not having dogs. I could’ve just been chilling with my wife. But it’s forced us to grow mentally, emotionally, systematically in ways that allow us to live the way we do because of those challenges, not challenges, but extra stuff.
Yuri Elkaim: So I think as you grow in business, what starts off as, oh, my God, how do I set up an opt in page, as your main problem for instance, then the problems become a lot bigger down the road. And that’s okay because the bigger the problems are, the bigger you’re growing, and the bigger your business is getting, right? I think the real big fear, the real big worry, is five years down the road, if you’re still having the same problems as you are now, that’s the big issue. It means you’re not growing. It means your business is the same as it is now.
Yuri Elkaim: So you want to look at five, 10 years down the road thinking of, all right, I’ve got this big $300 million merger, how is this going to happen, as an example, right? It doesn’t have to be that, but that’s a bigger problem that you want to have, and you’ll be able to figure out how to deal with that at that stage, whether it’s you yourself, or you can hire people or find people who are leaning to mentorship who can support you through that process and just being okay with the fact that it never gets easier. You just get better.
Yuri Elkaim: And that’s the one thing that I’ve recognized is you’re never on the other side. The only time you’re on the other side is when you die, right? I think if you enjoy the ride, that’s the most important piece. I love what I do, and I’ve built my business around my lifestyle where I get to walk my kids to school, pick them up. I probably spend more time with my kids than I do in my business. But that’s been very purposeful.
Yuri Elkaim: But if I had built a business where I barely saw my kids, that would be a problem. So I think if you build a business that you love, good and bad is going to happen. You’re just going to enjoy all of it because it’s all an opportunity to grow and get better. And on the flip side of those challenges is where the opportunity lies.
Leah Marie: I think that you really adeptly got to the heart of what I was getting at when we started this conversation, and that is to enjoy the ride. How do you develop that resiliency because yeah, you’re not going to be on the other side. You never arrive. So learning how to, yeah, take on those bigger and bigger challenges, I’m starting to get to that point after studying and doing this on the side for almost nine months now. I’m starting to get to that point where I’m enjoying that feeling of pressure or that feeling of… because it’s how I know that I’m about to grow into something bigger, a bigger version of myself, as somebody who is resilient enough to handle a bigger problem or a bigger challenge, not necessarily problem.
Leah Marie: And then starting to get that trust in myself that I’m going to learn a lot of really valuable lessons from that. And that’s an attitude. That’s a choice we can choose, like, “Okay, I have four kids now.” I’m sorry. “I’m going to learn from this. I’m going to be able to be a massively bigger person in the world and for my family just by growing from the situation,” so that’s, yeah. You got to it.
Leah Marie: It’s a little bit strange to try to figure out where socializing comes in, I guess. Because there’s a part of me that I had this conversation with myself where I was like, “Oh, I don’t feel like so and so really likes me anymore or blah, blah, blah,” the stupid stuff you do in your head where you’re like, “Well, they don’t call as much as they used to, and they don’t want to hang out like they used to.” And I flipped it, and I said, “I don’t want to hang out.”
Yuri Elkaim: You’ve outgrown them.
Leah Marie: And that’s more true. I’ve got different things that I want to do and just getting comfortable with that is, it’s a growth process.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. I think entrepreneurship is one of the biggest spiritual journeys or growth endeavors you’ll ever go on other than parenting and stuff like that. And I mean, when I look at people that have the same friends in their forties as they did in high school, that says a lot about their lack of growth. And I’m not saying that you can’t have the same friends, but if all of your time is spent with the same people who you went to high school with, unless those people on the same wavelength as you, you haven’t grown.
Personal Growth
Yuri Elkaim: And the reality is that you’re going to outgrow people, right? Even in your business journey, you’re going to outgrow people initially that you did business with or friends with. And that’s just because either they served their purpose, you served their purpose with them, and you’ve grown and moved on. And I think a lot of people hold onto the past because it’s safe. It’s comfortable. But the reality is you don’t grow in that situation. And that’s not to say you have to obviously burn bridges and burn friendships, but you don’t need to spend most of your time with those people, right?
Yuri Elkaim: You need to spend time, and this is really important, this is one of the biggest lessons I would impart on anyone, is you need to spend time with people who are reminding you of your future more than your past, right? They’re doing big things, and they’re pulling you along for the ride. It’s that keeping up with the Joneses in a good way because they’re inspiring you. They’re showing what’s possible. They’re essentially borrowing, or they’re lending their belief and courage to you. You’re saying, “Oh, you did that? Okay, I can probably do that too.”
Yuri Elkaim: And that’s a lot better than hanging out with people who are still working in a nine to five job, very scarcity mindset, who are all risk averse, who are like, “Oh, don’t do this. It’s not safe. It’s whatever.” But the reality is, the least safe thing is building someone else’s dream. That’s the real, the whole flip on this. I’m like, “I would rather build my dream and have 100% control over my future,” because I’ve been in the meetings where I’m talking about people’s future with our company. And I could easily just pull the plug on someone, and they’re done. And I never want to be on the receiving end of that.
Yuri Elkaim: But again, entrepreneurship is not for everyone. As we’ve talked about, if you’re not willing to go through the ups and downs and enjoy that process, you’re better off working for someone, right? And there’s nothing wrong with that because thankfully, I’ve got people that work for me because if they didn’t, I’d probably jump off a bridge by now, right? Everyone has their role. But you have to be aware of that.
Yuri Elkaim: What is involved in being an entrepreneur? The entrepreneur takes the risk, right? That’s why the CEO is the most highly paid individual because they took the risk to start the company. They took the risk where if shit hits the fan, it all comes back on them. And if things go well, they give credit to everyone else. They should. And if you’re not willing to do that, again, there’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s just being okay with not having to do your own thing, work for someone else where you can be an entrepreneur, help them grow the organization in a way that it’s a win-win for both. So anyways, so is that all helpful, Leah?
Leah Marie: It was very, very helpful. Yep. I feel like it was a pleasure to talk to you.
Yuri Elkaim: Likewise.
Leah Marie: Got a lot of insight and can’t wait to spend some time on the podcast.
Yuri Elkaim: Absolutely. Yeah, dive into the episodes. I mean, we’ve done over 200 at this point, so there’s a lot of good stuff in there. Yeah. Thanks for being on. This has been a different type of conversation, which is cool because I think all of our listeners and viewers will get a lot of value out of this because I think it’s just a really great conversation. So thank you for bringing this to the table.
Leah Marie: Yeah, you’re welcome. There will be surprises. That could be the takeaway. There will be surprises, challenges you did not anticipate, but it’s totally worth it. Even at the beginning, I feel like it’s going to be totally worth it. And it’s inspiring to talk to people that are doing great. Thank you so much.
Yuri Elkaim: You are welcome.
Leah Marie: Take care.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, likewise. Thanks so much, Leah, and for all you guys watching and listening, hope you’ve enjoyed this one. Hit us up inside the Facebook group, Let us know what you thought about this episode and love to hear from you. All right, guys. See you in the next episode.
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What You Missed
In our lest episode we talked about how to get more committed clients. The one thing that we all want more of are people who are committed, they’re committed to the process, right?
If you want more committed clients, live your life in a more committed fashion.
Listen in as I share with you what you need to do personally in order to attract committed clients who do the work, who are fun to be around.