Jumping On A Sales Call? Ask These 3 QUESTIONS First!

Jumping On A Sales Call? Ask These 3 QUESTIONS First!

Want to know if a client is worth your time? Today, I give you the 3 QUESTIONS you most definitely need to ask when qualifying prospects before jumping on a sales call with them.

When screening clients, you need to know their needs and what they’re looking to get from a call or meeting with you. And there are 3 absolutely essential questions you need to ask, to gauge whether you really can work with your prospects.

When qualifying prospects through pre-call application forms, you naturally need to start with the easier questions about their basic information. Don’t start with the difficult, open-ended ones that can put them off immediately! Ease them in before going for the hard ones.

And then, you can proceed with asking open-ended questions that’ll really help you in screening clients before a sales call. You ask more situational ones that’ll help you get to know where they currently are when it comes to their health concerns. What are the biggest challenges they’re currently facing when it comes to reaching their health goals?

People who give you more information during your process of qualifying prospects are generally more committed and will most likely be good clients to work with, so pay attention to how they answer their application forms.

Watch the whole video know all about the 3 most important questions to ask when screening clients before you actually invite them for a sales call.

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Handling price objections is easy. When it comes to your health coaching program, if someone says they can’t afford it, you know what you should say? Bye.

Just move on. The thing is, the people who use price as their sales objection right off the bat aren’t going to be good clients to work with anyway. They’re not going to take your health coaching program seriously.

The financial side of things is never the real issue. The biggest sales objection is always that the person doesn’t think it’s going to work. Think about it. If they believed it would work, no amount of money would be too much.

Price is all relative. Keep that in mind when handling price objections. Most people wouldn’t spend $5,000 on a pen. But if someone offered you a nice house for $5,000, would you say you can’t afford it?

That’s why you should always have a conversation to get to know where the prospect is at and what they need before telling them the price for your health coaching program. Only then can you determine if you can help them and what you’ll have to do.

Everyone wants the best but no one is willing to PAY for the best. When someone tells you your health coaching program is too expensive and uses the price as their sales objection, don’t get into explaining mode. Just say, “okay” and then let them go. I

f you have the right marketing system in place, you won’t need to beg for sales. There will always be people lined up to work with you. That’s what really makes handling price objections easy.

With a pipeline of prospects coming to you 24/7, you won’t need to worry if someone says they can’t afford your health coaching program.

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👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp

The BEST RESPONSE To “I Can’t Afford Your Health Coaching”

The BEST RESPONSE To “I Can’t Afford Your Health Coaching”

Handling price objections is easy. When it comes to your health coaching program, if someone says they can’t afford it, you know what you should say? Bye.

Just move on. The thing is, the people who use price as their sales objection right off the bat aren’t going to be good clients to work with anyway. They’re not going to take your health coaching program seriously.

The financial side of things is never the real issue. The biggest sales objection is always that the person doesn’t think it’s going to work. Think about it. If they believed it would work, no amount of money would be too much.

Price is all relative. Keep that in mind when handling price objections. Most people wouldn’t spend $5,000 on a pen. But if someone offered you a nice house for $5,000, would you say you can’t afford it?

That’s why you should always have a conversation to get to know where the prospect is at and what they need before telling them the price for your health coaching program. Only then can you determine if you can help them and what you’ll have to do.

Everyone wants the best but no one is willing to PAY for the best. When someone tells you your health coaching program is too expensive and uses the price as their sales objection, don’t get into explaining mode. Just say, “okay” and then let them go. I

f you have the right marketing system in place, you won’t need to beg for sales. There will always be people lined up to work with you. That’s what really makes handling price objections easy.

With a pipeline of prospects coming to you 24/7, you won’t need to worry if someone says they can’t afford your health coaching program.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp


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If you want to know how to deal with skeptical prospects in your healthcare business, watch this video!

The modern world is riddled with skeptical prospects because they’ve been disappointed by brands before. For this reason, you must understand that prospects are unlikely to have brand loyalty before developing brand trust. Therefore, building brand trust and brand knowledge is necessary for your healthcare business.

So, how can you deal with skeptical clients in your healthcare business?

We can’t even blame customers and prospects for being skeptical. How many times have you come across products or services that turned out to be disappointing? Probably many.

Recently, I had a chat with a self-professed skeptic on Facebook who admitted that she was skeptical about what I do and how I could possibly help her. I asked her if she had seen our masterclass, which she hasn’t, after which I invited her to see it so she can understand more about what we do by watching some of our content.

Skepticism comes from unknowingness. As a brand, you must bridge the gap between lack of brand knowledge and trust. Your prospects must be able to know, like, and trust your brand before they can invest in your services.

Customers and prospects can be skeptical in general, and when you add the fact that your business is online or digital, it’s even more unsettling for your customers. People buy from people. For this reason, we, as online healthcare business owners, must find a way of building brand trust, and add a personal touch to our business which can reassure customers that they can trust our products or services.

Watch the whole video to see how I suggest you can start building brand trust and brand knowledge, so you can decrease brand skepticism in your healthcare business.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp

How To Deal With Skeptical Prospects In Your Healthcare Business

How To Deal With Skeptical Prospects In Your Healthcare Business

If you want to know how to deal with skeptical prospects in your healthcare business, watch this video!

The modern world is riddled with skeptical prospects because they’ve been disappointed by brands before. For this reason, you must understand that prospects are unlikely to have brand loyalty before developing brand trust. Therefore, building brand trust and brand knowledge is necessary for your healthcare business.

So, how can you deal with skeptical clients in your healthcare business?

We can’t even blame customers and prospects for being skeptical. How many times have you come across products or services that turned out to be disappointing? Probably many.

Recently, I had a chat with a self-professed skeptic on Facebook who admitted that she was skeptical about what I do and how I could possibly help her. I asked her if she had seen our masterclass, which she hasn’t, after which I invited her to see it so she can understand more about what we do by watching some of our content.

Skepticism comes from unknowingness. As a brand, you must bridge the gap between lack of brand knowledge and trust. Your prospects must be able to know, like, and trust your brand before they can invest in your services.

Customers and prospects can be skeptical in general, and when you add the fact that your business is online or digital, it’s even more unsettling for your customers. People buy from people. For this reason, we, as online healthcare business owners, must find a way of building brand trust, and add a personal touch to our business which can reassure customers that they can trust our products or services.

Watch the whole video to see how I suggest you can start building brand trust and brand knowledge, so you can decrease brand skepticism in your healthcare business.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp


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So…you think you’re too busy to start building your business online? Well, before you give up on your virtual healthcare practice, ask yourself what kind of business you want.

Do you want to have to work 12 hours a day? Do you want to only make money when you’re there to see patients? The thing is, trading time for money is just NOT SCALABLE. And unfortunately, that’s the medical model a lot of health professionals are operating under today.

If you’re truly committed to breaking away from that old model, then you’ll find time. The question is, how much of a sacrifice are you willing to make?

All great achievements require sacrifices. And building your business online is no different. A virtual healthcare practice takes time to set up. But once you do, you’ll have a lot more freedom than you would otherwise have.

I get it. You need to keep working in the clinic because it’s your livelihood. But at some point, you’ll have to be willing to give up a little bit of revenue to lay the groundwork for something bigger and better.

One day at a time, one hour at a time — whatever you have. Start building your business online so that in the future, you can live life on your own terms.

Building a virtual healthcare practice doesn’t happen overnight. But the more you do now, the faster you’ll make progress. And with some help, you’ll be able to transform your life, and create something you can actually step away from to live it!

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp

Too Busy To Build Your Virtual Practice? Here's How To Start

Too Busy To Build Your Virtual Practice? Here's How To Start

So…you think you’re too busy to start building your business online? Well, before you give up on your virtual healthcare practice, ask yourself what kind of business you want.

Do you want to have to work 12 hours a day? Do you want to only make money when you’re there to see patients? The thing is, trading time for money is just NOT SCALABLE. And unfortunately, that’s the medical model a lot of health professionals are operating under today.

If you’re truly committed to breaking away from that old model, then you’ll find time. The question is, how much of a sacrifice are you willing to make?

All great achievements require sacrifices. And building your business online is no different. A virtual healthcare practice takes time to set up. But once you do, you’ll have a lot more freedom than you would otherwise have.

I get it. You need to keep working in the clinic because it’s your livelihood. But at some point, you’ll have to be willing to give up a little bit of revenue to lay the groundwork for something bigger and better.

One day at a time, one hour at a time — whatever you have. Start building your business online so that in the future, you can live life on your own terms.

Building a virtual healthcare practice doesn’t happen overnight. But the more you do now, the faster you’ll make progress. And with some help, you’ll be able to transform your life, and create something you can actually step away from to live it!

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp


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While you’re there, leave a rating and review.  It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.

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As a health entrepreneur, do you believe that you have to get everything perfect and be dialed in all the time so that you can reach success vs failure?

The truth is, even the most successful health professionals, athletes and businesspeople strike out most of the time. While you might think you have to get everything perfect, it’s actually normal not to. In today’s video, I share things that’ll shift the way you think about success vs failure, and what they mean for your healthcare marketing and business.

For example, some of the best professional tennis players to have lived on this planet have a fairly high percentage of missed shots and points in their games. So if you really think about it, you don’t necessarily need to make every shot to be the most successful.

The same applies to your healthcare marketing and business. Sometimes, scoring singles is not a bad thing. It takes many tries before you can score that homerun you need to catapult your business into a success.

Facebook Ads are a good example of trying something multiple times until it succeeds. You can post 10 ads, and out of those 10, only one might be successful. But that shouldn’t stop you from posting ads. When you put some of your healthcare marketing content out there, don’t expect to always have a hit.

Watch this whole video until the end to see how you can change your mindset about success vs failure, and what success rate you can expect out of your healthcare marketing and business.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp

The BIG TRUTH About Success vs. Failure In Your Business

The BIG TRUTH About Success vs. Failure In Your Business

As a health entrepreneur, do you believe that you have to get everything perfect and be dialed in all the time so that you can reach success vs failure?

The truth is, even the most successful health professionals, athletes and businesspeople strike out most of the time. While you might think you have to get everything perfect, it’s actually normal not to. In today’s video, I share things that’ll shift the way you think about success vs failure, and what they mean for your healthcare marketing and business.

For example, some of the best professional tennis players to have lived on this planet have a fairly high percentage of missed shots and points in their games. So if you really think about it, you don’t necessarily need to make every shot to be the most successful.

The same applies to your healthcare marketing and business. Sometimes, scoring singles is not a bad thing. It takes many tries before you can score that homerun you need to catapult your business into a success.

Facebook Ads are a good example of trying something multiple times until it succeeds. You can post 10 ads, and out of those 10, only one might be successful. But that shouldn’t stop you from posting ads. When you put some of your healthcare marketing content out there, don’t expect to always have a hit.

Watch this whole video until the end to see how you can change your mindset about success vs failure, and what success rate you can expect out of your healthcare marketing and business.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp


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Are you limiting yourself from greatness, and holding yourself back from success as a health professional and entrepreneur?

For the longest time in my first business, I struggled quite substantially because I had a debilitating fear of the unknown. I eventually realized that I was limited in my thinking because I had a paralyzing fear of growing my business. And that was flawed. I was willing to stunt my business growth out of the irrational fear of having more admin fees and more taxes.

Often, FEAR is the one thing that’s holding yourself back from achieving greatness. Fear is a story about a future event that hasn’t happened yet which we tell ourselves based on a previous experience. And by telling yourself this story over and over again, you’re limiting yourself from reaching success.

In my case, something in my past or subconscious told me that making more money meant paying more taxes, and that it was bad. It was a previous experience that informed a false future based on my limited information about the subject at the time. And if I had continued to listen to my debilitating fear, then I would’ve never gotten to where I am now.

While it’s ok to have fear — and honestly, fear will always be there for each and every one of us — it’s your ability to move through these potentially paralyzing fears and to stop them from holding yourself back that’ll define the level of greatness you accomplish in life.

Watch this video until the end to learn more about building courage to face your debilitating fears, so you can stop limiting yourself and reach the success you want in life.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp

Are You Holding Yourself Back From Greatness? Here's How To STOP

Are You Holding Yourself Back From Greatness? Here's How To STOP

Are you limiting yourself from greatness, and holding yourself back from success as a health professional and entrepreneur?

For the longest time in my first business, I struggled quite substantially because I had a debilitating fear of the unknown. I eventually realized that I was limited in my thinking because I had a paralyzing fear of growing my business. And that was flawed. I was willing to stunt my business growth out of the irrational fear of having more admin fees and more taxes.

Often, FEAR is the one thing that’s holding yourself back from achieving greatness. Fear is a story about a future event that hasn’t happened yet which we tell ourselves based on a previous experience. And by telling yourself this story over and over again, you’re limiting yourself from reaching success.

In my case, something in my past or subconscious told me that making more money meant paying more taxes, and that it was bad. It was a previous experience that informed a false future based on my limited information about the subject at the time. And if I had continued to listen to my debilitating fear, then I would’ve never gotten to where I am now.

While it’s ok to have fear — and honestly, fear will always be there for each and every one of us — it’s your ability to move through these potentially paralyzing fears and to stop them from holding yourself back that’ll define the level of greatness you accomplish in life.

Watch this video until the end to learn more about building courage to face your debilitating fears, so you can stop limiting yourself and reach the success you want in life.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp


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What are the 3 mistakes health professionals make that hurt their business and quality of life?

I’ve seen it so many times. Dietitians, medical doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists and other health professionals break their backs and trade all their time for money while focusing on one-on-one care instead of getting into online healthcare entrepreneurship.

Most health professionals still believe in one-on-one care. While it still has its place in some cases, it’s not necessarily the best practice. It can lock you up into trading your time for money, which can be very limiting in terms of your income potential, in terms of the number of people you can help, and even harmful for your health.

Burnout is the number one problem that health professionals face. This is due to them sticking to an archaic and unsustainable business model, instead of being open to transform into modern-day healthcare entrepreneurs. The worst part of it is that they get stuck in something that isn’t scalable.

If you want to run a successful healthcare business and be a successful healthcare entrepreneur, you need to let go of one-on-one care and help more people by going into online healthcare or having a virtual practice.

Watch until the end of this video to learn all about the other big mistakes that health professionals make when it comes to their healthcare business or practice.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp

3 HUGE MISTAKES Health Professionals Make That Hurt Their Business

3 HUGE MISTAKES Health Professionals Make That Hurt Their Business

What are the 3 mistakes health professionals make that hurt their business and quality of life?

I’ve seen it so many times. Dietitians, medical doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists and other health professionals break their backs and trade all their time for money while focusing on one-on-one care instead of getting into online healthcare entrepreneurship.

Most health professionals still believe in one-on-one care. While it still has its place in some cases, it’s not necessarily the best practice. It can lock you up into trading your time for money, which can be very limiting in terms of your income potential, in terms of the number of people you can help, and even harmful for your health.

Burnout is the number one problem that health professionals face. This is due to them sticking to an archaic and unsustainable business model, instead of being open to transform into modern-day healthcare entrepreneurs. The worst part of it is that they get stuck in something that isn’t scalable.

If you want to run a successful healthcare business and be a successful healthcare entrepreneur, you need to let go of one-on-one care and help more people by going into online healthcare or having a virtual practice.

Watch until the end of this video to learn all about the other big mistakes that health professionals make when it comes to their healthcare business or practice.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp


If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur Podcast if you haven’t done so already.

While you’re there, leave a rating and review.  It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.

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Are you creating an offer that stinks? Do you wish you had a compelling offer so you wouldn’t lose potential clients for your health coaching program?

Why is an offer important? Well, it’s the thing you’re getting people to pay you for. And when you have a strong offer, you rarely get rejections.

The fact is, if people are rejecting your offer, it’s because they either don’t believe they’ll get the results from your health coaching program, or it’s just not attractive.

So, how do you make a compelling offer?

The key to creating an offer that people would be crazy not to accept is by having the right deliverables, payment terms, and guarantee.

Your deliverables are essentially the tools that your client is going to have access to while pursuing their goal. It could be coaching calls, a network of support, or marketing systems. Just be sure to lay the steps out in a linear fashion so that they can imagine their progress in your health coaching program.

Payment terms are also important. Giving your client some flexibility as to how and when they’ll pay will make your offer more enticing. The longer you stay in the game, however, the less you need to worry about the payment terms.

Then there’s the guarantee. This is another key part of a compelling offer because it helps you overcome doubts about whether or not they’ll get the results. Just make sure you include the right conditions.

These elements are essential to creating an offer that people never reject. Take time to craft the right offer for your health coaching program, and your clients will surely come.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp

Does Your Offer Stink? Here's How to Create A Compelling One

Does Your Offer Stink? Here's How to Create A Compelling One

Are you creating an offer that stinks? Do you wish you had a compelling offer so you wouldn’t lose potential clients for your health coaching program?

Why is an offer important? Well, it’s the thing you’re getting people to pay you for. And when you have a strong offer, you rarely get rejections.

The fact is, if people are rejecting your offer, it’s because they either don’t believe they’ll get the results from your health coaching program, or it’s just not attractive.

So, how do you make a compelling offer?

The key to creating an offer that people would be crazy not to accept is by having the right deliverables, payment terms, and guarantee.

Your deliverables are essentially the tools that your client is going to have access to while pursuing their goal. It could be coaching calls, a network of support, or marketing systems. Just be sure to lay the steps out in a linear fashion so that they can imagine their progress in your health coaching program.

Payment terms are also important. Giving your client some flexibility as to how and when they’ll pay will make your offer more enticing. The longer you stay in the game, however, the less you need to worry about the payment terms.

Then there’s the guarantee. This is another key part of a compelling offer because it helps you overcome doubts about whether or not they’ll get the results. Just make sure you include the right conditions.

These elements are essential to creating an offer that people never reject. Take time to craft the right offer for your health coaching program, and your clients will surely come.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp


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Let me give you the best advice that any entrepreneur can give — perseverance in business is EVERYTHING.

When you keep playing the game, your business reputation grows. And your following, sales, and everything else in your health business grows along with it.

Think of a great athlete. Michael Jordan. Wayne Gretzky. Roger Federer. How long did it take them to become the best?

For Roger Federer, it took about 15 years just to win his first major. These things don’t happen overnight. And just like them, when it comes to building a following, be prepared to spend years working towards something substantial.

But once you’ve been around a while, people start to realize you must be doing something right. The more times people see you, the better your business reputation will be. That’s why perseverance in business is the number one thing you need.

Treat your health business journey like a marathon, not a sprint. Build a foundation that will sustain you. Act out of integrity. And know that by doing things right each step of the way, you’re setting yourself up for future success.

Eventually, all of your hard work will bring results. And over time, those results will compound.

I can’t say it enough. Perseverance in business is the number one thing that will help you succeed.

At Healthpreneur, we’ve built an excellent business reputation because we’re always striving to be better. With that kind of long term vision, who knows where your health business will be ten years from now?

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp

The #1 Way To GUARANTEE SUCCESS In Your Business

The #1 Way To GUARANTEE SUCCESS In Your Business

Let me give you the best advice that any entrepreneur can give — perseverance in business is EVERYTHING.

When you keep playing the game, your business reputation grows. And your following, sales, and everything else in your health business grows along with it.

Think of a great athlete. Michael Jordan. Wayne Gretzky. Roger Federer. How long did it take them to become the best?

For Roger Federer, it took about 15 years just to win his first major. These things don’t happen overnight. And just like them, when it comes to building a following, be prepared to spend years working towards something substantial.

But once you’ve been around a while, people start to realize you must be doing something right. The more times people see you, the better your business reputation will be. That’s why perseverance in business is the number one thing you need.

Treat your health business journey like a marathon, not a sprint. Build a foundation that will sustain you. Act out of integrity. And know that by doing things right each step of the way, you’re setting yourself up for future success.

Eventually, all of your hard work will bring results. And over time, those results will compound.

I can’t say it enough. Perseverance in business is the number one thing that will help you succeed.

At Healthpreneur, we’ve built an excellent business reputation because we’re always striving to be better. With that kind of long term vision, who knows where your health business will be ten years from now?

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp


If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and subscribe to Healthpreneur Podcast if you haven’t done so already.

While you’re there, leave a rating and review.  It really helps us out to reach more people because that is what we’re here to do.

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Despite what some people say, webinar marketing can be a great way to put your agenda forward — but not for anyone who makes these 3 webinar mistakes.

In this video, I cover the biggest errors that people make when conducting webinars, and why they matter.

First of all, why are webinars important?

Simple. They filter out the people you don’t want to work with. Webinar marketing is powerful because you don’t want to waste time on the phone with someone who isn’t really interested. If someone gives up on your webinar, you can bet that they’ll give up on your program too.

But there’s a difference between conducting webinars, and creating ones that actually CONVERT attendees into clients. So, what are the 3 biggest webinar mistakes you absolutely have to avoid?

Mistake number one when it comes to webinar marketing is not having a compelling big idea. The big idea is the thing that you want people to buy into throughout the webinar.

Second is when your content goes way too deep into the “how”. Think of conducting webinars as something similar to creating documentaries. It’s a sales pitch. You have to give more of the “why” and the “what” to sell the idea.

Last is the mistake of terrible delivery. Don’t be a robot. Your message should change the way someone thinks. It should wake them up. If your voice puts them to sleep, your webinar has no chance.

There you go! The biggest webinar mistakes and how to avoid them. Watch until the end of this video to learn more about them. Remember, webinar marketing isn’t dead…it just needs to be done the RIGHT WAY.

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👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp

3 Huge WEBINAR MISTAKES That Kill Conversions

3 Huge WEBINAR MISTAKES That Kill Conversions

Despite what some people say, webinar marketing can be a great way to put your agenda forward — but not for anyone who makes these 3 webinar mistakes.

In this video, I cover the biggest errors that people make when conducting webinars, and why they matter.

First of all, why are webinars important?

Simple. They filter out the people you don’t want to work with. Webinar marketing is powerful because you don’t want to waste time on the phone with someone who isn’t really interested. If someone gives up on your webinar, you can bet that they’ll give up on your program too.

But there’s a difference between conducting webinars, and creating ones that actually CONVERT attendees into clients. So, what are the 3 biggest webinar mistakes you absolutely have to avoid?

Mistake number one when it comes to webinar marketing is not having a compelling big idea. The big idea is the thing that you want people to buy into throughout the webinar.

Second is when your content goes way too deep into the “how”. Think of conducting webinars as something similar to creating documentaries. It’s a sales pitch. You have to give more of the “why” and the “what” to sell the idea.

Last is the mistake of terrible delivery. Don’t be a robot. Your message should change the way someone thinks. It should wake them up. If your voice puts them to sleep, your webinar has no chance.

There you go! The biggest webinar mistakes and how to avoid them. Watch until the end of this video to learn more about them. Remember, webinar marketing isn’t dead…it just needs to be done the RIGHT WAY.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp


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Do you have the right money mindset that’ll allow you to attract money?

The truth is that chasing your revenue goals is always going to be scary but envisioning success and getting rid of financial anxiety will help you move away from lack and toward abundance. In today’s video, I talk about how to shift from scarcity to abundance as a healthcare entrepreneur through some money mindset motivation and insights.

I recently spoke with a client who wanted to improve her conversion rate and get better at turning prospects into clients. However, when I asked about her ad spend and revenue goals compared to where her numbers are at now, I realized that she was afraid of succeeding. She was feeling anxious about the additional amount she’d have to spend on ads, and whether her business can take in additional traffic. Will it pay off?

And it’s not uncommon for health entrepreneurs to have a fearful mindset about spending money. It often comes from a place of lack. However, the truth is that when you don’t spend money, you can’t make more.

In order to triumph over monetary or financial anxiety, you must begin to shift from lack to abundance. One of the ways you can do that is to approach your money mindset from a “filled-cup” perspective.

As health entrepreneurs, envisioning success is essential. We must be able to visualize achieving our revenue goals and the level of success we want, so that we can overcome financial anxiety.

Watch until the end of this video to know more about shifting your mindset from lack to that of abundance, and for some money mindset motivation to help you reach the success you want.

Join us inside the Healthpreneur Hub 👉 https://healthpreneurgroup.com/hub​​

👉 Watch our FREE TRAINING: The Perfect Client Pipeline here: ➡️ https://healthpreneurgroup.com/yt-pcp