Why I’m Back on Instagram

Hey guys, welcome back to the Healthpreneur Podcast. And guess what? I’m back on Instagram! Let me tell you why. I’m sure you’ve heard me talk why I left Instagram in the first place. But you’ve also heard me talk about the number one thing you should have locked in before veering off into anything else: Your perfect process.
You see, your process must be locked in (and working!) before moving on to the next steps that could just distract you from your goal – to make money. This is the difference between businesses that take years – if ever – to take off, and those that are humming like a well-oiled machine weeks, if not months, after launching.
That’s why I made sure my Perfect Client Pipeline was in place, and working perfectly, before getting back on Instagram. Now, I can share my thoughts and connect with people on Instagram while knowing that my process is making me money and working without my presence. If you’re wondering what’s taking so long for your business to take off or you want to finally set your priorities straight, tune in!
In this episode I discuss:
1:00 – 3:30 – Where your focus in business needs to be and the ideal model to use
3:30 – 5:30 – Why your perfect process needs to come first
5:30 – 7:00 – What happens when it doesn’t, and the lesson I learned
7:00 – 13:00 – The reason I’m back on Instagram and what I locked in first
13:00 – 14:30 – The thought process behind the choice to get back on Instagram
14:30 – 16:00 – How I can support you in building your process
Welcome back to the show. I hope you had a great weekend. Today I’m going to share with you why I’m back on Instagram. If you’ve been following me for any amount of time you know that I’m a huge proponent for focusing on what matters in your business.
Where your focus in business needs to be and the ideal model to use
What matters most in your business is making money. Let’s just cut to the chase. Let’s not sugar coat it. The only reason you have a business is to make money. I sound like Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank, don’t I? I want to see the money, but how do we make the money?
The only way we can make money is by serving people and transforming their lives. Let’s not get confused. I’m not talking about making a ton of money and pulling a fast one on people. Your income is directly tied to the amount of value you provide to other people.
There are two ways of creating value for other people. Number one, through scale. The other is through magnitude. So, if you have a $10.00 Ebook and you want to make a million dollars, then you need to sell what? 100,000 copies. 100,000 people, right? That’s scale.
Or, if you want to make a million dollars and you charge $10,000 per person to work with you, you would only have to work with 1,000 people. At that point there’s less scale, but there’s more magnitude of support – or going deep with individuals – to transform their lives in a big way. That’s our model; to scale by going deeper, not wider.
Now, it’s not right for everyone. If you want to sell Ebooks and stuff, and you have massive amounts of traffic, hey, all the power to you. But most people with businesses online are not going to get anywhere near that type of traffic, so wouldn’t it make more sense to work with fewer people at a deeper level and impact them more greatly?
Why your perfect process needs to come first
In either scenario, you need a predictable – what we call Perfect Process – in your business that can attract and convert your ideal clients without or with very little of your involvement.
We’ve talked about this before; in our business and in what we teach and help deploy with our clients, is a four-step business model. We call it the Perfect Client Pipeline, which is a Facebook ad to a webinar, a webinar to an enrollment call. Then we have an application between the webinar and the call. Four steps, that’s the entire business.
When we work with our clients we tell them straight up, “Do not ask us about anything else; about how to make your home page look better, what to do on Instagram, what to do on anything, other than those four pieces.” Nothing, because here’s the thing: most people get way too distracted with all the shiny objects.
If you’re on social media you’re probably seeing an ad every other post on Instagram or Facebook, and it becomes overwhelming. You get sucked into one thing, and then someone’s saying something completely opposite, and then you’re thinking you’ve got to do blogging, then You Tube, then Instagram, then this, and this, and this. It’s too much, right?
All of this to say that before you do anything else in your business, you must have a perfect process; a predictable system that works independently of you that is attracting leads, converting them into clients, and allowing you to serve those clients in a very deep way. That’s it.
That is the only thing that you should be doing in your business. I’m going to be very frank with you about that. If you do not have something like that in your business, you have no business being on social. You have no business creating oodles of content. You have no business doing anything else you’re doing because whatever else you’re doing is probably not serving you.
I know that sounds black and white. I say that because here’s the alternative, and I’ll get why this comes back to Instagram in just a second.
You have two options. You could spend the next three to five years of your life doing all that other stuff that people tell you to do, and maybe a couple of times during that process you might get some traction. Someone might find your blog post. Someone might watch your video. You can invest all this money to SEO and hope for the best. You can post on social media 1,000 times a day and maybe you’ll engage with a few people.
You can do that. You can.
What happens when it doesn’t work, and the lesson I learned
I did that with my health and fitness business for a long time. My blog gets hit at a million visitors a month right now. Not too bad. But knowing what I know now, I would not do any of that stuff, and that’s why I don’t do it anymore. That’s why I’m hoping to give you a bit of wisdom.
You can do that for the next three to five years, and hopefully at the end of that you’ll get some more traction. Or, you can build out a perfect process right now in your business that’s going to attract your perfect clients at the highest possible price and allow you to serve them at the highest possible level very quickly.
I’m talking within the span of two weeks to four or five months. The choice is yours. What we help our clients deploy is the latter. We help them build up their Perfect Client Pipeline so that even if no one knows who they are, even if they close their brick and mortar practice or gym, they just graduated from the Institute for Integrated Nutrition, or they literally just got their certificate, we can help them start attracting clients and working with them at the highest possible level in a very predictable and profitable way starting at zero.
That’s exciting for me.
The reason I’m back on Instagram and what I locked in first
Why am I back on Instagram? Let’s bring this full circle.
The reason I’m back on Instagram now, and I spent a lot of time thinking about whether I wanted to do this or not, is because for the past year I’ve been in the trenches dialing in our Perfect Client Pipeline and serving our clients to the highest possible level.
I’ve been building out an amazing team that now allows me to step out of a lot of that stuff. I got to the point where I was working less than a handful of hours a week. I thought, “What should I do with my time?” I was creating stuff to do because I had so much free time. We have great coaches on our team that support our clients.
That’s exciting for me because I don’t need to be a cog in the wheel. My business does not depend upon me. I don’t do any of our initial result accelerator calls anymore. I run a Q&A call once a week with our clients, but other than that I don’t have to do that much because I built out an infrastructure knowing full well that at some point I wouldn’t be a cog in the wheel.
The reason I’m back on Instagram is because I have more capacity now. I have more time, but most importantly, regardless of what happens on Instagram, we have our Perfect Client Pipeline that is bringing in clients every single day without my involvement.
Even when I was involved at more of a hands-on level, that’s what I was focusing on. I would do anywhere from 10 to 20 calls a week and I’d enroll the right people into our programs. That’s a very good use of your time if you’re enrolling people at several thousand dollars to work with you.
It’s a much better use of your time than playing on Instagram, but you might say, “Okay Yuri, how do I get people on those calls in the first place? Don’t I have to be more visible on Instagram to do that?” No. I mean you can, but it doesn’t help, especially if you don’t have much of a following.
We use Facebook ads. Those Facebook ads can also be seen on Instagram, so I would much rather pay for speed and predictability instead of putting 30 minutes into a post and a caption and hoping people will see it, like it, and if they don’t I feel depressed.
I’ll keep repeating this until I die: You have to have predictability and some degree of automation in your business because if your business depends upon you all the time, you’re toast. You don’t have a business. You do not have a business. You have a job.
If you are the one who is putting flyers up in Starbucks, getting referrals from your clients, doing little talks here and there, and that’s how you’re generating business, that’s not going to work. It’s not sustainable. How do you scale that? You don’t. If I were to ask you, “What are you predicting revenue wise next month?” and you don’t know, then you don’t have predictability in your business.
If you want freedom in your life you need structure and predictability. The only way to have that is by having a system that works for you instead of you doing all the manual labor.
The thought process behind the choice to get back on Instagram
So, why am I back on Instagram?
The second reason is because I enjoy sharing my thoughts, very much like with this podcast. I’m sharing things that I believe to be true. I believe Instagram is a great platform to do that. I believe marketing is sharing your beliefs more than anything else. It’s sharing your beliefs so that the people listening, reading your stuff, or watching your videos gets to the point where they know they can trust you and selling becomes almost unnecessary.
“But Yuri, shouldn’t you do that for people to do business with you in the first place?” The answer is no because the clear majority of clients that we enroll into our program don’t even know me. They don’t even know we exist.
In the span of less than 90 minutes most them go from a Facebook ad to watch our webinar. They book a call and they’re in the program that same day. It has nothing to do with them watching all my You Tube videos or listening to this podcast for months. When people are at a point where they need help, if you are there and willing to step up and serve them at a higher level, the right people will enroll.
With that said, there are people who will not work with you. Maybe it’ll take them two years before they’re ready to step up. Maybe you or other people are listening to this podcast and thinking, “Cool, Yuri. I like what you’re saying, but I’m not ready to step up and work with you guys.” There will come a point where shit is going to hit the fan in your life, or something’s going to happen in your business where you wake up and say, “All right. Enough is enough. Something has to change.”
When that happens, my goal is that we are top of mind for you.
That’s one of the reasons I’m back on Instagram and doing this podcast. I want to be of service. I also want to be top of mind, but it doesn’t mean that you must have this stuff to be top of mind for your audience. You can run Facebook ads and cull traffic with You Tube ads if you wanted to, and you can be in front of the right people all the time.
I’m on Instagram because I have stuff I want to say. I have stuff I want to share. I’ve built out a great process where I spend less than about 20 minutes on average a day on Instagram. I’ve batched my captions. I do Instagram stories for a few minutes every day, but that’s about it.
I understand where my time is valued. I understand what is a waste of time, so I don’t want you to be confused about the fact that I’m on Instagram because I need to use Instagram for whatever. I’m on Instagram – and I suggest you use Instagram or social in the same way – to support the primary process in my business.
I spent several months thinking, “Why do we want to be on Instagram? Is this going to be a long term play for us?” Yes, like this podcast. “Can we find our ideal clients on Instagram?” The answer is yes. “Is this going to drain my team in terms of time, energy, and resources?” The answer is no.
That was a big thing because most our team is focused on serving our clients. I don’t want to start diverting their attention now to posting on Instagram and stuff like that. I had to make sure that these things were in check before I said, “Listen, we’re going to do this. We’re going to do this right, and we’re going to do this in a big way.” It’s still a secondary activity in our business. That’s why I’m back on Instagram.
If you have thoughts you want to share, share those thoughts. That’s how you become a thought leader. One of the easiest ways I can look at someone and determine if they’re going to do big things in their business, is through their Facebook profile. Are they sharing other people’s stuff all the time, or are they sharing their own stuff?
If I go to someone’s Facebook profile page and all they’re doing is posting videos of other people’s stuff, they’re not a thought leader, they’re a thought sharer. If you want to step up and be a true expert in your field, start thinking about what you stand for and against.
What are the thoughts you want to share? What are the messages you want to get out there? You need to share your stuff. You want people to re-quote or re-tweet your stuff, not the other way around.
How I can support you in building your process
With that said, if you want our help and you want to see how this whole process works, attend our free training healthpreneurgroup.com/training. Go through it. I guarantee it’ll open your eyes. If you think it’s a good fit for you, we can talk after that. I guarantee that what we’re doing is very different from what most people are doing online.
That’s very refreshing. It’s very optimistic in the sense that it doesn’t take years to see the results you want. Also, join me on Instagram. Hey, why not? Say, “What’s up, Yuri.” My handle is Healthprenueur1. Join me there. Follow me. Jump into the conversation. I’m sharing some great stuff daily on the gram, and I’d love to connect with you.
That’s all for today. Thank you so much for joining me. I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode. Share this episode with somebody else who needs to hear this message because there’s a lot of distractions nowadays. There’s a lot of shiny objects. People are doing a lot of nonsense that is taking them further away from main thing in their business.
Thanks so much for tuning in once again. Continue to get out there, be great, do great, and I’ll see you in the next episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
Our last episode featured Josh Trent. Josh hosts his own podcast, Wellness Force Radio, and is the creator of the Wellness Frequency Method, which teaches the foundations for a freedom-based life with practical and spiritual training.
Josh shares with us his own journey overcoming self-doubt, weight issues, and shame.
This episode goes deep into the personal blocks that yank us back, and draws us to the other side so our journey on our true path can continue.
Tune in to find out how Josh built his emotional intelligence to succeed in life – and how you can, too.
3 Ways Group Coaching is Better For Your Clients (And You)
Good morning Healthpreneurs.
In this video I want to share 3 big reasons why group coaching is way more effective and better for you and your clients, than a one on one.
I’m down here in beautiful Ixtapa, Mexico. Not too shabby at all, I love this place. It’s absolutely gorgeous, and the reason I’m down here is because we booked a trip last minute to come down here, because the weather back home was freezing. So, we’re like, “You know what? Let’s just jump on a plane and take the kids, and spend a week in a nicer climate.”
Sylvie’s Story: Finding Inspiration From A Group of Your Peers
And the realization there, is that is not something I would have been able to do if I were doing a lot of one on one coaching, and I’ll get back to that in a second.
But I wanna share a little story with you about one of our clients. Her name is Sylvie, and a little while ago, she had a little bit of a breakdown in terms of self doubt, and wondering if she could really do this thing, and building her business successfully.
She posted inside of our Facebook group, and immediately there was a ton of support that came her way from fellow members and clients, that were there to lift her up, pick her up, and bring her back to life.
That was like the needle, or the straw that broke the camel’s back. That served as a reminder for me that group coaching is so powerful, and that’s something you can never get in a one on one scenario.
You see, had Sylvie been working with me one on one, yes I could have been giving her rah-rah inspiration, motivation, a little bit of kick in the butt to get her back on track, and that could help, but to get that inspiration and uplifting from dozens of other people, her peers, it takes things to a whole new level.
So guys, if you’re a health coach, if you’re a practitioner, if you’re a nutritionist, whatever, it doesn’t matter. You have protocols that you’ve been taught that can save people’s lives, that can transform their health. And that’s why we’re doing this, that’s what’s amazing about what we do.
The challenge is that a lot of people believe that, personalization, having a unique protocol for every single person, is the best way to go when it comes to helping them with their specific goals. And yes, that is true, there are cases where more personalization and customization are important, but remember, the vast majority of times, if you’re speaking with clients, you’re probably telling them the same things.
If people are coming to you to lose weight, I guarantee that 80% or more of what you’re telling them is usually the same. And if that’s the case, then you are ripe for a group coaching program.
What a group coaching program looks like
So what does a group coaching program look like? Well, we’re not going to get into that in this video, but essentially if you can get the same people, or all the people you wanna work with, whether that’s two people, five, twenty, fifty on the same train, on the same track, moving to the same destination, you can have a successful group coaching program.
Where a lot of people have a tough time wrapping their head around this is, “Okay, if I’ve got some people, I wanna help people lose weight, and I also wanna help people with heart disease, I wanna help people with dementia.” Now we’re talking about three different trains.
That would be like trying to find three separate boats, and going to three different destinations on the ocean. That’s not gonna happen, and then you’re going to get right back into one on one coaching.
So, the idea is that you need to focus on a single target market, with a single pain or problem, and help them get the results. And if you got 20 people that wanna lose weight, guess what, the protocol for the most part is going to be the same.
To think about it even more simply is, what is the protocol? If you were going to write a book on this topic, what is the protocol you would prescribe for your readers?
Guess what, if you’re writing a book, you’re gonna have one, there’s one thing you’re gonna talk about in the book, or there’s one protocol. You’re not gonna have a thousand different protocols. That becomes the essence of what you would teach and walk people through in a group coaching program.
Three reasons why group coaching is more effective
Now with that said, let’s talk with three reasons why I believe group coaching is way more effective, and it’s the only reason we build all our stuff at Healthpreneur around group coaching. It’s what we teach our clients how to do, it’s what we do with our own workshops and our Masterminds, and it’s for these specific reasons.
Reason #1: It leverages your time
Number one, is it leverages your time in a huge way.
I’m down here in Mexico, and while I’ve been down here, I’ve had two group calls, okay? Two group calls that took me a grand total of three hours over the space of one week.
I don’t mind doing that from a beautiful location like this. Now if I were working one on one with 40 clients, that would have been a very different story. Why would I come down to Mexico if I were stuck in my hotel room, 40 hours during the week to do those calls? It just doesn’t make sense. So number one, it leverages your time in a huge way.
Reason #2: It helps you make more money
It helps you make a lot more money, because if you can help 40 people at the same time, or 10 people at the same time, it’s not that those people pay you less because it’s a group program, no, no, no. Your program is based around a specific outcome that they want.
It’s not about the fact that, “Well I’m getting less personal attention, therefore it should be less money,” no, no, no. It’s about a specific outcome. And when you focus on the results your clients are gonna get, you will do things that you never thought of, to make it almost impossible for them not to succeed.
So when you build your program around an outcome, and you do whatever you can to help your clients achieve that, you actually can charge more than $100 an hour for a one on one session.
So let’s just look at an example here. So let’s say you work with 40 clients, over the space of a week, and each one is paying you $100. Okay, that’s $4,000, not too bad, not too shabby at all.
But let’s just say that each is a one on one scenario.
Now let’s look at the group scenario, and let’s just remember that you’ve worked 40 hours during the week of phone calls, okay that’s not including everything else you have to do in your business.
Now let’s look at the flip side. Let’s say you have a group coaching program with 40 people, and your time spent coaching, delivering, supporting them is, let’s just call it, four hours per week, which is actually very realistic.
That’s pretty much what I spend on a weekly basis with my Mastermind, and our health business, accelerator clients, okay?
But let’s just say those 40 people are each giving you, and we’ll just keep the math extremely simple, ’cause my brain can’t think, $1,000 each for a four week program, to help them achieve that same result you would have given them in a one on one scenario.
So 40 people at a thousand dollars each, that’s $40,000 per month, versus $4,000 a week, which ends up being $16,000 a month.
So now, what we’ve done is we’ve two and a half times your income, and instead of working 40 hours a week, we’re working four hours per week, and the cool thing about this is, we’re charging more, we’re attracting better clients, they’re doing the work and showing up, they’re supporting each other, and you structured all of this in a way that supports them, and your lifestyle, in a much more impactful way.
So the second reason why group coaching is the best, is because you can make a lot more money. It leverages your time, that’s number one.
Reason #3: It’s BETTER for your clients
The third reason, which is the most important reason, is that it actually is better for your clients. I know it sounds counter intuitive, like why would one on one coaching not be more effective than group.
Well here’s the thing guys, I don’t know if you’ve ever recognized this, but one on one coaching ends up becoming psychotherapy sessions, right? You end up going into stories and nonsense with your clients about this stuff, about their problems, about their stories, and unless you have the ability to be firm and say, “No, stop, we’re done with this,” it can ramble on forever.
It drains your energy, it just sucks the life right out of you, and if you can relate to that just raise your hand, ’cause I’ve been there. I’ve gone through that for way too long, and you don’t get into that with group sessions, ’cause if you’ve got 10 people working together, no one wants to listen to everyone else’s story.
So you’re gonna be very cut and dry, cut to the chase and if you follow the right structure, obviously that we teach in our workshops, you can run calls with 10, 20, 40, 50 people at the same time and still have them feel very individualized.
And here’s the cool thing, when you’re on a call with 10 people and somebody asks a question, who benefits from the answer to that question? Just that one person? No, no, no. Everybody else.
And the thing is, a lot of times we don’t ask questions, ’cause we’re afraid to look stupid or, we just don’t wanna kind of put ourselves out there. But someone else might have asked the question we wanna ask, and as a result we get the answer.
So group coaching is so beneficial for everyone who’s taking part, and please, never forget that. The time and the money you get as a result of group coaching is only ever a byproduct of the results you help your clients get.
So, before you kind of jump off and say, “Okay, I’m gonna bring in 50 people, and just get them going, and let them do their thing,” no, no, no. I need you to really remember that it’s only ever based on producing a great outcome for your clients.
Do not cut corners, do not do stuff that’s gonna be chintzy and whatever. I don’t think that’s you, ’cause if you’re watching this, you’re probably a great Healthpreneur already and you’ve got a great heart. You wanna serve others.
And that’s what this is all about. The money you earn is only ever a byproduct of the value and transformation you create for other people. Okay, never, never forget that. And the greatest transformation is gonna come from a group dynamic.
There’s the synergy of the group, they will learn from each other, they’re supporting each other, and now you have a number of people working on the same goal to the same destination, and we know that when we’re in a group dynamic, everyone learns from each other and everyone supports each other, and moves the boat forward that much faster, right?
Like the saying goes, the rising tide floats all boats, right?
So those are three big reasons why group coaching is the way to go.
If you wanna have a life, if you wanna be able to pick up and travel, like this, take your kids and just hop away for a week or two, and still be able to run a very successful business, without compromising the quality of care you’re providing your clients, group coaching is the way to go.
If you want help doing this, I invite you to attend our free training, it’s called the 7 Figure Health Business Blueprint, where I’m gonna walk you through a bit more of this stuff.
I’m actually gonna show you our four step, perfect client pipeline, which will help you attract your best clients, and help you convert them in a more automated fashion, so you’re not having to do manual prospecting, and all sorts of crazy stuff.
But also more importantly, is how you build out this group coaching program to deliver an amazing result for them, and help you live an amazing quality of life in the process.
So if you’d like to join us for that, it’s completely free. Click on the link below to to join us:
7 Figure Health Business Blueprint,
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#1 Mistake Coaches Make With Pricing
I want to share with you what I believe is one of the biggest pricing mistakes health coaches make with their offers.
If you are somebody who finds that you’re not really getting paid what you feel you’re worth, and are undervaluing your service or expertise, I think this will make a lot of sense for you.
The Plumber Analogy
I want to share a story with you. You may have heard something similar to this in the past. You have a leak in your pipe, in your bathroom pipe. It’s leaking. Something is not working with the faucet. So you call a plumber over to fix the pipe.
The plumber comes over. He looks under the sinks. Finds the issue. Gives it a little tap, and 30 seconds later it’s all good. He then writes up an invoice and voila, $300 later, you’re like, “What the heck just happened? You were only here for like two minutes, and you gave me a $300 invoice. How does that make sense?”
Well, it makes a lot of sense, because, you see, the plumber had spent probably a decade learning exactly where to hit the pipe to fix the problem.
That’s the whole lesson I want to share with you is that our clients are paying us for results, not for the amount of time, or the stuff that we’re giving them. That’s a really important distinction.
Less is More
I think this is probably more common in the health and fitness space than in any other industry, because we always want to serve and help everyone. We want to give so much. So we end up creating courses that have 1000 hours of videos, and all these PDFs, and all these workouts, and all this stuff, and quite honestly it’s too much.
It’s overwhelming, and when people feel overwhelmed, that’s one of the biggest reasons why they don’t move forward, or they request refunds.
I want to challenge you to think about, what is the minimum viable product that you can create? When I say product, I really mean offer. It can be a service, coaching program, and so forth. What is the minimum that you can offer to create the maximum result for your clients?
I know that sounds like you’re cheating people out of whatever it is, but you’re not. You’re actually doing a service by giving them less. People don’t want more stuff. We’re overwhelmed with things. We’re overwhelmed with information, with to-dos.
Your goal as a coach is to simplify complexity, and to provide clarity and confidence. That doesn’t have to mean ten different things, it might just mean one.
So in everything you create, think about, “Is this moving my client closer to their goal, or is it just more stuff for them to do? If it’s just more stuff for them to do, don’t include it.
Think about this. You get paid for the results you produce for your clients. How do you put a price on improving somebody’s health? How do you quantify that? It’s very tough to quantify.
That’s the dilemma. A lot of health experts have a tough time putting a price on helping someone lose weight, helping someone overcome heart disease, helping someone prevent dementia, because there’s no ROI attached to that.
Outcome Based Pricing
If we saw something that’s going to help someone make money, we think that we can charge more for that.
The reality is that the things that we can’t quantify, the intangibles, are the most priceless things in life. Love, happiness, relationships, health, these are the things that can command the highest prices.
It’s your job to be able to articulate your offer, your message, in a way where the right people say, “You know what? This make a heck of a lot more sense than trying to get an answer from a $7 e-book.”
So that’s the goal, okay? That is the number one mistake people make with pricing, is that they price based on deliverables, and not the outcome or result they can produce for their clients.
Accelerator Phone Call
Here’s the rub — the more people pay, the more they’re going to pay attention, the more committed they’re going to be to the results that you can help them get.
I know you know this deep down inside, but maybe you’re thinking to yourself, “Oh my God. People are not going to pay me $5000 to help them lose weight, or help them improve their health.”
Well, perhaps not in the way you’re offering it, but we have clients right now who are selling packages, up to $15,000 in the health and wellness space. They’re absolutely transforming their clients’ lives.
Not everyone is selling at that price point. We’ve got people that are selling two, three, five thousand dollar packages.
The key is that if you want to live the life of your dreams, it’s not going to happen by selling $10 e-books, unless you have a massive amount of volume that most people simply don’t have.
Would you like us to help you craft an offer that can command premium prices, two, three, four, five thousand dollars or more?
If you’d like our help to you go from where you are to where you want to be — to help you figure out the ultimate offer for your clients and how to put together a program that can really be a major win for them, and something you can be extremely proud of, or maybe take something you already have and make it even better, I invite you to book a call with us.
If you already have a course that you’re selling for $97, that very same course can be turned into an amazing coaching program that, if delivered properly, and priced properly, will attract the right people and transform their lives.
If you’d like our help to do this, then book a call with us today.
We offer a free 45 minute result accelerator call. It will change the way you look at your business.
I guarantee will be the best 45 minutes you’ve spent on your business in the last who knows how long.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
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How To Attract Clients Without Manual Prospecting or Referrals
Hey, healthpreneurs. How’s it going?
Today I want to talk with you about how to attract clients without manual prospecting or referrals?
The “Field of Dreams” Myth
If you’re tired of leaving pamphlets in Starbucks or in a medical clinic, hoping for clients to knock on your door, I got some news to share with you. That’s probably not going to happen, especially if you’re running a business online.
You’ve probably watched the movie Field of Dreams where Kevin Costner built this baseball diamond in the middle of a cornfield, and all of a sudden, these legendary baseball players who had passed away came out of the cornfield, and decided to play.
“Build it and they will come,” was the saying.
Well, online, that doesn’t exist.
“Build it, and they will not come.” That’s the saying, because as you know, it’s not like you’re walking down the street and you just happen to run by a store that is of interest to you. Online, it’s not like that happens for most people.
Unless you have a massive platform and people find you on Google, the likelihood of that happening is slim to none.
How do we attract clients in a predictable fashion, so that we don’t have to rely on manual prospecting, or chasing people down or begging them to do business with you?
I want to share a little story with you about a prospective client we had spoken to a couple months ago.
Here’s a guy who was running a practice, who I believe was a naturopath with a kind of Chinese medicine spin on it, and he was telling me he had to close his practice because he could no longer pay his rent.
How sad is that? And what’s even more sad is that when he came to us for help, he wasn’t in a financial position to to get our help, and that was really unfortunate, because of the way his business was set up.
The way his business was set up was with the belief that “I’m going set up a clinic, and hopefully people knock on my door and show up.”
Needless to say, that didn’t happen, and I don’t want that to happen to you, because that is a terrible place to be in, especially because you probably have expertise and wisdom that can transform a lot of people’s lives.
Number One Reason WHY Health Practitioners and Coaches Do Not Generate Qualified Leads
I want to share with you the number one reason why this happens in most businesses.
The most important reason why most health coaches and practitioners rely on manual prospecting and referrals is because they don’t have a perfect process in their business that works automatically to bring new leads and clients into their business predictably and profitably. That’s it. That’s all it is.
If you’ve been doing things like posting on Facebook with 2% organic reach, that’s not a lot of reach.
Or if you’ve been publishing blog posts and hoping that people are going see them, or engaging in Facebook groups, hoping that people see you as a leader and all of a sudden inquire about your services.
Those are things that you can do. You might die before you actually see results from them.
Or you could build out a predictable process in your business, so that your business is actually a business. It doesn’t have to depend on you doing the work. You build out the system. The system works on your behalf, and now the system, this perfect process, is now bringing clients or leads into your world predictably, automatically, and profitably.
The only way you can do this, that I’ve come to realize, is you have to be able to pay to play, instead of spray and pray.
“Spray and pray marketing” is putting up some content and a bunch of stuff randomly all over the place. Some Instagram posts, some social posts, some blog content here and there, a couple YouTube videos. That’s spray and pray marketing. It’s not effective. It takes a very, very long time to get any traction with that.
Now on the flip side, “pay to play” is, you invest a dollar in, for instance, Facebook ads, and you build out a simple funnel that can attract the right clients into your world and then from there, they’re going to inquire about your services.
Your Perfect Client
You’re gonna help them out, and then we can ascend them into becoming a paying client. Now, in our world, we call that “the perfect client pipeline,” and I’ll tell you more about that in just a second, but in order for this to work, you have to have the second component in place, which is, you have to be extremely clear about who your perfect client is.
So think about this. If you only got paid after your client got a result, who would be the best client for you to work with? What mindsets would they have to have? What characteristics would they have to have? What desires or pain points or whatever it is, who is that person?
Imagine you’re a realtor selling a house. You only get commission after you sell the house. You don’t show up at someone’s door and ask for $50,000 before you sell their house. They’d be like, “You’re crazy.”
But in our world, we think that’s normal. So why don’t we flip the table. You don’t have to offer a free service, but think about if you only got a commission after selling the house or produced a result for your client, what would have to be true? What would the ideal client for you look like, so that they would go out and get that result, and as a result, would happily pay you what you deserve?
Okay, so that’s the two things.
You have to be very clear on your perfect client, and second, you need a perfect process.
The Perfect Process For Attracting Your Ideal Client
A perfect process is a system in your business that, independently of you, attracts, delivers amazing content, and predictably brings more leads and clients into your business.
Again, we call that the perfect client pipeline. That’s exactly how we’ve built our business. That’s exactly how we help our clients build their business.
If you’d like our help implementing it and learning about it, and how you can use it in your business, then I would recommend attending our free online training session.
It’s a free online workshop, and it’ll show you exactly the four-step process to scaling your business, attracting more leads and clients, serving more people without manual prospecting, without all that internet marketing sliminess, and in a much more predictable fashion, so you can live your dream life, and spend more time doing the things you love doing.
When you’re working in your business, you’re only doing the things you love to do, instead of writing sales pages and setting up funnels and all sorts of tech stuff.
So that’s the goal, right?
That is the way to remove yourself from manual prospecting and start attracting clients more predictably. It’s all about pay to play instead of spray and pray.
In order to pay to play, you have to have a dialed-in process, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can obviously lose a lot of money.
For example, we know that for every $1 we spend on Facebook ads, we make about $5-8 in return, depending on the traffic or on the audience.
That’s pretty close to winning the lottery, where you can spend a dollar and make five in return.
I can’t guarantee those results for you. Maybe for you it’s one-to-one or one-to-two or whatever it is, but when you dial this process in, that is how you have predictability, and when you have predictability, you have true freedom.
Don’t forget to register for our free online workshop today. We’ll walk through the whole perfect client pipeline process.
We look forward to helping you take your business to the next level.
Free Online Training: 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint
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How to Create Content That Generates Clients (Not Just Eyeballs)
How do you create content that doesn’t just get eyeballs, but actually generates business, that leads to clients enrolling with you?
A little bit of context here, as you may or not know, I’ve got a health and fitness business in addition to Healthpreneur. The health and fitness business has been online since 2006, and right now our blog gets almost 1 million unique visitors per month.
I don’t say that to brag, because there’s nothing to brag about there.
And just to give you some context, some of the top marketers in the world, like Seth Goden, his website gets about half of that type of traffic.
There are obviously other bloggers that get a lot more traffic, but I share this with you because that’s been a long, long process and it doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re raking in the dough from that type of content platform.
There are definitely ways you can monetize it and we’ve done a great job at that, but I want to let you know that if we want to impact people, it’s not really going to happen when someone lands on your site. An average time on site is about a minute and 21 seconds. That’s not how we’re going to change people’s lives.
We’re in a world where information is ubiquitous. People want transformation they don’t want information.
So, with that said, how do we create content that is going to stand out, is going to really get people to sit up in their seats and be like, “Wow, this makes a lot of sense, I’m interested in working with this person?”
Two way of Creating Content
There’s two ways of creating content. There’s the way of the content publishing SEO platform type of game, where you publish crazy amounts of content, all based around key word research.
That’s exactly what we did with our health and fitness blog. And that’s doable, but it just takes a lot of work, a lot of manpower, and a lot of time.
You’ll get more organic search, you’ll get found in Google, you’ll get rankings, all that kind of stuff. And people seem to really, pride themselves on that. It’s kind of like a narcissistic ego boost more than anything, and I say that very hypocritically, coming from my perspective.
The second way to create content is to say you know what, I don’t care about any of that stuff. I’m going to create content that I want to create, that is going to hopefully help my audience.
It’s not going to be focused on SEO, it’s not going to be focused on keyword research.
Itt’s going to be focused on questions and concerns that my people have. And I’m not going to worry about getting back links, singeing all sorts of nonsense to do that. I’m going to create content for my existing audience, instead of creating content to hopefully get new people into my tribe.
If you already have a good process in your business, you should be generating leads through other means, not just creating videos like this.
SEO Content Marketing
Those are the two different ways we can do it, and when we’re looking at creating a content platform, which is heavily based around SEO, we’re using a methodology called teach to teach, which is you’re giving away everything because you have to.
The 101 ways to use coconut oil, like who cares about that stuff, right? Or how to lose weight, the exact step by step plan. When you are creating content that is based on SEO, you have to make it the best out there, which means you have to give way everything.
Not only is that important to get found in Google, but it’s important for people to share it, and link to it. So it’s just a game that is okay to play, but a lot of times it doesn’t lead to anything else, because you’ve given away all of your stuff in the 5,000 word blog post.
Teach to Sell Content Marketing
The alternative is using what we call the teach to sell method of creating content, which is sharing the what and the why, but not so much of the how.
In doing so you build desire, you give insights. Obviously you provide value, but you build desire for people to move to the next step with you. And that is how you take people from just consuming content to going to the next level with you in your coaching for instance.
So what does that look like? What does teach to sell look like?
We focus more on the what and the why, instead of the how. We don’t talk about the exact step by step process to do everything that the blog post or the title might make it out to seem.
And, just so I’m clear, we’re not holding anything back, we’re not duping people.
We’re just approaching it in a slightly different manner, instead of giving away the farm. Okay? Because if you give away the farm, you’ve scratched all the itches. And if there’s no more itches to scratch, they’re good, they don’t need to go any further with you, and that’s something that we don’t want to have happen.
So, what we want to focus on is sharing content in a way that is not just about what you know, but what you believe. What do you stand for? What do you stand against?
How can you create content that is polarizing, that is going to piss some people off, and that is going to rally other people?
If you share more of this type of content I guarantee you, you will be a lot more successful with what it is you’re offering.
The key distinction here is that you’re creating content for your existing audience, not trying to find new people through Google keyword search. That’s a big distinction, because what we’re doing here is we’re creating Kool-Aid that you want your tribe to drink. The more Kool-Aid they drink, the more they buy into your philosophy.
And that’s the key if you want an easier time enrolling people who believe in your approach to life, business, whatever it is, that is the secret.
Examples of The Teach To Sell Method
Let me give you an example of a podcast. I should say why do 99% of people start a podcast? They start a podcast because they think that having a podcast is going to generate new leads, is going to get them in front of new eyeballs. And that’s one way of looking at it, and it definitely can happen.
But I want to make an alternative argument here, is that having a podcast is the ultimate way to provide more Kool-Aid to your existing audience.
When you have someone who is opted into your list, or who follows you on social, and now they listen to your podcast every week, you have them on demand. They’re listening to you 30, 45 minutes a week, and you’re simply just sharing your stuff. Not just what you know, but what you believe, your philosophies, your perspectives, your opinions. And these are the things that are going to build a ravenous tribe around you.
So, the more you share that type of content, the more successful you’re going to be in enrolling the right people into your business.
It’s not about playing the SEO game. It’s about playing the I’m going to be a service game, but doing so in an intelligent manner. Teach to sell, versus teach to teach.
Final little example Ill share is this YouTube channel. This video is on, is our Healthpreneur YouTube channel.
Right away, when we started Healthpreneur I didn’t want to create a YouTube channel. I didn’t want to do the whole thing, because we already had one for my health and fitness business and it’s a lot of work. We have 215,000 subscribers, 1,000 videos. I don’t want to do that.
What I decided to do with this channel was I said, “I just need somewhere to house the videos. I don’t care if they get ranked, I don’t care if people find them. I just need somewhere to house the videos and we can take these videos and put them on our blog and share them on social.”
So, as of this video recording I believe we have a whopping three subscribers on this YouTube channel.
Do I care about that? No, because if you’re seeing this you’re probably in our tribe already. You’re not somebody who’se new, who will have no clue who it is, not in our tribe.
It’s about sharing content with our existing tribe of people to further help you guys, to further bond and build that relationship with you, so eventually maybe you say “hey, this guy Yuri, he goes off on tangents, he’s a bit crazy. He keeps walking his dogs, he’s always wearing the same sweater. But, yeah, it kind of makes a lot of sense. And I think at some point when I’m ready to move forward, he and Healthpreneur are the first choice”.
And that’s what you want to be. Everybody you come into contact with wants you to be their monopoly.
Being The One
But what I’ve recognized is that, and this has happened for me as well, is we want one person, one business, one company to solve to be our monopoly.
If someone cuts your lawn, do you want a new person, a different company every single week, who doesn’t know your lawn, who doesn’t know your landscape?
If you want someone to clean your house, do you want a new cleaning person every single time, or would you rather have the same person who understands your house, who knows the nooks and crannies?
It makes a lot more sense to have one person, and this is important. So you want to be that one person for your audience, and the more you can share your content in the way that I’ve shared it here, I believe the more successful you’re going to be.
Now, if you’d like an example of how this can all work, check out our webinar, The 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint.
If you haven’t yet attended it’s an amazing 70 minute presentation, and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. You’ll see exactly how you can take what you know and turn it into a very simply predictable and profitable health coaching business.
If you’re just starting off, or scaling up, this can help you in a big way.
So if you’d like to join us for that, it’s completely free to attend. To join us, simply click on the link below.
Free Online Training: 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint
Hope you’ve enjoyed this video. Hope this found you well. And, I look forward to seeing you soon.
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The ONE Word Marketing Plan
Today I want to share with you the one word marketing plan. Does that sound exciting? The one word marketing plan.
Do you want your marketing to really hit home with your prospects? Do you want them to feel like you’re in their head, that you get them, and as a result of that they feel like they know they can trust you that much more?
Well that’s what I want to share with you in this video, because at the end of the day, that’s what marketing is. It’s simply building a relationship with people who don’t even know you, to the point where selling becomes almost unnecessary.
So, how do we do this?
There’s a common saying that says if you can communicate the fears, frustrations and desires of your clients to them better than they can to themselves, then they’re sold.
And what’s this is all about.
It’s not about manipulating people, or deceiving people, it’s about understanding them.
One Word – Empathy
The one word marketing plan, the one thing you need to do in your marketing to really get it, or get your people to get you and see the potential of having you help them, is one word — empathy.
What is empathy?
Empathy is simply the ability to get yourself in that person’s shoes, so that you can describe their life in a way that maybe they can’t even verbalize.
When that happens, watch what happens to the effectiveness of your marketing.
How Empathy Marketing Works
I want to share an example with you of how this works.
We’ve got a training called The 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint. You can register for it for free. It’s an amazing training that will help you build your business in a big way.
But more importantly, you’ll understand what I’m talking about by empathy, because I believe we understand our clients very well.
We’ve had thousands of people who have gone through the webinar. Many of them told us, “there was something in the way you presented this… It felt like you were in my head”.
When you get people saying that, you know you’re on the right path, because that’s what this is all about.
What is Marketing?
Marketing is a bridge between where your clients are, and where they want to go. That bridge you’re creating for them is a path, which really starts with understanding them.
One of the things you want to spend a lot of your time doing is not just creating content for the sake of content, or putting our whatever it is you’re putting out, it’s to spend more of your time really thinking and feeling about what your clients are going through.
I’ll give you a really simple exercise you should spend a lot of your time on called emotion inventory.
Albert Einstein once said, “everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”.
We try to complicate marketing with all sorts of widgets and apps and all sorts of nonsense, and people are worried that Facebook is going to disappear, or my ads are never going to run.
It doesn’t matter what platform you’re on whether it’s YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or the next social media platform.
If you’re writing flyers, or banners. It doesn’t matter.
It all comes to down to being able to understand where people are at, and being able to communicate to them in a way where they feel understood.
Emotional Inventory
Here’s a simple exercise for you to do. All you’re going to do is write down the fears, frustrations, and desires of your clients. That’s it.
If you’ve been working with people in person, virtually, one on one or in a group, you should know a lot of these.
If you don’t, close your eyes, and spend some time imagining what it would be like to be in their shoes. You don’t need to do all sorts of crazy surveys and stuff like that. It’s simply a matter of putting yourself in their position and think about how you would feel.
This is something a lot of people don’t do, because we’re so in the weeds of our business, in the trenches of typing behind our computers, that we don’t take the time to get away from everything and just think.
I want to challenge you to think about what those fears, frustrations, and desires are.
A fear is a worry. It’s something that hasn’t happened yet. It’s something that keeps them up at night. They’re lying in bed worrying and thinking about whatever their fear is.
A frustration is something they’re currently experiencing — something they want to end.
A desire is something your customer wants.
If all of your marketing revolves around these 3 things, watch what happens.
A lot of what we teach is obviously our Perfect Client Pipeline. It’s how you drive, or how you predictably attract clients into your business using predictable methodologies like Facebook ads, for instance.
How do you put out a message on Facebook that resonates with people who don’t even know you?
It all starts with messaging and communication, that starts where they’re at. Enter in the conversation in their mind, talking about fears and frustrations and desires that they have.
When everything you do is built around this, your business will turn around.
If you need help with this, just register for the 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint webinar.
It’s a great example of what I’m talking about, and then if you want our help even further, book a call with us and you can do so toward the end of that webinar.
We can help you through this process to get clear on where you are, where you want to go, what’s holding you back, and get you unstuck.
So if you’d like to join us for that, it’s completely free to attend. Simply click on the link below.
Free Online Training: 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint
Hope you’ve enjoyed this video. Hope this found you well. And, I look forward to seeing you soon.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
The Power Of Persistence
Today, I want to share one of the most important traits to be successful in business, and that is persistence.
I want to share exactly why this is the case. I want to share with you a really important lesson that I’ve learned in my own journey that I think will really make sense for you.
Three Step Approach to Helping You Stay More Persistent
I’m going to share a three step approach to helping you stay more persistent with what it is you’re working on.
I don’t regret anything in my life. I’ve made a lot of mistakes as it pertains to business with a lot of stuff I wish I’d known in hindsight, but one of the things I wish I had probably would have done better is just sticking to one thing a little bit more persistently, if you will.
I’ll give you an example of my podcast.
The Healthpreneur podcast started in October of 2017. Out of the gate, I made the decision that I didn’t want to look at the numbers. I didn’t care what the stats looked like, I didn’t care about any of that stuff because I recognize, after having started and stopped four different podcasts for my health business, that it’s a long term play. In our case, a minimum one to three years before we really see any tangible results from that.
I said to myself, “Listen. Why am I even doing this podcast? Do I enjoy doing it? Do I enjoy having conversations? Is this something that I look forward to doing?” And the answer is yes.
I could add value to the marketplace, I could work my unique genius, which is communication pretty much. It’s something I enjoy.
By contrast, I started four other podcasts to my health business and I stopped them after about a year and a half. Why? Because I got tired of doing it and I wasn’t really seeing the results from that. I guess I wasn’t clear out of the gate that it wasn’t something that would bear fruits very quickly. The whole idea here is that if you’re working on something worthwhile, you have to be persistent with it assuming it’s the right thing for you to do.
Our blog, my blog at yurielkaim.com gets almost one million unique visitors a month. That’s pretty amazing. I’m very proud of what our team has been able to do to make that happen, but that’s a 10 year process. That’s taken us 10 years to crack that code and to get that kind of traffic. It doesn’t mean that it’s going take 10 years for everyone, but whatever you’re working on, whatever it is that you want to achieve, it takes time and it takes persistence.
There’s a lot of different traits that lead to success, but I think persistence is one of the most important ones.
Because results don’t happen overnight a lot of times, to be able to see results, you’re never going to get anything you want in life if you just give up.
Step 1. Know What You Want
I’m going to give you a three step little strategy here to help you really zero in on the thing you want to do and stick to your guns.
Number one is know what you want. Get clear on the goal, but also get clear on something you love to do.
For example, I put these videos on my Healthpreneur YouTube channel. As of this video, the very day that I’m shooting this video, we have three, yes, three subscribers on YouTube. Do I care about that? No. I’ll tell you why.
My health and fitness channel has 215,000 subscribers. Very big difference.
My strategy with Healthpreneur is not to build a huge YouTube channel. It’s to share content with my existing audience. I don’t care how many subscribers I have on YouTube. These videos are simply going out to our email subscribers, and our Facebook tribe. I could care less if this grows into something big on YouTube. It doesn’t really matter for me.
So, that’s the first thing, is know what you want and do and it’s something that you love doing. This video is something I really enjoy doing. I’m going to go for a walk my dogs anyways, might as well give you guys some advice, some value en route. So, that’s number one, is know what you want.
Step 2. Know How To Do It Properly
The second step is know how to do it properly.
Do you have the right strategy? Do you have the right path to follow to get you there? If you want to learn any sport, any skill, first and foremost you have to learn … You have to know, okay, what is it that I want to master? Then, am I following the right technique or the right guidance to get me there? If that’s the case, then you have the right strategy.
Step 3. Repetition
That’s going to lead you to step number three, which is repetition. Nothing, is going to compensate for a lack of repetition.
Once you’re clear on what you know you want, the strategy on how to go about getting it, you simply have to repeat it over and over and over again.
If you want to be a better speaker on stage, you’ve got to speak on stage. If you want to be better on video, you have to speak more on video, you have to do more videos. That’s the key.
So, whatever it is you’re working on, whether it’s writing better sales copy, having better conversions on your enrollment calls, producing better results for your clients, whatever it is, it takes time, it takes practice, and if you don’t have persistence, you’re not going to get in those reps. That’s the key.
Those are the three steps.
That is the power of persistence, my friends. I’m telling you, if you’re following the right strategy and you’re working towards something you think is meaningful, you will get there as long as you don’t give up.
If you want help with this, if you want help with your business, if you want to be able to take what you’re doing to the next level to serve more people, make more money, enjoy more time back in your life so you can take a walk with your dogs in the morning and shoot videos like this or do anything else you like, then we’d be happy to help you.
We actually offer a free 45 minute result accelerator call where one of my coaches or myself will jump on the phone with you and we’ll figure out where you are, where you want to go, what’s holding you back, and really help you get unstuck. And we’ll help you figure out the right strategy to get you there, so that when you are putting in the reps, you’re doing the right thing.
Does that sound good? If it does, then book a call with us today.
Grab a time in the next day or two. These do fill up pretty quickly because we do a lot of them every week, so don’t miss out.
If you’re serious about taking your business to the next level, to get unstuck, and move closer to your dreams, then we’d be happy to help you.
Simply click the link below and book your call today. Thanks so much for joining me, and I hope you have an awesome day.
Book Your Call With Us Today == > https://healthpreneurgroup.com/book
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While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
Why The Messenger Matters
Today I want to share with you why your message matters and why you, specifically, as the messenger matter even more.
My wife, Amy, and I have been in the health space for close to almost 20 years now. We both went to nutrition school together, and we’ve kind of done everything.
We’ve done all of the diets, all of the different approaches, and have experimented a lot.
Some things have stuck, while others not so much, and you go through peaks and troughs with your health journey. Some periods are healthier than others, and you kind of get on these kicks, right.
It’s not the message… It’s the messenger
Recently Amy came across this book called The Medical Medium. It’s actually a really cool book by, I think Anthony William is the author.
The book mentions some pretty cool stuff about why people don’t heal, what the root causes of a lot of issues are, and the protocols for addressing those issues.
What’s funny, though, is that the protocols to a lot of these issues are things that we’ve known for years, such as more celery juice, green juice, adding in different types of foods. There’s no new discoveries with anything, it’s just a different way of presenting it.
But, what’s interesting is the very fact that Amy read this book and took this message to heart in such a way, that now she’s actually living this stuff in a big way.
Again, it’s not brand new, it’s not rocket science, this is stuff we’ve known, this is stuff we learned in school.
This is a great example of how the messenger matters. It was coming from a different perspective. Someone shed a different level of trust. As a result of that, the message now crossed her barrier, her filter, a lot more effectively.
The Way You Present Your Message is Unique
This is why there is room for more than everyone on this planet, especially in the health space to do extremely well. The way you present your topic, the way you present your content is unique, or it should be, and it’s going to resonate with certain people more than others.
That’s why it’s extremely important to get out there and share your message, because the very fact that you’re sharing something similar as somebody else, that’s one thing. But the very fact that you share it and it’s coming from you makes the difference for some people.
Some people in our space resonate with me. Others don’t and that’s totally fine.
If I were not sharing my message, a lot of people would be suffering in their business and why? Because I don’t feel like I’ve got something important to say? I do, and just like you, you have an important message and you have to get out there and share it.
Remember, the messenger matters.
Just because you’re a little bit different from somebody else, even though you’re sharing the same message, it’s all you need for you or your message to stick in someone’s train of thought.
What It’s All About…
Remember that it’s not about us. It’s not about you. It’s not about me. It’s about the people that we serve. It’s about the results you can produce for someone.
So if your approach is different, cool. If the way you approach life, your belief system, the things you stand for and against are different that’s terrific. That’s how you’re going to pull those people and build your tribe. At the end of the day you have to be able to produce results for your clients, so never lose sight of that.
Now, if you enjoyed this video, and if you’d like a little more help with your business in taking things to the next level so you can serve more of your ideal health clients without killing yourself in the process, without manual prospecting, without leaving flyers in medical clinics and hoping people call you, without posting on social media a thousand times a day, and doing all sorts of internet marketing shenanigans, then I invite you to join our recent training, The 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint.
Inside you’ll discover a whole new way to build a successful health coaching business that I think you’ll really enjoy.
It’s very simple, very predictable, it’s very profitable, and as a result of that, you get a lot more freedom. You impact your clients at a much higher level, and this is something that really levels the playing field.
You can be a complete newbie or someone who’s an internet celebrity and succeed just as equally using this process.
If you’d like to learn more about that and how you can deploy it in your business, click on the link below and it will take you over there. You can register for free.
That’s all for today. Thanks so much for joining me. I hope you enjoy this one. I’ll see you on the next video.
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While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
How to Deal With “I Need To Talk With My Spouse”
In today’s video, I want to talk about what do you do when you’re speaking with a prospect and they say, “I need to talk to my spouse,” that good old infamous “I need to talk to my spouse” objection?
Well, that’s what I want to talk about in this video, and I want to give you three little distinctions to think about to help you address the objection and help your clients get through that, because that’s what that is.
Other than price, the number one objection you’re going to find is that if someone’s about to enroll with you in your coaching program, a lot of people have a tough time making a decision on the spot. That’s okay, but when we speak to people on a weekly basis, the number one thing we see other than price is, “I need to talk to my wife,” or, “I need to talk to my husband before making a decision.”
There’s nothing more frustrating than that, so I’m going to give you three ways to address this.
Three Ways to Address the I Need To Talk With My Spouse Objection
1. Understand Where They’re Coming From
The lesson here is that when someone presents an objection, whether it’s price or spousal stuff or anything else, we have to consider that they’re actually just asking for help. The very fact that they’re still on the phone with you or still in that conversation is a good thing, so we want to take their side.
Instead of being on opposite sides of the table, you want to kind of swing around to their side of the table, have a seat with them, and really understand where they’re coming from. That’s the first thing, just from a mindset kind of shift.
2. Acknowledge The Objection
Now, the second thing is that we want to, first and foremost, acknowledge that they need to do that. We want to acknowledge the objection. We want to acknowledge the fact that it’s okay that they feel that way.
The first thing in order to address that effectively is to say, “Listen, I understand where you’re coming from, and this is a big decision, right? If I were in your case, I’d probably want to double-check with my wife as well. That’s totally fine. Here’s what I’d like to do.” Okay? Dot dot dot.
Now, before we even get to that part, there’s one thing you need to do in your calls when you’re speaking with somebody on the phone to enroll them as a client to avoid that conversation in the first place.
3. Ask Them This Question At The Beginning of the Call
The first thing you have to address in the first 30 to 45 seconds of a call is to ask them, “Is there anybody else you need to consult with in order to make a decision today?”
Now, that’s a really important question, because if they say no, then they are the sole decision-maker. If the person says, “Yes, I have to double-check with my wife or my husband,” then what you’re going to say next is, “Great. That’s awesome. When would be a better time this week for all three of us to jump on a phone call?”
What that’s going to do is eliminate the whole spousal objection in the first place, because all three of you are on the call. They don’t have to leave the phone to run the whole thing by their spouse, and their spouse is most likely not going to be supportive of their decision to want to enroll with you, because they don’t know anything about the conversation. We want to get them on the phone in the first place.
If that’s the case and they’re on the phone with you, and you get to the point where you make your offer for your coaching program, and they say they need to think about it, again that’s totally fine. Acknowledge that.
Just say, “Listen, I totally understand you guys maybe want a bit of space, so here’s what I want to do. Why don’t we just hang up the phone for five, 10 minutes? I’ll give you a bit of breathing space to talk about this amongst yourselves,”.
The reality, is that people don’t need five months to decide. They’re going to make the decision right then and there. They just need a little bit of space on their own without you on top of them to make that decision as effectively as possible.
What I would suggest is hang up the phone right there. Call them back in five minutes and be like, “Hey, what do you guys want to do?” It’s as simple as that. That’s what I would strongly recommend you do in that case if you have both people on the phone.
Now, if you only have one person on the phone and they say, “Listen, I need to talk to my wife or spouse, or my husband,” what I would suggest is, “Okay, great. What I can do is hold your spot for 24 hours. I’ll let you talk with them and obviously run this stuff by them. When can we chat tomorrow, all three of us?”
Get all three of you back on the phone or at least the primary decision-maker. From there, at least you have some degree of short time span for them to make a decision, because the longer this delays from the initial conversation, the lower their desire’s going to be, the more the excuses are going to creep up. We want to avoid that from happening in the first place.
Those are three ways we can address the spousal objection, and hopefully this becomes useful for you in your enrollment calls. Our whole approach to speaking with people is always coming from a place of service, not selling, but at the end of the day, you do have to make an offer. You do have to make an offer to enroll those people in your program, but that’s ultimately how you’re going to serve them.
If you like this kind of stuff and you would like a little bit more support and help with your business, and help enrolling more clients into your coaching program so you can help them with your awesomeness and solve their problems, my advice, you should check out our new online training called the 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint.
Inside you’re going to discover the new way to build a six or seven-figure coaching business, specifically in the health space.
I think you’ll really find this helpful, because one of the things that we’re going to walk you through in this online training is a four-step process we call the Perfect Client Pipeline, which is how you can attract your best clients predictably without having to do all sorts of manual prospecting, and how you can deliver an amazing result for them, even in a group coaching type of program.
If you want to make more money, enjoy more freedom in your life, not have to do the one-on-one coaching, then I think you’ll really enjoy that training. Again, that’s totally free.
Register for it today, and I look forward to seeing you in our next video.
Free Online Training: 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint
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Getting Past Your Emotional Demons to Create a Business Breakthrough with Josh Trent

Welcome to the Healthpreneur Podcast! We’re back at it again with another amazing guest, Josh Trent. Josh is the founder of Wellness Force and Wellness Force Media, and through his businesses he strives to help men and women discover physical and emotional intelligence and live life well.
Josh hosts his own podcast, Wellness Force Radio, and is the creator of the Wellness Frequency Method, which teaches the foundations for a freedom-based life with practical and spiritual training. He’s got over 15 years in the health and wellness industry and his own journey overcoming self-doubt, weight issues, and shame.
He has an interesting take on his past because he recognizes it as something that happened for him – not to him – and once he moved past it’s pain he knew he was on the right path. This episode goes deep into the personal blocks that yank us back, and draws us to the other side so our journey on our true path can continue. Tune in to find out how Josh built his emotional intelligence to succeed in life – and how you can, too.
In this episode Josh and I discuss:
- Josh’s childhood and the self-doubt he bared.
- Addressing issues from childhood.
- The role plant-medicine can take in our journey towards self-discovery.
- The sick global collective and why we must strive for mental health.
- Finding your path, worthiness, and self-love.
- Breathing, how it connects everything, and his love for podcasting.
Time Stamp:
2:30 – 7:30 – Josh’s journey and why emotional intelligence fueled it all
7:30 – 14:30 – Things that get in our way and working past them: The issues are in the tissues
14:30 – 21:30 – His plant-medicine journey in Costa Rica and how it helped him heal
21:30 – 28:00 – Aligning with your path and doing the work to go back to self-love
28:00 – 30:30 – Josh’s journey into podcasting and the things that were most impactful for him
30:30 – 37:00 – The Rapid Five
Hello, guys. Welcome to the Healthpreneur Podcast. I’ve got another treat for you today.
This fun conversation with Josh Trent is not your typical business discussion. This is going to go a bit meta, higher level, ethereal, spiritual – however you want to think of it – but extremely profound. It’ll open some questions in your mind about how you approach life, how you approach business, and how to overcome emotional blocks that are holding you back. You’ll get some good value out of this episode.
Let me tell you a little bit about Josh before we invite him on to the show. He’s the founder of Wellness Force. He has a great podcast by the same name, The Wellness Force Radio, and the Fitness + Technology Podcast. He’s got over 13 years in the health and fitness industry, and he leads the Wellness Force community in discovering physical and emotional intelligence for a good life.
He’s a great guy. Very sincere. Very genuine. Without any further ado, let’s welcome Josh Trent to The Healthpreneur Podcast. Josh, welcome to The Healthpreneur Podcast. How’s it going, buddy?
Josh: Fantastic. Thanks for having me, Yuri.
Yuri: Yes, I’m excited to have a chat with you!
I’ve given a bit of your background and bio, but give our listeners a sense of your journey. How’d you get to where you are now straining off as a trainer?
Josh’s journey and why emotional intelligence fueled it all
Josh: The quick and skinny is that I was not skinny for a big portion of my life. There was a phase – probably two decades – where I used food as a drug. A lot of people can relate to this, Yuri. A lot of health and wellness professionals dealt with their own internal struggles, and that’s what leads them to become healers. The wounded healer path becomes to heal themselves.
That was my story. I was raised in an environment where my mom was bipolar. It was bad at the time, so I never felt at home. I never felt safe there. I needed a way to cope when I was young, so I used food to do that. Over the course of those two decades, I figured, “I like sports, I like being athletic, I like moving, so I’ll do this.” I played football, I learned about weight training, and I started to tap into this physical intelligence that we’re all born with, but to no surprise, I didn’t have the emotional tools to deal with life. I was still using food.
I was 22 years old. I was almost 280 pounds. I was drinking beer at a party because I used alcohol to not feel. I was in a relationship that I didn’t like. I was at a job that I hated. I mean, man, I was primed for a huge sledgehammer to the back of the head by the universe.
I was sitting there, drinking – I think I was playing beer pong. I slammed the red cup down, Yuri. I thought, “There’s more to life than this.” I didn’t know what the heck I was going to do, but I knew that I had built up enough pain. I had accumulated enough pain to know I didn’t want to continue to walk the line of not being connected to myself anymore.
I slammed the cup down. I ran home drunk.
Yuri: Those are always fun; drunken runs.
Josh: Yeah, for three miles. I got home, opened the computer, and typed, “How to be healthy.” The next 18 months were a trial-by-fire. I did Atkins. I did weight loss programs and regained the weight, plus or minus 40 pounds. I got to this point where I didn’t know what to do.
I didn’t have the education. I didn’t understand what it was like to be in touch with my body, so I sold everything I owned – my truck, my clothes, everything – and moved to Hawaii. I was in Hawaii for six months and connected with nature at 24 years old.
That was my ethos to get well and live life well. I remember working out at a 24-Hour Fitness in Hawaii. A fitness trainer came up to me and said, “Hey, you should think about being a trainer. I’ve seen you get some pretty good results.” I looked at him and said, “What’s a trainer?” I didn’t even know what personal training was.
That led me on this road where I think a lot of people start. Fitness is a catalyst for wellness. Over the next 10 years, I was training clients and managing teams, and then I met a mutual friend, Sean Croxton, who opened me up to this online world of serving more than just one person at a time.
There were some other thresholds that I went through, other emotional intelligence trainings that brought me here, but now, with Wellness Force, I’m just starting where I always started, which is by asking, “How do I live my life well and how do I discover this physical and emotional intelligence.”
Yuri: That’s awesome. When you say emotional intelligence, is that coined in the same way that we typically think about emotional intelligence, or do you have a different connotation for that?
Josh: That is a great question because “emotional intelligence” is thrown around. There’s an author, Travis Bradberry, who has “emotional intelligence 2.0”, which is just a fun way of saying, “Am I present in the moment, and do I have self-awareness?”
I believe those are the two segments of emotional intelligence. If we do those in every moment, we’re always going to be authentic. We’re always going to allow the other person to feel who we really are.
Yuri: Nice. It’s so true because I wouldn’t say I’m the best hirer, but one of the most important things I look for is emotional intelligence. I don’t know how to describe it, but I see if they get it, get people, and are a good human, even if they don’t have the skillset. I find that you can train the skills, but how do you train emotional intelligence?
Can you train emotional intelligence in the way you’ve defined it?
Things that get in our way and working past them: The issues are in the tissues
Josh: I think you can train emotional intelligence, but at the core of it all, there must be this ethos, this fire of curiosity. I think what happens is when people lose their curiosity, that’s when they start to decline in their emotional intelligence.
I’ll tell you this: The number one thing that I believe gets in people’s way of increasing their emotional intelligence is unprocessed events from life, and specifically, from childhood. Look at Bruce Lipton’s work. Look at Bessel van der Kolk’s work. We carry so many things in our tissues. The issues are in the tissues. That’s not just an alliteration for no reason. The things that get in our way are the things that we’re not dealing with as adults that may have happened when we were kids.
You don’t have to do the work. None of us have to do any emotional intelligence work, but if we’re noticing that the results we’re achieving in our adult life are not aligned with what we really believe we’re worth, well then it’s time. It’s time to dig into your past and to understand the things you haven’t processed, and let them go.
What do you need to become? Who do you get to be to let those go?
Yuri: How do you recommend someone start on that journey? What’s been most impactful in that discovery journey?
Josh: Breath. Box breath. I learned it from Mark Divine at a SEALFIT event. I think breath is the most underrated emotional intelligence growth tool in the world, yet it’s our only autonomic system function that we have any kind of control over.
All of us breathe throughout the day, but we don’t notice when we’re not breathing. Something’s actually breathing us, which is a totally different conversation. Going into a session of box breath is where you literally draw a box. You inhale. You hold. You exhale. You hold.
Each one of those corners of the box is five seconds. That’s what I do before I make a high-tension decision, go into a meeting, speak on a stage, or even come on a podcast. I take loving ownership of my nervous system and state before I do something that I care about, like a conversation or a presentation, whatever it is.
I found that doing this box breathing, doing five to seven rounds of that, Yuri, where each corner of the box has five seconds of holding, is the perfect place to start for any of us. You don’t need to read a book or go to a seminar. You can do it right now. It’s something that can add massive value to your life right now because you have control over it. You don’t have control over so many things in life, but the breath is one thing you can control.
Yuri: That’s amazing. I catch myself; am I even breathing? That’s how shallow I’m breathing right now, and I know I’m breathing shallowly or not in a relaxed fashion. I guess the first step is just being aware to see what’s going on, then making the decision to do that type of breath work.
Do you have or do you recommend specific triggers, or is it just a matter of tuning in throughout the day in a more natural, organic way?
Josh: I remember speaking with Johnny Blackburn. He’s a men’s group leader here in Southern California, and all his work and trainings are based from David Deida. Deida uses different models that were pulled from Ken Wilber. You look at this integrity model, and then of course before that, there was Buckminster Fuller. We’re always borrowing from one another. I find that the universal wisdom where everyone can start is by taking an emotional inventory.
I think the breath is great and a great start, but taking an emotional inventory is probably the second step, Yuri. I think it can be as simple as a journaling practice where you open a blank page and draw a line down the middle.
On the left side, write down 10 things that you truly know are challenging you. It could be people or places or things, but get honest because this is what’s probably weighing you down the absolute most. Then, on the right side, write down all the people and the things that you’re truly grateful for.
That exercise right there scares the crap out of people because being honest with yourself and writing 10 things that scare you or that cause you stress or pressure is not easy. This self-awareness practice requires an inward dive and true understanding.
Once you’ve done that, take a full emotional inventory. Pick one thing out of those 10 that you’re committed to changing in the next seven days. Circle it. Go on the gratitude side and circle what you are most excited and grateful for.
You’ve done your inventory. You’ve done 10 and 10. You’ve circled one thing you’re going to change in the next seven days and one thing you’re most grateful for. Then as you call in the social support, accountability framework, business coaching, personal relationships, whatever it is to move through the fear threshold to change that one thing, that’s when you focus on your morning practice, meditation, and one thing you’re most grateful for.
If we don’t use gratitude as fuel for us to change and approach the things that stress us out, I’ve found it not to be as successful. I think gratitude is a bridge between wanting to change and changing.
Yuri: Yeah, totally. I totally agree with that because if I’m feeling not at my best, I’ve gotten into the habit of asking myself, “All right, dude. What are you focused on? Are you focused on the crap, or are you focused on gratitude?” Obviously, I’m not focused on gratitude because if I was focused on gratitude, I would not be feeling that way. That’s a great exercise, too. I’m going to try that.
His plant-medicine journey in Costa Rica and how it helped him heal
Josh: Yeah, the gratitude, it is the gel that holds it all together.
You and I were talking before we recorded. I just got back from this amazing trip where I was doing some plant medicine ceremonies in Costa Rica. I realized that these things happen for us, Yuri, they’re not just happening to us. Things happen for us so that we have a blade of adversity that stabs us, and the universe likes to test us.
It’s only in those moments of hardship and adversity where we allow the gratitude to bleed through. It’s the gratitude and the love for one another that allows us to live this life well. I think that gets clouded by some of the constructs of our current society.
Yuri: Totally true. Talk to us about that experience in Costa Rica. You said that place was called Rythmia. Is that correct?
Josh: Yeah, it’s Rythmia. It’s the only licensed plant medicine facility in the world that’s licensed by Costa Rican government. We’re seeing a renaissance not just with the work of Jamie Wheal and Steven Kotler, but also the MAPS organization in psychedelics and in plant medicines. For thousands and thousands of years, this ancient wisdom has been used to heal people.
Right now, Yuri, what you do is help coaches and people get well so they can help other people get well. That’s what we need as a collective. This global collective that we’re in right now, it’s sick. Our society has a lot of psychosis; it has a lot of apathy. We’re focused on negative things, and there’s this negativity bias that’s running a lot of things.
Well, I saw that in Rythmia. I saw it all very clearly, and I could go through a lot of my emotional intelligence work, a lot of my childhood, and see all the things that had happened that I didn’t deal with.
They were running in my tissues, in my subconscious mind. We know that 90% of all our thoughts, which then lead to actions, are subconscious, and I was operating from a broken mirror, a broken guidepost. I could heal that there.
The challenge was that it’s not comfortable. I’ll just say that. Doing plant medicine and going through this emotional inventory, through ayahuasca, or through psilocybin – whatever it is – if you use plant medicine as a lens for personal development, the most important thing is to make sure that the setting is safe. That’s why I chose to go to Rythmia. It’s the safest place in the world if you want to explore that.
Yuri: I’m intrigued. I should look into it.
I don’t do well with marijuana. I’ve done a little bit here and there, but I don’t feel that great when I’ve taken a few puffs. I want to do ayahuasca and that kind of stuff, but am I going to be completely messed up if that’s how I react to marijuana? I guess like with anything, it’s having the courage to step into the unknown with the intention that something amazing is on the other end of it.
Josh: That’s such a good point because it’s set in setting and safety for anything we do in life, whether it’s coaching or programs or plant medicine. That must be the number one priority. Look at these stories of people going to the Amazon. They dive into all these plant medicines in the Amazon. It’s not always safe there. You’re around tarantulas and boa constrictors. It’s craziness out there.
Therefore, Rythmia is a Life Advancement Center. They focus on creating a safe space with medical doctors and the right kinds of support. Tim Ferriss, Aubrey Marcus, and people on the bleeding edge are talking about how powerful these plant medicine experiences have been for their own growth, and it uplevels their business as well.
Yuri: Yeah. It’s amazing. Every time I have a gathering or a dinner party or whatever with entrepreneurs, I’m amazed at how many of them are into psychedelics, and not just ayahuasca, but even LSD in some cases. I don’t necessarily promote that stuff, but what’s interesting is that for a lot them, they don’t have a drug addiction.
For them, it unlocks elements of the creative side of their brain that they would never have accessed otherwise. For them, it’s kind of an unfair advantage to just be a better version of themselves in that creative mode.
From your experience at Rythmia, what was your big lesson or learning?
Aligning with your path and doing the work to go back to self-love
Josh: The big lesson was that when I was young, I was overweight, and so kids can be the ultimate good wolf, bad wolf. When I was young, I was beat up a lot, I was picked on, I was spit on, I had padlocks thrown at me, and I was kicked in the face.
Atrocious things happened to me when I was young. I blocked those out. I never actually dealt with that. I never actually released and processed that.
I was running my life, business, and even my podcast with an underlying tension. My nervous system was a dial on a continuous basis to fight and flight, to sympathetic. I could go there and see these things happening, put my arm around myself when I was young, and say, “Not only are you okay and you’re safe, but those things were not your fault, and they’ll never happen to you again.”
It gives me chills talking to you about it because that’s where all the shame comes from.
The shame, if you look at the work of David Hawkins, the hertz measurement for shame is 20 out of a thousand. Enlightenment and love are closer to 500 and a thousand. Shame is the lowest vibration in the entire universe.
I was operating from this place of existential shame, shame that my body looked a certain way, shame that these things happened to me, shame that I couldn’t have prevented them. Shame is heavy, man. When I saw it for what it was, which was, “Those things happened for me when I was a kid so I could grow stronger,” they would allow me to go on this path of being, quote, “the wounded healer who now heals other people and is doing the work to continually heal himself.”
That is not a death sentence. It’s a gift, like when these adversities happen for us. I saw the full complexity of the reality that the only thing I have is gratefulness. I’m grateful that those things happened for me, that I was picked on and everything else, because it led me to be here talking to you, Yuri.
I wouldn’t be in the wellness industry. I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing if I hadn’t had those hardships happen for me. That was something where I got to hold myself as a child and say, “I got you.”
Yuri: That’s powerful. We talked about this universal stuff a little bit before we started recording. I wanted to come back to that because I think both you and I are on a very similar page with respect to this. For everyone listening, it doesn’t matter if you’re spiritual or religious, whatever you want to call it, this is an important discussion because it just happens.
Whether you believe in it, it doesn’t matter. We talked about the law of vibration, of attraction. You had mentioned something to me where you came back from this retreat, and you felt so much more aligned that things just started happening for you with a lot more ease.
Talk to us a little bit about that.
Josh: This is cool because I do believe that if we’re fighting ourselves, if we’re not in alignment with why we’re here and our path, it’s going to be harder.
My business name is Wellness Force, and for a long time, I was forcing Wellness Force. It’s not something that I can talk about here lightly because, man, it’s been the ultimate challenge growing a business. My deepest truth is that it’s been so challenging, but it’s because I wasn’t aligned. Earlier I had talked about being kicked over to the sympathetic just a little bit, like five degrees.
Now that I’ve transferred, gone through this threshold, and gotten to do this inner-child work, I’m not only excited about the work that lies ahead, but I finally, for the first time in my life, deeply feel aligned to calling in my worth. I think it’s about self-worth, Yuri. It’s the reason why things have been coming to me and why opportunities have been coming my way.
Even getting the awesome opportunity to be with you, it’s like I finally feel my worth. I finally feel that, “Oh. This is what I’m here to do. I’m learning about this physical and emotional intelligence, and I’m speaking my truth as loud as possible because I feel like I’m worthy to do so.”
This worthiness is not possible unless we see the deepest, darkest fear cave that we all have inside of us. This was probably one of the biggest heroes journeys I’ve ever done in my life; going to Rythmia, coming back, and speaking my truth. Man, it’s been powerful, but at the same time, it has not been easy. This is not some sexy thing. I don’t want to glorify plant medicine in any regard. This is not something that you do for fun. It’s something that you feel the calling to do.
It’s something that calls you, really. I believe that it can be one of the most powerful deep dives into who you are as a person and to feeling – not just saying – your own self-worth. And self-worth is connected to self-love, and self-love is connected to everything else in life. The more I’m in this industry I see that all roads lead to self-love.
Yuri: It’s crazy. I mean, there’s not a single person that I know of or I’ve worked with where self-worth, aka self-love, is not an issue. “I don’t believe I can charge this much,” or, “I can’t connect with so-and-so,” or whatever it is. In your experience, is a lot of that coming back down to childhood experiences?
Josh: I think so. I think that’s an awesome question. It made me shudder.
I think of the analogy where Steven Young was the backup quarterback to Joe Montana. Once in an interview, he was asked, “Do you ever feel like the monkey will be off your back as far as being as good as Joe Montana?” Steve Young said, “No. It’s always going to be there, but I know my value and I know what I can bring to this team.”
I feel the same way, man. Those things happened for me when I was a kid, and all the lessons I’ve learned and accumulated up to this point will never go away. I don’t think that the “monkey” ever goes off our back.
I still get to be aware of my eating habits. I still get to be aware of negative self-talk. I don’t have this thing wired. None of us do, and anybody that goes on major media or television and says they got it all figured out is lying to you.
I don’t trust anyone that says they have it all figured out, so the answer to your question is, I feel it’s a continuum. It’s a practice where we get better as we go along, but we always stay humble to being a student.
Yuri: That’s what I think, and maybe I’m biased here because I hang around mostly with entrepreneurs. I find a lot of entrepreneurs are more growth-oriented just because we must be to succeed in business. I think there is that element of always introspecting, growing, and wanting to learn more about ourselves so we can be of more service to others.
But it’s such an interesting journey. It is, and I do believe that self-worth is a big thing.
I just recorded a bit of an episode on this earlier where I was talking about self-worth and self-image identity. I was talking about how, for the longest time when I was growing up, all I wanted to do was play pro-soccer. My goal was just soccer, soccer, soccer. That was my identity.
When I retired in my mid-20s, I had the toughest time changing my self-identity. Even though I had started this business and was doing other stuff, I still saw myself as the 17-year-old soccer player. It was uncomfortable for me to get in situations where I was around people that were wealthier or more successful. I always felt like I wasn’t good enough to be in that crowd.
That’s something that I’ve recognized over the years, something I’ve worked through, and it’s something I continue to see repeatedly.
If you’re listening to this, I don’t care if we’re talking to Richard Branson or anyone else, there’s always going to be that level of, “am I good enough, will people like me,” or whatever. It’s such an interesting discussion. Introspection to be had by everyone.
Josh: This is making an impact for me in this moment because this is the intersection.
This is the true intersection of where we are in 2018. There’s the practical, what we need on an everyday nuts-and-bolts basis to succeed, and then there’s also this other half of the intersection that’s spirituality, and that’s this quest for self-love and self-care practices.
You can’t read and garner self-love from a PDF online. It’s not possible. It’s not going to happen.
Yuri: It’s so true.
Josh’s journey into podcasting and the things that were most impactful for him
Out of everything you’ve read and learned, what would you say are one to three of the most impactful investments you’ve made, whether they’re books, teachings, or experiences, and why?
Josh: The first one that comes to mind is starting the podcast. One thing I didn’t get to share when you asked me about my journey was that I left fitness. I left for two and a half years because I made up a story in my mind that I wasn’t good enough, there wasn’t enough money to be made in health and wellness, it was too saturated, and blah, blah, blah.
The monkey mind took its control, so in 2012, I left. I went to the technology industry and sold software. I was committing spiritual suicide. I felt it the whole time. The money was great, but my soul was dying.
When I came back, when I got the gift of being fired, I decided. The first thing that I did was I committed to launching a podcast. I wasn’t attached to the outcome. I didn’t say, “Well, it has to have this many downloads,” or, “I have to have this guest on,” or whatever it is. I just connected with that voice inside of me that said, “Speak your damn truth. Put some information out into the world that you actually believe in.” That was the first thing.
The second thing was a commitment to growing my emotional intelligence. I started with MITT, which is Mastery in Transformational Training in LA. I’ve done Landmark. I’ve done other experiential weekends. Number two would be experiential emotional intelligence trainings. It’s the only way that we can get sparked and a guided experience to understanding what’s going on inside of our body.
The third thing is just being excited about what’s to come, this natural curiosity and gathering of evidence for my path to be exactly where I’m supposed to be; taking ownership of gathering evidence that the universe is showing me through things, events, people, and conversations that I’m on the right path. It’s my responsibility to gather that evidence.
Yuri: That’s awesome. If everything were wiped away, what one message would you leave this world with?
Josh: If you can breathe, you can choose. If you choose to take a deep breath and take control of your nervous system, whatever’s going to come after that moment is perfect.
Yuri: That’s deep, man. That’s good.
Josh: Thank you, dude.
The Rapid Five
Yuri: Josh, this has been awesome, but before we finish, we have the Rapid Five. Are you ready?
Josh: Let’s go. Let’s rapid.
Yuri: Five rapid-fire questions. Whatever comes out of your mouth is probably the right answer. Number one, what is your biggest weakness?
Josh: I tend to take on the energy of other people. I’m an empathic guy, so an edge for me is to not take on energy from either clients or influencers.
Yuri: That’s a big one for a lot of healers for sure. Number two, what is your biggest strength?
Josh: My biggest strength is my biggest weakness. Because I’m an empath and I feel people, I have a deeper awareness to connect with what someone cares about. I think this intuitive connection is what makes me a great podcast host.
Yuri: That’s great. Number three, what’s one skill you’ve become dangerously good at to grow your business?
Josh: Podcast operations; the backend, the marketing, and the understanding of how to create little pieces of content and repurpose. Podcast world, watch out.
Yuri: Here he comes. He’s already here! Number four, what do you do first thing in the morning?
Josh: I drink 24 oz of spring water or filtered water with two pinches of Celtic Sea Salt and an entire lime. I learned that from Charles Poliquin. You get digestive flow from the lime, and then the salt helps to rehydrate you with the minerals. Then, of course, we’ve been off-gassing water all night. That’s my morning cocktail, which is funny. We see a lot of people in the industry talking about this right now.
Yuri: Totally. Everyone I ask this question to say it’s a drink, a liter of water with apple cider vinegar or with lemon or sea salt. It’s the most common answer, for sure.
Josh: It’s the best way to start your day.
Yuri: Very few people, ironically, have said anything about coffee, which is cool because I don’t like caffeine. I like coffee, but I don’t like caffeine, so I drink decaf. It’s cool to see high performers relying on water first thing, which is great.
Josh: The coffee comes later, but if you don’t hydrate first, then you’re just pouring kerosene on a fire. That’s not going to help you.
Yuri: Exactly. Just open the flood gates. Literally. Finally, complete this sentence: I know I’m being successful when…
Josh: I feel in my body and in my heart that the results I’m creating are aligned.
Yuri: That’s great. Love it, man. That’s powerful. Josh Trent.
There we go, ladies and gentlemen. Josh, thank you so much for being with us. What is the best place for everyone to check out your podcast or follow you online?
Josh: Oh, Yuri, it’s been a total treat and joy to connect with you, man. This journey has not always been the easy one, but it was cool to reflect and talk about some of these gems, man. If people want to dive into more gems and listen to the podcast, it’s Wellness Force Radio on iTunes and wellnessforce.com.
On social, it’s just Wellness Force everywhere. Let me know if you think I’m crazy or if you want to talk more. I’m happy to talk.
Yuri: That’s great, man. Thank you so much, Josh, for taking the time. I just want to acknowledge you for showing up in the world the way you do. It’s very refreshing to see someone like yourself who breaks the stereotypes in our heads.
You don’t make the association of a former football guy with someone who’s deeply spiritual and connected at a deep level. I want to acknowledge you for just being who you are, showing up, and sharing your wisdom and journey. It means a lot to me, our listeners, and the people you serve, so thank you for being you and doing what you do.
Josh: Wow, man. I’m so appreciative of that. I receive that. I’m grateful for you, and gosh, what a way to start my morning. This has been such a fun conversation, man, and I appreciate you as well.
Yuri: Thanks so much, buddy.
Yuri’s Take
I hope you enjoyed that one. I had a lot of fun chatting with Josh. Great guy, and he got me thinking about considering this Rythmia retreat center in Costa Rica. If I decide to take the leap and do that, I will let you know and keep you posted on any breakthroughs that happen on my end.
In the meantime, talking about breakthroughs, these two things will help you create breakthroughs.
Number one, if you haven’t subscribed to the podcast, please do so today. We’ve got a great bunch of episodes coming your way with great guests, great solo rounds, inspiring stuff, great strategies, and mindset concepts to help you get through obstacles and reach your biggest dreams and goals. You can subscribe on iTunes.
I believe we’re also on SoundCloud, which is cool. I didn’t even know that, but that just goes to show you how much you don’t need to be involved in the process. Pretty much all I do with this podcast is talk.
I’m going to do an episode in the future about your most valuable activities and talk about ideas versus execution. This is going to be an interesting concept and idea. It will get you thinking about what you should be doing in your business with most of your time.
Now, going back to the idea of breakthroughs. We would love to support you if you’re willing to step up and take your business to the next level. If you already have a successful business, if you already have an established presence and you want to get to the next level, maybe you’re doing six figures a year, you want to get to the next level and break seven figures, or even if you’ve got a lot of things working out and the methods are cracking the code for you, then we can certainly help.
We do that through a Result Accelerator call, which is a free 45-minute call with me or one of my Result coaches. Our goal in the 45 minutes is to serve you. It’s not a sales pitch. Our goal is three-fold.
Number one, to help you attract your ideal clients more predictably.
Second is to show you and help you convert them more consistently without feeling salesy, and third, helping you devise a program that can deliver amazing results for them with one-on-one coaching.
If that’s of interest to you, then you can book a call with us today. Again, that’s totally free over at healthpreneurgroup.com/book. The only caveat to that is that we only have so many spots on any given week, so if you miss out, you’re going to have to wait. That would suck because, hey, why put your dreams on hold?
Anyways, grab a spot today. We’d love to chat with and support you in taking your business to the next level. In the meantime, thank you so much for joining me once again on the show. I hope you’ve enjoyed this. I’ve had a lot of fun bringing it to you, and I’ll see you in our next episode.
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What You Missed
In our last episode we had an OG (“Original Gangster”) on the show: Frank Lipman. He’s been a pioneer in both integrative and functional medicine for some time, and he’s showing no signs of slowing down.
Tune in to find out how Frank scaled his businesses and continues to succeed with the help of a team, backup from his family, and a foundation that is rooted firmly in a true relationship with his self.
Frank gives golden wisdom-nuggets about meditation, authenticity, and investing, and lets us in on the advice he gives his own 30-year old daughter.
It’s all in this episode: Secrets of Business Longevity with Frank Lipman