Why Perfectionism is Holding You Back (And How to Move Forward)
In this episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast I‘m talking to (some) of our awesome team about perfectionism.
I’ve got Amy, Jackie, and Stephanie with me for this episode and we’ll be discussing perfectionism and, more specifically, why it is holding us back.
We are hoping that this conversation will give you guys a couple of ideas and strategies to help you get stuff done instead of getting stuck due to perfectionism and the need to make everything perfect.
We had a really honest and open conversation in this episode. The team shared their own struggles with perfectionism and some very practical mindset shifts your can make. If you’ve ever found yourself trying to be perfect, you’re going to get a lot out of this episode!
In this episode the team and I discuss:
2:00 – 3:00 – Why do we strive for perfection?
3:00 – 12:00 – How the need to be perfect will paralyze you into not getting stuff done or never even starting them.
13:00 – 14:30 – Being a perfectionist is selfish.
14:00 – 16:00 – Perfect is the enemy of done and you can improve things over time.
16:00 – 17:30 – If you’re a perfectionist or you’re striving for perfection you’re going to procrastinate.
20:00 – 28:00 – Some of the signs or symptoms of perfectionism that the team has noticed in clients.
28:00 – 31:30 – “Who cares what other people think?”
31:30 – 35:30 – Final words of wisdom from the team.
What’s up Healthpreneurs? How is it going? Yuri here along with some of our awesome team. We’ve got Amy in the house, Jackie and the mystery person in the black box over here if you’re watching this. I’m not going to tell you who it is. You’re going to have to figure it out on your own. But quite honestly it’s Stephanie.
Our mindset results coaches are here. This is our second installment and we haven’t come up with a name for this segment have we?
Amy: No.
Yuri: Maybe you guys can jump in a few comments and let us know what we should call this, but what we want to focus on this week is perfectionism and why perfectionism is holding you back. We’re not saying you personally, we’re talking about people in general.
A lot of our clients, whether we’re talking about HPAs or our luminaries or really any other entrepreneur who’s trying to create stuff and get stuff into the world and why that perfectionism is holding them back and give you guys a couple of ideas, insights, and strategies to move through perfectionism to actually get stuff done and get it out to the world. So, I’m excited to jump into this conversation guys, so thanks for joining me.
Amy: Thank you.
Why do we strive for perfection?
Yuri: Okay. So, let’s talk about this. Here’s my take on perfectionism. And I don’t know where I heard this from or if this is an insight that I’ve developed overtime, but perfectionism in my mind or from my understanding of it is we are trying to get things perfect because we, at a core level, we want the approval of other people. And if we don’t have that approval of other people, then we’re not good enough.
So, essentially what perfectionism says is it’s never good enough because I’m not good enough. And I think that if we take that perspective and look at why are we trying to get this PDF exactly the way it should be or why are we stalling and stalling and stalling and waiting and waiting and waiting? Instead of worrying about the work itself, let’s work internally a little bit more to understand that we are good enough, right? We’re always going to be a couple of steps ahead of the people we want to serve. That it’s never going to be perfect, and let’s just get it out there.
So, I want to open this conversation with that in mind and Jackie do you want to kick things off with some of the stuff that you see and some of the calls that you do with some of our clients as it pertains to needing to be perfect?
How the need to be perfect will paralyze you into not getting stuff done or never even starting them.
Jackie: Absolutely. I’m a recovering perfectionist myself. So, I really think it stems from childhood. First child, always did well, always expected to do well, right? So, putting the pressure on ourselves is really where it stems from. It goes back to, it’s a mindset, it’s a choice, and it can lead to a paralysis at times, or to being a workaholic, or to never getting something done because again it’s never good enough. Or never moving forward with something because I don’t have the right credential. I need to read that next book and then I’ll have all the answers, or take that next course, right?
The cool thing with our clients is they have a proven system. So we can check that off the list. We have a proven system, done. Now we just need to chunk out time to put in the action, put in the work. Set deadlines. Have your coaching accountability calls with us, done. These are all things that will break you out of this perfectionist habit and keep you on track for really getting the results and allowing you to serve your clients, make a bigger impact and naturally grow that influence and that confidence again, right?
Yuri: Sure.
Jackie: So, it can do two things, negatively, right? It can keep us stuck at where we’re at, in getting what we’re getting which isn’t serving us or the people we want to serve. Or again it can also not just get us stuck but we won’t even get started, and that’s the worst. Especially as an entrepreneur or someone who has ability to really make a difference in the world, to never get started is like holding your gift and never sharing it with the world. And that makes me sad as a coach.
So, that’s what I’m noticing right now.
Yuri: That’s awesome. Steph are you there?
Stephanie: I am here. If you guys can’t see me I’m here.
Yuri: How did you get in the black box? So, there she is. Awesome you just replaced Jackie. So apparently we can only have three on the screen or something at this point. So anyways, talk to us about maybe something personal for you that if perfectionism has been something that has blocked you at some point in life and maybe some of the stuff you see with clients.
Stephanie: Yeah. I mean, it’s so funny because you tell us what you want to talk about, or what we’re going to be talking about the night before. So, I thought about this all night, about how many times in the past perfectionism has completely, just like Jackie said, paralyzed me from taking steps forward. And the funny thing about perfectionism is that it’s almost like as Jackie says, that sometimes it’s like rocking in a rocking chair, it’s like you’re doing something, doing something, doing something but you’re going nowhere.
It’s like you’re fooling yourself into thinking, “I’m taking all these steps to get out of this cave or where I want to go because the magic leaves out here. So, I’m reading every book, taking every certification, perfecting this PDF,” doing all this stuff but you’re never doing anything to get out. And the problem with that is, I think, and many of my clients feel the same way, it’s like once I get it perfected then I’ll have the confidence to actually put it into the world. When really that’s not how it works. You actually have to take the action of putting it out then you gain the confidence, and then you can do more.
So, it’s like I think people are constantly waiting for this light bulb to go off like, “Now it’s ready. Now I can do it.” And it’s just never going to happen. You just have to focus on your passion, purpose, mission, why you’re doing this and then allow that to push you forward.
How we only want things perfect because we want the approval of other people
Yuri: It’s so true. I’ve talked to you guys about this, this whole new platform I’m building called the courage code which is whether we’re talking about overwhelm, perfection, moving through fear, it’s all the same stuff. It ultimately is some degree of fear, “Oh my God, people are not going to approve of me.” Guys this goes back to our primitive wiring which is still in existence in our brain.
Our primitive wiring says that if we don’t get approved by our tribe, we’re gone. And in caveman times that meant we’re going to die in the wilderness. And now that same wiring is still in existence now. So, even though we’re not moving in tribes around the world as nomadic people, we still have a tribe whether that is our clients that we serve, the people we care about, or even if people, even the worst is people we don’t even know who think actually give a shit about us but don’t actually care because everyone is just so self-absorbed. That’s just the way humans are. We care so much about what other people think, what they think about us and it stops us from moving forward.
So, guys it really, like as you mentioned Steph, it’s the confidence doesn’t come first. It never ever, ever comes first. You have to have the courage to move into the unknown and that’s the only way you can build the confidence after that.
This is why I really want to bring these sessions to you guys to understand this is that we approach life and entrepreneurship backwards a lot of times. We want to see stuff before we believe it. We want to have the confidence before we move forward. We want to have certainty before we take the first step. It doesn’t happen like that. I wish it did, but it doesn’t. It’s the complete reverse, and that’s why entrepreneurship is awesome because we’re the ones stepping out on the ledge, right?
You guys are stepping out into the unknown based on what you’re comfortable with and that’s amazing, and that’s why you grow so much in this journey. So, it’s really awesome, but yeah. Great perspective Steph. Amy what about you? What do you see when it comes to perfectionism.
How perfectionism & procrastination delay us from reaching and helping the people that we want to serve
Amy: Like all of you I love that I am a recovering perfectionist because I’ve gotten caught paralyzed because you know what? I’m good at writing and I like to create content and it makes you feel good right? So, what I’m seeing is, and really Yuri I’ve seen just you put your courage out there or you have the courage to put yourself out there, let’s say, and then things are happening. And it doesn’t matter if you forgot to change your business here on the bottom of your click funnels page, right? Because really only people noticing that are other business owners and if they’re seeing that you’re successful with forgetting to change the app so what, right?
So, what I’m seeing a lot is that same thing you talked about. People want the confidence before they have the knowledge. And so if we can go back to even when you guys first spoke with us on the phone and you took that leap before you were really ready, right? You’re taking this leap, it’s a leap of faith, the parachute is the HPA. You’re not sure what that’s going to look like when it opens up, but you’re taking that leap that this parachute is going to open and hold you.
You’ve got to just go back to the question, why did you enroll? Remember that you don’t know what that parachute looks like, but it is there and you can do this.
And so, four things, I like you Stephanie, I spent some time really thinking about this and looking, and four things about perfectionism to remember is it’s never going to be perfect. When I first joined the Healthpreneur team I said, “I want to have all my ducks in a row,” and Yuri stopped me right there and said, “Just one thing – you will never have all your ducks in a row.” That was wonderful.
The second thing is worrying about perfectionism or about being perfect and perfect leads to procrastination, right? Because now you don’t know what to do. So, instead of doing, you’re stuck wondering what’s the next thing I should do? Just start. Just like Jackie said, right? We don’t even start. So, if you’re wondering what’s the next thing you should do; start. Where should I start? Where are you in your modules? That’s where you should start, right? Imperfect and done is always greater than perfect and incomplete.
So, if you have an incomplete project, an incomplete webinar, an incomplete email series you’re not reaching the people. And last but not least perfectionism is a mask for fear of failure and rejection which you talked about and that sure hits home with me because nothing was ever good enough when I was growing up. So, that’s what I found and the final quote from Brené Brown that goes with this courage code is “Courage is contagious. So, every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little bit better and the world a little bit braver”. So, take that from Brené Brown and be brave. Step out there, be imperfect and just get it done.
Being a perfectionist is selfish
Yuri: That’s great. That’s really good. Really good insights there Amy. I want to share with you guys two little ideas here.
Imagine you’re walking down a street and I’m just thinking in Toronto because we have homeless people downtown. So, you’re walking down the street and you’ve got a homeless person asking you for money, okay? And out of the goodness of your heart you decide to give them a dollar or two, or you buy him a coffee or donuts, I don’t know. But you decide to do something good for that person, and we don’t even think about that.
Here’s the way I want you to think about this is what perfectionism looks like is like walking down the street and you’ve got a homeless person asking you for money and you’re like, “No, no hold on, hold on. Let me go get my stuff in order, let me go make sure I’ve got my finances all settled, and I’ve got my estate planned, and then I’ll come back to you and then I’ll support you when I’m ready.” That’s what perfectionism is.
The way that I want you guys to think about this if this helps is, think about perfectionism as being selfish, okay? Let me explain. So, every single day you delay doing the stuff that’s going to move your stuff forward, move your business forward, moving you out into the world and putting yourself out there, is one more day that the people you can potentially be serving are suffering. And this was the big distinction for me years ago, because I actually almost failed graduating university because of procrastination. Which wasn’t so much tied to perfectionism at the time. It was actually because I was lazy and I didn’t want to get out of bed to go to swimming classes.
I had to make up 20 hours of swimming in one week. And then I had to write a paper on procrastination. So, I get what procrastination is not, there’s reasons we do that and we’ll probably do an episode on this in the future on procrastination specifically. Whether it’s procrastination or perfectionism or the two of them combined, the more we delay getting ourselves out there, the more we allow the people we want to serve suffer.
So, think about it this way. If I said I need everything in this program to be a 100% perfect before I ever felt comfortable running Facebook ads, none of you guys would be here. And who knows what would be happening? And yes, I mean, like there are challenges and there are struggles and that’s part of the journey, but I’d rather you guys be in the boat with us now doing this together than you guys trying to suffer on your own.
Perfect is the enemy of done and you can improve things over time
Yuri: That’s why I continue to say the beautiful thing about what we’re doing and what you guys are doing is it’s constantly evolving, and it’s constantly getting better. So, we talked about this, Amy has mentioned this, Jackie has mentioned this, Steph has mentioned this procrastination is the enemy of done. Just get it good enough. You’re always going to be one or two steps ahead of the people you want to serve, and that’s all that matters, right?
You can improve things overtime and that’s what we’ve done with this program is we’ve gotten feedback from you guys, we’ve looked at how do we make this better? How to help you guys to deploy this stuff? I’m currently working on stuff behind the scenes all the time to help you guys do things more effectively. And if it’s not live yet, it’s going to be live in the coming weeks. And that’s just the way I think, and that’s just the way I want to approach things to make things easier and more certain for what you guys are working on.
So, it’s never perfect. Just like the perfect car doesn’t exist. The perfect phone doesn’t exist. Perfection is like seeking infinity, or seeking the horizon. It never happens, right? So we’re always getting better, and better and better and better and better, and we’re always better off on the better and better but it’s never perfect. Perfect is like infinity. We never get there. So, just something to think about guys.
Jackie: Yuri that leads me to a very good point as well, am I in a box?
Yuri: No, I think you’re in. You’re in.
Jackie: I’m in.
Yuri: Steph’s in the black box for now.
Jackie: Sorry Steph.
Stephanie: I’m in time out. It’s okay.
Using the tools you already have to get started and get your work out there in the world
Jackie: Time out. The whole feedback of the infinity is we can strive for excellence. Excellence is a great thing. Excellence is like we’re continuing to grow, and as entrepreneurs we always seem to be sharpening our saw and growing into the right direction. Procrastination and perfection are literally hand in hand. If you’re a perfectionist or you’re striving for perfection you’re going to procrastinate. And most of the time people are just looking for the right framework or the right tool to get going, right?
And it’s like they’re going to search, search, search in what? Media and internet, you could be searching for years and days because there’s always going to be something new, right? Like the latest fad diet. There’s always going to be a next fad, today’s fad is going to be tomorrow’s history and then there’s going to be another one to replace it.
So, the cool thing is that you have all the tools. You have a framework. You have every little step to launch a business online that Yuri has handed over to you graciously and selflessly and we’re here to just support you with that. So, again check that off your list, feel confident about that, it’s been proven, it works and now you just got to take action.
So, we’ve handled 50% of what would cause somebody to want to be a perfectionist or to procrastinate any longer. So, I just want people to really understand that and know it’s there. The road map’s there, the framework’s there, use it. Take action and use it.
Amy: Yeah, that’s awesome.
Yuri: So, Amy you had mentioned that parachute is the program which is true and we’re like those crazy sky divers that jump out of the plane like hands back just like darting down into the whatever because we have to save somebody, right? So, we’re like those guys that you can’t get your parachute open and we fly down to the plane, crazy and all. We’re like, “Don’t worry. It’s all good. We got you and we’ll bring you back up and it’s all good.” So anyways go ahead Amy.
Jackie: That is a great example Yuri. The second time I went skydiving the guide knew I’d only gone once and he said, “Okay.” And we’re trained on the land so the jump out, squat down, roll out forward and instead he’s like, “We’re going to do something different.” He didn’t tell me what and I’m in course in tandem. So, he strapped me. I’m trusting the parachute, trusting the process and all of a sudden he flips me around.
I’m no longer facing out to where we’re jumping, I’m facing into the plane and he does a back flip. And it was awesome. Like it was, I’m a thrill seeker, I’m a junkie when it comes to that. But you trust the process. You trust the parachute. You use the format. You follow the rules to some degree, but as entrepreneurs we break the rules, right? Yuri we’re always recreating and paving the way once we know it’s been proven then we’re sharing it like crazy.
Amy: I think one of the most important things that you just said Jackie is take action, commit to being in action. The action always alleviates anxiety. So, we can tell you all this awesome stuff and there’s, Yuri has laid out this super simple system but if you don’t get in that portal and get that work done, the parachute’s never going to open.
So, that is the way to fight that fear and that uncertainty and to gain the confidence and the courage is just to commit to being in action and whatever results you’re getting you can always say, “Did I take the action?” Right? Because then you can look at what you did and see where you are, and then when you go back to the system, I have to admit that’s what keeps me calm when I start to get all emotional about things I’m like, “Okay.” I have a great support in my husband who’s like, “Look at the system,” right? So, just stay in action, use the system and it’s never going to be perfect.
Some of the signs or symptoms of perfectionism that the team has noticed in clients.
Yuri: I want to maybe talk about how perfectionism shows up. What are some symptoms or signs that we might notice in clients and maybe that they’re not aware of that we can maybe shed some light on, and two of the ones that just come to mind here; one of them is I need to make my slides look pretty. I understand there’s this whole brand thing we want to build and but honestly guys our slides do not look not pretty. They’re white slides with some texts and some images, and the most important thing that you have to remember is no one gives a shit about your brands. Unless you’re at a point where everything you’re putting it online is of a certain quality and there’s a specific font, and color, and they recognize your brand, most of us are not at that level.
So, don’t even don’t even worry about the right color pallets, and making your slides look amazing and setting your keynote off to some designer who’s going to spend a week or two sending it back to you. Then you’re like, “You know what? I don’t like the look of these slides, they’re not quite right.” None of that stuff matters. The only thing that matters is what is on the slide and how you’re presenting the webinar. That is all that matters because all people care about is can you help me? Not wow your slides look really professional you must be really good.
So, that’s one thing I see show up. The second thing is this belief that we need to get the program, your actual coaching program, done before you can roll out. And I’m telling you, you guys and I’ve said this every single time I’ve talked about this is you only ever have to be one week ahead of your first cohort of clients. Do it and build it with them. Because in the process, you’re going to run your program once, and then your program’s done. Then you’ve created the content and it’s a 100% done. And yes you may tweak it overtime, but you don’t have to shoot all the videos, you don’t have to get everything, you don’t have to go to a cave and work for months creating all your content before you start enrolling clients.
Actually I find the best, like I don’t know about you guys, but I actually enjoy jumping out of the plane without the parachute and then figuring it out because that’s the biggest motivation for me and maybe that’s just me personally it’s like what’s going to get me out of bed in the morning is the very thought that I have to get this done.
So, I know that not everyone is like that but please do not use I have to get my whole program done before you can start hitting submitting your Facebook ads. Amy, Steph, Jackie what do you guys see as other symptoms or signs from some of the people you’ve spoken to that they might be more in the safety delay mode trying to get, or maybe masking it as perfectionism, but they’re just maybe scared of moving forward? What are some of the ways that you guys see this showing up?
Amy: The dream come true system is a big one. I’ve talked with many, many folks just about getting the framework out. So, what I hear a lot is well, I have to do my program because if I don’t have my program completely done how can I do the webinar and instead of understanding those big idea questions that they haven’t seen those yet, right? So, we’re just looking at that framework so that we know how do we get these people from their pain to the solution, and yeah just be a week ahead. So, that’s a huge one that I see.
It’s really, the perfectionism pieces is self-imposed, and it’s subjective. So, it’s something to remember we’re imposing it on ourselves, and our view of it is our view, right? So, I see that’s a huge one. I have to get the program done, and I’ll think of another one with the webinar, but that’s the big one that’s coming up right now.
Yuri: Quick example on that. So, as you guys know I love flying, and usually pilots before they can leave the gates have a flight plan, right? So, you can’t fly somewhere you don’t know where you’re going. The most important thing is having a flight plan. So, the pilots know exactly, “Okay, we’re going to go roughly this route from New York to L.A..” And that’s synonymous with you guys having the framework, your process for how you’re going to help clients.
Now, what you don’t need to worry about now is what’s going to happen when we get over the mid-west and maybe there’s a thunderstorm? Right? We’ll figure that out as we get there maybe it’s unexpected, or maybe as we’re coming into the airport the winds have changed and now there’s some sheer of downwind forces all these stuff that is going to have us use a different runway.
So, we don’t need to worry about that right away, we just need to know where we’re going and the general path we’re going to get there, because that’s all you have to communicate with your clients on the phone. Once they’ve enrolled, then you can figure out all the rest. Jackie, Steph?
Amy: I know.
Yuri: Sorry, go ahead.
Amy: I’m sorry, I know that’s scary for so many of you. I know so many of you are watching this and being like, “Yeah, okay. I hear you but that’s really freaky and I can’t do that. I have to do it this way.” So another thing that really came to mind is what is your idea of perfectionism and how is that relevant for other people? Right? So, when we have been putting off and I know I’ve been guilty of this I’ve been coaching for 20 years, but my body is different, no it’s not, yes so we’re individuals but you’re not, everyone’s special but you’re not different.
Yuri: You do bicep curls you get bigger biceps?
Amy: Exactly. So, that’s, just don’t get stuck there like, “Oh, but this doesn’t apply to me,” it does. This is how you can move through.
Yuri: Jackie, Steph you guys still there.
“Who cares what other people think?”
Stephanie: Yeah I’m still here. One thing that I think I’ve noticed that a lot of people do is that they’re so, and you mentioned this at the beginning is that they’re so concerned about what other people are going to think or say or they’re just super embarrassed about presenting themselves out on videos, in a webinar, all this stuff. And then that part is really what’s holding them back is their just self-esteem issues, lack of self-worth issues that kind of stuff that pop up that you don’t even know that’s what it is because we’re focusing on the perfectionism part but really that’s what it is, is that you’re scared to put yourself out there.
And one of the things, I always like to bring in a little bit of science in these things, and just a second ago I was looking on my phone for the stats but there’s this thing called the spotlight effect that’s a literal scientific term that we often times will way overestimate the amount of judgment that is being placed on us. And specifically when we’re in situations that are embarrassing like, for example, people you can use it when people go to the gym for the first time or a group fitness class for the first time they think everybody is staring at them messing up the steps or lifting the little three-pound weight, or whatever. When really when they did the research on it they realized everybody else was just looking at themselves in the mirror and wasn’t even paying attention to anybody else.
So, we overestimate the amount of judgment that we’re receiving by about 50%. So, if you guys can just grasp that and understand that this intense pressure that I’m feeling is I’m doing it to myself.
Yuri: Totally. Then everyone else will do that to themselves too. We’re all in our own heads worrying about what everyone else is thinking, and so no one is actually thinking about anyone but our own judgment of what other people are thinking about us.
Stephanie: Exactly. That’s exactly what the study showed was that it just we way overestimate the amount that people are actually judging what we’re doing.
Yuri: Guys if you want to put up mantras in front of your computer, on your computer, like whatever I think two of the good ones would be you are enough just as you are, okay? You’re good enough for, you’re here for a reason. And you’re good enough and that’s awesome. And if you believe that, that’s great. The second thing is who cares, right? Who cares what other people think?
Yuri shares one of the scariest moments of his life
I’ll share one of the scariest moments of my life which I actually happened only a couple of years ago. As you guys know I don’t have any hair. I lost my hair when I was 17 to an autoimmune condition. Grew it back when I was in my early twenties, went to the doctor a couple of years ago, she gave me a tetanus shot which I didn’t even question, I lost my hair within two weeks after that.
So, by this point, I’ve built up a pretty big following online in the health space and I’m thinking to myself, “Oh my God, what are people going to think of me now that I’m losing my hair again? Are they going to think I’m a fraud, I don’t actually practice what I preach?” Whatever. So, I went through two years of putting a mask on. A literal mask which was using my wife’s make up to paint on eyebrows. And there are actual, there’s probably maybe a 100 or so videos on YouTube of me with paint on my eyebrows you can probably pick them out very quickly. But here is the thing is that I at the time was so worried and fixated on what are other people going to think of me if this is going on?
So, I decided to make myself look even less normal by painting on my eyebrows. And at one point I had an experience and some conversations that led me to say, “You know what? Screw this.” And the scariest moment of my life that I can recall is shooting this video called my coming out part two. It’s actually on YouTube and I shot a video where previous there’s hundreds of videos of me with these fake eyebrows and then in this next video is me with nothing. And I said, “Hey guys, here is the deal, here is what’s going on.” And that was a very scary moment for me. And I had just got to the point where what I recognize as trying to be perfect and trying to please other people is exhausting. It really, really is exhausting.
Yuri: And when you just allow yourself to be who you are and just say, “You know what, here’s who I am, take it or leave it.” I used to have a girlfriend who used to tell me that all the time, it used to piss me off. I’m like, “Why do you keep saying this take it or leave it all the time.” It’s true, it’s like some people are not going to resonate with, you some people will. That’s the way the world works, who cares? Right?
And just be you because as soon as you try to be someone you’re not, you start attracting the wrong stuff into your life. So, that was a big lesson for me it was just like, “You know what? I’m just going to be myself and that’s it.” And the coolest thing that happened as a result of that, is that it gave other people permission to be themselves too. And that’s really what I want you guys to understand is as Jackie said we’re always striving to be better. We’re striving to be excellent and while we do, we want to be masters of our craft. That’s something that we should, I think as entrepreneurs and the growth-oriented people is never going to change. But we also have to be completely okay with who we are. And just being able to put ourselves out there because there’s going to be judgment. There’s going to be people that say stuff. Who cares? They don’t know you, right?
If they are people on the Interweb and they’re not part of your immediate circle they don’t know you, they don’t know anything about you. So, who cares what they say? If they’re a client who’s paid you good money and they’re not completely satisfied with their experience have a conversation with them. Maybe it’s something that can be better about your program or maybe they weren’t a good fit for you in the first place, but the only way that’s going to happen is by putting yourself out there. And it’s scary, yes, it’s uncomfortable, yes, but that’s the only way we get to the promised land instead of living in webinar land as Amy said. So, yeah, Jackie you still there?
Jackie: Yes I’m still here.
Final words of wisdom from the team.
Yuri: Just want to make sure you’re not dying away over there in the black box. So, any final words of wisdom to help our audience here move forward with confidence not worry about being perfect. Anything that we haven’t touched on that you want to leave them with?
Jackie: Honestly you’re on the same wavelength as me as you heard of, right? You have the tools, you have the background, you have the experience, you have a freaking framework, you have a team that’s supporting you here when you are in the health business accelerator workshop, it’s a rockstar team. There’s no excuses. You can try to make them up, we’re going to call you out on that. That’s what we’re here for. And just take action. You are enough to take action, every day one little step because life’s going to happen. But staying in action is going to get you there much quicker, you’re going to look back and be like, “Damn, I’m glad I started a year ago,” right? Versus delaying or stalling and it can get tough because as Healthpreneurs we’re usually solopreneurs too, but you have a team when you’re part of the health business accelerator workshop which is cool.
Yuri: Yeah, awesome. Great advice.
Amy: Awesome.
Yuri: Amy what about you?
Amy: I just will always go back to action. That is the thing that has worked for me over the years. That is what takes me out of anxiety and just start. And one last thought is Seth Gordon says it’s important to have heroes. So, instead of asking yourself or coming and we’re here to support you, but as you’ve seen you guys don’t need us to hold your hand for every step because you know what to do.
So, instead of saying, “Oh, I need to get in, I have to wait for this answer what should I do?” Ask yourself what your hero would do and then do that thing.
Yuri: I love that question. That is such a great question. You guys there’s a question I like to ask if I’m doing a brainstorming like what would The Four Seasons do in this case? Right? In terms of customer experience. Or what would 20 robins do? Or what would whoever your hero is, because it’s sometimes we only know what we know but if we now think of ourselves as what would Oprah do? What would this person do? That’s a really powerful question and it’s awesome.
Steph what about you? What’s your parting thoughts or wisdom?
Stephanie: I just want to piggy back on what both Yuri and Jackie said is that I think the more you that you can be, the more likely you are to attract your exact perfect match of a clientele. I call them soulmate clients, but it’s almost like they are just so perfect for you. But they cannot find you if you don’t show up and if you don’t go out there and tell them what you’re doing, and tell them what you’re about with complete authenticity. And the more, I think right now too, and this is something I don’t think a lot of people realize is that there are so many filters and perfectionism and perfect images and perfect, perfect, perfect that I think when people start to see people’s flaws, right? We call them flaws but really they’re just authenticity. It’s like a breath of fresh air.
So, I think the less perfect you are actually now especially the more you’re going to actually stick out in a good way because people are like, “Oh thank God, someone who is actually telling the truth and being themselves, and they actually look the way they look in person as they do online instead of with a lot these filters and all these stuff.” Filters are fine I’m not knocking them, but I’m just saying that the more you that you can be, and the more you can step in to feeling completely confident in the you that you are, the more those people can find you.
Yuri: So, if you’re watching this hope you’re enjoying these sessions because we’re going to be bringing them to you every week. If you’re listening to this on the podcast because we’re taking these audios and throwing them up on the Healthpreneur podcast, then hope you’re enjoying this as well. And if you’re watching this and you’re not in our luminaries or health business accelerator group, and you’d like to work with us and we’ll help you take your awesomeness, your expertise and only serve clients that are higher level, then here’s what I’d like you to do: Check out our free training it’s called the 7-Fitness Health Business Blueprint.
Head on over to healthpreneurgroup.com/training, watch that webinar, okay? Just go through it, you’ll get a much better sense of our philosophy. The way we work. The way we work with our clients, and if it resonates with you, then book a call with us. You’ll be speaking with one of these amazing ladies and they’ll see if we’re a good fit to work together. And if we are, that’s cool, and if we’re not, we’ll serve you at the very minimum at a really high level on that call as well.
So, that’s all for today guys. Thank you so much for taking the time Jackie, Amy, Steph you guys are awesome. Thank you so much, and thank you for all of you guys watching and tuning in. Hope you enjoyed this.
Remember you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to get it going. You are good enough, and no one cares. Or no one, no one cares, who cares what they think? Just do your thing and take action. See you soon guys.
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What You Missed
In the last episode, I tackle the tough issue of how to charge what you’re really worth.
I know this is important because I have a lot of clients that struggle with it.
If you want to impact people, you can either go the route of magnitude, or the route of impact. Either sell cheaply to thousands, or sell to far fewer people for a lot more money.
In the health and fitness space, most of us love working with people and want to change their lives. It’s so much more rewarding to enroll one person in your coaching program for $5,000 than to sell a book for $10—to 500 people.
If you missed it, you can check it out right here: How To Charge What You’re Worth
Client Deep Dive: How to Create a High-Converting Webinar
It’s time for another Client Deep Dive Healthpreneurs! Today we’ve got Stacia O’Block, a fitness coach who is on the show to discuss the area of her business that need help. We’ll be focusing on setting up her webinar, as she tends to get stuck in the details.
To create a successful webinar, you’ve got to be clear on your big idea and know the four supporting legs of that big idea. By understanding what goes into a webinar that converts, Stacia is able to skip the trial-and-error process and get right into converting leads.
Like so many entrepreneurs, Stacia was so focused on the details that she had forgotten to think big-picture in a while. During this episode, we’ll get into the details of her webinar – while maintaining her goals at the forefront. Tune in if you’re looking to improve or start crafting your webinar.
In This Episode Stacia and I discuss:
- Finding the big idea.
- The 4 legs that support the big idea.
- Her story and how she felt inspired to do what she does.
- Sharing your rock-bottom to inspire others to get out of theirs.
- Setting up slides and catchy content.
- Building desire for your program and solution.
1:00 – 5:00 – Introducing Stacia and her big idea
5:00 – 11:00 – Supporting your big idea and promise
11:00 – 13:00 – Making a compelling offer and solution
13:00 – 17:00 – Understanding what goes into a webinar that converts
17:00 – 22:00 – Building the webinar’s content
22:00 – 26:30 – Teaching the what and why and seeing the big picture
Yuri Elkaim: Hey guys what’s up? Yuri here and welcome to another client’s deep dive on the Healthpreneur podcast. I’m excited to be joined by one of our clients today. Her name is Stacia O’Block and she’s an amazing fitness coach, and we’re going to be going deep into what she needs help with her business. So without any further ado, Stacia welcome, and let’s jump into what specifically we can get some clarity around in today’s discussion.
Introducing Stacia and her big idea
Stacia: Awesome, thank you for having me Yuri, I’m excited to be here.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Alright so talk to me. We were just recently talking before we started recording about the Big Idea. So what specifically can we get clarity around with respect to your Big Idea, your webinar, and then we’ll brainstorm and create some cool stuff for you.
Stacia: Okay, awesome. I’m looking forward to it.
Stacia: So I’m kind of where I’m at, I have 3 real problems written out and have played around with what my Big Idea would be and just how they would connect and trying to figure out which one makes the most sense and committing to that.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
Stacia: Because having the lack of clarity has kind of put me at a halt, because I’m like, “whoa, where”, not really sure what to do next.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So just for our viewers and listeners. A bit of context guys, we’re talking about the webinar, which is a major piece in the perfect client pipeline that we help our clients feel good. The Big Idea is kind of a hook, it’s the one thing you want your viewers to buy into, the one thing you want them to really believe about your approach to whatever problem you’re solving.
Yuri Elkaim: So the Big Idea is important because if you don’t nail the Big Idea, your webinar ends up becoming very much like what everyone else is talking about, and it’s very challenging for people who are not very well-versed in marketing and haven’t been doing this for so long, to wrap their head around this. So don’t worry Stacia, you’re not alone and we’ll figure this out here.
Yuri Elkaim: So, talk to me about what you have as a Big Idea right now.
Stacia: Okay so, the initial one I had I didn’t like because it didn’t, in my word … and again, it’s hard for me to differentiate between what I’m bombarded with and what my clients are. Because for me it seems like I’ve heard everything.
Yuri Elkaim: You were mentioning you were your clients years ago, which is good to have that perspective too.
Stacia: Yeah so the first one is the old way of restrictive dieting and endless hours on the treadmill is a useless protocol that keeps your body clinging onto fact and makes permanent fat loss impossible.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool.
Stacia: The next one, the old way of gym memberships, diet plans, and sanity workouts, personal training, follow in the current diet trend have been setting you up to fail from the day you started.
Stacia: And then the old way of thinking you’ll always need more: more workouts, more intensity, more variety, more diet rules, is keeping you stuck.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So, the good news is that you can actually combine those 3 into 1 and I would extract a lot of that as the secrets or the content you’re going to share in the webinar. The whole idea is that the old way people are doing things are keeping them stuck, overweight, and sabotaging their results pretty much, right?
Stacia: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: So that is the inkling of a Big Idea, and whatever the Big Idea is, it needs to be novel different contrarian, so for someone watching this it’s like, “wow that’s not what I was expecting”. Now, the Big Idea needs to be supported by your contents, right? So discovers or secrets we talked about that are going to go now into the teaching component of your webinar need to support that big idea.
Supporting your big idea and promise
Yuri Elkaim: So let me just draw this out so you and our viewers can get a better sense of this. So if we look at a tabletop, right? So this is going to be your Big Idea, the tabletop itself is the Big Idea, right? Now, what your legs are going to be, so each of the legs is going to be contents, contents, and if you have more, we’ll just put these in here. So all of the content you’re going to share in your webinar is going to support the Big Idea.
Yuri Elkaim: I don’t even know what the heck I just drew there, but that’s a really bad drawing of a table. My whole things [inaudible 00:05:17] got the idea is you have a Big Idea, which is like you are making your case in court, and now the jury and the judge are going to be like, “um, okay, can you show us some proof? Can you back this up or is this just some kind of hyperbole?”
Yuri Elkaim: So now when you talk about, you mention a number of different things in there which I think are really golden pieces to include in your content. So if we look at, as an overarching idea, the Big Idea being the old way that you’ve been told to … let me backtrack for a second. What is the one major outcome you’re helping your clients achieve?
Stacia: See that’s also where I struggle, because for me, a big thing is where I felt my worst was that I just didn’t have any confidence or belief in myself. So through fitness and working out and taking care of myself, it was the first time I had been myself, and my happiness, and my health a priority, and it changed my life. So for me, that’s the confidence and that is something that I’m very passionate about, but obviously I want them to lose fat in the process.
Yuri Elkaim: So let me ask you this, can you remember back to when you kind of hit your wits end? Can you remember that moment where you’re like, “okay I’m going to do this”, in terms of your own personal transformation?
Stacia: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay and was that moment leading up to that, was it, “I need to lose the weight”, what was the importance for you to make that transition?
Stacia: Mine, it was more I had gotten myself into a situation that was … so essentially I was arrested for drinking and driving. And so again, that’s not something that I would expect many of my clients to technically be able to relate to, but definitely I hit a very big rock-bottom where I knew that something in my life needed to change. And I wasn’t sure what it was.
Stacia: It wasn’t like, “oh I need to get healthy”, because while I struggled with my weight and the yo yo roller coaster diet and losing 10 pounds and gaining 20, it never was this huge struggle with my health. I never was like in super stick or had anything, I just knew something needed to change and then when I started to trade my nights out drinking for early mornings at the gym, my life totally changed.
Yuri Elkaim: So what made you decide that the gym was going to be the salvation for you as opposed to going to the library and reading books for instance?
Stacia: That’s a good question. I would say because I wasn’t happy with the way I looked, I wasn’t confident, so I knew that if i started to take that part seriously, at least that was something I could put my energy and time into.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
Stacia: And see results verses if I read a book, am I necessarily … like there’s no proof of, “oh I just became a better person or I learned something”.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. And was, and I know this is going a little bit deeper than maybe you were expecting, was the drinking kind of a way to cover up how you felt about yourself?
Stacia: 100%.
Yuri Elkaim: So you see, like I don’t know if you’re talking about this in a webinar, but I strongly would talk about this, because this is a really important story that, even though people can’t relate to drinking and driving necessarily, what you’re sharing here is very deep and raw. And you’re essentially telling people, “listen, I was at such a point in my life where I just didn’t feel good about myself, and I thought numbing the pain away with alcohol was the solution, and then this crap happened and I knew there had to be a better way”. You found, your salvation was exercise.
Yuri Elkaim: So I think that’s a really great story to share, and whether or not people want to lose weight, have more energy, get their life back on track, that is something that’s going to hit them, I believe, at a really deep level, and they’re going to see themselves in your story. Not in a sense of drinking and driving necessarily, but they might recognize a moment in their life where they’re like, “you know what? Yeah there are things that I’m doing that are covering up the fact that I’m not happy with where I’m at”.
Yuri Elkaim: And then you’re basically showing them that there’s a better way to feel better, more confident, happier, and that happens to be through this protocol that you’ve developed. Does that make sense?
Stacia: That makes sense.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay so with that said, and the outcome is essentially, it is a little bit of weight-loss, it’s body transformation, it’s basically feeling kind of like removing the mask and becoming the real you and using fitness to do that. Is that fair to say?
Stacia: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So then if that’s the outcome, the promise of the webinar, the Big Idea could still be what we talked about. So Big Idea is that if that’s the goal, then you’ve probably done or are considering all these different things that we’ve all been told for years. And your Big Idea is saying, the old way of doing that stuff is broken and it’s not going to help you get results, it’s probably going to make you feel even worse about yourself, which is going to compound the whole issue.
Yuri Elkaim: How does that feel as a Big Idea?
Stacia: That sounds good.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah?
Stacia: I do a little combination of those.
Making a compelling offer and solution
Yuri Elkaim: Because then you have that umbrella, because now you can take the components you mentioned before, and we can break those out into the various topics for the secrets or discoveries that you can share in the content pieces of the webinar.
Stacia: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Because then I like, my program is for people to have workouts they can do at home with just one thing, which is going to be the kettle bell.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally.
Stacia: That’s kind of like the thing. So most people think you need a gym with all this equipment and you need to learn how to use 50 different pieces of equipment, but in reality, you just need this one tool and it tucks away next to your favorite pair of shoes.
Yuri Elkaim: Yep, no I think that’s such a great … there’s less resistance to that offer, right?
Stacia: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s like, “I could do that. That’s okay, I don’t need a gym membership, I don’t need a home gym, I don’t need all this stuff”, so I think the barrier for entry for someone in their mind to think about, “oh I could do that”, as opposed to, “okay you need a gym membership, and then you have to go to Whole Foods 5 days a week, and then you need to spend an hour in the kitchen”, that’s like, “whoa there’s no way I want to do that”.
Yuri Elkaim: So I think the offer itself is very compelling, and especially if you’re building the case leading up to that saying how, “this is a waste of time, it’s not going to get you the results. It could, but you could take forever getting there”, I think that’s a really nice segway from, “here’s what everyone else is doing and ironically, we’re seeing more overweight-ness and sickness than ever before, even with all this stuff. And here’s a simpler solution that I’ve just discovered for myself and a lot of my clients that seems to be working better”.
Yuri Elkaim: So I think it’s a really nice juxtaposition, so if we look at the content itself, what would be the first secret or discovery you share in the webinar?
Stacia: Oh God, oh God, I can’t remember, let me see, I’m trying to think where I do that. Secret or discovery, sorry.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s all good.
Stacia: (laughs)
Understanding what goes into a webinar that converts
Yuri Elkaim: So while you’re digging this out, for everyone watching and listening, if you guys are hopefully kind of digging this, hopefully what you’re digging out of this is that creating a great webinar or any kind of, let’s call it a ‘fails message’, or any kind of content for that matter, it’s extremely important that you understand the nuances that go into this, because if you just put up a bunch of slides with some content on them, your webinar is not going to convert.
Yuri Elkaim: And this is why we do what we do and help our clients through this process, because it isn’t second nature for most people to think this way.
Stacia: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Find it?
Stacia: I believe so. So I had written out a bunch to different kind of myths and things like that, but hadn’t honed in on specific ones because, again, I was trying to get the Big Idea first so I would make sure that it was consistent.
Stacia: So kind of the one big discovery I feel like was what I already said, that you don’t need … I don’t know if that’s what you’re asking, but you think an at-home gym has to take up all this space, and you need all this equipment or a fancy gym membership, but really you just need this one thing. So it’s like something I discovered, that I don’t need all this stuff.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
Stacia: And I don’t need to learn how to use all these things and have a complicated body-building regimen to get great results.
Yuri Elkaim: I’m just going to map this out, so see if this makes more sense. So we want to make sure that there’s 3 things that we address. So it’s 3 things that we address, number 1 more share of contents, we want it to be novel or difference, which is kind of the same but not really. And then third is contrarian.
Yuri Elkaim: Now, it doesn’t have to be all 3, but it should be at least 1 of them.
Stacia: Okay, so I found the 2 that were more in line with what I was looking for. So most people think hiring a personal trainer at the gym is a pinnacle of creating change in their lives, but really it shackles you to an outdated system with little support and a scheduling nightmare. See the program my clients utilize to schedule their workouts on their time, et cetera, et cetera.
Yuri Elkaim: Nice, I like that. So, and remember Stacia, and everyone watching or listening. What you’re sharing doesn’t have to be the absolute truth, because there’s truth to whatever you want to say. You could say that you need to have a personal trainer to change, but you could also take the opposite end of the spectrum, which what you’re doing here is you’re saying, “you don’t need a personal trainer to change. In fact, it’s actually holding you back”, and as long as you back that up with exhibit A, exhibit B, whatever context you need to share so the person believes in what you’re saying.
Stacia: Yeah because for me, I have trained in person at a gym one-on-one doing that style of personal trainings, and I felt like it was kind of a cop-out for people to be like, “oh I went and I saw my trainer, so that’s all I need to do for the week”.
Yuri Elkaim: Yep.
Stacia: And with me being as busy as I am, it’s not like I can sit there and make sure that every single client has their meal plan, like whatever they’re doing on the back-end when they’re not with me, and I didn’t like that system, because I didn’t think it really brought the best results for my clients.
Yuri Elkaim: Yep, totally.
Yuri Elkaim: I think that’s a very valid point, 100%, because that is a contrarian point, that is something that people believe having a trainer is important, and now you’re saying, “listen, you don’t need to do that”. I also don’t think that it … it doesn’t chop you off at the knees, because you are obviously going to be offering some type of coaching program. It’s like, “well why would you offer me a coaching program?”
Yuri Elkaim: But I don’t think it really catabalizes your own offer because you’re giving them more of an empowered solution as opposed to you being there holding their hand, doing the sit-ups for them, right? So I think that really works well with the eventual offer.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So what we want to do in terms of the slide where we’re sharing that. The first secret I discovered is going to be something clean, concise, it almost should be like a book title or something you could put into a social quote card that you could put up on Instagram and someone in one sentence are like, “wow, that actually makes a lot of sense.”
Yuri Elkaim: So what’s another way we could say that that is going to be really quickly very impactful?
Stacia: (laughs) The idea that I always had was, ‘Why you should fire your personal trainer’.
Building the webinar’s content
Yuri Elkaim: Perfect. So I love that. Yeah, secret number 1: why you should fire your personal trainer, or secret number 1 could just be ‘fire your personal trainer’. And then you can talk over that, “and here’s why”, so I think that’s really good. That’s going to get people to stick and watch like, “what is this lady talking about? She’s crazy.”
Stacia: (laughs)
Yuri Elkaim: Okay what’s the second secret or discovery?
Stacia: Most people think chugging a gallon of hot water, lemon, maple syrup, and Cayenne while wearing a waist trainer will help them get the body of their dreams, but really all you need is a simple blueprint to transform your physique.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool.
Stacia: So this kind of goes along the lines of restrictive diets, and restrictive diets that I’ve done. So the cabbage soup diet, the master cleanse is the one with the hot water and all that stuff, and all of those ridiculous fad diets.
Yuri Elkaim: Yes, so I like that. So again, if we’re thinking of a way to really impact-fully say that, we could say for instance, ‘the master cleanse is a master waste of time’, something like that.
Stacia: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: You could use that, or you could say, ‘If you want to go above and beyond just the master cleanse, quick-fix diets, or quick-fix gimmicks are creating long-term problems’, for instance.
Stacia: Mm-hmm (affirmative). That makes sense. Yeah, so I liked making it more … like making the point concise, but then when I’m speaking to it I can elaborate more, is the idea?
Yuri Elkaim: Exactly. So you’re trying to think of each slide that the introduction of the secret or discovery as the billboard. Like in ours, for instance, we talk about how you don’t have to be famous to be financially free, right? And then we go on to talk about that.
Yuri Elkaim: One of our slides is ‘One-on-one is done’, and then we talk about why that’s the case and then we compare to group coaching and so forth. So you want that initial slide to be really impactful, something that, when they finish the webinar, they can almost remember those things. And as they’re going through the content, what we’re trying to do mentally is almost like we’re creating a checklist. And as we’re going through the webinar, the viewer wants to be like, “yep, that makes sense. Yep, that makes sense. Yep, that makes sense. I’m not quite sure about that one. Based on the way you just said it, yep, that makes sense. That makes sense.”
Yuri Elkaim: And every step along the webinar, they’re buying in, they’re buying in, they’re buying in, they’re buying in. The goal of the webinar is not to teach people, it’s not to give away your best stuff, it’s not to sell your program, it’s to get people to buy into your philosophy so that when you do transition to, “here’s the next step, book a call”, they’re like, “yeah okay this makes a lot of sense”.
Yuri Elkaim: Is this helpful so far?
Stacia: Very helpful.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay let’s look at one more secret or discovery. What’s the third thing?
Stacia: Let’s see … because I have other ones, but I’m not super sold on them because I don’t think they necessarily relate to my ideal client. Like they think it’s like ideas that I have, pertaining to fitness, but not necessarily my ideal client. Like I don’t think they would be like, “oh yep that makes total sense”.
Yuri Elkaim: One of the things that I’m sure you have in here, it would be something like, ‘more equipment equals more problems’.
Stacia: Okay.
Yuri Elkaim: And what that’s going to do, is that’s going to sell simplicity, and then you could even talk about, like for us, one of our secrets is ‘the simple solution is usually the best one’.
Stacia: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So ‘more equals more problems’, for instance, and you can talk about how, you know, if you go to the gym, you have a thousand [crosstalk 00:20:51] to choose from, you’re totally confused, you don’t need all that stuff.
Stacia: Yeah I have a fun slide where I start bombarding all the different pieces of equipment, and they just start piling up and piling up and I’m like, “no you don’t want that!” (laughs)
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
Stacia: So I have some fun stuff with that. So that makes sense, the ‘more equipment equals more problems’. I like that.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally, and if you’re watching or listening to this, you can take the exact opposite approach as well. You could say, “a lot of people talk about how kettle bells, that’s all you need … “. It’s not whether it’s true or not, it’s the position and the proof that you have to back everything up.
Yuri Elkaim: Because both are true on your position and how you can work with people. Some people are like, “listen I don’t think a cattle bell is all you need”, and that’s fine. But if you’re going to try the specific people for them, what you’re saying is, you only want to try people who buy into your philosophy because that’s what this is about.
Yuri Elkaim: The webinar is a filtering tool. So it not only attracts and take to the next level the right people who agree with you and are like, “yeah tell me how this works, this sounds like this could be the thing for me”.
Stacia: That’s awesome. Perfect.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, so we talked about 3 secrets here, obviously you can come up with 2 more if you want. We recommend 3-5 secrets or pieces of content to share in the webinar. Remember the goal of the context is not to give the ‘how’, it’s to teach the ‘what’ and ‘why’. It’s to tell people, “here’s what to do, why to do it”, or, “here’s what not to do and why not to do it”, which builds desire for what to do instead, which is your solution, your program that you talk to them about on the phone.
Yuri Elkaim: So have we accomplished the goal Stacia?
Stacia: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah? Awesome. For me, what’s the most useful from our discussion so far?
Stacia: It’s helped give me kind of an aerial view of it a little more, because I think that’s one of my biggest problems, is I get really caught up in the details, and I have a hard time seeing the big picture of it all and how it all connects. So the fact that I feel like now, the 3 points that we went over do tie into what the real problem is and the Big Idea, and even just how to simplify what I’m saying in the slides so that it is really concise, because I know that’s important.
Teaching the what and why and seeing the big picture
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. And that’s the benefit of having a coach, right? That’s why you are doing what you what you’re doing with your clients, and that’s why we do what we do with you guys, because it’s easier for me to look over your shoulder and see those blind spots or see that 30 thousand foot view. It’s tougher when you’re in the trenches of your own self sometimes.
Stacia: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: So that’s awesome.
Stacia: Yeah, thank you.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah totally. So Stacia, let me ask you a question. If people are watching this or are listening to this on the podcast and are considering maybe working with us or like, “you know I’ve never done a webinar”, or, “I’ve done a webinar and it just hasn’t worked, how do I know this is going to work for me?”, what would you say to someone who’s like, “should I consider working with these guys, or are they a bunch of criminals and crooks?”
Stacia: (laughs) I mean I definitely was nervous at first, because investing in this program was the biggest investment I had made into my business, thus far. But for me, it came at a point where I was really unhappy with the results I was getting, and I knew that it was kind of like, “I either need to do this and say I’m committed to figuring out my business and building that life that I want, or I need to decide that that’s not for me”.
Stacia: And by deciding it was for me, I decided to invest in this program, and I feel like sometimes I’m hard on myself like I’m going too slow or whatever else, but that has nothing to do with the program, that’s everything to do with me. But feeling I have had a hard time finding the confidence in myself to build the business that I want, so having the framework and the support and amazing support, beyond amazing support. From day 1, I’ve felt nothing but supported, which is very nice, and to have something that I know works, because it works for me, I was like, “I was sold on this before I even got on the phone with Amy”. I had sold myself, so you guys did a good job there. (laughs)
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome, and that goes back to the webinar.
Stacia: Yeah so was like, “if they can do it, they clearly know what they’re doing”, and for me, I’ve been in customer service for most of my life, and this outside of personal training that’s been kind of my business and so seeing what amazing customer service and support you guys have offered has gone above and beyond, and for me, that has been the best part along with having everything all set up for me that I need to do. And I just kind of have to plug in and do the work, which is hard, it’s very challenging to have to do the work, but I have to do the work anyways, so I would rather have structure and support while I do that work.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. Thank you for being honest and sharing that, just like with your clients, right? They have to do the cattle bell swings, right?
Stacia: Yeah. (laughs)
Yuri Elkaim: But again, if you’re committed like you have been, and you show up and do the work, it’s amazing what can happen with this process. So Stacia, thank you so much for joining us today, for openly sharing what’s going on with the webinar.
Stacia: Thank you for having me.
Yuri Elkaim: Absolutely, hopefully we’ve gotten you some more direction and clarity from this, and looking forward to see where things end up in the next couple weeks.
Stacia: Okay, sounds like a plan.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome, thanks so much.
Stacia: Okay, thank you.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last “Between The Ears” episode, we talked about the three mindsets that are hurting your business.
Mindset is important. It’s the foundation you need to take the risks, make the changes, and implement the strategies quickly, effectively, and fearlessly.
If missed this one, plug in and listen to the three most common mindsets that are hurting your business and turn them around now.
How to Future-Proof Your Business
We’re back with another great episode of the Healthpreneur podcast! Today, I’m going to talk about something that everyone wants to hear – how to future-proof your business. With the advancement of technology, don’t you want to make sure your business sticks around?
Technology is growing quickly, and many jobs are being replaced by machines. The trick is to use technology to your benefit – and not let it gobble up your business. But how do you do that?
You focus on human to human service. Because nothing can replace that connection. Ever. Tune in to hear what can be replaced by technology, what can’t, and why it’s important to know the difference.
In This Episode I discuss:
1:00 – 2:30 – Why it’s important to future-proof
2:30 – 4:00 – Focusing on what should stay the same
4:00 – 6:00 – What we focus on at Healthpreneur
6:00 – 8:30 – What people crave and what to focus on
All right, so how can you future-proof your business? This is something we may want to consider, right? Why? Well, everything can be replaced by technology … or can it?
Why it’s important to future-proof
I was at the movie theater the other day taking my kids to see the Mary Poppins movie. And what used to be a lineup of people that were lining up to go see tellers to buy their tickets, was now replaced by machines. And there was only two tellers left, so this long 20-foot or 30-foot counter had now been reduced to 6 feet and two tellers because they were replaced by technology. And this is an inevitable fact about business in the modern era. Technology is growing so quickly that most services, most everything is becoming privatized and turned into some type of technology.
So how do you prevent that from gobbling up your business? Now, I think there’s some benefits to think about. Number one is how can you harness that technology to better help your business, better help your clients? But also how do you future-proof your business in a way where you become invincible or immune to the overlords of technology? AI, VR, all that kind of stuff.
Focusing on what should stay the same
So here’s my two thoughts in this, is number one … Jeff Bezos asked a really good question. A lot of people were thinking about what’s going to change, what’s coming down the road in the future, what’s it’s all gonna look like in a couple years? And Jeff Bezos asked a really good question. He says, “Listen, we all know that stuff’s gonna happen, but what is not going to change? What is going to stay the same?” And what’s gonna stay the same in Amazon’s case is people are gonna want really great customer service, they’re gonna want speed of delivery, and that’s important, that’s never gonna change.
So in your business, and this is why I think coaching is such a great future-proofed business, is that what you’re really providing people is not information, because information can be overrun by technology as we’ve already seen with the internet and Google. So what you’re really providing for your clients is direction and wisdom and accountability and guidance. And these are things for the most part that I don’t think are gonna be replaced by some robot down the road. It’s a little bit less likely that if a robot shows up at your door at 5:00 a.m. to get you out of bed, you’re less likely to be accountable to that robot than you would to another human being. It’s just the way we’re wired.
So where I think the big opporunity lies is really understanding that to future-proof your business is to focus on service, is to focus on human-to-human service, coaching, in a way that you can’t replace or be replaced or put out of business by some type of machine.
What we focus on at Healthpreneur
In our business, we’re very high-touch. And listen, we’re not perfect, so we definitely dropped the ball in a few places, but I can promise you every single week in our team meetings the number one objective, the number one discussion point is how do we better serve our clients? Where are our clients stuck, where can we improve things, how can we make it more seamless for them to go through these different paths, how can we give them more support, how can we help them get unstuck? So this is the nature of our conversation. It’s not necessarily only about how to improve conversion rates and how to enroll more people, but it’s really on the delivery side.
And I think if you focus on great delivery, that’s how you future-proof your business. That’s how you show people that you truly care, that you want to help them. And again, are you gonna get this perfect a hundred percent of the time? No, not at all. But one of the things that we do … we do some interesting things, I’m not gonna spoil the surprise, but we do some interesting things for our clients when they come onboard, and I’ll get messages back and they’re like, “This is exactly why you guys are different.” And it’s little things like the things that we do that are going to future-proof us, and really put us in a category of one amongst the competition.
And the same goes for you and your business. There are simple things you can do in your business to show people you care, to show people you’re listening to them, to help you be immune to whatever technology comes down the road, whatever app is going to come out. Because it becomes less important about what the new technology is and you’re focused mostly on, “How do I better serve my clients?”
What people crave and what to focus on
And so that’s what I really want to drill into your head in this episode, is thinking about those elements in your business where you can go above and beyond to show people that you are a human being and you care about their results, you care about their success. And that could be a quick personal video, that could be holding their hand a little bit more through the process, or whatever that looks like for you. I really believe in-person retreats and stuff like that are a huge opportunity. Back in 1984 there was a book written, I wish I could remember the name of it, and it wasn’t 1984. It was talking about how in periods of high-tech, there is an increased demand for high-touch. And if you just take that as the theme of today’s episode, you’ll be great into the future.
So as we become more connected technologically and more disconnected at a deep level, people are going to crave, crave human interaction. They’re gonna crave your attention. They’re gonna crave getting together with other clients, even if it’s in a virtual setting. Even if it’s in a virtual setting and it’s a Zoom call where they can see each other’s faces, or it’s in a Facebook group where they feel connected to other people just like them. And obviously best yet is if you can bring people together in person like we do at our Healthpreneur LIVE events.
This is how I believe you can future-proof your business and now it’s really up to you. So what I want you to focus on is focus on asking yourself the Jeff Bezos question which is what is not gonna change, and really focus on building your business around that instead of worrying about what’s the new technology coming out, why should I be using this app? All that kind of stuff, those are all trends, they’re fads, they’re the latest thing. Something else will come out that’s better, more robust, whatever. But if you build your business around the things that are not gonna change, I believe you’ll be a lot better off now and well into the future, and that is how you can future-proof your business.
Hey, thanks so much for joining us on this episode of the Healthpreneur podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, here’s what I’d like you to do right now. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to the Healthpreneur podcast on iTunes, and while you’re there, leave us a rating or review, it helps us get in front of more people and change more lives. And if you’re ready to start or scale your health or fitness coaching business and want to start getting in front of more people, working with them at a higher level without trading time for money, then I invite you to check out our free 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint training, totally free right now, and you can do so at Healthpreneurgroup.com/training.
For now, thank you so much for joining us. Continue to be great, do great, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode we did a Client Deep Dive with Stacia O’Block, who is a fitness coach,
We focused on setting up her webinar helping her to create a high converting webinar.
To create a successful webinar, you’ve got to be clear on your big idea and know the four supporting legs of that big idea. By understanding what goes into a webinar that converts, Stacia is able to skip the trial-and-error process and get right into converting leads.
If you’re looking to improve or start crafting your webinar, and missed the episode, you can catch it right here.
3 Mindsets That Will Hurt Your Business
Hey guys! Welcome to another edition of Between the Ears! Two of my Results Coaches, Amy and Jackie, are here to provide valuable insight directly from their client conversations. Today, we are talking about the three mindsets that are hurting your business.
I know, you’re probably itching to learn more techniques, strategies, and successful game-plans to get your business to the next level. I get it. But the thing is, if you don’t have the right mindset when you deploy these things, they’ll never launch to the heights you want them to.
Mindset is important. It’s the foundation you need to take the risks, make the changes, and implement the strategies quickly, effectively, and fearlessly. So, plug in and listen to the three most common mindsets that are hurting your business and turn them around now.
In This Episode Jackie, Amy, and I discuss:
- The three mindsets that are hurting your business.
- What happens when you play it safe and why it’s selfish.
- Being conscious of who you’re listening to.
- Being three feet away from a breakthrough – or not.
- Doing it alone and being honest with yourself.
- Raising your ambition and making the money you deserve.
01:00 – 04:30 – Introducing today’s topic: Mindset
04:30 – 08:30 – Why playing small shows a negative mindset
08:30 – 10:00 – How you’ll get pulled forward or backward
10:00 – 16:30 – The difference between strategies and digging in the right place
16:30 – 20:00 – Doing it alone and the benefit of help
20:00 – 29:00 – Escaping from vs. moving towards and believing in yourself
Yuri Elkaim: Here we go, hey guys. Yuri Elkaim here from Healthpreneur, how’s it going everyone? Welcome to another edition of Between the Ears and we are back in the saddle today with two of our result coaches. We have Amy and Jackie in the house. What’s up guys?
Jackie: Hey.
Yuri Elkaim: So today we’re talking about I think an important topic. We’re talking, obviously, mindset. That’s kind of the topic or the theme of this segment of our Healthpreneur podcast.
And if you’re watching this live, you’re probably watching us inside of our Healthpreneur group, so just say, “What’s up,” let us know in the chat where you’re at, and if you’re listening to this on our podcast then great job, and if you’re watching this on YouTube, then terrific as well.
Introducing today’s topic: Mindset
So anyways, let’s today talk about three mindsets that are hurting your business. And these are three mindsets that, again, they’re just hurting your business. And the reason we talk about mindsets so much, guys, and I know it’s not sexy and everyone wants the tactics and the strategies, but how many times do we give people the tactic? How many people do we tell them exactly what to do and eight months later they still haven’t done it? What’s the problem there? There’s nothing other than what’s up here that’s holding you back.
Yuri Elkaim: So you guys have to understand that if your mindset isn’t dialed in. If between the ears is not functioning properly, if there’s a little leak in the boat there, no matter what tactic or strategy you’re deploying, whether it’s working with us or somebody else, it’s never going to work. And that’s why we started this segment several months ago because we just saw all of these ways we could help you guys improve your mindsets so you can really move forward with confidence, clarity, and just kind of that never-give-attitude and make stuff work.
Yuri Elkaim: You guys ready to rock?
Jackie: Let’s do it.
Why playing small shows a negative mindset
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah? All right. Let’s talk about the first mindset which is essentially this idea of by being careful you put yourself at greater risk. And I want to talk about this in the context of playing it safe. Because we all know entrepreneurs take risks. So I’ll just kind of share my two cents and then open up the floor to you guys. So remember, guys, there’s what you want to create in this world, there’s the desires and the wants and dreams that you have, and then there’s the fear that holds you back. So that’s it. Those are the two options. You have what you want and then you have a block, like a wall standing in front of you of moving forward toward that dream. And sadly, a lot of people decide that their fear’s going to be bigger than their dream. And that holds them back from moving forward. So when I say by being too careful you put yourself at greater risk, what I’m saying is by being careful, by trying to get all of your ducks in a row, by whatever, waiting for the perfect time, being too careful, the real risk there is the opportunity cost.
Yuri Elkaim: The opportunity cost, the amount of money you’re not currently making that you’ve been wanting to make for however many number of months or years. So like, “Yeah, I’d love to do this next year,” hold on. Next year? Are you crazy? That’s twelve months of added pain of ten extra thousand dollars a month you’ve been wanting you make, you’re still not making it, you’re not going to be making it for the next twelve months. And you have to understand that nothing’s going to change, guys. Nothing is going to change. Don’t think it’s going to change if you don’t do something differently. That’s why we want to be a little bit less risk-averse, have a little bit more belief in ourselves, and just move forward through uncertainty. Because nothing’s ever going to be fully certain. You’re not going to have everything perfectly lined up in terms of proof. You have to make that proof for yourself.
Yuri Elkaim: Jackie, I’ll open this up to you. What are your thoughts as it pertains to this first point?
Jackie: Yeah, careful’s like comfort. Both of them kill you. Nobody’s ever achieved anything, if you look at all the great guru’s out there in the world, they took risks, they took massive action. And the opposite of massive action is not doing anything or being careful. I love this because I really hit this hard even with our free result accelerator call, because I’ll repeat back to people at times what they say they really want. And when I repeat it back to them just in their words, not changing anything, and I say so this is really all you want, right? They’re like, “Oh no, that would sound silly.” So by playing small or being careful is just … it’s not where entrepreneurs play. And if that’s where you want to be then this isn’t the space to you. It’s simple as that. It’s like how bad do you want it?
Yuri Elkaim: Yep. Totally. That’s for sure. Amy, what about you? What do you see come up with calls from our clients and prospective clients, as well in some of the calls?
Amy: That’s a great question. When I speak with people, we’re on two different sides here. We get on that results accelerator call where somebody has … they already feel like we can help them, and they actually know we can help them, because they’ve already gotten to know, like, and trust us, and they’re hopping on the phone with us and we’re doing a coaching call with these folks. So what’s happening, what I’m seeing is that people have these goals and dreams, either they’ve been burned before or they’re just starting now and like you said, Yuri, it’s that fear, it’s that confidence. They see a clear path, they see the stepping stones, but sometimes they’re not too sure they can do it or it’s like you said, Jackie, they’re more comfortable staying in the fear and the pain of I’m not making enough money, I’m not impacting enough people, because this is such an out-of-the-box idea. We’re doing something so different then anybody is doing in the health space, so it makes sense to people, because like you said Yuri, what they’re doing is working.
Amy: So when we stay in that comfort of, “Well I know this, it’s familiar, so I’ll keep posting a million times and hoping someone’s going to join my program, hoping I can make an impact,” instead of saying, “You know what? Forget all that stuff. Let’s actually make an impact. Let’s put out these ads, let’s target the right market, let’s be authentic, let’s be ourselves, and let’s put ourselves out there.” That’s scary, right? So when we keep ourselves safe, it’s really selfish. We’re not helping the people that are waiting for us. So you folks and folks we speak with on the phone, you’re not helping anyone, not even yourself, by not joining us.
Amy: And then we’ve got clients who asked about people coming into the HBA, so they’ve jumped off the precipice, they’re using the workshop as that parachute, but then their old stories tell them … and maybe their family and their friends are going, “Oh, it’s okay, you don’t have to work that hard,” or, “Oh, this isn’t going to work,” and we help them to kind of set up that bubble of confidence and knowing, it’s that knowing, and that I think is really hard for a lot of people is knowing without being able to see it right now. I know that in the spring the buds are going to come out on the trees, I can’t see it but I know that things are happening right now that that’s gonna happen. So when we stay safe and we don’t take those risks, we’re actually being selfish. We’re not helping the clients that are really in pain and we’re keeping ourselves small. It becomes really paralyzing. So step out of your comfort zone, step off the precipice, what’s the worse thing that happens? You’ll fall down. You’ve got support. You’ve got world-class support to lift you back up.
Yuri Elkaim: You mentioned something interesting about friends and family maybe not being there to really lift you up and one of the things that I’ve recognized is very seldom will someone who is further along the path from you hold you back from your dreams. It’s always the other way around. It’s always someone who has not achieved the goals that you want to achieve, someone who’s let’s say further down the totem pole, who’s going to pull you down. Someone who’s higher up, physically they can’t pull you down because they’re further up. So the only thing that they can do is lift you up. But the people below you are the ones who pull you down. So you need to be surrounded by people who are going to lift you up. You have to be surrounded by people … do not take advice from someone who has not done what you want to do.
Yuri Elkaim: Thanks, Mom, for that great advice, have you done what I want to do? No? Thank you so much. I’m going to ignore that. So you have to be very conscious of who you are listening to, because if they’re not further ahead on the ladder, then physically they have to pull you down. They can’t lift you up, unless they’re going to put you on their shoulders and walk up the ladder with you, which is very, very seldom in this world. And especially most entrepreneurs feel very isolated because they don’t have a social network of people who get them or who encourage them, and that’s why being part of a group of other people is so important to continue lifting each other up. So just great point that you’ve made, I just wanted to touch on that.
How you’ll get pulled forward or backward
Yuri Elkaim: Okay, so the second mindset that we want to think about in terms of a mindset that holds us back is this whole notion that very often we are three feet away from a breakthrough. Like you’re three feet away from gold. And if you want to look at the example of acres of diamond story, where you have this farmer in Africa who spends his whole life looking for gold, travels around the world, and then he passes away, and then the people who buy his estate found some gold in the river right behind his house. This is kind of what it’s like in most of our businesses.
Yuri Elkaim: I do need to put a bit of context to this because the thinking here is, “Okay, well I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing and it’s not working so I’m going to just keep doing more of it and eventually it’s gonna work.” So you have to be very cautious of this, because what I’m not saying, I’m not saying keep doing what you’re doing if it’s not working and keep doing it. You have to understand that there’s a difference between doing the right strategy that takes a little bit of time to figure out and just following a bad strategy that you should completely avoid.
Yuri Elkaim: Now let me give you a great example of this. Last week I called one of our prospective clients who’s in our pipeline and I asked the straight up, I’m like, “Hey man, why haven’t you invested in our program yet? Why haven’t you joined us?” And he said, “Listen, I can’t afford it.” And I said, “That’s totally fine. Tell me about what’s going on right now. What are you doing to generate business and all that stuff?” And he said that he was running a few challenges, some 30-day challenges. I was like, “Okay, really cool. Tell me about the numbers? What do the numbers look like?” He’s like, “Well every challenge we’re getting about a thousand people in.” I was like, “That’s amazing! How is that all working out for you?” And I’m like, “What are you selling on the back end?” He said, “Well I was selling a $67 program, now we’ve bumped it up to 97, but as soon as we did that price jump, no one’s buying.” I’m like, “Okay.” So I asked him out of curiosity, I’m like, “How big of a following do you have?” And he said, “A hundred thousand people.”
Yuri Elkaim: I’m like, “You have a hundred thousand people on your email list and you’re struggling financially?” See, when I hear this, this is like what you’re doing is not working. This is a hallmark sign of what you’re … this is like, this really got me going. So I actually shot a whole live video about this afterwards about the fallacy of free challenges. But what I wanted … the thing is I started talking to him, I said, “Listen, do you think that what you’re doing is solving a major pain or problem for someone?” And he said, “Yeah, for sure.” And I said, “What do you not believe about what we’re doing here, then?” And he said, “I don’t believe people will pay top dollar to solve their health issues.” And listen, I said, “Hey, I completely agree with you because the world in which you’re living in is full of $67 and $97 buyers who are not even buyers.
The difference between strategies and digging in the right place
Yuri Elkaim: When you’re attracting freebies, you’re getting tire kickers. We’ll save the conversion, commitment thing for a different day, but that’s a prime example of where you need to understand that what you’re doing simply is not working and you have to be open-minded and coachable to look at something else. Now on the flip side, we have a lot of clients who are obviously working with us and some take a little bit longer to get results than others. Now does that mean that the strategy doesn’t work? No. Because it works every single time. We know that with a thousand percent certainty. But is it going to work for you in a week or a month or two months? I don’t know. So that’s the difference, guys, is you have to keep plugging away. Keep digging in that soil because you will hit that gold if you’re digging in the right area. So that’s the big thing I want to really mention.
Yuri Elkaim: So yeah.
Amy: Yuri, I love what you just said about digging in the right area because that makes me think about the clients that we work with in the health business accelerator workshop that are a little further along, they’ve launched ads, and now they’re combining their I want to stay safe with … they’re right there, but they’re staying safe by not investing enough, not taking enough risk into their ads to find out, really, who their audience is.
Yuri Elkaim: Can I jump in real quickly?
Amy: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So one of our clients, one of our mastermind clients, Kate, and if Kate, if you’re watching this or listening to this, she’s getting a four to one ROI on her ads right now. Four to one. So for every dollar she’s spending, she’s making four on return. And I’m like, “What’s holding you back from spending more money to Facebook?” And again, it was a mindset issue. So we had to work on that a little bit. Anyways, keep going.
Amy: Right, now and that’s a great point, because then when something is working, why don’t we scale that up? If something’s not working, that’s why we have a very specific system for tracking numbers. So this is where we take that faith in the process and maybe you’ve never done it before so you have to have faith that it’s going to work. You see this is the way we run things at Healthpreneur, you see that other clients are doing this. So you have faith that it’s going to work but now you’re going to actually look at the data. And now you’re going to look at the numbers and instead of freaking out that oh my gosh I’m shoving off all of my ads and Facebook doesn’t work, we get the advice from the coaches and say okay, this audience is just not reacting, no big deal. So let’s tweak this. So we want to really make sure that we’re digging in the right place because if you’re landing page and your ads and your webinar are all congruent, your targeting may be off. You want to make sure you’re digging in the right place and that you’re not going back and revamping your entire pipeline when really it’s just a tweak of an audience.
Amy: Just really make sure that what you’re staying focused on, your goal, we can get that shining object syndrome, so stay focused and like Yuri said, doesn’t mean you have to go travel the world. Maybe it’s just a slight shift in one of those audiences. So make sure you’re digging in the right spot and then if it’s not working you shuck that off. Don’t keep drilling … we don’t want you throwing money away, we want you investing money and collecting data and then investing in acquiring clients at a profit. So if you’re not at this point yet, don’t get overwhelmed. Be where you are. But if you’re at this point, have the patience, put the time in, and invest the capital because once you get this dialed in, you’re just going to have a client machine. You’re going to be able to really have that impact you want and achieve those income goals that hopefully by listening to this you’re blowing up. That it’s not just getting by, you’re really blowing it up.
Doing it alone and the benefit of help
Yuri Elkaim: And yeah, it’s like you can’t know what you don’t know. So I was watching my kids run like a Jurassic Park rampage that they’re watching, like it was crazy, at the Christmas break they were watching the same Jurassic Park a hundred times and the first Jurassic Park, they’re obviously wherever they were, Montana, or in the digging sites, how do you know where to find the bones? How do you know where to find the bones? Well there’s got to be some type of device, like when you’re going fishing and you have one of those fish radars that’s going to tell you hey here are the fish, here’s the depth, here’s where to go. How do you know that if you have no outside guidance? And that’s where having the right coach makes all the difference, guys. And I’ll tell you flat-out, if you’re trying to do this by yourself, you will fail. Very, very seldomly will someone crush it on their own without any external guidance because you can’t see what you can’t see. You don’t know what you don’t know. So anyways.
Jackie: Yeah, I just want to chime in on that if you do this on your own you will fail. Yuri, you’re a testimony to that. It wasn’t until you invested in your first coach. I’m a testimony to that back in 2014. Amy, same as you. We’re all very humble about that because we know what works and it’s like we wouldn’t be in the seats where we are now to share this with other people. It’s not a secret, it’s not like woo-woo, it’s a proven, predictable system. And what happens, when people are just three feet or three inches from having their pivotal moment in their business, the people who fail or stall lean out.
Jackie: And what I mean by leaning out is instead they need to be leaning in to the world-class coaching and that’s the best part of our program. This is why I get up every day super stoked to talk to you all. Because I know when you’re leaning in, you’re just this far away from a pivotal point in your business. So that’s really what I think. When that whole gap, doesn’t matter if it’s three feet, three inches, you can pop through that with a proven, predictable system and world-class coaching.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Well Yasmine, actually, one of our HBA clients, just posted this in the chat here, and I just posted it on the video. So she said, “Realizing that there is another way to build my business was the biggest relief ever. I was so sick of the social media treadmill. It’s changed everything. Enjoying the course so far.” Guys, yeah, I mean, yes. So thank you for posting that, Yasmine. That’s very, very true. Because there’s a lot of different ways to scale a mountain and you just have to be honest about what goes into each one. You can take the fast route, the slow route, the route with all of the –
Yuri Elkaim: And you might fall off the mountain. You just have to know. And unless you know, it’s very tough to know what you’re doing. And this is the dilemma is that most people don’t know what’s happening behind the curtains of these business. It drives me crazy. Like hey, I want to become an influencer on social media, okay why? If you look at a lot of the social media influencers, I look at like my buddy Lewis Howse. So everyone wants to be like Lewis Howse, become an influencer, whatever. And that’s fine, but you have to remember that most people don’t understand that Lewis was actually making money before he even started using Instagram. He was selling courses on how to sell on LinkedIn via a webinar for years before he even started his podcast. And then I remember being at his place in LA four years ago and he was just at the point where the inflection was starting to happen in his podcast three years after he started. And no one really knew that he was this big deal by this point.
Yuri Elkaim: So you have to be very … and I was talking about this with Robin Sharma, too, another friend of mine. And we were talking about this and we talking about this whole idea of income before influence. And I asked Robin, I’m like, “Hey, Robin, … ” so just in case you don’t know who Robin Sharma is, he’s the author of dozens of books, New York Times best sellers. He’s sold more than 15 million copies worldwide. He’s one of the top leadership experts in the world. The biggest Fortune 500 companies have him come in and work with their teams and CEO’s to improve their performance.
Yuri Elkaim: And I asked him, I’m like, “When you wrote your first book, did you write the book because you needed the money from that book?” And he’s like, “No, I was a lawyer, I had a successful practice. I was writing this on the side as I was going to build this thing up slowly but surely.” But most people, they have like the cart before the horse. They’re building their social media influence, they’re writing the book, before they even have a platform. Before they’re even making money. So guys you have to understand if you’re following just blindly, you could be following a path that leaves you going off a cliff. And we don’t want that to happen to you.
Escaping from vs. moving towards and believing in yourself
Yuri Elkaim: Anyways. Let’s move to our third point for the sake of time here. So the third mindset that will hurt your business is focusing on escaping from as opposed to moving towards. Now listen, we’re all motivated by the carrot and the stick in some way, shape, or form, and in a varying percentage. What we see a lot of is a lot of conversations that end up going like this, “I just want to make an extra 2,000 bucks a month. I just want to pay my bills.” Like if you just want to pay your bills, you’re always just going to be able to pay your bills. So I want to challenge you to raise your ambition because what I’ve noticed is that there’s zero difference between 2X-ing your business and 10X-ing your business. Because the thinking that goes into it, you’re still going to think, you’re still going to put energy into it, you’re still going to put effort into it.
Yuri Elkaim: The difference is perhaps the strategy, perhaps the level of thinking, the level of ambition, the level of activity that is going to result as a result of thinking bigger. In our case, $2,000 a month is like half a client for a lot of our clients. They’ll say, “Why would you just want half a client when you can get a full client to make four or five thousand. Or what would $20,000 a month look like?” So I really want to raise your ambition, guys, because you have to be honest. In today’s day and age, $2,000 a month is $24,000 a year. I don’t know where you’re living, maybe in the middle of the Sahara desert, but you cannot live on $24,000 a year. That is fiscally known as below the poverty line. So you need to raise your ambition. You need to be very aware of how much money it costs for you to live your desired lifestyle and you need to really do whatever it takes to get there.
Yuri Elkaim: And remember that making more money is not about gouging people. And get this, it’s so funny, I see all of these nasty comments on our Facebook ads, I just laugh at them now. Because people are like, “You’re just money-hungry greedy pigs.” All this kind of stuff. Like you have no clue, man. No idea. Money is only ever a byproduct of impact. You cannot make money if you’re not transforming people’s lives. And if you’re not making the money you want, you’re not impacting people’s lives to the degree that you could be. It’s as simple as that.
Amy: Absolutely. And that money gives you a lot of freedom, so really I liked what you said about thinking about moving towards because a lot of people that we speak with are either just starting out or have businesses that they don’t have the right strategies so the financial position that they’re in now is causing them stress and anxiety and they’re staying in that stress and anxiety instead of future-casting and really taking that thought energy to where they want to be. So where you … I’m not saying that there’s not going to be steps to get there, but the more you focus on where you are now, the more you’re going to stay there. So as you focus on what do you want, you’re going to get there.
Amy: So I’ll give you a quick example from yesterday. It was dumping snow, there’s not a lot of snow in the woods, but I love to ski in the words. So skiing in the woods, the streams are all exposed, and I found myself between three streams. So I could’ve focused on the fact there was water everywhere and just cracks and what am I going to do? I’m going to be here forever, I’m never going to get out of here. But there was a lot of powder if I could just get across the streams. So I could’ve focused on the rocks and the steepness. I just looked for the snow. The snow was my path. So you want to look at your path.
Amy: If you know your outcome is, you know what? I want to dream big and I want to make a hundred K a month, we got a client doing a million a month, so you go big and you say, “Okay, now what’s the path? I don’t know exactly how I’m going to get there.” Find, again, lean into that world-class coaching because the coaches have the path for you. And now you can dream big and have somebody just light the way for you. You have to do the work. You’ve got to get out of there. You’ve got to use all of your … all of the skills that you are … that’s what I thought yesterday. I have to use the skills that I already have. I have to pull my core and I gotta jump over these streams and these rocks. I have the skills to do that. You have the people skills to relate. You know you’re craft, you’re an expert in your field. Now all you need is that path. So take that path with guidance, let us light it up for you, and then you do the work and then it’s like magic.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally.
Jackie: Yeah, I love that Amy. What people need to escape from, honestly, is where they are. If they’re not happy where they are, then your internal self and your passions in your heart, in your gut, it’s like, “It’s not working, I’m not happy here,” then you need to get out of that and go back to what feels good and what looks good and what will allow you to do more good. If you’re making an impact, making the income, naturally evolving your influence, it won’t be work. Because you’re living your passion.
Jackie: If you feel like you need to escape from something it’s because you’re not good with where you’re at. And if you’re not good with where you’re at, the fastest way to get results, have a proven, predictable system, have world-class coaching. That’s it.
Yuri Elkaim: And don’t sugar-coat the fact that your situation is okay. No. You’ve got to be sick of your situation because listen, when we speak to people there’s a reason they call us. There’s a reason you’re clients are going to call you. They watch a webinar, they fill out an application, people who are like so-so don’t really do that. It’s the people who are committed to changing, this why free challenges don’t work. Because what’s the commitment? Oh, just put your email in and hit submit. Obviously you’re not going to get committed people.
Yuri Elkaim: When you’re getting people to jump through hoops and then they book a call with you, no one just walks into a car dealership if they have no intention of buying a car. So you have to understand that people are doing things because they’re in a level of suffering right now and if you get to the point where then they kind of backtrack and say, “You know what? Yes, this is a must now. But you know what, actually it’s not too bad, I can stay with where I am now,” it’s like no, no, no.
Yuri Elkaim: Like the guy I spoke to about the free challenges, I don’t think he really fully, I said like, “If you don’t work with us, what are you going to do?” “Well I think I’m getting some good traction.” I’m like, “If you’re going to continue doing what you’ve been doing, I don’t think you’re going to get much more traction that what you’ve already had.” So you just gotta be honest, guys. You have to be honest with yourself and you have to look in the mirror. And that’s what I did back in 2010 after three years of being a smart-ass and trying to think like, “Yeah, I’m cool, I’m so smart, I’m going to do this by myself.” Never works.
Yuri Elkaim: I still remember the first investment I made was more money than I made in the previous two years combined in my coach, my mastermind. It’s money I didn’t have. I took out my credit card and I said, “I’ll figure this out.” And that’s what you have to do. And it’s the only reason I’m here where I am today is because that initial decision.
Yuri Elkaim: So you have to have faith in yourself. You have to have belief in yourself. Because if you have belief in yourself, then you know no matter what is going to come up, you can figure it out. And if you don’t have belief in yourself, we can’t help you. We can’t give you some … we can’t sprinkle some magic powder on you and all of a sudden you’ve got belief in yourself. You have to believe in yourself. You have to be great at what you do. And if you have those two ingredients we can help you without a shadow of a doubt. But if you need to go back to the drawing board and go like 30 years back into your childhood or whatever you have to do to build your self-esteem and confidence, do what you got to do because it’s not gonna serve you in any way, shape, or form in your life to not believe in yourself and your abilities.
Yuri Elkaim: So guys, we gotta jump, we actually have a call as a team now, a little sales huddle, so we gotta jump off. But I want to thank you Jackie and Amy for your insights, for jumping in with all of your great wisdom and examples. And for all of you guys listening, whether you’re watching this on YouTube or inside the Facebook group or listening to this on a podcast and you want to really make this your year and stop making excuses and really move with a strategy that works, then here’s what I want to do right now, watch our free online training over at healthpreneurgroup.com/training. If you like what you see, if it resonates with you, then book a call with one of these fine ladies or you might be speaking to Phyllis or Steph as well. They’re amazing at what they do. They can really help you get to the core of what’s going on and we can figure out if there’s a good way to serve you. And if there is, awesome. If there isn’t, we can hopefully direct you in the best possible direction.
Yuri Elkaim: So that is all for today guys. Remember, everything starts between your ears. Everything starts with your mindset. No matter what you’re up against, no matter what you want to achieve, it all starts between your ears. Thanks so much for joining us and we’ll see you in the next episode.
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What You Missed
In our last episode, I talked about the #1 Mistake Most Coaches Make on The Phone.
Many of us are hardwired as teachers and simply want to share our knowledge. But this is the last thing you want to do on an enrollment call.
Tune in to hear more on this big mistake and what you can do to prevent it.
How To Turn Fitness Into Financial Freedom
How do you turn fitness into financial freedom? I want to share my story real quickly with you and I think you’ll be able to relate to this, whether you’re a fitness expert or a health expert who has a practice or a clinic.
I’m down here in Mexico, taking a break from the cold winter, and the only reason I’m able to do this is because I’ve built a business that has freed me up from the one-on-one shackle, if you want to think of it that way.
The One-On-One Shackles
I’ve been in the health and fitness business for 20 years. I started back in ’99, maybe? 2000, 2001? I spent a long time working with clients one-on-one, as a trainer, as nutritionist, and it was great for a little while.
And then I got into the issue where I was working 16 hour days, you know those mornings where you get up at seven in the morning you drive off to a client’s place and you’re like, what am I doing here? Right? It’s like, this is way too early in the morning. And then you’re working until seven or eight at night and you’re thinking to yourself, man, is this the life I want to live? This is really not really what I forecasted for my life.
I did that for seven years, and at the time I didn’t have kids. I had a girlfriend who’s now my wife. We had one dog. Now we’ve got two. I quickly realized after doing that for about seven years, I’m like, you know what? I want to do bigger things in this world. I want to impact more people, I want to live a better quality of life, I want to be able to take off and do stuff like this not on March break and not just during Christmas.
I wanted to have that freedom and flexibility and I knew that I had really great expertise that could help me help more people. I didn’t want to be confined to one-on-one.
In 2006, I started my online business. I had no clue what I was doing, so I had a bit of a coach I was working with on the mindset stuff and he was suggesting, hey, why don’t you put a website up? And I was like, all right, what’s a website? Because I had no clue. This is back in like, the dial-up days almost. And so I set this website up, really just really not a good looking website, which doesn’t actually matter to be honest. But anyways, it wasn’t a good website. Didn’t really get much traffic. Spent a lot of time, trial and error trying to get traffic to the website. Thank God I didn’t spend a ton of money on the website, because imagine spending five, ten, 15000 dollars later and no one’s coming to the website. That would have been even worse.
The Problem With Selling An Online Product
So spent some time putting together my first product, which was essentially … I thought to myself, okay, who do I enjoy working with the most out of all my clients? Who am I really good at helping and what am I consistently doing over and over again? And what I did was I just turned that into a product or a system that I was then able to sell to people all around the world who I’d never met before. And it was good. The product was good. But the problem was that no one knew about it. So I think I made my first sale six months in, and it was really demoralizing because here I am was a trainer, training time for money. I can’t take off on vacation because number one, I’m missing out on the income that I would have been making during that time. But also, it’s costing me money while I’m on the trip, right?
So it just wasn’t a good situation. Now, just actually really quickly, I’ll share one really important takeaway or insight, retroactively, is instead of building a product and trying to sell it for $67 like I did, what I should have done, honestly, and this is a really important message for you, what I should have done is I should have actually been coaching people online right from day one. Because I could have charged more, I wouldn’t have had to worry about all the marketing as much as I did with selling a product and that was a really important lesson that sadly took me almost 10 years to realize. So I want to save you the frustration of trying to sell a product that really is not going to … most people are not going to use anyways.
Life Changing Decision
Anyways. So I did that, struggled for a number of years until about 2009. Sat down at Starbucks at the end of the year and I said to myself, “Hey self, what we’re doing isn’t working. We got to change things up. We got to do something different, otherwise what are we doing here?” So I made the decision that that December, I said I’m going to go to some live events, because I was a hermit sitting behind my desk, typing away, writing content, I don’t even know what I was doing, to be honest. There was so much stuff. No focus. And I said, okay, I’m going to go to some live events. I’m going to meet some real people. Figure out what they’re doing. And I’m going to hire a coach. I don’t know who, but I’m going to hire a coach. I need some help.
And so the beginning of the next year, I went to three different events even though I didn’t have the money. I put it all on my credit card. At one of those events, I found the perfect person for me at the time who I wanted to be my coach. I went up to him, I said listen, I don’t know what you offer, but I want to work with you. $18000 later, that I did not have just to be clear, I jumped in and invested. And just for some perspective in my first three years online, I probably made a total of about 50000 dollars. I don’t even know. It was really combined below the poverty line. So it’s not like I was sitting on cash just throwing it. And this is, I think, one of the things that’s allowed me to enjoy the success I’ve had over the years, is I’ve just kind of … I just jumped into the ocean without the water wings on. I didn’t have the safety net. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I just went for it.
Learning From Mistakes To Building A Profitable Coaching Business
So from 2010, that was a really important pivotal year in my business, and I learned a lot of things I didn’t know before. Made some really big changes, met some important people, and that was a hockey stick inflection point in my business. And from that point on, we’ve been able to do … well, at least in our health and fitness business, seven straight years of seven figures or more, which is very much behind us. Now, that’s one of the businesses I have. But I also have, as you may or may not know, a great company called Healthpreneur. We’re the world’s leading coaching training company for helping health and fitness experts start and scale coaching businesses.
What I recognized from my first business is that even though we enjoyed a lot of success, we made a lot of mistakes. A lot of mistakes. It’s a very complicated business. Hundreds of products, hundreds of funnels. Way too much complexity. I mean, my blog gets a million visitors per month. That all sounds great, but do you know we spend $35000 a month just on the blog between payroll and SEO? You don’t need to do that stuff. So when I started Healthpreneur four years ago, I said I’m going to do things right. Knowing what I know now, I’m going to do things a lot more intelligently and that’s what we’ve done.
We’ve built a beautiful, multiple seven figure business, we’re helping people who are just like you, an expert in your respective field within health, wellness, fitness, turning your expertise into great coaching programs that can much more quickly produce the lifestyle and income you want without trying to become an internet marketer in the process, right?
So my first business was heavy on the internet marketing side. That’s why I’ve become really, really good at copy and marketing and thinking about offers and stuff like that. But the downside is that it takes a long time to do that stuff. And so we’ve been able to crack the code for us and our clients to really help them succeed. But I share this story with you because listen, I went through periods in that journey where there are so many days where it was like, man, I’m going to just … I’m done. This is ridiculous. What am I doing?
And I always had to come back and think to myself, okay, what’s the alternative? What’s the alternative? I need to go back and get a job. I’m not an employable person. You probably aren’t either if you’re an entrepreneur. So I share this story with you because you have expertise that means a lot. It really means a lot to people. If I could shake this camera, I would. You have to understand that your magic, your wisdom, your knowledge can make a huge difference in someone’s life. I mean, you can’t really put a price on health, can you? But if you did, if you could, would it be worth a couple hundred bucks? No, come on. Way more. A couple of thousand? Way more, keep going. Hundreds of thousands of dollars for most people.
And you have to be able to take that and remember that and build your business, your brand, your positioning, your offerings around that. Don’t settle and compare yourself to what everyone else is doing. Raise the bar. Raise your standards. Raise the quality of people you want to work with. We all want to work with committed clients. So number one, you need to be committed to start with. You need to be coachable if you want your clients to be coachable. You need to take a leap of faith if you want your clients to take a leap of faith with you. You have to become the client you want to attract. And this is a big lesson I learned the hard way.
So anyways, hopefully this video has inspired you to recognize that I’m no different than anyone else. I’m no different than anyone else. I had some expertise, I was sick and tired of my situation. I saw an opportunity, had no clue what I was doing and I decided to go for it. And I want that same thing for you if that’s what you want as well. You’ve got to want your dream more than I want it for you, but I want to let you know that it’s possible. It’s a competitive space out there, but it’s possible because people are not just buying coaches. Sorry, they’re not just buying coaching. They’re buying coaches. So you’ll always have a category of one because you are you.
I hope this message has found you well. If it has, let me know your thoughts below and again, if we can support you in your journey, please let me know as well and I hope you have an awesome day.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
How To Share Your Magic And Not Get Lost in The Crowd With Jill Sawchuck
Hi Healthpreneurs! Welcome back. On today’s episode, we’re doing another Client Deep Dive from our Health Business Accelerator program. Jill Sawchuk helps people liberate themselves from limiting patterns and uses movement, breath awareness, and her own intuition to get her clients lasting results.
She’s wondering how to use the framework we teach while still maintaining the uniqueness and voice that her clients love. She understands the value of the structure and wants to improve the delivery of her funnel, but how can she do that and still grab people’s attention and stick out from the rest?
Tune in to hear how to incorporate your best images, voice, and personality into our Perfect Client Pipeline so that it gives you the results you want. But be careful, if you get creative too soon you’ll be wishing you had had the basics down first!
In This Episode Jill and I discuss:
- The delivery of her funnel.
- Her Facebook ad struggles.
- Concerns about maintaining voice and unique-ness.
- Getting too creative too soon and the value of structure.
- What performed well for us and what grabs people’s attention.
- Figuring out what people are attracted to.
1:30 – 4:30 – How to tighten up your program and funnel
4:30 – 7:30 – Aligning with your launch and nailing down the framework
7:30 – 10:00 – What has worked for us, video or image, and reading the metrics
10:00 – 15:00 – Fearing the generic and freeing your time
15:00 – 19:00 – What types of images attract clients
19:00 – 21:00 – Parting thoughts and thanks
All right, so we are back with another client deep dive. I’m excited to have one of our HBA clients, Jill Sawchuck, on the line with us, and just want to give you a little bit of context as to who she is, just in case you don’t know her. If you don’t that’s okay, but you will get to know her very soon, and you’ll probably see her around the interwebs in a big way. Anyway, so Jill helps people liberate themselves from limiting patterns and she uses primarily movements. She has a special kind of yoga that she teaches, breath awareness and her intuition, to create some amazing results for her clients. And we’ve had some fun together in the program so far, and I’m excited to go a little bit deeper with you in this conversation. So Jill, what specifically can I help you with over the next 20 minutes?
How to tighten up your program and funnel
Jill Sawchuck: I think it’s just getting clear on how to tighten everything up that I’ve already learned in the program already. I am taking a small break over Christmas and I’m going to teach with my teacher and I plan to go back over all the modules. I know you’ve added some things in the post when I went through it.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
Jill Sawchuck: So, I’m just taking a little time. I’ve paused my Facebook ads because I’m away and I don’t really anticipate wanting to take calls, and my program doesn’t start until January 21st. So, just kind of any insight you have in that month. I want to do, like record my videos and tighten up my own program and anything else that you see that I could use that kind of pause time to make what I’m launching just more powerful.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. Just so I understand, you’re taking about a month off. You want to use that space to focus on the delivery side of this funnel. So the coaching program itself, how to make it as amazing as possible so that when you’re ready to rock and roll, you have it really dialed in and then you just feel really good about what you’re offering class. Is that right?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, exactly. And the other side of it is just that Facebook bit, which I know you know how much I struggled in that. So I went through it and I got through my fear and all my mental blocks of that. But I’d love to re-look at all those modules and just tighten up my ads and then plan them out so they’re really clear, that I have this ad one variation. Just get really clear so I’m not wasting time or money there.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. We can talk about both, so let’s talk about the program. So as I said before, your program will get exponentially better the more you do it and the more clients come through it. That’s the best way we’re gonna get feedback. You’re going to find out, just like with what we have, you find out where people get stuck and you figure out how you can make it less sticky for them in the future or for people going through the program in the future. And that’s the best way to make your program as amazing as possible, is having clients go through it and understanding that it’s never gonna be perfect and it doesn’t have to be perfect before you enroll those first clients, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: So, your first clients will have a great experience. They’ll transform their lives and the next time people go through it, those people will have a slightly better version of that program and the next people have a slightly better version of it. And just allow that to be part of the process, of just continual improvement. And it’s not to say that the first people are getting the cheap version, because they’re still getting a great results from your guidance. So, for you and your mind, when you think about, I want to really solidify this and get clear about what’s being delivered, what does that look like for you? Where are you not 100% clear on? Or is there any kind of cloudiness or fogginess around that that we can clear up here?
Aligning with your launch and nailing down the framework
Jill Sawchuck: Not what I’m offering. No, I think I’m really clear about what I do and Amy and I were talking. I was like, “No, I’m swimming in my own Kool-Aid.” I don’t doubt what I do at all. I think more, it’s like the launching of it. I want it to be really in alignment with who I am. I don’t want it to be kind of this generic, what everybody else sees and is doing. I want to kind of, yeah, just I feel like I’ve taken everything you’ve given us, which is incredible. And now it’s here and I just want to put my own kind of voice and flavor and maybe even some just more creative brilliance whenever it comes to me in that pause. Does that make sense?
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. And you should. I mean, for anyone watching or listening to this, it’s really important to follow some type of framework, but 100% you have to put your own voice into that. Where we’ve seen some clients veer off a little bit, is when they try to reinvent the wheel, trying to get too creative too soon. It’s like, let’s just get some stability first. Then when you’re making some good dough and you’ve got everything dialed in, then you can start playing around with some more innovative things. When you say kind of like adding your own voice, are you talking about the messaging, the marketing of it? What does that mean exactly?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah. I think when I wrote in the Facebook ads initially I just took your template word for word and put obviously my own ideas into it, but I’d like to spend a little bit more time in that copy and just make sure that it really is in alignment with what I’m offering. That there isn’t this just kind of other piece of it that won’t be unified in what I’m doing.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, for sure, totally.
Jill Sawchuck: And then I also had a little bit of question about offering, like I know we’re always using images for our copy and our Facebook ads, but is it a good idea or is it even, is that something ridiculous to think that we could use a video?
Yuri Elkaim: It’s not ridiculous. I would just, as we recommend, let’s get the fundamentals down first.
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
What has worked for us, video or image, and reading the metrics
Yuri Elkaim: So let’s nail your key metrics using image ads, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Okay.
Yuri Elkaim: So we’re going to use a Facebook ad and again, 100%, you should totally put in your lingo, your language, your vibe, but the key thing, Jill, is that you understand the framework of those ads. So if you’re listening to the podcast or if you’re watching this on YouTube, we give our clients a number of ad templates that are like cookie cutter. They work extremely well in our business and we give you guys the templates, so you can directly just insert your stuff where needed. And if you want to go off a little bit, if you need to, just make sure that you’re hitting those really important pieces. Because, if you can look at the framework, and obviously we’d give you the structure of how it all works, as long as you’re hitting the major pieces, that’s what’s most important.
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: So, as an example, if we talk about story for instance, we talk about star struggle, discovery results. If you miss the struggle, your ad is toast, right? Because now you don’t have a way for people to connect with you and they don’t understand what you’ve gone through. So, does that make sense, just really following the framework?
Jill Sawchuck: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: By giving yourself that flexibility to kind of do what you need to do so it’s more of your voice, which is totally fine, for sure.
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, no, and I do trust that. I think I’m not like rushed through it, but we’re kind of on this like, keep up the momentum, just get through it. And the tech part for me definitely was like a mental block, so I was just plowing through it so I wouldn’t stop. And now I feel like I want to go back and just, yeah, make it like 110% not like 95.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, totally. And you’ll find, so you’ll have an ad, the copy’s done and then going back to the video versus the image, use an image. You’ve got some great photos that we looked at. Use those to start, because I would say video is good but it’s not necessarily better. And I would, it’s like the next layer of, what should we test next later down the road? As long as you get the fundamentals, all of our ads, what we’ve done to build … I don’t even know if we’ve run any video ads, to be honest. It’s all been taxed and image, all gone through our perfect client pipeline.
Yuri Elkaim: And the only time we’ve used video has been for kind of just goodwill contents, putting it out there. But honestly, even those, they don’t perform well. We looked at, we just had a meeting with our ad bar yesterday, and shockingly that stuff was not performing as well as if it was direct to the webinar. So with that said, let’s start with the image, get that dialed in. Once you’ve got a good foundation for your couple of winning image ads, then you can start exploring video and using those and looking at, does that make more sense? Is it costing me more? Is it costing me less? And then you can just go with what feels right to you, and then looking at your metrics, because if it feels right to you but your metrics are terrible, then you just have to be like, let’s be honest. I’m not in the game of losing money, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: We want to be smart about this, but video I think is great, and I would strongly encourage you to do it if you enjoy it, but let’s get the fundamentals down. Let’s get that foundation running, and then you can add that stuff on top after.
Jill Sawchuck: Okay.
Yuri Elkaim: Does that work?
Fearing the generic and freeing your time
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, and another question that just is coming to mind is, do you anticipate that this kind of, I don’t know, this template, this way of grabbing people through Facebook ads, that it doesn’t become kind of so generic that people are like, “Oh, I’ve seen that. I’ve seen that. I’ve seen that”?
Yuri Elkaim: It could be. I mean yeah, there’s how many people on Facebook, one billion?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: Okay, so there’s the opportunity perhaps where there might be some overlap, where there might be like, “Oh, I’ve seen this type of thing before.” Listen, in our space, there are no shortage of coaches talking about how to attract more clients. It’s like, probably everyone sees it every third post on Facebook. So what’s going to grab people’s attention is number one, the image, and number two is the copy, right? So those one or two sentences at the top, it’s going to grab people and be like, “Man, that’s exactly what I’m going through,” or “Man, I can totally relate to that.” So even if the structure or the template is similar, it’s your message. We talk about message, market, magic?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: It’s your message and the magic that’s going to make the big difference. Because let’s say that there are 50 other people that do what you do, and let’s say they’re all running Facebook ads. The market is the same. Let’s just say they’re all targeting the same audience as you, so the market’s the same. But what’s going to differentiate you from everyone else is your message and your magic. Your message is whatever ad copy you’re using, and the magic is going to be your solution, which is going to be your webinar in this case, some proprietary process that you’ve discovered, some discovery that you’ve made that’s going to help them go from where they are to where they want to be. So the likelihood of that becoming an issue is real, but it’s very unlikely just based on the volume of people that you’re going to get in front of, and based on the number of different angles you can approach people with. Does that make sense?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, it does.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, so it’s funny. We get this question so often like, “Hey, what if Facebook goes away?” Or “What if this doesn’t work?” Listen, everything you need is on Facebook. Your clients, if you think about who’s got my money, where are my clients at?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: Facebook is it. Facebook is the place. I mean, there are obviously other platforms, Google, YouTube. Facebook is the simplest to understand and deploy, and you’ll have … The thing is, honestly Jill, once you deploy your ads, you’ll see how fast this can happen.
Jill Sawchuck: Well yeah, I mean I did already in that first week. I only ran them for a week and I was like, “Oh,” can I swear?
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
Jill Sawchuck: Oh, shoot. Because I’m taking this break, and I’m really committed to it. And that was the other piece, signing up for your workshop. I anticipated that I’d be kind of done, like I didn’t have to necessarily … You’re not totally understanding everything or what it’s going to entail, so I just anticipated that by January I’d be kind of not off the hook, but you know, able to go and do these other things.
Yuri Elkaim: Yep.
Jill Sawchuck: So that’s why I kind of was like, well, I understand that as soon as I’m deploying those ads that it’s going to be full-on, and I just don’t have the time or the space to do that right now, so …
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, it’s a good problem, because just to give some context for our listeners and viewers, what were you doing before the health business accelerator program to grow, to attract clients?
Jill Sawchuck: You’re asking me that?
Yuri Elkaim: I’m asking you that.
Jill Sawchuck: My whole business has always been word of mouth. I’ve never advertised or done any marketing.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, and that’s honestly, it’s probably 90% of the people we speak with it’s the same answer. And listen guys, I’m all for word of mouth. I think it’s amazing, referrals, it’s great. But as you know, it’s not predictable, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: And the nice thing about when you have a system like this built out, and you submit your Facebook ads, now it’s like, how many can you handle? That becomes the problem. That becomes the issue, is how many calls and how many clients do you want to handle? And that’s up to you. You can handle, you can say, “Look, I’m only open to have space in my day for two hours of calls.” Or other people are like, “I’m blocking 12 hours for calls, and I’m going to just go balls to the wall and go all out.”
Yuri Elkaim: So it really depends on how you want to do it, and there’s no right or wrong way. Some people want to do really big things and be super aggressive. We still recommend, start small, so like $15, $20 a day. Find those winning audiences, those winning ads. Slowly but surely get confidence in where you can scale, and then when you’re there it’s like, man, it’s amazing to be able to predictably step away from not having to worry about, how do I get new clients coming in? And now focus on the delivery a lot more, which is really where the magic is. Most coaches and teachers like ourselves really want to focus on the teaching, on the creation, on the delivery, and not so much on like getting more people coming in, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Absolutely, yeah. That’s where I’m at, for sure.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, so this is what this allows you to free up. Okay, so has that kind of … Have we answered your question that you wanted tackled earlier?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, or yes?
Jill Sawchuck: Yes, yes.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool.
Jill Sawchuck: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: Is there anything else you want to explore while we have a few minutes together?
What types of images attract clients
Jill Sawchuck: I just would love to hear your opinion. You know those, I don’t know if you saw both images that I was using for that initial week of ads, but I was surprised to see that the one where I was leaning against the tree did much less, got me many less leads, than an image of me and my daughter, just super casual. So do you find that that’s across the board? Do you-
Yuri Elkaim: That’s a great question, and this is so much fun because we all have these preconceived notions of like, I have to have these beautiful pictures and professional photographer. It’s got to be like Instagram quality. The reality is, some of that stuff can work but ultimately the answer is what you just said, is when you ran the ads, you found out this one worked better than this one.
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: And that’s, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what I think. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. What matters is, what is the market telling you? And the market told you that that other image of you and your daughter worked better. Which means at least for that audience and that ad, that was the winning image, and you just continue working with that. In general, if you’re using images that are just natural and casual and social, that’s probably going to do better.
Yuri Elkaim: So images of you, so the purpose of the image is to stop somebody in their tracks. It’s going to stop the scroll, and it’s going to just, “Hold on, let me check this out.’ So that’s the most important thing, is that it capture their attention, and it should be congruent with I guess the ultimate aspiration of your client. So the ultimate aspiration of your client might be more happiness, more connection with their family, and that image of you and your daughter might speak to that, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: It doesn’t have to be exactly about the products, or the coaching, or the webinar. It can be completely out of left field, so I think I’ve showed you guys this. We have a picture of me and my family on the beach, which has nothing to do with our webinar or business, but it’s one of our top-performing ads. Because something about it stops people in their tracks. It speaks to freedom, happiness, family, which are values that our clients hold in high esteem. So, find those images, and honestly if you’re just taking it off your smart phone, like if you’re taking a picture with you just doing stuff, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: Randomly, and if it’s a good picture, it’s clear, if it’s got some nice colors to it, close-ups of the faces are always a good thing. At the end of the day, if you think it’s a good image to test, test it out. Then Facebook will tell you, “This one’s doing better than this one,” and then you know.
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
Jill Sawchuck: And as far as the webinar, I’ve heard you say this before. I just again, lots about that techie stuff, the stuff that was out of my scope of knowledge, I just kind of plowed through. Do you think it’s worth going back and refining the webinar? How much do you think that matters?
Yuri Elkaim: I think it matters when you start having a lot of calls booked, or not having any calls booked. So problem number one is, you have leads coming in that have watched the webinar but no one’s booking a call, there’s some disconnect there. So, that’s when you want to look at, where is this breaking down? The second problem is, you have a lot of people booking calls but you find that a lot of them are not qualified. You get on the phone with them really quick. How did you even book this call?
Yuri Elkaim: If that’s the case, you can just go back to the end of your webinar and clean up the criteria, like this is for, this is not for. Because you’re going to find, like I’m speaking to people who keep bringing this thing up again, over and over again. I’m like, I don’t want to deal with that. So go back to the webinar and address that, right in that section of the webinar, so that you’re not attracting those people onto the phone in the first place.
Yuri Elkaim: So those are the two scenarios where I would look at maybe improving things. And again, you have to give yourself enough data to say, “Okay, I’m going to start making some adjustments here.” If you’ve had 10 people watch the webinar, it’s not enough data. You want at least I would say several hundred people before you start making those kind of adjustments.
Jill Sawchuck: Okay, that’s helpful.
Yuri Elkaim: That make sense?
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool, awesome. Well Jill, has this been helpful?
Parting thoughts and thanks
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, it has. And Yuri, I did just want to say thank you, because you have gathered an awesome tribe of people. Everybody that has helped me, Amy and Stephanie and Cody, and I know there’s a whole bunch more awesome people on your team, you’re really doing a good thing.
Yuri Elkaim: Thank you. Thank you very much. Let me ask you, if someone were thinking about enrolling in our health business accelerator program, and they’re thinking to themselves, “Nah, I don’t know. I’ve been burned before. I’ve done coaching programs. Is this going to be better? Is this going to be different? Is this going to work?” What would you tell them?”
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, I would just say that this program definitely has integrity, which is one of my core values, and I think that’s what attracted me to it in the first place. I totally believe in that kind of energetic feel, and everybody that I’ve worked with, honestly you guys have really been there for me. And you know personally-
Yuri Elkaim: Sure.
Jill Sawchuck: How much I was struggling, and you personally reached out. Yeah, it’s not just some kind of generic money-making program. I think you guys really do want to help us, and that definitely has been my experience.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. Yeah, thank you. And that’s, again you attract what you put out, right?
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: So you will attract exact clients you want based on who you are, and we try to work with integrity and do the best we can. As you said, it’s not easy.
Jill Sawchuck: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Yuri Elkaim: This is a process that you’re going to go through those ups and downs. Like when we jumped on the phone and went through the Facebook ads manager stuff, there are times where you’re like hitting your head against the wall. Not all the time, but there are times where that can happen. But that’s, with anything worthwhile there’s going to be challenges. There might be struggles, and if it’s meaningful to you, you’ll put in the work and together we’ll figure out a solution to make it happen. So, you’re a great example of that, and you’re at the point now where you’re ready to just about deploy, so you’ll have that nice time off in Mexico and you’ll come back. I’ll tell you, from my experience, whenever I travel, everything is better on the back end of that.
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, totally.
Yuri Elkaim: Because you have so much clarity and space and thinking, and when you come back you’re just fully energized and amazing things can happen. So, I’m pumped to see how all this unfolds for you, and I want to thank you for taking the time and sharing a little bit of what’s going on and how we could help with that. So thanks so much, Jill.
Jill Sawchuck: Yeah, thank you, Yuri.
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What You Missed
On our last episode, we had Dr. Chris Zaino who is a world-renowned speaker, author, entrepreneur, and Mr. America 1991, Mr. Universe, and IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.
He now has one of the largest wellness clinics in the world, and his “I Am Hero” project was built to liberate the hero within all of us. Chris has had an amazing journey that’ll touch your heart and inspire you to stop playing the victim.
Tune in and hear what Chris has to say about playing the victim, remembering the end goal, and using your vehicle of influence to spread your message to the world.
How to Create a Category of ONE in The Competitive Health Industry

Welcome to the Healthpreneur podcast! Have you ever wondered how you’re supposed to stand out from everyone else doing the same thing? The reality is that our industry is huge – and growing.
Today I’m going to talk about how to stand out from the crowd. And the trick is not to even compete. Let me explain. You’ve got to create your own category. By doing that, you’ll instantly be number one. It’s that simple.
I can’t express how important it is to make your own category in our industry. It’s just too saturated not to. So, tune in and take notes as I walk you through exactly what you must do to shortcut your way to the top.
In This Episode I discuss:
1:00 – 4:00 – Climbing the mountain of success
4:00 – 9:30 – Two ways to differentiate yourself from the crowd
9:30 – 13:00 – Why your price must match the value of your offer
13:00 – 16:30 – Why certifications, accreditations, and classes aren’t everything
16:30 – 18:30 – A client example
18:30 – 22:00 – Serving yourself first to help your clients better
Have you ever asked yourself, “Oh my God I’m a health coach, I’m a health expert, I’m a naturopath, I’m a practitioner, I’m the functional medicine doctor. How am I supposed to stand out from everybody else doing the same thing? If health coaching as an industry is only getting bigger, how am I supposed to stand out from all these other health coaches? What is going to take for someone do business with me instead of the thousands of others?”
Well that’s what we’re going to talk about in this episode. This is an important topic so I want you to buckle down and pay attention.
Climbing the mountain of success
All right, so here’s the thing, is the way we help our clients in our health business accelerator program and then I’ve seen our luminaries mastermind is under this one premise, and this one premise is this. We’re not competing because there is no competition or there’s very little competition at the top. Let’s use the analogy of climbing a mountain.
Actually one of our clients Tim has climbed Mt. Everest twice, the first time he just got to the summit. Second time, he did it and it’s amazing and I keep telling Tim, I’m like, “Tim, you climbed Mt. Everest.” Anything else including this is a lot easier. So if we use climbing a mountain as an analogy there’s a lot of people at base camp, there’s a lot of people at Ground Zero or the altitude is what it is and there’s a lot of oxygen. As we climb up, well there’s less oxygen. There’s less oxygen the higher up we go, there’s fewer people because some people just they don’t have the stamina or they don’t do well with altitude so they have to hang back at base camp one or base camp two as we go higher up the mountain even further, there is less and less oxygen. It gets harder to breathe.
Again, there are fewer and fewer people who make it to the top and that’s what I want you to think about with your business, is you are creating a business at least with us that is getting you to the summit of the mountain instead of having you play at base camp with everyone else. That’s real. I want you to just let that visual sink in. If there are a thousand people at base camp there might be 10 people at the summit, and you have to understand that we’re not here to build a side hustle, we’re not here to build a hobby.
If you went to you know any kind of school or health coaching program just as general interest and you’re interested in that stuff, we’re not the right fit to work together. We only want to work with people who have deep expertise who know they can solve a problem for people even if they haven’t been doing this for years necessarily. But if you know that you can make a difference in someone’s life you believe in yourself then we can absolutely help you do that.
Two ways to differentiate yourself from the crowd
So how do we get to the top of the mountain? How do we separate ourselves from everyone else? Well, one of the most simple something give you three important distinctions and reminders here.
So number one, always remember this when people are investing in a coach they’re investing in a coach, they’re not just investing in a program, they’re investing in an individual you. Naturally, no one else is like you. You have a message, you have an aura, an energy, a philosophy, a way of speaking that is going to attract the right people and repel the wrong people.
Just like on this podcast or on social media or if I’m sharing anything online I’m very opinionated. And that’s great because I don’t care about everyone else who doesn’t agree with me. You’re only ever speaking to people who get it, or get you. People, they don’t like the way I look too bad right, or they like the way I look awesome, they don’t like the way I speak, cool, they like the way I speak, awesome. The same thing happens for you is you are going to attract people just by the mere fact of you being you. So you have a category of one right out of the gate if you are true to yourself.
Don’t try to be anyone else, be you, share you. That’s the first thing.
Second thing is you are going to have a, what we call a dream come true system. A proprietary process by which you help people get a result. This is the recipe that you put in place to help someone go from suffering to no suffering, from overweight to no longer being in weight. This is something most people don’t think about this is actually the first thing we do inside of our health business accelerator program in Module 1, is we get very clear first and foremost under perfect client but then second on the dream come true system, is what is the step-by-step process, you work with your clients through to get the result for them.
For instance, our proprietary process is called the perfect client pipeline, so that is a force that process, Facebook ad webinar application phone call. That’s the proprietary process. Now, our dream come true system is built on top of that is the thinking of what would have to be in place for all of our clients to succeed. So we have our proprietary process, the dream come true system now is built on top of that. All right, so we’re going to have these modules with these specific trainings on these specific areas then we’re going to have our group coaching calls, we have a one on one check in calls, we have the Facebook group support.
We have all these different things in place, we’re not overwhelming people as a bunch of different stuff but we’re helping them with the necessities so that they actually get stuff done. That’s what you have to think about with your stuff as well as what is, how are you going to meet there why? Your how should be the bridge to their why, they want to achieve a specific outcome why is that good? Why is that important to them? Here’s how we do this.
We have a proprietary process called this it’s a three step process, four step process, whatever it is and you don’t have to go into all the details about everything you do with them but you need to know how you’re going to help people. You have one call a week or is it a group coaching call, one on one check in, or you can do individual nutritional assessments, whatever you want to do, you want to figure that out.
That’s the first thing we do instead of our program because it’s really important to know where you’re going, or nor your clients you’re going to go before you can start attracting them. So that’s the second piece, is we’re getting clear on that deliverable. And that’s going to be different than what everyone else is doing. It might be similar but different. So let me give an example. Our perfect client pipeline, no one else has the perfect line pipeline.
That’s a name that I invented, but there are other companies out there that do and run or maybe even teach this process of ad webinar application phone call. We’re not the only people in the world to invent that. I’m not ignorant enough to say that, there are others who do that, but we give it a name that’s you need to us a perfect client pipeline and then how we deliver that is very different and very unique in the way that we deliver it, but we’re also the only … probably the, I don’t know if we’re the only but definitely the best the leader in the health space.
So if you want to work exclusively with people who understand health wellness and fitness because again I’ve been in this space for 20 years and all of our clients are health and wellness experts. This is the program to be a part of. You’re not going to be communicating or in touch or in contact with or hearing from people who have Facebook ad agencies or in real estate.
No, we’re only health and fitness so this goes back to your perfect client, as once you identify who you want to serve, you are the leader the top of the mountain for that group of people. So that’s the first two things, is we identify that group of people we’ve talked about this on a previous episode and we want to be the leader to that group of people, we want to clarify what is the process of being able to help them.
Why your price must match the value of your offer
And obviously you, being you, is going to help you differentiate from everyone else.
Third is we are going to price yourself away from the competition, while everyone else is charging 50 bucks a session. You’re going to charge $5,000 for a program. Okay?
Now if you just got a huge pit in your stomach when I said that, that’s great. You have some limiting beliefs to work through. Oh my God will people pay me $5,000 for my program? Yep. So one of our clients Lynn who’s actually listen to every single episode and I mentioned our last episode too, so Lynn what’s up if you listen to this one she now charges $6,000 for people to work with, and remember it’s not about gouging people for money. It’s about if you were to charge more, that means you are going that extra mile to help your clients actually get the outcome that they want.
That’s the thing to remember. It’s not about adding a zero for the sake of adding a zero, it’s not about doubling, tripling, quadrupling your prices for the sake of just doing that. It’s about, what would have to be true, what would have to be in place for my clients to succeed every single time. Okay, well if I’m going to do this, then I have a little bit more overhead if we’re going to bring in coaches if we’re going to have people help you with your Facebook ads, if we’re going to have people maybe you can run your Facebook ads. That’s going to cost us a little bit more money.
So naturally, we’re going to pass on the cost to the client to see where I’m going with this, is that the client pays more but they get a better result. And sometimes, remember, for a lot of clients price isn’t the issue. Instead, there’s not enough products, that’s the issue. If you’re charging $50 an hour for a session with somebody. That’s fine. And you have a phone call them whatever, but sometimes people don’t want that, they actually want to pay more to get a more certain results. When you charge more money naturally not everyone’s going to be able to afford you or nor do they want you, but that’s fine because what you’re saying is by paying more money to work with me I’m guaranteeing you if you do the work you will finally get these results instead of haphazardly having a coaching call here and there for 50 bucks an hour, 50 bucks a session, and I’ll give you like a meal plan and some PDFs, that stuff is nonsense.
When you get someone committed to a three, four, five, $6,000 program over whatever four, six, eight, 10, 12 weeks and you can work with them and they’re in it to win it, they’re going to do the work and show up. Now, it doesn’t matter what everyone else is charging, it doesn’t matter who you don’t even look you like honestly you just put your blinders on, get off all social media, don’t even compare yourself to other people, it’s a waste of time, it’s ridiculous.
Never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle as someone once said, never compare yourself in general to anybody. Do I care what other people are charging? I don’t give a shit because it has no bearing on my business. If people are going to shop us and compare us like I don’t care listen, you can shop other coaches and if it’s going to save you a thousand dollars to go with them pay, go for it. I can guarantee you’re not going to get anywhere near the level of coaching support and winning strategy will with us, that’s guaranteed, I have no doubt. And this goes back to you, so you need to believe in your ability, you need to believe in yourself, you need to drink your Kool-Aid.
Why certifications, accreditations, and classes aren’t everything
And if you don’t, you need to drink your Kool-Aid. You need to make your program better, you need to be better but not to the point where you’re getting more certifications, you’re getting more degrees, you’re going back to school because all of that stuff is a waste of time. The health industry is friggin played by people getting ample, ample certifications that are just getting ready to get ready. I’m all for growth, I’m all for learning, I’m all for adding tools to your toolkit.
But the end of day, what’s the point of having five certifications so that you feel a little bit better about yourself to charge a little bit more. It’s a waste guys, it’s a waste of time and as you can tell drives me crazy because people think they have to do the certification and then become accredited with this organization, and then do all these CEUs. It’s ridiculous, it’s absolutely ridiculous.
If you know how to help people do not feel bad about charging for that, health, happiness, joy, relationships, friendships, fulfillments. These are the most important things to humans. If you disagree with me you’re freaking crazy. I just thought I’d tell you that straight. Anybody who says that the physical tangible things are more important than health, happiness, joy, family relationships is delusional and maybe not even a human.
We all know this to be true but we think for some reason that people are not going to pay or invest for those very things. How does that make sense? Oh but it’s easier to charge more if you’re helping businesses make money, that’s one belief, that’s one belief. But we have hundreds of examples of clients helping people with their health and fitness who are charging those same prices.
Premium prices, thousands of dollars, and not in a way of cheating people by actually serving them at a higher level and it’s the people that are charging I’m going to make a very bold statement here. It’s the people that are charging less that are disserving their clients, or disservice themselves. Either you’re charging too little and you’re not giving the client everything they need to succeed or you’re charging too little and you’re sacrificing yourself in the process. You are a martyr in your journey.
You feel that it’s not ethical to charge more because you want to help people with their health, so you are going to burden and you’re going to take on that burden and suffer. That is selfish and not going to get you anywhere because being poor helps nobody, being poor is not noble. If you’re pricing yourself to compare and compete with everyone else I’ll tell you, you will fail, you will fail because there is not enough differentiation for you to stand out. And there’s not enough fuel and energy and certainty behind what you’re doing to get your clients excited to work with you.
A client example
Remember, premium pricing benefits everyone, it attracts more committed clients, you show up to do the best work possible for them. Number three is actually reassuring, it’s reassuring because if you’re charging 50 bucks to help someone with a major issue there’s a disconnect there. One of our clients Judy, she’s a natural path a daughter she was charging $97 for a 12-week program helping people through cancer.
She came to us because she was having a tough time selling that. I told her straight up I’m like, “Judy, do you see the problem here? Cancer for a lot of people is a big issue, $97 doesn’t sound very reassuring.” So we started working together and she made some big changes, she now charges $15,000 and she changed the way she approaches it a little bit more, so now she’s working a lot more doctors and what they’re doing with her cancer patients.
But now she’s able to really make a big impact with her clients. And remember, here like premium pricing is more reassuring, would you want to get one of our luminaries mastermind members is a Lasik surgeon who is also building out a coaching program for type 2 diabetes. We talked about this at one of our recent meetings in L.A., and we use the example of, if you had to get Lasik eye surgery would you want the $99 deal?
No, you want the friggin $5,000 or $7,000 thing that’s really going to fix your eyes, 99 bucks for eye surgery. Like, I’m going to run to the sunset there, that is not reassuring. So you have to remember this is premium prices are better for everybody, and you’re not going to be able to work with everyone, not everyone is in middle for that nor do they want to spend that and that has nothing to do with you, that has everything to do with them.
But the right people will step up, I’m telling you, you will not have an issue attracting enough clients but you have to get over your own limiting beliefs. I’ve never been on an airplane where business and first class have been empty. I’ve never been to the Four Seasons Hotel and they are begging for people to come in. They’re not offering 50 percent discounts on Black Friday. Guys, there are people out there who will spend money and it’s not that we’re just catering to rich people, that’s not what this is about, it has nothing to do with that.
This is about if the problem and pain is big enough people will pay, that’s what it comes down to. So even if they’re not “wealthy” if they have a big enough problem they will pay for you to solve it for them or with them. It’s not we’re doing, we’re not talking to the elite of the elite here, that’s what I’m talking about that at some point, sometimes people think, “Oh you’re only helping the rich.” No, we’re not just helping the rich.
We’re helping people who see the value in solving their friggin problem, because they’ve read enough books and the books aren’t helping, or they’ve read the blog posts and they’re more confused than ever. So they’re willing to invest in a Sherpa who’s on a walk them up the mountain and show them the path, so they don’t fall off the mountain and friggin die. People the right people will pay you for that. So it’s a long-winded conversation. Again, you can tell us a lot of passion around this because I’m sick and tired of seeing health experts sacrifice themselves for other people. It’s ridiculous. You can’t serve anyone if you can’t serve yourself.
Serving yourself first to help your clients better
You can’t help anyone if you yourself are not taken care of first, I want you to make a lot of money, I want you to be a multi, multi-millionaire because you’ll become a better person in the process and you will have a lot more to give back in other ways. And you’re going to help your clients at a much higher level, it’s really simple. So I want you to send me an e-mail at some point whether or not you work with us and I want you to be like, “Yuri, this actually made a huge pivotal mindset shift for me, and I have no problem telling people that I’m a millionaire living in a big house driving all the fancy cars, having a private jet.
Whatever it is you want to do in life, whatever is most meaningful to you, you can have that and never feel bad about it. If you’re an energy healer and you think that you have to be all granola and living in Encinitas like everyone else, or in Bali on nothing. That’s your choice but you can also be an energy healer who is extremely giving and living like a baller, if you want to. I’m not here to judge either way but it’s never feel bad about making more money because you only make more money by helping more people, and helping them at a greater level.
It’s what you should be worried about is not being able to pay your bills, that’s a reflection of our inability to help people. It’s time to man up and level up and really just get out of the mind freak of, I don’t if I can charge my towards unethical. So anyways, if this makes sense to you and you want our help to get through this and really command the top of the mountain for you in your space in your niche, then we can certainly help you if you are an expert at what you do.
So here’s what I want you to do right now, if this resonates with you, watch our free online training. It’s called the seven figure health business blueprint. See the name? Seven figure health business blueprint, it’s the friggin blueprint to help you build a seven figure health business. I’m serious, watch the training if it resonates with you, then book a call with us. On the phone, we’ll figure out if we can help you we’ll give you, we’ll put that a bit of a game plan for what you’re looking to do. If we’re a good fit and you want to take things the next step, we can tell you more about our health business accelerator program if you’re a good fit.
Does that make sense? So again, very passionate about this topic as you can tell and I hope you take it to heart, hopefully it’s giving you some insights and some action steps to move forward so that you don’t compare yourself with anyone else, you’re not competing, there’s more than enough for everyone. And I hope this message finds you well and if it has, remember check out the training and we’ll take it from there. So the training is over at healthpreneurgroup dot.com/training and for now I’m signing off and I’ll speak with you on Wednesday.
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What You Missed
In our last episode, we did another Client Deep Dive with Ali Brigham who is one of our Health Business Accelerator clients and proud owner of Charlotte Nutrition and Wellness.
She’s been working on perfecting her Facebook ads. By reading the analytics and clarifying her message, she’s already getting traction from the ads that she’s put out. Her Perfect Client Pipeline is starting to funnel – and she’s pumped.
The trick is catching people’s attention so they relate to the problem you can solve. And to do that, you’ve got to be crystal clear with your message and philosophy.
Tune in to hear the tweaks Ali made to improve her Facebook ads and serve her clients better than ever before.
The Amazing Story About How Dr. Chris Zaino Built The World’s Largest Chiropractic Practice
Welcome back to the Healthpreneur podcast! Yuri here, and I have an amazing guest on the show for you today. Dr. Chris Zaino is a world-renowned speaker, author, entrepreneur, and Mr. America 1991, Mr. Universe, and IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.
He now has one of the largest wellness clinics in the world, and his “I Am Hero” project was built to liberate the hero within all of us. He wasn’t always in tune with himself as a hero, however. Chris has had an amazing journey that’ll touch your heart and inspire you to stop playing the victim.
Chris has some solid truth-bombs to share with us today. So, if you’re ready, tune in and hear what he says about playing the victim, remembering the end goal, and using your vehicle of influence to spread your message to the world. It’s time to liberate the hero in you.
In This Episode Chris and I discuss:
- His rock-bottom moment and what he learned.
- The importance of having someone who can see your blind spots.
- How he became empowered to heal himself.
- Remembering the end goal to stay motivated and focused.
- Finding your vehicle of influence and sharing your story.
- The value of apprenticeship and bringing your hero to work.
2:30 – 8:00 – Chris’ journey; bodybuilding, autoimmune disease, and his journey to wellness
8:00 – 12:30 – Being a victim, seeing blind spots, and taking responsibility for your result
12:30 – 16:30 – Removing expectations and maintaining resilience to see the end result
16:30 – 21:00 – Speaking your message in the best way you can
21:00 – 29:00 – What you must do to grow your business
30:30 – 33:00 – The Rapid Five
Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of the Healthpreneur Podcast. Let me ask you a question. How would you like to know what goes into building the world’s largest, most sought after chiropractic clinic? Do you want to know how that happens and how you can create one whether it’s offline or virtual as well?
Well we’re gonna dive into that today because our special guest is none other than Dr. Chris Zaino, who is a world renown speaker, author, entrepreneur, former Mr. America, Mr. Universe, and IFBB pro body builder. Now after defying a deadly terminal disease in his late 20s, he leveraged his experience to get his doctorate and become one of the largest wellness clinics in the world. Seeing thousands of people weekly and he created the I Am Hero Project to really resurrect the heroes from within all of us. And I’m super excited to have Chris Zaino on the line with us. How’s it going, my friend?
Dr. Chris Zaino: Real good Yuri. Thank you so much and thank you everybody who’s watching and listening. I appreciate you guys, and I promise I will give you a ton of value today.
Chris’ journey; bodybuilding, autoimmune disease, and his journey to wellness
Yuri Elkaim: Absolutely man, again, if you follow Chris or if you’ve seen his stuff, he is a very giving person. Tons of value and I’m sure this is gonna be a lot of fun. So Chris, talk to us about how you went from Mr. America, pro body builder, to the clinical side. Like was it happening at the same time or was it one before the other? What did that journey look like?
Dr. Chris Zaino: Probably real similar to yours on how you’re where you are today. I’ll just start off with saying this, for anybody who feels anxious, worried, or they don’t feel they don’t have their purpose or their great grand plan laid out specifically, whereas Napoleon Hill would say, “A definitive purpose.”
Dr. Chris Zaino: You’ve got to remember that it’s the unknowns in life that bring you the opportunities, the blessings, the next step and it’s uncertain, but the unknowns have what I say, all the nutrients to build this amazing life that you never dreamed of. Like Yuri and I are on this right now and we didn’t plan … Like I didn’t know I would see him at the 10X event, like all these things happened that were unplanned.
Dr. Chris Zaino: So it’s the unknowns is where everything’s at. So take that to heart and apply it. So I won Mr. America in 1998, I was 21. Had my degree in exercise physiology from the University of Central Florida. I was a trainer for the Xena Warrior Princess.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, I remember watching that. She was a badass. Yeah, for sure.
Dr. Chris Zaino: She was awesome, but that was the day. Before the movie 300 came out, that was the first show that they really needed somewhat of a gladiator physique. And so I was in Orlando at the Mr. America title and Universal Studios being there, I had a great job there.
Dr. Chris Zaino: Then the internet was coming up, I was writing for websites for bodybuilding.com, these billion dollar companies today and on the cover of magazines. So everything was great. I had a sweet job. It was awesome and I was being paid to be the health guy, to look a certain way, feel a certain way.
Dr. Chris Zaino: At 26, a couple years later, right after I married. Six months into the marriage, I start going to the bathroom a lot, I thought I was just having a stomach bug, but the going to the bathroom became 10, 15 times a day.
Dr. Chris Zaino: Then I started seeing blood every time I went to the bathroom and now I’m getting scared, because I don’t understand why Yuri. It’s like well I eat right, I exercise, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I’m not eating at Sonic or Burger King every morning. Like why is this happening?
Dr. Chris Zaino: And so I played Google doctor, which people do. So I go on Google right? And I typed in blood in stool and the first thing that pops up is cancer and my dad passed away when I was 21 to cancer. I never met my grandfather, he died of cancer.
Dr. Chris Zaino: And so I was raised to believe, Yuri. The way I was even raised in school, that your health was determined by your genes and we were never taught about epigenetics right? It was just, okay, that’s just the way I guess … Really, at 26? I disassociated for a minute.
Dr. Chris Zaino: So a lot of times, if you guys are listening and you’re going through a tough time whether it be financially, relationships, health, or business. When you don’t know the answer, you don’t know what to do. We tend to disassociate or look the other way and not get to the cause and it really doesn’t help.
Dr. Chris Zaino: And so I continued to lose weight and get worse and worse. My wife didn’t know, she thought I was dieting. And then it got to the point where this physical issue I’m having started affecting me or it becomes an emotional and spiritual issue. Like you cannot separate one from the other and so I’m fearing what happens when I go to the bathroom in public or I always need a bathroom wherever I’m going.
Dr. Chris Zaino: So my whole life is being boxed in and then there was that one day at a TJ Maxx here in the states. It was a Sunday and the bathrooms were locked and they were under construction and I tried to make it out of the place. But because of the anxiety of knowing I didn’t have a bathroom, I lost my bowels in public, in front of at least 40 people.
Yuri Elkaim: Wow.
Dr. Chris Zaino: And that was kind of like that moment where it was like, what the hell happened to me? You know, here in front of 40 people. And it’s one thing to lose your bowels, but when you see blood and mucus seeping through your jeans, it’s gonna freak people out. You know, I just realized I was Mr. America. I was at the top of my game and now here I’m reduced to like pounds and pounds less, bleeding. You know blood in front of public, can’t hold my bowels and it was just a rock bottom moment.
Dr. Chris Zaino: I ran out of there to the loading dock, we went to the hospital and I was diagnosed with an incurable terminal disease called Ulcerative Colitis. Autoimmune right? So it’s attacking my colon. So I was put on the prednisone and all the drugs and the drugs were so harsh to me it gave me medically induced hepatitis.
Dr. Chris Zaino: So I’m being treated for colitis, hepatitis. Nothing’s working, nothing’s working. I was sent to the top four doctors in the world, nothing’s working, nothing’s working. Chemo, Remicade, Interferon, you name it. Organ rejection medications to shut down my immune system at the DNA level. And I went from about 230 pounds to 158 and the only option Yuri, at this time, was to take out my entire colon. They said I’ll have a colostomy bag, it’ll break, it’ll leak or get infected.
Dr. Chris Zaino: I’d be sterile, I’d never be able to have children. I’d be on $6,000 worth of drugs for the rest of my life and they’re not sure that I would even make it through the surgery, because they already had me on organ rejection medications and they didn’t know how they could take out your colon when your immune system is now shot.
Dr. Chris Zaino: And so that’s what I was facing. I had about a week and a half until that happened and when my mom, who already lost two sons and lost my dad, so this is son number three who’s dying. She sends out that prayer email. And everybody answered hoping the surgery would go well, but one person who was actually my anatomy teacher in high school, Dr. Bowman sent a different email saying, “Hey, I wanna see Chris when he comes into town. I think I know something that will help him.” And that started me on that huge unknown, that huge journey to getting where I am now.
Yuri Elkaim: Dude, that’s an incredible story. I mean for everyone watching and listening to that, I mean, you’ve got chills or goosebumps just hearing that. Thank you for sharing that, because I know that must have been a very difficult time.
Yuri Elkaim: Because obviously public embarrassment is never something any of us want, but as you say, everything happens for a reason and the unknown of what was to happen next was probably a really good thing.
Yuri Elkaim: So Dr. Bowman and you kind of meet up and stuff happens. So by this point, had you done your schooling in chiropractoria or was this kind of the initiation or the introduction to that?
Dr. Chris Zaino: Yeah. If you said I’d be a chiropractor, it wasn’t even ten thousandth on the list, at all, period. So Mr. Bowman’s like, “Listen, I need you to go see my doctor. He’s a corrective care chiropractor, it’ll change your life.” And I looked at him, Yuri, it was just like, “I’m not going to some dude who has an office out of his house.”
Dr. Chris Zaino: You know, I was almost insulted because here, I went to the best. I mean it’s like I tried it all. And I was like, “Thank you so much.” He’s like, “You know, everybody wants to help you.” I’m like, “Thank you but …” And I said this, I said, “I tried everything.”
Dr. Chris Zaino: And he turns around to me and see, here’s a sidebar for everybody listening. If you’re going through a tough time, I always tell people be very sensitive to the things you’re listening to or watching like this. The movies you’re watching, the music you’re listening to, because there might be a line or something you read that’s said, that wakes you up a little bit.
Being a victim, seeing blind spots, and taking responsibility for your result
Dr. Chris Zaino: Because I told him, “Thanks Dr. Bowman, but I tried everything.” And he goes, “Well, you didn’t try everything, because if you tried everything you would’ve had your health.” And it woke me up because Yuri, in that moment, we never realize when we lose so much hope that we become a victim. Like no one realizes they’re the victim. No one realizes they lose all hope. It’s like a disease fog. You don’t realize it until it’s here.
Dr. Chris Zaino: So I woke up going, “Holy crap” I was a victim. I was hopelessness and it woke me up just enough, it’s not gonna stay forever, for me to say, “Well, oh yeah, your right. At least let me give this a try.” So I went to see this guy Dr. Roger and he just talked to me and talked to anybody like everything we knew in school. Our brain controls everything. Yes, our spine houses our spinal cord and nerves, yes. Any damage in the spine shuts off life or intelligence to those organs. Oh, okay.
Dr. Chris Zaino: And so when I went back there and I looked at my spine, that no one ever took a picture of, I saw my blind spots. And I realized that if you are struggling, you’re not reaching your goals in finances, relationship, business or health, there’s blind spots that you may not see.
Dr. Chris Zaino: So that’s why having a coach, having a mentor, having someone unbiased on the outside of you can see things that you can’t see. And so for me, my blind spot was in the spine. I had a lot of damage in my lower spine that I did not feel, because you don’t have to feel disease process and there was like 50% pressure crushing on the brain stem area of my spine that controls my immune system. And for me, you know everybody has their different blind spots, that was my blind spot.
Dr. Chris Zaino: And Yuri, I wish I could tell you that. I was like Oh right. Yeah, I’m excited, and I’m positive. I was scared, I was skeptical, I was not positive, I was broken down. When I told the doctor, “I’m like, When am I gonna get better?” Because that’s all I wanted to do right? Everybody wants to know when’s this gonna be over? When can I start getting momentum again? And then he had the worst bedside manner, which was the greatest thing in the world.
Dr. Chris Zaino: He points at me in my face and goes, “Listen, as long as you have that blind spot or that damage there.” Or for you guys that are listening, as long as the cause, the root cause of the problem is there, your body … For me, was not in the environment to be able to heal itself. And he’s pointing at me, he goes, “But when you choose to correct your problem that you have that’s affecting your life, then your body’s in the environment to be able to heal.” He’s like, “The day and the hour that happens, that’s not up to me, that’s totally up to you. But you will get better if you don’t quit on yourself, no matter how long it takes.”
Dr. Chris Zaino: And in the moment, it sucked because I was like, “Dude, screw you.” But it’s like, he put all the responsibility back on me and that was the most empowering thing that could ever happen. Because you know what? I knowingly or unknowingly got myself there and therefore I had the power to get myself out of that and I wish I could tell you a week later everything was great.
Dr. Chris Zaino: No guys, it took time, three months later I’m off half the meds, five months later I’m off all the meds. The blood starts coming down and in seven months, my body totally healed itself from an incurable terminal disease called Ulcerative Colitis and that was 16 years ago.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s incredible.
Dr. Chris Zaino: Yeah.
Removing expectations and maintaining resilience to see the end result
Yuri Elkaim: So you come into talk with Dr. Bowman and you’re like, “Dude, I’ve tried everything.” He says, “No, you haven’t otherwise you’d have your health.” I think this a great lesson for people for listening or watching today who have been burned before in whatever … Whether they’ve invested in different business programs or they’ve followed different health protocols or they’ve done things in life where it hasn’t worked out. And they’re skeptical now about moving forward with something new that they don’t have a thousand percent certainty of the results. What do you say to them?
Dr. Chris Zaino: You nailed it on the head. Like we anchor to that experience that it was such a bad experience. You know, we lost money in that experience or it didn’t work. You know, I have something called my ten expectation. Meaning that Yuri, what if I told myself I’m going to give this three weeks and in three weeks if I don’t see … Because, I think three weeks should be enough time to see what I wanna see. So what if three weeks came and gone and I was still bleeding every single day like I was. What if I just said, See, I told you this didn’t work. Where’d I get that expectation from? What made it like three weeks was the do or die day?
Dr. Chris Zaino: Like when someone has a fever, I laugh. They’re like, “I had a fever for three days or a sniffle for three days.” I’m like, “What makes three days the magic day?” We tend to put these expectations and deadlines on us to determine whether it worked or not, just to be the judge and the jury. But what if I needed instead of three weeks, I needed 30 weeks? Or whether instead of $3,000 to spend on my health, it took $30,000. Whether it took three bits of information, it really took 30 bits of energy and information to get it done.
Dr. Chris Zaino: So I tell someone, “Listen, if you think it’s gonna take … What do you think it’s gonna take?” “Three months.” I go, “Plan on 30 months.” I go, “I’d rather you raise your expectations really high as far as how long it will take, because then, not only will you hit your goal, you’ll probably surpass it versus throwing in the towel early and here that was actually the right road to be on.”
Dr. Chris Zaino: And now you totally say, “Well this never worked for me.” And that person never tries that again. Where, like you know with marketing, with testing. Imagine if you did one ad and it didn’t work.
Yuri Elkaim: This marketing stuff doesn’t work.
Dr. Chris Zaino: Yeah, this Facebook thing doesn’t work at all. But no, it took testing and trial and tweaking and resilience, because it as the end goal that mattered. That’s one thing my dad told me. Someone interviewed me the other day. They said, “What’s the biggest thing you got from your dad?” And he was always and end result guy. Meaning like, he’s like, It doesn’t matter how hard you have to work. It doesn’t matter if you have to work a hundred times harder than the next guy to get the same results, it’s the end result that always matters.
Dr. Chris Zaino: And so if I wanted to get well or if I wanted to get good at marketing or if I wanted to get good at relationships. It’s like I’m gonna put in whatever effort is necessary for the end goal, even though I have to course correct or what we call tuition. So the skepticism, instead of seeing it as failure, I’m asking you to see it as contrast. Right? You say, “Oh, well that didn’t work.” So you have real market data on how to tweak things. Like it’s information, you need to know the contrast to know what works, what doesn’t work, how to tweak things. Like that is all part of the … You can’t just take one side of the coin.
Dr. Chris Zaino: You have to understand that this is … There’s no failure, it’s contrast and contrast lets you know what you don’t want. Like I knew when I was sick, I didn’t want to be sick. But that also clarified what I did want. Oh, I do want to be healthy. So it gave me such an intention for health at that moment, that I never had if I wasn’t sick.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. And I think that’s such a great distinction there, and I think part of moving forward in that unknown … And I think in your case, correct me if I’m wrong, is there’s a massive amount of courage that has to go into that. Right? Because you don’t know if this new protocol’s gonna work. You’re just taking some degree of blind faith, some degree of like, “Hey, I haven’t tried this, maybe this could be the thing.”
Yuri Elkaim: But as you said, like really increasing the expectations of what’s gonna go into this. Because I totally agree with you, a lot of people don’t recognize how much needs to go into something to produce and outcome. And how could they? Because, they haven’t produced the outcome before. Right? So were coming from a perspective of like, I think this should take this … I’m like really, you don’t have the perspective yet, you’re not talking from the end result, looking back.
Speaking your message in the best way you can
Yuri Elkaim: So that’s a really great distinction. Thanks for sharing that, Chris. So talk to me about, now obviously, your life has transformed at this point. And is this like the bit light bulb moment for you? Or like chiropractic is the thing you need to do that’s gonna help you save more people? What was that thought process?
Dr. Chris Zaino: A million percent. So now I had an experience in something right? It wasn’t like what job can I do to get me security, financially? It’s like, well I have an experience of something. So I realized if I had that experience of something that worked for me, then I’m so many layers deep in that. Where I could communicate that with such certainty or even when I speak about it, it’s not coming from a job, it’s coming from something I had an actual experience with and I can tell my story.
Dr. Chris Zaino: So I went back to school, got my doctorate, 2005 we opened up our office. And we grew that office to, our peak was over 2800 people per week, which was insane. It was awesome. The important thing I found is I tried different marketing things. Because people were like, “Well how did you have so many people going on?” I tell people three things. Either A, I’m a healer, B, chiropractic works, or I have such confidence that that person will be well, the placebo effect’s through the roof. I’m like, but I don’t care which one it is as long as they’re better.
Dr. Chris Zaino: What I really mastered was instead of diversification, I really found what I was best at, my vehicle of influence. And when I was really able to find my vehicle of influence, I really doubled down really hard on that. And for me, my vehicle of influence was speaking and video, but more or less speaking, because it’s a brick and mortar. But don’t think because you’re a good speaker, you could be good on video or vis versa.
Dr. Chris Zaino: I’m just saying you need to find your vehicle. So voice, podcasting could be your vehicle of influence. Some of you are amazing writers, you could put your thoughts in words just so beautifully. Some of you guys are great one to one, knee to knee. Some, you need to be good one to many, like where you have a crowd to feed off of that energy.
Dr. Chris Zaino: Whatever it is, you find your vehicle of influence and then you tell your message. So you speak your message to the world. So it’s the survival of that message that you have. And when you’re listening, please, the worst thing … Yuri, I definitely wanna pre-frame this. You do not need my story to … you don’t need this dramatic story to be amazing at what you do.
Dr. Chris Zaino: It’s like understand, I have the story I have, because I was too damn stubborn. You know, I was so stubborn that I needed a brick wall, I needed a train to run over me to wake up. For many of you, you’re not that stubborn and you’re coachable and you’re teachable. And if you’re thinking you don’t have a story, of course you do. Like Yuri, the other day, I was saying, my parents were together their entire marriage, but you know what? If someone has a story where maybe your dad left when you were young. Like everybody has a story of a heroes journey that you could apply, you could connect, you could show that person that you’re real.
Dr. Chris Zaino: And so I started doing these dinner talks, like once a month or every other month, in my community where goal was, I knew if I could get in front of a group of people and tell my story, then I knew that they would sit there saying, “This is the person that I want to help lead the health of myself and my entire family.”
Dr. Chris Zaino: So they bought me, they trusted me, they appreciated what I had to say and they knew that there was congruency there. And then I was able to help lead them in a non-insurance dependent … In the States insurance is a big deal, but I don’t want insurance companies involved with their care, it was totally out of pocket, 100% cash. And it took a lot of education and thought leadership. You know, that person came to the answer on their own so I could help thought lead them to the life they were created to have. So you could apply those principles in any area of business that you’re in.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s awesome. That’s so good, such great advice. Like focus on the one medium that you’re best at doing. It’s to true, because I think it’s such an important message nowadays. Because you see like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. Everyone’s thinking like I gotta do a video, I have to have a podcast, I’ve got to be blogging. It’s like no, you could just do very well with one of them. You know, and if you’re good at a few, that’s fine. But as you said, another great example is you just focus on what you’re amazing at doing and just go 100% into that.
Yuri Elkaim: So you started doing these dinners and these were … kind of like you were hosting these dinners at restaurants or your house and just inviting people in the community, building that know, like and trust factor, sharing your story. The story is powerful, I’m sure people started to spread the story. And I think that’s awesome.
What you must do to grow your business
Yuri Elkaim: So you’re sitting down for a green juice with someone coming out of a chiropractic school or someone looking to build their clinic or their virtual business. Knowing what you know now, so we talked about folks and that one way of communicating and sharing their voice. From a marketing perspective outside of that or even from a business building perceptive. What’s one thing you would advise them to do, knowing what you know now?
Dr. Chris Zaino: I think the most important thing is something that was around for thousands of years. And it’s apprentice. If I was in school, or if was coming out of school … Now, because I don’t wanna just stick to chiro, because I don’t want this to be just a … I want every single person to benefit hearing this. If there is someone doing what you want to do, humbly go to them, fly to them and be willing to work for free or serve them. Because the learning curve, that will shrink the time and wasted money that you will never have to do because you learned actually on the job experience of someone who’s doing what you want to do is worth hundreds and hundreds … Millions of dollars, potentially.
Dr. Chris Zaino: So I love saying who’s doing it just a little bit better I or who’s doing what I would love to do to the level I want to do it with. Then I go and I just totally humble myself and offer free help, whatever I can do and then learn on the job, in the experience. And then you’ll start to see like you were saying, you’ll see the mistakes they made or you’ll see what they learn from and you never have to make that. And you’ll see exactly the amount of work. Wow, this really does take a little bit more work. Or wow, you mean when the person clocks out of the office, you mean they’re still thinking about work? They don’t just think about the football game? Yeah. Yeah. They’re like, their personally developing in the morning? They wake up at 4:00 in the morning to take care of their body. Wow. You know, like you start to see the habits of successful people.
Dr. Chris Zaino: So it doesn’t even really matter the profession they’re in, but when you start to see the habits of a successful business, then that’s invaluable. You’ll never learn that in university or school, ever. The only way you could learn that is going to, not someone who owns a business, owns one that’s been successful and tried and true. And that is the number one thing I will tell anybody who wants to improve where they’re at now. Find the person doing what you love to do or how you wanna do it, because I know all of us sit there and we covet. Wow, I wanna speak like so and so or I would love to have a business like this person. Oh yeah, well … But you just don’t know what it is to walk in their shoes. So at least how about this? When you apprentice with them, at least you’ll find out what you’ll need to do or maybe, which is and equal blessing is that you’ll realize, you know what? I don’t wanna do that. Because, maybe I’m not gonna sacrifice my family like they do. Like you’re not gonna lose. You’re not gonna lose.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s great advice. I don’t think most people … Sorry, I don’t think a lot of entrepreneurs really understand what goes into building a great business. And I honestly don’t think all of them are fit for running a business. I think maybe they’re better as an intrapreneur, working for someone else, where they don’t have to take on as much risk or maybe they can kind of turn off a little bit.
Yuri Elkaim: But as you said, like we’re kind of obsessed. We’re a different breed. To do what we do is not right for everyone, to constantly be thinking about work, to constantly be thinking about … And I think it’s our mission on this planet, it’s not gonna change no matter what we do. But also to recognize that, that’s okay. It’s kind of who you are and being okay with that, because I also think that there’s a lot of hardship that entrepreneurs put on themselves. Thinking they have to punch in at 9:00, clock out at 5:00, be fully balanced all the time.
Yuri Elkaim: And from my perspective and maybe yours as well, Chris. That’s not real. It’s not a reality when you’re running the world’s largest chiropractic clinic and doing big things, speaking around the world. What wisdom can you provide based on your experience to other entrepreneurs who are trying to maybe seek out that balance or give them a bit more perspective and wisdom based on your experience?
Dr. Chris Zaino: All right. This will really help so many people right here and it was just an amazing epiphany. And kind of led to the whole I Am Hero thing that I’m doing now as well. See, I found … My secret identity was being the doctor. Meaning that, I found my identity in the job. So Yuri, that means if my practice was doing great, I was a good husband and a good dad. If my practice was doing crummy, I was an ass. Do you know what I mean? Like I realized like, my identity was so into the doctor role and my business, that it was defining who I was and dictated my emotions and my heart.
Dr. Chris Zaino: And then I realized, well wait a second. When I made the distinction, I’m like, Chiropractic didn’t make me successful. I became a successful person, therefore, I’m making that practice successful. So I realized it wasn’t the identity of the job, it wasn’t the doctor title that made me a success, because there’s plenty of doctors that don’t even have a job right now. They’re in real estate or something like that. So it wasn’t the office that made me successful, but wait a second. I flipped it around, I’m a successful person. So I brought the hero of me to the office. So there was no such thing as balance, there’s no such thing as … Because when I was working on a patient, I’m not just Dr. Zaino, I’m also a dad, I’m also a husband, I’m also a thought leader. So I wear all the hats, all the time.
Dr. Chris Zaino: So it’s not about switching hats or balance. It’s bringing the hero version of you, the best of you to the situation. So when I bring the best of me to this interview, I bring the best of me to work. So what made me have a successful life was that I brought the best of me to the areas of life, those areas didn’t make me successful. I had to become the successful person that brought the hero to those areas. So it’s the opposite. It’s not like maintaining balance, it’s actually making you … It’s actually taking care of you, filling up your well in the morning, so you can pour out and still have enough left over for everything so you could have it all.
Dr. Chris Zaino: And you know the feeling right? Yep. You know that feel too. You know when you go … Like I saw those pictures when you took your family to Disney that you do it big. You do everything big, because that is who you are right? So you’re gonna do family big, business big, and it doesn’t take more time and it doesn’t more effort. It’s who you are, you bring to every situation.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah.
Dr. Chris Zaino: You don’t have to flip things off and if I’m obsessively irrationally … If I have an obsessional, irrational desire about something, I want that, because that’s the number one thing I seek for my kids. I’m watching, my son’s 12, my son’s 6, I’m looking. What is he irrationally obsessive over and I’m gonna pour everything into that. Because I know when you’re obsessive over something, you think about it more of the time, you put those ten thousand hours in, you overwork everybody else, because the reward is in the doing of that thing.
Dr. Chris Zaino: You and I are not doing it for the money, it’s like us doing this right now is the reward. The act of doing it is the reward. So if that’s a reward, if the act of doing that thing makes us on fire, it makes us feel like we’re in our zone, why would I ever wanna be out of it? Why would I wanna be “balanced?” Why would I want to turn it off?
Dr. Chris Zaino: If you are a person with an obsessive desire, don’t think that’s a bad thing. It’s absolutely one of the greatest qualities you could have is having this obsessive irrational desire for a mission or a purpose, because that really becomes … it’s the extra one percent you’ll put in that is the determining factor if you’re successful or not.
Yuri Elkaim: Amen brother. Totally. And it’s actually more exhausting to try to be not that. It’s like let me tone it down, let me please other people, let me not be my full self. That’s what’s most exhausting. Yeah, I agree with you, be obsessed with what you’re great at. As you said, it’s not about the outcome for us, it’s about the process.
Yuri Elkaim: People ask me, “Hey man, if you won the lottery, what would you do?” I would do exactly what I’m doing right now. Nothing in my life would change. Not a single thing in my life would change and I’m sure the same with you. I think that’s a good indication that you’re on the right path and if you’re not on the right path, then you know, maybe it’s time to look in the mirror and maybe course correct before it’s too late.
Yuri Elkaim: So Chris, now this has been super inspiring. I know our listeners and viewers are like, “Holy shit.” Pardon my french. This has been off the charts. Let’s finish things off. Actually before we do the Rapid Five, where can people find out more about you, more about the I Am Hero Project, let’s talk about that first.
Dr. Chris Zaino: So the gift I could everybody, it’s called My Hero’s Secret Sauce. I have some videos and a PDF for you. You know, when you look at it, I won Mr. America, Mr. Universe, built a huge business. Everything I do, like there’s certain areas in my life that I really rocked in and people are like, Well what’s the secret?
Dr. Chris Zaino: And I really kind of distilled it to five principles that if you apply it right now, you’ll start winning today. So to get that just go iamhero.com/secrets. So it’s iamhero.com/secrets. And then if you wanna keep this conversation going, probably the best place is Facebook and Instagram.
Dr. Chris Zaino: You know, I put content up every single day and it’s at Dr. Zaino. D-R-Z-A-I-N-O. So follow me there, subscribe. Also, I have YouTube as well. And I know your time is your greatest commodity, like you cannot make more time so I know that. I do appreciate that time. So if you do any of my content is purely curated to make you become better.
Dr. Chris Zaino: You’ll never feel like it was a waste of time with anything you’ve seen of mine. It’ll help shift you to make … It might be that one, as I said, it might be that one thing that makes you wake up for a split second, that changes your life. Like that doctor did with me or Mr. Bowman did with me to really turn my life in a totally 180. To have the best life I ever dreamed of just because of those unknowns. So please let’s connect. I always answer my messages and my comments, that’s always me answering them.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing that. I will show that in the show notes for you guys as well. If you guys have enjoyed this interview, this is kind of just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve watched your videos, I follow you on Instagram as well. There’s a lot of really great inspiring stuff that you know sometimes, just that little nugget that’s like, man, all right, let’s do that today. So that’s really good. Chris, are you ready for the Rapid Five?
The Rapid Five
Dr. Chris Zaino: I am ready.
Yuri Elkaim: All right buddy. Okay. So number one, what is your biggest weakness?
Dr. Chris Zaino: My weakness, it could be indecision.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. Number two, what is your biggest strength?
Dr. Chris Zaino: Congruency.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. Number three, what’s one thing you’ve become dangerously good at in order to grow your business?
Dr. Chris Zaino: Speaking.
Yuri Elkaim: Number four, what do you do first thing in the morning?
Dr. Chris Zaino: I do a coffee enema every single morning.
Yuri Elkaim: Dude, I’m a huge coffee enema fan too.
Dr. Chris Zaino: Yeah, every single morning.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s so funny. This is one of those areas where people are like, “Oh, it’s amazing.” Or people will be like, “It’s so dangerous.” Really quickly, just for my own knowledge.
Dr. Chris Zaino: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Obviously, I think there’s no one better to ask considering your medical history.
Dr. Chris Zaino: Yeah, yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: How have coffee enemas helped you?
Dr. Chris Zaino: Dude, it keeps your liver clean. We are so under toxic stress in the world today. I mean, like we could do our best to try to keep toxins out of our body, as you help us with Yuri. But it’s like we need to keep that liver clean as possible, that and the gallbladder. And plus I mean, just every single morning I just wanna make sure that area’s clean and that’s also kind of like prepping me. It’s an act of love to myself, you know, that’s when I do my reading and yeah, I wanna stayed detoxed as much as I can.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. I love the ritual of it. Like I love, like I use that 20 minute meditation. It’s just a really nice process.
Dr. Chris Zaino: Yeah.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool man. And finally, complete this sentence. I know I’m being successful when.
Dr. Chris Zaino: I know I’m successful when I’m feeling fulfilled.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome.
Dr. Chris Zaino: There you go.
Yuri Elkaim: Dr. Chris Zaino. Dude, thank you so much for number one, for being who you are, because you’re a … Dude, you’re a light, you’re a beacon that just really sheds a lot of hope and positivity and inspiration for everyone you touch. So thank you so much for being who you are and stepping into your power. And thank you so much for sharing everything you’ve shared with us on this show today.
Dr. Chris Zaino: Oh, thank you so much and thank you everybody for listening. I appreciate you all.
Follow Dr. Chris Zaino at:
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What You Missed
Have you ever wondered how you’re supposed to stand out from everyone else doing the same thing? The reality is that our industry is huge – and growing.
In our last episode I talked about how to stand out from the crowd.
I can’t express how important it is to make your own category in our industry. It’s just too saturated not to.
Tune in and take notes as I walk you through exactly what you must do to shortcut your way to the top.
The #1 Mistake Most Coaches Make on the Phone

What’s up, Healthpreneurs? Yuri here for another solo round of the Healthpreneur podcast. Do you know the number one mistake health coaches make on enrollment calls? Maybe not, especially if you’re making it!
The mistake is – drumroll, please – talking too much. And I’m guilty of this, too. Many of us are hardwired as teachers and simply want to share our knowledge. But this is the last thing you want to do on an enrollment call.
Instead, ask questions. Let the prospective client do all the talking. Make that mute button your best friend. When you give someone the space to speak, they’ll feel connected to you and will be more inclined to work with you.
Tune in to hear more on this big mistake and what you can do to prevent it.
In This Episode I discuss:
1:00 – 2:00 – I’m guilty, too
2:00 – 3:30 – Why sales training is key
3:30 – 5:00 – The number one mistake we make and what to do instead
5:00 – 8:00 – What happens when you let your future client speak
8:00 – 10:00 – What to do if you need help
All right guys, so are you interested in discovering what the number one mistake is that most coaches make on the phone? Specifically with their enrollment calls? Well, that’s what I’m going to tell you about in this episode.
I’m guilty, too
Now before we get into this, I’m a recovering addict of this problem, this mistake. And that mistake is really prevalent in coaches who are teachers, experts, people who love giving advice. And here’s the thing is if you don’t identify and rectify this number one mistake, you could have the most amazing pipeline bringing clients in and rolling calls with you or booking calls with you left, right, and center, but if you are spending most of your calls making this mistake it’s going to be all in vain.
Why sales training is key
So the one thing that I would say is the best use of your time … if you’re somebody who is enrolling clients, right, as a coach … The number one skill you want to develop is your ability to sell. So sales training is probably the best use of your ongoing growth and education. And it’s part of what we do for our health business accelerator clients. We have even more advanced training for our luminaries mastermind on the topics of selling and enrollments.
And, again, when I talk about selling, I want you to, just first and foremost, if you have that image of, “Oh my God, I hate selling … sleazy, sales-y, slimy, all that stuff,” … That’s not what I’m talking about, okay?
Selling is simply closing the deal. Marketing is everything that leads up to that. So the better your marketing is, the less you have to sell. And you still have to know how to sell, though. Because if you don’t, then you’re not going to be able to feed yourself.
So with that said, when people book a call with you, right? A discovery call, strategy call, whatever you want to call it, that is what we call a ‘coaching call,’ it really is … In our case, we call it a result accelerator call because we’re going to help them accelerate their results on that call.
And part of that call is discovering, “Are you a good fit to work us? Can we help you? And if so, all right, he’s the next step, here’s what we’d recommend.” In some cases it’s like, “Well, I don’t think you’re ready for this. I don’t think we can serve you.” And that’s totally fine as well.
The number one mistake we make and what to do instead
But part of this call … The most important thing about this is that it’s a coaching call. And any good coach does one thing really, really well. And that is they ask questions. The number one mistake you wanna avoid on the phone is talking too much. I want you to write that down. Talking too much will cost you more business than you can imagine.
And I am guilty of this because, even to this day, I have a tendency, especially with our coaching clients, to kind of jump in and give advice, like, “Hey, you should try this or do this.” And I have to catch myself because a lot of us are so hardwired as teachers to wanna just give advice and share. On your enrollment calls that’s the last thing you wanna do because it doesn’t serve the client just to give them a couple tips. But also there’s no value in you jumping in and sharing, “Oh, I totally understand. I totally get that. When I was young I used to … ” Just, shh, stop. Just stop talking, okay?
What happens when you let your future client speak
So your goal on the phone is to ask a question and hit the mute button. That’s it. You let the person speak, you let them completely empty whatever they have to empty, in terms of getting the stuff out, and then you come back on, “Thanks for much for sharing. Is there anything else?” Mute. Let them talk.
If you make that one single change on your enrollment calls everything will change in your business. I promise you. Because what this does is it creates an environment … First and foremost, everyone wants to talk about who? Themselves. Okay? So let’s give them the opportunity to talk about themselves and their problems and their desires and their goals and their dreams.
Very few relationships offer this type of intimate, honest platform for discussion. I mean not everyone, but I think on an average, most intimate relationships … I’m talking husband and wife … don’t even have 30, 45 minutes together where they go in-depth and really get into like, “Yeah, tell me more, I’m totally with you,” they’re focused on the one person exclusively and just allowing the other person to talk. So you’re providing people with a safe environment in which they can share. And in some cases you might get people on the phone who start crying, who are sharing stuff with you they’ve never shared with anybody else, and that’s a sacred space. You have to understand the value that that provides to someone.
So even if you’re not giving them the how-to on the phone, that’s not your goal. Your goal is to figure out where they are, where they wanna go, where they’re stuck, and if you’re a mutual fit to work together. And that’s it. Right? The prescription, what you’re gonna recommend to them, is your program, if they’re a good fit and you wanna work with them. And if it’s not then maybe you can recommend someone else’s or listen to a podcast or read this book or whatever.
But, in order for you to create that trust and that bond, you have to ask questions because you cannot tell people that it’s a great opportunity. They have to recognize that for themselves. And the only way we can help people internalize answers is by asking questions.
So this is something, again, that I see time and time again, even our team, our enrollment coaches, we still look at this. We still look at their calls and we see the stuff pop up, and we have to nip it in the bud because a lot of us do have a tendency to talk. So we just have to ask the question, the right question, hit the mute button, let the person talk. Never ask a question without getting an answer. And do your very best to not jump in.
So someone’s talking, you’re like, “Oh, yeah, I totally get that.” And then, no no, don’t say anything. Hit the mute button. Don’t allow yourself to jump into the conversation. When the person finishes speaking, count to three and then speak. “Okay, great. Well thank you so much for sharing that.” So you see what I just did there, that awkward silence, that awkward pause? The person’s gonna think they just kind of lost you on the phone, like, “Hey, you still there?” “Yeah, yeah, I’m here. I just wanted to make sure that you got everything out. And I’m completely listening to everything you just said. So just let me quickly recap what you just told me.” You wanna give people that space to just talk. ‘Cause if they can make it all about themselves they’re gonna sell themselves on your program and working with you.
So that is the one mistake you need to avoid. I promise you if you come into your calls, and there’s obviously other things you have to take care of, but I think if you can come into your calls with the approach of, “I’m gonna ask a question and then shut it down and listen,” you will be far better off than if you just start verbal diarrhea-ing, if that’s a word, all over your prospects. Okay?
What to do if you need help
So, again, if you need help with your enrollment calls, if you want, well in the first place if you want more people to get on the phone with you, and then know how to handle these conversations in a way that is super-valuable for the prospect, and obviously leads to enrollment for you, then we’d be delighted to help you if you fit our perfect-client criteria.
First step is to watch our 7-Figure Health Business Blueprint Training. You can watch that right now over at healthpreneurgroup.com/training. Go through the training, it’s about 75 minutes. And if you like what you see, book a call with us. And on that call, again, we’ll just do exactly what I just talked about. We’ll figure out how we can help you, if at all, where you wanna go, and if there’s a mutual good fit we can tell you more about what the next steps might be. And if not, that’s totally fine as well. Okay?
So that is all for today. I hope you have an amazing rest of your Monday, and I will be back with you on Wednesday for another great episode so don’t go anywhere, subscribe to the podcast today, and I’ll talk to you then.
If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur™ Podcast if you haven’t done so already.
While you’re there, leave a rating and review. It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.
What You Missed
In our last episode, we did a Client Deep Dive from our Health Business Accelerator program, Jill Sawchuk.
Jill was wondering how to use the framework we teach while still maintaining the uniqueness and voice that her clients love. She understands the value of the structure and wants to improve the delivery of her funnel, but how can she do that and still grab people’s attention and stick out from the rest?
Tune in to hear how to incorporate your best images, voice, and personality into our Perfect Client Pipeline so that it gives you the results you want.
Client Deep Dive Creating Facebook Ad Magic with Ali Brigham
How’s it going, Healthpreneurs? Yuri here on the 200th episode of the Healthpreneur podcast. Crazy, right? Today, we’re doing another Client Deep Dive. Ali Brigham is one of our Health Business Accelerator clients and proud owner of Charlotte Nutrition and Wellness.
She’s been working on perfecting her Facebook ads. By reading the analytics and clarifying her message, she’s already getting traction from the ads that she’s put out. Her Perfect Client Pipeline is starting to funnel – and she’s pumped.
The trick is catching people’s attention so they relate to the problem you can solve. And to do that, you’ve got to be crystal clear with your message and philosophy. Tune in to hear the tweaks Ali made to improve her ads and serve her clients better than ever before.
In This Episode Ali and I discuss:
- The best angle for her Facebook ads.
- Facebook ad analytics.
- Getting her message and philosophy across.
- The language that gets people’s attention.
- Her business and growth goals.
- What she’s doing to improve her marketing.
2:00 – 7:00 – Getting comfortable with Facebook ad analytics and messaging
7:00 – 13:30 – Knowing what you stand for and what you stand against
13:30 – 16:00 – Creating discussions with your message
16:00 – 22:00 – The standardized funnel and how to catch people’s attention
22:00 – 25:00 – Ad copy, tools, and Ali’s goals for the new year
25:00 – 32:00 – Getting out of her comfort zone to grow and serve
Hey guys, what’s up? Yuri here and welcome back to another client’s deep dive. Today I’m very honored to be joined by one of our health business accelerate client, her name is Ali Brigham.
Here’s a little context as to who she is. So Ali is a master certified holistic nutritionist fitness instructor, certified holistic health coach and the founder and owner of Charlotte Nutrition and Wellness and Best You For Life. She has trained for 22 years in clinical healthcare and alternative and holistic nutrition and as a result, showed passionate driven practice of fluster throat knowledge and deep respect for what she does and obviously helping her clients at a very, very deep level. Also holds a master’s degree in neuroscience and biochemistry. Very, very cool and Ali, I’m very excited to have you on the show and to dig into what we need to dig into today. So welcome.
Ali Brigham: Thank you so much. I’m thrilled to be here and just want to thank you for the invitation.
Yuri Elkaim: Absolutely, totally. It’s a lot of fun. I actually enjoy, no offense to any of our amazing guests, but it’s nice to speak to our clients instead of people out there doing their own things. So, hopefully if you’re listening to this podcast or watching this on YouTube, you’re going to get a lot of value out of this deep dive. So Ali, let’s jump right in. What specifically can I help you with today?
Getting comfortable with Facebook ad analytics and messaging
Ali Brigham: Well, I have been doing a lot of soul searching and thinking about this kind of stuff because I’ve been going through the emotions and everything is all set up now. My perfect client pipeline is all set up. I discovered a couple of my errors in my Facebook ads yesterday. So for the last couple weeks I was like, shhhhh, throwing money out the window. That’s okay. So now it’s being positioned where it’s supposed to. So then my main struggle I think going forward is, just getting more comfortable with the analytics, how to track this. I’m doing, presenting one interest at a time, a fee in different ads and ad sets so I can really get a handle on it. I’m also trying to figure out the best angle, because this particular webinar has to do with being healthier and the correct way to shed fat, not just to go on a crash diet and lose weight.
Ali Brigham: I struggle with the right message to just for … I still want people to just get it, but I know they don’t. They just say “I need to lose 40 pounds and I don’t care what I have to do to get there. If I have say 5,000 weight loss pills a day, I will”. I just want them to know that there is a once and for all program that you just have to do one time and you’ll never have to worry about this stuff for the rest of your life. I have kept the weight off for 25 years. That’s crazy.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s amazing.
Ali Brigham: Most people just keep rebounding. So I’m speaking here my passion. So like it’s getting people just to understand my philosophy.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So that’s so good that you bring this up because if it’s okay, I’ll share this on, I’ll just kind of draw out some schematics. So can you see that on your end?
Ali Brigham: Yes.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s little blank page. Okay, cool. So this is actually a lot of fun because this is why I love Facebook advertising. Marketing as I said before, so let me just change the color of that pen. So marketing really is sharing your beliefs.That’s where marketing is, right? So if we think of a Facebook ad, it’s simply a message that we put up on Facebook and we’re putting some money behind so that Facebook actually shows it to people because we know organically Facebook is kind of dead. So if you think about, and obviously in the program we have the whole angles of approach and the different templates you can follow. But another way of thinking about this too is one of the things we teach in our mastermind is this thing called pillar topics.
Yuri Elkaim: And these are, let’s say, five or six, one, two, well, in this case, we’ll call it five. What are five things you want to be known for? Like when you think of weight loss, right? And this is going to tie into your webinars. So on the Webinar, the Webinar’s job is really to sell, not the program, but your philosophy. So when people are watching that, they’re thinking to themselves, man, this chick gets it. I totally read this. This is exactly what I’m going through. Thank you so much. So good marketing is going to repel the wrong people and attract right people.
Yuri Elkaim: Therefore, marketing should be very opinionated. So we have ads running right now. One is on obviously why health coaches and health experts should charge top dollar for their coaching. There is so much heat in the comments on that. It’s beautiful because I don’t agree with all of it. Obviously I’m not engaging in the conversation because some of it’s pretty nasty. But what that’s doing is it’s polarizing. It’s pissing some people off.
Knowing what you stand for and what you stand against
Yuri Elkaim: Basically you want to share the passion and you want that to come through in your copy. And then also obviously on your webinars, so for the sake of exercise here, if you were to think of just off the top of your head what are … Another way of thinking about this, another way of thinking about this is what do you stand for and what you stand against. So let’s just come up with a couple ideas first. So what do you stand against when it comes to weight loss, et cetera?
Ali Brigham: Crash diets.
Yuri Elkaim: Okay. Absolutely. I crash diets, what else?
Ali Brigham: Hard core, boot camp, rigorous exercise programs solely, exclusively relying on just that to get to your optimum weight.
Yuri Elkaim: So hardcore just fitness type of thing.
Ali Brigham: Yes. Thinking you can out exercise in that diet.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure. What’s one more thing you stand against?
Ali Brigham: Diet supplements and a lot of the scams out there that flutter inbox and timeline that can be very harmful for people.
Yuri Elkaim: What’s one example of that?
Ali Brigham: Oh boy. That those stimulants, stimulants, weight loss supplements that make your heart race and want to jump out of your chest and run for the hills. They have but people in the hospital never face them, I think at the end-
Yuri Elkaim: So that’s a really good starting point. So what are two or three things that you stand for?
Ali Brigham: Healthy way of getting to your optimum weight and not losing weight, actually losing fat. So training your body to ignite that fat burning switch, increasing metabolic rate rather than starvation diets and rigorous exercise actually slow down your metabolism. So the important thing is to stimulate your metabolism so it keeps getting better and better each decade of life.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool, let’s do one more. What’s the one word thing you stand for?
Ali Brigham: Dedication – compassion. People who understand that we didn’t use it in a very different role right now we’re up against a lot more hardships in terms of trying to shift that.
Yuri Elkaim: Sure. So dedication to the process I guess. So it’s not necessarily going to be easy – stick to itness.
Ali Brigham: Bingo.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. I don’t think anyone can disagree with that who is obviously on the coaching side who sees the value in that process. Okay, so we’ve gone, what we’ve done here Ali is we’ve now created eight or so different angles for your ads. So what you can do now is you can create an ad around crash diets. You can create an ad around hardcore fitness boot camps, which is going to Piss a lot of people off I’ll tell you this. You can write an ad on weight loss stimulants or diet pills you can write an ad on … So for instance, we have a cleanse in our health business called the Total Ones Cleanse. Our whole approach is a food based way to cleanse your body. And we positioned the enemy as things like the master cleanse and Cascara Sagrada, all that kind of stuff.
Yuri Elkaim: So when I’m marketing it’s like, here’s why this is bad and here’s why this is better. And usually when you think of magnetic marketing it’s not so much about the how to, the key to marketing is sharing your beliefs. It’s sharing what you stand for, what you stand against, these pillar topics, this things you want to be known for in the industry and the marketplace are going to reflect what you stand for. Right? So those pillar topics are going to be like healthy fat loss, increasing metabolic rate, the things we’re going to talk about over and over and over and over again in a lot of different ways so that eventually, when you’re thinking down the road and building this really nice brand around who you are and what you do, people come to know you as the person for this. “Oh yeah, she talks about this and this and this is what she’s known for.” Does that make sense?
Ali Brigham: Yeah.
Creating discussions with your message
Yuri Elkaim: So the other way of thinking about this too is again, from a marketing perspective is who is the nemesis? Who’s the enemy? Because if you think of diet supplements, that can be nemesis, that can be, it’s kind of tied in with the against like I stand against this, the against could essentially be one in the same as the common enemy. And what this is doing is it’s just rallying people around your belief system and it’s getting people to be like, I don’t agree with you at all. Or Yes, I completely agree with you and that’s all you should be doing with your marketing in general. And now your Facebook ads just follow our templates and you infuse type of stuff in there and now it’s like rocket fuel. Does that help?
Ali Brigham: Yeah. That’s amazing. Thank you. It’s funny you say that. Who are you going to piss off and who were up against say I call them the hecklers. I’m going to make Facebook ads. Saying yeah, yeah, whatever. Just trying to sell a lot. And he was big giant bodybuilder, looks like he’s taking years and years and years of steroids and I killed them with kindness. And so those types of people are what I’m up against that just the league is all about no, showing your body to get to that physique. But how has that individual going to feel 25 years from now?
Yuri Elkaim: Honestly, if they’re not a perfect clients of yours, don’t even worry about them because somebody else might better serve them. Maybe they think that their stuff started up, maybe they do, maybe they don’t. But the thing is like, and I think you may have actually commented on this today, is I asked on my Facebook profile, coffee enemas, good or bad. Right? And I do coffee enemas once, twice a week because I actually enjoy the process. I enjoy the ritual. I don’t know if the metabolically physiologically helped me. I don’t have any markers to prove that. But I just liked the ritual. Anyway so I post it on the page and a lot of people are like, yeah, it’s amazing. And then there’s others that are like, it’s quack, it’s nonsense, they’re linking to articles that have written about it backed by science.
Yuri Elkaim: You will always have people that are going to do that. And that kind of post is a good example of the type of ad, or the type of discussion you want to create when you’re putting messages out. And we’re not just doing stuff to piss some people off. Like we’re putting out a message that we believe in. It’s like I believe this to be true and you may or may not believe in that or agree with it, but it doesn’t matter. And that the key is we want to avoid being vanilla. So if we look at marketing and even simpler term, it’s, we have two opposite ends of the spectrum. We have, let’s just say negative and positive like a battery and we want to avoid the middle, right? You just, you pick a side, you pick a side and you say, I believe in this and I don’t believe in that.
Yuri Elkaim: And that’s the crux of everything you put out there and not on your webinar you go further into depth about that. So each individual ad is going to have one angle. So you might have one ad on crash diets. You might have one ad on how to raise metabolism. You might have one ad on one of those pillar topics or one of those angles we talked about. And those are going to attract the right people to get into your webinar. On the webinar it’s just more helpful stuff. And again, it was just more Kool-Aid, more philosophy, more here’s exactly what I believe to be true. And then you’re just backing it up to the point where people are like, man, I totally agree with this. This makes a lot of sense. What do I do next? How do I book a call with you?
Ali Brigham: That’s a great point. Because I was thinking about all the angles and then I get a little nervous thinking, okay, is my webinar landing page and everything else congress with a message in the ad because you don’t want to mislead them. And I’m thinking, oh my God, I need to like have five different webinars and I remember I recall you saying in very, very beginning. “Ali we have one webinar”. And that’s it. And all the ads to that webinar. So I have to craft it a little better in order for it to be more congress. They don’t feel like they’re just being misled.
The standardized funnel and how to catch people’s attention
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. So in the ad itself, because what the ad’s going to do, so if you think of the … You can have one landing. So in a perfect world you would have one Webinar, one landing page for every single angle and it would be just as a line as possible, but realistically, logistically to deploy that as very challenging. So what we do in the ad is the ad, we’re capturing people’s attention with a really cool image, right? An image that’s native to social. We’re getting them to stop the feed or the scroll and I’m not going to read, they’re going to read the story of yours. They’re going to read something that maybe is conservative and right off the bat they’re going to get sucked into the ad copy and then we’re segwaying them into something you figured out.
Yuri Elkaim: And then that’s something you figured out from that point on in the ad to the bottom of the ad. Pretty much for every single one of your ads, it’s going to be the same. I figured out this thing, I put together this free training, I’m going to walk you through it all. Here’s what you’re going to discover. You can grab your free spot at this like. So every single ad essentially finishes the same way and you’re building context for the Webinar. So even though one angle of an ad may have been crash diets, another one may have been metabolism, they all kind of funnel into the same message toward the end of the ad copy so that when people click there or from there to the landing page, it’s the next logical step for them. So it’s not like it was like a one or two sentence ad and then they went through a landing page with no context.
Yuri Elkaim: And we have found in our case, our landing page, even though we have multiple different angles, one on one coaching, high price type of stuff, having to build a massive online platform. Like all these different angles. They all go to the same registration page and our registration page on average converts at 28%. And I’ve done zero optimization on that. And probably I could add a little bit here and there, but it’s doing well enough that it’s not something we need to spend a lot of time worrying about. So you have different angles at the top of the ad to hook people in different way and then the eye toward the bottom third as you start to finish it up, is it going to be more or less the same every single time so that when they land on the landing page it’s like, okay, cool. This makes sense. Let’s register now. Does that clarify that a little bit?
Ali Brigham: Yes. And something to think about, my webinar does talk about the byproducts of this program you’re naturally going to prevent and maybe even quell or cure chronic illnesses that you might be suffering from. But in my last ad, I sort of combine both of them together. So now I’m thinking I need to spread everything out. Like you said when fresh out of the tunnel diet supplements and then one on just healing chronic illness because of the fat loss.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. And everyone’s going to respond differently to different messages. So you might have an ad that’s going out to let’s say a million people, one audience and million people, let’s say, and you have an ad on fat loss specifically. They see it, they see it. It’s just like blind miss. They don’t pay attention. Then you have another one, same audience that’s talking about chronic illness and it’s like, Whoa, that’s what I’m experiencing. Let me pay attention. And now you’re going to hook them with that angle and you’re going to move them through the ad copy and now they’re like, man, this makes sense. I need to figure this out. Let me register for the Webinar and let scores the next level.
Ali Brigham: Do you think that it’s wise to separate like have one specific chronic illness like inflammation, but some people don’t even know what that means, so I need to break it down even further or digestive disorders. Can you say digestive disorder or could you have to say gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation?
Yuri Elkaim: Let me ask you this. If you were dealing with a digestive disorder and you saw now you can’t call someone else, “Hey, do you have a digestive disorder?” But let’s say you could, right? So have a digestive disorder or tired of gas, bloating, constipation, like which one is more appealing or magnetic you.
Ali Brigham: A latter.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah, so because we use like no one says I know this are digestive problems like gassy and bloaty.
Ali Brigham: Right.
Yuri Elkaim: So we want to think of, let’s enter the conversation, the prospect’s mind. Let’s use their language and less draw them in from there. So sometimes a really good starting sentence for an ad could just be a question. But again, we have to be careful on Facebook because we can’t assume there’s anything wrong with the person, right? So we can’t say got joint pain.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s kind of, that’s a gray area, right? But we can maybe ask them a question for instance, one of my mastermind clients were actually reworking her angle a little bit. And what we came up with was a question. Something along the lines is your current workout program, where is your current workout regime not producing results? And what we did there is we’re not saying there’s anything wrong with you as a person. We’re saying there might be something wrong with your workout program because again, we want to make it an inanimate objects according to Facebook policies.
Ali Brigham: Webinar and what they are doing wrong on them.
Yuri Elkaim: Exactly. So now they’re like, you know what, that’s true. I do work out and there is a problem because I’m not getting results. So that’s one way you can catch people’s attention right away as you say it failing you, right? He’s your, should you fire your personal trainer, like however you want to enter the conversation or a pain point someone might be experiencing and if you start dragging like that, you don’t have to all the time, but you could.
Yuri Elkaim: It’s like, Hey, for us, we want more clients play. Okay, who would not say yes to that? Right? So you can think of those pain points and you can start the conversation right at the get go with that. And that’s going to … if you are dealing with those chronic issues instead of saying, God, a chronic health issue, like what specifically are they dealing with? And that’s going to speak a lot more closely to their problem and to what they want.
Ali Brigham: Yeah. That’s wonderful. That’s great.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So this has been helpful.
Ali Brigham: Yes. That’s, Thank you so much.
Yuri Elkaim: Awesome. So what’s the next action step for you based on our conversation here?
Ad copy, tools, and Ali’s goals for the new year
Ali Brigham: I’m going to go back and reevaluate my ads and also Facebook Fridays earlier today with Cody and gave me some other great tools and we have talked a lot about that ad copy and all that, so kind of want to do that. And I just want to add everything solidified by the new year. I’m really just ramping up, ramping up and I’m getting some action, and I have another call booked today-
Yuri Elkaim: Nice.
Ali Brigham: … For next week, so we’ll see how that goes.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s great. Good for you. That’s awesome. And doesn’t, she was like give herself permission to never have everything perfectly lined up. Like you have a certain amount stuff that’s ready to go and then you deploy it, you see what works, what doesn’t you course correct. You come back for feedback, you’re like, okay, let’s adjust. Let’s try this. And that’s honestly how you, that’s how we do it. In our case, because we’re speaking to a small audienceish, so health and fitness experts within the coaching category, we’re not speaking to hundreds of millions of people like you guys are with health and fitness and so forth. So for us, multiple angles of approach is the only way we can scale. Because if we show the same ad to the same people, which is already a small group over and over again, it’s going to lose its effectiveness. So we look at it, okay, what’s working, what’s the next thing we can come up with?
Yuri Elkaim: What’s the side door, backdoor into the same thing and let’s put that there. Let’s test that, let’s try this. So it’s a lot of fun because you’re just throwing different concepts at the wall and you’re going to see what sticks and a lot of times it’ll be surprised that what does and what doesn’t and the market is going to give you the feedback. And that’s a really cool place to be able to have that knowledge, not theory based on what your audience actually cares about you and it’s telling you.
Ali Brigham: Yes. You said something very poignant, I want to have the sales training about when you were on the doctor Oz show and you said you discovered this blah, blah, blah for humans and across to the audience and said, are there any non-humans in this audience? And it’s funny when you think about weight loss because I mean I live in the states, so it’s 45% right now are obese. 45% of the population. And so you think this would appeal to 45% of the population, but it doesn’t because this isn’t weight loss, this is fat loss be a cop and wellness. And that is a whole different market
Yuri Elkaim: For sure. And the good news is you don’t need 150 million clients, right? You just keep it to a percentage within a percentage, within a percentage, within a percentage. So even if at the end of the day your ads are being put in front of let’s say 10 million people and just 1% of those people like resonated with you, that is 100,000 people. And from that you’re going to find a lot of great clients as important for people to understand their feedback by going niche or narrowing down. They’re going to lose people. You’re going to lose people, which is good, but you’re still going to have such a huge pie that you’ll be able to tap into that for decades to come. And remember, there’s only more humans coming in the pipeline. There’s only more people being born every day and people getting older and recently getting diagnosed from their doctor with whatever. So it’s not like it’s a finite number of people and it’s just getting smaller, smaller, smaller. There’s so many people, there’s so many of your perfect clients on facebook and just alone. You can do this for the next several lifetimes and you still wouldn’t wear it. Like you wouldn’t run out of people for sure.
Ali Brigham: Yeah. Nice legacy to pass on to my daughter.
Yuri Elkaim: Absolutely. Absolutely. That’s the next level. So once you have this dialed in, then the next level is, okay, now that we have this pipeline dial there, now that we’re stabilized, now we can scale. Now we can start thinking about what’s the empire, what’s the legacy look like, and really start to do something pretty amazing, which is the next level. If for people don’t want to get there, right? Because not everyone wants to build that level of a business, which is fine, but if you do, it’s pretty cool and pretty fun when you can get there because then you don’t have to worry about where’s my next client coming from? You have the predictability of this pipeline bringing people in day in and day out and then you can think about bigger things, which is a lot of fun.
Getting out of her comfort zone to grow and serve
Ali Brigham: That’s was the greatest thing have learned joining your group. And I’ve talked to a lot of my old mentors in New York City and my business advisor, I’ve always had an enormous fear of being successful and I really had to delve deep into that and I was perfectly fine and content with my small private practice and having additional income, family because there was no stress, there’s no aggravation. I never had a client who made a complaint and it was glorious. And now I know that jumping into this next phase, going online, taking online, it’s really forced me to come out of that comfort zone and realize what I’m actually capable of and how I just want to bring my skills to the marketplace. It’s scary, but it’s so exciting at the same time. And I’m ready and I’m building a super thick skin. I’ve always considered myself thick skin New Yorker, but it’s just getting better and better and better. And I’m able to deal with a lot of the negative stuff as well and letting that roll off my back.
Yuri Elkaim: That’s awesome. And that’s how you know you’re putting yourself out there. That’s how you know you’re expanding because when you are getting that feedback, which is not all as positive. Right. And it’s very easy to avoid that. And the answer to that is do nothing. Right. And play it safe. But that’s what we’re not here to do. We’re here to serve people and change lives. And we got to put ourselves out there. So.
Ali Brigham: I use there line too. He kept going, going, going, he’s the gentleman from this morning and I said it’s all good, blah blah, blah. His name, but I don’t engage in useless debate. Bam.
Yuri Elkaim: Totally. Yeah, it’s fun. Good Times. So action steps, you kind of revisiting some of the Facebook ad copy, kind of cleaning that up a little bit, which is awesome. So looking forward to seeing how all that plays out.
Ali Brigham: I’m sorry for interjecting, You had asked what my next thing is and I wrote down, I need to start honing in on my audience.
Yuri Elkaim: Yup. Cool. And you know them. I mean, the nice thing about having worked in person with clients is you have all the Intel you need, all these like online marketers, they’re doing surveys and stuff because they’ve never worked with people in person. Right? So you have, and so many of our clients have come from a brick and mortar in person in the flesh working with people getting their feedback and you have this unfair advantage that’s so many other online only people don’t have because they had never really done this with people in person. So it’s such a great platform to jump from going from that physical practice to more of a virtual type of coaching program, which is awesome. With that said, let me ask you a question. So if someone were concerned, let’s say that someone’s watching this or listening to this and may have a brick and mortar, whether it’s a gem studio, clinical practice, and are thinking about coming online and they’re thinking about maybe considering the health business accelerator program, what would you tell them? What would you say to them?
Ali Brigham: Just do it. And that’s what I said to myself when I was on the phone with Amy and I already knew before getting on the phone with her that I was going to sign up. But of course-
Yuri Elkaim: well, how did you know, what was it about? It’s like about the whole process that made you know?
Ali Brigham: I think just, you touched on all of my pain points in your webinar and I was like, you know what, F it, I’m just going to go forward. And what’s the worst thing that could happen? So you’re out of it. A few thousand dollars, big deal, whatever. It’s not everything in your bank account. And I just kept telling myself, I can do this, this, I mean, look what I done already and you and same deal with my clients in my practice state on the other time they won’t be able to do it without support team and without me holding their hand and holding them accountable. So it’s the easiest way. It’s the best way to do it when you’re in a group of like-minded people with the same goals and it’s comforting situation.
Yuri Elkaim: Yeah. Awesome.
Ali Brigham: Yeah, I just feel you just said, just do it really.
Yuri Elkaim: Cool. So you don’t regret the decision.
Ali Brigham: No, I don’t Yuri
Yuri Elkaim: It’s great. Damn. God damn. I been found out. Cool. Awesome. Well, thank you for sharing that and playing full out and then bringing your thought of the day to the table and hopefully this has been helpful for you to get some more clarity around how you want to take your Facebook ads and really amplify them. So, Ali, thank you once again for joining us.
Ali Brigham: My pleasure.
Yuri Elkaim: And watching hope you guys got some great value out of this and we look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
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What You Missed
Our last episode was another installment of our “Between The Ears” session with our awesome Results Coaches where we ask the question… “When are you going to start?”
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