The Harsh Truth About Business and Why We Don’t Abandon Our Kids
Anything meaningful in life takes time and it’s not easy. Let’s use raising children as an example. We as human species compared with any other species spend the most amount of time raising our kids. The reason for this is we humans are a tribal, social, species.
I’ll admit, there are times my kids drive me crazy to the point where I want to give them to random people on the street. Of course, I don’t give my kids away to random people when they drive me crazy and that’s because I’ve invested a hug amount of time into raising them. There’s a love and commitment as parents that we have with our children. The same goes with business.
When it comes to business, you need to stay focused on one thing. Far too often most businesses fail because they give up to soon or they don’t stay focused on what they need to stay focused on.
You need to keep plugging away. You have to keep watering the grass.
If you’ve raised kids, running a business is a joke in comparison.
As with raising kids, running a business is an ever lasting journey. You have to keep learning. You have to keep plugging away. You have to continue getting support when things don’t go well.
As you go through the journey over building a business and the everlasting journey that goes into it, you have got to keep in mind that anything worthwhile is going to have it’s challenges. You need to expect that and you need to be OK with it. You also need to have the resilliance and resolve to get through it.
Stay the course and keep swinging the bat.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 02:40 – Introducing Today’s Episode
02:40 – 08:00 – The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It
08:00 – 08:52 – It Doesn’t Get Easier — You Just Keep Getting Better
08:52 – 16:00 – Business Is An Everlasting Journey
16:00 – 17:07 – Wrap Up With Yuri
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about selling the pain, not the gain. What exactly does that mean?
All living creatures are motivated by two things. The carrot and the stick. Pain and pleasure.
The reality is that humans are more motivated by the reduction of pain than the gain of pleasure.
I talk about how to use this in your marketing message and when you’re on the phone enrolling clients. When it comes to your marketing, you need to let people know of the consequences of not taking action. When you’re on the phone with people, you need to have them verbalize the cost of staying where they’re at.
While we all want to paint the dream of how much better things will be once they’re able to do x, y, z, but the reality is that people need to be scared out of their pants to take action.
This is something I coach my team on when they’re on the phone with prospects who book a call to speak with us. As a coach, there are conversations you should not be afraid of having, and if you want to know what those conversations are, you’re going to want to pay close attention to what I share with you int this episode and take notes.
Why Prestige Could Be Killing Your Profit
In today’s episode we’re going to be taking a deep look at why prestige could be killing your profits.
In today’s culture of social media and “influencers”, if asked if you would rather be rich or famous, most people would choose to be famous.
People get so wrapped up in the image they project on social media that they lose sight of their profits. There are so many influencers out there on Instagram that have over 1 million followers, but don’t have a business that reflects their following. In other words, their income does not reflect their social media following.
The most successful business I know don’t have the most glamorous social profiles. Don’t get hung up on what your Instagram feed looks like or how many followers you have.
I have said this time and time and again that where you need to focus your time, effort and energy is to understand and master the skill set of sales and marketing so you can acquire clients and have them pay you money.
This may surprise you to learn that for the first two and a half years of Healthpreneur, we had no social following. Only a Facebook page so we could run ads. That’s it.
As I’ve said many times in the past — you want to build your income before your build your influence.
To do that, you need a predictable and reliable way of getting people into your business who are paying you money to transform their lives. That is the only thing you need to focus on and that is the only thing we help our clients do.
If you want our help to get you more clients in a predictable and reliable way, then I invite you to go to to book a call with us.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 03:40 – Introducing Today’s Topic
03:40 – 04:45 – Be Careful Who You Model
04:45 – 05:10 – The One Things That Really Matters
05:10 – 06:50 – When To Use Social Media For the Long Game
06:50 – 10:00 – The One Thing You Need To Focus On To Grow Your Business
10:00 – 12:17 – Wrap Up With Yuri
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about premium pricing. This was inspired from experiencing the way Australian restaurants charge for meals which can help bring some context to the “pricing” conversation.
And I’ve made no secret about how I’m a big fan of premium pricing and how it beneficial it is for you and your clients.
It’s really interesting how the restaurants price their meals in Australia compared to North America.
In our world, we intentionally decided that we did not want to be the cheapest on the market. The reason why is because we wanted to ensure that our clients got amazing support and service, which in turn produces better results for them. We want to offer a better quality experience and a better quality service.
It’s all about focusing on providing your clients the best possible service and outcome.
If you missed it and you’re still feeling uncomfortable about charging premium pricing for your health and fitness services, you’ll want to check out our last episode, What I Learned About Pricing From Australian Restaurants.
Plus Size Models, Instagram Feeds, and Marketing No-No

In this episode I want to talk with you about a weird intersection between plus size models, Instagram feeds and marketing no-no’s.
Here’s the thing about Instagram and Instagram Influencers is that it has nothing to do with their talent, meaningful contributions to the world, or have no expertise. Essentially, they’ve become influencers based upon how they look.
Instagram is a very visual platform. If you look “hot”, you’ll have more followers than if you add value simply because sex sells all the time.
It’s the same reason why no one wants to see Instagram feeds of plus size models. I know that’s a politically incorrect thing to say, but it’s reality.
There are images we see we know are so superficial, yet it is the thing that attaches to our primal senses to signify success and significance.
There is a very big difference in the world of results between realists and optimists.
When it comes to marketing, people don’t want to see pictures of the journey. They want to see the end result. You have to sell people what they want. You have to focus your marketing on the end result.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 03:28-Introducing Today’s Topic
03:28 – 07:00 – Marketing No-No’s
07:00 – 09:33 -Sell People What They Want
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about The Harsh Truth About Business and Why We Don’t Abandon Our Kids
This episode was inspired by you. Yes, you.
I want you to know that anything meaningful in life takes time and it’s not easy. Let’s use raising children as an example. We as human species compared with any other species spend the most amount of time raising our kids. The reason for this is we humans are a tribal, social, species.
I’ll admit, there are times my kids drive me crazy to the point where I want to give them to random people on the street. Of course, I don’t give my kids away to random people when they drive me crazy and that’s because I’ve invested a hug amount of time into raising them. There’s a love and commitment as parents that we have with our children. The same goes with business.
When it comes to business, you need to stay focused on one thing. Far too often most businesses fail because they give up to soon or they don’t stay focused on what they need to stay focused on.
You need to keep plugging away. You have to keep watering the grass.
As with raising kids, running a business is an ever lasting journey. You have to keep learning. You have to keep plugging away. You have to continue getting support when things don’t go well.
As you go through the journey of building a business and the everlasting journey that goes into it, you have got to keep in mind that anything worthwhile is going to have it’s challenges. You need to expect that and you need to be OK with it. You also need to have the resilliance and resolve to get through it.
Stay the course and keep swinging the bat.
And that my friends is The Harsh Truth About Business and Why We Don’t Abandon Our Kids
Compete Against The Problem, Not The Competition
Because the health and fitness market is saturated with so many professionals, there’s a lot of fear about competition and how to stand out in a crowded market. With this in mind, I want to give you a mindset shift and have you focus on the problem and not the competition.
Here’s what I mean by that. We tend to get so wrapped up in what other people are charging, what their Instagram feeds look like, what they’re charging, and what their Facebook ads look like.
This has nothing to do with your business and how you serve your clients.
You should be obsessed with how to better serve your clients and give them the best experience possible. Forget about what the competition is doing. The only thing you need to focus on is how can I better help my clients.
When you worry about what your competition is doing, you’re not innovating. Instead, you end up copying your competition in some way and that does not move the needle in your business. What this doesn’t do is help differentiate you in the market or help you stand out.
When you focus on your clients, you reduce the competition.
If you need help developing a program that can help you serve many clients at a higher level and grow your business, with a system that can help you bring in your perfect client every day like clockwork, invite you to go to where you can book a call with us and we’ll do a free audit of your business and get you on the right path.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 01:41 – Introducing Today’s Topic
01:41 – 02:20 – Obsess About How To Better Serve Your Clients
02:20 – 03:32 – Why Worry About The Competition Kills Your Business
03:32 – 08:00 – When You Focus On The Problem, You Focus On Your Clients
08:00 – 09:36 – Wrap Up With Yuri
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode we spoke about why prestige could be killing your profits.
People get so wrapped up in the image they project on social media and the image projected by others, that they lose sight of their profits. You may not realize this but there are a lot of “influencers” out there on Instagram that have over 1 million followers, but don’t have a business that reflects their following. In other words, their income does not reflect their social media following.
The most successful business I know don’t have the most glamorous social profiles. They don’t get hung up on what their Instagram feed looks like or how many followers they have.
I have said this time and time and again that where you need to focus your time, effort and energy is to understand and master the skill set of sales and marketing so you can acquire clients and have them pay you money.
You want to build your income before your build your influence.
To do that, you need a predictable and reliable way of getting people into your business who are paying you money to transform their lives. That is the only thing you need to focus on and that is the only thing we help our clients do.
If you missed it, you can catch the episode right here: Why Prestige Could Be Killing Your Profits. You’ll also discover what we did for the first two and a half years of Healthpreneur to grow our business without a social media following.
Sell The Pain, Not The Gain

All living creatures are motivated by two things. The carrot and the stick. Pain and pleasure.
The reality is that humans are more motivated by the reduction of pain than the gain of pleasure.
Which brings me to this. When it comes to your marketing, you need to let people know of the consequences of not taking action. When you’re on the phone with people, you need to have them verbalize the cost of staying where they’re at.
While we all want to paint the dream of how much better things will be once they’re able to do x, y, z, but the reality is that people need to be scared out of their pants to take action.
This is something I coach my team on when they’re on the phone with prospects who book a call to speak with us. As a coach, there are conversations you should not be afraid of having, and if you want to know what those conversations are, you’re going to want to pay close attention to what I share with you and take notes.
If you need help or support with your communication in moving people to action, I invite you to book a call with us at
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 01:50 – Introducing Today’s Episode
01:50 – 04:50 – The Motivation of Fear
04:50 – 07:33 – Overcoming The Money Objective
07:33 – 08:16 – Wrap Up With Yuri
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, I addressed the fear a lot of health and fitness professionals have about competition and how to stand out in a crowded market.
My advice on this is to focus on the problem and not the competition.
When you worry about what your competition is doing, you’re not innovating. Instead, you end up copying your competition in some way and that does not move the needle in your business. What this doesn’t do is help differentiate you in the market or help you stand out.
When you focus on your clients, you reduce the competition.
If you missed this episode, you can catch it right here: Compete Against The Problem, Not The Competition
What I Learned About Pricing From Australian Restaurants
I’ve been in Australia for the past two weeks and while I’ve been here, I’ve had some really interesting restaurant experiences that can help bring some context to the “pricing” conversation.
And I’ve made no secret about how I’m a big fan of premium pricing and how it beneficial it is for you and your clients.
It’s really interesting how the restaurants price their meals in Australia compared to North America.
In our world, we intentionally decided that we did not want to be the cheapest on the market. The reason why is because we wanted to ensure that our clients got amazing support and service, which in turn produces better results for them. We want to offer a better quality experience and a better quality service.
It’s all about focusing on providing your clients the best possible service and outcome.
If you feel you’re undervalued for the services you provide and don’t know how to go about charging premium prices, and you’d like our help with that, to to and book a call with us.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 03:00 – Introducing Today’s Topic
03:00 – 04:40 – Paying For Better Quality Experience
04:40 – 06:00 – The Ethical Debate Of Charging More As A Health and Fitness Coach
06:00 – 07:00- It All Comes Down To Service
07:00 – 08:14 – Wrap Up With Yuri
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
If you’re running Facebook ads and they’re not performing like you would like them to, then you’ll want to tune in to our last episode: Why Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working.
When your Facebook ads are not working the way you want them to, there’s usually a disconnect between the message and the market.
We have been running a lot of Facebook ads and I’ve got some big lessons we learned from our Facebook ad campaigns you’ll want to pay close attention to and take notes as I give you the low down on what we’ve discovered works and what doesn’t work.
Why Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working
In today’s episode I want to talk with you about how to play nice with Facebook, particularly since Facebook has really been cracking down on health and fitness offers.
You always need to keep in my that Facebook’s number one mandate is to provide a high quality experience the user and that means not offending people and not making them feel bad.
When it comes to Facebook ads, while you do want to stand out in your marketing by stating you believe something to be true, it can sometimes piss people off which can sometimes lead to your ads being disapproved and your ad account being shut down.
When your Facebook ads are not working the way you want them to, there’s usually a disconnect between the message and the market.
We have been running a lot of Facebook ads and I’ve got some big lessons we learned from our Facebook ad campaigns you’ll want to pay close attention to and take notes as I give you the low down on what we’ve discovered works and what doesn’t work.
If you need help getting your ads in front of the right audience, and putting a message in front of them that they will respond to, taking people from cold to sold, in the span of a few short days, that’s what we do.
If you would like our help, I invite you to go to where you can book a free call with us.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 02:08 – Introducing Today’s Topic
02:08 – 03:20 – The Facebook Challenge
03:20 – 09:30 – Big Lessons Learned From Our Facebook Ad Campaigns
09:30 – 10:52 – Getting A Good Understanding Of Your Audience
10:52 – 11:55 – Wrap Up With Yuri
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
If you missed our last episode, I shared with you 10 powerful insights from 2019 that will serve you either in business or in life or both.
If you like top 10 lists, you’ll like our our previous episode.
Check it out. Let me know. Let me know which one struck home with you and if you have anything to add to this list. ==> 10 Powerful Insights From 2019
10 Powerful Insights From 2019
I always find that it is a good time to reflect and look back when one year comes to a close and a new one begins.
I’ve got 10 powerful insights from 2019 that will serve you either in business or in life or both.
Without further ado, here are my 10 Insights From 2019
1. Your Business Will Only Ever Grow As Much As You Do
Your business can never outgrow your personal growth. If you’re ever at a point where your business is stagnant, it’s not a business problem, it’s a you problem.
2. What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There
Who you are and where you are in life is exactly where you’re supposed to be. If you want to increase your capacity for more, you have to become more.
In business, the things that got you to a certain point are not necessarily going to get you to the next point.
3. New Challenges Equal Growth – Same Challenges Equal Death
As a business owner, you should look forward to new challenges. The problems you’re dealing with today should not be the same problems you’re dealing with a year from now.
4. Everything is Figureoutable Through Skill Acquisition
Anything you want in life as long as you want it bad enough, you can figure out how to do it. All it is, is an acquisition of skills. If you want to learn how to do anything in business, the only thing you have to worry about is figuring out what to do, how to do it right and continually put in the “reps”.
5. The Better You Plan, The Freer You Will Be
If you plan on what you will work on first thing in the morning before you go to bed, you will be more focused on getting your most important work done and less distracted on the more mundane things that will no move your business forward.
However, you need to have clear, actionable steps and not an ambiguous goal.
The more structure you have, the freer you become.
6. Solving Doesn’t Serve
When you give people the answers, you dis-empower them.
7. Face Time Matters
The more time you have with people, they better off you and they will be. My goal is to build leaders on my team. Having more face time with my team, building them up and helping them grow, is extremely important for growth as a company and my personal freedom.
8. Boring Is Good For Business, But A Boring Life Kills Your Happiness
We as entrepreneurs have an obsession with growth and contribution. We have a relentlessness to grow and this inability to not contribute.
In business, a dangerous word is new and exciting. What that means is that you don’t have focus and you’re trying new things all the time and you’re not giving any one thing enough attention to really master it.
In business, it should be boring, it should be repetitive, it should be more of the same but going deeper and be better in a very narrow area of expertise.
9. Every Problem Is A People Problem And Every Solution Starts With You
Take ownership of everything in your life. Good or bad. You need to take responsibility and not make excuses to get out of situations.
Every problem you encounter is a people problem and every solution comes down to you as a leader first and foremost, of your own life, and your ability to have candid conversations that if you don’t have will lead to a journey of dissatisfaction.
10. Always Listen To Your Gut
One of the great traits among great leaders is high levels of self awareness. Your gut is your best coach.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 -01:25 – Introducing Today’s Topic
01:25 – 03:00 – Your Business Will Only Ever Grow As Much As You Do
03:00 – 07:00 – What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There
07:00 – 12:30 – New Challenges Equal Growth – Same Challenges Equal Death
12:30 – 16:50 – Everything is Figureoutable Through Skill Acquisition
16:50 – 25:00 – The Better You Plan, The Freer You Will Be
25:00 – 28:30 – Solving Doesn’t Serve
28:30 – 31:00 – Face Time Matters
31:00 – 40:27 – Boring Is Good For Business, But A Boring Life Kills Your Happiness
40:27 – 46:35 – Every Problem Is A People Problem And Every Solution Starts With You
46:35 – 52:00 – Always Listen To Your Gut
52:00 – 54:23 – Wrap Up With Yuri
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, we talked about keeping up with the Jones’, big plates and making more money. I’m sure you’ve got to be wondering what all of this means has to do with each other.
What I will tell you is that Keeping up with the Jones’ is not about competing with other people. It’s about raising your standards. When you surround yourself with higher ambition, you start doing things at a higher level.
That ties into having a “bigger plate” and how you can make more money.
Tell you what, if you missed this episode, once you listen to it, it will all make sense. I promise.
You can catch it right here: Keeping Up With The Jones’, Big Plates, and Making More Money
Keeping Up With The Jones’, Big Plates, and Making More Money
Today we’re going to talk about keeping up with the Jones’, big plates and making more money. I’m sure you’ve got to be wondering what all of this means has to do with each other.
Keeping Up With The Jones’
For openers, you may have heard me say you become your environment. Your environment will shape you beyond what you can imagine. This is why I believe keeping up with the Jones’ is a really good thing for your business and you as a person.
This is not about competing with other people. It’s about raising your standards. When you surround yourself with higher ambition, you start doing things at a higher level.
There are things that happen at different levels of life and if you can put yourself in those higher levels of life, you’re going to have better experiences, you’re going to be pulled up to bigger and better things.
Big Plates
Moving on to the next topic, let’s get into Big Plates.
What happens when you’re at a buffet and you’re given a big plate? You fill it up with lots of foods. To eat less food, you use a smaller plate.
In terms of your business, you want to have bigger plates in your business and if you go back to my previous episode, where I talk about creating deficit in your business, a bigger hole, that needs to be filled.
You will find a way to make things happen out of necessity to fill the hole.
Making More Money
You should not be the least expensive option in your market place. The way you price your stuff is in direct correlation to results people get. This is why it’s so important to incorporating premium pricing in what you do.
You can never be the market leader by playing at the bottom. You can never be the market leader by competing on price.
The more you compete with others, the more you’re comparing yourself to other businesses instead of worrying and focusing on your clients. When you focus and obsess about your clients, you eliminate the competition. All you need to do is focus on your clients, the problems you can solve for them, and figuring out better ways to do that. When you do that, you become the leader in your market.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 04:00 – Introducing Today’s Episode
04:00 – 13:43 – You Become Your Environment
13:43 – 19:00 – Big Plates
19:00 – 21:20 – Making More Money
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode I talked about how to make more money by giving some of it to me.
Whenever there is a necessity, that is when we are called to a higher level of action and we do whatever we can to make things happen.
But for some reason, we end up dong the bare minimum in business where we become conditioned to making enough to covering the bills.
What you need to do is trick your brain to do above and beyond the bare minimum. What I want to do is think of ways to stretch higher instead of just the bare minimum.
One of the ways to do that is to hire a coach.
If you were to hire me to help you get more clients and grow your business, you are now going to have a little bit of a deficit that you have to pay every month.
Knowing that you have this commitment, you will find a way to make that happen. When we don’t have necessary expenses, we don’t make the money to pay for them.
I do think there is positivity to creating gaps — deficits that you have to fill. When you create a vacuum, you find a way to fill that vacuum.
How to Make More Money By Giving Some of It To Me
In today’s episode I’m going to talk about how to make more money by giving some of it to me.
I know, I know, that sounds somewhat controversial or egotistical, but bear with me as I explain this.
Whenever there is a necessity, that is when we are called to a higher level of action and we do whatever we can to make things happen.
But for some reason, we end up dong the bare minimum in business where we become conditioned to making enough to covering the bills.
What you need to do is trick your brain to do above and beyond the bare minimum. What I want to do is think of ways to stretch higher instead of just the bare minimum.
One of the ways to do that is to hire a coach.
If you were to hire me to help you get more clients and grow your business, you are now going to have a little bit of a deficit that you have to pay every month.
Knowing that you have this commitment, you will find a way to make that happen. When we don’t have necessary expenses, we don’t make the money to pay for them.
I do think there is positivity to creating gaps — deficits that you have to fill. When you create a vacuum, you find a way to fill that vacuum.
Once you watch this short episode in it’s entirety, and you get the context around what I’m saying, it will make sense.
In This Episode I discuss:
00:00 – 04:00 – Introducing Today’s Topic
04:00 – 08:48 – Put Yourself Into Commitments That Create A Gap
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode I talked about the secret to getting what you want in business.
If you want to get what you want in business and in life, you need to focus on things you can control. In other words, you need to focus on the process and not the outcome.
It’s easy to get lost scrolling through social media and comparing yourself to others, but truth be told, you don’t know what’s really happening behind the scenes with these people and what their metrics are.
Yes, while you do need to focus on the things you can control, you need to know what are the things you need to do that are effective efficient and how to be proficient. That comes with perspective and guidance of someone, such as a coach, who can look at your business objectively and guide you on what it is you need to do to be effective, efficient and proficient. If you’re not investing in your business, you’re not growing.
If you missed it, you can catch the episode right here: The Secret To Getting What You Want In Business